• 2 months ago
Hollyoaks 15th August 2024


00:00I was on the stairs, and then Nancy came in.
00:02She came to me, and I slipped, and then I...
00:04Hang on a sec. You slipped?
00:06No. She pushed me.
00:09That's a good one, innit?
00:12Well, why's that photo on here?
00:14You're signing tomorrow.
00:16That's going to be, like, the most exciting day ever.
00:18You're a really good dancer, you know.
00:21I love watching you.
00:22We're dead lucky we've got each other, you know.
01:12I know there is hope
01:15In these waters
01:18You ready to do this?
01:20But I'm letting myself to swim
01:22When I am drowning
01:25In the silence, baby
01:29Let me in
01:32Go easy on me, baby
01:39I was still a child
01:42I didn't get the chance to
01:46Feel the world around me
01:52I had no time to choose
01:56What I chose to do
01:59So go easy on me
02:05Look, I've already said yes, fine, okay?
02:07Can we just put it behind us?
02:08Yeah, well, say it like you mean it
02:10Suzanne, don't push me, alright?
02:12It was you and your wife that got us into this situation in the first place
02:16You know, you questioning her, making her confused
02:19She was actually attacked
02:23Do we have to do this again?
02:24No, I'm sorry, I just want today to be special for JJ
02:27You know, we all have to pull together as a big happy family that everybody dreams of
02:32Hey, talking of dreams
02:34This boy's going to make my dreams come true today, ain't he, mate?
02:36Oh, I'm so nervous, though
02:38Why? It's going to be the greatest day of your life, you'll see
02:40And I've got in touch with the Chester Herald and they're coming today to watch you sign for the club
02:45And they're going to do a story about you
02:47And they're going to interview all of us, starting with
02:51My what?
02:54I love you so much
03:02Hey, you went to bed early last night
03:05So it was best to just let you have a good sleep
03:09Do you want to join in with these two?
03:11No, really
03:15Hey, I could do with a hand over here
03:17Okay, I'm coming
03:18I called Dave but he's running a bit late
03:20What's wrong?
03:21Oh, well, the lechee's gone downstairs
03:23Everything's defrosted in the fridge freezer
03:25You know, I said I'd host JJ's party in the pub
03:27But I don't know what I'm going to do
03:28Tony, we need to get to the bottom of this whole Roe situation
03:32You've taken the post down, haven't you?
03:34Oh, yeah, that doesn't mean it's over
03:36Anyone could have taken a screenshot
03:37And who knows what photos he's sent out of himself
03:40I called Darren
03:41No, it's all right
03:42I think this might be best being a one-paying job
03:44Right, kids, all hands to the deck
03:46And Stevie, go and help your dad clean up downstairs
03:49Hey, not you, Roe
03:50Come on
03:52Hey, it's for horses
03:53Come on, do what your mother says
03:54Just do it, Dee Dee
03:58Right, listen
03:59I know that you want to pretend that yesterday didn't happen
04:01But we can't
04:03We need to talk
04:04We need to sort it out
04:09Come on, chap
04:10Get off me
04:11Two cars, Darren
04:13Yeah, you're in Tony's car
04:14He's got to wait for Suzanne
04:16She's allowed to be here?
04:18Isn't there, like, a hundred-yard distance she has to keep?
04:21JJ, please
04:24When you get home, enjoy yourself
04:26Hey, cheer up, mate
04:28Come on
04:31I hate this
04:32It's not exactly a barrel of laughs for me, either
04:34Yeah, yesterday I thought I was getting somewhere
04:36And it was like...
04:38It's like Frankie wanted to say something, but...
04:40Maybe that's the problem
04:42Maybe you're trying too hard
04:44You know, you need to handle this
04:50There is something wrong
04:51And it is your job as her dad to figure out what it is
04:55And I will
04:57I promise
04:59I love you
05:00I love you, too
05:01See you later
05:03All right, come on, boy wonder
05:04You get in the front, all right?
05:05I'm not waiting anymore
05:06All right, Dad
05:07Just wait for Suzanne to get there, yeah?
