
  • last month


00:30This was just a warning, and if you wanted them dead, they'd be dead.
00:41Why are you so fucking calm?
00:43There'll be time for war, but right now we need peace.
00:46We lost mom in Cuba. I just wish she were here.
00:50Marisol, you could never replace your mother, but she loves you.
01:01You're going to need him, and you're going to need me.
01:05Both of you esteemed gentlemen need to come to some terms.
01:08Stop the goddamn violence.
01:22You know the banker Ray Dorado?
01:24I believe either he or one of his clients had my sister murdered.
01:27We got marked transfers from your bank.
01:30Smurfs coming from the Cayman Islands.
01:32Where's that money coming from?
01:34It's fucking coming from Cuba. It's Castro's money.
01:37One day we will free the people of Cuba from the stranglehold of Fidel Castro!
01:43He lies to all these people about taking Cuba back when he's helping Fidel get stronger.
01:49Unless you say you don't want to guess my vote.
02:27I love you.
02:45You screamed her name again.
02:47It's just dreams.
02:52You have nightmares in your sleep.
02:54Mine is when I wake up.
02:58Roman, we should go to my parents' house in New Jersey.
03:01It's not safe for me or Valeria anymore.
03:06But don't tell me what the fuck to do with my daughter.
03:18I'm over it.
03:29Andrew, it's me.
03:32I'm so sorry. I don't even know what to say.
03:36Are you okay?
03:40Is there anything I can do?
03:50I wish I could see you.
03:52You know, they said it was a Cuban.
03:54I wish I could see you.
03:56You know, they said it was a Cuban who killed my father.
03:59Who knows? Maybe it was your uncle.
04:06They said on the news that it was a pro-Castro terrorist.
04:10My father, you know, hates Castro.
04:16Why was it my father?
04:18Because he was trying to help your stupid uncle take his stupid homeland back.
04:22What can I do?
04:25What can I say?
04:30You can stay away from me.
04:42His car was blown up and what authorities are saying may have been an act of political terrorism
04:46as he left a Republican fundraiser at Miami's famous mutiny club and hotel.
04:51Authorities are investigating whether his unwavering opposition to the Castro regime may have played a role.
04:57No, it was his partnership with Castro that caused his death.
05:01If I'd known you were going to do this, I never would have told you Landon wasn't better with Fidel.
05:05I'm glad you did.
05:06That deal that was made to guarantee our family's safety is fucked.
05:10Are you even questioning this?
05:16You crossed the fucking line.
05:17I helped Byron Landon get elected off the backs of Cubans exiled and tortured by Castro
05:22and this motherfucker is helping him and using me to do it?
05:26Nah, don't forget where we come from brother, what we've been through.
05:29I know where the fuck I come from.
05:31No one hates Castro more than me.
05:32Well then fucking act like it.
05:33We had a plan that would have ended war with the Colombians.
05:36That was first priority.
05:37They can't land the fucking dope!
05:40What's wrong with you?
05:41That makes them weak and in this business the weak suffer and die.
05:45And a fucking cornered animal lashes out.
05:48So what if it now finds out you murdered Landon?
05:51The next time they machine gun our families, they won't be aiming above their head.
05:54I make the fucking decisions here brother, okay?
05:57I'm the boss.
05:58You don't like it?
05:59You can fucking leave.
06:16I love it.
06:18I'm telling you, okay?
06:21You ready for more?
06:24I got it.
06:30You got it.
06:35Bovo Blanco.
06:37You ready for more?
06:44Baby, why so serious?
06:46It ain't what it seems.
06:49Your secret's safe with me.
06:59Baby, why so serious?
07:01It ain't what it seems.
07:04Your secret's safe with me.
07:10I got it.
07:15You got it.
07:21Bovo Blanco.
07:22You know where we at.
07:23Hotel Cocaine.
07:25Hotel Cocaine.
07:27Hotel Cocaine.
07:29Hotel Cocaine.
07:31Might just blow your brains.
07:33Might just maintain.
07:35Might just do the thing.
07:37You know where we at.
