Sueños de libertad Cap 127 (22-08-24)

  • last month


00:00You're a dead man.
00:11She also said that Jesus killed Clotilde and my son.
00:14She's delirious. Didn't you see her?
00:16She said it very convincingly.
00:19It's hard to believe that she made it up.
00:22Dina, Luis... You didn't see her.
00:25I was talking to her mother, she was dead.
00:27She was totally out of her mind.
00:29Before you arrived, she had become very violent with Jesus.
00:33Begoña has not been well for a while now.
00:36She's fainting.
00:38But this has already been too much.
00:41I don't know what we can do with her.
00:43I'm going to try to keep calm.
00:45Yeah, but more attacks will come.
00:48She says nonsense.
00:50She's desperate, she's suffering.
00:53I don't know, maybe we should call a...
00:55We can't bury her, Father.
00:57No, you're right, we can't.
00:58Jesus wants to take this matter in a different way
01:00and we have to respect that.
01:02I hope whatever happens to her has a cure.
01:05At the moment, the only thing we can do is
01:08support Jesus and pray.
01:10Pray for Begoña to get well.
01:12We'll do that.
01:14Well, now, let's go to the dining room.
01:16The other guests should be about to arrive to celebrate.
01:19I'm sorry.
01:21I don't have the courage to celebrate after all this.
01:25I'm going home.
01:27I'll go with you, Mother.
01:58What are you doing?
02:01I've got it, Carmen.
02:03I've got it.
02:04What do you have?
02:06What are you doing with that broken device?
02:08This is the radio I sold to Gaspar.
02:10So what?
02:11Do you want to forget about a Bederte Mita?
02:13Look, Carmen.
02:14I was looking for a clue in the radio
02:16to see where it was made and if I could find it.
02:18In that thing?
02:20Yes, in this piece.
02:22It says it wasn't made in Germany, but in Spain.
02:24It says it was made in Germany.
02:26What are you going to do with it?
02:28I'm going to the Civil Guard right now
02:30to see if they can do something.
02:36Do you think they'll listen to you?
02:38To you, precisely.
02:40To see how you get them to listen to you.
02:42Better than not doing anything, don't you think?
02:44Maybe they'll go over there
02:46to see if there's someone taking out material.
02:48Dasio, you're making a fool of yourself.
02:50Well, Carmen.
02:52I'm going to do everything I can to solve this mess.
02:54Do you understand?
02:55As if it were that easy.
03:00Look, Carmen.
03:01If it's more difficult, better.
03:03That way, you'll forgive me more easily.
03:05That's all I'm worried about right now.
03:07You just have to stop getting into trouble.
03:10That's all you have to think about.
03:15Carmen, I've learned my lesson.
03:17But I need to make it clear that I'm not a swindler.
03:19Do you understand?
03:20I'm leaving now.
03:21Let's see if I'm in time for them to listen to me.
03:34I have to get out of here.
03:36Hey, hey, hey.
03:37Darling, please.
03:38In the end, you're going to get locked up in a asylum
03:40and there won't be anyone to save you.
03:42Do you know what you've done?
03:44How can you tell everyone that I killed Clotilde and Valentín?
03:47You can't imagine the damage you've done to Dina.
03:55Poor thing.
03:57I have to get out of here.
03:58No, stop it.
03:59I'm begging you, please.
04:01My father was about to have you arrested.
04:03He would have done it if it weren't for me.
04:07You've helped me.
04:08I would never hurt you, darling.
04:11On the contrary.
04:12I only live to take care of you.
04:14How can you think...
04:16God, how can you think I'm a murderer?
04:19You shot me.
04:22Andrés saw it.
04:23And Julia too, but she erased it from her memory.
04:26Julia can't remember something that hasn't happened.
04:32That was an accident, darling.
04:34You got into a hunting trough and you were shot by a hunter.
04:40Clotilde and Valentín are dead.
04:41That's right.
04:43That's right, Valentín is dead in Brazil.
04:45And he fled there after killing Clotilde
04:47and taking all the money from his family and part of the company.
04:51That's a lie.
04:52No, darling, that's the truth.
04:55And anyone can confirm it.
04:59What happens is that your head has been deluding another story
05:02and you're hurting the whole family, Begoña.
05:07I have no family.
05:10Don't say that.
05:15I'm your family.
05:17And I love you with all my being.
05:20I would never do anything bad to you.
