The post-burnout comeback of a young woman entrepreneur

  • 2 weeks ago
Mona Ghazi is a young entrepreneur with an impressive track record. Before she even turned 20, she’d already started two businesses and completed two university degrees. How did she do it?
00:00I'm living proof of being able to make great money from a six-hour workday while also having
00:06enough leisure time to enjoy life.
00:10She was 14 when she started a business degree and 16 when she founded her first company.
00:16I'm Mona Ghazi and I started my second company when I was 18.
00:20And had two college degrees by the age of 20.
00:24But then...
00:25I had a burnout.
00:27Remarkably, she founded her third company at age 22.
00:35Being able to study and set up a company at that age was really liberating.
00:40I had the privilege of knowing early on what I wanted to do.
00:43I just couldn't wait to get started.
00:48While her first company flopped, she was able to sell the second at a decent profit and
00:53then developed an app for lifelong learning and in-company training.
01:05Entrepreneurship for me means creating something out of nothing and solving problems for people.
01:11And having that huge freedom, both creatively and how I shape my own life too.
01:20A truly precocious talent and one who's already working on her doctorate while running her
01:25own company.
01:28Being a highly talented individual with a very high IQ obviously helps when it comes
01:33to career advancement.
01:38But as with anyone else, working too hard can lead to burnout syndrome.
01:44And I remember feeling to myself that I'm not good enough.
01:49I doubted myself.
01:51That experience was the inspiration for a new business idea, providing mental health
01:56support for other entrepreneurs like Li-Jun Leibold.
02:00A three-month course costs 2,500 euros.
02:05But is a 22-year-old really in a position to provide coaching?
02:10Just look at her track record and the fact that she'd already quit at so young an age.
02:15Running her first company when she was 16 is way ahead of me.
02:19And of course, Gazi's services are available online.
02:27Normally, coaching is one-on-one, but there are a range of issues where a group approach
02:34works really well too on that journey.
02:39Taking time out is crucial, but she doesn't feel like networking is really work.
02:44It's great just knowing I belong, that I've been able to establish myself and be part
02:52of this ecosystem.
02:55Mona Gazi knows she's benefited from a lot of luck over the years.
03:00She has supportive parents and investors interested in her work.
03:04And she's always open to reinventing herself.