07:38Hotel Cocaine.
07:40Hotel Cocaine.
07:42You ready for more?
08:12You're Cuban?
08:13Which side are you on?
08:15The side of money, kid.
08:17I don't care about politics, you know that.
08:20I think it was Nestor Cabal.
08:22Cabal's the first one who was going to be a million dollars with both of them.
08:25Why would he do that?
08:26Cabal just didn't know that we were crossing over a product through Cuba.
08:31And if he finds out, do you think he'll be happy, Dorado?
08:34No, I don't think so.
08:35What I don't know is how the hell he found out.
08:39Because I personally took care of transferring all the payments through the Cayman Islands.
08:43Well, I have news for you.
08:44I didn't kill him.
08:45Gilberto didn't kill him.
08:47And besides you, who knew that we were working with Fidel?
08:53Who knows?
08:55Any of the agents that have Castro infiltrated in every corner of Miami.
09:01And you guys in Colombia are getting nervous.
09:05There are corrupt politicians in Miami.
09:06There are in every corner.
09:08I can get you another one tomorrow.
09:11Let me solve this problem.
09:13And I assure you that I'll find you another place to deliver the packages.
09:17I'll solve it.
09:18I'll solve it as always.
09:20We have a solution, Ray.
09:22I'm going to bless you.
09:29You have 24 hours.
09:31And if you don't solve it, the bullet will go here.
09:36Hurry up!
09:43Our agents are all over Miami looking for pro-Castro terrorists.
09:46It's a waste of time.
09:47That has nothing to do with the congressman's death.
09:50What are you talking about?
09:51This had nothing to do with politics.
09:53It had to do with cocaine.
09:55Landon was arranging a drop spot with the Colombians.
09:58The guy was up to his ass in corruption.
10:00Can you prove that?
10:02Who was he?
10:04Dominic, this is Peter Cunningham from Washington.
10:07He's been sent by the Department of Justice to oversee our investigation.
10:12So you are suggesting that the congressman had something to do with cocaine.
10:17Yes, sir.
10:19But you have no evidence.
10:21No hard evidence, but he was involved for sure.
10:24I have credible information to that end through Ray Dorado,
10:28the president of Orange Grove Bank.
10:35This investigation is now run by the Department of Justice.
10:40The Landon case is no longer under your jurisdiction.
10:45Who the fuck is this pencil pusher?
10:47I've been on this case for months.
10:48You're gonna just let him take it?
10:50Tom, it's above our heads.
10:52A U.S. congressman just got blown up under your goddamn nose.
10:57Washington is calling the shots from here on in.
11:00I get it.
11:01A dirty congressman is a bad look for you politicians.
11:04I don't give a shit what you have to say, Zulio.
11:07It's above your pay grade.
11:09Just stay the fuck away.
11:13What about busting six tons of cocaine that's about to hit Miami?
11:18Do you know where and when it is coming in?
11:21I'm gonna go talk to my confidential informant in an hour and get the skinny.
11:25If we play our cards right,
11:27it might be the biggest bust in U.S. history.
11:30What is the name of this informant?
11:32And what leverage have you got on him?
11:34His name is Roman Conti.
11:36And if he screws me, he loses his daughter.
11:40I'd say that's the best kind of leverage there is.
11:46You got one day to bust that coke.
11:49And if you don't,
11:52you got one day to bust that coke.
12:01Mind if we talk for a sec?
12:04About what?
12:11I'm going home.
12:14To my home with my parents in New Jersey.
12:18What about Dad?
12:21He's staying.
12:23I want you to come with me, but...
12:26your father refuses to even consider it.
12:29Are you guys separating?
12:32For now, yes.
12:42Is Dad a drug dealer?
12:45Your father is a good man, sweetheart.
12:48But he's in a difficult situation.
12:52He's working with law enforcement to put your uncle in jail.
12:58The D.A. forced him into it.
13:01Put us in the middle of it.
13:05It's dangerous.
13:08I can't force you to come with me.
13:12But if you want, I'll take you.
13:23I could never leave Dad.
