Kate Scott RETURNS To The Roast!

  • 2 weeks ago
00:00It's a payday Friday. It's a 50 cent Friday. And it's a Kate Scott Friday. What? Did she
00:06dial the wrong number? We have the wrong person. Wait, Kate, Kate, Philadelphia, Scott, cheese
00:12steaks. I don't know. Oh yeah. Kate Scott joined us on the River Island's guest line.
00:16You can hear the laugh right now, folks. All guests on 9570 game appear on the River Island's
00:20guest line. This is a time for you to discover the islands, River Island and Lathrop. Roasters
00:26an original roaster, a master roaster, and she's back on because we've got some things to talk
00:30about. But Kate, what's happening? Good morning. I don't know. Where are you at right now? Are you
00:34on a beach with a jolly bead talking about his Olympic gold medal? Shasky roasters. You guys
00:41are flushing me before I've even come on the damn phone line with you. I'm in Nashville, Tennessee,
00:47getting ready to call some Seahawks Titans preseason football on Saturday. I didn't want
00:52to read that. Good to catch up with you guys this morning. You guys, I listen to Chris Stapleton.
00:58So long, Nashville, Tennessee. I don't even know if you know that song, but it's it's a banger.
01:03It makes me tear up. I love that Shasky and see, I had the most Nashville of Nashville nights last
01:09night. Laura Oakman, who's a sideline reporter for Fox, doing it forever. She is awesome. We've
01:15been like, you know, social media buddies forever, but we've never been able to get together in
01:21person. Our schedules just haven't allowed it. She and her husband live here. Her husband's from
01:25the Central Valley, like me. Shout out to Selman Clovis. And they were like, hey, our friend,
01:31the singer songwriter, she's doing a little set at 6 p.m. at this little place called The Listening
01:37Room. Like, why don't you come? We'll be in bed by 830. We're all old. You know how it goes.
01:42And one of the women played a song that she just wrote for Chris Stapleton's new album. So we've
01:47come through. I know you had no idea where I was. Wow. Well, no, you have these. This is why
01:52they're in a procession. Why we're here. In the words of Chris, we came full circle. Yeah,
01:57I was going long and I was like, I got to get Chris Stapleton. This is taking a while. But
02:01anyway, it's great to be back. Hey, listen, Kate, you're no different to Joe Shasky. Sometimes I
02:05tell him to play, play, play, play. We're just stuck in the air for a while here. But by the
02:09way, before we even get started, I got to play this because I can't. We thought we got rid of
02:14you, Kate. We thought we were going to be in Philadelphia last night. Hold on, hold on, hold
02:21on, hold on, hold on, hold on. We got Eagle stuff and everything. And then we're playing bad and
02:27twenty twenty five. And this happens. Oh, look at this. He's set up to throw.
02:32He's looking deep once again.
02:42Going deep right away.
02:44He's got his man.
02:48Working inside the red zone.
02:50And that's a touchdown for our winner right now,
02:56I mean, I watch League Pass,
02:58and I'm watching the Sixers, and there's Kate.
03:00We're watching Seahawks trying to get ready for our rivals.
03:03There's Kate.
03:04And now we're playing Madden,
03:05and Jassie's got a dynasty with the Jets.
03:07I'm trying to figure out who I'm gonna play with,
03:09and I just said, you know what?
03:10I'm gonna go back to NCAA football for a second here.
03:13Kate's got a Madden now?
03:14Good Lord!
03:16Congratulations, Kate.
03:17We're so proud of you.
03:18I just try to spread it everywhere.
03:19I try to spread it everywhere.
03:20Thank you so much.
03:21And I'm glad, the crowd noise is coming in hot,
03:24that's for sure.
03:25They worked on the audio a lot.
03:26Yeah, but it's been a crazy couple of years, guys.
03:28I got that gig at this time in 2022.
03:32I have had over 165 hours in this little
03:36phone booth-sized studio that they built me in my basement.
03:39And it's been a while,
03:40because they weren't looking to hire a chick
03:43or anything, they just wanted to refresh.
03:45All you guys who've played Madden and Gals
03:46know that it's been Brandon and Charles
03:48for what, seven or eight years now?
03:50So they were just looking for a couple
03:52of new broadcast pairs.
03:54Tariqo and Greg are one of them.
03:56And then they really liked just kind of the energy
03:59and video game-esque-ness of what Brock and I brought.
