PM Modi की Independence Day Speech पर Patna के लोगों ने जताई राय

  • 2 weeks ago
गुरुवार को भारत अपना 78वां स्वतंत्रता दिवस मना रहा है। लाल किले की प्राचीर से देश को संबोधित करते हुए प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने विकसित भारत के विजन, महिला सुरक्षा, युवा, सेना, यूसीसी समेत तमाम मुद्दों पर अपनी बात रखी। पीएम मोदी के संबोधन पर बिहार की राजधानी पटना के लोगों ने प्रतिक्रिया दी। शिक्षक रविंद्र कुमार ने कहा कि हमारे देश में धर्म के आधार पर कोई भी कानून वैधानिक नहीं हो सकता, 75 साल में जो बातें बीत गईं वो तो बीत गई। यूनिफॉर्म सिविल कॉड तो बहुत पहले आ जाना चाहिए था। वहीं लवकेश कुमार ने प्रधानमंत्री के राजनीति में 1 लाख नए युवाओं को जोड़ने की बात पर कहा कि इससे सबको मौका मिलेगा। इसके अलावा वन नेशन वन इलेक्शन का भी उन्होंने समर्थन किया। राखी कुमारी ने महिला सुरक्षा को लेकर पीएम मोदी की बातों का समर्थन किया। वहीं एक अन्य महिला ने कहा कि महिलाओं के खिलाफ घटना हर जगह होती है मामला किसी के साथ भी हो सबके साथ खड़ा होना चाहिए। छात्र प्रतीक ने कहा कि प्रधानमंत्री जी की ये बात सही है कि कॉमन लोगों को अगर राजनीति में लाया जाएगा तो वो लोग देखेंगे कि जो भी प्रॉब्लम है मिडिल क्लास की तो वो प्रधानमंत्री तक सही फीडबैक पहुंच जाएगा।

#Independenceday #pmmodispeech #pmmodiredfortspeech #uniformcivilcode #onenationoneelection
00:00When our nation is Dharm Nirpech, then on the basis of Dharm, no law can be legal.
00:10So, we have been going through 75 years of darkness for 5000 years.
00:17So, gradually, as we are developing, we are coming towards light from darkness.
00:23We are changing the shortcomings.
00:26So, 75 years have passed.
00:29But now, if our nation is Dharm Nirpech, then the law should also be Dharm Nirpech.
00:34And a uniform civil court should have come a long time ago.
00:38And we should thank the Prime Minister for this, that it should be uniform.
00:46If there is an equal citizen, equal service is being taken, equal education is being provided,
00:51equal job is required, then the court should also be uniform.
00:54It is a very good thing.
00:58Because everyone will get a chance.
01:01Everyone will work in their own way.
01:03If education is provided in a proper way, then that means it is a very good thing.
01:06It is a very good thing.
01:08What will happen in One Nation?
01:10The first thing that happens is that our agriculture will stop.
01:16Because when we do it in batches, the farmers get a chance every time.
01:21If we do it in one day, then everything will stop.
01:24And it will be a very good thing.
01:26Plus, the traffic that happens, the constant disturbance in the city, will not be disturbed.
01:31It is a very good thing, sir.
01:33It is very important to teach lessons to the farmers in today's date.
01:36If we do not teach, then their morale is increasing day by day.
01:40It will continue to increase.
01:41So, what will happen with this is that our criminal case will continue to move.
01:46Yes, he is right.
01:48Women from all walks of life come out to work.
01:53Whether it is a police officer, a doctor, a nurse, a teacher, or anyone else.
01:57But you must have seen what has happened in West Bengal.
02:00A doctor was raped.
02:01Think about it.
02:02The parents work so hard to educate their children to become doctors.
02:05In which they spend 5-5.5 years of their time.
02:08And after that, this incident happens with their child.
02:11Think about what the parents must have gone through.
02:13They spend their entire life's savings.
02:16Because children are the wealth of their parents' life.
02:19And he was raped with them.
02:21Think about it.
02:22Now that child is no more.
02:23Now tell me what their parents must be going through.
02:25So, for this, they should take the strictest steps.
02:28As soon as possible, they should take action on this.
02:31Now someone is going to school as a teacher.
02:35And someone came and raped him.
