Pot luck (1936) B&W

  • last month
00:00:00This is a production of the U.S. Department of State.
00:00:30This is a production of the U.S. Department of State.
00:01:00This is a production of the U.S. Department of State.
00:01:30This is a production of the U.S. Department of State.
00:02:00All right, I'll remember the location.
00:02:30This is a production of the U.S. Department of State.
00:02:54Oh, it's you!
00:02:56Yes, you done in that speed cop. This is a murder case.
00:02:59I know that. I'll be all right here for a bit.
00:03:02Yes, but the papers say the police have put Fitzpatrick on the job.
00:03:06Yes, Chief Detective Inspector Fitzpatrick.
00:03:09It was him that got Layla and Nick Larson.
00:03:11Well, he better not try and get me. I'm staying here.
00:03:15So are you.
00:03:16Well, I'm not.
00:03:30Who's there?
00:03:32Is Mr. Laver at home?
00:03:35There's no one of that name here.
00:03:38Oh, come out of it, Laver, my boy. Don't be bashful.
00:04:14Come on, boys. Drop it, you murderous swine.
00:04:17Drop it.
00:04:18I was only acting in self-defense.
00:04:20Then you're a rotten bad actor.
00:04:22There you are, sir. This is what he did to you?
00:04:24Ah, let's have a look how he treated me.
00:04:26I never thought so much in my real face as I do at this moment.
00:04:30You dirty, white-livered little skunk.
00:04:36Now, quiet, gentlemen. One moment, please.
00:04:39We make you this presentation fair as a sign of our esteem and of our regret that you're leaving us.
00:04:43Well, Chief, I'm sorry, too.
00:04:45But as you all know, my uncle had the good fortune to die well off.
00:04:48And it is only fair that I should make way for others.
00:04:50Now, wait a moment. I haven't quite finished.
00:04:52I beg your pardon?
00:04:53We haven't always agreed with your methods.
00:04:55But no one can criticize your results.
00:04:57You've landed some of the worst characters in London.
00:04:59I hope you don't think I've been greedy, sir.
00:05:01There are plenty more where Larson and Laver came from.
00:05:04My successor here, Willie Morse, will have lots of opportunities.
00:05:07That's very condescending of you, I'm sure.
00:05:09Oh, don't take it that way. Man Short was only two days ago.
00:05:12I was telling you about that bunch I'd been after.
00:05:14Yes, I've got to be in your bonnet about that bunch.
00:05:16Never mind about the being in my bonnet.
00:05:18It is a hornet's nest you can have in your pocket.
00:05:20Will you allow me to speak?
00:05:21How the devil can I make a presentation?
00:05:23I'm sorry, sir.
00:05:24Give me that, McHale.
00:05:25We have much pleasure in handing you this.
00:05:27Fill to the brim, what's more.
00:05:29Gentlemen, these will always provide a happy memory of you all.
00:05:32So let's begin by making a memory of what's inside them.
00:05:35What did you do with the glasses, Willie?
00:05:46Is it twice I have to call you every time?
00:05:48I answered, sir, to your first, Kelly.
00:05:50It isn't my fault if you spoke your second, Kelly, too soon.
00:05:53Don't be arguing. Get me a whiskey.
00:05:55I will, then.
00:05:56Of all me many duties here, that's the pleasantest.
00:05:59It is the one that comes most natural,
00:06:01and nobody would think you were overworked.
00:06:02And so I am, sir.
00:06:04Do I not run your house and drive your car
00:06:06and clean your shoes and everything?
00:06:08But I don't mind. Who's going to complain about that?
00:06:10I could tell you who, but I'm too good-natured.
00:06:12I'll get the damn whiskey myself.
00:06:15He knew me at Scotland Yard. He'll know my name.
00:06:17Well, I don't know your name, but then I haven't heard it.
00:06:19Hello there, young McHale.
00:06:21Hello, sir. Good afternoon.
00:06:23Good afternoon. I call this real friendly of you.
00:06:26Remove yourself, woman.
00:06:29Come inside, young fellow, my lad.
00:06:36You can leave that, Kelly. I'll handle the whiskey.
00:06:38Oh, very good, sir.
00:06:40Have a drink, McHale.
00:06:42I don't want a drink, sir. I want your advice.
00:06:44Oh, you're welcome. But have a drink as well.
00:06:47You've always been darn good to me.
00:06:49Perhaps you can help me now.
00:06:51Well, if I can, sit you down.
00:06:57Well, now what's your trouble?
