Salus tv n. 33 del 14 agosto 2024

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(Adnkronos) - In questo numero:

Il mito di Adone reloaded, boom della medicina estetica per l’uomo

Fecondazione eterologa, Pellicer dell’Ivi: “Oggi stessa efficacia in Italia e Spagna”

Salute mentale, la terapia Emdr compie 25 anni in Italia

E ancora

Il mal di testa è donna, da Fondazione Onda-Anircef nuovo percorso di cura

Sistema con Intelligenza artificiale "terzo occhio dell’endoscopista” per la prevenzione del tumore del colon

Avogaro della Sid: “Controllo del diabete riduce anche il rischio tumorale”, lo studio


00:00In this issue, the myth of Adonis Reloaded, boom of aesthetic medicine for men,
00:17heterological fertilization, Pelisier Delivy, today the same efficacy in Italy and Spain,
00:24the EMDR therapy turns 25 years in Italy, and again, the headache is a woman,
00:31by Honda Foundation Anirchef, new path of cure.
00:36System with artificial intelligence, third eye of the endoscopist,
00:40for the prevention of colon tumor.
00:43Avogadro of SID, control of diabetes, also reduces the risk of tumor, the study.
00:55Adonis Reloaded
00:57Adonis, one of the most famous characters of Greek mythology,
01:00immediately recalls the idea of ​​beauty.
01:02He was in fact a wonderful young man, contained even between two great goddesses,
01:05Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, and Persephone, the goddess of inferiors.
01:09And it is from the myth of Adonis that the expression
01:11being an Adonis, addressed to a man or a boy,
01:13beautiful, fascinating in ways but also in clothing,
01:16just like the mythological character.
01:18Today there are more and more men who rely on aesthetic medicine
01:21hoping to become an Adonis.
01:23According to some market surveys, since 2008,
01:25it has increased by 25% the male frequency of studies of aesthetic doctors.
01:30But what kind of patients is it?
01:32We asked Emanuele Bartoletti, president of SIME,
01:35the Italian Society of Aesthetic Medicine.
01:37In recent years we have actually witnessed an increase
01:42of the male population that addresses aesthetic medicine.
01:46And I must say that, honestly, men are the ideal patients,
01:52because while unfortunately women, patients,
01:55still come with a very precise request,
01:58I want to do this, I want to do that, etc.,
02:00or the lips, rather than the cheekbones,
02:02rather than I want to do the botulinum toxin,
02:04well, men instead come with the request
02:07to have a healthier and younger look.
02:12But he relies on the doctor,
02:15so he follows in a critical way and trusting
02:19all the advice that the doctor can give him.
02:22Not least, also the cosmetic prescription,
02:25which always after a skin check-up,
02:27therefore after studying the patient's skin,
02:29can and must be personalized
02:32according to the needs of the patient himself.
02:35As the myth of Adonis tells,
02:36the search for beauty can, however, hide dark sides
02:39and be even dangerous.
02:41It is the case of those men who, as happens more and more often today,
02:44decide to use the creams of their companions on their own.
02:47As Professor Bartoletti explains,
02:49they make a serious mistake,
02:51which shows how much they also need
02:53to be followed in the cosmetic management of their skin.
02:56There is nothing more wrong for a man
02:58to use the products of his partner or wife.
03:03Because the skin of a man has characteristics
03:06that are completely different from that of a woman.
03:09Just think of the presence of the filiform follicles.
03:14Now, the beard, even if it represents a mask,
03:18it is not bad for the cutaneous sediments.
03:21In fact, from a certain time on,
03:23all men grow a beard.
03:25Unfortunately, women envy this a lot.
03:27However, the skin of a man is much more reactive
03:30because it has a thicker dermis,
03:32a larger dermis,
03:33so the fibroblasts, the cells,
03:35are more prone to respond.
03:37Therefore, the bio-stimulation,
03:39that is, the maintenance of the dermal turgidity,
03:43is certainly a therapy that works very well in men.
03:47But the creams, let's go back to the creams.
03:50Men usually have a fatter skin,
03:52as well as thicker.
03:54So it is obvious that the woman,
03:56as time goes on,
03:58with less break,
04:00has a skin that tends to dry