05:22And I would do anything to see you well again.
05:27I'm fine.
05:30You're out of balance, darling.
05:33You see things where they don't exist.
05:35You even think you see people who are already dead.
05:40My father.
05:42That's why it's very important that you accept things
05:45as we tell others.
05:48Instead of letting your imagination invent everything.
05:53You're lying.
05:56Right now, the only liar is your head.
05:59But you can dominate love.
06:00You're an intelligent woman.
06:02You shouldn't let it dominate you.
06:07I need help.
06:11Of course, darling.
06:15And that's why I'm here.
06:17To help you.
06:20We're all going to help you.
06:42Not now, Andrés.
06:44I don't care if you don't want to talk.
06:46Don't give me that look of shame, you and my brother.
06:50All this has gone too far.
06:52We should never have come back to this house.
06:54When Jesus tried to kill Begoña.
06:56What's this about now?
06:58That you are to blame for Begoña being like this.
07:00Nervous, terrified.
07:03Yes, because she's delirious.
07:06So don't blame me for things that have a much simpler explanation.
07:09You're always washing your hands.
07:11And what do you want me to do, son?
07:13If Begoña is like this, it's because of the constant mistreatment she received from Jesus.
07:17If Begoña is like this, it's because she sadly inherited her mother's illness.
07:21Well, if she's sick, as you say,
07:23she's said things that sadly would make me wish they weren't true.
07:25I'm not going to get in your game, Andrés.
07:29Begoña has said with great certainty
07:31that Jesus is the murderer of Clotilde and Valentín.
07:33She told her mother, dead.
07:35For God's sake, Andrés!
07:36Andrés, you're so blind for that woman
07:38that you're unable to see that she's lost her mind.
07:40Begoña is not well. It's been very hard to see him.
07:42But I've always known that Jesus was hiding something terrible,
07:44helped by you.
07:46For God's sake, Andrés, I don't have the head for these things now.
07:49The death certificate that appeared just when I was looking for Valentín in Brazil
07:52is too much of a coincidence.
07:54Coincidences exist, believe it or not.
07:56If Jesus was able to shoot Begoña,
07:58he could have killed Clotilde and Valentín.
08:01Enough, Andrés, enough!
08:03Begoña is delirious, for God's sake!
08:05I know it's hard,
08:07but maybe we have to start assuming
08:09that the Begoña we knew
08:11may have left so as not to return.
08:14No matter how hard it is for us.
08:18Do you trust Uncle Damián?
08:23Do you think he lied to us about that?
08:27I think Jesus is capable of doing anything.
08:31I don't know, Mother.
08:32It's hard for me to believe
08:34that Begoña made it all up.
08:37She hasn't been well lately.
08:39Since her mother died,
08:41she's been seeing things that don't exist.
08:43And you've seen that she loses her nerves easily.
08:48So why does Uncle Damián force us
08:50to treat her the way we should?
08:52Because the option is to put her in a asylum,
08:54you know that.
08:56And that would be horrible.
08:58I don't think it's bad
09:00that Jesus doesn't want to do it.
09:02Even Andrés is against it,
09:04and he's her brother-in-law.
09:08It's also impressed me a lot
09:10to see her so convinced.
09:13But we know
09:15that your brother fled to Brazil
09:18and that he died there.
09:26What happened?
09:28You left me worried with the call.
09:30Sit down.
09:33Well, what? What's wrong?
09:35Why do you look like that?
09:43Begoña has been attacked like crazy,
09:45it seems.
09:47And she's accused Jesus
09:49of killing Clotilde
09:52and Valentín.
09:59It can't be.
10:01It can't be.
10:03It can't be.
10:05Valentín died in Brazil
10:08and he killed Clotilde.
10:14Do you believe her?
10:17I think
10:19she's very upset.
10:22And she was out of her mind
10:24when she said all this nonsense.
10:27After telling her,
10:28she started talking to her dead mother.
10:30Right there, as if she were there.
10:32My God.
10:35It's terrible.
10:37Begoña has hallucinations.
10:41She was out of her mind.
10:43It impressed me a lot to see her,
10:45but I don't know,
10:47I've said it all so confidently.
10:49Son, I don't think it's good for me
10:51to keep talking about this.
10:53I'm sorry, I'm going to change.
10:59What if Begoña
11:01told the truth?
11:04I don't know.
