• 2 months ago
مسلسل اسمه السعادة الحلقة 11 الحادية عشر مدبلج HD


00:00It's a little bit.
01:00She'll find a letter when she finishes the book.
01:07And when she reads this letter, all her happiness will end.
01:14What's written in the letter?
01:23What's written in the letter?
01:33Mom, pick up the phone.
01:36The number you're trying to reach is not available. Please try again later.
01:44Ali, don't do this. Please.
01:47Shut up, kid.
01:48At least call your dad, Ali.
01:50Get inside.
01:51Ali, don't do this. Ali will worry about the kid. Ali, please.
01:56Ali, please open the door. Open the door, Ali.
02:01Ali, please open the door.
02:18You're so beautiful, Ali.
02:32Who's in my room?
02:36Who did this?
02:38Look, Captain, calm down. You're scaring me.
02:41What do you mean, you sent a message to Sarah, son?
02:44Iran, calm down.
02:48Are you a message to Sarah?
02:50Are you the one who broke into my room?
02:52Captain, calm down.
02:55Hey, hello.
02:58Iran, calm down. Don't do this.
03:00Hey, hey.
03:08Don't do this, Captain.
03:22Iran, send him away.
03:26Why are you watching this? Call security.
03:29Why are you watching this? Call security.
03:30He suddenly appeared in front of me in the office.
03:32His name is Saada. It's really unbelievable.
03:34He doesn't have a record or anything.
03:36And the writer's name is not there.
03:38Isn't it strange?
03:46Yeah, I'm talking to you.
03:48The guy says something.
03:50He says he moved my curiosity. I can't believe it.
03:53Oh, I can't believe it.
03:55Oh, I'm interested.
03:58What's going on with you guys?
04:02Conja, come here. There's a fight here.
04:04What's going on?
04:12You came and ruined our lives.
04:14You bastard.
04:15First, it was Sal.
04:16And now, it's Sarah.
04:18Please, don't do this.
04:26Brother, he's dead.
04:27He's dead, God forbid. He's dead.
04:29He's dead.
04:36Stop. What are you doing?
04:37Stay away from him.
04:38Brother, I can't.
04:39Come with us. Go away from here.
04:40No one comes near here.
04:42Hurry up.
04:43Come here.
04:44Go away from here.
04:45Come here.
04:46I don't want anyone here. Hurry up.
04:56I'll tell you later.
04:59Why did you tell Ali that Yalda was going to run away?
05:02I don't want anyone's life to be ruined.
05:06If Yalda comes to Istanbul, a lot of people's lives will be ruined.
05:09Especially our lives.
05:13Believe me.
05:15Believe me that this is for the best.
05:24Calm down.
05:25It's not fair.
05:27Iran, let's go to the chief.
05:29There's no need.
05:31We got rid of Jackie Chan.
05:32Don't you see how people are afraid of you?
05:34Calm down.
05:35It's not the right time.
05:36Get out of my head.
05:37But you're acting like a kid.
05:39You. You don't talk at all.
05:41Do you understand?
05:42Wake up.
05:43What did I do?
05:44Not to this guy.
05:45Not to him.
05:46I can't believe it.
05:47Is this why you fought?
05:48He didn't send you?
05:51A lie?
05:53Of course it's true.
05:54What else could it be?
05:56He didn't send me.
05:57I'm the one who sent him.
05:58I sent him by force.
06:00Are we done?
06:01God help me.
06:03Yes, I was wrong.
06:05I was wrong.
06:06I'm not a kid.
06:07Don't humiliate me as a kid.
06:08Don't meddle in my life.
06:11Conja, look at me.
06:12Wake up.
06:13Wake up.
06:18Iran, wait for me.
06:21I want to be alone for a while.
06:22You already are.
06:23You don't have anyone else.
06:25I'll be fine on my own.
06:27Don't follow me.
06:33Calm down, okay?
06:35Go somewhere to calm down.
06:44Zaki, what do you want?
06:46Tell me what you want.
06:47Go away.
06:48Is she your man?
06:49Did you tell everything to Iran?
06:51How can I hide this from the guy I call my brother?
06:55At least I'm not playing like you.
06:58I'm not playing with anyone's feelings.
07:00I'm behind my friends and their feelings.
07:02Do you understand?
07:08Sara, wait.
07:11It seems that Iran understood everything wrong.
07:13Tell him the truth.
