Radd 2nd last episode

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Just for entertainment


00:30I'll see you in the court.
00:32Okay. Okay. I'll stay here.
00:35But my daughters are here.
00:42Not a single word.
00:44When that incident happened,
00:48then mother...
00:52Anaya also left with mother.
00:57She wasn't born.
01:00She died.
01:20What are you trying to say, Vimant?
01:22Salar, the thing is that
01:24Anaya is not here.
01:26Because of that incident,
01:28I left with mother.
01:32Is this how you'll make fun of me?
01:35Look, Vimant.
01:37If you don't want to know,
01:38or meet her,
01:39then don't meet her.
01:41But don't ruin the news.
01:44Then let me meet her.
01:45Take me there right now.
01:46I want to meet her.
01:47Brother, Adnan wants to take me to Germany.
01:56He is very angry.
01:57He isn't listening to me.
02:07Come with me.
02:17Come with me.
02:25Threaten, threaten, bribe.
02:27It's not difficult to buy the police.
02:29Hit the money on the face
02:30and let go of that stupid Qadir.
02:32Yes. Yes. Hit on the face.
02:34Our hard earned money
02:35should be hit on the face.
02:38You got the sugar mills file stolen from Raza, right?
02:42You stole it.
02:43I just recovered it.
02:45Give me the file.
02:47Didn't you hear me?
02:48Give me the file.
02:53I think Kamran and father
02:55are fighting again.
02:58What do you all think?
03:00Will you all defeat me?
03:02I am your father.
03:03Remember this every day.
03:05If a father like you
03:06prays for every child to be an orphan,
03:12then I will tell everyone
03:14how you have seized the money
03:16of Rahat aunty and Salar.
03:19And where all you have put their signatures.
03:22And even to kill him,
03:24you made a blast at his event.
03:27You wait here. I will see.
03:35I will see where you come from,
03:37you Maitri Jailor.
03:44I will see where you come from,
03:46you Maitri Jailor.
03:55I will see where you come from.
04:19Kamran! Why did you do it?
04:21What happened?
04:27Kamran, get up.
04:28Kamran, what happened?
04:40What happened?
04:46Samar, what happened to him?
04:48Call Raj.
04:52Kamran brother.
04:56What happened to him?
05:02What have you done?
05:04For a small thing, you killed your brother.
05:14You're not a father, you're an adult!
05:16Why do you eat your own child?
05:22Did you see? Did you see what I said?
05:24Ever since that woman came,
05:26he'll become our Asif's snake!
05:28Shut up!
05:30Shut up before I forget that you're my father!
05:33Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!
05:42I'll make you pay for this!
06:58Don't worry.
07:00I'm here with you.
07:04Uncle will be fine.
07:06Just pray for him.
07:10I can't do this.
07:12I'm so worried.
07:16How do I face him?
07:18With my sinful hands?
07:20With my sinful hands,
07:22I slapped you.
07:26You've been through so much.
07:32I don't think I'm capable of forgiving you.
07:40God has given you
07:42the status of my mother.
07:46It was your right to raise me.
07:52I don't like apologizing to my own sons.
07:58No, Salam.
08:02Whatever happened to Kamran,
08:06it's all because of my sins.
08:14I realized my mistake
08:16a long time ago.
08:20You were so young
08:22when you came to me.
08:24You were so innocent.
08:28You're still very innocent.
08:30And what have I done to you?
08:34The punishment for hurting the innocent
08:36is no less than a punishment.
08:38If you don't forgive me,
08:40then God will destroy my prayers.
08:50Look into my eyes.
08:54Do you see any complaints?
08:58No, right?
09:00Then assume that every slap you gave me
09:04was a step towards my upbringing.
09:06Nothing else.
09:10Come on.
09:12Stop crying.
09:16We're all here with you.
09:18Just pray for Kamran.
09:22He's going to be okay.
09:42The doctors are calling you.
09:46The doctors are calling you.
10:08You didn't go to the hospital.
10:10I spoke to my MS at the hospital.
10:12She said
10:14that the head injury
10:16isn't that serious.
10:18But the operation will still have to be done.
10:22it will take some time to recover.
10:24What do you think?
10:26That I don't know anything
10:28about my son's condition?
10:32I'm here to file an FIR.
10:36If you had listened to me earlier,
10:38things wouldn't have gotten to this point.
10:42Salar has betrayed Kamran.
10:46Sugar Mill has created a fake drama
10:48in his name.
10:50When Kamran
10:52asked him about him,
10:54after finding out,
10:56Salar tried to kill him.