13:26I could never leave Dad.
14:01What the fuck is going on?
14:03Coke deal's off, now that Landon's dead.
14:05Yeah, well, who do you think did that?
14:08Like the news says, Cuban agents.
14:11That's horse shit, and you know it.
14:13Landon was practically sucking Castro's cock.
14:15Which made him an open target in Miami.
14:18Is that right?
14:20I know about your past, you and Nestor's.
14:22Nestor found out about the Cuban agents,
14:24He's not stupid.
14:26Nestor hates Castro, but he's a businessman.
14:28He'd rather have the Coke.
14:30Well, that's good.
14:32Because I need you to get this deal back on.
14:34It's impossible. Nestor's out.
14:36Then get him back in.
14:38There's no way he's going to risk life in prison
14:40without the protection of that congressman.
14:42Your brother's a hothead, and I'm pretty sure he killed Landon.
14:44Which means you told him.
14:46Fuck you.
14:48Well, maybe you did it together.
14:50You both lost a lot in Cuba.
14:52Which makes everyone in Miami a suspect, motherfucker.
14:56I'm going to need you to get this deal back on,
14:58or I'm going to be forced to use that incriminating tape
15:00you made in his home.
15:02I'll put him away for a decade.
15:06Look, even if I could,
15:08the Colombians are spooked.
15:10How are you going to get them back to the table?
15:12You worry about Nestor.
15:14I'll handle the Colombians. Got it?
15:22The cops are here.
15:24They're interviewing everyone.
15:26No, I'd stay home.
15:28I know.
15:30No, don't come in.
15:32I'll call you, okay?
15:34I'll let you know.
15:38For the foreseeable future.
15:40But why?
15:42It's bullshit.
15:44I have to wait until the fucking fuzz finishes interviewing
15:46every single person that works here.
15:48Like what, Manny the chef blew up the congressman?
15:50I'm calling in my loan.
15:52All 2.7 million.
15:56Ray, what happened to your forehead?
15:58I fell.
16:00What are you talking about?
16:02If I had that kind of money, I wouldn't have had to borrow it.
16:04Well, it's not my fucking problem, is it?
16:06Look around, Ray. I'm not exactly thriving.
16:08You look at the contract.
16:10I have right of rescission
16:12under which club closure falls.
16:14So I want full repayment.
16:18I'll be in my room.
16:20Oh, you'll be in your room?
16:22Hey, while you're there, how about you go fuck yourself?
16:26I'll own this place.
16:28By the end of the month, I'll put her up for auction.
16:30So either way, Burton,
16:32you can go fuck yourself.
16:38I have hatred.
16:40I am feeling genuine murderous hatred
16:42for another human being.
16:44I am so fucked.
16:46Slow night, señor Comte.
16:50Oh, no shit.
16:56Can Ray really do this to me, Roman?
16:58According to the contract, yes.
17:02No good, two-faced, shady banker piece of shit.
17:04You were right about him.
17:06You're always right.
17:08I should have listened.
17:10Roman, something wrong?
17:14Roman, something wrong?
17:18I just had a thought.
17:20Look, there may be a way
17:22I can get you the 2.7 million.
17:24That you can?
17:28I remember you talking about a few hundred acres
17:30your family owns near the Everglades.
17:32Yeah, yeah, yeah.
17:34It's mostly mangrove swamps and a sugar cane field.
17:36My dad has more real estate than he does time to develop it.
17:38I need to find a place
17:40where there's no police, no Coast Guard,
17:42no surveillance that's secure and private.
17:44I don't know if I like the sound of this.
17:46Uh, what do you need it for?
17:50My brother's Nestor Cabal.
17:52Nestor Cabal?
17:54The Nestor Cabal?
17:56The coke kingpin?
17:58Are you fucking kidding me?
18:00We were estranged for many years.
18:02Janice, did you know this?
18:08Wow, okay, guys.
18:12how could you not have shared that with me?
18:14I'm a little hurt, not to mention I've been paying retail
18:16for my blow all these years.
18:18Well, Burton, it wasn't relevant till now.