07:14Listen to me.
07:15The truth, Iran, Sara, and all these things don't concern me at all, okay?
07:18My mom is locked up with that guy and I don't have time for these nonsense.
07:23Bato, be careful.
07:24Stop, God forbid, don't go anywhere.
07:25Leave me alone, Conja.
07:26Come back to the university, okay?
07:28What do you want to do?
07:29I'm going to Azmir, of course.
07:30What do you want to do in Azmir?
07:31I'm going to get my mom.
07:33Okay, I'll come with you.
07:35Don't talk about how I'm going to sit now.
07:36Wait a minute, Bato, wait.
07:37Conja, leave me alone.
07:41My mom didn't come.
07:42The poor guy is locked up, okay?
07:43Bato, let's talk.
07:44Leave me alone.
07:45He's very angry.
07:50Are you angry with anyone?
07:51What's wrong with his eyes?
07:52He's very upset.
07:54His mom was going to come, but ...
07:56Okay, are you okay?
07:57I'm fine.
07:59But he ...
08:01I'm very afraid of him and I don't know what to do.
08:03He doesn't answer my calls.
08:04I go to him and he runs away from me.
08:06What should I do?
08:07I don't know.
08:08Don't worry.
08:09I won't leave him alone.
08:11You look like a smart girl who listens to you,
08:13and that's why he loves you.
08:15Okay, don't worry.
08:17Take care of yourself.
08:39Take this.
08:40Drink it.
08:43Are you okay?
08:46Thank God.
08:47What's going on with our friends?
08:48Everyone is attacking each other like a bull.
08:50Come on, stop it.
08:51Or I'll hit you with the ball.
08:55What happened?
08:59I'm fine.
09:01I'm fine.
09:02I'm fine.
09:03I'm fine.
09:04I'm fine.
09:06I'm fine.
09:07I'm fine.
09:08I'm fine.
09:10I'm fine.
09:12I'm fine.
09:15God damn it!
09:16I forgot about it.
09:18What happened?
09:20You need to come with me this evening.
09:22Where to?
09:23I need someone to talk to my parents instead of me today.
09:27Because I have a special occasion today.
09:29I mean, the situation is a little tense.
09:32Don't leave me.
09:35What do you want?
09:36You want me to get you out of here?
09:37What else do you want me to do?
09:39Calm down, Mom.
09:42Wouldn't it be better if Zeki came?
09:44I asked you a question.
09:45What does Zeki have to do with this?
09:47I want to meet someone tonight.
09:49It's very important this time.
09:50If it wasn't important, I would have come with you.
09:52You know that.
09:53Go with Zeki.
09:54Who do you want to meet?
09:56An old friend.
10:00I'm very late.
10:01I have to go now.
10:03We'll meet later, okay?
10:05You go with Zeki.
10:08Listen to me.
10:29Excuse me.
10:30I forgot my wallet at home.
10:32Can you help me?
10:33What's going to happen?
10:34We'll figure it out together.
10:36Don't worry.
10:37Thank you so much.
11:04One Moment
11:18And then?
11:19Why are you punishing yourself?
11:22See your situation, you were just about to stop.
11:27Don't do this, please.
11:29These are my soul.
11:30I'm not going, I'm staying here.
11:33I don't have to.
11:35Iran, I've been through a very difficult day.
11:38Really, now.
11:39But I heard from you.
11:41And I understood the value of my family well.
11:43And this is thanks to you.
11:44And you, in the presence of all these people who love you,
11:47don't do this to yourself, okay?
12:03Do you remember the first time you told me about Yelda and Bato in the old days?
12:13Your love was so impossible.
12:16Your story was so beautiful.
12:19At the time when we were simple and without any obstacles.
12:22We got married quickly.
12:26It always reminds me that Sata is still in your mind, Tara.
12:33You know how much I love you.
12:35Is it enough to talk like this?
12:37I beg you.
12:38Something that is repeated many times loses its meaning.
12:43Understand this.
12:44In your life, there are two sides.
12:48It is impossible for them to be happy at the same time.
12:50At least one side.
12:53Or both sides will be miserable.
13:03I love you.
13:28Oh, my daughter, I'm so tired.
13:30Why do you let me sit in your place?
13:32You are a girl.
13:33It's impossible, my aunt.
13:34It's impossible for me to apologize to you.
13:36If I stop, he sees me.
13:37And he makes a problem if he sees me.
