20240815 秘密のケンミンSHOW極

  • last month
00:00The strongest meat sauce and tonkatsu tag team,
00:04Shango, a pasta chain that opened in 1943.
00:09As you know, it's famous for its chicken rice bento.
00:12Terige, which opened in 1947.
00:15Gunma Prefecture, a chain that has been loved for many years.
00:20In the midst of all this,
00:22a ramen chain with a high reputation for being the strongest is here.
00:28Its name is Futatsume.
00:31What is Futatsume?
00:33The unknown store name is left out.
00:36The signboard menu is apparently the classic Tanmen in Kanto.
00:40Speaking of Tanmen,
00:42it was said that it was born in a Chinese restaurant in Yokohama called Ippin Kousan.
00:46It goes well with chicken soup and a lot of stir-fried vegetables.
00:50Even when you don't have an appetite, it's pretty good.
00:53Vegetable ramen with a light salty taste.
00:56The design of the store is also refreshing.
00:59I wonder if it's a light Tanmen.
01:02What is it?
01:03Thick Tanmen?
01:06Tanmen and thick are words that should not be used.
01:11What kind of charm is hidden in Futatsume?
01:16The Gunma family is on a picnic.
01:19I thought I'd introduce Futatsume this time.
01:22I've heard of it.
01:23Do you know it?
01:24The number of Tanmen has increased, but it's crowded everywhere.
01:26There are Tanmen on rainy days, too.
01:29There are so many.
01:30It was written as a thick Tanmen.
01:32It's like eating a lot.
01:35It's probably the second Tanmen.
01:37It's been a long time since I've eaten Gunma ramen.
01:40It's the same with pasta, but it's a lot.
01:44Is it just a large amount?
01:46Let's take a look at the general Tanmen.
01:49Is the second Tanmen like this?
01:52This is probably not enough.
01:55The vegetables are fried in oil.
01:58It's like a thick ramen.
02:01There is no concept of lightness.
02:05If I go to the second Tanmen, I want to eat a lot.
02:10I want to eat a lot.
02:11Is this really Tanmen?
02:12This is Tanmen.
02:14Tanmen of Gunma.
02:16The friendly couple in Takasaki City.
02:19I'm surprised when I imagine eating normal Tanmen.
02:22I'm surprised when I imagine eating normal Tanmen.
02:24I'm surprised when I imagine eating normal Tanmen.
02:25When did you go to the second Tanmen?
02:27I went there today.
02:29I went there today.
02:30I was sleeping.
02:32I didn't say it, but I went there today.
02:38It's a coincidence.
02:40Let's go together next time.
02:42What kind of Tanmen is this?
02:45The second Tanmen in Gunma Prefecture.
02:50I might go to Gunma Prefecture.
02:54I made too much Tanmen.
02:57I ate a lot of Tanmen.
02:59I'm the same age as you, but I don't know what to say.
03:02I'm sure I'll make a mistake.
03:04I'm sure I'll make a mistake.
03:05Let's go to the second Tanmen in Takasaki City.
03:15Next is the second Tanmen in Isezaki City.
03:21The second Tanmen has been in business for 10 years.
03:24There are 5 stores in Gunma Prefecture.
03:26There is also a popular ramen chain in Tochigi and Nagano.
03:33I went to a shop in Maebashi City.
03:37The second Tanmen is in line.
03:42There are a lot of tables and counters in the store.
03:48There is also a family-friendly table in the back.
03:54I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
03:57The second Tanmen is served.
04:02Is this Tanmen?
04:04Gunma Prefecture has a lot of Tanmen.
04:07Normal Tanmen soup has a transparent color.
04:11This Tanmen soup has a crispy texture.
04:17The stir-fried vegetables are also light brown.
04:21This is brown love.
04:23This is a large amount of stir-fried vegetables.
04:27This is a large amount of thick noodles.
04:31This is a large amount of thick noodles.
04:33When he takes a bite of the soup, he eats a lot of vegetables.
04:41This is a large amount of thick noodles.
04:46Gunma people are crazy about strong taste.
04:51This is delicious.
04:53All the vegetables and soup are strong.
04:59This is perfect.
05:02When I first came to this store, I thought this was Tanmen.
05:08Now I feel uncomfortable with normal Tanmen.
05:13I'm used to this.
05:15This is a large amount of thick noodles.