18:20Nestor needs a place
18:22to drop six tons
18:24of product,
18:26for which I'm sure
18:28he will take care of all of your loans.
18:30But listen,
18:32I don't know.
18:34I want you to think about it first.
18:36This could help both of us,
18:38but it's dangerous.
18:58Is that you, Burton?
19:02Fucking prick.
19:14I don't worry.
19:16I'm not gonna bust you over a half a grand.
19:18And, uh, this.
19:20You going somewhere?
19:22You're fucking right I am.
19:24I'm getting out of town.
19:26I didn't say you could do that.
19:28I didn't ask.
19:30What happened to your forehead?
19:32Those Colombian fucks tried to carve me up.
19:34They're gonna fucking kill me.
19:36Calm down. You're their money man.
19:38You're safe. Yeah, like, fuck I am.
19:40I'm sorry, but I'm out.
19:42Besides, there is no coke deal anymore.
19:44It's off, and I swear to fucking God,
19:46if you touch me, I am gonna sue your ass
19:48for assault and battery, motherfucker.
19:50Oh, yeah? Yeah.
19:52Let me help strengthen your case.
19:56What the fuck do you want from me?
19:58Your Colombian pals
20:00needed Congressman Landon to get their coke.
20:02I want to know what they're doing now that he's dead.
20:04I don't fucking know. Find out!
20:06You don't get it. You don't understand.
20:08I mean, the only way I even made it out of there alive
20:10was because I managed to convince those fucks
20:12that I had someone to replace Landon.
20:14I don't have
20:22Tell the Colombians you found something
20:24even better than a dirty politician.
20:28And who is that?
20:30A dirty cop.
20:48You did what many thought impossible, Rachel.
20:50What's that?
20:52You shut down the mutiny.
21:00please give us a minute.
21:06Thank you for coming.
21:08I was surprised to hear from you.
21:12I think I found a new landing spot
21:14for the shipment. I told you I was not
21:16interested in anything that would enrich Fidel Castro.
21:18Coño, me neither.
21:20You really want to fuck Fidel?
21:22I say we land the product, steal it,
21:24and get rid of it now in Yolanda.
21:26Le cortamos los cojones a Fidel.
21:28What part of don't quit your day job didn't you understand?
21:30You trusted my gut when I warned you about their plot to kill you.
21:32Why can't you trust me now?
21:34Or are you afraid I'm as good at this as you?
21:38What's your proposal?
21:42I want you to meet my boss.
21:44He's a man I've known for eight years who I trust like family.
21:46El medio loco.
21:48But please, hear him out.
21:52My father bought these acres years ago.
21:54As I was explaining to Roman,
21:56most of it remains undeveloped swampland.
21:58This land is useless to me.
22:00Si, yo se, yo se.
22:02Alligators, uncertain terrain,
22:04possibility of water damage to the product, yo se.
22:06That's why I'm thinking
22:08the sugar cane fields.
22:10Right here.
22:12About 700 acres.
22:14What type of security do you have there?
22:16I mean basically none.
22:18Private security, all of whom I can call off at will.
22:20And the stocks are still growing,
22:22so no cane harvesters will be near
22:24this property for months.
22:26We're dropping tons.
22:28My concern is law enforcement flyovers.
22:30Yup, yup, yup.
22:32Nobody owns public airspace.
22:34But my father's a very secretive man.
22:36I mean, paranoid, actually.
22:38It was a problem growing up.
22:40But he has used his contacts at the FAA
22:42to direct air traffic away from his property,
22:44both commercial and military.
22:46Señor Cavall,
22:48you could drop a fucking nuclear bomb there
22:50and nobody would be the wiser.
22:56I'm gonna think about it.
22:58Okay? Okay.
23:00And sir, may I just assure you of the strictest confidentiality?
23:02I mean, si yo hablo, me muero.
23:06That's the unspoken code with this type of endeavor,
23:08and I accept those terms.
23:10You have my word.
23:12I am neither a spoiler nor a rat.
23:14Thank you, Burton.