11:06They say crazy people and kids never lie.
11:08No, Luis, no.
11:10That's terrible.
11:14That mother almost had a heart attack
11:16when she told her about Valentín.
11:21But don't you think
11:23there might be some truth?
11:25I don't know.
11:26I don't know.
11:28No, Luis, no.
11:30We have Valentín's death certificate.
11:32There's no need to go back and forth.
11:38You've worked with Jesus for many years.
11:41Yes, and what?
11:43What do you mean by that?
11:45That you're probably one of the people
11:47who knows Jesus the best.
11:49Begoña might have had a heart attack, but...
11:53I don't know.
11:56Do you think Jesus would be able to do something like that?
12:00Before, when you called to give the news of the collapse,
12:03Jesus was in charge of calling the ambulance.
12:06When everyone left,
12:08I saw him hang up the phone.
12:10But he hung up again.
12:12He didn't call anyone.
12:16No, my cousin
12:18wouldn't be able to.
12:20Have you seen the tensions between father and son
12:22these last few weeks?
12:24Especially with Andrés' arrival.
12:26What will his father do to keep the company?
12:28What will he do to us?
12:32Honestly, I don't know.
12:37I don't know.
12:41Despite everything, I believe in Begoña.
12:43Let him be for once.
12:45We've had enough of the problems that woman has brought us
12:48so that you also try to end the family.
12:50I'm only looking for the truth.
12:54You only have a head for Begoña.
12:56It's the only thing you care about
12:58no matter how hard your wife tries to please you.
13:00I broke up with María
13:02since I decided to bet on my marriage.
13:04But I won't give up
13:06in the face of such an atrocious crime.
13:08There's no crime worth it.
13:10Think about it.
13:12We'll see about that, father.
13:14I won't stop until I get justice.
13:16Do you really want justice?
13:18Because I can still report Begoña.
13:20And you know how adulterous women end up,
13:22repudiated and in jail.
13:26and you don't care that a scandal
13:28can stain the name of your family?
13:30An infidelity is a minor scandal
13:33compared to a crime.
13:35Be very present before doing anything.
13:38I'd rather take a risk.
13:40I'm willing to do anything
13:42to get justice.
13:52Damian de la Reina, tell me.
13:54Hi Damian, it's Ángela.
13:56We need to talk about our son, Tassio.
13:58Ángela, what are you doing here?
14:01It's important.
14:04I'll see you at 6.30,
14:07where we used to meet, okay?
14:27Everything is beautiful.
14:30You'll have a great time.
14:32See you later.
14:35I'll see you later.
14:50Congratulations, Mrs. María.
14:52It seemed impossible,
14:54but it's done.
14:56Everything is about to start.
14:58Yes, who would have thought?
15:00I tried to keep the composure,
15:02but I was nervous about the preparations.
15:04Really? You didn't notice anything?
15:06Well, because you were there.
15:08But you've got the hang of it.
15:10And look, everything is coming out.
15:12Yes, people seem happy.
15:16I was scared about the cake,
15:18but Gemma has solved it.
15:20And very well solved.
15:22She's a girl with many resources,
15:24I must say.
15:26I'm impressed by the differences
15:28between the two of you.
15:30What do you mean?
15:32What I mean is that it seems
15:34that you get along very well.
15:36Although, with all due respect,
15:38it's clear that you come from
15:40different social classes.
15:42Yes, yes, of course.
15:44But Gemma has a big heart.
15:46Thanks to her,
15:48my entry into the house of the Reina
15:50was much more bearable.
15:52I'm not saying that the Reina's
15:54received me badly,
15:57it's a pity that lately
15:59she doesn't trust me so much.
16:02I think she's hiding something from me.
16:04I understand.
16:06I guess that's why they argued before.
16:08How do you know?
16:10I'm sorry, I don't want to be meddlesome.
16:12I saw it by accident
16:14and it caught my attention
16:16how well they get along.
16:18You see,
16:20the problem is that Gemma
16:22has forgotten about the cake
16:24because she went to Madrid with her husband.
16:26She's coming and going
16:28and she doesn't let go.
16:30I see.
16:32Well, if it was a plan with her husband,
16:34it's normal that she doesn't want to share it.
16:36That's the point.
16:38Previously, Gemma had problems with her husband
16:40and she told me everything.
16:42Oh, friends.
16:44And now that she's solved it,
16:46she doesn't want to tell you, right?