04:02due to the fall of the estrogens,
04:04therefore the fall of the sebum present on the surface,
04:07so she needs more and more body creams.
04:11And above all, sometimes she uses
04:13creams containing phytoestrogens.
04:15So it is obvious that if a man uses these creams,
04:18something is wrong.
04:20Therefore, many cosmetic companies
04:22have now made lines for men
04:24that are specially designed
04:26for the cutaneous needs of men.
04:38The numbers related to
04:40assisted fertilization in Italy are encouraging.
04:43In 20 years,
04:44pregnancy rates and treatments have doubled,
04:47and more than 217,000 children
04:49were born thanks to the Procreation
04:51Medically Assisted, or PMA.
04:53To document this,
04:54the data collected by the National Register
04:56of the Procreation Medically Assisted
04:58at the Institute of Health
05:00made known for the 20th anniversary
05:02of the publication of Law 40 of 2004
05:05on the official newspaper.
05:07In particular,
05:08the successes with heterological fertilization
05:10have also increased,
05:11a technique that allows those
05:13who could not have children
05:14to start a gestation
05:15through the ovules of donors
05:17or at the seed of a donor.
05:19But what is this growth due to?
05:21We asked Antonio Pellisier,
05:23one of the world's leading experts
05:25in reproduction,
05:26as well as president and founder
05:28of the Valencian Institute of Infertility,
05:30or IVI,
05:31a group that has 74 clinics
05:33distributed in 9 countries
05:35with a strong presence in Italy.
05:37As far as the results are concerned,
05:39consider that when I started,
05:41the possibility of remaining pregnant
05:43was 6%,
05:45today we are more than 65%.
05:48So it is not that it has doubled,
05:50it has multiplied by 10.
05:52The cause?
05:54The improvement,
05:56especially in laboratory technology.
06:00This month I am making an attempt
06:02as if we wanted to have a child at home,
06:04our possibility is this.
06:07If we go to have a child
06:09and we insist from today on Christmas,
06:12our possibility arrives
06:14in the case of making a transfer,
06:17that is, the insertion of an embryo,
06:20in August, if it does not work,
06:22in September, if it does not work,
06:24in October, before Christmas,
06:26the lady is pregnant for sure.
06:28After donation, in fact,
06:30the percentage of success is a record.
06:32At the first attempt,
06:34a pregnancy is 77% likely,
06:3683% in centers of excellence
06:38such as IVI,
06:40a percentage that rises to 99%
06:42at the third attempt.
06:44And as Pellisierra underlines,
06:46the first in Europe to do
06:48heterological fertilization,
06:50the results obtained today in Italy
06:52are comparable to those in Spain.
06:54When I came here,
06:56the first question they asked me
06:58was whether they should go to Spain
07:00or stay with me.
07:02And I said, look, I am the founder.
07:04But we felt that Spain is better,
07:06that it is better in Spain.
07:08It was true, it was true,
07:10because Spain was at least
07:1210 years ahead of Italy
07:14for a series of reasons,
07:16of authorization.
07:18Today it is not like that,
07:20in Italy it is the same.
07:22The only difference between Spain and Italy
07:24is that the quality of the eggs
07:26I bring from Spain,
07:28because in Italy there are none,
07:30but the quality of the eggs,
07:32fresh and frozen,
07:34is exactly the same.
07:36So going to Spain
07:38makes no sense.
07:4625 years ago,
07:48EMDR therapy arrived in Italy,
07:50an acronym for Eye Movement Desensitization
07:52and Reprocessing,
07:56recommended by the WHO
07:58as one of the most effective therapies
08:00for disorders related to stress and trauma.
08:02EMDR is focused on the therapeutic treatment
08:04of traumatic experience
08:06at the neurobiological level
08:08through alternate bilateral stimulation.
08:10EMDR therapy
08:12arrived in Italy
08:1425 years ago
08:16and then
08:18there was not in the field of psychotherapy
08:20a great knowledge
08:22of all the mechanisms
08:24of trauma,
08:26of traumatic experiences
08:28and above all
08:30of the contribution of traumatic experiences
08:32in various disorders.
08:36a lot of culture
08:38has been made on this
08:40and the EMDR association
08:42has invested a lot
08:44in making clear
08:46the role of trauma
08:48in mental health