23:16Yup. Okay.
23:18Thank you, gentlemen.
23:26You have to admit,
23:28the Greenberg property's even better than Landon's.
23:30I suppose you're right.
23:32I am.
23:34Trust me.
23:38Let's do it.
23:40Teach Castro a lesson.
23:42Let's do it.
23:44Teach Castro a lesson.
24:12Está metido con la DEA.
24:14Está metido con la DEA.
24:26Rey de Orado nos quiere presentar
24:28a un policía corrupto.
24:32No me caen nada bien los policías.
24:34Corruptos o no,
24:36son insoportables.
24:38Pero a esas alturas no tenemos mucho más.
24:40Yo no puedo llegar a Colombia
24:42con las manos vacías.
24:44Pues haz lo que tengas que hacer, Henao.
24:46Rey de Orado no hace confiar.
24:48Es una víbora.
24:50Los cubanos son todos unas víboras.
24:54Roman Compte no.
25:00Entonces, ¿por qué decís eso?
25:04Que no le interesa ni el dinero
25:06ni le interesan las drogas.
25:08Él quiere proteger algo mucho más importante.
25:12¿Y si piensas que lo puedes poner a jugar para mi lado?
25:18Es un hombre tan roto
25:20que se puede manipular fácil.
26:14¿Eres un liado?
26:16¿O es mi esposa?
26:20Ella dice que estás trabajando con los jodidos policiales.
26:24Tienes tres segundos, hermano.
26:26Tres, dos...
26:28Pero ellos...
26:30Ellos atropellaron a la señora.
26:32No tenía opción.
26:34Fuck you!
26:36You fucking betrayed me, brother.
26:38I protected you.
26:40I prevented you from being arrested.
26:43I saved your fucking life.
26:45Because of me, the DEA wants Los Colombianos, not you.
26:48I should shoot you right between the fucking eyes.
26:51Si me va a pegar el tiro,
26:53ponte los cojones y dale ya.
26:57But I sacrificed my safety
26:59and that of my family to protect you.
27:02Your own goddamn choices in life brought this on you, not me.
27:05So fuck you.
27:07Go ahead and shoot.
27:10Do it!
27:22How could I ever trust you again, brother?
27:24I don't give a fuck if you trust me or not.
27:28Let's go through with the plan.
27:30Even if the DEA takes the coke,
27:32we're still fucking free then.
27:43See, the key to our success is the Colombians buying my identity.
27:46That's insane.
27:48They're gonna kill you and me the minute they smell a rat.
27:52Which is why I had the geniuses out of our lab
27:55create these images of me doing blow with the congressman
27:58and exchanging bribes, coded telegrams,
28:02so that it looks like we're in cahoots.
28:05Nah, fuck that.
28:07I'm not gonna risk it.
28:09Hey, fuck, you don't have a choice.
28:11I do, as a matter of fact. I would much rather go to jail.
28:14Was that right?
28:16Yeah, take me to fucking jail. I'm not doing this shit.
28:18Funny you should mention that.
28:20I just got some intel on the murder of Constance Greenberg.
28:23You know, the sister of the owner of this hotel?
28:26Turns out the Colombians, they popped her,
28:30which makes you an accessory to murder.
28:33I can book you on that right now,
28:35or you can have one last shot at freedom.
28:40Up to you, fuckhead.
28:51How you doing?
28:54Janice, look, I know this deal is gonna save my hotel,
28:57but can I trust this Nestor Cabal?
29:02I'm not even sure you can trust Roman.
29:05What are you talking about?
29:10He's changing.
29:13Not for the better.
29:15I'm worried he's gonna get you both killed.
29:21I've provided protection for at least a dozen cocaine shipments.
29:25So Congressman Landon paid you?
29:2925% of everything he got.
29:31Oof. That's a hefty price.
29:34It was worth it. I kept the cops off his ass.
29:37It's what I do.
29:39He must be a man of great influence.
29:41Well, Peter Cunningham, he's in the Department of Justice,
29:44and he answers to the president.
29:46He also happens to be a close personal friend.