05:18This is like udon.
05:20This has a strong taste.
05:22This goes well with the soup.
05:25The soup is creamy.
05:28This is like fresh cream.
05:32This is like fresh cream and salty.
05:35I've never had this before.
05:37I think this is innovative.
05:40The soup has a strong taste.
05:42This is the opposite of the taste of normal Tanmen.
05:46This has been simmered for a long time.
05:50This emulsifies oil and water.
05:53This has a creamy texture.
05:56I'm curious about this large amount of vegetables.
06:00This is amazing.
06:02This is heavier than noodles.
06:05The vegetables are delicious.
06:07This has a strong taste.
06:11This is like oyster sauce.
06:15The vegetables taste like oysters.
06:19This is good at handling bean sprouts.
06:22Bean sprouts don't taste good if they are overcooked.
06:28This is well cooked.
06:31This is like a fish.
06:34This is delicious.
06:36I can't stop eating this.
06:39Is that so?
06:41The second one.
06:43Normal Tanmen is stir-fried vegetables seasoned with salt and pepper.
06:47This is a mixture of chicken soup and hot pot.
06:51Normal Tanmen is seasoned with oyster sauce.
06:55This is delicious.
06:58This is seasoned and stir-fried.
07:00This is put in a bowl.
07:04The oyster sauce melts into the soup.
07:10You can enjoy the change of taste.
07:14He is particular about stir-frying vegetables.
07:19There is a test in this dish.
07:22Only those who pass the test can eat this.
07:26There is a test in stir-frying vegetables.
07:28It is difficult to make a dish with a stable taste.
07:37Beginners can't convey the heat to the Chinese hot pot.
07:41The moisture from the vegetables is lost and the texture and taste are not good.
07:47The veteran is trying to cook the vegetables.
07:52He is good at timing.
07:56He can cook the vegetables well.
08:00He can cook the vegetables well.
08:08There are 10 people who pass the test.
08:12The first pass rate is less than 10%.
08:17He eats creamy soup and noodles.
08:21He eats stir-fried vegetables.
08:25He eats 450g of vegetables.
08:28He eats ramen noodles.
08:33He visits KAIZAWA in TAKASAKI at 8 p.m.
08:40Thank you for waiting.
08:42This is shrimp chili sauce.
08:43He is eating shrimp chili sauce.
08:51Thank you for waiting.
08:54Thank you for waiting.
08:57He is eating Chinese food.
09:02This is a Chinese restaurant.
09:05Chinese food is delicious.
09:07This is more delicious than Chinese food.
09:11I eat 20 to 30 Chinese food.
09:14You eat a lot of Chinese food.
09:17The second pass rate is less than 10%.
09:21The second pass rate is less than 10%.
09:27He eats Chinese food.
09:33The second pass rate is less than 10%.
09:36He eats Chinese food.
09:40How was the second pass rate?
09:48The second pass rate is less than 10%.
09:51The second pass rate is less than 10%.
09:59I will show you the illustrations of the president.
10:03The second restaurant was opened in 2015.
10:07I used to run a restaurant.
10:09I used to run a restaurant.
10:12I opened the second restaurant.
10:14I opened the second restaurant.
10:17I used to like noodles.
10:23I used to run a restaurant.
10:26I used to like noodles.
10:32He was popular with people who like strong taste.
10:36He opened a second restaurant.
10:42He went back to the previous restaurant.
10:45He was popular with people who like strong taste.
10:50He was popular with people who like strong taste.
10:53He was popular with people who like strong taste.
10:55He was popular with people who like strong taste.
10:57Excuse me.
10:59He brought a huge fried chicken.
11:04He brought a huge fried chicken.
11:07He brought a huge fried chicken.
11:12He brought a large garlic sauce.
11:19He brought a large fried chicken and rice.
11:26He brought a large fried chicken and rice.
11:32He brought a large fried chicken and rice.
11:37He dipped the fried chicken in mayonnaise.
11:42He ate a large fried chicken and rice.
11:49He ate a large fried chicken and rice.
11:52He ate a large fried chicken and rice.
11:56Can you eat this?
11:58Yes, I can eat this.
12:00Can you eat this?
12:02Yes, I can eat this.
12:05She is powerful.
12:08She is powerful.
12:11She finished eating.
12:16Are you okay?
12:18I'm fine.
12:21She was strong.
