The Trainz Railway Series

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00:00Buzz, buzz. Boko reached the big station and arranged his trucks. Then he went to the shed and asked politely if he could come in.
00:10Duck was not pleased to see a diesel, but presently, when he found that Boko knew Edward, he became more friendly.
00:18And by the time Boko had told him about Bill and Ben, they were laughing together like old friends.
00:24Have they ever played tricks on you? asked Boko.
00:28Goodness me, yes, chuckled Duck. Edward is the only one who can keep them in order.
00:35You know, went on Duck, I sometimes call them the bees.
00:40A good name, chuckled Boko. They're terrors when they start buzzing around.
00:45Just then, James bustled in. What's that, Duck? Are you terrified of bees?
00:50They're only insects, after all, so don't let that buzzbox diesel tell you different.
00:56His name is Boko, and he didn't.
00:59We... I wouldn't care, interrupted James, if hundreds were swarming around.
01:05I'd just blow smoke and make them buzz off.
01:08Buzz, buzz, buzz, retorted Duck.
01:11James retired into a huff.
01:14James was to pull the express next morning, and when Duck brought his coaches, the platform was crowded.
01:21Mind your backs, mind your backs, two porters were taking a loaded trolley to the front van.
01:27Fred drove, while Bert walked behind.
01:30Careful, Fred, careful, warned Bert, but Fred was in a hurry, and he didn't listen.
01:35Suddenly, an old lady appeared in front.
01:39Fred stopped dead, but the luggage slid forward and burst the lid of the large white wooden box.
01:45Some bees flew out, and just as James came backing down, they began to explore the station.
01:51Someone shouted a warning. The platform cleared like magic.
01:56The bees were too sleepy to be cross.
01:59They found the empty station cold.
02:02James' farmhorn was trying to couple the train.
02:05They buzzed round him, hopefully.
02:07They wanted him to mend their hide.
02:09Then they could go back and be warm again.
02:12But the fireman didn't understand.
02:14He thought they would sting him.
02:16He gave a yell and ran back to the cab and crouched with a jacket over his head.
02:21The driver didn't understand he either.
02:24He swatted the bees with his shovel.
02:26The bees, disappointed, turned their attention to James.
02:31James' boiler was nice and warm.
02:34The bees swarmed round it happily.
02:36Buzz off, buzz off, he hissed.
02:39He made smoke, but the wind blew it away, and the bees stayed.
02:43At last, one settled on his hot smoke box.
02:47It burns his feet.
02:49The bees thought James had stung it on purpose.
02:51It stung James' back, right on the nose.
02:55Eeeeee! whistled James.
02:58He had had enough.
02:59So did the driver and the fireman.
03:01They started without waiting for the guard's whistle.
03:04They didn't notice until too late that they'd left their train behind.
03:08In the end, it was Boco who pulled the express.
03:12He was worried at first about leaving his trucks,
03:15but Duc promised to look after them, and it was so to his reign.
03:20He managed to gain back some of the lost time,
03:23and the fat controller was pleased with him.
03:25No one seemed to notice James when he came back to the shed.
03:29They were talking about a new kind of beehive on wheels.
03:33It was red, they said.
03:36Then they all said, buzz, buzz, buzz, and laughed a lot.
03:40James thought that for big mainline engines, they were being very silly.