29:49So, if I need something, I get it.
29:57You know, back in my country, I have a lot of cops on my payroll,
30:01and they do all sorts of things for me.
30:04But there's something about cops here in the United States
30:07that is different. Right, love?
30:09Say it. Seriously.
30:11Yeah? What's that?
30:13Well, for example, you know, if a cop is undercover here,
30:16there are certain crimes that he cannot commit.
30:19Like murder?
30:24Hey, hey, hey, hey. There's no need for that.
30:27Oh, no. No, no, no. I'm not gonna shoot you.
30:30You're gonna shoot him.
30:34What the fuck are you talking about?
30:36He's your fucking banker.
30:38Corrupt bankers are easier to find than corrupt cops.
30:42You know what? Fuck this.
30:44You don't want my help, I'm out of here.
30:46Jesus. Really?
30:50You know, you gotta listen to me.
30:52I'm not gonna kill anyone.
30:53All right, then you're both going to die.
30:55No, no, no, no.
30:57You're not listening to me.
30:59You can't kill me.
31:01Without me here in this country, you know very well you're nothing.
31:04They see you as some other immigrant coffee bean farmer.
31:07You need me.
31:08I am the legitimate face of all of your fucking enterprises.
31:11What the fuck are you gonna do without me?
31:13Without me, how are you going to launder all that money coming in?
31:16Ray Dorado's not gonna die from you, motherfucker.
31:19If there's anybody here that you're gonna fucking kill,
31:21it's not me, it's this fucking guy.
31:23This fucking guy.
31:36You satisfied?
31:50Val, it's me.
31:55Hi, Andrew.
31:57Look, I'm really sorry about what I said.
32:00Blaming your family, blaming all Cubans.
32:03It was out of line.
32:08I understand.
32:10You're upset.
32:13I can't imagine what you're going through.
32:15Yeah, but that's not an excuse.
32:19I want to see you.
32:21You're like the one person I want to be around right now.
32:26Me too.
32:30Can you meet me at the restaurant near the marina tonight?
32:35I'll have my stupid guards with me.
32:37Yeah, I don't care.
32:40I miss you.
32:43I'll be there.
32:46Thanks, Valeria. I'll see you soon.
33:08What the fuck is this?
33:15You're just full of surprises today.
33:17Agent Zulio.
33:18I'd like you to meet Nestor Cabal.
33:20Yeah, I wish I could say it's a pleasure.
33:24My brother tells me you're the motherfucker that blackmailed him to spy on me.
33:29What the fuck are you trying to pull here, Roman?
33:31I should bring you both in.
33:32We have a new landing spot.
33:34We can make a deal.
33:36First, immunity for my brother and me.
33:38In writing, by a judge.
33:40Then we'll tell you everything.
33:41Plus, a guarantee that Genao and Yolanda are tried in the U.S.
33:45And incarcerated in a U.S. prison.
33:47Not extradited to Colombia where they can buy their way out of a jail.
33:53You two are setting the fucking terms now, huh?
33:55Are you out of your fucking mind?
33:57No way.
33:59Then you get nothing.
34:00I'm going to Pancarajo.
34:05Okay, fine.
34:07I'll work on his immunity.
34:09In writing.
34:10One problem, though.
34:11My meeting with the Colombians didn't exactly go as planned.
34:15As a matter of fact, it was a little fucked up.
34:17Don't worry.
34:18I can get him back to the table.
34:21How are you going to do that?
34:24I may have to do it again.
34:25I don't know.
34:26I don't know.
34:28How are you going to do that?
34:31I may have an in.
34:37I'm sorry, ma'am.
34:38The club is closed.
34:39I was invited by Roman Comte.
34:51Drinking alone?
34:53Not if you join me.
35:03Marisol left me.
35:12An argument?
35:14She didn't have my back.
35:17She's not like you.
35:19No matter what happens, I know I can trust you.
35:22Confide in you.
35:25Marisol's not like that.
35:29Maybe she wanted something more from the relationship.
35:33The problem is, I never stopped loving Estela.