13:38The best thing for us is that he doesn't see us.
13:41What do you mean, my love?
13:42I can't explain to you.
13:43Even if I explained to you, you wouldn't understand.
13:45But sometimes I explain to you, yes?
13:46Don't embarrass me.
13:48It's a shame.
13:49I swear, it's a shame.
13:50Look, a girl is not giving me a place.
13:52Less education.
13:53If I had paid her a little while ago, too.
13:55But I have never forgiven you.
13:57Less education and no life.
13:59Leave them alone.
14:00I'm in your place.
14:01Come on, come and sit here.
14:03Nothing will happen to you if you get in the way, girl.
14:05Didn't you see her once?
14:07My aunt, come and sit in my place.
14:09God damn you.
14:10I'm sorry for this generation.
14:11Come, my aunt, come.
14:12I would have acted with you if I were a man.
14:15Come, my aunt, come, come.
14:19Surrender, surrender, you sick.
14:21Look, learn well from him.
14:23Less education.
14:24Don't embarrass me.
14:25She didn't give me a place.
14:26My aunt, don't be angry with yourself and don't be sad.
14:27We are in the end times.
14:28People have become like this.
14:29Oh, you sick.
14:30I wish everyone were like you.
14:32Surrender, my son, surrender.
14:33Look, look and learn.
14:35Less education.
14:44What's the result?
14:45Come and see.
14:46And get out of my face.
14:53What do you want now?
14:54Do you accept yourself as a woman?
14:56And do you accept yourself as a player?
14:59I touched your needs, Zaki.
15:01This story is over.
15:02Look for someone else.
15:04My family is coming here.
15:05And we want to go out for dinner.
15:06And you must be there.
15:07Don't make it happen.
15:09Yesterday we couldn't go to the party.
15:10And today we want to meet your family.
15:12You are very fast.
15:13A rocket.
15:27It will be over at five.
15:28If you make it, you will come.
15:32Come on, play to see.
15:56Come on.
16:02My daughter, what did you do now?
16:03I didn't waste my time in the malls in Antalya, my love.
16:06At the residence entrance after two hours.
16:08And I tried to wear something more elegant than that.
16:39I'm so hot.
16:40Dolnai, what do you think you're doing?
16:42I'm swimming.
16:44Dolnai, I'm serious.
16:46And I'm answering you seriously.
16:48I'm swimming.
16:53I won't leave the pool until you come with me.
16:56Do whatever you want.
17:30Look, I really don't have time for jokes.
17:57What are you doing?
17:59I'm holding my breath under the water.
18:01I could have stayed two more minutes.
18:03How long could you stay?
18:05Only 30 seconds?
18:08I'm not mad at you.
18:09That's it.
18:10I made you laugh, didn't I?
18:13But I'm laughing out of anger.
18:15Anger or something else.
18:16Anyway, I made you laugh.
18:18In my opinion, I'm very useful to you.
18:22And I also want to join the team.
18:24Why don't you try me, captain?
18:26I mean, do something and accept me.
18:28Come on, swim. Let's see you.
18:29I don't swim.
18:30I race.
18:31And I don't have an easy meal like the bateau.
18:34If you can catch up with me.
18:37Come on, let's see.
18:54I swear, guys, if it wasn't for you,
18:56this would have kept me standing all the time.
18:58And my legs hurt too.
19:00Come on, auntie.
19:01You don't know how people feel either.
19:06Shame on you.
19:09Don't talk. Don't talk. Get off the bus.
19:10You introduced me in a bad way.
19:12You're not ashamed of yourself at all.
19:19Don't look at me.
19:21Don't even say a word.
19:23I want to rest my head.
19:25Okay. As you wish.
19:32Watch out!
19:33Watch out! Watch out!
19:37Turn right quickly.
19:40Come on, Jinx. Turn!
19:53Oh, God.
20:00What's going to happen to me?
20:02I'm scared.
20:04I'm afraid of the bus.
20:06I'm going to die.
20:08Okay, calm down.
20:10I'm fine.
20:14You're okay?
20:19Hop, hop, hop, hop.
20:23Did you step on something?
20:25No, no. Look, it's over there.
20:28I'm not okay at all.
20:30I'm not okay.
20:32Are you okay?
20:34Stay away from me.
20:35Okay, okay, okay.
20:38Okay, calm down.
20:39Take a breath.
20:40Isn't that what you hear in the car?