04:02I auditioned with a bunch of different people,
04:04and they were kind of just trying to find,
04:06I guess, a pair that they liked.
04:07And I was one part of that pair,
04:09and it has been an awesome couple of years.
04:13Really tedious, really meticulous,
04:14because as anybody who plays Madden knows,
04:17like we've had to record every name and every team
04:20and every scenario that could happen
04:22in an actual football game, but then it's Madden.
04:24And there's a chance that you're gonna go
04:26for two eight times in the first quarter.
04:28There's a chance that you're gonna punt
04:30an NFL record 17 times.
04:33So we've had to record all of those lines, too,
04:35and try to get the emotion behind it.
04:37And that's really what we were going for,
04:38like bring the energy, make it conversational,
04:42because it is football, but it's also a video game.
04:44So let's have fun with it.
04:45So it's been awesome.
04:47All right, Kate, let's get down to the business here
04:49and why you're on, because I have a couple
04:51other funny things I want to get into.
04:53Yes, please.
04:55Specifically if Philly still hates us
04:56and how notorious we are out there.
04:58Kate, I'll be in Philly.
05:00I mean, I was actually, I was a little scared
05:02to come on with you guys this morning,
05:03because I've spent three years really building up
05:06my goodwill in Philly, and I'm hoping it doesn't all
05:10just burn up in a flame of glory this morning,
05:14because I wanted to come back on and chat with you guys.
05:15But go ahead, Chad, go ahead.
05:17So what's this Bo Chapman thing?
05:19I know that you were very close with Bo for a long time,
05:23and for those that maybe don't know who Bo is
05:26and what's going on right now,
05:28give us the importance of who he was in your life
05:31and what's kind of going on right now.
05:34Yeah, well, thanks so much for making space for this.
05:35I'll try to make this quicker than my Chris Stapleton story.
05:39So Bo Chapman, born and raised in the Bay Area.
05:41I'm sure some of you listening this morning
05:42went to high school with Bo.
05:45He was an incredible statistician.
05:47He was Tim Roy's right-hand man
05:49when he wasn't working with Tim on Warriors broadcast.
05:52He was slumming it with me at the Pac-12.
05:54We do softball series together.
05:56We do basketball.
05:57And a statistician, just to the left
06:00of the play-by-play announcer, in every sport,
06:02but really important in basketball and football.
06:05So anytime you hear your favorite broadcaster, Gus Johnson,
06:09Kevin Harlan, Ian Eagle,
06:10whoever your favorite person is.
06:11Kate Scott.
06:12Drop, exactly, Shaski, Kate Scott.
06:15Anytime you hear them drop a stat,
06:16when you're like, whoa, man,
06:18this game is going a mile a minute.
06:19Like, how did they know that Seth Curry
06:22has hit more first quarter threes today
06:24than he has in the past two and a half months?
06:25Like, that is such a random stat.
06:28Well, that's because they had a great statistician
06:30sitting next to them.
06:31So Bo was Tim's guy, Bo was my guy.
06:34And when you get to a national level,
06:38not quite there yet, but like the names I just mentioned,
06:41Mike Breen, Kevin Harlan.
06:43When you get to that level,
06:44there's such a trust and accuracy needed
06:47between the statistician and the play-by-play announcer
06:49because they're giving you cards
06:51and you don't have time to check if they're right.
06:53All people know is you're either incredible
06:55and a genius on air,
06:56or you're an idiot who dropped the wrong stat.
06:59So there's a really intense relationship
07:01between statistician and play-by-play.
07:02Anyway, when you get to the national level,
07:04you travel with your own person
07:05because like, they're your guy or your gal.
07:08And you're there because you have that relationship.
07:10So Bo and I always talked about,
07:11like Bo was gonna be my guy.
07:13He was one of the first people
07:14because he worked with Tim Roy,
07:16he also did a college football package with Fox Sports.
07:18He was like, Kate, you can do this.
07:20He was one of the first people
07:21to make me believe that I could
07:23because he worked with all these dudes
07:24who were already doing it.
07:25So I thought to myself,
07:27well, if Bo is telling me I can do it, maybe I can.
07:29Anyway, five years ago,
07:31he died tragically in a car accident.
07:33It wrecked all of us.
07:35His dad, Jeff, longtime Bay Area sports writer,
07:38longtime statistician.
07:39Jeff has been Gus Johnson's statistician
07:42for 25 plus years.