12:24She ate 10 fried chickens.
12:28She is attractive.
12:31Do you know the second restaurant?
12:35Yes, I know.
12:36It's very popular.
12:38There are a lot of ingredients.
12:43There are a lot of ingredients.
12:47There are a lot of vegetables.
12:51There are 450 grams of vegetables.
12:54You can buy 350 grams of vegetables a day.
12:59You can buy 900 grams of vegetables.
13:07You can buy 300 grams of vegetables.
13:11Have you ever eaten TANMEN?
13:14Yes, I have.
13:16But I think it's a different kind of TANMEN.
13:20TANMEN is a new kind of TANMEN.
13:24TANMEN is a new kind of TANMEN.
13:28TANMEN is a new kind of TANMEN.
13:30There is an animal called a prairie dog.
13:33It's not a dog.
13:35It's the same feeling as a dog.
13:38It's an animal.
13:42It's a cat.
13:45It's the same feeling as a cat.
13:48Is TANMEN a new kind of TANMEN?
13:52TANMEN is a new kind of TANMEN.
13:57You can eat TANMEN in the summer.
14:01TANMEN looks delicious.
14:03As an actress, do you eat TANMEN?
14:06I love TANMEN.
14:09I love TANMEN.
14:12TANMEN looks like CHAMPON.
14:16TANMEN looks like TONKOTSU.
14:19TANMEN looks like TONKOTSU.
14:21Do you like TANMEN?
14:22I love TANMEN.
14:23Do you want to eat TANMEN?
14:26I want to eat TANMEN.
14:29Can you make TANMEN as big as a bottle?
14:33I can make it as big as a bottle.
14:34There is no such bird.
14:38I don't know much about TANMEN.
14:42I don't know much about TANMEN.
14:45I'm just making TANMEN.
14:49I'm curious about the side menu.
14:51The second TANMEN is amazing.
14:54Do you remember MABO TOFU?
14:56If you make it too much, you'll end up like the lady next to you.
15:03How about you two?
15:05From the moment we were served, I could hear the sound of vegetables being stir-fried.
15:10I really want to eat it.
15:12I want to eat it.
15:13I think this is the short noodle that Gunma is going to carry from now on.
15:17That's why it's these two.
15:19If it's Nakayama Hide and Imori, the persuasion is a little different.
15:24It's good, isn't it?
15:26It's really good.
15:28It's chewy.
15:31I'm so happy.
15:32After this, we'll have a great tasting of Gunma people's passionate short noodle.
15:42The second passionate chain of Gunma people.
15:45This time, we'll have the signature menu, the thick short noodle.
15:49Today, we have the best Chinese hot pot from Gunma.
15:53He came all the way from far away to make it.
15:57That's right.
15:59The moment it's boiled, it's crispy.
16:11It's delicious.
16:12It's crispy.
16:14The sauce is a little sour and sweet.
16:17It makes use of the umami of the vegetables.
16:25It's really good.
16:27I'm so happy.
16:29That's right.
16:31It's amazing.
16:32It's surprisingly good.
16:34It's chewy.
16:35It's really good.
16:38This isn't a pancake.
16:40It's different.
16:42It's something I've never eaten before.
16:44This is the second one.
16:48The umami of the vegetables is still there, so it's well-sealed.
16:53It's really good.
16:55It's really good.
16:57It's so good.
16:58It's nostalgic.
17:00It's so good.
17:01It's so crispy that it's a nuisance to the neighbors.
17:04That's not all.
17:05I've never been so happy.
17:07The second one is for everyone to eat.
17:10I've been praised so much.
17:12I'm happy to tell everyone how delicious it is.
17:16But I was found out.
17:18It's a waste of time.
17:20It's a waste of time to line up.
17:22I think we'll really line up.
17:24That's right.
17:25We might go around Gunma.
17:28I've never eaten it.
17:30There are vegetables on it.
17:32Athletes don't eat ramen.
17:37There are so many vegetables.
17:39I don't feel guilty.
17:41I think it's really good.
17:42How about you two?
17:43It's the best.
17:44It's the best I've ever eaten.
17:48It's really good.
17:50I'll eat it all.
17:54It's my first time.
17:55I wanted everyone to talk longer.
17:57I wanted to eat it slowly.
18:00It's too good.
18:01You often say,
18:03What do you want to eat last?
18:05I want to eat this.
