(BL) Ep1 Kinou Nani Tabeta?

  • last month
00:00I mean, you don't have to apologize to me.
00:06I'm sorry. I'm really sorry.
00:09But that day was Daiki's birthday. He was 5 years old.
00:13Yes, and you were so happy when you gave him the present.
00:21Yes, I was.
00:22I wonder if he liked the toy I've always liked.
00:26I wonder if he played with it.
00:29I wonder if he grew up.
00:31I kept thinking about that.
00:34I couldn't stay there anymore.
00:37I went to my ex-husband's house and kept screaming Daiki's name.
00:43I'm really strange, aren't I?
00:46No, it's only natural that a parent wants to see their child.
00:52The problem is that you act at 2 a.m.
01:04I'm hungry.
01:07Why do people get hungry?
01:10I ate so much last night that I didn't even have a grain of rice left.
01:14Did you start eating at that time?
01:17That's why you get fat. A little.
01:20I think you should learn from Mr. Kakei.
01:26That's a harsh way to put it.
01:28But I don't think the judge will approve of this case.
01:33I'm sure your opponent will come after you.
01:40Mr. Kakei, please help me.
01:42I really don't want to destroy my husband's new home.
01:47I just want to see Daiki.
01:53That's all.
02:01I understand.
02:04Visiting a child once a month is usually approved by the court.
02:10Let's do our best without giving up.
02:14Don't compare me to Mr. Kakei.
02:18You know what he looks like.
02:21Is Mr. Imada okay?
02:24Yes, he's fine now.
02:32What's wrong?
02:34Mr. Waka told me that you ate too much last night.
02:40I ate a lot of crabs last night.
02:44My client's family sent me a lot of crabs from Hokkaido.
02:49I heard that the crabs in Hokkaido are in season in spring.
02:55Osamu, you live ten minutes away from my house.
02:59You don't have a single crab, do you?
03:05I see. You got crabs.
03:08I have two children.
03:12I don't have a lot of money.
03:17I ate a lot yesterday.
03:26What did you eat yesterday?
03:38I don't know.
04:08I don't know.
04:10I don't know.
04:12I don't know.
04:14I don't know.
04:16I don't know.
04:18I don't know.
04:20I don't know.
04:22I don't know.
04:24I don't know.
04:26I don't know.
04:28I don't know.
04:30I don't know.
04:32I don't know.
04:34I don't know.
04:36I don't know.
04:40I ate a lot.
04:42I ate a lot yesterday.
04:44I ate a lot yesterday.
04:47The soup was made with wasabi.
04:50I ate a lot yesterday.
04:54I ate a lot yesterday.
05:03Good morning.
05:05Thank you for waiting.
05:14Hey, Shino-san.
05:16Kakei-sensei always comes home around 6, right?
05:20I heard he has a girlfriend.
05:23He must be hot.
05:26Oh-sensei, that's when you say love, love.
05:30Judging by the way he cooks, I'm sure it's Kakei-sensei.
05:38What? Kakei-sensei can cook?
05:43But I don't like Kakei-sensei.
05:49Why? Isn't a man who can cook a high score?
05:53He's 45 years old.
05:56It's disgusting that a 45-year-old man who isn't an entertainer is single because of his looks.
06:04I'm sure he spends a lot of money on cooking.
06:09He goes to a high-end supermarket and buys a lot of ingredients and seasonings.
06:22418 yen.
06:25It's so cheap.
06:27It's 299 yen for a bowl of soup.
06:30I won't be fooled.
06:33Just as I planned, I'm going to buy two of the time-service frozen milk for 98 yen.
06:55A pack of Maitake mushrooms costs 78 yen.
06:58A bundle of turnip costs 100 yen.
07:00A bundle of burdock costs 100 yen.
07:02I'm sure the vegetables are from Nakamura-ya.
07:14This one is 6 yen cheaper.
07:25I'm going to buy a pack of frozen milk.
07:28You sell frozen milk every Thursday, don't you?
07:45I overlooked it.
07:47I'm home.
07:54I'm home.
08:05I should have started cooking 3 minutes earlier.
08:12I'm going to cook rice with burdock and Maitake mushrooms.
08:18I'm home.
08:28I'll boil two cups of water.
08:33I'll cut a piece of kelp.
08:38I'll season it with sake and soy sauce.
08:42I'll put a piece of strawberry in it.
08:45I'll put the salted salmon in it.
08:48I'll put the burdock in it.
08:53Burdock is a polyphenol, so it doesn't expose to water.
09:02I'll put the Maitake mushrooms in it.
09:11I'll put the kelp in it.
09:21What should I make the soup with?
09:25I'll make miso soup with pork, kelp, and kelp leaves.
09:41I'll make miso soup with kelp, kelp, and kelp leaves.
09:46I'll make miso soup with kelp, kelp, and kelp leaves.
09:50I'll make miso soup with kelp, kelp, and kelp leaves.
10:10I still have daikon and scallops, so I'll make another one.