07:44And he and Bo had started this company called StatFactor
07:47that creates the spotting boards,
07:49like the boards I use to look down
07:51when I call my Seahawks preseason,
07:53when I'm calling Sixers games.
07:55They're created by Jeff's company.
07:57It just makes it a life for us.
08:00So they were like, how can we honor Bo's legacy?
08:03Because one of the big things was
08:06there's a lot of older statisticians
08:08and it's just kind of not cool.
08:09Like kids our age don't really think,
08:12do I want to be a radio host?
08:13Do I want to be a play-by-play?
08:14I don't really want to be a statistician.
08:16So there's kind of this big gap in the statistician,
08:19minor leagues as I like to call it,
08:21of people who need to get the reps
08:23in high school and college.
08:24So that the next generation of incredible announcers,
08:28maybe me, will have the next Bo Chapman to choose from.
08:31So they said, let's start this free
08:34annual statistician training school.
08:37Jeff runs it.
08:37Again, Jeff is one of the best statisticians in the country.
08:40I'm lucky enough to now get to hire him
08:42for my Seahawks preseason broadcast
08:44because it's right before his season starts with Gus.
08:47So we're working together for the first time.
08:49Bob Rathburn, who's the Hawks TV play-by-play announcer.
08:53I'm sure everybody knows Tim Brando.
08:54He's been calling college football for Fox for years.
08:57The three of us are going to be on the call.
09:00It's next Wednesday from 9.30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
09:03It's completely free.
09:05And we just kind of want to give anybody
09:07who's interested in numbers,
09:08if you've thought about a career in sports,
09:10are you detail-oriented, any of that stuff.
09:13And you may not end up being a statistician,
09:15but we'd love for you to come for the free school,
09:18see if anything piques your interest,
09:20listen to us old heads who've been in the industry
09:22for a while, talk about some of our fun adventures
09:25and some great things that statisticians
09:28like Bo have done for us.
09:30We're really looking to try to, in Bo's honor,
09:33build that next generation of incredible statisticians
09:36who we then get to go to Nashville with
09:38and go see great country music shows.
09:41That's the best part, is that you get to live
09:43this incredible life with people you love
09:45and you're getting paid to cover sports, as you guys know.
09:48Talking to the great Kay Scott here
09:49on the River Islands Guest Line, who's so well said,
09:51because I get those same staff actors
09:53for our pregame show, Kay, from Jeff Chapman,
09:55and those stats are unbelievable.
09:57The nuggets they send and the research
09:59that they do for this.
10:00And so, I was talking to the Warriors Basketball Academy,
10:03all these kids, because everybody has dreams
10:04of being in the NBA or the NFL or Major League Baseball,
10:07but there's other ways to be part of sports.
10:09And I think Matt Kolsky's done this on the side
10:11for Fitzgerald a couple times.
10:12It's a great way to have a great seat at a basketball game.
10:16And Bo Chapman did it at the high level,
10:17and I saw the video of Gus Johnson breaking down
10:21when he did tragically pass away,
10:22but Jeff Chapman and them, they do a great job
10:24at doing this, and so you're a panelist this year.
10:26R.C. Davis, obviously, on the executive board,
10:28it was dear, dear to his heart to have you on here
10:30to talk about this.
10:31And now in year number five, year number five
10:34of this training school, and I think it's very important,
10:36Kay, this is a good avenue to get into the sports world.
10:40It is an incredible avenue, and I think, Bonte,
10:44it's one of the forgotten avenues, right?
10:46I talk to kids all the time, I'm sure you guys do too,
10:48because I'm so energized by this next generation,
10:52but I think it's so easy to think like,
10:54I can be a radio host, I can be a play-by-play announcer,
10:57I can be a sideline reporter.
10:59You often don't think about all the behind-the-scenes.
11:01We also need producers and directors and graphics operators
11:05and statisticians, and it is an incredible way
11:09that you can work forever in sports,
11:12because every radio broadcast, every television broadcast,
11:15from high school all the way through
11:17the professional leagues, you know,
11:19I have a ton of friends who are statisticians
11:21who worked the Olympics in Paris the last couple of weeks.
11:25You know, statisticians who I met for the jazz,
11:28my friend in Utah, and he's like,
11:30Kay, I'm doing my first Olympics, I'm in Paris,
11:32this is incredible, and he's not calling anything,
11:35it's just because he loves the numbers,
11:37he wanted a career in sports, and now he's sending me
11:40selfies in front of the Eiffel Tower.
