Taliban Celebrates Three Years Since Return to Power in Afghanistan

  • 2 weeks ago
Celebrations have taken over the streets of Kabul as the Taliban marks three years since they returned to power in Afghanistan.
00:00Celebrating a national holiday in Afghanistan, marking three years since the Taliban returned
00:08to power.
00:12The militant Islamic forces seized the Afghan capital Kabul in August 2021.
00:20As US troops began their withdrawal and the US-backed government collapsed, with its leaders
00:25fleeing into exile.
00:31In desperation, thousands of Afghans also attempted to leave the country, but in ten
00:36days the Taliban was in full control and imposing their version of Sharia law.
01:05As part of their anniversary celebrations, the Taliban paraded their military might at
01:10an airbase abandoned by US and NATO forces, with representatives from Iran, Pakistan,
01:16Russia and China present.
01:20They say their security forces have reduced the threat from terrorist organisation Islamic
01:25State Khorasan province, despite the group still carrying out attacks both inside and
01:31outside Afghanistan.
01:35The Taliban also claim under their strict rule, narcotics production has decreased to
01:40nearly zero, there is less corruption and more tax is collected.
01:45Freed from war, Taliban supporters are optimistic and enjoying a peace not seen here for decades.
02:00But not all lives in Afghanistan have improved, with the country facing a severe human rights
02:06and humanitarian crisis.
02:10The UN says a third of Afghanistan's 40 million population are struggling under a stagnant
02:15economy, with widespread unemployment and insufficient access to food.
02:21And the World Bank warns of zero growth over the next three years.
02:33After the Taliban takeover in 2021, the economy here was crippled by Western sanctions and
02:39billions of dollars in frozen assets.
02:42Few countries have formally recognised the Taliban government, with most of the international
02:47community condemning the strict decrees imposed on women and children.
02:54Women face restrictions on where they can work and socialise.
02:58And girls from the age of 13 are excluded from education.
03:03The United Nations says Afghan women feel their influence over decision making at home
03:08has dropped almost 60% in the last year.
03:11And just to give some context, three years ago, a woman in Afghanistan could technically
03:18decide to run for president.
03:22Now she may not even be able to decide when to go and buy groceries.
03:27This leading to a mental health crisis affecting 68% of women here.
03:32They are notably missing from the celebrations on Afghanistan's streets, making it clear
03:39that though the Taliban says the country is better off with them in charge, not everyone
03:44may agree.
03:45Dolphine Chen and Rosie Greninger for Taiwan Plus.
