Prometeo tv n. 33 del 14 agosto 2024

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(Adnkronos) - Earth Overshoot Day 2024: dal 1° agosto umanità in 'debito'

Sostenibilità: italiani sempre più attenti


00:12Earth Overshoot Day 2024
00:15From August 1st, humanity is in debt with the planet
00:20Circular economy and consumption
00:22Italians increasingly attentive to sustainability
00:29Humanity is in ecological debt since August 1st
00:32date of Earth Overshoot Day 2024
00:35that is the day when the demand for natural resources by man
00:38exceeds the capacity of the Earth to regenerate them in the span of 12 months
00:42to be calculated every year the global overshoot day
00:45and that of the individual countries
00:47and the Global Footprint Network
00:49The Earth Overshoot Day that falls on August 1st
00:52indicates that humanity is currently using nature
00:551.7 times faster than the ecosystems of our planet can regenerate
01:01To determine the date of the Earth Overshoot Day
01:04the Global Footprint Network compares
01:08on the basis of the most recent data
01:10the annual biocapacity of the Earth
01:12which corresponds to the terrestrial and marine areas
01:15biologically productive
01:16with the ecological footprint of humanity
01:19and measures the demand for resources for the entire year
01:22from food products to space for urban infrastructures
01:26The date is announced every year on June 5th
01:28in the World Environment Day
01:34Italians attentive to guide their daily consumption actions
01:37towards sustainability
01:39According to an investigation conducted by EURES
01:4278.9% of families believe that the themes related to environmental sustainability
01:48i.e. climate change, pollution, reduction of natural resources
01:52represent a real emergency for the planet
01:55So the attention to sustainability and the circular economy
01:58represent a widespread cultural trait among Italian families
02:02that in 72.8% of cases
02:05claim to discuss and confront on such issues
02:08The investigation analyzed 5 areas
02:11Refuse, mobility, food waste, packaging and green finance
02:16On the subject of food waste and waste
02:21there are conscious and attentive behaviors
02:24that almost completely solve the problem
02:29but there is a lack of infrastructures, services
02:33adequate policies are missing
02:36for example in the field of sustainable mobility
02:39there are some objective obstacles
02:42that can go from the lack of cycle paths
02:47but also the cost that families have to pay
02:50to, for example, adapt their own vehicle park
02:54So I would say that there is great attention
02:57culture is moving forward
02:59but there are still investments and responses
03:04from the point of view of local and central politics
03:07that still have to be carried out
03:10The investigation was conducted on behalf of
03:12ADOC, Cittadinanza Attiva, Feder Consumatori
03:15Udicon and Unione Nazionale Consumatori
03:18It is certainly good news that Italians are aware
03:21of the importance of their behaviors
03:23because the contribution of the citizen
03:25on the issues of sustainability is really fundamental
03:29Certainly there would be a need for a greater contribution
03:32from the industry, I think especially to packaging
03:35which could be smarter
03:38Too often citizens denounce excessive packaging
03:41the so-called over-packaging
03:43and the phenomenon of shrink-flation
03:45that is, the reduction of the contents
03:47inside packages that instead
03:49remain of the original dimensions
03:52In this case, not only does the purchasing power
03:54of consumers get in the way
03:56but it also damages the environment
03:58It is only by contributing each for their own part
04:01that you can really change society
04:04and therefore also the approach to sustainability
04:07and environmental care
04:09For example, in terms of sustainable finance
04:13we have only a quarter of the interviewees
04:16who declare themselves informed
04:19while another quarter says
04:22they know absolutely nothing
04:24More than half of the sample
04:26considers it useful to have more information
04:29to have financial education training
04:32to see and observe
04:35and to benefit from informative and promotional campaigns
04:39that are useful to improve the skills
04:42for informed and aware purchases
04:45also in this area