18:08Wait a minute.
18:09It's the same as Osaka.
18:11If you want to eat it last, it's Osaka.
18:13Udon, yakisoba, okonomiyaki.
18:16I want to eat this and takoyaki.
18:21It's impossible.
18:23The secret of Osaka.
18:25It's the best.
18:27Come on.
18:29Everyone, I'd like to say hello to you from Osaka.
18:35There is a secret to the summer heat.
18:40The theme of this time is Tokoroten.
18:45In general, it is seasoned with refreshing vinegar and soy sauce.
18:50I added mustard to it.
18:54It's a summer snack that stimulates your appetite.
19:00However, in Osaka, the situation is a little different.
19:07A classmate duo from elementary school in Kyobashi.
19:11It's a program called Kenmin Show.
19:13I love it.
19:15You are kind.
19:18I came to ask about Tokoroten.
19:21It's a snack.
19:22It's a sweet.
19:25It's a sweet sauce.
19:27It's black honey.
19:28I see.
19:29It's not Tokoroten.
19:30Yes, it's black honey.
19:33Isn't it rare to have black honey in Tokoroten?
19:35Isn't it common in Osaka?
19:37Is it common?
19:38Isn't it common in Osaka?
19:40I don't put black honey on it.
19:42Do you want to eat something cold?
19:46He is confident in his old man trio.
19:51Do you eat it in Tokoroten?
19:52Yes, I do.
19:53I eat it with black honey.
19:55Oops, black honey again.
19:58Are you from Tokoroten?
19:59I'm from Tokoroten.
20:00No, I'm not.
20:01You're doubting me.
20:02Have you ever been to Tokoroten?
20:04I've been to Tokoroten.
20:05What do you put on it?
20:06Vinegar soy sauce.
20:07Vinegar soy sauce?
20:09Where are you from?
20:11I'm from Hiroshima.
20:13You're from the countryside.
20:15I've only put black honey on it.
20:18In Tokoroten, they only put vinegar soy sauce and mustard.
20:25Which one are you from?
20:28Is it a snack?
20:30It's a snack for us, too.
20:34I can't believe it's black honey.
20:37It's like a fight.
20:41Osaka residents put sweet black honey on Tokoroten.
20:46I'll eat it.
20:47First, they check the recognition of Tokyo.
20:50Tokyo girls are wearing yukata for the festival.
20:55Do you put black honey on Tokoroten?
20:58No, we don't.
21:01Osaka residents put black honey on Tokoroten.
21:05I want to eat something sour in summer.
21:07I want to eat something sweet.
21:09I want to eat a snack.
21:12Next, they go to Funabashiya, a restaurant that has been in business for 219 years.
21:19Of course, they put black honey on Kuzumichi.
21:25How about Tokoroten?
21:27How do you eat Tokoroten in this restaurant?
21:30We eat it with vinegar soy sauce and mustard.
21:34What about black honey?
21:35We don't put black honey on Funabashiya.
21:38We don't?
21:39I knew it when a Kansai customer came.
21:42I didn't know they put black honey on Tokoroten.
21:44You didn't know that?
21:45I didn't know that.
21:47I was surprised.
21:48I thought it was a mistake.
21:51They go back to Osaka again.
21:54They go to Naniwa Family's snack time to check Tokoroten with black honey.
22:01They took it out of the refrigerator.
22:04It's a normal Tokoroten that they bought at the supermarket.
22:08When they opened the refrigerator, they found a lot of black honey.
22:14They put Tokoroten in a Western-style glass.
22:20They put a lot of black honey on Tokoroten.
22:25Tokoroten looks like vinegar soy sauce.
22:29But this amount of black honey is very sweet.
22:33They don't know whether they should eat black honey or not.
22:39So, they focus on Tokoroten.
22:44They also check the five-year-old Naniwa kids.
22:49It's delicious.
22:52It's cute.
22:54Is it better to eat less sweet food in summer?
22:57Yes, it is.
22:59Tokoroten soothes the sweetness.
23:03So, I don't eat it if it's too sweet.
23:05I see.
23:06In Tokyo, you eat it with vinegar soy sauce.
23:09It's refreshing.
23:11It's not sweet.
23:13It's not sweet.
23:15It's like Edo period.
23:18Next, they go to a tea party of Naniwa ladies,
23:23which is close to Tenjinbashisuji shopping street.