10:16I want to use all the eggs.
10:19I'll cut the egg and bamboo shoots and stir-fry the vegetables in Chinese style.
10:24I'll cut the egg and bamboo shoots and stir-fry the vegetables in Chinese style.
10:46I'll put the pork in it.
11:00I'll put the kelp in it.
11:04I'll put the kelp in it.
11:08I'll put the kelp in it.
11:12allez vaucher
11:15I'll put the kelp in it.
11:23I'll put the pork in it.
11:36I'll put the gekko in it.
11:41All that's left is to wait for the rice to be cooked.
11:52It's such a fulfilling meal that I feel like I've solved a complicated case.
11:59It's great to be able to enjoy such a fulfilling meal once a day.
12:07I wonder if I'll be able to finish the day with this sense of satisfaction.
12:11I'm home!
12:16I'm home!
12:18It smells like cooked rice.
12:22Did you buy something useless at the convenience store again?
12:26What is it? Ice cream?
12:28Oh, Haagen-Dazs.
12:32Did you buy it at the convenience store?
12:34Huh? Yeah.
12:36You can buy Haagen-Dazs at the Nakamura store for 200 yen on Friday.
12:40Why did you buy it at the convenience store?
12:45I always tell you to think about the value of 10 yen and 20 yen, right?
12:49My most important task is to keep the cost of breakfast and dinner at 25,000 yen a month.
12:54It's expensive!
12:56It's okay, I'll pay for it myself.
12:58It's okay, I'll pay for it myself.
13:00You should save money.
13:07It's not sold at the Nakamura store.
13:09You said you wanted to eat it the other day.
13:11I'm sorry.
13:22Oh, I get it.
13:24Wash your hands.
13:25Let's eat.
13:30Let's eat.
13:52Mr. Shiro...
13:54How should I put it?
13:56How should I put it?
13:58You like money, don't you?
14:01You have a 100,000 yen rent in this room, right?
14:05Isn't it a job where you can earn a lot of money as a lawyer?
14:10Of course, I can earn a lot of money if I work for a big company.
14:13But I don't want to work until I die.
14:17Then it's better to live a decent life with a decent income.
14:22You're like Mr. Shiro.
14:24Besides, what's wrong with liking money?
14:27I don't have a future to take care of my children.
14:30The only thing I can rely on in the end is money.
14:34That's right.
14:47Don't eat with that face.
14:53Oh, yes.
14:57It's delicious, isn't it?
14:59The balance between sweet and sour is good.
15:01Each piece has a good taste.
15:03It's delicious.
15:06This salmon is easy to eat, isn't it?
15:10The taste of sesame seeds is also good.
15:16I don't know the balance at all, but this cooked rice is really delicious.
15:22I'm going home.
15:23No, you can't.
15:25You have to be over 50 years old to be a bearded bear.
15:32Mr. Shiro?
15:35What are you doing?
15:38Can I drink all of this?
15:40No, it won't change.
15:42It's delicious, so I can't help it.
15:54I've told you many times, but you're different from me.
16:54Mr. Shiro.
16:56Are you coming out to your colleagues?
17:02Are you a homosexual?
17:10No, I'm not.
17:12I don't have to say that I'm a homosexual at work.
17:19Say it right.
17:21It's not embarrassing to be a homosexual.
17:30Hello, Mr. Shiro?
17:32Are you listening?
17:36Humans have different personalities.
17:41That's great.
17:44That's why, Mr. Shiro.
17:46Yes, I understand.
17:48I'm going to get up early tomorrow.
17:50Good night, Mom.
18:06What do you think?
18:08I'm curious.
18:11Isn't it a little plain here?
18:14My face is flashy.
18:16Then, let's make it a little more flashy.
18:22I'm sorry.
18:23I couldn't say it at the end.
18:26I'm weak.
18:28No, I'm glad you said it.
18:30It's your relative's wedding, right?
18:33Don't you feel bad if you don't like your hair on a sunny day?
18:37Uncle, are you okay?
18:39I'm fine.
18:44You don't have a gentle face at that time.
18:48If I were you, I would be upset.
18:51Mr. Sengoku.
18:53You make me do it every time.
19:01Ken-chan is really easy to talk to and I like it.
19:08Why don't we meet outside next time?
19:11I'm sorry.
19:13I'm gay.
19:15Didn't you say that?
19:17Is that so?
19:19I'm living with my boyfriend now.
19:21He is very cool, reliable, and good at cooking.
19:26His job is an attorney.
19:28I see.
19:30I see.
19:32But I'm better than him.
19:44I think it's good.
19:46I think so, too.
19:49I made Mr. Sengoku shut up.
19:53That character of Ken-chan is amazing.
20:01You can't entrust your precious son to such an illogical woman.
20:06It's 2 o'clock in the middle of the night.
20:10I'm really sorry.
20:12Mr. Imada also promised that he would never do it again.
20:16Please forgive him.
20:18Daiki is obsessed with his current wife.
20:21I don't want to confuse him.