16:48Well, she tells me half of it.
16:50As if there was something
16:52she doesn't want me to know.
16:54I understand.
16:56Gemma is a very good person
16:58and she has very good intentions.
17:01I'm sorry, I don't know if I'm talking too much.
17:03No, don't worry.
17:05And you don't have to tell me.
17:07I just wanted to share this moment with you
17:09after so many days of argument.
17:11Look, it's good for Gemma
17:13to have someone to help her.
17:15And usually that person is me.
17:17But in order to help her,
17:19she has to let herself be helped, right?
17:21I don't think she's doing it for work.
17:23She's worried about her friend.
17:24A lot.
17:26I won't deny it.
17:28But well,
17:30I guess marital problems
17:32are very complicated.
17:34I guess.
17:36I'm still single.
17:38Oh, you didn't know?
17:40Well, if you'll excuse me,
17:42I have to get back to work.
17:44Not everything will be fun.
17:46See you later.
17:55I knew my brother
17:57wouldn't call you
17:59to tell you about Begoña.
18:01He's determined
18:03to take care of her personally.
18:05That's normal.
18:07He doesn't want Begoña
18:09to be accused of being a murderer again.
18:11My goodness.
18:13Andres, what do you think?
18:15Do you think your brother
18:17was capable of murdering his wife
18:19and your cousin?
18:21Begoña spoke very confidently.
18:22She was shocked
18:24until she turned to her mother.
18:28Do you still believe her?
18:33let's say Jesus shot Begoña.
18:35But that doesn't necessarily mean
18:37that he killed Clotilde and Valentín.
18:39Come on, Luz.
18:41A few months ago,
18:43Begoña and you came to the same conclusion.
18:45I'm sure Begoña ran away from that house
18:47because of that.
18:49Because she discovered the crime
18:50and felt threatened.
18:53Why didn't she tell you before?
18:56When I went to look for her that day,
18:58it was because she left a note on my jacket
19:00asking for help.
19:02I don't know if you and I changed
19:04the days of going home.
19:06I don't know if you were threatened.
19:09But what I don't know now
19:11is how we can help her in her condition.
19:13The first thing we need
19:15is to know if she's still taking barbiturates.
19:17That's the only way
19:18we can find out
19:20if all this is the product of the medication.
19:23When Jesus shot her, she wasn't taking anything.
19:27There's also the possibility
19:29that she's suffering from a mental illness.
19:31We can't rule it out.
19:33It hurts us a lot.
19:36Luz, it's been horrible to see her so upset.
19:40You have to do an analysis
19:42to see if she's still taking it.
19:44Yesterday I tried to draw blood from her
19:46and she ended up getting mad at me.
19:53Aren't you going to see Bena?
19:55I'm still thinking about it.
19:57By the way,
19:59have you gone to see Begoña?
20:02You already know what happened, right?
20:04Yes, I talked to my father-in-law
20:06and he told me everything.
20:08Apparently, it's not the first time
20:10he's been like this.
20:12But today's episode was pretty serious.
20:14I haven't seen her either.
20:16I never lose my papers like this.
20:18I'm going to help her.
20:20Your father thinks he might have mental problems
20:22like Mercedes,
20:24and that Jesus refuses to acknowledge it.
20:27Begoña is taking barbiturates
20:29on her own.
20:31And it's likely that she's still doing it
20:33without control.
20:35And why didn't you give her a blood test
20:37and a blood test?
20:39Because she doesn't want to see me.
20:41Have you discussed it?
20:43But you could examine Jaime.
20:46Yes, of course, I could do it.
20:48It's very important that Begoña
20:50doesn't suspect anything
20:52and that no one finds out
20:54about her addiction to tranquilizers.
20:56Yes, yes, of course.
20:58Thank you, Jaime.
21:00It's a blessing to be able to count on you.
21:02No, please.
21:04It's a pleasure for me to be able to help you.
21:06Well, I have to go.
21:08Goodbye, Andrés.
21:19Do you need anything, Mr. Joaquín?
21:23No, thank you.
21:25Isabel, I've come to talk to Jesus.
21:27He's on his way.
21:29Very well.
21:31By the way, how's your car?
21:33Have you fixed it yet?
21:35Yes, yes, yes.
21:37It's ready.
21:39How are you doing with the barber shop?
21:41You have a lot of customers, don't you?