23:28They have a tea break at Tokoroten.
23:33Then, they put something on Tokoroten.
23:38What did you put on Tokoroten?
23:40It's soybean flour.
23:41Soybean flour?
23:42Yes, soybean flour.
23:43Black honey is enough, isn't it?
23:44No, it's not.
23:45You can't put soybean flour in it.
23:46You can't put soybean flour in Osaka.
23:49What they put on Tokoroten is soybean flour with brown sugar.
23:54Then, Naniwa ladies feel refreshing.
23:59They can't stop eating Tokoroten with brown sugar.
24:04It's delicious.
24:05It's revolutionary.
24:08Why do you put soybean flour on it?
24:10If you put soybean flour on it, it becomes savory.
24:13It looks luxurious, too.
24:15If you put black honey on Tokoroten and put soybean flour on it,
24:20it becomes a sweet for both hands.
24:24It's like I'm in Kyoto.
24:26I want to go to Kamogawa.
24:29I want to go to Shimagawa.
24:30If I don't put soybean flour on it, it becomes a bowl of rice.
24:37Then, why did the people of Osaka start to put sweet black honey on Tokoroten instead of vinegar and soy sauce?
24:47We asked Mr. Deguchi, who is specialized in cooking in Osaka.
24:55Tokoroten was introduced to Japan from China through the Kento history in the Nara period.
25:01At first, Tokoroten was seasoned with vinegar and mustard.
25:06In the Edo period in Kansai, black sugar was introduced for the first time in Satsuma-han.
25:11Black sugar, which has a strong flavor, was used as a type of sweet.
25:18On the other hand, soy sauce was made in the Edo period in Kanto.
25:23Soy sauce was added to add umami to Tokoroten and it became vinegar and soy sauce.
25:29People of Edo put soy sauce on everything.
25:33If I say that, people of Edo will get angry.
25:36However, Tokoroten has been able to choose between vinegar and soy sauce and black honey due to the influence of Kanto in Osaka.
25:47However, there are still many people who don't know the taste of vinegar and soy sauce.
25:52What is vinegar and soy sauce?
25:54So, I would like the people of Osaka who like vinegar and soy sauce to experience the taste of Kanto vinegar and soy sauce.
26:04At first, Tokoroten was challenged by a takoyaki shop in Kashiwazato Hondori shopping street.
26:12I brought Tokoroten.
26:16This is vinegar and soy sauce and mustard.
26:20Let's eat with vinegar and soy sauce.
26:22The judge for the first vinegar and soy sauce and mustard in Osaka is...
26:27It doesn't go well with my mouth.
26:31Then, the customers who were watching the interview also joined in.
26:35Which one do you like?
26:37I've only eaten black honey.
26:41The judge for the first vinegar and soy sauce and mustard in Osaka is...
26:51The judge for the first vinegar and soy sauce and mustard in Osaka is...
26:56It doesn't go well with my mouth.
27:00Then, the customers who were watching the interview also joined in.
27:04Which one do you like?
27:06I've only eaten black honey.
27:10The judge for the first vinegar and soy sauce and mustard in Osaka is...
27:15What is this?
27:17It's hard to eat.
27:18It's hard to eat.
27:19It's hard to eat.
27:20It's hard to eat.
27:21It's hard to eat.
27:22It's hard to eat.
27:23It's hard to eat.
27:24It's hard to eat.
27:25It's hard to eat.
27:26It's hard to eat.
27:29Then, the couple who were drinking in the bar also joined in.
27:34I brought this from Kanto.
27:37What is it?
27:38I brought this from Kanto.
27:39What is it?
27:40It has vinegar in it.
27:41Vinegar and soy sauce?
27:42Vinegar and soy sauce.
27:43It has mustard in it.
27:44The first vinegar and soy sauce and mustard in Osaka is...
27:48It's gone.
27:49It's gone.
27:50It's gone.
27:51It's gone.
27:52It's gone.
27:53It's gone.
27:54I was eating it with black honey, so the taste of vinegar and soy sauce is incredible.
28:00I also prepared black honey.
28:03I'm full, though.
28:04Eat it properly.
28:05First, a bite.
28:10It's good.
28:11This is it.
28:12This is good.
28:16The chopsticks of Osaka residents don't stop at all.
28:20I'm satisfied.
28:22It's good.
28:23Thank you for the food.