08:50and obviously
08:52its role in pathology
08:54and therefore
08:56a lot of research has been developed
08:58in this sense.
09:00We have seen
09:02how trauma
09:04has now become
09:06a transdiagnostic aspect
09:08that at the time
09:10was unthinkable.
09:12In these 25 years
09:14since the arrival of EMDR therapy in Italy,
09:16we have seen
09:18how effective it was
09:20in acute situations,
09:22in emergencies,
09:24after a natural disaster,
09:26to go and work
09:28with the population,
09:30with children,
09:32in schools.
09:34We have also seen
09:36a great development
09:38at the hospital level,
09:40we have seen it in the field
09:42of abuse, of violence,
09:44there has been a great evolution
09:46also in the treatment
09:48of food disorders
09:50and all these evolutions,
09:52these fields of application
09:54were also accompanied by research
09:56because one thing that characterized
09:58the development of EMDR therapy
10:00in Italy was
10:02the amount of research
10:04that was done, published
10:06in scientific journals.
10:08Among the characteristics of EMDR therapy
10:10is also the transversality
10:12of the discipline of mental health.
10:14In recent years we have seen
10:16how EMDR has been integrating
10:18with other approaches
10:20in psychotherapy
10:22and therefore EMDR
10:24has been used
10:26and is used
10:30by therapists
10:32with different training
10:34that start from different approaches,
10:36from different theories of the mind
10:38but can always work
10:40with EMDR protocol
10:42by inserting it
10:44in their clinical practice.
10:52According to the World Health Organization,
10:54hemicrania is the third most common
10:56disease and the second most
10:58disabling of the human genus,
11:00so much so that 14%
11:02of the planet's population suffers from it.
11:04It clearly prefers female sex,
11:06so much so that it affects a woman
11:08and a man, taking the forms
11:10of a condition that faithfully follows
11:12the progress of the fluctuations
11:14of the female sexual hormones.
11:16Despite the evident characterization
11:18of the feminine, there are still many
11:20criticisms that emerge in the management
11:22and care of patients with this disease,
11:24in particular the lack of a
11:26multi- and interdisciplinary approach
11:28of medical references
11:30at the territorial level,
11:32as well as of homogenous
11:36These first results emerged
11:38from a group of work composed
11:40by Fondazione Onda e Anircef,
11:42Italian Neurological Association
11:44for the Research on Cephaleae,
11:46aimed at developing a new
11:48management model of patients with
11:50hemicrania, which takes into account
11:52the peculiarities of the different
11:54female vital cycles and some specific
11:56aspects related to the female gender.
11:58The goal is to guarantee a more
12:00tempestuous appropriate and effective
12:02multidisciplinary approach
12:04towards the synergistic collaboration
12:06of all specialists involved
12:08in the treatment process.
12:10The preliminary results of the work
12:12were presented in Rome to the House
12:14of Representatives during the event
12:16Percorso Hemicrania Donna,
12:18Organization of Integrated Assistance.
12:20In hemicranial women, it generally appears
12:22after the first menstruation,
12:24reaching its maximum prevalence
12:26in the fourth and fifth decades of life.
12:28Symptoms tend to improve
12:30during the second and third
12:32trimesters of pregnancy,
12:34before reappearing after birth
12:36and breastfeeding.
12:38The disappearance of hemicrania with menopause
12:40is nothing more than the rule,
12:42since a third of women
12:44persist in an unmodified form,
12:46while another third even complains
12:48of worsening symptoms.
12:50Hemicrania is also more severe
12:52in the female gender.
12:54Women experience more frequent
12:56episodes of greater intensity and duration
12:58and have a greater total number
13:00of negative implications
13:02on the quality of life
13:04that affect the family,
13:06work and relationship.
13:08Criticism of the employment
13:10emerges from childhood.
13:12Although there are national
13:14and international guidelines
13:16for the diagnosis and treatment
13:18of hemiplegia in the pediatric stage,
13:20in fact the transition between pre-puberty
13:22and post-puberty is not adequately
13:26Consulting a neurologist