21:43Yes, I come from there and it's very lively.
21:45Come by later.
21:47You can wait in the office if you want.
21:50Of course. Thank you.
22:17Man, what are you doing here instead of having fun at the barbershop?
22:21I've had enough with the preparations.
22:24Joaquín is waiting for him in the office.
22:37You tell me, Joaquín.
22:42Well, I...
22:43Jesus, I wanted...
22:46I wanted to tell you
22:48that my mother and my brother
22:51have told me what happened to your wife.
22:58they've told me what they've said.
23:02About Clotilde and...
23:07As you can imagine, I don't feel like talking about that.
23:10Jesus, you...
23:12What about me?
23:16I just wanted to know how much your wife really said.
23:23Are you really asking me what I think you're asking me?
23:31My wife is out of her mind, out of her mind.
23:34She's talking to her mother in her sleep.
23:36My wife is out of her mind, out of her mind.
23:39She's talking to her dead mother.
23:41And you're asking me if what she said is true.
23:44Can you do it?
23:46I just want to...
23:48You what?
23:50That day, Clotilde died because of your damn brother.
23:53And I have to put up with Begoña accusing me of that barbarity
23:56just because I inherited her mother's damn illness.
23:58You can't put yourself in my place, not even for a moment.
24:01Do you hate me so much
24:03that you can't understand what I'm going through because of Begoña?
24:09I'm sorry.
24:12You're right.
24:15I can't even imagine what you're going through.
24:18I'm sorry.
24:20I hope your wife recovers soon.
24:22Get out of here, please.
24:37Come in.
24:40Mr. Jesus.
24:42Yes, Isabel?
24:44I think I just found out something that might interest you.
24:54Mr. Joaquin didn't go to the workshop to fix his car.
24:58He's been in Madrid with his wife.
25:02How do you know?
25:04How do you know?
25:06Well, working hand-in-hand with his sister-in-law Maria and Gemma
25:10is becoming quite interesting.
25:12And can you tell me why he lied to me?
25:14I have no idea at the moment.
25:16But I just surprised Joaquin himself
25:18by leaving his contract and his brother's in the archive.
25:21And when I asked him about the car,
25:23he kept the lie.
25:25I wonder what relationship one thing might have with the other.
25:29I can find out.
25:30Do it.
25:32And don't stop until you know the truth.
25:39Hello, hello.
25:41Good afternoon, everyone.
25:43We are the Fantasy Orchestra.
25:45We wish the perfumeries of the Queen
25:47to accompany us for many more years.
25:50And one, two, three, go on.
25:53Come on, guys.
25:55Come on, dance.
26:01Don't run away from me.
26:03What's up?
26:05Come on, dance with me.
26:07I'm getting excited with this jingling.
26:10Come on, let me get in the mood and have a drink.
26:13Is it possible?
26:15I'm always available for you in the canteen.
26:17Once I get my feet on the music.
26:19I promise I'll dance with you later.
26:21That's not my day, really.
26:31Come on.
26:38Oh, you scared me.
26:40I thought it was just a jingling.
26:42Is he coming to the bar?
26:46I don't think it's clear yet.
26:48I've talked to him.
26:50I think he'll get over it.
26:52Oh, my God.
26:54If he does, no one can stop you.
26:56If he does what?
27:01Mateo says what happened happened.
27:04We haven't been able to talk.
27:09How are you? Are you okay?
27:11I feel terrible.
27:13I think, Claudia,
27:15we shouldn't kiss.
27:17No, no, no.
27:19But the thing is,
27:21I couldn't stand Mateo.
27:23Me neither.
27:27But it's going to happen again.
27:28No, no, of course not.
27:30Of course not.
27:36Here, have some lemonade.
27:51In the end, the priest will be right.
28:09Hi, Damien.
28:11You're late.
28:13Why did you call me home?
28:15I told you, it's important.
28:17You'd better be.
28:19I'm in a lot of trouble.
28:21All I needed was a scandal.
28:23I've spent half my life avoiding a scandal.
28:26I'm sorry.
28:28I'm with my family.
28:30Tassio is your family too.
28:32That's why I called you home.
28:35Has he told you
28:37I told him I'm his father?
28:39I had to find out from his wife.
28:41She called me to help him
28:43with the mess they're in with Timo.
28:45Since I told him the truth,
28:47I've been keeping an eye on him.
28:49We talk a lot.