28:24Thank you for the food.
28:25By the way, do you still have vinegar and soy sauce?
28:27No, I don't.
28:29Give me a break.
28:32Fumin didn't find anything sweet in Tokoroten in Kanto.
28:38This is really different.
28:40It's different.
28:41Tokoroten only has vinegar and soy sauce and mustard.
28:45Tokoroten is a sweet, so I ate it with black honey.
28:49That's the only thing I've ever eaten.
28:51When I found out that there was a person who ate vinegar and soy sauce for the first time, I was really surprised.
28:58I still wonder when I will eat it.
29:01It's like a snack, isn't it?
29:03It's not Tokoroten when you eat.
29:07If it's a snack, it's black honey.
29:09It's like a sweet.
29:11Mr. Takashima is from Kanagawa Prefecture.
29:13If you say black honey, it's Kanten or Kuzukiri.
29:17That's too obvious.
29:20Tokoroten's food culture has spread to the world.
29:25This is the motivation for Osaka's food culture.
29:28If you eat this, your opinion will definitely change.
29:31It will definitely change.
29:32It's like an amica.
29:37Master Kiyoshi.
29:38I really don't eat it.
29:40I've never eaten it.
29:41Vinegar and soy sauce.
29:42Vinegar and soy sauce is a penalty game.
29:45That's right.
29:47That's right.
29:48You said you put soybean flour in it.
29:50Osaka people shouldn't do that.
29:54It's a matter of life and death.
29:57It's a matter of age.
29:59We're the same age, but we don't say anything.
30:01It's definitely different.
30:03When you ate vinegar and soy sauce for the first time, did you think it was annoying?
30:08I've never eaten it.
30:10How was it?
30:12I ate a lot of black honey.
30:14I ate a lot of black honey.
30:16I ate a lot of black honey.
30:18How about Kyoto?
30:20Kyoto is also black honey.
30:22That's right.
30:23When do you eat vinegar and soy sauce?
30:26It's a snack.
30:27Vinegar and soy sauce is a snack.
30:28It's the same timing as black honey.
30:31It's not a snack.
30:33It's a snack.
30:34It's a snack.
30:35It's a snack.
30:38Osaka people don't like sweet black honey.
30:43However, there are many people in Japan who eat vinegar and soy sauce.
30:48There are only a few people who eat black honey in Osaka and Kyoto.
30:53Kochi people eat vinegar and soy sauce with ginger.
31:01Mie people in Shima City are enjoying the hot summer with noodles and chives.
31:07Okubo, how about you?
31:09I don't like vinegar and soy sauce.
31:10I don't like vinegar and soy sauce.
31:15I don't know if I can eat it.
31:17You look like you're going to pour vinegar and soy sauce on your face.
31:20How about you, Shibata?
31:23I don't think it's sweet.
31:26I don't eat ants.
31:29I don't think it's sweet.
31:32Why don't you eat ants?
31:34I usually eat ants in the wild.
31:36However, I don't eat ants in the zoo.
31:38So I don't eat ants in the zoo.
31:40When I saw this, I thought it was an ant eating meat.
31:43I thought it was the same as that.
31:46It's a little different.
31:49We will have a taste of black honey.
31:55It's a little nostalgic.
31:57It's my first time eating this.
31:59It looks good.
32:01I will eat this.
32:02I think you'll like it because it's sweet.
32:08It's good.
32:11It's the best.
32:12It's good.
32:13It's delicious.
32:15It's not that I don't like it.
32:16It's not that I don't like it.
32:18It's delicious.
32:19I want to sprinkle soybean flour.
32:22Soybean flour.
32:24It's delicious.
32:26It's cold and delicious.
32:30It's delicious.
32:32It's delicious.
32:34It's delicious.
32:36Tokoroten was a little more flavorful.
32:40The honey brings out the good points of Tokoroten.
32:44It makes me think that it was such a taste.
32:46I like this.
32:49How does it feel to be in the zoo?
32:51I can't compare this.
32:54I can't think of anything other than this.
32:57I want you to spread it a little more.
32:59I don't know.
33:02It's delicious.
33:03It's been a long time since I ate this.
33:05I understand.
33:06This is a dessert after eating ramen.
33:10This is the best course meal.
33:12This is the best course meal.
33:13I want to eat more Japanese sweets.
33:17I want to eat this as a course meal.