11:41And one other thing I'll say is, I would love
11:44if there's any young women out there listening to this,
11:46or not young women, there's no age limit to this,
11:49but you guys know, I've been doing play-by-play now
11:51for about 15 years.
11:54I have worked out of all the sports I've called
11:57college volleyball, to the NFL, to the NBA now,
12:01I've done one game with a woman.
12:04Out of all the hundreds, probably thousands now,
12:06of games I've called.
12:08So, I just want everybody to know,
12:10you can look and sound like anybody,
12:12you can be anybody, and you can be a great statistician.
12:16If you just love digging into,
12:18if you find yourself watching a sport,
12:19and you're like, man, Brock Purdy is having
12:21one of his best first halves of the season,
12:24but you don't stop there, you dig deeper,
12:26and you see what that means, you know?
12:28Like, oh, passes to the left hash,
12:30he's six of seven in his first quarter.
12:32Like, just crazy stuff like that.
12:34If you are that person, we would love to have you on here.
12:36So again, bochapmanstatschool at gmail.com
12:41is the email address, bochapmanstatschool at gmail.com.
12:46Just send us an email.
12:47Hey, I'd love to be a part of this on Wednesday.
12:49R.C. Davis, who you mentioned,
12:51who is the senior broadcast producer for the Warriors,
12:53he's gonna email everybody out a Zoom link on Monday,
12:56and then we'll have the school,
12:579.30 to 2 p.m. Pacific time on Wednesday.
13:01It's free, I'll be dropping by.
13:03And we're just gonna be breaking down
13:05what good statisticians do,
13:07see if it's anything you might be interested,
13:09and then we'll all go from there
13:10in honor of our great guy, Bo Chapman,
13:13who was taken from us far too soon, five years ago.
13:16And now you're giving up all the secrets
13:17and while I chop all these nuggets
13:19about the Warriors and all these numbers,
13:20Kate, you're telling Chaski too much
13:22here with the stats factor.
13:23I live for those emails.
13:25I was like, wow, how did they find this out?
13:27They show you the percentages, like the pace of play,
13:30percentages of threes, trends.
13:32I mean, it's really unbelievable, Chaski.
13:33It's like next level stats with Bo Chapman
13:37and, excuse me, his father, Jeff Chapman,
13:38who, of course, is doing this for stat factor.
13:40What you got, Chaski?
13:42Kate, you really trampolined off this show
13:49into the 76er job, okay, which is absolutely incredible,
13:54and Madden.
13:55Madden, I can't believe you did that.
13:58That's absolutely incredible.
14:00How'd you keep it a secret?
14:02It was really hard.
14:03I knew which friends not to tell
14:05because they were gonna spoil the NDA, that's for sure.
14:07But it definitely was not easy
14:12because, again, it was two years in the making.
14:15But when you get a gig like that and EA Sports is like,
14:19okay, whatever you do, you cannot tell anybody
14:22or this is gonna go sideways quick.
14:24And you guys know, like, Madden is such a huge part
14:28of football culture and sports culture
14:31that the message boards and the Reddit,
14:33like, people are talking about it all the time.
14:36So they were very serious about not really threatening us
14:41but kind of just warning us how safe we needed
14:44to be about this secret.
14:47So I listened to them, that worked for me.
14:50And man, it has been,
14:54I know that today is the official release date.
14:56I know some people got it last week
14:58who got college football.
15:00Oh, yeah.
15:01I'm one of those people.
15:02Or if you know somebody at EA Sports.
15:04Are you liking it?
15:06What do you think of the new one?
15:07I love it.
15:08So I already won a Super Bowl my first year with the Jets.
15:11I did a fantasy draft.
15:12I got Aaron Rodgers.
15:13I got all the old guys, Derrick Henry.
15:14I won the Super Bowl.
15:16Aaron Rodgers retired.
15:17So I tore the whole thing down.
15:18I have a rookie quarterback wearing number eight,
15:20running around, I think Lampman is his name.
15:23And we're doing well this year.
15:25But I wanna know the algorithm
15:26of like who broadcasts what game.
15:28Because I got Tariko and Greg Olsen in the Super Bowl.
15:31I didn't get you.
15:33So do you know is like, or do they just randomize it?
15:36There's like an A team, B team, C team?
15:37Yeah, how does it work?
