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Why Does my CAT Smell Like Fish?
If your cat smells like fish or smells bad, pay attention to this video
The reasons could range from the simple fact that he is dirty because he got food or played in hidden places, to the possibility that he is sick or has some type of infection. The most common causes are:
Ear infection
They cause pain and a bad smell, your cat will certainly scratch its ears and produce a lot of wax. Sometimes you may not even see your cat scratching, but something that helps is looking at the face with the hair on its ears. When they scratch a lot it is possible to see that part looking like cut hair and sometimes you will also notice that your cat desperately tries to scratch itself against the first thing it sees nearby. You should take him to the vet so he can diagnose the cause of this excess earwax and give him the appropriate treatment.
Bad breath
Probably caused by an oral infection or some digestive problem. The solution will be proposed by the veterinarian. Take it as soon as possible.
Sexual maturation
When they reach this stage of life, unneutered male cats release an intense smell. You can resolve this by taking your pet to the veterinarian so that they can consider neutering him.
Gas is caused by the food you eat, so if you experience a lot of flatulence, change your diet and avoid giving your cat dairy products and foods rich in grains. If the new diet doesn't improve, take him to the vet.
Anal glands
Sometimes these glands fill up and emit a bad smell. It is normal and should be cleaned from time to time. But if you see that it recurs frequently, take it to the vet, as it could be that they are affected.
Bacterial and fungal infections are often caused by being infected with fleas, mites or other external parasites. They cause bad smells and make your furry friend feel sick. You should go to a veterinary appointment to detect the parasite and propose the appropriate treatment.
Intestinal parasites, the stomach sensitivity of some cats, intolerances to certain foods... can cause poor digestion and inconsistent stools. Clean your cat well after bowel movements and if diarrhea occurs frequently, consult your veterinarian.
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Why Does my CAT Smell Like Fish?
If your cat smells like fish or smells bad, pay attention to this video
The reasons could range from the simple fact that he is dirty because he got food or played in hidden places, to the possibility that he is sick or has some type of infection. The most common causes are:
Ear infection
They cause pain and a bad smell, your cat will certainly scratch its ears and produce a lot of wax. Sometimes you may not even see your cat scratching, but something that helps is looking at the face with the hair on its ears. When they scratch a lot it is possible to see that part looking like cut hair and sometimes you will also notice that your cat desperately tries to scratch itself against the first thing it sees nearby. You should take him to the vet so he can diagnose the cause of this excess earwax and give him the appropriate treatment.
Bad breath
Probably caused by an oral infection or some digestive problem. The solution will be proposed by the veterinarian. Take it as soon as possible.
Sexual maturation
When they reach this stage of life, unneutered male cats release an intense smell. You can resolve this by taking your pet to the veterinarian so that they can consider neutering him.
Gas is caused by the food you eat, so if you experience a lot of flatulence, change your diet and avoid giving your cat dairy products and foods rich in grains. If the new diet doesn't improve, take him to the vet.
Anal glands
Sometimes these glands fill up and emit a bad smell. It is normal and should be cleaned from time to time. But if you see that it recurs frequently, take it to the vet, as it could be that they are affected.
Bacterial and fungal infections are often caused by being infected with fleas, mites or other external parasites. They cause bad smells and make your furry friend feel sick. You should go to a veterinary appointment to detect the parasite and propose the appropriate treatment.
Intestinal parasites, the stomach sensitivity of some cats, intolerances to certain foods... can cause poor digestion and inconsistent stools. Clean your cat well after bowel movements and if diarrhea occurs frequently, consult your veterinarian.