The CEO's Unexpected Love

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The CEO's Unexpected Love
| English Movies , English Drama
00:00:30Hello 9-1-1, we need an ambulance. Young lady, don't get involved. Be careful, it could be a trap.
00:00:37Yeah, news sources claim that after being framed, a young girl jumped from a building.
00:00:47She... she shouldn't help him.
00:00:49She shouldn't help him.
00:00:57What a wimpy girl. The family is in trouble. How dare you spend the day outside horsing around. Come home now.
00:01:22You finally woke up. Elsie and I were worried sick about you.
00:01:27I think I saw Whitney.
00:01:29Dad, that can't be true. Whitney, she's already...
00:01:34It must be Whitney. I'm not mistaken. It's the girl who saved me earlier. Go find her out.
00:01:42Yes, yes dad, I got it. I'll call Charles.
00:01:50Hey, Charles, your grandfather had an accident. Find out who saved his life.
00:01:57By the way, see if that girl has a birthmark on the shoulder.
00:02:06Elsie, don't worry. If it's really our daughter, Charles and I will bring her home.
00:02:20Ungrateful brat. Look what the Fords have done to your sister. How could you go out and have fun?
00:02:26Mom, Wendy is evil. She can't wait for me to marry that cripple.
00:02:31It's not true.
00:02:32Just relax. I'll teach her a lesson. Guys!
00:02:37To be continued
00:02:47You're the one who arranged the marriage with the Fords. Now you regret it? What can I do about it?
00:02:52Good for you. The Wardens generously raised you, but you act so ungrateful.
00:02:59Don't just stand there. Punish her!
00:03:06To be continued
00:03:12You call yourselves generous?
00:03:19You little brat. How dare you hide here? Your sister needs a bone marrow transplant. Now go get her!
00:03:26Mom, I'm scared!
00:03:29Mom, I'm scared!
00:03:31Mom, I'm scared!
00:03:36Mom, I'm scared!
00:03:46You devil! We kindly took you in. What else do you want?
00:03:51Mom, I have an idea.
00:03:54What idea?
00:03:56The Fords don't know what I look like. Why not...
00:04:01Why not let her take my place as James Ford's bride?
00:04:05He's an invalid and she's an orphan. What a perfect match!
00:04:11Not a bad idea.
00:04:16You better listen to me and marry James. Don't try to pull any stunts.
00:04:20Remember that I have your keepsake. If you disobey me, you'll never see your birth parents.
00:04:30To be continued
00:04:36This is Mr. Ford's bedroom.
00:04:38Ma'am, ever since Mr. Ford got injured, he's had a nasty temper.
00:04:42Ma'am, I wish you good luck.
00:04:44Good luck.
00:04:55People claim that James Ford is the most powerful man in Rivertown.
00:04:59If I can get along with him, maybe he'll agree to help me find out who my birth parents are.
00:05:09You must be Sheryl Wharton.
00:05:11I can't believe the Whartons would send you over.
00:05:16Watch out!
00:05:17I don't need help! Go away!
00:05:24All women are the same. It's better that she left.
00:05:30Didn't I tell you to leave? Why did you return?
00:05:33This is the Ford family home and I'm your wife. Where else would I be?
00:05:42All right.
00:05:44Marrying an invalid like me must have upset you.
00:05:48You're the CEO of the Ford Group. You're powerful. I married a man who's way out of my league.
00:05:53Besides, I think it's possible to treat your condition. Why would I be upset?
00:06:01The finest doctors in the country have confirmed, like my legs, are permanently paralyzed.
00:06:07What gives you hope that says otherwise?
00:06:09Some time ago, I learned from an old doctor about alternative medicine. I have seen similar cases. Just give me a chance.
00:06:16Ms. Sheryl Wharton, save it. My condition is beyond cure.
00:06:20You haven't tried my suggestion yet. How can you know if it'll be a failure or not?
00:06:24Besides, the situation can't get worse than it is already.
00:06:27If you fail to fix this paralysis, my grandmother will blame you and I won't defend you against her.
00:06:40Today's acupuncture therapy session is over. How do you feel?
00:06:45I feel... like my legs... have some strength now.
00:06:49It's only been a few days and you already feel better? Then it proves that the treatment is working.
00:06:53I'll prepare medicine for you. You can't find excuses to avoid taking it either, like you tried yesterday.
00:06:59No, I didn't.
00:07:00Yeah, sure, you didn't. I did a bad job cooling the medicine, so it burned your tongue.
00:07:16Mr. Ford, I...
00:07:19Take a rest. I'll prepare the medicine.
00:07:37Sheryl, calm down. Otherwise, you'll attract attention.
00:07:47Sheryl, you're with my idiotic brother. What good can come from that? You're better off with me.
00:07:53I can give you whatever he can. I can even give you what he can't!
00:08:00Let go of me! Let go of me!
00:08:14You aren't grateful? You're making me do this the hard way!
00:08:19Mr. Jared?
00:08:23Bitch! How dare you seduce me!
00:08:31Jared, it's late at night. What is it?
00:08:34Huh? This vile woman resents James for his condition. She wore this outfit and tried to seduce me!
00:08:41Sheryl, you're James' wife. How could you be so shameless?
00:08:46I didn't do that! Jared forced himself on me!
00:08:50You lowlife! How dare you lie to my grandmother! I forced myself on you?
00:08:55You failed to seduce me, so you decided to frame me instead!
00:08:59Open your eyes. Who are you? And who am I?
00:09:04Jared Ford, shame on you!
00:09:07Shut your dirty mouth! A bold-faced liar like you should be stripped and thrown out so that everyone can see how vile you really are!
00:09:16Jared is right. Men, take everything that the Fords own away from her.
00:09:22The Fords won't accommodate a temptuous girl like you. Get back to where you belong!
00:09:34Mrs. Ford, please believe me. I didn't seduce Jared. I beg you, don't send me back there.
00:09:44You're still denying it? Fine. Before returning you to the Whartons, I'll teach you a lesson on their behalf. A lesson about shame. Restrain her!
00:10:02Stop, please!
00:10:17James! Your legs!
00:10:21What? I can't believe it.
00:10:24James, your legs have regained strength.
00:10:29Grandma, it's late at night. What has Cheryl done to deserve this?
00:10:32James, Cheryl tried to seduce me at night.
00:10:38James, your condition has been treated. Great! What a fine grandson I have.
00:10:47This disgusting woman made a pass at Jared behind your back.
00:10:52She must be punished. Don't concern yourself with this. I'll get you a better wife.
00:10:57Grandma, hold on a moment.
00:11:00Did you say Cheryl seduced you?
00:11:04I... She... She did.
00:11:07Here's the surveillance footage. Let's see what happened.
00:11:11What? You put cameras in there?
00:11:20Grandma, that's not me!
00:11:23Jared, you coveted your sister-in-law and told shameless lies. The family won't tolerate you.
00:11:29Guys, get him out of here!
00:11:34James, Jared made a silly mistake. It's no big deal. Disowning him is too harsh.
00:11:42I have an idea. We can cut him off from his monthly allowance, as a warning.
00:11:50James, you're Jared's brother. It's not worth feuding with Jared over a woman.
00:11:56Okay, Grandma. For your sake, I'll agree to keep him in the family.
00:12:01But he offended Cheryl. This insult won't go unanswered.
00:12:06James! I'm your brother. Are you planning to beat me up for a woman?
00:12:11Just to clarify, you're my cousin. Your father is healthy.
00:12:15Even if you're beaten to death, he'll be able to have a new son soon enough.
00:12:18Get him out.
00:12:20James! You...
00:12:23Grandma, it's quite late. I'll have Eric take you back home.
00:12:36Thank you for helping me out. By the way, congratulations on regaining your mobility.
00:12:44The credit is all yours, Mrs. Ford. You treated my legs. The kiss is a token of my gratitude.
00:12:51Mrs. Ford, why never repay such kindness?
00:12:54No way.
00:12:56Reciprocity is a virtue. As your husband, I'll do the honors.
00:13:05You rogue!
00:13:17Mr. Wharton, there's big news at the Ford's.
00:13:20Mind your manners, you panicky lad. What happened?
00:13:23Our informant claimed that Mr. Ford could stand on his own two feet now.
00:13:27What? Dad, Mom, this is huge news. But Wendy didn't tell us about it.
00:13:33What an ungrateful woman.
00:13:35Calm down, Mom. I'll have Wendy pay a steep price for lying.
00:13:41Seven o'clock, at Rivertown Restaurant. Find VIP room one. A big client of Dad's has invited you to dinner.
00:13:47Wendy, if you want your keepsake back, then don't ruin this dinner.
00:14:05It's very late. Where are you going?
00:14:08There's some family business I need to take care of. I'll be right back.
00:14:12Okay. I'll have you escorted out.
00:14:14There's no need. I'm good on my own.
00:14:22Mr. Chan, hello, hello.
00:14:24Mr. Chan, here we are.
00:14:26Mr. Chan!
00:14:28Mr. Chan, hello, hello.
00:14:30Mr. Chan, here we are.
00:14:32This is the lady I told you about. My younger sister, Wendy. Sit down.
00:14:39How nice, Miss Warden.
00:14:41You are quite the rare beauty.
00:14:45Don't just sit there. Say hello to Mr. Chan.
00:14:48Hey, just relax.
00:14:50Miss Warden, drink with me?
00:14:53Sorry, Mr. Chan. I don't drink.
00:14:55I don't drink.
00:15:00Knock it off, prude. Don't forget I still have your keepsake.
00:15:03Down it!
00:15:09What an impressive drinker, huh?
00:15:18Be respectful, Mr. Chan.
00:15:21Wendy, it's an honor to drink with Mr. Chan.
00:15:23Don't be a buzzkill.
00:15:25Well, Mr. Chan, don't be mad.
00:15:29I guess Wendy doesn't feel comfortable around us.
00:15:33Well, we'll leave you two to your drinks.
00:15:36Ah, Cheryl.
00:15:39Just take your time.
00:15:41Dad! Dad!
00:15:56Miss Warden, you're gorgeous. Let's have some fun.
00:16:00Let go of me!
00:16:06You bitch!
00:16:08The warden chose to use you as a bargaining chip for a contract with me.
00:16:11So drop the act, you prude!
00:16:13You wouldn't know about him!
00:16:15That's none of my concern.
00:16:17Whether you want it or not,
00:16:20today you're mine!
00:16:25Let go of me!
00:16:27Who you are? I don't care if you're the queen yourself.
00:16:30Today you're my property!
00:16:32Let go of me! Let go of me!
00:16:36You bitch!
00:16:40You saucy little minx!
00:16:42I love it!
00:16:45Let me go!
00:16:47I beg you, please let me go!
00:16:49I'll give you whatever you want!
00:16:55I don't want you to be not here.
00:16:57Now spread your legs!
00:17:02Let go of me!
00:17:10She told you to let her go.
00:17:12Are you deaf?
00:17:15Mr. Ford!
00:17:16How dare you touch my woman?
00:17:17Mr. Ford, this must be a misunderstanding.
00:17:19I can explain things.
00:17:24Tell everyone that from today on,
00:17:27Chan's business partners in Rivertown will be my enemies.
00:17:31Yes, Mr. Ford.
00:17:32Mr. Ford, I beg for your forgiveness.
00:17:33I was wrong. Mr. Ford!
00:17:36Don't stop beating him.
00:17:37Beat him until his vile mouth is too swollen to say another word.
00:17:49I'm sorry. I was too late.
00:18:07Thank you.
00:18:18Mr. Ford, we've taken care of the matter.
00:18:21That scum will be bed-bound for quite some time.
00:18:24Okay, I see.
00:18:26At least that problem has been solved.
00:18:29Now it's time to deal with yours.
00:18:31It's bold of you to lie to me like that.
00:18:39I can't tell the truth.
00:18:40If James gets mad at the Whartons, it'll be impossible to get that keepsake back.
00:18:44Talk to me.
00:18:45James, I'm sorry.
00:18:48I just didn't want to worry you.
00:18:50But that made me even more worried.
00:18:52If I hadn't shown up in time, do you have any idea what might have happened to you?
00:18:56Such an incident can't ever happen again.
00:18:58Got it.
00:18:59When you go outside, take bodyguards with you.
00:19:09Don't be angry at me.
00:19:14Eric, please take us home. Mrs. Ford needs some rest.
00:19:17Yes, Mr. Ford.
00:19:19Mr. Chan, how did it go?
00:19:21I was right, wasn't I?
00:19:23My little sister.
00:19:27James took her away?
00:19:29Mom, that lowlife Wendy not only withheld the truth about James being cured for us,
00:19:34but also had Mr. Chan beaten up and hospitalized.
00:19:37We will never get that contract signed now.
00:19:39What a snake in the grass.
00:19:41She had it all planned out.
00:19:43She's plotting our downfall.
00:19:45She's left me no choice.
00:19:48You mean...
00:19:49Mom, I wonder...
00:19:52If James knows that,
00:19:54I wonder...
00:19:56If James knows that,
00:19:57Wendy only planned to bury him for his wealth,
00:20:00how will he react?
00:20:10Wendy, you shameless woman! Come out!
00:20:15Who's there?
00:20:16Mr. Ford.
00:20:18Someone is looking for Wendy.
00:20:22Go check it out.
00:20:25Who are you?
00:20:26You can't trespass on the Ford's property like this.
00:20:29Are you blind or something?
00:20:31I'm Mrs. Ford.
00:20:32What are you talking about?
00:20:34How come I wasn't told about another Mrs. Ford at my place?
00:20:37James, I'm the one you should have married.
00:20:40I'm Cheryl Wharton.
00:20:41This woman is nothing more than an imposter.
00:20:46Then who is my wife?
00:20:48Go ahead.
00:20:49Tell Mr. Ford who you really are.
00:20:51Tell Mr. Ford who you really are.
00:20:55I'm Wendy Wharton.
00:20:57You're not Cheryl?
00:20:59That explains all your misconduct.
00:21:01It turns out that you're a pretender.
00:21:05Mrs. Ford, Wendy's a vile woman.
00:21:07She drugged me on my wedding day.
00:21:09My health was severely impacted,
00:21:11and I nearly died as a result.
00:21:13I hope you'll make a fair judgment.
00:21:16What she said isn't true.
00:21:18You ungrateful punk.
00:21:19How dare you try to deny it?
00:21:21We raised you ourselves,
00:21:22and this is your way of repaying us?
00:21:24What a callous attitude.
00:21:27Go ahead.
00:21:28Toss her out.
00:21:29She'll have to divorce James.
00:21:35What a heartless woman.
00:21:38Get rid of her.
00:21:39Toss her out.
00:21:40She'll have to divorce James.
00:21:44No one can touch her.
00:21:45Back off.
00:21:48protecting such a cunning woman
00:21:49isn't worth your time.
00:21:50She did grievous harm to her own sister
00:21:52and took her place as your wife.
00:21:54If this cruel and vicious gold digger stays,
00:21:57our family will be in ruins.
00:22:03Mrs. Ford,
00:22:04it's true that I was forced
00:22:05to replace my sister and marry James.
00:22:07I have evidence.
00:22:08I can show it to you.
00:22:10I don't believe you.
00:22:11You're just trying to run away.
00:22:13Don't bother.
00:22:14There's no way to go.
00:22:24Wake up.
00:22:25I didn't push her that hard.
00:22:27She's just faking it.
00:22:30I'll make you pay for this.
00:22:33You better pray to God that Wendy's okay.
00:22:36Hey, James.
00:22:37I'm your real fiancé.
00:22:40Good girl.
00:22:41Don't worry.
00:22:42Grandma will help you.
00:22:44That vixen Wendy isn't good enough for James.
00:22:47Thank you, Mrs. Ford.
00:22:52Drop the act already.
00:22:54James isn't here.
00:22:55There's no audience for your act.
00:22:59Why am I in the hospital?