20:23However, Mr. Nishina.
20:25While Mr. Imada was hospitalized due to a psychological problem,
20:28he had a one-sided sexual intercourse with his current wife.
20:38Mr. Imada said that he didn't mean to blame you.
20:43However, Daiki...
20:44I don't want to be with Daiki.
20:46He didn't ask you to be with him.
20:49He just wants you to forgive him.
20:55Actually, my mother knows everything.
21:03No, you can't.
21:06If Daiki is kidnapped while I'm away,
21:11that woman can't do that.
21:16I won't let you do that.
21:22I don't want to do that.
21:24How can you say that?
21:28I don't care if you say that every month.
21:36You can't do that, can you?
21:40I can.
21:44I want to be with you once a month.
21:52I understand.
21:57Why do I have to do that?
22:01I have a precious break every month.
22:13Mr. Shiro.
22:14What's wrong? Are you late?
22:18Hold this.
22:20I don't need it.
22:22It's too heavy.
22:24A hairdresser's hands are his life.
22:26What if you get burned?
22:29Mr. Shiro, you're so cool.
22:31I fell in love with you again.
22:38I'm so happy to see you.
22:41I have an idea.
22:43Why don't we go see the cherry blossoms?
22:45Cherry blossoms?
22:46There's a promenade in the shopping district.
22:48It's in full bloom.
22:50I wanted to see it with you.
22:59Did you just get home?
23:01I'm glad you're still beautiful.
23:04Everyone said I was beautiful.
23:07That's good.
23:09Is that your husband?
23:12He's a hairdresser.
23:14I had him set up today.
23:17My wife often comes here.
23:19You must be proud of your beautiful wife.
23:21No, I'm not.
23:30This is my boyfriend.
23:32He's a lawyer and he's cool.
23:34But he's actually a woman.
23:38You two look great together.
23:42You two look great together.
23:44I know, right?
23:47You two look great together.
23:49I know, right?
23:55Why did you say that to the customer?
23:59What were you thinking?
24:01It's not like you care about the staff at the store.
24:03And it's not like you talk to people about me.
24:06You can't even talk to the customer.
24:10I'm not like you.
24:12I don't say that to the staff.
24:14I don't want people to know that I'm gay.
24:17I'm a woman.
24:22I'm a cat.
24:27If you don't understand my stance, get out of here.
24:34I'm serious.
24:39I'm sorry.
24:51I'm sorry.
25:00I'm sorry.
25:08The store manager...
25:11talks to the customer about his wife and children.
25:18Why am I the only one...
25:21who doesn't talk to anyone...
25:25about people who live with me?
25:35I'm sorry.
26:01Let's make dinner.
26:03Let's make rice balls with bamboo shoots.
26:06That's not fair!
26:08You lied to me!
26:27I love garlic and onions.
26:32I'm a customer.
26:34I can only eat as much as I want on my day off.
26:39I have a day off tomorrow.
26:49I'm so happy.
26:52The rice balls with bamboo shoots are the best!
26:57I'm glad.
26:59You should eat some, too.
27:01I will.
27:08Spring is here.
27:25What's wrong?
27:27This month's food expenses...
27:29are 17,368 yen.
27:31That's 8,000 yen more than the budget.
27:38Let's go eat something good with that 8,000 yen.
27:41What are you talking about? It's savings.
27:45You know, that's why you don't get 6,000 yen a year.
27:49It's 43,000 yen. Think about it.
27:52You're a hairdresser, but you can't work forever.
27:56Yes, yes.
27:57You're being annoying again.
28:00Shiro-san, let's eat the hagen-dazs we bought the other day.
28:03We bought them at a low price.
28:05We can just eat them.
28:07If we eat them now, we'll be hungry tomorrow.
28:10Why not?
28:11Let's eat ham.
28:12I'm not eating them.
28:23I'm not eating them.
28:31It's good.
28:34This has 297 calories?
28:37I'll take a break tomorrow.
28:39Shiro-san, calm down.
28:41We're eating something good.
28:44It tastes like macadamia nuts.
28:52This is good.
28:54It's worth the price.
28:55I told you.
28:56Let's be extravagant once in a while.
28:59Money, body shape, and a moment of relaxation are not enough.
29:03It's not enough, Shiro-san.
29:05The joy of life is something that comes from the bottom of your heart.
29:11When you meet your lover, it's often because of something weird.
29:15What do you mean by something weird?
29:19What do you mean by weird?
29:21For example, when you're in the hospital,
29:24and the doctor comes to see you,
29:26and you're diagnosed, and you fall in love,
29:28and you say,
29:29we're dating.
29:30What are you talking about?
29:34No, I'm talking.
29:35What are you talking about?
29:38Why do you spread your delusions like that?
29:41What do you mean by something weird?
29:45What do you mean by something weird?
29:47When I say weird, it's not weird.
29:53But you were dating a woman, Shiro-san.
29:56She's gay.
30:00If you're so curious, go see her.
30:02I regret doing something bad.
30:05So I'm...