28:51I'd say we're getting closer.
28:53And creating an inferiority complex
28:55that made him do this nonsense.
28:56He'd managed to straighten up,
28:58change, focus.
29:00He'd met a good girl
29:02until he found out you were his father.
29:04Do you know why he got involved in the scam?
29:06Yes, he told me.
29:08He wants you to be proud of him.
29:10I am.
29:12He doesn't have to prove anything.
29:14Yes, but he needs to stop feeling like a second son.
29:16What do you want me to do?
29:18I can't sit at the table like another son.
29:20It would be a hard blow for my family
29:22and now isn't the best time.
29:24This reminds me so much of the past.
29:26It won't be a good time for Tassio
29:28like it wasn't for me.
29:30But he's your son
29:32and you have to deal with this carefully.
29:34I'm his mother and I don't want him to deviate again.
29:36And he's on his way.
29:38Tassio is a capable boy
29:40and I'll always be with him, believe me.
29:42In fact, I've already helped him
29:44get out of the mess he's in.
29:46Thanks to that, he's not in jail right now.
29:48You think everything can be fixed with money,
29:50but Tassio won't sit on his head
29:52while you keep despising him.
29:54I don't despise him.
29:56How could I ask you
29:58to tell him the truth
30:00knowing that you'd never be up to it as a father?
30:02It's not easy to be up to it
30:04in a situation like this.
30:06But I'll always be with him.
30:09And don't regret asking me
30:11to tell him the truth.
30:13I have a son, a good son
30:15and I'm enjoying meeting him.
30:19You have a son.
30:21Now we'll see if Tassio has a father.
30:27Oh, my God.
30:29That photographer is from the press.
30:31What do you think?
30:33I've called the entire Toledo press.
30:35They should interview you.
30:37You've organized everything so well.
30:39Yes, with your help.
30:41I'm sorry.
30:43I didn't want to argue with you.
30:45Not at all.
30:47I had promised to help you
30:49with everything I could.
30:51I almost messed up with the cake.
30:53You've solved it perfectly.
31:13Luz, can I ask you a question?
31:18How are things with Luis?
31:20I spoke to him and I told him.
31:21Yes, I know.
31:23And he came to see me
31:25to find out if...
31:28To find out if he could grow up, right?
31:31Well, his doubts have dissipated.
31:34So he doesn't want to report you anymore?
31:36Has he forgiven you?
31:38Yes and no.
31:40He's not going to report me.
31:43But he doesn't want to be with me either.
31:46He could never
31:48be with someone
31:49who doesn't trust him.
31:56maybe it's for the best.
31:58I've told him the truth.
32:00I've tried to get closer.
32:04But I won't deny that
32:08what we've been through together
32:10is still very recent.
32:13Luz, Luz, please.
32:17Luis and I were very close.
32:19And if I gave up being with him
32:21just to keep my secret,
32:26Now you deserve to be happy.
32:28Jaime, don't speak for me.
32:30Luz, I speak for you because I know you love me.
32:32And I also know how much you want to be with Luis.
32:35And I don't want to be an inconvenience.
32:39Luz, all I want is to spend my last days
32:41seeing the people I love happy.
32:43Don't deprive yourself of that for me, please.
32:46I would never forgive myself.
32:50Let me be selfish.
32:52Just a little bit.
32:54What you're doing is very far from selfishness.
32:57Look at that face.
32:59I don't want to.
33:02I don't want to be the saddest person at the party.
33:05But you would be the prettiest.
33:08Luz, enjoy your life.
33:11Enjoy it for both of us.
33:19I love you.
33:28you are the brightest light
33:30among all the streetlights in La Verbena.
33:32Would you kindly allow me to dance?
33:34Thank you very much, Gaspar.
33:36Come on, cheer up.
33:38Come on, cheer up.
33:40Please, and be more beautiful than ever.
33:49The girl has finally arrived.
33:52The girl has finally arrived at the end.
34:01Thank you very much, Gaspar.
34:03It has been a pleasure.
34:05The pleasure has been mine, miss.
34:32This doesn't look good.
34:34I hope I don't step on you.
34:36I'd be careful.
34:38I never learned.
34:40To dance?
34:42I had other priorities, I guess.
34:46I can imagine.
34:47You are too romantic
34:49for something as boring as letting yourself be carried away
34:52by the music.
34:57I'm glad you came.