20:42Take a breath, like they say.
20:43Take a breath.
20:46Look at me.
20:48Take a deep breath.
20:50Nothing happened.
20:51We didn't step on anything.
20:52Take a deep breath.
20:55Are you okay?
20:56Are you okay?
20:57Let's go to sleep.
20:58I'm not okay.
20:59Let's take a break.
21:02And then we'll go.
21:03What do you think?
21:04Okay, I'm fine.
21:05You can rest now.
21:06Let's go.
21:23Let's go.
21:47Let's sleep.
21:54This is great.
21:55We're friends now.
21:56We're not friends anymore.
21:57He came and left.
22:02Son, who are you arguing with?
22:03Tell me the car is ready.
22:06Oh, God.
22:07I swear to God she's mine.
22:15I'm sorry.
22:18I fell.
22:20I broke it.
22:26I really don't understand you.
22:27You're a very strange girl.
22:28Didn't we agree to stay at the university?
22:30Yes, but we didn't agree to that.
22:32We can't say we agreed.
22:35We didn't agree?
22:37I swear to God I'll come back.
22:38And you too, brother.
22:39Look for me where the car is.
22:40I'm on my way.
22:41Will you be there soon?
22:42Oh, this cat is so cute.
22:46But it looks like it's running away from you.
22:48A little bit, yes.
22:50But the other one was running away too.
22:56Where is he?
22:57They took him and left.
22:58Does this happen, brother?
23:00Who took him?
23:04Who's Tatli?
23:05Who's Tatli?
23:18Why aren't you eating, beautiful?
23:30It's okay.
23:31We'll go for a walk after dinner.
23:44Come on, honey.
23:45Finish your food.
23:46Come on.
24:05Come on.
24:12Tatli is not someone important.
24:13I mean, he's not important.
24:18Basically, he has someone no one knows his name.
24:22I mean ...
24:25My daughter Ahmada and Mohamed.
24:27Yeah, it happens.
24:28It happens, Rajab.
24:30Everything happens except Rajab.
24:33Oh, my God.
24:36Atil Bek.
24:38Hello, Atil Bek.
24:39Hello, Msal.
24:40I hope I'm not bothering you at this time.
24:41No, no.
24:42No problem.
24:43Go ahead.
24:44Next evening, of course, we won't be able to sleep, right?
24:45Uh, and I also wanted to tell you that I won't be coming this evening.
24:46One of my friends' mother is in a very bad condition, and I have to go visit her.
24:47So, what do you mean you're going to kidnap your mother?
24:48What will your father do?
24:49Is he going to pick apples?
24:50He's not going to pick apples or apples.
24:51He's not going to pick apples or apples.
24:52He's not going to pick apples or apples.
24:53He's not going to pick apples or apples.
24:54He's not going to pick apples or apples.
24:55Uh, Atil Bek?
24:56Uh, okay.
24:57We'll talk when you get back.
24:58God be with you.
24:59Okay, bye.
25:00And say hello to your sister.
25:02The car has arrived.
25:04She's their daughter.
25:05She's in the hospital taking care of her sister.
25:06I see.
25:07I'll go get her.
25:08Okay, bye.
25:09Uh, Atil Bek?
25:10Uh, Atil Bek?
25:13Yes, I told you!
25:14Hi, miss.
25:15Is my father okay?
25:16I love you.
25:17Uh, Atil Bek?
25:18Uh, Atil Bek?
25:19Uh, Atil Bek?
25:20Uh, Atil Bek?
25:22Yes, I'm fine.
25:23Yes, I'm fine.
25:24and we won't go outside.
26:18It's like the old days.
26:23I made a lot of mistakes, but now I'm back on my feet.
26:27I'm going back to America.
26:31You know, you were going to pick me up from the plane.
26:34We were going to go home together.
26:36You can still come with me anytime.
26:39I don't want to talk about this at all.
26:45We'll talk about it later, okay?
26:47And we'll celebrate early too.
26:49Tomorrow is your birthday.
26:54Let's go.
27:11Jawad, what time is it? Where are you?
27:13Okay, I'm coming.
27:20Of course it's not her.
27:24No, no, it's not her.
27:29Is this her?
27:31We were supposed to go to the market at the end of the week.
27:34But when your story came out, I was like,
27:36I'm going to leave two birds with one stone.
27:39That's what she did.
27:52I trust you.
28:09I trust you.