15:39How does it work?
15:40Well, I know that there's a dropdown menu
15:42when you start where you can choose your broadcast.
15:44Oh, I didn't know that.
15:45So you might have it on random.
15:47I think the default is random.
15:50But for those, the two of you in the Bay Area
15:52who wanna hear me again after this call,
15:54there is a dropdown where you,
15:56it's where you choose like the length of your game
15:59and all that stuff.
16:00And you can choose Kate Scott and Brock Hewitt
16:03because we've recorded,
16:05I know I personally have recorded over 30,000 lines
16:08over the last couple of years.
16:10But it's been, I mean, shout out to the EA folks, right?
16:12Shout out to you guys.
16:13Shout out to everybody in the Bay for thinking like,
16:15yeah, we're gonna have a chick
16:16in our big football video game.
16:18That's the best selling sports video game in the US.
16:20Yeah, because she calls football and she sounds great
16:22and we're doing it.
16:23So they've been incredibly supportive.
16:25It's been awesome.
16:26Anna hates me because first I started playing
16:28NCAA football.
16:29And we know NCAA football hadn't been out for a decade.
16:32And I'm like, oh my gosh, NCAA recruiting is hard.
16:35Didn't you get the Madden?
16:36And I love the job.
16:37I love the off-season.
16:38The off-season aspect of it,
16:39where you're going through the draft and like,
16:41you know what?
16:42I want speed at wide receiver.
16:43You could just toggle speed.
16:44You look at all the guys and speed.
16:45Yeah, but you better be scouting.
16:46Oh, I scout tough.
16:47All right, that's what you got.
16:49I went to, I had the Cleveland Browns
16:50win an eight of nine in the NFL,
16:52winning Super Bowls and brought a Super Bowl
16:54to Cleveland, Kate.
16:55So no, we're loving the Madden.
16:56The Cleveland Browns, Fonse.
16:57I try to go to teams that never won.
16:59I like that too.
17:00I like the buildup.
17:01The buildup is important.
17:02It's like the Joe Shaski backstory.
17:04You know what I mean?
17:05You go Detroit Lions.
17:06I moved to Arizona Cardinals in New Mexico.
17:09So yesterday.
17:11Albuquerque Thunderbirds.
17:12I mean, we're geeks, Kate.
17:13You know that.
17:14Here's what happened though, Kate.
17:15But that's the best part.
17:16I know, I've been voicing lines for like the Monarchs
17:19and the Montys and welcome everybody
17:22to Wembley Stadium in London.
17:24The earthquakes.
17:25There is so many lines in this game.
17:27We voiced the Combine.
17:28Brock and I are voicing the Combine.
17:29If y'all want to run through that,
17:31see how many sets of 225 you can get up.
17:33But I'm blown away, you guys.
17:35Just the level of detail.
17:36Because it's been a while since your girl
17:38actually played Madden.
17:39Like I played it when John Madden was still the voice.
17:40So just to see how advanced it is.
17:43It looks like you're watching the game on Sunday.
17:45That just happens to be a video game.
17:47So my nine month old has been watching me play the game
17:50for about a week, week and a half, right?
17:52And I was off video games for quite some time.
17:54Last time my wife came home
17:56and he was reaching over for the controller the entire time.
17:59So I gave him the blank controller
18:01and now he's just pounding.
18:02He's looking at me, looking at the screen,
18:05looking at the controllers,
18:07and he's pounding the controller.
18:08Then he's looking over at me for confirmation.
18:11Yeah, I've created a video game.
18:13Well, you know what though?
18:14That only lasts for so long
18:15because baby Chaz found out when I would do that to her.
18:18It's like, Papa, this controller doesn't work.
18:20She figured it out.
18:20So she figured it out.
18:21So now yesterday she had one of the controllers
18:24and she deleted one of my recursions.
18:25Like, what are you doing?
18:26That's a five star.
18:27I need to get him to LSU for crying out loud.
18:29No, seriously.
18:30They figured it out quick.
18:31All right, Philadelphia.
18:32So now you're with the Sixers.
18:34Which I don't mind.
18:35I don't mind.
18:37I think I might have to go, guys.
18:38I don't mind it, but now, but now, but hold on, hold on.
18:41The Seahawks game.
18:42Let's just call it what it is.
18:43The Seahawks game, Kate.
18:45Oh wait, did she really drop off?
18:50Wait, was she really dropped off?