13:28or a specialist
13:30is essential also in the subject
13:32of contraception.
13:34For example,
13:36hemicrania with Aura
13:38represents an absolute contraindication
13:40to the use of contraception.
13:42In fact,
13:44hemicrania with Aura
13:46is a very common
13:48case of hemiplegia.
13:50In fact,
13:52hemicrania with Aura
13:54is a very common case of hemicrania
13:56that causes an absolute contraindication
13:58to the use of oral contraceptives,
14:00estrogen, progestin
14:02caused by the increased risk
14:04of ischemic events.
14:06In these cases,
14:08contraceptives are indicated
14:10on the basis of sole progestin.
14:12Puberty and menopause
14:14require a close examination,
14:16first to use a therapy
14:18that is safe for the future mother
14:20and fetus,
14:22second to evaluate the prescription
14:24It remains, instead, a shaded area represented by the medically assisted procreation due to the lack of sufficient data in the literature.
14:32In clinical practice, a high rate of abandonment by women is recorded after the first attempt.
14:37The hormone stimulation used for ovocytes is identified as the main cause of hemicranial attacks and associated symptoms.
14:47The presence of hemicrania must also be carefully considered before applying assisted reproduction techniques and the gynecologist must take into account the supply of lighter protocols.
14:59Also in oncological patients, the treatment is often associated with a worsening of the symptoms of hemicrania, which is particularly evident with hormone therapies against breast cancer.
15:10Hence the need for a coordinated and integrated management of women with hemicrania and an active collaboration between the neurologist and the specialist of reference, gynecologist and oncologist.
15:40In particular, thanks to the first assisted reproduction system on the market, which uses artificial intelligence to detect polyps of the rectum with an efficiency studied in more than 30 scientific publications on a total of more than 23,000 patients.
15:57And one of these studies has highlighted how the value of the misweight adenoma or AMR, one of the two indicators that measure the quality of colonoscopy, and in particular the lack of agnosis of an adenoma, was reduced by the fold of this system by about 50%.
16:12The initiative has hosted numerous clinics from centers all over Italy, which have shared their experience and explored crucial issues of artificial intelligence in gastroenterology.
16:21Today, in fact, through automatic learning algorithms and data analysis, the AI ​​elaborates large amounts of medical information quickly and accurately, thus redefining the way pathologies are diagnosed in the health field.
16:34But what are the benefits of artificial intelligence applied to endoscopy? We asked Manuele Funari, gastroenterology professor at the San Martino University of Genoa.
16:43The main advantage that comes to mind is the fact that artificial intelligence is able to constantly analyze, in real time and at the same time, all the points of the image that we provide.
16:55Unlike the human eye, which instead focuses on a point at a time, this makes it at risk of distraction, of not seeing the image completely and therefore of losing lesions.
17:04Artificial intelligence therefore tells us where the lesions are and consequently we will find more lesions during the colonoscopy, which may be removed, and the more lesions we find, the lower the probability for that patient to develop cancer in the following years.
17:18But not only.
17:19Artificial intelligence can tell us what is the percentage of the surface of the colon that we are exhibiting and evaluating and, above all, the quality of the intestinal cleaning of each single tract.
17:29This inevitably translates into a better quality of endoscopy.
17:34These are two parameters closely connected with the success of colonoscopy and therefore the effectiveness of prevention.
17:41For example, providing us with a complete list of all the quality parameters as soon as the exam is over.
17:47Another important quality parameter, for example, is the timing that the operator has given us to explore the colon.
17:55If the time is too limited, a warning, this exam is probably not of quality and must be repeated.
18:00If the quality was not sufficient, the exam must probably be repeated.