00:06:59You remember you once pointed me out a man
00:07:01who calls himself Davy?
00:07:03Davy. That'll be a fellow called Smithers,
00:07:06or sometimes Rice.
00:07:08Or when he's on a real society job, Ponsonby.
00:07:10Well, I wonder he isn't Ponsonby now,
00:07:12because he's set himself up in a very smart West End office.
00:07:15He's one of a gang that specializes
00:07:17in collecting art treasures of all kinds.
00:07:19Other people's, of course.
00:07:21You told me that, and I reported that he'd taken this office.
00:07:24Who to?
00:07:25To your successor.
00:07:26Oh, Willie Moore, say? And what did he say?
00:07:28I dropped a brick, I suppose.
00:07:30I told him I'd got my information from you.
00:07:32And he told you not to go suspecting people
00:07:34on the strength of my faith.
00:07:36Oh, worse than that.
00:07:37He went right off the deep end
00:07:39and gave me the devil of a ticking off.
00:07:41For trusting to my word.
00:07:42Yes, he said that you were always just a lucky fluker.
00:07:45Flukey Pat, he called you.
00:07:47With a B in my bonnet, eh?
00:07:49Yes, a bumblebee.
00:07:51The devil take it.
00:07:52Where is this office that Davy set himself up in?
00:07:55The Leonardo buildings, St. James's.
00:07:57Of course. The Leonardo galleries are there.
00:08:00One of those half shops, half exhibitions
00:08:03where they deal in art treasures.
00:08:05That's the place.
00:08:21Good morning.
00:08:22Good morning, Mr. Davy.
00:08:23How's the exhibition going?
00:08:24Nearly gone. It finishes on Saturday.
00:08:26I must have another look at it.
00:08:27You've got some lovely things on show.
00:08:29You're not in our line of business, are you?
00:08:31Oh, no. Just an amateur.
00:08:33But I'm very keen.
00:08:34I'll pop in again sometime.
00:08:45Come in.
00:08:47I've sent for you twice.
00:08:49Where have you been?
00:08:50Downstairs in the showroom.
00:08:51I was doing some business for my brother.
00:08:53Yes, I can well believe that your brother
00:08:54can't do the business for himself.
00:08:56I wish he wouldn't try.
00:08:58Oh, Mr. Trumbull.
00:08:59You don't know how hard Reggie works.
00:09:01And after all, you did make him your manager.
00:09:03Yes. And why?
00:09:05Not for his business capabilities.
00:09:07You've got the brains of your family.
00:09:10I think your brother's a fool.
00:09:12A what?
00:09:13Yes. A perfect fool.
00:09:15Oh, a perfect one.
00:09:16Oh, really?
00:09:17But like so many fools,
00:09:19he's a man of unimpeachable integrity.
00:09:21I should think he jolly well is.
00:09:23And honesty covers a multitude of sins.
00:09:26Oh, this has got to be done some time.
00:09:29I believe he heard you.
00:09:31And I don't like it much.
00:09:33I don't care.
00:09:34I'm getting sick of it.
00:09:35Well, I can be sick too, can't I?
00:09:37Oh, Reggie.
00:09:38Mr. Trumbull paid you a compliment.
00:09:39He said you were the most honest man he knew.
00:09:41That's not a compliment in this business.
00:09:43Yes, it is.
00:09:44That's why I keep you here.
00:09:45Oh, I see.
00:09:46You trust me as your manager.
00:09:49So long as you don't try to manage anything.
00:09:52Oh, that's all right then.
00:09:54Is it?
00:09:57Is it?
00:10:00Well, Morse won't do a thing about it.
00:10:02Ah, the blind fool.
00:10:03Must I come back and open his eyes for him?
00:10:05Why, Dad, you might land this gang if you did.
00:10:07And discover where they've hidden away half the missing treasures in the country.
00:10:10Shall I do it?
00:10:11Why not?
00:10:12Go ahead.
00:10:13I don't care if it does get me into trouble.
00:10:15I'd see to that.
00:10:16Could be a feather in your cap along with the bee in my bonnet.
00:10:23You've got me all worked up, but you needn't tell Morse that you've seen me.
00:10:26What, but you can't tackle this on your own?
00:10:28Oh, can't I, though?
00:10:29I'll give Mr. Morse a lesson in fluking.
00:10:31You run along and leave it to me.
00:10:33But you're no longer in the force.
00:10:34I know it is illegal, but you needn't mention that.
00:10:37You've already said enough to tickle up the Irish blood that's in me.