35:01I wanted to know how you were.
35:03You don't seem very happy.
35:05It's been a hard day.
35:07I'll come tomorrow.
35:11Andres told me.
35:13Why didn't you tell me the truth?
35:15Well, you, Jaime.
35:17I'd rather let you rest.
35:20I hope you can do something for her.
35:30I think I should leave.
35:35I have to go, Andres.
36:37It's me.
36:39Fina, what are you doing here?
36:41I just wanted to hear you.
36:43Here I am.
36:45How's Berbena?
36:47Very well.
36:49The square is very lively.
36:51The workers keep drinking.
36:53And the couples, well...
36:55Well, they dance to Carameladas.
36:58I can imagine.
37:00I've missed you so much.
37:03I wish you were here.
37:05And me.
37:07But that party is for you.
37:10I'm sure the workers are grateful
37:12that we aren't the bosses there.
37:14Yes, but I'm not.
37:16I hope one day we can dance in front of everyone,
37:20like the rest of the lovers.
37:22I hope so.
37:24But don't be sad not being able to do it tonight.
37:27Let's enjoy the present.
37:30Like this call you just gave me.
37:34Well, I have to go.
37:36See you tomorrow.
37:38I love you.
37:40I love you.
37:45Carmen, did you come to the end?
37:47Yes, but I'm going to get a sandwich and go home.
37:50I'm not in the mood for a party.
37:52Well, if you don't come at the end, I'm out.
37:54Very well.
37:56Have a good time.
38:04Carmen, I'm here just in time to take you to Berbena.
38:08You don't know how much I want to dance with you.
38:10I don't have the body to dance today.
38:12Good woman, but everyone is having a great time.
38:13Besides, there has never been anything like it in La Colonia.
38:16And if I'm not with you, I'm not going.
38:18Get used to it.
38:20Mucho has to change things so I can see you again.
38:24And you're not going to ask me how I did with the Civil Guard?
38:28How did you do with the Civil Guard?
38:31Well, look, at first they didn't want to listen to me,
38:34but then I got a little heavy,
38:36and in the end I managed to talk to the sergeant.
38:38Very well.
38:40What did he say?
38:41He's enthusiastic about my discovery.
38:43Carmen, it turns out that the radio factory is in Valladolid.
38:47The factory was already signed for forgery.
38:50It was already signed?
38:52And how can it be that it will still work?
38:54I have no idea.
38:56The fact is that they have asked the commandant there to come and take a look.
38:59And since you don't know what?
39:03Well, that they have found a compinche of Iñigo.
39:05His name is not Iñigo, his real name is Carlos.
39:07Carlanga is Portuguese, or something like that.
39:08The fact is that he is responsible for a lot of scams
39:11on the border of Portugal,
39:13and right now they are after him to see if they find him.
39:15My God, but that easy?
39:17I think they have made a kind of deal with the compinche
39:20to give them information on where that undesirable could be.
39:24Look, I didn't have much faith in that idea of yours,
39:27with Iñigo, well, with Carlanga.
39:29Well, so you can see it wasn't such a bad idea.
39:32Although what I'm really waiting for is tomorrow,
39:35to see if they find the money he scammed me, can you imagine?
39:36It would be good, yes.
39:38Yes, so at least I would solve all this mess.
39:41People would forgive me.
39:43Don Damián would look at me with other eyes,
39:46and you would let me go back to you.
39:49Well, stop it, Carlos, huh?
39:51Let's see if you believe that this is going to be forgotten so easily.
39:54Yes, Carmen, I know I was an idiot, I know.
39:59What's wrong with you for being smart?
40:01I also know that you are smarter than me,
40:03I know it since the day I met you.
40:04But Carmen, the truth is that I was blind,
40:06I wasn't able to see beyond my nose.
40:08And why am I here, Tassio?
40:10If it's not to accompany you and to open your eyes
40:13every time you make a mistake.
40:15Well, that's why I need you to forgive me, woman, please.
40:20I have to think about it.
40:23Maybe it helps you think about it if we have a little dance.
40:26No, Tassio.
40:28Even if it's just one.
40:30I told you no, I'm going home to rest.
40:32Well, then nothing.
40:34Well, I'm leaving too.
40:36I'm going to see if I can sleep tonight with all the music.
40:39Very well.
41:05Oh my God, what beautiful fireworks.
41:07Well, see you later.
41:09Goodbye, Fira.