00:23:01Why are you here?
00:23:03Who else would be here except you and me?
00:23:06that won't happen for you.
00:23:07James thought you were his wife
00:23:09so he treated you well.
00:23:10But are you still his wife?
00:23:13Cheryl is the legitimate Mrs. Ford.
00:23:16You better do the right thing and leave the family.
00:23:19Did James treat me well just because I was his legally wedded wife?
00:23:24You don't get a say on this.
00:23:27One of you pushed me down the stairs
00:23:29and the other forced me to marry James.
00:23:31You're both horrible.
00:23:32Forced you to marry James?
00:23:34Who would believe that story?
00:23:36Maybe they won't take my word for it.
00:23:38But they'll be convinced by solid evidence.
00:23:42What evidence, wicked girl?
00:23:44Did you record us on video?
00:23:46Where's your phone?
00:23:47Give me your phone.
00:23:53Wendy, this is your last chance.
00:23:55Give me the evidence.
00:23:57Otherwise, I'll make you suffer.
00:24:01Get up.
00:24:02Get off me.
00:24:04Wendy, you...
00:24:11If you kill me,
00:24:13I still refuse to cover for you.
00:24:16My poor daughter.
00:24:18What happened?
00:24:20Mrs. Ford, I beg you to help Cheryl.
00:24:24Wendy, what crime did you commit this time?
00:24:27Cheryl, what are you doing here?
00:24:32Cheryl, what are you doing here?
00:24:34James, I was planning to visit Wendy,
00:24:37but she tried to coerce me into concealing the truth about her marrying you.
00:24:42So she even struck me.
00:24:44That's a lie.
00:24:45You were trying to strangle me.
00:24:47Wendy, I know you hate me,
00:24:50but you can't set me up like that.
00:24:52Wendy, in order to obtain wealth, you disowned your own family.
00:24:56Well, last time you fell down the stairs on purpose to avoid a showdown.
00:25:00Now you're awake.
00:25:01I think we should settle all these disputes.
00:25:05It's time to make things clear.
00:25:08James is right.
00:25:09We should take this opportunity to teach her a lesson.
00:25:12Today she assaulted someone, tomorrow she might kill people.
00:25:15Yeah, James.
00:25:17Do you see?
00:25:18Wendy pushed me.
00:25:20My arm got injured.
00:25:22I didn't.
00:25:25What I said to you at my home, have you forgotten?
00:25:28James, what do you mean?
00:25:31You pushed Wendy down the stairs.
00:25:33Shouldn't you apologize?
00:25:34Apologize to her?
00:25:35She's just some nobody.
00:25:38She's my legally married wife.
00:25:40Do you still think she's nobody?
00:25:43But James, she's an imposter.
00:25:46I'm your real...
00:25:48I have no interest in what you have to say.
00:25:50Wendy is my wife.
00:25:52You attacked her.
00:25:54If you don't want to see your family crushed,
00:25:56then apologize to Wendy right now.
00:26:00Wendy, I was being rude.
00:26:03Please forgive me.
00:26:05James, this is way out of...
00:26:08This matter only concerns me and my wife.
00:26:10You should go home.
00:26:30You slept for a long time.
00:26:31Here, have some water for your throat.
00:26:38Thank you for defending me.
00:26:41You're my wife.
00:26:42I must do that.
00:26:44I'm a substitute.
00:26:46I'm not your real wife.
00:26:48But the one I'm married to,
00:26:50and the one I want,
00:26:51is you.
00:26:54Wendy, there's something I'd like to discuss with you.
00:26:58Before the marriage,
00:26:59Grandma told me that the woman I marry
00:27:01needed to become familiar with our family business.
00:27:04On our way here,
00:27:05Grandma talked about this again.
00:27:07She wanted Cheryl to work in our company.
00:27:11No one other than you is my wife.
00:27:14Mrs. Ford,
00:27:15would you work at Ford Group as my wife?
00:27:22Will that put you in a tough position?
00:27:24Allowing Cheryl to work there
00:27:25is the biggest compromise I can make to Grandma.
00:27:28I'll take the position.
00:27:32I still have a small request.
00:27:35Tell me about it.
00:27:37You've done me many favors.
00:27:38I'd like to earn your grandmother's recognition
00:27:40through my own efforts.
00:27:43Mr. Ford,
00:27:44in the office,
00:27:45could you keep our relationship secret?
00:27:51You have my word.
00:27:54Good girl.
00:27:55You must have been upset.
00:27:56My boy James was deceived by that vixen.
00:27:59So he can't tell right from wrong anymore.
00:28:01Mrs. Ford,
00:28:02I don't need anything else.
00:28:04I just want to be closer to James.
00:28:08I was planning to let you work at his company for some time now.
00:28:11You could get in touch more with James.
00:28:13He'll see how loving you are.
00:28:15And quickly forget about that woman.
00:28:17Do you mean it, Mrs. Ford?
00:28:19I'd love to do that, but James...
00:28:21You don't have to worry.
00:28:22I'm James' grandmother.
00:28:24I still have the right to decide things.
00:28:28The planning department needs a leader.
00:28:30I hope you'll do a good job.
00:28:32Thank you, Mrs. Ford.
00:28:39Have you heard?
00:28:40Today we'll meet the new department leader.
00:28:42Of course I've heard about it.
00:28:43This person came out of nowhere.
00:28:45Must be a big shot.
00:28:47Everyone be quiet.
00:28:48Let me introduce you to someone
00:28:50who'll be leading the planning department.
00:28:52Ms. Cheryl Wharton.
00:28:53Ms. Wharton?
00:28:54Would you say hi?
00:28:56To everyone?
00:28:59I'm Cheryl.
00:29:01Word has it that Mr. Ford's wife's maiden name is Wharton.
00:29:04Is she the...
00:29:06James has told me that this department
00:29:08is the core of his business.
00:29:10I'm new to this department.
00:29:12I might need your help in the future.
00:29:14Thank you.
00:29:15It's true.
00:29:16Sorry to interrupt.
00:29:17Please meet Ms. Wendy Wharton.
00:29:19She's a new member of the department as well.
00:29:21Please get familiar with each other.
00:29:23What are you doing here?
00:29:27I'm Wendy.
00:29:28I'm glad to be working with you.
00:29:30How come there's another Ms. Wharton here?
00:29:33Who's the real Mrs. Ford then?
00:29:35Needless to say it must be the one with the higher title.
00:29:37The department head and Ms. Wharton just mentioned Mr. Ford.
00:29:40Mr. Ford.
00:29:49You plan to screw with me, don't you?
00:29:51For God's sake.
00:29:52I'm not an idle chump like you are.
00:29:54As a new employee, instead of working,
00:29:56you're busy propping up your ego.
00:29:57How dare you insult me!
00:30:01You don't want your keepsake back, right?
00:30:02I have a video of that night.
00:30:03I dare you to try ruining my keepsake.
00:30:05You want anything else?
00:30:06If not, I need to get back to work.
00:30:07I don't have time to waste.
00:30:09You haven't even gone to college.
00:30:10Do you even know how to use a printer?
00:30:12I suggest you leave the office or you'll be humiliated before long.
00:30:15Sounds good.
00:30:16Why don't you tell James about it?
00:30:22You give me no choice.
00:30:24I'll have to hurt you.
00:30:27I heard that Wendy never went to college.
00:30:29I wonder how she got hired.
00:30:32Well, you know,
00:30:33the head of personnel, Mr. Chase,
00:30:34is a notorious pervert.
00:30:36Look at Wendy's face.
00:30:37Spending one night with her
00:30:38wouldn't make Mr. Chase agree to do anything for her sake.
00:30:40She treated sex for a position here.
00:30:42Who knows how long she can stay here, though.
00:30:47It's taking you so much time to prepare files for the meeting,
00:30:50yet it's still not done.
00:30:51Mr. Ford will be at the meeting.
00:30:53You must hurry.
00:30:54Do you understand?
00:30:55Just half an hour?
00:30:56You call that a long time?
00:31:00Everyone, go to the conference room.
00:31:02The upcoming medical seminar is important to the Ford Group.
00:31:05We should invite some industry leaders to join us.
00:31:08James, my family has close ties with Kevin Lee,
00:31:11who's an academician in alternative medicine,
00:31:14though he has been long absent from active practice for the company's sake.
00:31:17I'd love to pull some strings and invite him to attend.
00:31:21Holy moly, how amazing that Ms. Wharton can get an academician to attend our event.
00:31:26We'll see if he agrees to come.
00:31:28By the way, in the office, please call me Mr. Ford.
00:31:32Watch out!
00:31:44Ms. Wharton, have some water and cool down.
00:31:46Wendy is so shameless to seduce Mr. Ford in front of you like that.
00:31:49Yeah, it's so typical of her.
00:31:51Ms. Wharton, as the seminar is about to begin,
00:31:54Yeah, it's so typical of her.
00:31:56Ms. Wharton, as the seminar approaches, I'd like to invite some doctors.
00:32:04You're completely incompetent.
00:32:06As the head of the department, it's my job to discipline you.
00:32:10You seem resentful, am I right?
00:32:17Wendy, you're at work, why are you all soaked like a wet dog?
00:32:20Are you going to work or not?
00:32:22Yeah, Wendy.
00:32:24You just can't get rid of your bad habits in front of all your colleagues who try to seduce James.
00:32:29Then you drench your blouse to get attention.
00:32:31Do you think people want to see that?
00:32:33You just can't let a day go by without creating drama, can you?
00:32:36In the conference room, Mr. Ford kindly forgave your previous advances.
00:32:40But do you think that's the end of it?
00:32:43From now on, you'll be responsible for all the beverages in the office.
00:32:46Why is that? My clothes are wet because...
00:32:48For what reason? Because I'm your manager.
00:32:51All right, don't hang around like that, go tidy yourself up.
00:32:54What a disgrace.
00:32:58Hello, sir.
00:32:59Are you Mr. Kevin Lee?
00:33:01I'm Cheryl Wharton.
00:33:03You see, our company will hold a medical seminar and we'd like to invite you.
00:33:08I've made it clear that I won't consider going to any public events.
00:33:13Please stop harassing me.
00:33:22Ms. Wharton, what's up?
00:33:24Are you having problems with inviting Mr. Lee?
00:33:27No, I'm not. It's going well.
00:33:29What brought you here?
00:33:31Ms. Wharton, it's raining outside. After work, if you need an umbrella...
00:33:34Do I look like I need your advice?
00:33:36Oh, my bad. I'm sure Mr. Ford will come pick you up.
00:33:38I was being nosy.
00:33:42I don't think the rain will stop anytime soon.
00:33:45I envy Ms. Wharton. I bet someone will pick her up.
00:33:52Mr. Ford's Car
00:33:56That's Mr. Ford's car, right?
00:33:58It sure is.
00:33:59How many people in Rivertown can afford such a car?
00:34:02Mr. Ford must be here to pick Ms. Wharton up.
00:34:10Ma'am, please get in the car.
00:34:12My heavens, that car is here for Wendy.
00:34:14Shouldn't it be for Ms. Wharton?
00:34:16Ma'am, Mr. Ford is waiting. Let's get in the car.
00:34:27I guess Wendy has hidden deaths.
00:34:29Hidden deaths?
00:34:31She certainly has.
00:34:33Who knows which rich guy she's targeting now.
00:34:36Yeah, Ms. Wharton is right.
00:34:38Wendy is quite a wily mace.
00:34:40Some time ago, she hooked up with Mr. Chase.
00:34:42Now she's hitting on another rich guy.
00:34:45It's raining hard.
00:34:47Ms. Wharton, why hasn't Mr. Ford come to pick you up?
00:34:50Hey, look.
00:34:51Was that the car Mr. Ford's been in with Ms. Wharton?
00:34:54It must be.
00:34:59I've told you not to disclose our relationship.
00:35:02I had my assistant meet you.
00:35:04I didn't blow our cover, did I?
00:35:07By the way, James.
00:35:09Does the seminar welcome all doctors in the industry?
00:35:12That's right.
00:35:13But they need invitations.
00:35:15I plan to invite the teacher that I told you about.
00:35:18I heard that this seminar would be attended by many elite doctors.
00:35:21So I thought...
00:35:24If he's your teacher and would like to come,
00:35:26then the Ford Group welcomes him anytime.
00:35:30But most of all, I'd like him to check your legs.
00:35:33After all, back then, I didn't learn everything from him.
00:35:36I'm still worried about your mobility.
00:35:39My wife is so caring.
00:35:40Being occupied at work doesn't stop you from thinking about my health.
00:35:43What should I give you as a reward for your hard work?
00:35:46So this is what Wendy wants after all.
00:35:48As it received.
00:35:57Hey, Sleeping Beauty.
00:35:58You're snoring in the wrong place.
00:35:59Have you sorted out the files I gave you yesterday?
00:36:03It's all done.
00:36:04Any word that needs attention has been marked in red.
00:36:08What else do you have to say?
00:36:09If not, I'd like to get back to work.
00:36:12What kind of work do you do?
00:36:13Okay, if not, I'd like to get back to work.
00:36:16What kind of attitude is that?
00:36:17You make it sound like you're the head of the department.
00:36:23Wendy, don't take that tone with me.
00:36:25I'm your leader.
00:36:26I order you to reorganize these files and bring them to my office in five minutes.
00:36:32Mr. Tripp.
00:36:33To what do I owe this honor?
00:36:35Does James have a message for me?
00:36:36Mr. Ford does have something to say.
00:36:39The seminar will start soon.
00:36:40Mrs. Wharton.
00:36:41Please confirm if Mr. Lee will attend it.
00:36:45Tell James to rest assured.
00:36:47Mr. Lee will show up for sure.
00:36:49That would be great.
00:36:51Hold on.
00:36:52Did James tell you to give this to me?
00:36:54He shouldn't have.
00:36:55I told him not to bother.
00:36:57Ms. Wharton.
00:36:58The medicine is...
00:37:01Mr. Ford cares so much about Ms. Wharton.
00:37:04Alright, alright.
00:37:05Now get back to your work.
00:37:07What are you staring at?
00:37:08Revise this proposal.
00:37:10The seminar starts tomorrow.
00:37:11If there's any delay, you'll be in serious trouble.
00:37:17The Ford Group is holding a medical seminar today.
00:37:19It's reported that the event will be attended by Mr. Kevin Lee, a reclusive academician.
00:37:23Mr. Lee has devoted decades to pathological study from the perspective of alternative medicine.
00:37:26Ms. Wharton.
00:37:27Didn't you say you contacted Mr. Lee?
00:37:29The seminar will begin shortly.
00:37:30Why hasn't he arrived yet?
00:37:32Well, I guess he's stuck in traffic.
00:37:35It's okay.
00:37:36Dr. Chan and Dr. Lau are still present.
00:37:38With them here, the event will be a success either way.
00:37:42But Ms. Wharton, we've sent out press releases.
00:37:46What do you mean?
00:37:47You don't think the seminar can go ahead without Dr. Lee?
00:37:52I'll bear all the consequences if he doesn't show up.
00:37:54Mind your own business.
00:37:57Please be seated.
00:37:58The seminar is about to begin.
00:38:01The popularity of alternative medicine is on the way.
00:38:06The root cause is simple.
00:38:08Alternative medicine is inferior to clinical medicine as the latter delivers results quickly.
00:38:13Dr. Chan, I disagree with your opinion.
00:38:15For hundreds of years, alternative medicine has produced many miraculous remedies with few side effects.
00:38:20Both kinds of medicine are useful in different ways.
00:38:22They're equally valuable.
00:38:27Wendy, what do you know?
00:38:29Stop spouting nonsense.
00:38:31Sit down.
00:38:33Yeah, don't mess with the seminar or you'll be dead meat.
00:38:36Wendy is correct.
00:38:38A narrow-minded doctor who can't tolerate another field of medicine can't make much of a contribution to medical research.