33:19I want to start with soy sauce and eat sweets.
33:23This is a Tokoroten festival.
33:26Have you ever eaten soy sauce?
33:31I have never eaten it.
33:33Let's eat this.
33:34This is the first time in my life.
33:36This is soy sauce Tokoroten.
33:38Be careful.
33:41It doesn't look like soy sauce Tokoroten.
33:43It doesn't look like soy sauce Tokoroten.
33:46I will eat this.
33:53This is not soy sauce Tokoroten.
33:55This is soy sauce Tokoroten.
33:57This is not soy sauce Tokoroten.
33:59This is soy sauce Tokoroten.
34:01I understand.
34:02Please eat slowly.
34:03I was already scared.
34:07It's the middle of the summer vacation.
34:09The children are playing in the backyard.
34:15What are we paying attention to this time?
34:18By the way, do you like Monohaeya?
34:20I love Monohaeya.
34:22I love Monohaeya so much that I want to get rid of Monohaeya.
34:25That's right.
34:27This is a famous saying of the children.
34:31If I eat Monohaeya, I will die.
34:35The children are saying the phrase of the killer.
34:39Soy sauce is delicious.
34:41Soy sauce is delicious?
34:42Soy sauce is delicious.
34:45Adults are fascinated by the cuteness of the second dimension.
34:49What do you think?
34:51Next time I will teach you how to make soy sauce.
34:53It's hard work, but it's a good thing about Niigata.
34:57This is a famous saying of the children.
35:02The children are saying the phrase of the killer.
35:08I want to stay in the future.
35:12The words of the children.
35:16First of all, the words of the children.
35:21In Yamanashi Prefecture, near the foot of Takeda Shingen Temple.
35:25There is a kitchen where the people of the prefecture love each other.
35:30It is important to put a lot of konsai in it and simmer it.
35:36There is an essential ingredient in such a kitchen.
35:42I asked the boy who loves this kitchen.
35:46He gave me a respectful answer.
35:51Is there an essential ingredient in the kitchen?
35:54It's a pumpkin.
35:56Pumpkins are cold here.
36:00Pumpkins are used to warm the body and prevent colds in winter.
36:07The kitchen without pumpkins will be angry at Takeda Shingen Temple.
36:14Takeda Shingen Temple will be angry.
36:19Next is the words of the Aomori prefecture.
36:24The people of the snowy country are looking forward to it.
36:29I'm excited when the snow melts.
36:33Because spring is coming.
36:35I feel the spring.
36:39The blessing of the mountains in spring is SANSAI.
36:43Let's see if we can distinguish these three SANSAI.
36:49The words of the staff who jumped out of the elementary school students they met in Aomori Prefecture.
36:57Do you know what this is?
36:59It's a sign you often see at the prefectural office.
37:02This is a warabi.
37:05It's not this.
37:06It's up to you.
37:13The words of the staff who jumped out of the elementary school students they met in Aomori Prefecture.
37:17Do you know what this is?
37:19It's a sign you often see at the prefectural office.
37:22This is a warabi.
37:25It's a sign you often see at the prefectural office.
37:27This is a kogomi.
37:31It's a sign you often see at the prefectural office.
37:36It's up to you.
37:48The words of the staff who jumped out of the elementary school students they met in Kagoshima Prefecture.
37:52Sakurajima, the symbol of Kagoshima.
37:55It's a hot volcano that keeps erupting again and again.
38:00When it erupts again, the people of Kagoshima are in trouble.
38:04I'm worried about the ash.
38:06The volcanic ash that falls on the wind is a troublesome existence.
38:13However, the people of Kagoshima are in trouble because of the volcanic ash.
38:20When it comes to Sakurajima, everyone smiles.
38:25I love Sakurajima.
38:27Is that so?
38:28Without Sakurajima, there is no Kagoshima.
38:32Everyone loves Sakurajima in their hearts.
38:37This elementary school student gave a good example of the complex feelings beyond the understanding of the people of Kagoshima.
38:47When I went to the outskirts of the prefecture, I saw Sakurajima and came back.
38:54I'm a bad guy, but I have a good personality.
38:59I want to be a bad guy.
39:01I'm kind when I'm kind, but I'm like a giant.
39:04I'm like a giant.
39:06I'm like a giant.
39:08I'm like a giant.
39:10By the way.