41:14Good night.
41:15Everyone has come.
41:17Well, I haven't seen any of the Queen.
41:19The one who doesn't miss any is Don Agustin.
41:22Don Agustin is here?
41:24Very well, there you have it.
41:27Don Agustin.
41:29Don Agustin.
41:31Don Agustin.
41:33Well, I ...
41:34It's better if I go.
41:36I'm getting late.
41:38Don't go yet, man.
41:42Man, man, man.
41:46Come on, Joselito, what a surprise.
41:48Do you want to have a drink with us in the canteen?
41:50No, man, no.
41:51I don't want to bother.
41:53I've been watching you all afternoon.
41:55And I've seen that you're having a great time.
41:58But very good.
42:00Come on, Joselito.
42:02Joselito, I'll go with you to the hostel.
42:05Don't even touch me.
42:07Joselito, please, don't mess with her.
42:08These are not the people's parties.
42:11You've made me feel like the most ridiculous guy in all of Spain.
42:15Come on, Joselito, come dance with me.
42:17You're both liars.
42:18And shameless.
42:20Joselito, please, I'm asking you.
42:22And your mother.
42:23Another liar and a liar.
42:25Joselito, I'm very sorry.
42:26I'm not to blame for what my mother has told you.
42:29No, not that.
42:31But it's true that she has an affair.
42:33That's enough, come on.
42:35And if I thought I was going to marry you to save your honor.
42:38Now that everyone knows.
42:40Get out!
42:41What are you going to do?
42:46find out at once
42:48that Claudia
42:50and that priest
42:52are in love
42:53and are going to have a child.
42:56What are you doing, you idiot?
42:58Get out of here.
43:23Do you need anything else?
43:25No, thank you, Digno.
43:26If you want to go out to clear yourself a little,
43:28I'll stay here.
43:29I'd love to.
43:31I'm not going to leave her.
43:33Call me if you need anything.
43:39I'm terribly sorry
43:40that you had to hear those atrocities.
43:44We can't judge her.
43:47We've all seen that her mind
43:49was somewhat confused.
43:52I see.
43:54But I don't want her to be confused.
43:56This will cause more suffering.
43:57Apologize to Luis on my behalf, please.
43:59There's no need.
44:00He'll take care of it.
44:04Begoña, it's not all for me, Digno.
44:07And it hurts me so much
44:08that my worst nightmares have come true
44:10and I inherited the evil of her mother.
44:11It's just that...
44:15Come in.
44:17Excuse me.
44:18I came to see how Begoña was.
44:21She's much better.
44:22There's no need, Jaime.
44:24What do you mean, there's no need?
44:26If you had seen her during the crisis,
44:27she'd be in the hospital right now.
44:29Well, I mean,
44:30it's better if we don't bother her
44:32now that she's finally resting.
44:34If you want, I can come back later.
44:38Who is it?
44:41Don't worry, honey.
44:42Go to sleep.
44:43Begoña, it's Jaime.
44:44I came to see you.
44:46She has to sleep.
44:47It's been a very hard episode for her.
44:50recognition is necessary.
44:52And since she's here...
44:55May I?
44:56It's okay.
45:00Excuse me.
45:03Begoña, how are you feeling?
45:10Don't worry.
45:11Everything is going well.
45:13I'm going to give you a recognition.
45:15It won't take long.
45:17And then I'll let you rest.
45:33Have you taken any sedatives?
45:35Just one pill, right?
45:38I prepared it a while ago.
45:40Did I do it wrong?
45:41No, no, no, no.
45:43But I'm surprised that your heartbeat is so slow
45:45given the circumstances.
45:49I'm going to take a blood sample.
45:54Well, the analysis can help us find out
45:56why this episode occurred.
45:59Jaime, really.
46:00You need to rest.
46:02Jesus, a simple deficiency of vitamin B12
46:04can cause cognitive dysfunction.
46:07Your mother suffered from a mental illness.
46:09I'm afraid that's the explanation you're looking for.
46:12It could be.
46:13But I need to have all the data
46:15to make an analysis.
46:17Does it matter?
46:18Jaime knows what he's doing.
46:20Don't worry.
46:21Don't worry.
46:23Of course. Go ahead.
46:26It'll only take a moment.
46:29You know how this is.
46:31I need you to squeeze your fist hard.
46:36Come on.
46:37Squeeze hard.