02:37So, how will it be?
02:38It is not good.
02:39This shows how bad the situation has become for the ladies.
02:43People will stop coming out.
02:45People say, change your country, change your society.
02:48And people still think the same way.
02:50Why does he need to rape?
02:52This is what I don't understand.
02:54Doesn't he have a mother or sister in his house who is raping?
02:57Think about it.
02:58If his daughter is going out to work.
03:00If she is in the same condition as him.
03:02How will he feel?
03:04So, when he comes out, people say that he should be punished.
03:07So, the same law and the same rules should apply to everyone.
03:11They should be punished as soon as possible.
03:14But this doesn't happen.
03:16It takes time.
03:17When there is a case, they are in the discussion.
03:20And then, after a few days, they see that the case is closed.
03:24So, the case should never be closed.
03:26Until the criminal is punished.
03:28Until then, they should be strict.
03:30But this doesn't happen.
03:31This doesn't happen in all cases.
03:33The case in which the media highlights.
03:35The same case is punished.
03:37And the case in which the media doesn't come.
03:39This happens a lot.
03:40What do you think?
03:41In West Bengal, this has happened only with a doctor.
03:44This happens a lot.
03:45It happens with the poor.
03:46It happens with the daughter of a farmer.
03:48But yes, where the media can't reach.
03:50That case is punished.
03:52Everyone is a criminal in this.
03:54It's not like that.
03:55Everyone is responsible.
03:56Yes, the family of that child is also responsible.
03:58Because they take care of their daughter's honor.
04:00They don't go to give justice to their daughter.
04:02What will the society say?
04:03What will the people say?
04:04When do you care about the society or the people?
04:06The society will come to give you food.
04:07It will never come to give.
04:08You find justice for your daughter.
04:10I will tell all the parents.
04:12If something goes wrong with your daughter.
04:14Then don't think that the society.
04:16If you do good, the society will speak.
04:18If you do wrong, the society will speak.
04:20Because the society's job is to speak.
04:21They can't return your daughter.
04:23They can only speak.
04:24Sir, you said it right.
04:26The criminals here are not afraid.
04:28Because when an incident happens.
04:30All the cases are highlighted.
04:31Now they will take out the candle.
04:32They will take out all the evidence.
04:34But as soon as a week passes.
04:36Slowly, the matter calms down.
04:38So you don't take action.
04:40You should take action against them.
04:42And there should be fear.
04:43Nothing will happen by giving punishment or hanging.
04:45First you hang them.
04:47That crime is over.
04:48Create fear in them.
04:49So that the children don't do this again.
04:51That fear doesn't happen.
04:53If this fear was there.
04:54Then the same thing happened at the time of Nirvaya.
04:56Then this incident would not have happened again.
04:58When a doctor, an educated girl is not safe.
05:00So you think.
05:01How will the illiterate be safe?
05:03This was highlighted.
05:04She was in high profession.
05:05So this was highlighted.
05:06But those who are not educated.
05:08With ladies.
05:09With girls.
05:10The incident happens everywhere.
05:11They were educated.
05:12We came to support them.
05:14But the poor.
05:15We don't support them.
05:16We keep quiet.
05:17That this is their matter.
05:18This should not happen.
05:20Whether the matter is with a girl.
05:22With anyone.
05:23We should stand up.
05:24We should unite.
05:25And first of all.
05:26In our house.
05:27Our son.
05:28Or the husband.
05:29They should be taught.
05:30That with women.
05:31Should be treated with respect.
05:32We will teach at home.
05:33That's when they will come out.
05:34They will be treated well.
05:35But in our house.
05:36We should teach our sons.
05:37That with his sister.
05:38With his mother.
05:39Should be treated with respect.
05:40If we don't teach that.
05:41If the child is at home.
05:42In the beginning we say.
05:43He is a child.
05:44He is.
05:45Go ahead.
05:46It will be fine.
05:47We don't do that.
05:48So from the beginning.
05:49It should be taught.
05:50It is a very good thing.
05:51That the common man will be brought up.
05:52The middle class.
05:53From the sector.
05:54The children will be brought up.
05:55So they will see.
05:56How to improve politics.
05:57Whatever the problem is.
05:58Middle class.
05:59A lot of feedback.
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