11:00He pushed him
11:02right in front of me.
11:08But the question is
11:10if he wanted to kill
11:12Salar Kamran,
11:14is he that stupid
11:16to go to his own house?
11:20He's not stupid, Javed.
11:22He's crazy.
11:24He's been crazy since childhood.
11:26Don't you remember
11:28how he created a fake drama
11:30about his kidnapping?
11:34At that time,
11:36you were suspicious of his wife.
11:40both of them are in cahoots.
11:42Before he
11:44puts the blame of his crimes
11:46on someone else,
11:48arrest him.
11:50But Mr. Rahim,
11:52this time,
11:54I'm waiting for Kamran
11:56to come to his senses.
11:58I'll start the inquiry after that.
12:00I'll start the inquiry after that.
12:06The same inquiry
12:08that you did earlier,
12:10neither did we find out
12:12who kidnapped Salar,
12:14nor did we find out
12:16who set my house on fire.
12:18And now, when my son
12:20has been tried to kill,
12:22will you still wait for him?
12:31You're absolutely right, Mr. Zamin.
12:35I'm Zain Shahzad,
12:37Mr. Zamin's lawyer.
12:42Come, I'll tell you
12:44how to file an FIR
12:46according to the law.
13:00I'll tell you how to file an FIR
13:02according to the law.
13:14The surgery is a little complicated.
13:18It'll take some time.
13:22Adnan has explained to the doctor
13:24what to tell Zamin if he comes.
13:26I spoke to him in person.
13:28Don't worry.
13:30None of us will leave Kamran alone.
13:34Not just Kamran,
13:36we won't leave Salar alone either.
13:42You don't know Zamin
13:44the way I know him.
13:46He's been very quiet since last night.
13:50And his silence
13:52is often a sign of a storm.
13:54I know him
13:56very well.
14:00He's definitely planning something.
14:04I'm surprised.
14:06Despite being his own father,
14:08he couldn't belong to anyone
14:10for the rest of his life.
14:12Zamin doesn't have a heart.
14:14Zamin doesn't have a heart.
14:24Rahat did so much for me.
14:30He made me sit on the throne.
14:32He accepted my children.
14:34He respected my friendship.
14:38And what did I give him?
14:40With a monster like Zamin,
14:42I stopped being afraid of God.
14:46I didn't let Rahat live in peace
14:48or die in peace.
14:52Zamin is that monster, Iman,
14:56who along with Rahat,
15:00burnt his own daughter to death that night.
15:10Zamin is that monster, Iman,
15:12who along with Rahat,
15:14burnt his own daughter to death that night.
15:16Zamin is that monster, Iman,
15:18who along with Rahat,
15:20burnt his own daughter to death that night.
15:22Peace be upon you.
15:24I'm sorry to hear about
15:26Kamran's incident.
15:28But don't worry.
15:30We'll find out
15:32whether it was an accident
15:34or an attempt to murder.
15:36Tell me, where's Salar?
15:40What do you want from him?
15:42Nothing much.
15:44I just wanted to ask.
15:46Zamin, don't you feel ashamed?
15:48You didn't come to the hospital to see your son.
15:50You didn't come to see whether he's alive or dead.
15:52And you went to the police.
15:54Look, Javed,
15:56don't pay attention to their emotional talks.
15:58Do your work.
16:00I'll go meet the doctor.
16:10Where's Salar?
16:12He's gone to the radiology department
16:14to collect the reports.
16:18Come with me.
16:22Iman, what are you doing?
16:24I'll tell you.
16:42You'll have to come with us.
16:46Sure, Mr. Javed.
16:48Wait a second. What do you mean?
16:50Where are you taking him?
16:52It's okay.
16:54And he's alone.
16:56Let me handle it.
16:58No, wait. I'm not leaving you alone.
17:00I'll come with you.
17:02Let's see why he's arresting you.
17:04Mr. Zamin has filed an FIR against me.
17:06Am I right?
17:12What? Is he mad or what?
17:14Nothing will happen, Iman.
17:18Go inside.
17:20I can't leave you alone.
17:22I have to be with you, Salar.
17:24This is between me and my father.
17:26Let me handle this my way.
17:28You go inside with Iman.
17:32Go inside.
17:52Go inside.
18:16When will mom come?
18:18She's so busy these days.
18:20Where is my daughter?
18:22Today was your grandpa's
18:24chemo session, right?
18:28Chemo session
18:32Grandpa's injections
18:34will be done for the last time today.