05:09Come on
05:13It's your moment
05:14I'm so proud of you, eh?
05:16Right, come on
05:21Come on
05:22Let's go
05:23Let's go
05:27I said he'd help me
05:29I just wanted someone to talk to
05:32And that's not me or your dad
05:35You've trusted a complete stranger over us
05:39Like, I'm your mum
05:40And I'm here to help you
05:43I have to wait at least three years
05:45Before I can get hormone treatment
05:47Three years
05:48Because they need to be sure
05:50It's not their body, it's mine
05:51And it's changing
05:56Every morning
05:58I wait
05:59To open my eyes
06:01I wait and
06:03Not like pray, but
06:05I just wish
06:06I wish
06:08Really hard
06:09That nothing's changed
06:10They're my hips, aren't they?
06:12You know
06:13Aren't they bigger?
06:16And then I open my eyes and
06:20I had to do something
06:22I have to
06:25Okay, and we will
06:27Right, we can look at your wardrobe
06:29We can find an alternative to this
06:31DIY bind
06:32And because
06:33I've been reading about the health risks
06:35I'm being careful
06:37But you keep saying that, Ro
06:39But you're so young
06:40Okay, and you can't possibly understand
06:42The damage that you might be doing to yourself
06:44It's like you can't even see me
06:46I do see you
06:48No, you see the problems
06:50And you see the risks
06:51And they need to be fixed
06:53I'm right, aren't I?
06:55And do you know what?
06:56It makes me so upset
06:58Because I really don't want it to be that
07:10Ladies and gentlemen
07:11Signing his first pro contract
07:13Jack Osbourne
07:21The reporter wants to talk to you
07:23Don't worry, he's sound
07:25Do you know what you're gonna say about me?
07:27Not yet
07:28It's gonna be good, though
07:32Look how far we've come
07:35I've just signed
07:37Dream come true
07:38You're about to start your career in dance
07:40Well, not yet
07:42Yeah, you're gonna make it happen, though
07:45I'm pretty excited
07:47Yeah, there we go
07:50Who knew one family had so much talent in it
07:53But to be fair, I take the edge
07:57Everything's finally working out
08:00I can't wait to move away from here
08:02I'm gonna start fresh in London
08:06I'll come and visit you, though
08:09Here he is, eh?
08:10Man of the moment
08:11You're on your way up now
08:12There's no stopping you
08:13Fame, money, fast cars, ladies, everything
08:15Right, come on, family photo
08:17Come on, family photo
08:18Come on, let me get in there
08:20You must
08:21Come on, let me get in there
08:23Superstar, right
08:24Everybody say
08:30Lovely, brilliant
08:31Big smiles
08:35Being who I truly am
08:37That will complete me for sure
08:42But having you on my side
08:45I mean properly
08:48That would really help
08:50I am on your side
08:53Like we all are
08:54Dee Dee, your dad, aunt
08:57Like you are not alone
09:15I know
09:18That doesn't mean I'm not lonely
09:20Oh, will you listen to yourself?
09:22You're too young to be talking like this
09:25Too young, too male, anything else
09:27Right, well, I know you're obsessed, right
09:29But I'm not the enemy
09:30Ash is, he's the bad guy
09:34And I know this is...
09:35It's my fault because I told you to go on them chat rooms
09:39You didn't tell me to send that photo
09:42No, I didn't
09:45Anyway, it's all about that
09:47I do think we need to go to the police
09:53No, no
09:55Well, we can't just let him get away, will we?
09:56He already has
09:58Mum, please, Ash is an idiot, one idiot
10:00We don't even know, who cares?
10:02I do
10:04Because he is not just one person, right
10:06There are loads of them
10:08Bigots and haters
10:10And they really do hate sweethearts
10:13And I can't control what they're gonna do
10:15And I don't want you to spend the rest of your life coping with that
10:18So what?
10:20I just be miserable and live as the wrong gender
10:22Because people are mean
10:28You really haven't got a clue who I'm talking about, have you?