35:37But she's dead.
35:43Well, maybe the truth is, I'll just never love again.
35:48I know exactly how you feel.
35:52Hello, Roman.
35:53You wanted to see me?
35:59Excuse us.
36:00Oh, I...
36:24The club's closed.
36:26I guess you didn't invite me here to dance.
36:29We can still dance.
36:31Without music?
36:33We can make our own.
36:35I like that.
36:38And I like your office.
36:41No one's ever said that.
36:47Leave that.
36:49Who's this pretty girl?
36:53Is she your daughter?
36:54Yes. Give me that.
36:56What's her name?
36:59Let me have that.
37:00What's her name?
37:12Beautiful name.
37:13Beautiful name.
37:18I have a new landing spot for the product.
37:23Your old business.
37:25I was hoping this was a different kind of meeting.
37:28What business could wait till after?
37:32After what, Roman?
37:43Come on.
38:13Come on.
38:47What were you telling me?
38:50We'll do business together again.
38:54You tell me.
38:57Muy bien.
39:03I'll bring her now here tonight.
39:14I love you.
39:25Did you get it?
39:30They changed the meeting point.
39:33And I have very good news for you.
39:36Roman and Nestor want to see you again.
39:39You got it.
39:41I should have shot him in the head, son of a bitch.
39:43It's business. Focus.
39:48Did you like it?
39:52I loved it.
39:57What? Are you mad?
39:59What are you going to do?
40:02You don't know what I'm going to do.
40:06Get what you wanted, right?
40:08I'm going to take a shower.
40:10While you talk to your Colombian partners
40:12to tell them everything is fine.
40:35Hey, hey.
40:37Hey, hey.
40:39Great news.
40:40My CI is going to give us the location of the new drop spot.
40:43All we got to do is give him an immunity agreement.
40:47That's impressive.
40:48Really, really impressive.
40:51Yeah, I can see you two are jumping up and down for joy.
40:54What the fuck is going on here?
40:57Miami PD just found him in a dumpster.
41:02The former owner of the Orange Grove Bank.
41:05Ray Dorado.
41:07I believe he was your contact.
41:10It's too bad.
41:12Want me to look into it?
41:14No. I would like you to meet Agents Warren and Lash.
41:19They'll be taking over your case.
41:21I'm sorry, Don.
41:24What are you talking about?
41:25Did you not just hear me?
41:27My CI knows the location of the drop.
41:30Now, as far as your CI goes, Roman Conte,
41:33I've been told that if we bring in his daughter, he'll talk.
41:38So that's exactly what Warren and Lash are going to do.
41:41Those rookies don't know this case.
41:43You can't do this.
41:46Watch me.
41:58You haven't had your cheesecake.
42:00Yeah, I haven't had much of an appetite lately.
42:03I can imagine.
42:05I just want to say I'm really sorry.
42:08Yeah, me too.
42:11It's really good to see you.
42:13No, it's really good to see you.
42:16It sucks that you're leaving, though.
42:20I wish you were coming with me.
42:25Me too.
42:31Do you want to?
42:39Okay, then let's do it.
42:41Let's get out of Florida.
42:42Go see the country, you know, go see the rest of the world.
42:45Just me and you.
42:50I'd love to, but my bodyguards are up front.
42:54I'm under constant watch.
42:57They'll never let me leave.
43:01What did you think of the Greenberg property?
43:03The sugar cane fields.
43:05Let me check them.
43:06Should be all right.
43:08So we have a deal.
43:09I think we have one.
43:11Well, last time we made an agreement,
43:12things didn't go very well.
43:15So now it's going to be different.
43:18The terms are the same.
43:19Or there's no deal.
43:21No terms.
43:23We need insurance.
43:31Put your guns out!
43:32Hands where I can see them!
43:34What kind of insurance?
43:46We're here for Valeria Compton!
44:00Valeria Compton
44:01Valeria Compton
44:02Valeria Compton
44:03Valeria Compton
44:04Valeria Compton
44:05Valeria Compton
44:06Valeria Compton
44:07Valeria Compton
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