00:38:49Who are you?
00:38:50Who let you in here?
00:38:51Do you know where you are?
00:38:52No one asked for your comments.
00:38:55I can't attend a medical seminar that I've been invited to?
00:39:00Hey, shabby-looking guy, does this seem fun to you?
00:39:02Get out of my face!
00:39:06You... look familiar.
00:39:09When you were a graduate student, you and your tutors did some research alongside me.
00:39:15What? Have you forgotten me already?
00:39:19Mr. Li, it's you!
00:39:24When I was doing research with you, I learned a great deal.
00:39:27I didn't expect to meet you here today at all.
00:39:30Yeah, Mr. Li. Over these years, I've been too busy with my work to visit you.
00:39:35How are you doing these days?
00:39:38It's a surprise that Ms. Warnton would persuade him to come.
00:39:41I thought Mr. Li would bail on us.
00:39:43Ms. Warnton never drops the ball.
00:39:46I can't believe this tattered-looking individual is actually Kevin Li.
00:39:52Mr. Li, long time no see.
00:39:57What a pleasure to have you here at the seminar.
00:40:00Come on in.
00:40:02Who are you?
00:40:05Well, my name's Cheryl Warnton. Don't you remember I called you on the phone?
00:40:10Wendy! When are you going to stop hiding?
00:40:15Professor, you're really here.
00:40:19It's so good to see you.
00:40:22Wendy, you have a personal connection with Mr. Li. Why didn't you tell us that before?
00:40:26Yeah, Wendy. When did you become Mr. Li's trainee?
00:40:30My family was poor when I was young, so I stayed in my hometown to study alternative medicine under Mr. Li.
00:40:36Then I moved away and stopped learning it.
00:40:38I see.
00:40:40Ms. Warnton, does that mean you only spent a short time learning from Mr. Li when you were little?
00:40:45Does that mean you only spent a short time learning from Mr. Li when you were little?
00:40:49The way you refuted me made me think that you had learned everything.
00:40:54Now it seems to me that you're barely proficient in it.
00:40:59That being the case, I suggest Ms. Warnton avoid claiming that she's Mr. Li's apprentice.
00:41:04Otherwise, you'll undermine the entire profession.
00:41:08I guess. Wendy made those remarks to steal some thunder.
00:41:12She didn't care if it ruined the event.
00:41:16How selfish of her!
00:41:19To be honest, Wendy is the most talented among all my students.
00:41:25I'm afraid you two are no match for her abilities.
00:41:30Mr. Li, you're playing favorites.
00:41:33We won't be convinced of her ability by words alone.
00:41:38I wouldn't say I'm the best, but I wouldn't embarrass my instructor.
00:41:42I'd like to treat a patient right here and now to prove myself.
00:41:45Ms. Warnton, it's a seminar. Where are we supposed to find a patient?
00:41:49I guess that's why Ms. Warnton dared to propose that if we were in a hospital...
00:41:56I'm a patient!
00:41:59Ms. Warnton, I heard what you said.
00:42:02Why don't you treat my hand? It's been shaky for over two years.
00:42:05I've taken every kind of medication for it, but nothing works.
00:42:09Okay, let me see what's wrong.
00:42:12Your hand. We can try acupuncture therapy. It might hurt a bit, though.
00:42:16It's okay, Ms. Warnton. I'll bear as much pain as it takes to treat my hand.
00:42:20It starts now.
00:42:26Hey, you can't just insert needles in random areas.
00:42:29Do you even know where that acupuncture point is located?
00:42:31Wendy, compared to stealing the spotlight, harming a patient is a much graver offense.
00:42:42Try moving your hand now.
00:42:45It's not shaking. My hand doesn't shake anymore.
00:42:50Well, even miracle cures can't work so quickly.
00:42:54Cheryl, what do you mean?
00:42:57What do I mean?
00:42:58Wendy, isn't this a little too convenient?
00:43:01The moment you asked for a test subject, one conveniently showed up right away.
00:43:06Then you fix him with just a few needle pokes.
00:43:08I guess you and him are in cahoots.
00:43:14Now that you think I've colluded with him, let me feel your pulse. It will show that we're not in cahoots.
00:43:19What are you doing? Let go of me!
00:43:22You had an abortion.
00:43:25That's pure nonsense!
00:43:30What a shock! Ms. Warnton was once...
00:43:33Gosh, does Mr. Ford know about this?
00:43:38Oh my, what a scene.
00:43:41Wendy, that's a hell of a joke.
00:43:43We shouldn't keep Mr. Lee waiting. Let's continue with the seminar.
00:43:47Mr. Lee, please.
00:43:55What do you want?
00:43:56Wendy, are you trying to undermine me right in front of James?
00:44:00That means I made the right call.
00:44:02You better keep a secret.
00:44:04Otherwise, I'll make your life a living hell.
00:44:08Cheryl, I don't care what you've done in the past.
00:44:11By the way, not everyone is a blabbermouth like you are.
00:44:15Mr. Ford, Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Warnton are both here.
00:44:22Wendy, why aren't you inside?
00:44:24It's nothing. Let's go.
00:44:28Cheryl, enough is enough.
00:44:30My grandmother may be fond of you, but that won't influence me.
00:44:39Many people have heard Wendy's words.
00:44:41If that secret becomes known to James' grandmother...
00:44:44No way, I'll be destroyed.
00:44:50Oh, Cheryl.
00:44:51The Ford Group held a seminar today, right?
00:44:54Who upset you?
00:44:56Poor girl, dry your tears.
00:45:00It's Wendy. She...
00:45:03What happened in the seminar?
00:45:06Um, Mrs. Ford, she...
00:45:09Just tell me what she did to upset you so much. Don't be afraid.
00:45:12In the seminar, Mrs. Ford insisted on feeling Mrs. Warnton's pulse.
00:45:17Then she declared Mrs. Warnton previously had an abortion.
00:45:21Grandma, Wendy was jealous of my engagement to James.
00:45:26So in front of everyone at the seminar, including James, she defamed me.
00:45:30She's ruined my reputation.
00:45:32This woman would say whatever it takes to damage someone's public standing.
00:45:38Don't worry, I'm here for you.
00:45:51Mr. Ford, it seems to me that Wendy has become a superior doctor to me.
00:45:58I've treated a patient who was paralyzed by a car accident.
00:46:02After being treated, even his improved condition wasn't as favorable as yours.
00:46:09Professor, I can't hold a candle to you. I merely learn from the best.
00:46:15Mr. Ford, you see, my student, before learning medicine from me, she led an unfortunate life.
00:46:23Now that I see how happy she's with you, I can finally stop worrying about her.
00:46:33Mr. Lee, rest assured, Wendy is my wife. I'll protect her by all means.
00:46:40Wendy, after this, will you fall out of contact with me like you did before?
00:46:46Sir, something held me back from contacting you before, but don't worry.
00:46:51I promise I'll visit you whenever I can. I just hope you won't be annoyed.
00:46:55That's what I like to hear.
00:47:00What is it?
00:47:05Mr. Ford, Mr. Charles Olsen has returned.
00:47:08Mr. Santos asked if you had time tonight to greet Mr. Olsen.
00:47:11Got it. You can go now.
00:47:16You must be busy. I should probably leave.
00:47:20Thank you for coming, Mr. Lee. One day, Wendy and I will pay you a proper visit.
00:47:24Looking forward to it.
00:47:26Sir, I'll walk you out.
00:47:36Hello, Phil. I'm on my way to Charles' welcome dinner. Please send me an address.
00:47:47Oh, Charles. You were away for a long time. What made you return to Rivertown?
00:47:52Needless to say, he's got something important to do here.
00:47:56The illustrious Mr. Olsen is as dazzling as ever.
00:47:59Knock it off. I came back because my parents told me to.
00:48:03Word has it that Grandpa's been feeling the best lately. Did you come back for your grandpa, then?
00:48:07No, for my sister's sake.
00:48:09Your sister? When she was born, she already-
00:48:12Let's put that aside for now.
00:48:14What now? Do you have any leads?
00:48:17I'm not sure. A couple days ago, when my grandpa was in the hospital,
00:48:22my parents urged me to find out who took my grandpa to the hospital, and if that person had a birthmark.
00:48:30Were they implying that the one who brought your grandpa to the hospital was your sister?
00:48:36I don't know. I've just returned. I haven't started investigating things yet.
00:48:41But I think it's too bizarre to be true.
00:48:44If you need anything, just let us know.
00:48:47Thanks. I appreciate it.
00:48:51Wendy, you're better than I thought. Mr. Wong's hand was actually fixed by your efforts.
00:48:56Yeah. Yesterday, I was amazed.
00:48:58Wendy, you're a skillful petitioner after all. Why didn't you tell us?
00:49:02Skillful? I don't think she's a skilled doctor. A skilled liar, perhaps.
00:49:10Hey, Wendy, my aunt has an ache in her legs. Can alternative medicine treat her condition?
00:49:15What a fool. If you're sick, go to the hospital. What kind of place do you think this is?
00:49:21Leg pains can be attributed to many factors. Has she gone to the hospital and had an x-ray first?
00:49:25She did, Wendy. Why don't I add you on WhatsApp and send you the x-ray results so you can have a look?
00:49:31Sounds good.
00:49:32Enough! You're at work, not a social event. Do you both want to lose your jobs?
00:49:37Ms. Wharton, I was just worried about my aunt, alright? Thank you for your help.
00:49:42No problem. I'd love to help if I can.
00:49:47Who are you? What are you doing here?
00:49:50Ms. Wharton, Mrs. Ford said she appreciated your hard work and would like to give you this bracelet as a gift.
00:49:57It looks precious. I'm almost too afraid to take it.
00:50:02Thank you for dropping by. I'll visit Grandma and thank her.
00:50:05Sure, Ms. Wharton.
00:50:11Wendy, let's see what you have in your arsenal to fight me with.
00:50:16Is this thing worthy of a visit to that old lady?
00:50:20Look at it. It's not nearly as good as the one my dad randomly picked out for me.
00:50:26But as long as I can make Wendy suffer, it's worth it.
00:50:33Uh, come in.
00:50:38What's this about?
00:50:39Ms. Wharton, you must have had a long day. We've brought you some cake for afternoon tea.
00:50:43What a thought. You're busy fawning over Wendy, but you haven't forgotten me.
00:50:48Ms. Wharton, please don't be mad at us. Anyway, Wendy is just a nobody.
00:50:53You're Mr. Ford's proper wife. We're firmly on your side.
00:50:56Thanks. I appreciate the gesture, but I hate to get fat. Cut it up and share it with the other staff members.
00:51:03Wait, what was that sound?
00:51:06I don't hear anything. Get back to work. Can't you see I'm busy?
00:51:20What should I do? This is a bad idea.
00:51:23I'm sorry, Ms. Wharton.
00:51:25I'm sorry, Ms. Wharton.
00:51:27What should I do? This bracelet's a gift from James's grandma.
00:51:31It might look cheap, but if grandma knows I broke it...
00:51:35It might look cheap, but if grandma knows I broke it...
00:51:55My bracelet!
00:51:59Hey, isn't that bracelet a gift from old Mrs. Ford to Ms. Wharton? Why is it broken?
00:52:03Wendy! How could you break Ms. Wharton's bracelet?
00:52:07These... It's got nothing to do with me!
00:52:09How dare you deny it! If you hadn't bumped into me, it wouldn't have been damaged! Come out and apologize!
00:52:15Cheryl! I'll have to disagree with your assumption about who bumped into whom. That bracelet was on your wrist. How could a gentle nudge break it?
00:52:22You're still lying. You're just jealous of me.
00:52:26There's witnesses present. How could I frame you?
00:52:29Yeah, I clearly saw that Wendy ran into Ms. Wharton and the bracelet broke as a result.
00:52:34You... Shut up. I have evidence and witnesses. You can't talk your way out of this!
00:52:40What's going on in the middle of the day?
00:52:42Mr. Chase, Wendy broke the bracelet I received from James's grandmother.
00:52:47She then tried to shift the blame onto me, claiming that I framed her.
00:52:50Hey, Wendy, you're becoming a troublemaker. You stole the show at the seminar, and because of that, Mr. Ford lashed out at me.
00:52:59And now, you're causing another mess?
00:53:02I am not!
00:53:04I guess the planning department is the wrong place for a diva like yourself.
00:53:08I didn't break the bracelet. Why should I be forced to leave the department?
00:53:14Why should I be forced to leave the department?
00:53:16What? Does my decision mean nothing to you?
00:53:19Fine. Cheryl claims this is where the bracelet broke. Now let's put the pieces together. If they form a complete bracelet, I'll take all the blame.
00:53:28What does that mean? How are we supposed to piece together these tiny fragments?
00:53:42Look, all the pieces are in a heap, but one is clearly missing. That is to say, the bracelet wasn't broken here. The fault isn't mine.
00:53:52The bracelet was already damaged. Maybe a piece of it fell somewhere else. You have no proof, do you?
00:53:59Enough! I will report this to Mr. Ford. Stop this quarreling. Get back to work.
00:54:15Oh, sweetheart, come here. It's scorching hot outside. What brought you here?
00:54:23Has something happened?
00:54:27Grandma, I'm so sorry. I've been such a disappointment.
00:54:32Oh, what happened? Please tell me.
00:54:37Grandma, I should have taken better care of the jade bracelet you gave me. It's all my fault that Wendy swooped in.
00:54:45What do you mean, Cheryl? What happened to the bracelet? Did Wendy harass you again?
00:54:52She's jealous that you care for me, and that you gave me that bracelet. So she broke the bracelet. She then claimed that I wronged her.
00:55:04That Wile E. Minx is out of her mind.
00:55:07Men, get the car ready. I'll ask Wendy about this in person. Let's see where her audacity comes from.
00:55:14Who would have known Wendy is a jealous freak? She failed to seduce Mr. Ford so as to prevent she broke Mrs. Ford's bracelet.
00:55:22I wouldn't be surprised. Being batted by such powerful friends, she feels she can throw a rain around.
00:55:29Where is Wendy?
00:55:34You fiend! How dare you break a Ford family heirloom?
00:55:39You fiend! How dare you break a Ford family heirloom? Do you think you can make up for something like that?
00:55:46Grandma, I didn't do that.
00:55:48You didn't? Witnesses saw it happen. Are you saying I'm mistaken?
00:55:54Wendy, now that Grandma is here, I suggest you own up to it. If you make a sincere apology, perhaps she'll put in a good word for you.
00:56:03Cheryl, don't pretend to be magnanimous. You're the one who broke the bracelet and set me up.
00:56:09Grandma, you see? I tried talking to her, but she can't be reasoned with.
00:56:14What an ungrateful wretch!
00:56:16Grandma, what are you doing? Just calm down. Getting angry is bad for your blood pressure.
00:56:21James, you finally showed up. Wendy broke an heirloom that your grandmother gave me. She's still denying it.
00:56:28James, stay out of this. Men, take Wendy outside.
00:56:33Let her stand outside in the baking heat where she'll ponder her mistakes.
00:56:37Unless she admits she's wrong, she won't be allowed to re-enter the building.
00:56:41All right, Grandma. That bracelet was only worth a few thousand dollars.
00:56:44If you want it so badly, I'll buy you another one and have it delivered here so you can break it at your will.
00:56:48Enough! Can't you understand what I just said?
00:56:56Wendy, meet me in my office.
00:57:06Silly girl. How could you let them bully you like that?
00:57:09But she's your grandmother.
00:57:13I will take care of it. I won't let Grandmother bother you again.
00:57:18I seem to always cause you trouble.
00:57:21It's not your fault. Some people just have it in for you.
00:57:26Anyway, I want to thank you for trusting me.
00:57:31Gratitude should be shown through action.
00:57:46I should probably get back to work.
00:57:51Mrs. Ford, you started it. Shouldn't you finish it?