28:13I trust you.
28:36And now we can go.
29:13Why didn't you put a bag of bananas in it?
29:15I was going to eat it and leave like a pig.
29:17How am I supposed to run?
29:19You're not going to run.
29:21I think you're used to it.
29:23You have to go slowly.
29:25I mean, we have to go slowly.
29:27Why don't you understand?
29:29You're not coming with me.
29:31Why don't you want to come to this extent?
29:33How come you can't come for the last time?
29:35On the basis of being together for the first time.
29:37Didn't we agree on that?
29:39What happened? Why are you talking about this now?
29:41I'm not going in.
29:43We're going together or we're staying together.
29:47Bravo, my wife.
29:49You're right.
29:51We're very good at escaping and kidnapping.
29:53We're a team.
29:55We have experience, don't we?
29:59You're not going to get in anything.
30:01And you're not getting out of the car.
30:03Okay, I promise.
30:05I'm going to sit and read my book.
30:07You won't hear my feelings.
30:09Be careful.
30:11Trust me.
30:13You're going to hit a car like that.
30:29Okay, okay.
30:31He's coming.
30:33You're going to take the cat, right?
30:37Okay, I'll wait for you tomorrow.
30:43I don't want anything big.
30:45The cat is small. Don't worry about it.
30:47If you don't eat it, it'll stay.
30:49What do you want to do?
30:51You're not going to pass it.
30:53Of course you're going to do something.
30:55Really, thank you.
30:57This year, I want it to be quiet.
30:59Just between us.
31:03My daughter, are you okay?
31:05I'm going to draw, okay?
31:07If you don't mind.
31:11Tomorrow is your birthday.
31:13Smile a little.
31:15God willing, dad.
31:17God willing.
31:35As I promised you.
31:37Good for you.
31:41Yes, Mr. Thailand.
31:43How are you, son?
31:45How is your mother?
31:47She didn't come.
31:49Don't tell her.
31:51It's a long story.
31:53I'll tell you later.
31:55Everything will be solved.
31:59Tomorrow is Sarah's birthday.
32:01Let's celebrate and talk a little.
32:03I can't promise you.
32:05I don't want to.
32:07We're waiting for you.
32:09Sarah is waiting for you.
32:11We'll talk later.
32:13Take care of yourself.
32:19Did you leave the book and listen to me?
32:21No, what are you talking about?
32:23I'm reading the book.
32:25Tomorrow is Sarah's birthday.
32:27Are you serious?
32:31I have to go to Thailand.
32:33I won't go.
32:35Sarah told me.
32:37It's a long story.
32:39I don't want to ruin your relationship.
32:41I don't want to ruin our relationship.
32:43I won't go and see Iran.
32:45I don't want to worry.
32:47It's Sarah's birthday.
32:49What will happen if I'm not there?
32:51How can I forget that?
32:55I don't know.
32:57How can you forget something you don't know?
32:59I decided to make your friend happy.
33:01This will make you happy.
33:03I'm not a good friend.
33:05Why are you so sad?
33:07Sarah is a girl you met yesterday.
33:09Tomorrow is her birthday.
33:11Celebrate with her.
33:13I'll call her now.
33:21Happy birthday, Sarah.
33:25It's not my birthday today.
33:27I told you to come home early.
33:29Are you okay?
33:31I'm trying to be okay.
33:33You're right.
33:35Some of our friends had an argument.
33:37They got upset.
33:39Let's not talk about it today.
33:41Don't worry.
33:43I can't be with you today.
33:45But we'll be together tomorrow.
33:47I was going to ask you this.
33:49If we can't do anything today,
33:51where will you be?
33:53I have something to do today.
33:55I'll call you later.
33:59You're the best friend in my life.
34:01I love you.
34:03This made me feel better.
34:07The gas will run out.
34:09Are you with Bato?
34:13We'll meet tomorrow.
34:15I'll call you.
34:21You're so stupid.
34:23What are we going to do?
34:25I don't know.
34:27Do you have money?
34:31What about you?
34:35Let's go to the gas station and see.
34:37It's really annoying.
34:39How are things at the university?
34:43I still remember when I entered the university.
34:45I was so happy.
34:47There are other good universities in Antalya.
34:49Let her choose.
34:51Antalya is very good.
34:53I went there in the summer.
34:55There are a lot of Russians there.
34:57There are also a lot of Russians in the winter.