18:36And then he'll be absolutely fine.
18:38When kids are young,
18:40their parents take them to the hospital, right?
18:42When their parents
18:44grow up
18:46and get old,
18:48their kids take them to the hospital, right?
18:52But our dad doesn't even come to meet us.
19:00some kids are very special to God.
19:04They have a mom, a dad,
19:06a friend,
19:08and a mom.
19:10And you guys are God's
19:12very special kids, right?
19:14You're such good moms.
19:18Sorry, sorry. I'm very late.
19:20I'll make dinner right away.
19:22Sameera, Sameera, sit.
19:24I've made dinner. Come.
19:26Why did you make it?
19:28You were working on your laptop all night.
19:30You left early in the morning with dad.
19:32I knew you must be tired.
19:34Tell me.
19:36How was dad's chemo session?
19:38Thank God.
19:40The doctors have kept it under observation for 24 hours.
19:42Mohsin came and he sent me.
19:44That's good.
19:46I'll serve dinner.
19:48The kids are very hungry.
19:50Zoya, you guys eat.
19:52I have an online meeting in 15 minutes.
19:54Read her notes once.
19:56Then we'll eat.
19:58You join us.
20:00I'll serve dinner.
20:16my lawyer called today.
20:18Sameer signed the papers.
20:20Zoya, I won the case.
20:22Really? Congratulations.
20:26I can't believe it.
20:28I won.
20:32I won this fight for myself
20:34and my daughters.
20:36I'm so proud of you, Sameera.
20:38You've set an example for all these girls
20:40who accept their husband's atrocities
20:42as their fate.
20:44You're setting
20:46the future of your daughters.
20:50Mom called.
20:52She said
20:54to tell Sameera
20:56that I'll support her as long as I can.
20:58I'm a mother too, Zoya.
21:00A mother can't stay away
21:02from her child.
21:04I know
21:06she'll be sad
21:08for Jameel.
21:10I spoke to Mohsin
21:12about this.
21:14She said
21:16she'll take care of Jameel
21:18as far as I'm concerned.
21:22mom is getting a talented
21:24and loving daughter
21:26instead of a selfish son.
21:28It's not a bad deal.
21:30I wish we were emotional
21:32instead of having relationships.
21:34Then no power in the world
21:36would be able to compete with us.
21:39Meet him.
21:41Sorry, I'll go.
21:43I'm cooking.
21:46Why are you looking at me like that?
21:49When Iman was getting married to me,
21:51wasn't she in your heart?
21:57Were you able to get her out of your heart?
22:03How is this possible?
22:05Where's my passport?
22:08It's with Iman.
22:39We got stuck
22:41on our way here.
22:43If nothing else,
22:45consider Bhanu's age.
22:49This is my last favor.
22:52I won't ask for anything else.
23:00But last time.
23:16Hello, Iman?
23:18Iman, please find out
23:20where Sheru is.
23:22I can't reach him on the phone.
23:24Sheru was there
23:26when Kamran was attacked.
23:39Where were you when the attack happened?
23:41We were in the kitchen.
23:43Who else was at home?
23:46Sheru was there.
23:48I was there.
23:51Where's Sheru?
23:53Since the attack,
23:54Sheru has been missing.
25:52Where are you going?
25:54To meet my son.
25:59Excuse me.
26:04Mr. Samir, this is Qadir speaking.
26:07I have just left from there.
26:09Mr. Raza has made the arrangements.
26:12Good boy, good.
26:13Okay, tell Raza to also come with you for a few days.
26:19Sir, I don't want to stay here.
26:21I don't want to go anywhere.
26:23I don't want to go anywhere.
26:25I don't want to go anywhere.
26:27I don't want to go anywhere.
26:29I don't want to go anywhere.
26:32Sir, I need 50 lakh rupees to go here and there.
26:39Are you out of your mind?
26:44I took a beating in jail for your activities.
26:47And now I want a price for it.
26:49So that I can go away from here with my family.
26:52And this is better for you.
26:56Don't blackmail me.
26:5850 lakh.
26:59I am messaging you the place and time.
27:01Don't underestimate me.
27:03Because your problem is not with your son.
27:06It's with the government.
27:29Come, Shera.
27:39What happened?
27:40Won't you come?
27:46You go.
27:59You go.
28:30Sheru, what are you doing?
28:32What are you doing?
28:33I was very scared.
28:35I was very scared.
28:38I was also scared all my life.
28:40I never apologized to you.
28:43And you were the one who made me understand.
28:45That no matter how dark the night is,
28:47I will never forget you.