00:57:54We're at work.
00:57:56Fine. Later tonight. I'll see you at home.
00:58:07Eric, call my grandmother. Tell her to come to my office.
00:58:14James, are you going to let that troublemaker Wendy get away with this?
00:58:18Grandmother, Wendy is my wife. I hope you won't target her like that again.
00:58:24Given what she's done, I've been kind enough not to call her worse names.
00:58:29You should divorce her right away.
00:58:31That's enough, Grandma.
00:58:33Wendy was falsely accused. Eric.
00:58:37Mr. Ford, we found this in Mrs. Wharton's office.
00:58:40Mrs. Ford was correct. The bracelet was broken by Mrs. Wharton earlier.
00:58:45Grandma, I think the truth is self-explanatory.
00:58:48Forget it. You young people can handle your own drama. I'm too old to deal with it.
00:58:54Eric, please take Grandma home.
00:58:56Yes, sir.
00:59:09Jared Ford, don't you know what common courtesy is?
00:59:13James, I want to talk to you about something serious.
00:59:16I'd like to be in charge of the project on medical equipment.
00:59:23James, I know because of what happened between me and Wendy, you're still upset.
00:59:27Well, I'll apologize to Wendy in person. Will that be sufficient?
00:59:31Eric, ask my sister-in-law to come here. As it happens, I'd like a word with her.
00:59:37What do you have to talk to her about?
00:59:40James, before I tell you, you need to give me that exhibition job.
00:59:46I heard that Wendy studied under Mr. Lee.
00:59:49If she could be of use to me, I guarantee the exhibition will be a big success.
00:59:54This matter is off the table. You can stay in the Ford Group because I'm doing my grandmother a favor.
01:00:00Wendy, good to see you.
01:00:05Wendy, what brought you to my office?
01:00:08Mr. Ford, here's the first draft of the exhibition project. The manager instructed me to hand it to you.
01:00:12Okay, thank you. Eric, please escort Wendy.
01:00:15Wendy, hold on.
01:00:17Mr. Ford, we're at work. Please call me Ms. Wharton.
01:00:20Fine, fine. Ms. Wharton, earlier in the Ford's home, I did you wrong. I'm sorry. You can punish me however you want.
01:00:29Eric, enough!
01:00:35James, I want to reduce your workload. Besides, this exhibition could be my chance to grow.
01:00:43Mr. Ford, is it about the medical equipment exhibition?
01:00:46Ah, that's right. I was talking to my brother about it.
01:00:50Wendy, look, could you help me with this? I already apologized to you. Why don't you do the Ford Group a favor?
01:00:59Mr. Ford, I'd love to help.
01:01:02Great! Terrific! Wendy, it's a deal now. I'll prepare some files and have them delivered to you.
01:01:12Thanks, Wendy.
01:01:13James, I'll get going.
01:01:18Wendy, Jared offended you once. Are you sure you want to work with him again on the medical equipment exhibition?
01:01:24He's already apologized to me and admitted to his wrongdoings. Plus, the work is what matters.
01:01:29I'd like to use this as an opportunity to enhance my abilities. Most importantly, I want to get your grandmother's approval.
01:01:35Fine. In that case, you could have a try.
01:01:39But first things first, don't be a pushover.
01:01:46Mr. Ford, thank you for this opportunity. I have work to do. I should go.
01:01:54See you later.
01:02:00Have you heard? Mr. Ford appointed Wendy to manage the exposition.
01:02:05The news is all over the department. Why would Mr. Ford choose her of all people?
01:02:10Needless to say, Mr. Ford is showing where his affections lie. He must be fond of Wendy's pretty face.
01:02:15Wendy is certainly a good juggler. None of us can manage to do that.
01:02:19Hey, look. Who's that? He's so cute.
01:02:25Hello. Is James here?
01:02:28Okay, thanks.
01:02:35You are...
01:02:36I'm Cheryl Wharton. Don't you remember me? We went to the same high school.
01:02:41I once bought you a drink.
01:02:43What a small world. Are you looking for someone?
01:02:50How odd. Have I seen her somewhere before? Why does she look so familiar?
01:02:57Yeah, such a small world. I'm here to talk to James.
01:03:02Now I get it. Why don't we exchange contact info?
01:03:06Well, Ms. Wharton, if you don't mind, who's that woman that just walked by?
01:03:11Oh, that girl. She's no one important. Just a regular employee.
01:03:16An employee?
01:03:19Charles, forget about her. Let's exchange contact info so we can do some catching up.
01:03:24I'm sorry. I really need a word with James. Perhaps next time.
01:03:32Mr. Ford!
01:03:36What can I do for you?
01:03:38My grandfather heard that you were holding an exhibition.
01:03:42He asked if you could let the Olsons attend.
01:03:46That's no problem. The Ford Group is honored to invite the Olson Group to our event.
01:03:50I'll let the planning department know. Please tell old Mr. Olson to rest assured.
01:03:54Speaking of the planning department, I just came across a young woman who looked familiar.
01:03:59Familiar in which way? The department has many staff members.
01:04:03Do you have a photo? Otherwise I won't be much help.
01:04:06She's the prettiest one there.
01:04:08The prettiest girl in the planning department? That must be my wife, Wendy Wharton.
01:04:12Wendy Wharton?
01:04:15Something wrong?
01:04:16Huh. It's nothing.
01:04:21Nothing. It can't be. Her name also happens to be Wendy, that's all.
01:04:25By the way, didn't you return to the city for your sister? How's it going? Has there been any progress?
01:04:29No progress so far, I'm afraid. That day, the woman left no information apart from her name.
01:04:35I'm in the process of hiring a private investigator.
01:04:41Well, you can't rush these things. If you need any help, I'm here for you.
01:04:45Sure thing. I won't be shy of asking.
01:04:47Oh, right. When will you bring your wife to have dinner with us?
01:04:52Well, recently. She's working on the exhibition. There's a chance that you might run into her.
01:04:56What a coincidence. I'll see her at the exhibition, I hope.
01:05:02Mr. Ford, I've sorted the files out. Please take a look.
01:05:10No wonder Mr. Lee selected you. You're extraordinary.
01:05:14Thanks, sir. If you don't need anything else, I'd like to get going.
01:05:17Hey, wait. I've got another task for you.
01:05:20Go ahead.
01:05:21Look, Mr. Lewis from Sal's Medical Equipment invited me to dinner tonight.
01:05:26You're the event planner, so you should go too.
01:05:31Don't worry. Mr. Lewis is on good terms with James.
01:05:34It's just simple dinner concerning the agenda for the event.
01:05:38Listen, I promise you, when the work's done, I'll let you go. Is that okay?
01:05:44Well, that settles things.
01:05:46Tonight at Riverdale Restaurant. I'll send you the address.
01:05:58James, Jared's going to bring me to have dinner with Mr. Lewis from Sal's Medical Equipment.
01:06:02It's going to be late when I get home.
01:06:05Hey! There she is.
01:06:10Mr. Lewis, let me introduce her to you.
01:06:12She works for the Ford Group as the chief planner on this project.
01:06:15It's Miss Wharton, Wendy Wharton.
01:06:18She also happens to be my sister-in-law.
01:06:24Mr. Lewis, here's the proposal for the exhibition. Please take a look.
01:06:28Thank you.
01:06:30Mr. Lewis, here's the proposal for the exhibition. Please take a look.
01:06:41Good. Very detailed. I'm impressed, Mrs. Ford. You're amazing.
01:06:47I believe this exhibition will be a great success.
01:06:51Thanks to Miss Wharton's fine work.
01:06:54Wendy, with all that talking, you must be thirsty.
01:06:57Come on, let me pour you a drink.
01:06:59Sorry, I'm a lightweight. Maybe next time.
01:07:02Mr. Lewis, if it's fine with you, I'd like to get going.
01:07:05Hey, Wendy. No need to rush.
01:07:08I've told James about the dinner.
01:07:10What? Are you afraid that he'll scold you if you return home late?
01:07:14Yeah, Miss Wharton.
01:07:16We just met. You shouldn't be leaving so soon.
01:07:19Even if Mr. Ford is here, you'll have to drink this wine with me as well.
01:07:28Wendy, that's impressive. You're not a lightweight at all.
01:07:34Now that I've sampled the wine, I really should be going.
01:07:37Oh, sure. Why don't I call you a taxi?
01:07:39No need. I can take care of it myself.
01:07:47Hey, Wendy.
01:07:49What? Are you drunk?
01:07:52I'm fine. Now please take your hands off me.
01:07:58This time James won't come to your rescue.
01:08:10It's already so late. Why isn't Wendy back yet?
01:08:16Mr. Ford.
01:08:17Go and check. Did Jared do something to her?
01:08:20Yes, Mr. Ford.
01:08:27Bad news. A man at the hotel said Mrs. Ford is drunk.
01:08:31She fainted. She was carried upstairs by Jared Ford.
01:08:34Get the car ready.
01:08:37Mr. Ford
01:08:47If you had just been obedient back then, there wouldn't have been so much trouble.
01:08:59Rough him up.
01:09:01James, that's not what happened. I can explain.
01:09:07Take him away.
01:09:09James! James! Please spare me! James!
01:09:13I feel feverish.
01:09:15You'll be fine, son. I'll ask Eric to find a doctor.
01:09:17Listen to me. Take a hot bath.
01:09:19What are you waiting for? Get a doctor!
01:09:21Mr. Ford, there's no need for a doctor.
01:09:25James, help me. Please help me.
01:09:28Wendy, you're drunk?
01:09:30Kiss me. Just kiss me.
01:09:34Kiss me.
01:09:35You can't go back on your word.
01:10:01To Be Continued
01:10:11You and me, how could we...
01:10:18You were so eager last night. Did I do a lousy job last night?
01:10:21What are you talking about? What happened yesterday? How could we...
01:10:31Jared Ford, that son of a bitch. He slipped something into your wine.
01:10:35Don't worry. I'll fix things.
01:10:38But we...
01:10:48What's this?
01:10:50Equity transfer letter. Here's Ford's. 10% stake.
01:10:56I can't accept this.
01:10:59Wendy, listen to me.
01:11:01We are now an official couple.
01:11:03For everything your family couldn't provide you with, I plan to make it up to you.
01:11:09This is just the beginning. Are you really going to refuse my gift?
01:11:23Mr. Ford, Jared Ford has been taken care of.
01:11:26A month's incarceration will earn him a criminal record.
01:11:30That's too good for him. Tell everyone about it.
01:11:33Terminate Jared's position in the company.
01:11:35Cease any further payments to his bank card.
01:11:37Take back all the Ford properties and companies under his name.
01:11:40Mr. Ford, I'm afraid that won't be easy to explain to Madam Ford.
01:11:46Jared has done a lot of harm. If we keep him, it'll come back to bite us.
01:11:51Just do as I said. I'll worry about my grandmother.
01:11:54Mr. Ford, one more thing.
01:11:55Previously, the deputy manager handled an expedition project.
01:11:57There is no longer anyone in charge of it.
01:12:01Leave it to Wendy. This matter was initially brought up by her.
01:12:04Mr. Ford, this exhibition is much more important than our last discussion.
01:12:09Can Mrs. Ford handle the pressure?
01:12:11I've seen her plan. It's excellent.
01:12:13Even if something goes wrong, I'll take care of it.
01:12:16Go ahead.
01:12:25Wendy, we heard that yesterday you and Jared Ford went to the hotel to have dinner with Mr. Lewis.
01:12:31You didn't come back to that night either.
01:12:33What do you mean?
01:12:35What do I mean? What a funny question.
01:12:38I just want to know the truth.
01:12:41It's been a long night. Is it hard to answer truthfully?
01:12:44Cheryl, evidence.
01:12:49This is the evidence.
01:12:50This is the evidence.
01:12:53Hey, Wendy, we want to know who is a better man, Mr. Lewis or Mr. Ford?
01:13:04Now you know you can't slink into the bed you want,
01:13:06so instead you start asking around to see if someone else's bed is available?
01:13:10Wendy, what are you talking about? She's Mr. Ford's wife.
01:13:13Are you insane?
01:13:14Yeah, you've been indiscreet, and yet you accuse others.
01:13:18She's Mr. Ford's wife.
01:13:21What's all the fuss about? Just keep quiet, everyone.
01:13:24Mr. Tripp has something to announce.
01:13:26From today, Mr. Ford requires that all projects currently managed by Deputy Manager be handed Ms. Wharton instead.
01:13:32Congratulations, Ms. Wharton.
01:13:38Mr. Ford, this is all so sudden.
01:13:41Mrs. Wharton may have misunderstood.
01:13:43What I mean is, Wendy Wharton.
01:13:46How could it be her?
01:13:49Alright, well now that I've conveyed Mr. Ford's distresses to you, I'll get going.
01:13:54What's going on? Why is the project being transferred to Wendy?
01:13:57Yeah, Mrs. Wharton is Mr. Ford's wife.
01:14:00Guys, is Mr. Ford really that interested in her?
01:14:02That can't be true.
01:14:04Wendy Wharton is just an underperformer who never even attended college.
01:14:07James couldn't possibly be interested in her.
01:14:10Yeah, Ms. Wharton, you're right.
01:14:13But in the end...
01:14:15It's just an exhibition.
01:14:17As long as I talk to James, Wendy will still be the one who serves the drinks.
01:14:26Please organize this information as soon as possible. Email it to me in half an hour.
01:14:37Wendy really knows how to throw a weight around.
01:14:39Why are you listening to her?
01:14:41Mrs. Wharton said she's going to be replaced.
01:14:43Let's talk to Ms. Wharton.
01:14:44Let's go.
01:14:45I don't want to work with Wendy anymore.
01:14:48One week later.
01:14:49On the third floor of Rivertown Arts Center.
01:14:51I'll tell you what to do.
01:14:53If you screw up again this time, then forget about the money.
01:14:59You don't know how to knock?
01:15:00Did you track Wendy for two days and let your brain turn to mud?
01:15:03I'm sorry, Ms. Wharton.
01:15:04We're here to ask you something.
01:15:06What happened?
01:15:07Ms. Wharton, you don't know, but recently Wendy has been acting superior.
01:15:10We really don't feel comfortable working with her.
01:15:12The matter about Mr. Ford charging Wendy Wharton, did you say it?
01:15:16Of course I said that.
01:15:17How unexpected that Mr. Ford didn't put you in charge of the exhibition then.
01:15:21James said managing the exhibition is a laborious task.
01:15:24He's afraid I'll be exhausted from it.
01:15:26I see. Mr. Ford is worried that you'll be worn out from it.
01:15:29Right. Well, I'm busy right now.
01:15:31There's nothing else to please see yourself out.
01:15:42Did you hear what I just said?
01:15:44I'll send you the picture of Wendy later.
01:15:50Wendy Wharton, if you like being in the limelight so much,
01:15:53I'll let you be in the limelight all right.
01:16:00Wendy, what are you doing here?
01:16:02I've been looking all over for you.
01:16:03Who are you?
01:16:04Wendy, how could you forget about me?
01:16:07We've been together for a long time.
01:16:10You, well, you're working in a large company now.
01:16:13You don't want to associate with me anymore, do you?
01:16:15I don't know what you're talking about.
01:16:16Now, please let go of me or I'll call security.
01:16:19Wendy, you can't be that heartless.
01:16:21We have a child together.
01:16:23Think about that.
01:16:24You, you didn't have an abortion, did you?
01:16:29Sir, here's Ford's exhibition.
01:16:32If you continue to act so recklessly, you'll be forced to take responsibility.
01:16:36Who the hell are you?
01:16:37I'm talking to my wife right now.
01:16:38It's none of your business.
01:16:39This guy seems to have had a relationship with Wendy Wharton.
01:16:43Don't be ridiculous.
01:16:44Look at him.
01:16:45That suit doesn't amount to more than $200.