34:59I mean...
35:01If she stayed in Antalya,
35:03we would have rented a house for her.
35:05She was going to be close to us.
35:07This is very good.
35:09There is no such thing as a job for children.
35:11At least we wanted her to stay with us.
35:13But it's okay.
35:15Let her go and study abroad.
35:17As long as she wants it.
35:19But you didn't come to visit us at all.
35:21Ever since you succeeded at the university,
35:23you only came once.
35:25What can we do?
35:27We miss you.
35:29We are a mother and a father after all.
35:31I'm going to the bathroom.
35:49I'm going to the bathroom.
36:05What can we do?
36:07We can't go back and we can't continue.
36:09I don't know.
36:11She took my bag and dragged me
36:13and ran after you.
36:15She even pushed me in the bus.
36:19take your time.
36:21We will find a solution for your mother.
36:23How is this going to work?
36:25What are we going to do?
36:27Stop the car?
36:29Or walk to Azmir?
36:33Don't tell me we are going to ride a bicycle.
36:37What are we going to do?
36:41We are going to do something else.
36:43Offer and demand.
36:45The main stone in economics.
36:47If you think I'm stupid and don't understand,
36:49you are wrong.
36:51Are you going to criticize me?
36:53Come with me.
36:55Come on.
36:59We didn't mean to upset her.
37:01But the idea is that we miss her a lot.
37:03It's not in our hands.
37:05Our only goal is to make her happy.
37:07This is the goal of every father and mother.
37:11She was the strongest girl I've ever seen.
37:13Even I sometimes take her as a role model.
37:17I try to be strong,
37:19stop the car,
37:21and accompany a strong person like her.
37:27She was a great person.
37:31You are so proud of your daughter.
37:33Of course she loves you a lot.
37:37We talked about boring topics.
37:39Tell us.
37:41Tell us, Zaki.
37:43Which team do you support?
37:47Honestly, I support the team
37:49that you support, Uncle Mohamed.
37:53Thank you, Sheikh.
37:55By the way,
37:57since we started eating,
37:59I can't tell you the truth.
38:01Belize, you look beautiful today.
38:03You look beautiful, too.
38:09You want me to keep it to myself?
38:17Wait and see.
38:23Excuse me.
38:25Would you like to buy energy drinks from us?
38:27They are delicious. Try them.
38:29Would you like to buy energy drinks from us?
38:33No, no one is talking to me.
38:35Excuse me.
38:37Would you like to buy energy drinks from us?
38:39They are delicious. Try them.
38:47Hey, guys.
38:49Come here.
38:51Truck drivers, come here.
38:53This drink is for all truck drivers,
38:55drivers of cars and bicycles
38:57who drive on this road
38:59and drink from this bottle.
39:01Those who don't drink from this bottle
39:03will have a sore throat
39:05and their eyes won't open.
39:07He's a real hero.
39:09Shut up. I'm in the mood now.
39:11Are you driving on a long road?
39:13Are you tired?
39:15Drink one of our energy drinks.
39:17Drink it.
39:19You won't feel tired anymore.
39:21This drink will keep you awake for 25 hours.
39:23Come on, guys.
39:25How much is it?
39:27It's 20 Lira.
39:29No, no. She doesn't know.
39:31It's 5 Lira.
39:33If you take 4 Lira,
39:35I'll give you 4 Lira.
39:37Give us 2 Lira.
39:39Give us 2 Lira.
39:41Come here.
39:43There's no one here.
39:45Give us 2 Lira.
39:472 Lira is not enough.
39:49How much do you want?
39:511 Lira.
39:53You're a heart patient.
39:55Just drink one.
39:57Is anyone here?
39:59Give me one.
40:01Give me 5 Lira.
40:23Give me 5 Lira.
40:53Come here.
41:09Are you drinking?
41:11It's soda.
41:13Do you mean soda night?
41:15Yes. Come here. I want to show you something.
41:17Me too.
41:53Dad, I have to hang up.
41:55I'll talk to you later.
41:59Yes, Iran.
42:01Where are you?
42:03Are you running away?
42:05I'm an adult now.
42:07I can't take it anymore.
42:09I don't think so, dad.
42:11The beautiful girls are looking at me.
42:13Don't tell me.
42:15Oh, my dear.
42:19Go before it's a disaster.
42:21Okay, bye-bye.
42:29What happened?
42:31What happened is a miracle.