28:49I will never forget you.
28:51I will never forget you.
28:53I will never forget you.
28:55I will never forget you.
28:58No matter how dark the night is,
29:00one day the morning will come.
29:03Thank you, Sheru.
29:05Are you ready to give your statement?
29:10Yes, I am ready.
29:13Come, Mr. Amir.
29:28Thank you very much.
29:30Shehla aunty told me about Anaya.
30:09You didn't believe in my courage and wisdom again, right?
30:14I don't want a victory in charity.
30:18Defeat and victory are in a fight, Salar.
30:21And then you are asking for your right back.
30:27There is no fight in this.
30:31Don't try to confuse me with words, Iman.
30:36A person who wants to believe only by looking at the eyes,
30:41is afraid to get entangled in words.
30:51I didn't come to snatch Iman from you.
30:54I came to return you.
30:58Return what you have.
31:07There is a difference between humans and things, Salar.
31:14And yes, I had Iman.
31:32Why are you looking at me like that?
31:35When Iman was getting married to me, wasn't she in your heart?
31:43Were you able to get her out?
31:49This is not in a person's control.
31:52And when the day breaks,
31:55the people who live in it become prisoners.
32:13I had kept Iman as a prisoner in my heart.
32:17I was punishing her for her disloyalty.
32:19I was punishing her for her disloyalty.
32:26But she was not disloyal.
32:28My mother was disloyal.
32:43I got married not because of Iman's greed,
32:46but because of my mother's selfishness.
33:00In this misunderstanding, I have hurt you a lot.
33:05I just want to rectify it.
33:12Iman was not in my fate.
33:17Neither before, nor now.
33:25And that is because God has made her for you.
33:31And if God decides,
33:34who am I to change it?
33:39I am not helping you, Salar.
33:41I just want to atone for my sins.
33:49I'll leave now.
35:13Sir, the patient whom you asked us to keep an eye on,
35:18he has regained consciousness.
35:22The doctor said that there will be complications after the surgery.
35:25He has gone into a coma.
35:27I think,
35:28these people are the ones who are responsible for his death.
35:32What are you saying?
35:33What are you saying?
35:34What are you saying?
35:35What are you saying?
35:36What are you saying?
35:37What are you saying?
35:38He has gone into a coma.
35:39I think,
35:40they have lied to you.
35:49Pick up the phone, man.
35:51Pick up the phone.
35:53Yes, Raza.
35:54Book my flight.
35:55I don't care.
35:57Hey, man. Turkey, Dubai, Singapore.
35:59I don't care for 3-4 hours.
36:01Yet, book me on that flight.
36:04I am taking my passport to a foreign airport.
36:06Hurry up. Hurry up.
36:22Oh my God.
36:26Iman, go to your room and close the door.
36:28And don't come out until I call out to you.
36:31Are you sure?
36:32And here's the passport for the land.
36:35Please take care of yourself.
36:36Call me if you need anything.
36:38You go. Hurry up.
37:06Who are you here in the hospital?
37:17There are a lot of people in the hospital to take care of Kamran.
37:22And since when are you so worried about Kamran?
37:26By the way, your informers must have told you, but listen to me too.
37:31Alhamdulillah, Kamran has regained consciousness.
37:34Arzamin didn't come today. He came right after the surgery.
37:39The thing is, I have also learned to play some games by staying with you.
37:44The doctors told you about Kamran's coma at our behest.
37:49I don't have time for all this nonsense.
38:04Kamran, I'm sorry.
38:07I'm sorry too.
38:09I'm sorry too.
38:11I'm sorry.
38:13I'm sorry.
38:15I'm sorry.
38:17I'm sorry.
38:19I'm sorry.
38:21I'm sorry.
38:23I'm sorry.
38:25I'm sorry.
38:27I'm sorry.
38:29I'm sorry.
38:31I'm sorry.
38:33I'm sorry.
38:35I'm sorry.
38:37I'm sorry.
38:39I'm sorry.
38:41I'm sorry.
38:43I'm sorry.
38:45I'm sorry.
38:47I'm sorry.
38:49I'm sorry.
38:51I'm sorry.
38:53I'm sorry.
38:55I'm sorry.
38:57I'm sorry.
38:59I'm sorry.
39:01I'm sorry.
39:03I'm sorry.
39:05I'm sorry.
39:08I'm sorry.
39:19May I help Karoon?
39:33Where is my passport?
39:35It's with the guest.
39:43Now it's your turn, Zaman.
40:03To be continued...