18:03This certainly provides the less experienced doctor with a tool to level with the more experienced.
18:09But even the expert can suffer when, due to fatigue, his performances begin to decline,
18:16while the artificial intelligence applied to endoscopy remains constantly, 24 hours a day and inexhaustible, at the disposal of the doctor.
18:25In this way, a standardization of quality at the national level could be obtained, regardless of who is taking the exam.
18:31Another advantage is not to provide only a greater number of injuries, but to be able to qualify them.
18:36A greater or lesser risk of evolution.
18:39This translates into the possibility for the doctor to immediately decide the optimal therapeutic strategy.
18:45Or to decide not to send the fragment exported to the anatomopathologist,
18:51saving time, human resources and therefore costs for the latter.
18:55However, there is no shortage of evidence of aspects that can be defined as critical.
18:59We think of the initial cost of investment, which, however, is counterbalanced by a higher quality,
19:05lower cost and more time available for the doctor to focus more on the patient and less on the bureaucratic aspects.
19:12Other two fundamental aspects are who and how will guarantee the privacy and security of data analyzed by artificial intelligence,
19:19and then the medical-legal aspects.
19:21When artificial intelligence will be able to perform so well as to be considered the gold standard,
19:28it will be mandatory to put in every exam and how to manage, above all,
19:33the conflicts that may arise between the opinion of artificial intelligence and that of the doctor.
19:38The key to the relationship between diet and risk of cancer could be in some changes in the metabolism of glucose,
19:52able to deactivate a protective gene of tumors, the BRCA2 or breast cancer gene 2,
19:58which codifies the protein susceptible to breast cancer.
20:01The discovery made by a team of researchers from Singapore and the United Kingdom, published in the magazine Cell,
20:06would explain why unbalanced diets and diseases such as diabetes increase the risk of cancer.
20:11BRCA2 mutations also increase the risk of finding carcinomas in ovaries,
20:16fallopian tubes, prostate and pancreas, as well as developing melanoma.
20:21But in practice, what is the basis of this increased risk?
20:24Angelo Avogaro, President of SID, the Italian Society of Diabetology, explains it to us.
20:28Diabetes is an oncological risk for various reasons.
20:32The first reason is that diabetes has a resistance to the action of insulin,
20:40which is the hormone that maintains normal levels of glycemia.
20:44This means that a diabetic patient is forced to produce more insulin than necessary to maintain normal levels of glycemia.
20:54Then, obviously, it is not possible for this to happen,
20:59so a diabetic patient has an exaggerated response to insulin production,
21:05like a car that has run out of fuel.
21:08This excess of insulin has the ability to predispose to the proliferation of tumor cells.
21:21The other reason, which derives from a recent publication,
21:25is the fact that diabetes, and this time high levels of glycemia,
21:31produce in the cell advanced glycemic products,
21:37including one called methylglyoxal, which is a free radical,
21:43which in a sense prevents anti-tumor substances from performing their function.
21:52One of these substances is BRCA.
21:55Unfortunately, methylglyoxal interferes with the activity of this substance,
22:00so that all these defects produced by high levels of glycemia on the DNA
22:08are not effectively repaired.
22:11So you have the propensity to develop neoplasia.
22:15But how could all this be prevented?
22:17You have to keep the level of glycemia in the blood under control,
22:22because these advanced glycemic products, including methylglyoxal,
22:28are directly related to the circulating levels of glycemia.
22:33The lowest levels of glycemia are these pro-tumor substances.
22:40So the fundamental message to give to the patient
22:45is that he must not keep his glycemia under control
22:49only to avoid long-term complications of diabetes,
22:52but also to avoid the excess of tumor risk.
22:56This was our latest news.
22:58To contact us, you can write to
23:02Thank you for following us and see you next time.
