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Surah Al-Mulk Complete Tilawat


00:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
00:05Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the Sovereignty, and He is Able to do all things
00:14Who created death and life, that He may test you, which of you is best in deed? And He is the Exalted in Might, the Most Forgiving
00:28Who created the seven heavens in layers. You do not see in the creation of the Most Merciful any deviation. So turn your gaze back. Do you see any deviation?
00:46Then turn your gaze back twice. Your gaze will turn back to you, despondent, and it will be in despair.
00:58And indeed We have adorned the sky of this world with lamps, and We have made them as a punishment for the devils.
01:10And We have prepared for them the punishment of the Blaze.
01:16And for those who disbelieve in their Lord is the punishment of Hell, and an evil destination.
01:25When they are thrown into it, they will hear it crackling, and it will burst forth.
01:32They will almost be separated from the rage.
01:38Whenever a group is thrown into it, its keepers will ask them,
01:45Did no warner come to you?
01:48They will say, Yes, indeed, a warner has come to us.
01:54But we denied and said, Allah has not sent down anything. You are not but in great error.
02:06And they will say, If only we had listened or reasoned, we would not have been among the companions of the Blaze.
02:16So they will admit their sin, and it will be deserted for the companions of the Blaze.
02:24Indeed, those who fear their Lord unseen, for them is forgiveness and a great reward.
02:35And keep your word a secret or make it known. Indeed, He is Knowing of that which is in the breasts.
02:46Does He who created not know? And He is the Subtle, the Aware.
02:52It is He who has made the earth for you a cradle, so walk among its slopes,
03:00and eat of His provision, and to Him is the resurrection.
03:06Do you believe that He who is in the heaven will cause the earth to swallow you up,
03:15and at once it will break apart?
03:18Or do you believe that He who is in the heaven will not send against you a storm?
03:28Then you will know how is My warning.
03:33And indeed those before them have denied, so how is My reproaching?
03:41Do they not see the birds above them, straight and holding?
03:50None holds them except the Most Merciful. Indeed, He is, of all things, Seeing.
04:00Or who is it that is a soldier for you, helping you instead of the Most Merciful?
04:11Indeed, the disbelievers are not but in error.
04:16Or who is it that provides for you, if He withholds His provision?
04:23Nay, but they persist in transgression and transgression.
04:28Is he who walks upright on his face better guided or he who walks upright on a straight path?
04:46Say, He it is Who created you and made for you hearing and sight and hearts.
04:56Little is it that you give thanks.
05:00Say, He it is Who has planted you in the earth and to Him you will be gathered.
05:07And they say, When is this promise, if you should be truthful?
05:15Say, Knowledge is only with Allah, and I am only a clear warner.
05:24But when they see it near, the faces of those who disbelieve become evil.
05:33And it will be said, This is what you used to invoke.
05:40Say, Have you considered, if Allah should destroy me and those with me or have mercy on us,
05:48then who will protect the disbelievers from a painful punishment?
05:54Say, He is the Most Merciful. We have believed in Him and have relied on Him.
06:01So you will know who is in manifest error.
06:07Say, Have you considered, if your water should become deep, then who will bring you flowing water?