10:31Right, I am talking about abuse
10:35And attacks
10:36Because people's reactions to you won't always be kind
10:40That's why you can't deal with this
10:43Because of how people will react
10:49No, I'm just scared for you, love
10:51I'm just really scared
10:53So am I
10:54So am I
10:55And that's why I needed you
10:57That's why I needed you
11:00You can't do it
11:02You can't be the mum that I want
11:16What are you doing in here?
11:18We're all going to the dog to celebrate
11:23Well, I'm ready
11:25Are you?
11:27Ready to celebrate?
11:32Come on
11:34Don't be like that
11:38I finally made it
11:40I've just signed
11:43Don't I deserve a little bit of attention?
11:46You said you would
11:49You promised
11:51And you said you'd be nice
11:57No, no
11:58Not true
12:02Why did you push me away when we haven't had a photo taken?
12:05I didn't
12:07I didn't mean to
12:09You think you can do that?
12:11Now that you're moving away?
12:13That you can get rid of me?
12:17That you can treat me like that?
12:20Like I'm nothing?
12:23I'm the popular one
12:25The talented one
12:27The one who makes the whole family proud
12:31They all love me
12:36Do you want to know the truth?
12:40They don't love you
12:44They can't
12:47Because you're impossible to love
12:53The day was supposed to be about me
12:55My special day
12:59You want it to ruin, huh?
13:03Just like you ruin everything
13:10Why don't you want me to be happy?
13:12I do
13:19Then prove it
13:32Frankie, open the door!
13:45Frankie, let me in!
13:46JJ, stop! You need to stop!
13:50Get out of here right now!
13:54Open the door!
14:16Open the door!
14:19He's getting to that line pretty fast
14:21Mum and the Red
14:23It's been right through me
14:26Charlie's at the store getting a part we need
14:29He won't be long
14:30Sarah's things with Ro
14:32Yeah, fine
14:33And what about Warren, eh?
14:35Getting banged up for killing his own mum
14:37It's a bit of a shocker, innit?
14:40He's really subtle, isn't he?
14:43As you asked
14:45Things have been dreadful
14:46We argue all the time
14:48And when we don't argue, we walk on eggshells
14:50Hey, you've got umpteen kids between you
14:52What would you do?
14:54No, hang on a minute
14:55I'm genuinely interested
14:57How would you handle having a trans child?
15:01I'd get professional advice
15:03We have
15:04But the wait on this for cancelling is really long
15:07And they can't do anything medically for a few years
15:10I mean, you've got to feel for the doctor, right?
15:12It's not necessarily right
15:13Because once it's done, it's not an easy thing to reverse
15:18Just saying that if Ro realises that he or she
15:22Has made a mistake in five years time
15:25I mean, it's seen as trendy now, isn't it?
15:28To class yourself as trans makes you popular
15:30I can assure you, it doesn't
15:32I'm just saying it like it is, you know
15:35And people feel that they can't do that so much anymore
15:38How in the world breeds a collective sigh of relief?
15:43You know, Ro said that I can't be the mum he needs
15:46And he's right
15:48I can't
15:53I won't tell you again!
15:58Hey, what's going on?
16:01Frankie got locked in
16:07Frankie, you all right?
16:11Yeah, I think the lock's stuck
16:13Okay, no dramas
16:15Hey, you made it look like real emergency then
16:19What are you getting all incredible hope for, eh?
16:22I don't know
16:24Adrenaline or something
16:26Why don't you just call me?
16:28Right, listen, darling, don't panic, all right?
16:30I'm sure the lock is just stuck or something, so...
16:33Darren, wait
16:34I think I've got it
16:40Well, that was easy, wasn't it?
16:42Are you all right now? Everything's okay?
16:53I'm fine
16:55I overreacted
16:57It's all sorted now
16:58Listen, you, let's concentrate on your football now, okay?
17:00Come on
17:01Come on, mate, let's go
17:11How did it go with Mum?
17:14She's been a total headcase for months, but...
17:17this thing with Ash just tips her over the edge
17:19She said she wants to contact the police
17:22I know, right?
17:23I mean, our family's always been a bit complicated, but...