00:10:40Rather more than I meant to.
00:10:41That'll be all right.
00:10:42So long, young fellow, my lad.
00:10:43You'll be hearing from me.
00:10:44So long, sir.
00:10:49Come here.
00:10:50I've good news for you.
00:10:51There's a job of work to be done.
00:10:52Well, if it's that gardening, sir.
00:10:54It isn't gardening.
00:10:55It is the tackling of a dangerous gang of thieving rogues in a manner unwarranted by law and order.
00:11:00I beg your pardon, sir.
00:11:01At your service.
00:11:02I made sure it was that damn garden.
00:11:03Well, it isn't.
00:11:04Go inside.
00:11:05God bless him.
00:11:10Thank goodness it's the last morning of this show.
00:11:12Oh, you mustn't say that.
00:11:13The show brings people to the place.
00:11:15What's the good of them coming here if they don't buy anything?
00:11:17Oh, I think some of them mean to.
00:11:19Look, there's that fellow Davey.
00:11:21He's always here.
00:11:22I bet he's after something.
00:11:23I'll ask him.
00:11:24No, no, no.
00:11:25I'll ask him.
00:11:30Good morning.
00:11:32I've just dropped in to have a final look round.
00:11:33Oh, I thought you wanted to buy something.
00:11:35Oh, no.
00:11:36I don't think so.
00:11:37Oh, I thought perhaps you might.
00:11:38You know, today's.
00:11:39It's the last day.
00:11:48Good morning, sir.
00:11:49Is there anything in particular I can show you?
00:11:51No, thank you.
00:11:52I'll show myself.
00:11:53By all means.
00:11:54The, uh, the antiques are over there.
00:12:01There are some very chise specimens on view, sir.
00:12:05Fortunately, I got here in time.
00:12:08The exhibition closes today, I see.
00:12:10Sir, I believe.
00:12:12Where is this celebrated savant?
00:12:16Perhaps you'd have the kindness to point it out to me.
00:12:20It's just here.
00:12:24It's supposed to be quite beyond all price.
00:12:26But surely, if big enough offer were thought to come in,
00:12:29the owner would consider.
00:12:30Well, I don't know.
00:12:31I know I would.
00:12:32Who is the fortunate owner?
00:12:34Mr. Van Bergen.
00:12:35You know, the great American collector.
00:12:37Oh, to be sure.
00:12:38Is he in London?
00:12:39Yes, but only until Monday.
00:12:40He's taking the vase back with him to America.
00:12:43He's taking the vase back with him to America.
00:12:45Would it be possible to get in touch with him?
00:12:47Excuse me, sir.
00:12:53Remarkable, an object of this value
00:12:55on view in a place like this.
00:12:57Oh, they take pretty good care of it, I expect.
00:13:00I wasn't giving information.
00:13:01Yes, you were.
00:13:02You must be very guarded about this vase.
00:13:04It's special orders.
00:13:05No one's to say a thing about it to a soul.
00:13:07But there can't be any harm in what I said.
00:13:09I had to answer the old gentleman.
00:13:10Yes, I know.
00:13:11I don't like these inquisitive old gentlemen,
00:13:14especially that one.
00:13:16Leave it to me.
00:13:17I'll deal with him.
00:13:21If you want to know anything about this vase, sir,
00:13:23will you kindly deal with me?
00:13:26But has Mr. Van Bergen given you no valuation at all?
00:13:29No, sir, he has not.
00:13:30And even if he had, we couldn't sell it.
00:13:32It's too expensive.
00:13:33But surely it's a great risk, keeping
00:13:35a thing like this about the place.
00:13:37We don't.
00:13:38I have it sent to the safe deposit every evening.
00:13:40That's a pity, because a friend of mine
00:13:42would give a fortune for it.
00:13:44Would it be possible to view it in the safe deposit?
00:13:47No, sir, unless you get an order from the owner.
00:13:49As a matter of fact, it will be here tonight.
00:13:51Here tonight?
00:13:52Will it?
00:13:53Yes, now that the exhibition is over,
00:13:55I'm keeping it upstairs in the safe until Monday.
00:13:57Oh, are you?
00:13:58But even so, there would be nobody here
00:14:00to enable my friend to view it.
00:14:02Oh, yes, sir.
00:14:03I should be working here until about 9 o'clock tonight.
00:14:05Oh, then there might be a chance.
00:14:07What is Mr. Van Bergen's address?
00:14:09I can't tell you that, sir.
00:14:10We have orders not to give any information.