39:12When will you eat Okinawa soba?
39:17Two days later.
39:19I'll be back in two days.
39:21Wait a minute. How old are you?
39:24I'm 11 years old.
39:26Adult phrases that come out of nowhere.
39:29How many laps in life?
39:31Adult kids are hidden all over the place.
39:42In fact, Aomori Prefecture also encounters adult kids.
39:47When I surveyed the local rice balls in Japan, I was most impressed by this miso rice ball.
39:56It is common sense to bake miso rice balls in Japan.
40:01However, in the northeastern region of Aomori Prefecture, only raw miso is directly applied.
40:08The rice balls are loved for being too simple.
40:12How did the residents of Osaka react?
40:15Is there fish in it?
40:16There's fish in it.
40:17You're a bad guy.
40:18You're just saying miso, right?
40:20That's right.
40:21Can you eat it?
40:22He refused.
40:25What did Aomori girls say?
40:28It's a deep word that moves the spirit of adventure.
40:33Can you eat a raw miso rice ball?
40:36I can eat it.
40:37It's delicious.
40:41Can you hear me?
40:44It is said that it is not eaten in Osaka and Kyoto.
40:47You don't eat it.
40:49On the contrary, it's amazing.
40:51You're still a child if you don't have the spirit of challenge.
41:01Next is the adult kids who met in Hokkaido.
41:06They investigate the leisure of the people living near the sea.
41:11There is a seven-year-old girl with her grandfather.
41:16She speaks and acts like an adult.
41:21I'm going fishing.
41:22Are you going fishing?
41:24How old are you?
41:26I'm seven years old.
41:27Seven years old?
41:28I'm in the second grade.
41:29Are you going fishing in the second grade?
41:30I'm going fishing with a long rod like this.
41:33Can I see it?
41:34I'm going to catch fish.
41:36There are a lot of fish in the field.
41:39I have physical strength because I can walk on the road and the beach.
41:47What kind of fish is it?
41:49There is a fish called Gotabe.
41:54I catch a fish called Yugui.
41:57I take a picture and let it go.
42:00It's still this big, so I'll eat it when it's a little bigger.
42:07The seven-year-old girl is considerate of the environment.
42:10Please call her sister.
42:12In addition, adult children appear in Ehime Prefecture.
42:17I made Thai noodles.
42:19Thai noodles are served as a feast on a sunny day in the south of Ehime Prefecture.
42:26Boil the sea bream on the noodles.
42:30The point is to pour the broth over the noodles.
42:35From an elementary school boy in Ehime Prefecture.
42:38Adults are also surprised.
42:40The food report is explosive.
42:43The soup is fish soup.
42:51Adults are also surprised.
42:52The food report is explosive.
42:55The soup is fish soup.
42:58The taste is different.
43:00When I was boiling the sea bream, there was that soup.
43:04The soup is fish soup.
43:07It's a little oily.
43:11It's oily.
43:13If you've eaten fish soup, you'll know.
43:17It's sweet.
43:19It's like ramen and pork bone.
43:22It's a Thai soup.
43:23It's a Thai taste.
43:25You have to eat a whole Thai.
43:28It's a thin part, so you have to eat it all.
43:33It was easy to understand.
43:38We will continue to follow the KENMIN KIDS.
43:43Don't look at the camera.
43:48He is still the ideal No. 1 man.
43:52He is a fisherman in Hokkaido.
43:57He is 7 years old.
43:58My 4th son is also 7 years old.
44:02I was impressed that he could speak so much.
44:05He has a lot of physical strength.
44:09He is a bad person, but he is a good person.
44:14He is like a giant.
44:17He doesn't look at the camera.
44:19He is like a child.
44:22He is an adult.
44:23I want him to be a bad person.
44:25I can't say that.
44:28Even adults can't say that.
44:30I was impressed by the Thai noodles.
44:35He was good at speaking.
44:39I want to go on a shoot with him.
44:44This is the KENMIN KIDS.
44:48My acquaintance was interviewed in Shizuoka.
44:54I was interviewed by my mother.
44:57I couldn't get on the bus.
44:59I asked my mother if I could get on the bus.
45:02She said she couldn't leave a good phrase.
45:06I wanted to take a video of it.
45:18I was told to do it in the afternoon.
45:22That's rude.
45:24I don't have time.
45:28I want everyone to take a picture of their cars.