01:16:48What he means is that Wendy is having an affair with him.
01:16:52Wendy, you've been gone for so long without sending me a message.
01:16:55My mom is away for your parents to discuss the wedding.
01:16:58Listen, you got the wrong person.
01:17:00I don't even know who you are.
01:17:03Let her go.
01:17:04She said she didn't know you.
01:17:05Didn't you hear her?
01:17:08I get it now.
01:17:10No wonder you don't recognize me.
01:17:12You found this guy.
01:17:15I spent too much money on you.
01:17:17But you cuckolded me.
01:17:18Come with me.
01:17:19What are you talking about?
01:17:20Explain to me.
01:17:21Let go of me.
01:17:26What's going on?
01:17:27So noisy.
01:17:28Is this an exhibition of a farmer's market?
01:17:31Who is he?
01:17:32Take your hands off her.
01:17:35So, you're not ashamed of yourself at all and now you're dragging Ford down with you?
01:17:39Mrs. Wharton, this guy seems to have had a relationship with Wendy Wharton.
01:17:42He said she aborted his child and he plans to take her back.
01:17:46No wonder.
01:17:47At the last seminar there was a pregnancy.
01:17:51It turns out she had a miscarriage.
01:17:53But she's placing the blame on other people.
01:17:55Cheryl Warren, nonsense.
01:17:58You've got a lower right on your doorstep.
01:18:00So, you dare to do it but won't let anyone say it.
01:18:03What's going on?
01:18:04So noisy.
01:18:06Mr. Ford is here.
01:18:07Let's wait and see.
01:18:08Mr. Ford asked her to be in charge of the exhibition.
01:18:10But she made it look like this.
01:18:14Who are you?
01:18:17James, let me tell you.
01:18:18He's her lover.
01:18:20He's here for her and the baby.
01:18:24Sounds like he's crazy.
01:18:26Guys, take him to the police.
01:18:30No way.
01:18:33Wendy, you're letting this man do this to me?
01:18:38Restrain him.
01:18:42Come to my office later.
01:18:47Wendy Wharton.
01:18:48Let's see how you explain this to James.
01:18:54Sir, thank you for helping.
01:18:57It's nothing.
01:18:58Just a piece of cake.
01:18:59By the way, are you hurt?
01:19:01May I know your name?
01:19:02It's Charles Olsen.
01:19:04Thank you, Mr. Olsen.
01:19:06No need to be so polite.
01:19:07Just call me Charles.
01:19:09You're here today for the exhibition.
01:19:11You must have someone you need to meet later.
01:19:13Then I'll leave you alone.
01:19:18Her profile.
01:19:19Why does it look so familiar?
01:19:27Are you hurt?
01:19:28Are you hurt?
01:19:33You didn't call me in a crisis.
01:19:35That deserves punishment.
01:19:36Mr. Ford?
01:19:40What happened?
01:19:42Bad news.
01:19:43Shane Willis managed to escape.
01:19:45He ran away?
01:19:46A security guard escorting him said that the lunatic shoved the car door open halfway and leaped out of the vehicle.
01:19:50When he turned around and gave chase, Willis had already disappeared.
01:19:53This man is someone to watch out for.
01:19:55I didn't know about him before, but in the exhibition he found me at a single glance.
01:19:59It seems that someone briefed him.
01:20:02James, can you help me investigate this man?
01:20:06Eric, did you hear what she said?
01:20:08I see, Mr. Ford.
01:20:13Don't worry.
01:20:14This will all come out soon.
01:20:27Are you available today?
01:20:30Since you married James, you haven't returned home.
01:20:33Come back tonight.
01:20:35Let's have dinner together.
01:20:37What's the matter with you?
01:20:39Look at you, Wendy.
01:20:41I know.
01:20:42I did something wrong before.
01:20:44So, I'm wondering if we can have dinner together so that I can apologize to you.
01:20:49Well, there is one thing.
01:20:51Well, when you get back tonight, we'll talk about it.
01:21:04Wendy, you're finally back.
01:21:06You see, the food is getting cold.
01:21:08Sit down.
01:21:09I won't be staying for too long.
01:21:11You said on the phone you wanted to talk to me in person.
01:21:13Well, now I'm here.
01:21:14Let's get straight to the point.
01:21:18Actually, it's not a big deal.
01:21:20It's not a big deal.
01:21:23It's just about our company.
01:21:26Recently, this...
01:21:32Stop stammering.
01:21:34We raised her so well and helped her.
01:21:36Married James, shouldn't she repay us?
01:21:38I'll do it if you don't tell her.
01:21:41Recently, our business has been experiencing some financial difficulties.
01:21:45Tell James Ford to loan us 300 million dollars.
01:21:48How much?
01:21:50300 million?
01:21:53You guys have some nerve.
01:21:55Oh, Wendy.
01:21:57I'm begging you.
01:21:59Wendy, stop pretending.
01:22:02My father is begging you.
01:22:03What more do you want?
01:22:04You better speak to me properly.
01:22:06You assumed my identity in the company and committed all manner of heinous actions.
01:22:10If you're caught, you won't have a job anymore at the Ford Group.
01:22:14I've done enough for the Whartons.
01:22:15I married James for Cheryl's sake.
01:22:17And then Mr. Chan?
01:22:21And you.
01:22:22Did you do what you promised me?
01:22:26What do you mean?
01:22:29My token.
01:22:31Shouldn't I get it?
01:22:34She had it all planned out.
01:22:36Sure, I'll give you the token.
01:22:39Well, you go and ask James for that 300 million first.
01:22:44Then we'll hand over the money and the token.
01:22:47How's that sound?
01:22:51I've recorded the conversation.
01:22:54Cheryl, if you go back on your word this time, you won't be Mrs. Ford for much longer.
01:23:02How dare you set me up!
01:23:05It's all settled then.
01:23:07The End
01:23:19Why are you so depressed?
01:23:23I have something to discuss with you.
01:23:27I went to the Whartons' home earlier tonight.
01:23:29Howard told me that their company isn't doing well.
01:23:32If things continue like this, it may go bankrupt.
01:23:37Recently, the Whartons have been on a downward trajectory.
01:23:40Howard asked you to visit him about this?
01:23:44Can you loan the Whartons 300 million dollars?
01:23:49What do you mean?
01:23:52Howard Wharton asked you to come to me about the money?
01:24:03300 million, is it?
01:24:04I'll give it to you.
01:24:06But you need to explain why.
01:24:08The Whartons treated you like this.
01:24:10And why you're willing to come here and beg for money on their behalf.
01:24:14If I don't help them, I might not get my belongings back.
01:24:18Your belongings?
01:24:20What do you mean?
01:24:22Just help me this time, please?
01:24:27Let me borrow 300 million from you.
01:24:29Look, I'm willing to help you.
01:24:31But I'm afraid you're being set up.
01:24:33I promise.
01:24:34When I get my things back, I'll tell you everything.
01:24:43Eric, prepare a 300 million dollar transfer for tomorrow morning.
01:24:46Transfer the money into the Whartons' personal account.
01:24:51When you get your belongings back, you can't break your promise.
01:24:54I promise.
01:25:02I'm already so obedient to you, aren't I?
01:25:04I wonder if there are any rewards I can expect.
01:25:08Rewards, Mr. Ford?
01:25:11What do you want?
01:25:22Well, you.
01:25:23How dare you suggest that?
01:25:28Miss Wharton.
01:25:29Mr. Ford said these documents need to be carefully sorted for the exhibition afterward.
01:25:33It'll be used for a detailed introduction.
01:25:37Wendy's very busy these days.
01:25:39I'm afraid she doesn't have that kind of energy.
01:25:42Mr. Tripp.
01:25:43Tell James.
01:25:44It's an order.
01:25:46I'll sort them out in person.
01:25:47Well, since Miss Wharton said she can do it, then let her do it.
01:25:50Mr. Tripp, thank you.
01:25:59Well, I must be going.
01:26:09What are these?
01:26:10So messy!
01:26:11Can't you do the work alone?
01:26:21Come to my office.
01:26:26Miss Wharton, what can I do for you?
01:26:29These documents are very important.
01:26:31Sort them out and return them to me in one hour.
01:26:33Don't worry, Miss Wharton.
01:26:34I'll take care of it.
01:26:43Where are you going?
01:26:44To do my job here.
01:26:53Miss Wharton, please take a look.
01:26:56Well done.
01:27:10Come in.
01:27:13Miss Wharton.
01:27:14What are you doing here?
01:27:15Miss Wharton.
01:27:16Miss Wharton.
01:27:17Miss Wharton.
01:27:18Miss Wharton.
01:27:19Miss Wharton.
01:27:22I've already sorted out the documents.
01:27:25Mr. Tripp said they are very important,
01:27:27so I checked them thoroughly.
01:27:29Take a look.
01:27:30I've told you many times now.
01:27:32Call me Mr. Wharton.
01:27:42That's what you've been working on.
01:27:46Your ability to make trouble could be useful after all.
01:27:51Take your garbage and get out of my office.
01:27:55Can't you understand what I'm saying?
01:28:07Miss Wharton, you're back.
01:28:11You idiot!
01:28:12You're not only terrible at filing,
01:28:13you can't even hold a glass of water properly.
01:28:15Do you know how much this outfit costs?
01:28:17Can you afford even one piece?
01:28:19Sorry, Miss Wharton.
01:28:20I didn't mean it.
01:28:22You didn't mean it?
01:28:23You did it deliberately.
01:28:25You let Jans reprimand me on purpose.
01:28:27And let me make a fool of myself in front of him, right?
01:28:30Cheryl, for the sake of a few documents and a piece of clothing you decided to hit her,
01:28:33you're going too far.
01:28:35Too far?
01:28:36It's none of your business.
01:28:37Don't play the hero.
01:28:39It's just a file that wasn't properly organized.
01:28:41Isn't Miss Wharton making too big of a deal out of this?
01:28:43Oh, she's Mr. Wharton's wife.
01:28:45This entire company belongs to her.
01:28:47She just fired an employee.
01:28:48And what's wrong with that?
01:28:51I'm talking about her.
01:28:52I'm not talking about you guys, right?
01:28:54All you do is eat for free.
01:28:56Get back to your own business.
01:29:01Cheryl Wharton, you're going too far.
01:29:03This isn't a place where you can act unreasonable and make a scene.
01:29:06I'm your boss.
01:29:07You can't just interrupt me when you feel like it.
01:29:10Keep it down.
01:29:11Wendy, I suppose you didn't learn your lesson
01:29:13and have the guts to mess with Miss Wharton as well.
01:29:15Miss Wharton is Mr. Ford's wife.
01:29:16Can someone like you really afford to offend her?
01:29:21This whole thing was supposed to be...
01:29:23What was supposed to be?
01:29:24Are you still trying to argue?
01:29:26Get your hands off her.
01:29:28I came out to stop Cheryl because she was about to strike an employee.
01:29:31Whoever she's lecturing has nothing to do with you.
01:29:34Mind your own business.
01:29:37Miss Wharton, what is it that's making you so angry?
01:29:39Tell me if she's not performing well, I'll teach her a lesson.
01:29:42Calm down, otherwise Mr. Ford will be concerned about you.
01:29:45Janes, don't worry about a vain shrew who hits people at will.
01:29:48How dare you, Wendy? I'm not a shrew.
01:29:51Wendy, don't ask for trouble.
01:29:52What does this matter have to do with you?
01:29:54Are you not working hard enough to be so idle?
01:29:57Cheryl casually scolded and laid hands on a subordinate.
01:29:59As a manager, you didn't stop her but helped her instead?
01:30:02Enough is enough.
01:30:03You weren't punished for all the trouble you caused before.
01:30:05Do you think there's no one in the company who will reprimand you for this?
01:30:08Is this about the bracelet or the seminar?
01:30:10They were all orchestrated by Cheryl herself.
01:30:13Shut up!
01:30:14How dare you accuse me of that?
01:30:16Cheryl, is it true?
01:30:18Swear that you didn't break that bracelet yourself.
01:30:20I swear I made up the whole thing about the baby.
01:30:23You swear?
01:30:26Why should I swear?
01:30:30What's the point of keeping this rumor monger in the company?
01:30:32Just dismiss her!
01:30:34Miss Wharton.
01:30:35Wendy, I have no choice but to dismiss you with immediate effect.
01:30:37Pack up your things and leave the premises.
01:30:39For what reason?
01:30:40For what reason?
01:30:41Because I'm the manager of the planning department.
01:30:43Get out of here!
01:30:44You can't just fire my girl like this.
01:30:46You're the one who should leave.
01:30:48You and Cheryl Wharton.
01:30:52Mr. Ford, Shane Willis' identity has been confirmed.
01:30:55But we haven't located him yet.
01:30:57Keep searching.
01:30:59Who sent him?
01:31:00This man is Mrs. Wharton's lover.
01:31:02Last time, he caused trouble at the exhibition.
01:31:04So, he must have been encouraged by Mrs. Wharton.
01:31:09That damn bracelet.
01:31:10I haven't gotten even with her yet.
01:31:13I can't believe she won't stop with this.
01:31:15Then, this time, let her pay the price.
01:31:21The ones who should leave are you and Cheryl.
01:31:24Mr. Ford, what are you doing here?
01:31:26What do you mean, I should leave?
01:31:27And Miss Wharton?
01:31:28You two.
01:31:30One invites disaster.
01:31:31The other keeps harming people.
01:31:33The Ford Group can't tolerate such a scourge.
01:31:37Obviously, it's Wendy.
01:31:40Who's been fighting against Mrs. Ford?
01:31:42All I've done is help you and your wife.
01:31:43My wife?
01:31:48Mr. Ford, this was a misunderstanding between Wendy and me.
01:31:51That's all it was.
01:31:52But now that it's been cleared up,
01:31:54I've got business to take care of, so I should be going.
01:31:57Please stay, Mrs. Ford.
01:31:58Mr. Ford is already here.
01:31:59You'd better explain this to him.
01:32:02A simple misunderstanding.
01:32:04I don't think so.
01:32:06You broke that jade bracelet on purpose and set up Wendy.
01:32:09And you had someone at the exhibition put on a performance to slander her.
01:32:13Care to explain any of this?
01:32:16The man at the exhibition is also your associate, right?
01:32:18It's a misunderstanding.
01:32:19Wendy, this is all a misunderstanding. Believe me.
01:32:22Get off me.
01:32:23Do you know what you've done?
01:32:24Why is Mr. Ford questioning Miss Wharton?
01:32:27Just now, Mr. Ford called Wendy his woman.
01:32:30Cheryl, you have been assuming my wife's identity for a long time.
01:32:34I tolerated you for my grandmother's sake.
01:32:37Now, there's no one left to back you up.
01:32:47Wendy, following the Ford's instructions, came to the company office to work.
01:32:50She hid her identity because she didn't want to cause drama.
01:32:54But now, you've become a problem.
01:32:57Miss Wharton, you're an imposter.
01:33:00And you've failed in your duties as a department manager.
01:33:03First, you didn't treat your co-workers fairly.
01:33:06Second, you rose to the ranks without any ethics.
01:33:11Why would I want to keep you?
01:33:13Mr. Ford, this is all a misunderstanding.
01:33:15The HR manager will arrange an exit interview for you tomorrow.
01:33:18I don't want to see you at the office again.
01:33:19Wendy, Miss Ford, I was wrong. I was blind.
01:33:23Please beg Mr. Ford for me. I can't lose this job.
01:33:29Escort Miss Wharton out of here.
01:33:31Never step foot in this office again.
01:33:33By the way, tell my associates that whoever attempts to hire these two will regret it.
01:33:40Yes, Mr. Ford. Now, escort them outside.
01:33:43Wendy, help me. Don't just stand there. Let go of me.
01:33:52From today, Wendy will manage the planning department.
01:33:55You understand?
01:33:58I'll be the manager?
01:34:00The exhibition was a great success.
