Toppy & Rappy 2P SR

  • last month
00:00Look, what's that in the sky, it's a comet, those aren't dinosaurs, sweet god, we can't,
00:07we don't want to lose vultures and scorpions and gorillas.
00:11I'd be okay with losing scorpions.
00:15Oh come on, they serve something in ecology, I don't know what.
00:20I don't know what relationship those things have to toppy and rappy, but uh, that's what
00:26we're playing today.
00:28This one's another banger from Korea, from Semicom, and by banger, I mean this one's
00:33actually, seems way lamer than some of the other ones we've played, but uh, we gotta
00:39get it done anyway, you know how it is.
00:41This is gonna be game number 627 on the road to 3000.
00:48You like old arcade games?
00:49Like, subscribe, and join the adventure, cause I got High Warlord Jace here with us for the
00:52hot two player co-op action, I don't know if I said that, he's the real allure here,
00:57and he's gonna do a burlesque dance at the end of this on cam if you watch to the end,
01:03Alright team, here we go, oh, don't, you can't, don't listen to him folks.
01:27Okay, the madness ends now, we just collect them, be done with it.
01:36Yeah, that seemed totally random.
01:39Yeah, we didn't get them last time, last cycle, I don't know what that was.
01:51I don't know what that was, I don't know what that was, I don't know what that was, I don't
02:19know what that was.
02:40Blew him away.
03:08Boots are good.
03:10Hell yeah.
03:28Nope, can't get more.
03:28I think we should buy the bullet upgrades too.
03:40Do they do anything?
03:47I have no idea, but they're cheap, so.
04:53Did I lose my saiyan speed?
05:12Feels like it.
05:24Maybe you lose it on bosses, I don't know.
05:31Or when you reset.
05:42I don't know.
06:12Stop them.
06:31Yep, quick like.
06:43Maybe we're only allowed to have one of the bottom items.
06:54Oh, that would be something.
07:02It's obvious which one.
07:13It's not the right time to be.
07:37It did seem to be lost on death.
07:39I have no boots anymore.
07:42Incentive to survive, I suppose.
07:58Slightly, slightly.
08:06I did not get it to go down.
08:28Let's say get your gun.
08:30Get the cat.
08:46Wow, what a chump.
08:53I only know one suck move, and I got a really long tongue, but not that long.
09:00It's not long enough.
09:19Powering through this.
09:32She did not want to go down.
09:34Let's jump three times, right to left.
09:46That helped.
09:48I'm really cleaning up here, I have to say.
10:22Even with speed boots, you can't beat the treadmills.
11:03I've got one more life.
11:17I guess I got another one for beating that level, so two more.
11:50Not fair, he didn't go down with the rest.
11:53Crafty seal.
12:31Get out to the corner, it'll stop the amount of times you die.
12:37He'll only kill you with his charge move, instead of his walk back and forth move.
12:41I thought he was only killing me with his charge move.
12:45I must have misplaced myself somewhere along the way.
13:24All right, need those boots again.
13:41I don't think the weapons matter at all.
13:49Yeah, I don't really know.
14:06A crappy place to run into a snake, but all right.
14:12Name a good place to run into a snake.
14:20Look at that clean house.
14:26A place where snakes don't have fangs?
14:29There's no such place.
14:31Sure there are.
14:32There's no such place, brother high warlord.
14:34I'm sure there's like wildlife refugees or something, or like abandoned toothless snakes,
14:39fangless snakes.
14:43I need to find a toothless snake refuge, so I can take my friend where he won't be freaked out.
14:50Yeah, you know, he was tortured by humans by having his fangs removed or something.
14:58There's like people with exotic cats that defang them.
15:25I think I might extend the duration their web.
15:51Not killed again.
15:51Good timing, I guess.
15:57Yeah, I was about to say.
16:09How can I not have any ammo?
16:13Oh, it doesn't let you switch in boss fights.
16:17I don't know why.
16:46All right, he wants it.
16:47He's gonna get it.
17:00Oh, we finally got that third health bar down.
17:19Slowing down, you're getting weaker, old man.
17:32I don't know, I thought I could reach this from down below and I couldn't.
17:49Space, world space.
17:52Oh, I'm gonna kick Goku's ass.
18:01I'm gonna get over here and try it.
18:03There's an invisible dude just hanging out.
18:12Glad you found him?
18:13Yeah, I found him with my face a couple times.
18:21Yes, I'm glad you found him.
18:42Cast broom meteor.
18:45Broom shower.
18:55Yeah, he definitely stayed webbed longer.
19:07The only thing that matters.
20:00Diamond, here I am.
20:21Oh, yes.
20:43Whoa, I turned up the speed.
21:14Gotta eat your apples.
21:20All right, I managed to drop down like twice in the whole game.
21:23All around.
21:29Space boss.
21:31Oh my god, it's that hyper dude that we played.
21:34The three-player, the three-in-one game, Hyper Man.
21:50I'll just stay here where I can hit him on both sides.
23:04All right, nice.
23:09It's tough.
23:11It was definitely faster than the last one.
23:14Oh, for sure.
23:19Plant slime.
23:20Good old plant slime.
23:26Maybe the plan was buy slime.
23:28I don't know.
23:44Chester, cherry.
23:53All right, well, see you next time, Moon Crew.
23:56Peace, Moon Crew.
23:57Till next time.