17:27at the moment, it feels like it's been out of control
17:32I feel like it's all my fault
17:34It's definitely not your fault
17:36I promise
17:38He's the one with the problem
17:40Not you
17:43No, that's great, Dad
17:44Thank you
17:45All right, bye, bye, bye
17:46Right, Jack's dropping Oscar off at his mate's, which helps, so...
17:50Where is everyone?
17:52It's like the Mary Celestine here
17:54Do you know the Hutchinsons were never cut out to be Republicans?
17:58Moody, especially when she's got a vino calypso inside her
18:01And Tony, well, he lacks wit and charm
18:03Oh, yeah
18:04Hi, Tony
18:06Hi, Tony
18:07Listen, I'm sorry, guys, but we've had a problem with our electric
18:10so I've had to move your party upstairs
18:12I didn't think you'd want to be down here with warm beer and soggy canapés
18:15Well, as long as you've got the fizz on ice
18:17because we are celebrating our number one son here
18:19Oh, Mum
18:27You coming?
18:28I'm just gonna...
18:31All right
18:47I'm OK
18:49Yes, I'm fine
18:51I think maybe it's time we got off
18:53We can't just leave her
18:57Hey, it's a spare
18:59I'm gonna get Frankie a pint
19:00Where is she?
19:01Oh, she's just done her film
19:03Oh, refusing to join in?
19:06Yeah, let's have a couple of them
19:07Thank you, see you in a bit
19:10So, Mum, I don't think it's the best idea you let her get into this state
19:13What with everything she's been going through with Ro, it's just...
19:24Are you kidding me? You've been drinking
19:26Oh, shut up
19:27He had one
19:28Not one bottle
19:30Just give it to me, Tony
19:31Come on, we're gonna get you cleaned up
19:33How are we now?
19:35Why would you do this? You were doing so well
19:37Because I'm good, aren't I?
19:39It's the only thing I'm good at
19:42You know, I'm a failed wife and I'm a failed mum
19:47But I'm a terrific drunk
19:56What's wrong with her?
19:58And what was that smashing sound?
20:00I don't know
20:01Maybe it was Cindy
20:03She looks like she could lose it in a fight
20:05No, it's Mum
20:08You know how she gets when she's...
20:11Look, the things I said to Mum earlier on
20:14I didn't mean to be so horrible
20:16But she just kept pushing it and then...
20:18We all mess up
20:21How? What did you do?
20:26Hey, are you OK? What's wrong?
20:29I know who Ash is
20:34I've known all this time
20:39It was some day, wasn't it?
20:43Listen, if you'd rather go to the chippy
20:45Because that was a nook too appetising
20:47Then let's do that
20:49I don't think Mum and Gigi would be OK with that
20:53Who cares?
20:54Look, if we want some dad and daughter time
20:56We'll do it, yeah?
21:03Look, I know there's been a lot of fanfare for JJ recently
21:09But we are proud of you two, you know
21:12I don't know why
21:14I've brought you nothing but trouble, right?
21:17I know what you all really think of me
21:20Now listen to me
21:22Listen to me
21:25I can't even begin
21:28To get my head around what's going on right now
21:33But I'm just clinging to the fact that we can all get through it, right?
21:39Come on, have one of these
21:41You know, these are my...
21:43Your favourite
21:44Yes, you see, you do remember
21:46But only with a bit of ketchup, of course
21:48Now look at that, get in there
21:49Look at that, bad boy
21:55Why are you so nice to me?
22:00Well, because I love you
22:04You love me?
22:09Of course I do
22:17Frankie, what's up?
22:20Frankie, look at me
22:22Frankie, look at me, look at me
22:29Just tell me
22:47He's sexually abusing me
23:12I love you
23:14I love you
23:15I love you
23:16I love you
23:17I love you
23:18I love you
23:19I love you
23:20I love you
23:21I love you
23:22I love you
23:23I love you
23:24I love you
23:25I love you
23:26I love you
23:27I love you
23:28I love you
23:29I love you
23:30I love you
23:31I love you
23:32I love you
23:33I love you
23:34I love you
23:35I love you
23:36I love you
23:37I love you
23:38I love you
23:39I love you