01:34:02Your efforts are evident to everyone.
01:34:05You deserve this position.
01:34:09Unless there are any objections.
01:34:13Wendy, in the coming weeks, you'll have to work hard.
01:34:16I have an appointment with Charles Olsen. I have to go now.
01:34:18I have to go now.
01:34:29What happened? You look worried.
01:34:31It's just... something about my family.
01:34:34Something about your family? Any news about your sister?
01:34:37That's right.
01:34:38Isn't that a good thing? Why do you still have an unhappy expression?
01:34:41According to the private investigator I hired, my sister was sent to an orphanage on the verge of closure.
01:34:46During that time, the adoption process was minimal, so the paperwork wasn't extensive.
01:34:51The only clue I have is that it seems she was adopted by a family who ran a jewelry business.
01:34:57For many years in Rivertown, there weren't many people operating jewelry businesses.
01:35:00The Zellers and Lees are both upper-class families who started trading in the jewelry business over 20 years ago.
01:35:05I'll get someone to help you locate her. Don't worry. There will be good news one day.
01:35:09Thank you again, James.
01:35:12You and I, we don't need to talk like that.
01:35:14James, there's something I want to ask you.
01:35:17At the exhibition, what was the name of the girl who was falsely accused?
01:35:22That's my wife, Wendy Wharton.
01:35:25Really? No wonder. It takes a special person to run a successful show like that.
01:35:32Come in.
01:35:35Mr. Ford, about Jane Willis...
01:35:38We found him.
01:35:41Alright. If you're busy, I'll go.
01:35:44Oh, James, next time, you and your wife should come out and we'll have dinner together.
01:35:49Take care. Bye-bye.
01:35:54Where's Jane Willis?
01:35:59Jane Willis, investigated earlier, was laying low in an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs.
01:36:03We sent someone to search for him, but he seemed to have been alerted in advance.
01:36:07Now he's gone.
01:36:08I see. We'll keep searching.
01:36:11The 300 million dollars...
01:36:13That you instructed was also transferred to Wharton's this morning.
01:36:17They should have received the money by now.
01:36:19It won't be long before I make them pay it all back.
01:36:22Mr. Ford, you mean...
01:36:24Keep it to yourself for now. Wait for my instructions.
01:36:27Mr. Ford, these are the documents that Cheryl Wharton sorted out haphazardly before.
01:36:31They've all been properly arranged now. Please take a look.
01:36:34Get Wendy a glass of water.
01:36:39About the documents...
01:36:40There's no hurry, but this Shane Willis character who caused trouble at the exhibition...
01:36:44Do you know who he is?
01:36:46His background?
01:36:47He's Cheryl Wharton's lover.
01:36:48In Cheneyboro, he's known as a notorious criminal.
01:36:50If you were abducted by him that day, the consequences would have been dire.
01:36:56It seems Cheryl has spared no effort in trying to harm you.
01:37:00James, for these actions, I can't forgive her.
01:37:03But can you wait until I get my belongings back?
01:37:05Then we'll decide what to do.
01:37:06Wendy, what exactly did you leave with the Whartons?
01:37:10I thought we had a deal.
01:37:12When I get my keepsakes back, I'll tell you everything I promised.
01:37:15Trust me.
01:37:16Well, I'm going to the Whartons' home tonight to get my things.
01:37:19Please wait for me outside, okay?
01:37:27When I get my stuff back, whether it's the Whartons or Cheryl,
01:37:31I'll make them all pay for what they did.
01:37:37That foul Wendy didn't say a word on my behalf today.
01:37:42I knew she wasn't that demure.
01:37:44Don't worry, I'll teach her a lesson.
01:37:46Mom, now she has James to support her.
01:37:48No one will mess with her.
01:37:51James also sent us 300 million dollars.
01:37:54What if we are asked to pay it back?
01:37:56What should we do?
01:37:58Pay it back?
01:37:59No way.
01:38:00Not unless Wendy doesn't want her token anymore.
01:38:03Mom, what do you mean?
01:38:04Oh, my little girl.
01:38:06Are you addle-minded?
01:38:08As long as that token is in our hands,
01:38:10Wendy will do whatever I ask.
01:38:12If we just give it to her, we won't be able to reap the benefits.
01:38:16But I already promised Wendy when she comes here later.
01:38:19I told her as long as she gets the 300 million from James,
01:38:23I'll return the token to her.
01:38:24Oh, it's such a small thing and it's been so many years already.
01:38:27Who knows where I put it?
01:38:29Even if we try to find it, we'd have to look for several days for it.
01:38:33I'm impressed, mom.
01:38:37What are you doing here?
01:38:38What do you think I came back for?
01:38:40The 300 million is now in your account.
01:38:42Isn't it time you made good on your promise?
01:38:44What promise?
01:38:45The recording of that night is still on my phone.
01:38:47So, you plan on going back on your promise?
01:38:49Where is my token?
01:38:51So bullish.
01:38:52Settle down.
01:38:53We didn't say we wouldn't give it to you, but your token.
01:38:56It's been so many years, we don't know where to find it.
01:38:59Even if we search for it, it will take several days.
01:39:02What do you mean?
01:39:03I've made it clear we didn't say we wouldn't give it to you.
01:39:07You just go back to enjoying your marriage and wealth.
01:39:10As for the token, when we find it, we'll deliver it to you personally.
01:39:16Wendy, I'm definitely a man of my word, but it's been so many years.
01:39:21It's not easy to find the token.
01:39:25Three days.
01:39:26If you don't return it to me in three days, you have to pay me back the entire 300 million I gave you.
01:39:32You'd better get searching.
01:39:37Mom, that vile Wendy, she's certainly cunning.
01:39:41I can't believe she only gave us three days.
01:39:43What if we don't find the token in three days?
01:39:46Don't worry.
01:39:47She's just using the Ford family's power to upset us.
01:39:50That money is in our hands.
01:39:51We won't return it.
01:39:53Don't worry.
01:39:54When she comes to our house three days later, I know how to deal with her.
01:39:59Mr. Wharton, it's a call from the Olsen's home.
01:40:01The Olsen's?
01:40:03You mean Charles?
01:40:05Is that for me?
01:40:06No, Ms. Wharton.
01:40:07The Olsen's housekeeper called to ask us if we adopted a girl with a birthmark on her shoulder many years ago.
01:40:14A birthmark on the shoulder?
01:40:17That's just...
01:40:18Why would they ask that?
01:40:20And what did you say?
01:40:21It seems they are looking for a girl they lost contact with many years ago.
01:40:24I didn't say anything.
01:40:25Tell him you'll have to ask Mr. and Mrs. Wharton before you can confirm anything.
01:40:28All right.
01:40:29I already thought that might be it.
01:40:31You can go back to your room now.
01:40:32But what am I going to say to the Olsen's?
01:40:34Don't worry.
01:40:35No one is grilling you about this.
01:40:37Go back to your room and get some rest.
01:40:43Mom, a girl with a birthmark on her shoulder who was adopted.
01:40:47Doesn't that sound like Wendy?
01:40:49So we've adopted the Olsen's daughter.
01:40:53Don't rush to a conclusion just yet.
01:40:55Mom, back then, the jade pendant that Wendy bought with her still can't be found.
01:41:00Actually, it's just sitting in my nightstand drawer.
01:41:05You'll bring it to me later.
01:41:06Perhaps it'll come in handy after all.
01:41:14James, sorry to keep you waiting so long.
01:41:16Did you get your stuff?
01:41:18Mary said she couldn't find what I was looking for because it's been so long.
01:41:21But I've given them a three-day deadline.
01:41:25I'm afraid they will find other excuses to explain why they don't have it in three days' time.
01:41:29Wendy, is it that important?
01:41:32It's related to my origins.
01:41:34Three days from now, if they're unwilling to give it to me, no matter what excuses they use, I'll show them no mercy.
01:41:44What is it?
01:41:46Charles Olsen is in a good mood today.
01:41:48We have a dinner scheduled.
01:41:49Eric, I'm sending the location to your phone.
01:41:51We'll go together?
01:41:55I want to take you to meet my friend.
01:42:05Just in time.
01:42:06You're here.
01:42:07Have a seat.
01:42:10Mr. Olsen, thanks a lot for the exhibition.
01:42:12Don't mention it.
01:42:13I didn't do anything special.
01:42:14You seem to be in a jubilant mood today.
01:42:16Any good news?
01:42:17It's about my sister.
01:42:18I think we know who adopted her now.
01:42:20Oh, so quickly.
01:42:22Coincidentally, that family's surname is also called Wharton.
01:42:25The family that adopted Mr. Olsen's sister has the same surname?
01:42:29But it's still being looked into.
01:42:31I'm not certain yet.
01:42:32I hope it's not in vain.
01:42:35It's not going to happen.
01:42:36Mr. Olsen, you're such a nice person.
01:42:38You will be blessed, I'm sure.
01:42:40Then, thanks for your kind words.
01:42:50How are things going?
01:42:51Ms. Wharton, I have determined that Wendy Wharton is indeed the daughter lost by the Olsens back then.
01:42:56This is huge news.
01:42:57Are you sure?
01:42:59Recently, the Olsens have been looking for Ms. Olsen with a photo of her as a child with a birthmark.
01:43:04I've compared this photo with the one you gave me of Wendy.
01:43:07They're an exact match.
01:43:09I see.
01:43:11Good job.
01:43:14Cheryl, how's it going?
01:43:17That evil Wendy is really the Olsens' daughter.
01:43:21She is really their daughter?
01:43:23Are you kidding?
01:43:24In the past, we treated Wendy a bit poorly.
01:43:27If the Olsens learned about that, then...
01:43:30Don't be afraid.
01:43:32They don't know Wendy is their daughter yet.
01:43:35Wendy is their daughter yet.
01:43:37Moreover, Wendy's shade pendant is in our possession.
01:43:40Yeah, right.
01:43:41Never let the Olsens recognize Wendy as their daughter.
01:43:44We can't afford to be complacent.
01:43:45Since the Olsens contacted us, there must already be clues.
01:43:50It's not up to you.
01:43:52Dad, take it easy.
01:43:55Do you have any ideas?
01:43:56Of course.
01:43:57She can't take everything that's good in the world.
01:44:02Oh, my dear girl.
01:44:03If you have any suggestions, just tell me and your dad.
01:44:06Don't make us worry anymore.
01:44:07It's simple.
01:44:09But you and dad may have to suffer a little.
01:44:13Just tell us.
01:44:14If the Olsens identify Wendy, we'll pay the price.
01:44:19Don't worry about that.
01:44:20If there's a way, just tell us.
01:44:21We will support you no matter what.
01:44:31You mean...
01:44:32You're going to replace Wendy and become the Olsens' daughter?
01:44:36Absolutely not!
01:44:39Then let Wendy come after us.
01:44:41When she's identified,
01:44:42by then, our company and this big house will all be gone.
01:44:47I believe this idea will work.
01:44:49Just do what Cheryl says.
01:44:50Cheryl is our biological daughter.
01:44:52She won't abandon us.
01:44:55Yeah, dad.
01:44:56I just don't want Wendy to be recognized.
01:44:59It's for the good of our family.
01:45:02But Cheryl...
01:45:03Wendy has a birthmark on her shoulder.
01:45:06That's easy to take care of.
01:45:15You whore!
01:45:16You still don't plan to call me?
01:45:18Where's the money?
01:45:19Where's the money you promised me?
01:45:21I was almost sent right to the police station by the Fords.
01:45:25I didn't pay you because you didn't do your job properly.
01:45:29What do you mean?
01:45:30Didn't I already go to the expedition
01:45:32and slender Wendy as you told me to?
01:45:34Unfortunately, that didn't affect her at all.
01:45:36Am I supposed to pay you for nothing?
01:45:38If you want the money,
01:45:39you'll have to do one more thing for me.
01:45:42After that,
01:45:43I'll give you an extra $500,000.
01:45:47you better keep your word.
01:45:49You'll be getting a package soon.
01:45:51I'll make it clear on how to do what I ask.
01:45:56the amount will be enough to last you a lifetime.
01:45:59Don't make any more mistakes.
01:46:02After this,
01:46:03if you try to break your promise,
01:46:05I'll kill your entire family.
01:46:07Don't threaten me!
01:46:08You should be more concerned about your mom
01:46:10who's in the ICU at the hospital.
01:46:13If anything happens to me,
01:46:15she's a dead woman.
01:46:26Hey, James.
01:46:27I'm at the back door of the office.
01:46:29I'm on this road outside the back of the office.
01:46:31I'm a little scared now.
01:46:32Can you pick me up?
01:46:39you have to wake up.
01:46:41Mr. Ford,
01:46:42Shane Willis has been arrested
01:46:44and sent to the police station.
01:46:47Is Cheryl Ward
01:46:48backing him this time?
01:46:50Mr. Ford,
01:46:51I don't think so.
01:46:52I don't think so.
01:46:53Cheryl Ward
01:46:54backing him this time.
01:46:55Mr. Ford,
01:46:56he said
01:46:57that it was love
01:46:58that made him crazy.
01:46:59So he...
01:47:01Hatred caused by love.
01:47:04Tell everyone
01:47:05I'm going to make him
01:47:08I see, Mr. Ford.
01:47:15you're awake.
01:47:18I feel pain in my shoulder.
01:47:21Where am I?
01:47:22In the hospital.
01:47:24That bastard Willis
01:47:25threw sulfuric acid on you
01:47:28and burned your shoulder.
01:47:30But don't worry.
01:47:31The doctor has already performed a skin graft.
01:47:33As long as you get plenty of rest,
01:47:35you'll be fine.
01:47:36It's him again.
01:47:39don't worry.
01:47:41Shane is detained
01:47:42at the police station now.
01:47:45He'll spend the rest of his life
01:47:46in prison
01:47:47in anguish.
01:47:54Mr. and Mrs. Olsen and Master Charles.
01:47:55There's a girl outside
01:47:56claiming to be Miss Wharton.
01:47:59My Whitney is finally back?
01:48:00I'll see.
01:48:01Take it easy.
01:48:03Over the years,
01:48:04it's been known all over the city
01:48:05that we've been searching for Whitney.
01:48:08There are many imposters.
01:48:10What's going on out there?
01:48:12the lady outside said
01:48:13that if you don't believe her,
01:48:15I should show you this.
01:48:19this is it.
01:48:20This is the jade pendant
01:48:21we left in her swaddling
01:48:22the day she was lost to us.
01:48:23My Whitney is finally home.
01:48:25This jade pendant
01:48:26was her newborn gift.
01:48:28I hired a skilled craftsman
01:48:29to make it for her.
01:48:32Bring her in right away.
01:48:38Cheryl Wharton,
01:48:39how could it be you?
01:48:42Is this yours?
01:48:45It's mine.
01:48:47I didn't know
01:48:48until now.
01:48:49I was adopted
01:48:50by the Whartons,
01:48:51but my adopted parents,
01:48:53they've been worried
01:48:54that I'd be upset
01:48:55about learning I was adopted,
01:48:57so they held back
01:48:58on telling me the truth.
01:49:01in addition to this jade pendant,
01:49:03has something else.
01:49:05Since you said
01:49:06you're Whitney,
01:49:08you must know what it is.
01:49:11You mean this?
01:49:15This birthmark
01:49:16is indeed the same one
01:49:17as the one on Whitney's shirt.
01:49:19Are you really Whitney?
01:49:21Whitney, my dear girl.
01:49:24We've been looking for you
01:49:25so long.
01:49:26Where have you been
01:49:27all these years?
01:49:35come see your grandpa.
01:49:39It's good to be home.
01:49:40It's good to have you home.
01:49:43Let's sit down
01:49:44and catch up.
01:49:45Yeah, let's talk.
01:49:48your name
01:49:49was on your swaddling clothes.
01:49:51Why did the Whartons
01:49:52change your name?