18:52She just said her phone was cut now.
18:55I think she was being serious.
18:56Oh, okay.
18:57Oh, maybe she'll call us back.
18:59She'll call us back.
19:00She'll call us back.
19:01Oh, so Kate's got it.
19:03On the River Island's guest line.
19:04Why do I have to clean it up?
19:06I'm not going to sugar coat it.
19:08Can sit here and do a sugar coat job.
19:14I don't know what happened.
19:15She just hung up.
19:16I don't know.
19:17I hope she's okay.
19:18I don't know.
19:19I hope she's okay.
19:20Maybe her phone died.
19:20Tell her to call us back.
19:22The guy is now grabbing the controller
19:23and slamming the controller with fingers
19:26and then looking over at me,
19:27looking over at the TV,
19:28looking at the controller,
19:30back and forth and back and forth and back and forth.
19:32It's B, I've created a monster.
19:35Well, kids, and you guys know this.
19:36I've created a monster.
19:37This generation, everything is instant.
19:41If something is not instantly working,
19:43whether you're one years old, six,
19:45they know instantly now.
19:47If you point the phone at him,
19:49he starts to smile.
19:51Knowing the camera, that it's a camera.
19:53If you have your phone on the table,
19:55he's reaching over to grab the phone to pick it up.
19:57He knows it's important.
19:58It's crazy.
19:59Oh, they just know how to navigate.
20:02Like Tessa knows how to navigate the iPad.
20:04She's got the password.
20:05She knows how to get to where she needs to get to.
20:06She's like, Papa, what's going on?
20:08It's not charging.
20:09It's like, these kids are advanced.
20:11They are very, very advanced.
20:12I think we had case contact.
20:14We for sure, Tom's like, hey, she hung up on us.
20:16I thought I said something,
20:17then I go, oh boy.
20:18That was amazing timing, you guys.
20:20That was amazing.
20:21That was great.
20:22That was not purposeful.
20:22Save that, save that.
20:24We'll put it out there in the ethos.
20:25Our faces turned white.
20:27Cause I was gonna get on you about the Seahawks gig.
20:29Now I'm happy that you're in the NFL.
20:30This is awesome that you're in the NFL,
20:32but you're calling Seahawks.
20:34So you had to go to Philadelphia to defend us,
20:37and now you're out there high-fiving with the Twelves, Kate?
20:40Oh, that's gotta feel dirty.
20:42I will have you know, though,
20:43I will have you know that not only does the Bay Area
20:45hate me for this gig,
20:46but Philadelphia also hates me for this gig.
20:49So it's good.
20:49It's another thing that you guys have in common.
20:51As I told you before,
20:53I understand why you hate Philly,
20:55but if you guys were born in Philly
20:57as opposed to in San Francisco,
20:59you would love everyone in Philly
21:00cause you're just reflections of each other.
21:02You live and breathe and die with every single pitch,
21:05with every single snap,
21:07and that's why you have trouble getting along,
21:09but it's been an awesome year plus.
21:12I mean, I know you don't like the Twelves.
21:14I understand that.
21:16There's only one guy I like, Kate,
21:17not to cut you off, Aesop Winston Jr.
21:19He's a city guy, City College of San Francisco,
21:21Aesop Winston Jr.
21:22His father I know is out there.
21:23He listens to the show all the time.
21:24We love Aesop.
21:27Oh, I love him too.
21:27I'm hoping he makes the 53 man.
21:29He's got a chance with these new kickoffs.
21:31Are you guys excited about the new NFL kickoff?
21:32I am, I am.
21:33We'll see.
21:34I know, I think it's gonna be very creative.
21:36I think it'll spice it up a bit, Kate.
21:38All right, rapid fire, rapid fire.
21:39Be ready to roll here.
21:40What do you miss the most from the Bay Area food-wise?
21:45Oh, the Mexican food, guys.
21:46There's no good Mexican food in Philly.
21:47I love it.
21:48The cheesesteaks are amazing.
21:49So much other food.
21:50I miss Mexican food so hard.
21:51So Mission District, I'm coming for you.
21:53All right, what's the one thing Philly has
21:54that we don't have?
21:55It could be retail, shopping, weather, whatever.
21:58What is it that you wish the Bay Area had that Philly has?
22:02Ooh, snow, just every once in a while.
22:04My favorite part of winters in Philly
22:06is they're not too awful.
