The Island (Haunted Heart) - Trailer (English) HD

  • vor 2 Wochen
Im Thriller Haunted Heart beginnt die junge Spanierin Alex, auf einer malerischen griechischen Insel als Kellnerin zu arbeiten. Der Besitzer des Restaurants und ihr neuer Arbeitgeber, Max, hat es ihr mehr als nur angetan. Doch die Beziehung zu ihm ist viel gefährlicher, als Alex ahnen kann.

Mehr dazu:
00:00You know, we expected you last week, and we didn't hear from you, so...
00:07You hired someone else.
00:08I had to.
00:09But if you'd like, we do need a server.
00:13The job is seasonal.
00:16Just give me two weeks' notice when you want to leave.
00:18You've already decided that I'm going to leave.
00:21Some of us are going to have a drink.
00:25You should come.
00:26I don't get over to the mainland very much.
00:31So you guys know Max pretty well?
00:35Nobody knows Maxwell.
00:36He's just odd.
00:37What do I have to do to get you to notice me?
00:44Did you eat?
00:50What's this here?
00:52Do you play?
00:53I can never tell what you're thinking.
00:57What else hasn't he told you?
01:00I hope I'm wrong.
01:01Were you ever married?
01:02Story for another day.
01:03Where'd you get that?
01:04We both have our past.
01:05We both came here running from them.
01:06I know Max for a while.
01:07Don't get freaked out, okay?
01:08I'm sure there's a good explanation for everything.
01:09You need to tell me everything right now.
01:10I'm sorry.
01:11I'm sorry.
01:12I'm sorry.
01:13I'm sorry.
01:14I'm sorry.
01:15I'm sorry.
01:16I'm sorry.
01:17I'm sorry.
01:18I'm sorry.
01:19I'm sorry.
01:20I'm sorry.
01:21I'm sorry.
01:22I'm sorry.
01:24You don't understand.
01:31I know you have questions.
01:33I'm going to tell you everything.
01:35And afterwards, if you want to leave, I'll let you.