01:49:55I remember.
01:49:56My name was Whitney
01:49:57when I was a kid,
01:49:59but later,
01:50:00Miss Wharton,
01:50:02she thought Cheryl suited me more,
01:50:05so she changed it.
01:50:07The Whartons' daughter.
01:50:09if it weren't for her,
01:50:10I'd have found my Whitney sooner.
01:50:12You can't say that.
01:50:14Why can't I say that?
01:50:15I just...
01:50:16Whitney is finally home.
01:50:17Let's avoid talking about
01:50:18unhappy times.
01:50:22I think we should throw
01:50:23a welcome party for her.
01:50:24What do you say?
01:50:25Sounds good.
01:50:26It's a great idea.
01:50:28don't worry.
01:50:29How about this?
01:50:30On the day of the party,
01:50:31I'll invite all the celebrities
01:50:33in Rivertown.
01:50:35They'll know Whitney
01:50:36is the jewel of our family
01:50:38that we've lost and found.
01:50:43isn't that a bit
01:50:44over the top?
01:50:46my dear girl.
01:50:47It's what you deserve.
01:50:49What do you think
01:50:50of my proposal?
01:50:51The party should be massive.
01:50:52We'll make it up to Whitney
01:50:53for all the distress
01:50:54she's experienced
01:50:55over the years.
01:50:57Thanks, Grandpa.
01:50:58Thanks, Mom and Dad.
01:51:00My dear,
01:51:01welcome home.
01:51:02I'll show you
01:51:03your room upstairs.
01:51:04Even after all these years,
01:51:05your room has stayed the same.
01:51:08you stay with us.
01:51:09Sounds good.
01:51:10Let's go.
01:51:12We have to go.
01:51:15you'll have to pay more
01:51:16attention to the party.
01:51:19not going to get involved.
01:51:21Okay, Grandpa.
01:51:44Hey, James.
01:51:45My sister's been located.
01:51:46My parents want to hold
01:51:47a welcome party
01:51:48to celebrate her return.
01:51:49By the way,
01:51:50is Wendy okay?
01:51:53It's good that she was able
01:51:54to get treated so quickly.
01:51:55Then you and Wendy
01:51:56can come over together.
01:52:04Charles' sister
01:52:05has been found.
01:52:07do you want to go
01:52:08to the Olsen's party
01:52:09with me?
01:52:10Yes, of course.
01:52:11It's a major event.
01:52:12Of course we need
01:52:13to be there
01:52:14to congratulate them.
01:52:16Tomorrow we'll go together.
01:52:17I'll have your dress ready.
01:52:19But wearing a dress
01:52:20will reveal a scar
01:52:21on my shoulder.
01:52:23I'm worried
01:52:24it might embarrass you.
01:52:29You always look wonderful,
01:52:30no matter what.
01:52:33When tomorrow's party is over,
01:52:34we have something to do.
01:52:36What's that?
01:52:37The three-day deadline
01:52:38has long since passed.
01:52:39It's time for the Wartons
01:52:40to pay back what they owe you.
01:52:42before that happens,
01:52:44I have something to tell you.
01:52:47I'm listening.
01:52:48It's about my birth.
01:52:51I was actually
01:52:53adopted by the Wartons.
01:52:58Cheryl was in poor health
01:52:59when she was a child.
01:53:00She required a blood transfusion,
01:53:02but she has a special blood type.
01:53:04She was born with a blood type
01:53:06and a special blood type.
01:53:07Even if they bought blood commercially,
01:53:09they couldn't buy that much
01:53:10of that specific type.
01:53:11So the Wartons adopted me
01:53:12with the same blood type as her.
01:53:15I can't believe you were adopted
01:53:16to be a mobile blood bank
01:53:17for Cheryl's sake.
01:53:21After they took me back
01:53:22to their home,
01:53:23they took my keepsake.
01:53:25That keepsake is the key
01:53:26to finding my real parents.
01:53:28That's why I want it back so badly.
01:53:34all these years,
01:53:35you've had a hard life.
01:53:38I promise you,
01:53:39I'll get your token back
01:53:40from the Wartons
01:53:41and we'll find your real parents.
01:53:44As for the Wartons,
01:53:45they made you suffer a great deal
01:53:47and they're going to pay for this.
01:53:56thank you.
01:54:10are you ready?
01:54:11The Olsen's party is about to start.
01:54:14this dress
01:54:15will expose my scar.
01:54:18Don't worry.
01:54:19You look amazing,
01:54:20even with a scar.
01:54:23What a sweet talker.
01:54:24I still need to wear lipstick.
01:54:35I feel
01:54:36my lips are a little pale.
01:54:37Can I
01:54:38borrow your lipstick?
01:54:47All right.
01:54:49will not embarrass you.
01:54:52Let's go.
01:54:58you're here.
01:54:59Oh, Miss Wharton,
01:55:00how are you feeling?
01:55:01I've recovered.
01:55:02Thanks for your concern.
01:55:03All right.
01:55:04I know a doctor
01:55:05who is an expert at scar removal.
01:55:06I'll introduce you to him.
01:55:07Sounds good.
01:55:08Thank you.
01:55:10I'm still here.
01:55:12You're burning with jealousy.
01:55:14The party is about to begin.
01:55:15Come here.
01:55:21Hey, Charles.
01:55:22Earlier you said
01:55:23your sister's identity
01:55:24hadn't been determined yet.
01:55:25How did things progress so far?
01:55:26We didn't find her, actually.
01:55:28She came to us herself.
01:55:30She found you?
01:55:31That's right.
01:55:32She found her way to our home
01:55:33on her own with a keepsake
01:55:34my parents gave her that year.
01:55:36My parents are pretty sure
01:55:37she's my biological sister.
01:55:40It's better to be cautious
01:55:41about this kind of thing.
01:55:42Have you done a paternity test?
01:55:44She might be a fraud.
01:55:45Forget it.
01:55:46My parents are too excited
01:55:47to think clearly.
01:55:48When they've calmed down,
01:55:49I'll bring up the matter
01:55:50of a paternity test.
01:55:52which family adopted
01:55:53Miss Olsen before?
01:55:54The event is starting shortly.
01:56:00I'm delighted
01:56:01and honored
01:56:02that we are gathered here
01:56:04to celebrate
01:56:06the return
01:56:07of our daughter,
01:56:09the baby girl
01:56:10that Elsie and I
01:56:11brought into this world.
01:56:13Your parents really know
01:56:14how to throw a celebration
01:56:15for your sister.
01:56:21a warm round of applause
01:56:23to invite my dear girl,
01:56:26to meet everyone.
01:56:38what is she doing here?
01:56:40how can she be
01:56:41the Olsen's daughter?
01:56:49don't be shy.
01:56:50Chat with some people.
01:56:52We're here.
01:56:59I'm happy to be back
01:57:00in the arms of my parents.
01:57:02I'm also...
01:57:03I'm also glad you could come too.
01:57:07Come to our party.
01:57:15I'm going to get changed.
01:57:21What's going on?
01:57:22Cheryl is your sister?
01:57:24I was surprised
01:57:25to learn that as well.
01:57:29there's something I'd like to ask.
01:57:30I have to look for her.
01:57:34Just calm down.
01:57:35Don't worry.
01:57:36At our event,
01:57:37nothing will happen to Wendy.
01:57:43are you crazy?
01:57:44Why are you stalking me?
01:57:46what happened?
01:57:48are you planning?
01:57:50I'm the daughter of the Olsen's.
01:57:51Isn't it obvious?
01:57:54What are you doing here?
01:57:55Get out!
01:57:56If you're the long-lost daughter
01:57:57of the Olsen's,
01:57:58then who is Miss Wharton?
01:58:00It's you, of course.
01:58:03What are you doing here?
01:58:04Get out!
01:58:06Where are the security guards?
01:58:07I was just asking you a few questions.
01:58:09Don't panic.
01:58:10This has nothing to do with you.
01:58:12Get out now!
01:58:21I gave you a chance,
01:58:23but you chose to mess with me.
01:58:26In that case,
01:58:27prepare to suffer the consequences.
01:58:46my dear,
01:58:47what happened?
01:58:49Who tormented you?
01:58:52it's Wendy.
01:58:54She's the one
01:58:56She's the one.
01:58:58The Wharton's daughter?
01:59:01When I was at the Wharton's,
01:59:03she always bullied me.
01:59:05Now that I've returned
01:59:06to my real parents' home,
01:59:08she's even more upset with me.
01:59:10She just barged in
01:59:12and slapped me across the face
01:59:13for no reason.
01:59:15And then
01:59:16she scratched my arm
01:59:17like this.
01:59:20I'm so scared, Mom.
01:59:21Don't be afraid,
01:59:22my girl.
01:59:23Don't be afraid.
01:59:26I haven't gotten even with the Whartons
01:59:27for what they did to you,
01:59:28but now she terrorized you again.
01:59:32I know Miss Wharton.
01:59:33That's not who she is.
01:59:36who is your sister?
01:59:37Didn't you see how Whitney was bullied?
01:59:39And did you see the hell
01:59:40an outsider instead?
01:59:43I just...
01:59:44Just what?
01:59:45Get out of here!
01:59:46Stop upsetting your sister
01:59:47and ask the housekeeper
01:59:48to come here.
02:00:06Mrs. Olsen.
02:00:09I'll bankrupt the Whartons
02:00:10and make them disappear
02:00:11in Rivertown forever!
02:00:15what are you talking about?
02:00:17What does this have to do
02:00:18with the Whartons?
02:00:19It's when you attacked me.
02:00:20It's when you bullied me.
02:00:23you need to listen
02:00:24to your mother.
02:00:25This family
02:00:26has allowed Wendy
02:00:27to harass you for years.
02:00:29I believe
02:00:30it's time
02:00:31to teach them a lesson.
02:00:34Leave it to me.
02:00:38But what?
02:00:40the Olsens is your real home.
02:00:41Is it
02:00:42that you still have
02:00:43any love for the family?
02:00:51I'll listen to you.
02:00:59Mr. Ford.
02:01:01if you want to come,
02:01:02please let me know in advance.
02:01:03I'll make you some tea.
02:01:06I'm not here for tea today.
02:01:08I'm here to ask for something
02:01:10on Wendy's behalf.
02:01:13Mr. Ford,
02:01:14we're a family.
02:01:15We don't talk about
02:01:16asking for something.
02:01:18I'll ask Wendy
02:01:19to get you some tea.
02:01:20Ask my wife
02:01:21to get you some tea?
02:01:22Who do you think you are?
02:01:24The three-day deadline
02:01:25has already passed.
02:01:26Where's the token
02:01:27you promised to give to her?
02:01:28A week ago,
02:01:29you said it would take
02:01:30some time to find it.
02:01:31It's been so long.
02:01:32Why haven't you found it yet?
02:01:35We found it...
02:01:41we found it,
02:01:43Wendy was hospitalized,
02:01:44so we didn't
02:01:45want to bother her.
02:01:46We were just about
02:01:47to have it delivered to her,
02:01:48but since you're here,
02:01:50I'll get it now.
02:01:56This is what you want.
02:01:59James, let's go.
02:02:06Don't ever bother Wendy again.
02:02:08Are we clear about this?
02:02:11Yeah, yeah.
02:02:13Take care.
02:02:17Cheryl take the jade pendant?
02:02:19Where did you get that one?
02:02:21Well, you see,
02:02:22we have a lot of those
02:02:23kind of pendants.
02:02:25you mean...
02:02:27you gave her a fake?
02:02:28It's been so many years,
02:02:29she's probably forgotten
02:02:30what it looks like.
02:02:31Well, she couldn't tell
02:02:32the difference.
02:02:34Oh, if...
02:02:35that gets out...
02:02:39Now stop.
02:02:40Shut up.
02:02:41Just stop.
02:02:46Miss Wharton,
02:02:47when today's gathering ended,
02:02:48you left in a hurry.
02:02:49There was something
02:02:50I wanted to tell you.
02:02:52Mr. Olsen,
02:02:53please call me Wendy.
02:02:54Is there anything urgent?
02:02:56You went to the restroom
02:02:57to look for my sister.
02:02:59My mom knew that.
02:03:00My mom was afraid
02:03:01she'd get hurt,
02:03:03I wasn't allowed to, Cheryl.
02:03:04I just said a few words to her
02:03:05before I was shoved outside.
02:03:06What's wrong with her?
02:03:09The marks on her body.
02:03:12What marks?
02:03:13You didn't hurt her then?
02:03:14Miss Wharton,
02:03:15my mom enjoys
02:03:16spoiling her now.
02:03:18if she does something to you
02:03:19because of this,
02:03:20I hope you won't
02:03:21take it personally.
02:03:23It's alright.
02:03:24Although Cheryl set me up
02:03:25on purpose,
02:03:26I believe Mrs. Olsen
02:03:27will see through her.
02:03:29And I'll do my best
02:03:30to protect you.
02:03:32You don't need
02:03:33to defend my wife.
02:03:34My wife
02:03:35is under my protection.
02:03:37I wonder how it is so easy
02:03:38for your family
02:03:39to accept someone
02:03:40as their daughter.
02:03:41I also feel confused about it.
02:03:42We only contacted
02:03:43a handful of families
02:03:44suspected of adopting
02:03:45my sister by phone
02:03:46back then.
02:03:47The Whartons
02:03:48were one of those families.
02:03:49I didn't expect Cheryl
02:03:50to come to my door
02:03:51with the jade pendant.
02:03:52Jade pendant?
02:03:54When my sister was born,
02:03:56my father had a jade pendant
02:03:57made for her
02:03:59and put it in her
02:04:00swaddling clothes.
02:04:01It's exactly the same
02:04:02as the one Cheryl
02:04:03brought with her.
02:04:14James, you...
02:04:15What are you doing?
02:04:18you didn't notice
02:04:19that I was jealous?
02:04:21You're my wife.
02:04:22That guy Charles
02:04:23said he'd protect you
02:04:24right in front of me.
02:04:26You were still
02:04:27talking and laughing,
02:04:29Mr. Olsen once said
02:04:30you're a jealous man.
02:04:32I didn't believe it then,
02:04:33but now he's right.
02:04:39Come on,
02:04:40be serious.
02:04:41You don't see
02:04:42anything wrong with that?
02:04:46You found it too.
02:04:49What a coincidence.
02:04:50When the Olsen
02:04:51sent someone to inquire,
02:04:53Cheryl suddenly became
02:04:54the girl who disappeared
02:04:55that year.
02:04:57I'm not the Wharton's
02:04:58own daughter either.
02:05:00Is it possible that
02:05:01the Whartons adopted
02:05:02two children?
02:05:04where's the jade pendant
02:05:05they gave you?
02:05:10This one?
02:05:13Are you sure this one
02:05:14is the one you brought
02:05:15to their home?
02:05:17I wore it until
02:05:18I was six years old
02:05:19when it was taken from me,
02:05:20but after such a long time,
02:05:21I can't remember
02:05:22the exact pattern on it.
02:05:27do you mind
02:05:28if I take this jade pendant
02:05:29for appraisal?
02:05:31It's a good idea
02:05:32to get it assessed.
02:05:34don't you think
02:05:35there's something fishy
02:05:36about this?
02:05:38Don't worry, Wendy.
02:05:39No matter the case,
02:05:40I'll get to the bottom of it.
02:05:43I trust you.
02:05:48Mr. Ford,
02:05:49this jade is good quality.
02:05:51Do you think it's fake?
02:05:53Get it tested
02:05:54as soon as possible.
02:05:55I want to know everything,
02:05:57from where it was produced
02:05:58from when it was made.
02:05:59I see,
02:06:00Mr. Ford.
02:06:01Give me three days.
02:06:02I will investigate
02:06:03the matter thoroughly.
02:06:04Three days is too long.
02:06:05You have one day.
02:06:07I'm sorry.