22:08Get like a couple of snows,
22:09and I'm still the kid that just looks out a window
22:11and it feels like Christmas morning when it's snowing.
22:14So yeah, I wish the Bay had just a little bit of snow.
22:16Pac-12 dead.
22:18You used to work for the Pac-12.
22:19It's pretty sad, isn't it?
22:22It's so freaking sad, so sad.
22:24I'm so glad that my girl Ashley Adamson
22:26and Yogi Roth and Guy Haberman and some others
22:28are gonna be on BTN.
22:30So watch the Big Ten Network
22:31where a lot of the Pac-12 schools have gone,
22:33but it is desperately sad, guys.
22:35I still can't believe it's real.
22:36No, I can't either.
22:37I can't either.
22:38I missed that conference.
22:39Oh my God.
22:40Last rapid fire question.
22:41Although I am happy that Duke's gonna come out
22:42here to Stanford, maybe,
22:43or Florida State's gonna come out here to Cal.
22:45I'm not mad at that.
22:46My partner in Philly is a Duke Blue Devil,
22:48and I'm like, bro, we get to go to a game together.
22:51Cal, Duke, let's do it.
22:52He's just rolling his eyes at me.
22:54Anyway, as you were saying, Chad.
22:55All right, last one.
22:56All right, this is rapid fire.
22:57Don't think too long on this one.
22:59The 30 for 30 on Bonte Hills Life.
23:01Would you be featured in it?
23:02Oh, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop.
23:05I totally would.
23:06I would be featured at the start of the morning roast
23:10when we were just pushing back against each other.
23:13Like, I don't know.
23:14I wanna talk more.
23:15I wanna talk more.
23:17And it would make us out to both be jerks, right?
23:19Chesky, you remember that.
23:21And now it would be all love.
23:22Like, we've recovered.
23:23But we would have the Michael Jordan looking at the iPad.
23:26Bonte, like, throws it down.
23:27He's mad at me.
23:28It would've been good.
23:29It would've been good.
23:30I like that.
23:31Or it'd be breaking the chair.
23:32Lean it back, breaking the chair,
23:32because I was so damn fat,
23:33eating all the Mexican food in the world.
23:36Boy, I had to lose some weight here.
23:37By the way, Kate, I'm gonna be in Philadelphia
23:40in a couple of weeks for a wedding.
23:41Jason DuBois from Crawl Force getting married.
23:43I'm taking the Amtrak down from New York City
23:45to Philadelphia.
23:46Should I wear or should I not wear Niners gear out there?
23:49Would people recognize me?
23:51What should I do?
23:52Because the Phillies are playing the Braves.
23:54I thought about wearing some Giants gear
23:56and just running over to Citizens Bank Park,
23:58because Philadelphia is a great city.
24:00You're right.
24:00I've been there a few times.
24:01I love it.
24:02But the last time wasn't a good experience.
24:05We all know that.
24:06So what should I do here, Kate?
24:09I mean, Bonte, there's this thing called stirring the pot
24:14that you might be aware of,
24:15that maybe just that one day,
24:18don't wear that article of clothing.
24:20Just like Chez, Anna wanna see you again.
24:24Maybe don't stir the pot.
24:26I understand, I understand.
24:27It's been hard for me at times
24:29not to wear certain things certain places.
24:31But maybe just keep it in the luggage.
24:33You can unzip the bag, look at it, rub it,
24:36and then zip the bag back up.
24:38Bonte, that's what I like to say.
24:40He's gonna do the NB,
24:41and he's gonna give everybody the DX
24:43right when he gets out of the airport.
24:44I was thinking about just putting a Niners fitting hat
24:46on the Rocky statue.
24:47I was thinking about just saying hi to Rocky.
24:50That'd go over well.
24:51Hey, Kate, we're so happy for you, honestly.
24:54Congratulations on the Madden.
24:55Congratulations on the Hawks and the Sixers.
24:57Of course, I'll see you when you get back
24:58to the Bay Area, Kate.
24:59Good stuff.
25:00Love you guys.
25:01Bo Chapman Stat School at gmail.com.
25:03We'll hook you up with a link.
25:05Love you guys. See ya.
25:06Bo Chapman Stat School at gmail.com.
25:08R.C. Davis is the executive board member.
25:09We got a run here.
25:10That was a lot of fun.
25:11That's more coming up here.
25:12Talk Bay Bridge, Sears, talk Kate Scott, all that stuff.
