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#### Description
Welcome to our channel! In this video, we present a powerful recitation of Surah An-Naba, the 78th chapter of the Quran. Surah An-Naba, meaning "The Announcement," focuses on the Day of Judgment and the reality of the Hereafter. It begins with a profound question about the "Great News," which refers to the resurrection and the events of the Last Day. The surah vividly describes the consequences awaiting both the righteous and the wicked. This chapter serves as a stark reminder of the inevitable accountability every soul will face. Let the recitation of this surah encourage you to reflect on your own life and prepare for the Hereafter. Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more spiritually enriching Quranic recitations!

#### Disclaimer
The content provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It is not intended to replace professional religious advice or guidance. While we strive to present accurate and up-to-date information, please consult with a qualified Islamic scholar or authority for any specific religious concerns or questions. The recitation and interpretation of the Quran can vary, and individual experiences may differ.

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#سورۃ_النبأ #قرآن #اسلامی_تعلیمات #روحانیت #قرآن_کی_تلاوت #اسلام #اسلامی_تعلیم #قرآن_سیکھیں #قرآنی_حکمت #سورۃ_النبأ_کے_فوائد #اسلامی_تاریخ #سورۃ_النبأ_کی_تشریح #سورۃ_النبأ_کی_تلاوت #اسلامی_مواد #اسلامی_ویڈیو #قرآن_کی_سیکھ #مسلمان #اسلامی_یاددہانی #روزانہ_قرآن #مقدس_قرآن #قرآن_کی_آیات #ایمان #قیامت_کا_دن #الہی_رہنمائی #اسلامی_حکمت #اسلامی_علم #اسلامی_حوصلہ_افزائی #امن #قرآن_کی_تلاوت #اسلامی_ایمان #الہی_وحی #اسلامی_پیغامات #اسلامی_عکاسی #اسلامی_زندگی #روحانی_سفر #قرآن_کی_عکاسی #اسلامی_آگاہی


00:00I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
00:06In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
00:13What are they asking about?
00:20About the great news
00:24In which they differ
00:29No, they will come to know
00:36Have We not made the earth a resting-place?
00:41And the mountains as pillars?
00:44And We have created you in pairs
00:48And We have made your sleep a rest
00:52And We have made the night a cover
00:57And We have made the day a means of livelihood
01:02And We have built above you seven mountains
01:08And We have made a lamp and a guide
01:13And We have sent down from the rain clouds a pouring rain
01:23That We may bring forth thereby grain and vegetation
01:29And gardens enveloped
01:34Verily, the Day of Decision will be a point
01:39The Day when the Horn will be blown, and you will come together
01:46And the sky will be opened, and it will be like gates
01:53And the mountains will be moved, and it will be like a stream
01:59Verily, Hell will be a place of observation
02:06For the transgressors, a resting-place in which they will dwell for ages
02:15They will not taste therein any coolness or drink
02:22Except boiling water and boiling water
02:27As a reward for loyalty
02:32Verily, they were not expecting an account
02:39And they denied Our signs in denial
02:44And everything We have enumerated in a record
02:49So taste, and We will not increase you except in punishment
02:56Verily, for the righteous is a triumph
03:01Gardens and vineyards
03:07And vineyards near
03:11And a cup full
03:16In which they will hear neither idle talk nor falsehood
03:23As a reward from your Lord, as a gift, as an account
03:35The Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, the Most Merciful
03:41They have no power to speak to Him
03:46On the Day when the Spirit and the angels will stand in a row
03:53They will not speak except to whom the Most Merciful has permitted and said,
04:02That is the Day of Truth
04:06So whoever wills, he will take to his Lord a place of return
04:14Verily, We have warned you of a near punishment
04:24On the Day when man will see what his hands have sent forth
04:29And the disbeliever will say, I wish I were dust
04:36Allah Almighty has spoken the truth