42:35Most of all, your relationship with your father improved.
42:37You're welcome.
42:39You shocked me.
42:41You're doing great today.
42:43You're going to be shocked.
42:49Pato isn't here.
42:51Komsal isn't here.
42:53And we're very happy.
42:55These two came from Izmir
42:57and ruined our lives.
42:59Everything is beautiful in their absence.
43:01I'm very happy.
43:09What's the name of this book?
43:11It's called Happiness.
43:15No, it's called Happiness.
43:17Oh, I see.
43:19Look, there's a letter in the back.
43:21Read it when you're done.
43:23But I won't open it until I find happiness.
43:25Riya, what are you waiting for?
43:27No, it's impossible.
43:29Maybe I won't read it when I'm done.
43:31Oh, if I were you, I'd read it first.
43:33I know, but this is you.
43:35I do what's written.
43:43What's wrong?
43:45Sometimes I think of Dad.
43:49I miss him.
43:51I told you to let us stay at your house.
43:53No, don't worry.
43:55Not today.
43:57We're going to pick up your mom.
43:59Do you have a plan?
44:01We're going to go home.
44:03We're going to pick up my mom and leave.
44:05That's it.
44:11We're waiting for you in Antalya, Zaki.
44:15It's good to see you.
44:17What is it, Aunt Feliz?
44:19My daughter.
44:25Take care of yourself.
44:27Okay, Mom. Don't worry.
44:33We'll see you soon, my daughter.
44:35God be with you, Dad.
44:39And you, Zaki, thank you for not leaving us alone today.
44:41What are you talking about, Uncle Mohamed?
44:43I'm sorry.
44:59What do you mean by a day like this?
45:01Can we go?
45:03This taxi is on its way.
45:21It's not going to end this way.
45:23We're going to pick up your mom.
45:25It's not going to be a problem, I'm sure.
45:27But you need to relax a little.
45:29What can I do for you?
45:35Give me a number and a six.
45:43This song is a gift from me to you.
45:49Oh, my God.
45:51Turn it off, for God's sake.
45:53Okay, this song doesn't work.
45:55Let me try, my luck.
45:57I say two.
45:59And this one is from me to you.
46:05This one works.
46:07That's it.
46:09Laugh a little.
46:33The last time I was here,
46:35one of you fell in love with me.
46:37Where is he?
46:39He's sitting over there.
46:45Of course,
46:47this story happened a long time ago.
46:51Let's see if I can leave the same impression.
47:05Did you erase me?
47:09Did you erase everything?
47:15Did you erase all my traces?
47:35Did you erase all my traces?
47:37Did you erase all my traces?
47:39Did you erase all my traces?
47:41Did you erase all my traces?
47:43Did you erase all my traces?
47:45Did you erase all my traces?
47:47Did you erase all my traces?
47:49Did you erase all my traces?
47:51Did you erase all my traces?
47:53Did you erase all my traces?
47:55Did you erase all my traces?
47:57Did you erase all my traces?
47:59Did you erase all my traces?
48:01Did you erase all my traces?
48:03Did you erase all my traces?
48:05Did you erase all my traces?
48:07Did you erase all my traces?
48:09Did you erase all my traces?
48:11Did you erase all my traces?
48:13Did you erase all my traces?
48:15Did you erase all my traces?
48:17Did you erase all my traces?
48:19Did you erase all my traces?
48:21Did you erase all my traces?
48:23Did you erase all my traces?
48:25Did you erase all my traces?
48:27Did you erase all my traces?
48:29Did you erase all my traces?
48:31I'm still wandering around
48:36You see, my subject is crazy
48:41I couldn't do anything, what can I do?
48:45I couldn't forget the way
49:01I couldn't forget the way
49:06Is it funny?
49:31Ayaz, who are these women?
49:37Good evening, beautiful girl
49:43Congratulations on your new home
49:47Are you drunk again today?
49:50It's not necessary for a person to drink to get drunk, but
49:53sometimes thinking alone is enough
49:58Come in
49:59Look, I know you're tired of hearing me talk all the time about the man you love
50:03Especially that I'm a man who left his wife with a child
50:06and he left her like that
50:07You can't make fun of me
50:09It's so nice that you know yourself
50:11Every mistake I made brought me to you
50:16To this door
50:19To be close to you
50:21To be in your eyes
50:23You are my medicine, my father
50:49Good night
50:59Good night
