Video: हिंदुओं का उत्पीड़न, 25 दिन की पदयात्रा, क्या कहते हैं कन्नौज पूर्व सांसद? किस पर हमला किया?

  • 2 weeks ago
Persecution of Hindus in Bangladesh, former BJP MP on 25 day padayatra बांग्लादेश में हिंदुओं का उत्पीड़न हो रहा है। इसके खिलाफ भाजपा के पूर्व सांसद सुब्रत पाठक 25 दिनों की पदयात्रा करेंगे। जानते हैं उन्होंने अपनी यात्रा के विषय में क्या कहा? किसको निशाने पर लिया?
00:00On 15th August, 1947, our country got freedom from the British.
00:06Before the British, we were slaves of foreign powers.
00:10For centuries, our country has endured slavery.
00:15And in this slavery, innumerable atrocities were committed against our ancestors.
00:20And after enduring millions of sacrifices, we got this freedom in 1947.
00:26Not only did we get freedom, but along with freedom, our country was also divided.
00:31And the price of that division was paid by the murder of millions of Hindus.
00:37And all our Indian brothers, after the partition of Pakistan, were forced to live in Bangladesh.
00:47The freedom that we felt here, whether it was our personal freedom, our religious freedom, our cultural freedom,
00:54this kind of freedom, our brothers never felt there.
00:59On the contrary, they were subjected to all kinds of atrocities.
01:02The Hindu brothers who remained in Bangladesh, most of whom are our Talit brothers,
01:11whether they are our Buddhist brothers or not,
01:14the kind of atrocities that are being committed against them in Bangladesh,
01:17we all must have seen it somewhere through social media, must have known it, must have understood it.
01:22But whatever is happening in Bangladesh today, it will definitely happen in India in the coming days.
01:29The circumstances here are fated.
01:32That is why we have decided that from the point of view of public awareness,
01:36and to express our anger against whatever is happening in Bangladesh,
01:40we are going on a 25-day journey in our Karnataka Lok Sabha area.
01:46The journey will start on the 17th of the next day.
01:50It will start from our Chaudharyapur-based Baba Vishwanath Temple.
01:55Therefore, I request all of you to support this journey.
01:58Be a part of this journey.
02:01Do not worry about your future.
02:04And definitely, let us all find a solution to this together.
