David Schurmann dirige a Jean Reno en MY PENGUIN FRIEND, una historia con mucho corazón para toda la familia

  • last month
Raquel Laguna/ SUCOPRESS. David Schurmann dirige la película MY PENGUIN FRIEND, protagonizada por el actor francés Jean Reno. En esta entrevista, David y Jean hablan de esta increíble historia, y de la experiencia al trabajar juntos en la cinta. MY PENGUIN FRIEND es una épica aventura para toda la familia que cuenta la triunfante historia de amistad entre un padre solitario y un pequeño pingüino perdido que renueva su espíritu y sana a su familia con una lealtad inquebrantable que logra cruzar un océano. El humilde pescador João (Jean Reno) se ha alejado del mundo después de sufrir una tragedia. Pero cuando descubre un pingüino flotando solo en el océano, empapado en petróleo de un derrame, su primer instinto es ayudarlo. Ante la consternación de su esposa (Adriana Barraza), no solo rescata a la criatura marina, sino que también toma bajo su ala a esta ave incapaz de volar. Por primera vez en años, João comienza a sentir alegría, aunque no puede comprender cuán inquebrantable es el vínculo que se está formando entre ellos. Cuando el pingüino desaparece repentinamente en la inmensa naturaleza salvaje del océano, João cree que es imposible volver a ver a su amigo. Pero a miles de kilómetros de distancia, el pingüino se ve atrapado en sus propias desventuras y está decidido a usar sus increíbles poderes tipo GPS para encontrar el camino de regreso al lugar que ahora considera su hogar. Basada en una emotiva historia real que cautivó al mundo y filmada en las espectaculares costas de Brasil y Argentina, MY PENGUIN FRIEND es un relato que atraviesa la magia del océano, la belleza de la naturaleza y el poder transformador del amor. Los actores Adriana Barraza, Nicolás Francella y Alexia Moyano completan el reparto de la película. MY PENGUIN FRIEND se estrena en cines el 16 de agosto.


00:00It's a true story that happened between a fisherman and a penguin,
00:05but I didn't know it.
00:07It was David who came and gave me the script
00:11to talk about the relationship with the animal,
00:15with us, with the animals, with the sea,
00:19with the world that we are destroying,
00:22to listen to the animal, because the animal can give you many things,
00:28it takes you away from being alone,
00:31because there are many people alone in the world,
00:35and they have another intelligence,
00:39so looking for and communicating with that other intelligence
00:44is an incredible thing.
00:46And that happened to me working with him,
00:48because we had to be careful with him,
00:51because the real star of the film is the penguin,
00:55the penguin doesn't want to work, nobody works,
00:58there are many things in this story,
01:01and it's also a film that will touch people, the family.
01:05It's nice to make a film for the family too.
01:09Well, I have a very long story with the ocean, with the sea,
01:13because I grew up on a sailboat traveling the world,
01:17and then for 20 years, more than 20 years,
01:20I made documentaries about the ocean and the world,
01:23I entered the fiction stories,
01:25I was always attracted to the stories that have truth,
01:29that have a very deep human connection,
01:32and when they invited me, I already knew this story,
01:36and when they invited me to be the director of this film,
01:39I said, it's very natural for me, I love it,
01:42I don't know how it is to work with penguins,
01:44I don't make ideas, but I know a lot about the sea,
01:46so for me it was very natural,
01:48because I also like to defend the ocean,
01:51to have this connection with the ocean,
01:53and the human story,
01:55how the ocean and humans connect,
01:57because we have a natural connection there,
02:00we have 70% of salt water within us,
02:04so these connections for me attracted me to make this film,
02:09and when we talked about Jean,
02:11with the possibility of working on this film,
02:14I said, for everything, because Jean is my hero,
02:17many years ago, Big Blue, this film,
02:21it was incredible,
02:23since I remember how to be human,
02:25I saw this film, and when they made Jean,
02:27I said, this is incredible,
02:29so the ocean connection with Jean Reno,
02:33I thought it was very beautiful,
02:35to tell a story that has a lot of heart.
02:38The first thing, don't imitate,
02:42don't try to imitate,
02:44because imitating is not living it,
02:48it's looking for an idea that you have in your head,
02:53no, go through the character,
02:56go through the story,
03:00where we were,
03:02we were by the sea,
03:04we were in Brazil,
03:06we were retired,
03:08and that is also very important,
03:11how you live, how that man lived,
03:14and of course, your relationship is the sea,
03:17the discussion you have,
03:19all the people who are in front of the sea,
03:22in a boat,
03:24talk to the sea,
03:26you have a relationship,
03:28almost as if it were a presence,
03:31I have always had,
03:33because I was born in Casablanca,
03:36I have had a discussion,
03:38words with the sea,
03:41and that helped me to enter
03:44into solitude,
03:49that man is very lonely,
03:51he is a lonely man,
03:53a man who suffers,
03:55and the rhythm of the sea,
03:57the rhythm of where we were,
03:59all that helps you a lot,
04:01it helps you a lot to live it,
04:03because the character suffers,
04:06and you have to accept,
04:08to go through those moments,
04:11to get a little more light,
04:14and to become a human being,
04:17and in that idea,
04:20you think that you are going to Joao,
04:23that's it,
04:25on your way.
