আর.জি করের দোষীদের কঠোরতম শাস্তির দাবিতে পথে নামলেন স্বয়ং মমতা! হামলার দায় চাপালেন কাদের ঘাড়ে?

  • 2 weeks ago
আর.জি করের দোষীদের কঠোরতম শাস্তির দাবিতে পথে নামলেন স্বয়ং মমতা! হামলার দায় চাপালেন কাদের ঘাড়ে?
00:00I am not able to accept this incident.
00:02Listen, I am a politician.
00:05But before I become a politician, I am a human being.
00:08The Chief Minister, Mamata Pantapadhyay, has been pressuring the opposition parties
00:12about the Arjikar Kanda from the beginning.
00:14And now she has taken a stand against the incident.
00:17Mamata Pantapadhyay took a stand against the Arjikar Kanda.
00:21She did not even want to target the CPIM and BJP from the Bighob's stage.
00:26When the athletes, wrestlers, and the BJP people are misbehaving,
00:34they do not look at us.
00:36Is this the way our king thinks?
00:40When the hard-working, hard-working, hard-working women are being discriminated against,
00:48they do not look at us.
00:51They do not take us out.
00:54They do not say a word.
00:57And today, an unfortunate incident has happened.
01:01An unfortunate incident has happened.
01:04A tragic incident has happened.
01:07No one supports this.
01:10I am saying this from day one.
01:13The culprits should be punished.
01:16And they should be punished like this.
01:20They should be hanged.
01:23We should be hanged by the state government.
01:26Our police, which was in full swing,
01:31I went to their house on Monday.
01:36When did the incident happen?
01:39On Friday, when I was in Jharkhand.
01:42You should understand this.
01:45I was coming back from Jharkhand.
01:48There was a program for the tribals.
01:50World Tribal Day.
01:52When I was on my way back,
01:55I got a message from the police commissioner.
01:58He had already reached the Ardhikar Hospital.
02:01He gave me a description of the incident.
02:04And then he told me about it to his parents.
02:10I told my parents.
02:13We condemn this incident.
02:16And this incident should be hanged.
02:19The Kolkata Police will do this.
02:22The state government will help the police in every way.
02:26On the day of the Kolkata Police Commissioner's work,
02:29the person who did this,
02:32the person who did this,
02:35the evidence of the person who did this,
02:38cannot come out for media trial.
02:41The person who was hanged cannot say his name.
02:45His body cannot be seen.
02:48That is why all the students of Ardhikar,
02:53bring the Judicial Magistrate.
02:56Under him, the Kolkata Police did the post-mortem.
03:02They said that the Kolkata Police,
03:05with the evidence of each student,
03:08accepted everything.
03:11I cannot accept this incident.
03:14Listen, I am a politician.
03:17But before doing politics, I am a human being.
03:20On this day, Chief Minister Mamata Pantapadhyay,
03:23asked the CBI to extend the time limit for the Ardhikar incident.
03:27Because she had given the time limit to the Kolkata Police.
03:31She also claimed that she had gone a long way.
03:35On the stage, she gave a slogan to the Trinamool MPs.
03:39It's not a play, it's a hanging.
03:42She wrote, just like Brihaspati Bar,
03:45On Wednesday night, Mamata Pantapadhyay,
03:48called the BJP and CBI for the Ardhikar incident.
03:51We want justice for the criminals.
03:54We want justice for the criminals.
03:57We want justice for the criminals.
04:00At the same time, Chief Minister,
04:03Justice Minister, all of them were Mamata Pantapadhyay.
04:06And now, on behalf of Ardhikar Kanda,
04:09she took a straight path.
04:12Bureau Report, One India, Bangla.
