Post-race interview - Stage 5 - Tour de France Femmes avec Zwift 2024

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00:00Ok, congrats, you are Tour de France stage winner, how do you feel?
00:08Yeah, it's crazy, I still can't believe it, I don't know what to say, I really did not
00:16expect this today, because I felt so bad during the race and Loreno said to me, believe in
00:26yourself and it helped me a lot, I can't believe it, my radio was not working, so I did not
00:37know what happened at the back, but they made rest, so I think we lost Yalow, so it's a shame
00:46and now I have mixed feelings.
00:49How did you deal with the chaos in the final, what did you think when you escaped this massive
00:54Yeah, I was just on Michel's wheel, so in the second position and I did not hear anything,
01:05so I don't know what happened there.
01:08You were so close to win a medal in Paris in the Olympics, does this victory erase the
01:17Yes, also in the final I was like, I cannot let Faulkner go, because I did the same mistake
01:32in the Olympics, so I was suffering so much, but I know if I survive this small climb then
01:47maybe I can win, also the Olympics gives me a lot of confidence, because I was racing
01:57in the front, so I know if I have a good day I can be in the front.
02:04Thank you, congrats once again.