02:06:08Just one day?
02:06:09Wendy's waited too long already
02:06:10for the truth.
02:06:11I want to find it out
02:06:12as soon as possible
02:06:13for her sake.
02:06:14Yes, Mr. Ford.
02:06:20Mr. and Mrs. Wharton,
02:06:21bad news.
02:06:22What's the hurry?
02:06:23Bad manners.
02:06:25Mr. Wharton,
02:06:26something happened
02:06:27at the office.
02:06:28James Ford just gave us
02:06:29three hundred million dollars.
02:06:30What's going on
02:06:31with the company?
02:06:32It's the Olsens.
02:06:33They've taken
02:06:34all our customers.
02:06:35Now the company's revenues
02:06:36have increased.
02:06:37Now the company's revenues
02:06:38are in tatters.
02:06:39Banks are also starting to
02:06:40call in on loan payments.
02:06:41Mr. Wharton,
02:06:42you have to do something.
02:06:43If this continues,
02:06:44the company will soon
02:06:45go bankrupt.
02:06:46What did you say?
02:06:47The Olsens took our customers?
02:06:48Yes, Mr. Wharton.
02:06:49It's true.
02:06:51you need to call Cheryl
02:06:52and ask her
02:06:53what's going on.
02:06:57Call Cheryl.
02:07:05Your dad?
02:07:06The Olsens?
02:07:08What's going on with them?
02:07:10You just asked.
02:07:11What are you talking about?
02:07:12Who's your daughter?
02:07:14My father's Evan Olsen,
02:07:15the famous real estate tycoon
02:07:17in Rivertown.
02:07:19Oh, Cheryl.
02:07:20This is urgent.
02:07:21Stop acting.
02:07:23You'll have to find out
02:07:24what happened by yourselves.
02:07:27I don't even know
02:07:28what you're talking about.
02:07:29Don't ever call me again.
02:07:30If my parents find out,
02:07:31the Whartons will suffer
02:07:32even more.
02:07:39what is going on?
02:07:43We're absolutely screwed.
02:07:45We're dead this time.
02:07:51She hung up
02:07:52and said
02:07:53not to call her again
02:07:54or involve her in this.
02:07:58my God.
02:08:01She abandoned us.
02:08:07by the way,
02:08:09call Wendy.
02:08:10Yeah, right.
02:08:11Call, call, call.
02:08:13Call Wendy.
02:08:20I was just about to call and ask
02:08:21when you were coming back.
02:08:22After a long day of meetings,
02:08:23you must be tired.
02:08:27The thought of having you at home
02:08:28makes me more energetic.
02:08:30Miss me?
02:08:33What's this?
02:08:34What's this?
02:08:36The test results
02:08:37of the jade pennant
02:08:38given by the Whartons.
02:08:40This jade pennant is new.
02:08:41It's made of this year's new material.
02:08:43Sure enough.
02:08:45I thought it was too good to be true.
02:08:50can I have a strand of your hair?
02:08:52I want to get a paternity test done
02:08:53for you and Charles.
02:08:54You mean
02:08:55you think I'm the Olsen's
02:08:56real daughter?
02:08:58The shortest time
02:08:59for a paternity test result
02:09:00is three days.
02:09:01In three days' time,
02:09:02we'll find out the truth.
02:09:11rest assured,
02:09:12even if you're not
02:09:13the Olsen's child,
02:09:14I'll help you find
02:09:15your real parents.
02:09:18Thank you for helping me.
02:09:19I'm sure I'll find
02:09:20my parents soon.
02:09:26The Whartons have recently
02:09:27been targeted by the Olsen's.
02:09:28They'll come begging for help.
02:09:30It's sure to happen.
02:09:33be soft-hearted.
02:09:34Sure, James.
02:09:35I have my ways.
02:09:37If Cheryl is really
02:09:38an imposter,
02:09:40I'll expose her
02:09:42with this opportunity.
02:09:53Is something wrong
02:09:54with the company?
02:09:56I'll be right back.
02:09:57Hey, Wendy.
02:09:58Our family
02:09:59has experienced
02:10:00such radical changes
02:10:01and our company
02:10:02is on the verge
02:10:03of bankruptcy.
02:10:04You're going to sit around
02:10:05and do nothing about it?
02:10:08we're desperate.
02:10:10Can you ask Mr. Ford
02:10:13please give us
02:10:16around 70 million dollars?
02:10:2070 million should be enough.
02:10:21Last time you paid
02:10:22for it,
02:10:23you paid for it.
02:10:2570 million should be enough.
02:10:26Last time you begged
02:10:27Mr. Ford to give us money
02:10:28and he quickly agreed to it.
02:10:30This time,
02:10:31he'll agree again,
02:10:36You're such a nice girl.
02:10:38I knew you wouldn't
02:10:39abandon us, right?
02:10:42Oh, Wendy,
02:10:43I'm so grateful to you.
02:10:45But there's no such thing
02:10:46as a free lunch.
02:10:47If you want me to help you,
02:10:48you also need to tell me
02:10:49the truth.
02:10:51Tell the truth?
02:10:52What do you mean?
02:10:55This is a fake.
02:10:56It's made of this year's
02:10:57new material.
02:10:58Where is the real
02:10:59jade pendant?
02:11:01what are you talking about?
02:11:02This is your jade pendant.
02:11:04No more lies.
02:11:05Now there are only
02:11:06options here.
02:11:07Either you tell me nothing
02:11:08and wait until the
02:11:09Whartons go bankrupt,
02:11:11or you tell me the truth
02:11:12and I'll ask James
02:11:13to give you the money.
02:11:16I'll tell you.
02:11:18you can't tell her.
02:11:19If you tell,
02:11:20then Cheryl will...
02:11:21It's urgent.
02:11:22You still want to
02:11:23protect her?
02:11:24She's latched onto
02:11:25a new set of parents.
02:11:26What's the point
02:11:27of protecting her now?
02:11:30you two could talk it over.
02:11:32No, no, no, no.
02:11:36I'll tell you the truth.
02:11:39You see,
02:11:41the real jade pendant
02:11:44is in Cheryl's possession.
02:11:47She took it
02:11:48and had a birthmark
02:11:49grafted onto her body
02:11:51to look like
02:11:52the Olsen's daughter.
02:11:54I can't believe
02:11:55you allowed her to do this.
02:12:00we just made a mistake.
02:12:04now that
02:12:05I've told you the truth,
02:12:07please help us.
02:12:12Wait for my update.
02:12:21Miss Olsen,
02:12:22Mr. and Mrs. Ford are here.
02:12:26What's she doing here?
02:12:30last time she was in the lounge
02:12:31harassing me
02:12:32and now she's coming here again.
02:12:36I'm so scared.
02:12:37It's okay, Whitney.
02:12:38Grandpa, your father,
02:12:39and I are all here.
02:12:40Don't be afraid.
02:12:41Didn't you hear
02:12:42my girl said she was scared?
02:12:43Get them out of here!
02:12:46we've been friends
02:12:47with the Fords for years.
02:12:48Even if there's
02:12:49some misunderstanding,
02:12:50there's no need
02:12:51to kick them out.
02:12:53Well, Elsie,
02:12:54take your time.
02:12:56I think what Charles said
02:12:57makes some sense.
02:12:59It's scorching outside.
02:13:01Tell them to bring in
02:13:02Mr. and Mrs. Ford.
02:13:16Mr. and Mrs. Ford,
02:13:17is there something going on
02:13:18that brings you here?
02:13:21Mr. Olsen,
02:13:22I've brought my wife here
02:13:23to find her birth parent.
02:13:26Mr. Ford,
02:13:27you must be kidding.
02:13:29Aren't Ms. Wharton's
02:13:30real parents the Whartons?
02:13:32Why did you come to our home
02:13:33looking for her parents?
02:13:35Mrs. Olsen,
02:13:36this is the paternity test
02:13:37that Charles and I took.
02:13:39You might as well have a look.
02:13:44has been stealing from me
02:13:45since I was a kid.
02:13:46And now she's trying
02:13:47to rob your love too.
02:13:50get her out here.
02:13:52Ms. Wharton,
02:13:55you competed with our Whitney
02:13:56for your parents' favor.
02:13:57Now the Whartons
02:13:58are out of business.
02:14:00do you hate your parents?
02:14:06the report shows
02:14:07that there is indeed
02:14:08a blood connection
02:14:09between Wendy and I.
02:14:14Of course not.
02:14:15It has to be fake.
02:14:18Mrs. Olsen,
02:14:19I'm always honest.
02:14:21I would never cheat you.
02:14:24Are you sure you don't want
02:14:25to look at this document?
02:14:27don't trust him.
02:14:28Wendy is lying.
02:14:33What is going on?
02:14:35Mrs. Olsen,
02:14:36if you doubt
02:14:37that this report is valid,
02:14:38you might as well listen
02:14:39to what the Whartons said.
02:14:43This jade pendant
02:14:44is a fake.
02:14:45The real one
02:14:46was taken by Cheryl.
02:14:48She not only took
02:14:49your jade pendant,
02:14:50but also had a birthmark
02:14:51grafted on her shoulder
02:14:52that looks the same as yours,
02:14:54all to masquerade
02:14:55as your daughter.
02:14:59That's impossible.
02:15:01How can this be?
02:15:03It's impossible.
02:15:05They're all liars.
02:15:07They're all liars.
02:15:08Trust me.
02:15:10You're Whitney?
02:15:12Then your shoulder...
02:15:17My wife used to have
02:15:18a red birthmark
02:15:19on her shoulder.
02:15:23to replace my wife,
02:15:24Cheryl hired a thug
02:15:25to throw sulfuric acid
02:15:26on her skin.
02:15:29How convenient.
02:15:33Your family are crazy.
02:15:36How dare you
02:15:37lie to us about this matter?
02:15:40remove Cheryl
02:15:41Ward and this imposter.
02:15:44believe me,
02:15:45I'm the real
02:15:46Ms. Olsen.
02:15:52believe me,
02:15:53I'm the real
02:15:54Ms. Olsen.
02:15:58I'll make your...
02:15:59I'll make your life
02:16:01I swear to God.
02:16:05I'm sorry.
02:16:06It's my...
02:16:07It's all my fault.
02:16:08All these years,
02:16:09my real daughter
02:16:10has been right in front of me,
02:16:11but I didn't
02:16:12recognize you.
02:16:17My girl,
02:16:18you just look
02:16:19so familiar to me.
02:16:21Are you
02:16:22the girl
02:16:23who saved me that day?
02:16:31You are indeed
02:16:32a member
02:16:33of our family.
02:16:35have a seat.
02:16:41over the years,
02:16:42I've suffered a great deal.
02:16:57What are you doing?
02:16:58I got it first.
02:17:03You are...
02:17:05Cheryl Wharton!
02:17:08I'm not.
02:17:10As the daughter
02:17:12of the Whartons,
02:17:13I can't believe
02:17:14you're a beggar like me,
02:17:15picking up trash to eat.
02:17:17I said I'm not!
02:17:20It's all because
02:17:21of that evil Wendy!
02:17:22I'll kill her!
02:17:25If it weren't for her,
02:17:26if it weren't for her,
02:17:28James wouldn't have
02:17:29kicked me out!
02:17:32So you've been
02:17:33victimized by Wendy too?
02:17:35Can you let it go?
02:17:37What do you want?
02:17:39If not for Wendy,
02:17:41we wouldn't have become
02:17:42what we are now.
02:17:44How come we're picking up trash
02:17:45while she lives so comfortably?
02:17:49I'll kill her.
02:17:51Only when she's dead
02:17:53will I be able to move on.
02:17:57I can't turn the tide
02:17:58either way.
02:17:59What can we do?
02:18:06I'm sorry.
02:18:14James, I told you,
02:18:15it's just a small matter
02:18:16for the company.
02:18:17I'll be back soon.
02:18:19Let Eric handle
02:18:20our department's affairs.
02:18:21Our department affairs?
02:18:22How can I bother Mr. Tripp?
02:18:24Don't be so clingy.
02:18:25Please wait for me at home.
02:18:27I'll wait for you at home.
02:18:28Come back soon.
02:18:38you've had a few days of bliss.
02:18:40Now it's time to go to hell.
02:18:45Tell us.
02:18:46We'll give you one chance
02:18:47to say your last words.
02:18:49no one will actually
02:18:50hear you say them.
02:18:54if James knows what you've done,
02:18:55he'll never forgive you.
02:18:58I'm sorry.
02:18:59I'm sorry.
02:19:00I'm sorry.
02:19:01I'm sorry.
02:19:02I'm sorry.
02:19:03I'm sorry.
02:19:04I'm sorry.
02:19:07I'm afraid that by the time
02:19:08he finds out,
02:19:09we'll be long gone.
02:19:10You're still dreaming.
02:19:11Pathetic girl.
02:19:12If you'd been with me earlier,
02:19:15you wouldn't have fallen
02:19:16to these depths.
02:19:17What are you doing?
02:19:19It's urgent.
02:19:21if we're delayed,
02:19:22we're both dead.
02:19:25Got it.
02:19:33What do you want?
02:19:36what are you saying?
02:19:37Are you satisfied
02:19:38with the means of death
02:19:39we've prepared for you?
02:19:46Jared Ford,
02:19:47you let me go
02:19:48and I'll go back
02:19:49and beg James.
02:19:50You can still go back
02:19:51to the Fords
02:19:52and be Master Jared again.
02:19:53If you continue
02:19:54to be influenced by Cheryl,
02:19:55you'll be on the run
02:19:56for the rest of your life.
02:19:57You're willing to beg James
02:19:58for my sake?
02:19:59Stop listening to her.
02:20:00Do you think James
02:20:01will spare you if he knows
02:20:02you kidnapped her?
02:20:03She's just trying
02:20:04to get you to set up.
02:20:08What a good-for-nothing
02:20:09you are.
02:20:10Don't buy her lies.
02:20:11I'll do it.
02:20:14you try to lie to me
02:20:15at the end of your life?
02:20:16You wish.
02:20:17Go to hell!
02:20:31Mr. Ford,
02:20:32you can't go up there.
02:20:33The fire is too intense.
02:20:35Let go of me!
02:20:36I'm going to rescue Wendy!
02:20:37Mr. Ford.
02:20:51I'm sorry I'm late.
02:21:01Take her to the hospital!
02:21:09Cheryl Warden and Jared Ford
02:21:10have been arrested.
02:21:11I'm sorry I couldn't protect you.
02:21:13As long as you wake up,
02:21:15you can beat and scold me
02:21:17however you want.
02:21:20Mr. Ford,
02:21:21we have some news.
02:21:23Mrs. Ford
02:21:24is four weeks pregnant.
02:21:26Have a look at these test results.
02:21:31we're having a baby, Wendy.
02:21:33You have to wake up.
02:21:35You have to wake up
02:21:36safe and sound.
02:21:38I've got a surprise for you, Wendy.
02:21:40Wake up and look at me, okay?
02:21:43Mr. Ford,
02:21:45you're so noisy.
02:21:47You wake up, Wendy.
02:21:48You woke me up.
02:21:49You woke me up.
02:21:52It's my fault.
02:21:53My fault.
02:21:55you know we're having a baby.
02:21:57You're four weeks pregnant.
02:22:00I'm overjoyed.
02:22:02I can't lose you now.
02:22:04Me too.
02:22:06I'm so happy.
02:22:11what are you doing
02:22:12being so secretive?
02:22:20What are you doing here?
02:22:34I couldn't give you
02:22:35a proper proposal
02:22:36and wedding.
02:22:37It's all my fault.
02:22:39I want to make every effort
02:22:40to make it up to you.
02:22:42will you marry me again?
02:22:44Yes, I will.
02:22:49I love you.
02:22:56James Ford,
02:22:57the rest of my life
02:22:58is in your hands.
02:23:02for the rest of my life,
02:23:03I'll marry you.