00:14:12Oh, well, I'll find out for myself.
00:14:15Good day to you, and thank you.
00:14:17Not at all.
00:14:18I'm sorry I can't tell you more.
00:14:29Kelly, do as I told you and watch the premises.
00:14:31I have been.
00:14:32And did you notice anybody looking peculiar?
00:14:34Not until this moment.
00:14:36That'll do.
00:14:37I'm going to bring off a great scoop
00:14:38and have a good mind to leave you out of it.
00:14:40And welcome, sir.
00:14:41If you do it without me in tow,
00:14:42it will be all the more credit for you.
00:14:44Yes, and if I do it with you in tow,
00:14:46it'll be a ruddy triumph for me.
00:14:48Get home.
00:14:49We return here tonight.
00:14:51We'd better not be seen together.
00:14:53There's no one to see us.
00:14:54Isn't there a night watchman?
00:14:55We needn't worry about him.
00:14:56He's always asleep.
00:14:58We'd better not be seen together.
00:14:59There's no one to see us.
00:15:00Isn't there a night watchman?
00:15:01We needn't worry about him.
00:15:02He's always asleep.
00:15:28Good evening, Mr. Davey.
00:15:29Oh, I just came back to get some documents I left behind.
00:15:33Should I go up and get them for you, sir?
00:15:35No, I don't think so.
00:15:36We might as well go up and have a drink now that we're here.
00:15:39Well, I don't take very much, but perhaps a small one?
00:15:41Quite all right.
00:15:42There's your trouble.
00:15:43Oh, thank you, sir.
00:15:46Now, Kelly, will you get this?
00:15:48I've told you twice.
00:15:49I'm going in there after him.
00:15:50You go and stand by your car,
00:15:51and if they come out before I do,
00:15:53follow them wherever they go,
00:15:54especially if they've got a bag or a parcel.
00:15:55And when you've found out where they're going to, phone me.
00:15:57Where to, sir?
00:15:58To the Leonardo galleries.
00:15:59That's what I'm telling you, man.
00:16:00That's where I'll be.
00:16:01Come on.
00:16:02I don't care what old Trumbull says.
00:16:04I'd better do things my way.
00:16:05But do ask me first.
00:16:06Otherwise, you'll do them wrong.
00:16:08I know best.
00:16:09Besides, if I do something wrong, you can tell me so.
00:16:11Better let me do the whole job.
00:16:12He called you a fool this morning.
00:16:13No, no, no, no.
00:16:14He only said he thought I was.
00:16:15But I'll show him what kind of a fool I am.
00:16:17Oh, lord.
00:16:20What's that?
00:16:21Somebody at the outer door.
00:16:23How do I know?
00:16:24There you are.
00:16:25You see, you don't know so much.
00:16:26Well, I'll go and find out for myself.
00:16:33Good evening, sir.
00:16:35You're the manager, are you not?
00:16:36Of course.
00:16:37I'm Mr. Van Bergen's secretary.
00:16:38Oh, Mr. Van Bergen.
00:16:39Oh, how do you do?
00:16:40I'm sure.
00:16:41Mr. Trumbull told me I should find you here.
00:16:42Oh, yes.
00:16:43Well, I'm very glad you have.
00:16:44Mr. Van Bergen sent me to see you with a note.
00:16:45Oh, well, won't you come and see me inside?
00:16:47You're very obliging.
00:16:48Not at all.
00:16:49Please, come in.
00:16:50I'm very glad.
00:16:55Oh, so you'd like to take the vase away with you?
00:16:57If you please.
00:16:58Mr. Van Bergen has a client who's with him now.
00:17:00He's made an enormous offer for the vase.
00:17:02Provisionally, of course.
00:17:03Oh, I'm sorry.
00:17:04We can't do things this way.
00:17:05Why not?
00:17:06That's Mr. Van Bergen's signature, isn't it?
00:17:08And look, there's Mr. Trumbull's signature at the bottom.
00:17:10You have my full authority to proceed as stated.
00:17:14Signed, W. Trumbull.
00:17:15Yes, but it's all typed except for his signature.
00:17:17Why didn't he write it all himself?
00:17:18Well, you see, I typed that.
00:17:19Mr. Trumbull's signature.
00:17:22Well, you see, I typed that.
00:17:23Mr. Trumbull was with us at the time.
00:17:25What time?
00:17:26Late this evening.
00:17:27Mr. Trumbull was going to Ramsgate,
00:17:28but he delayed starting on purpose.
00:17:30There you are.
00:17:31That's quite right.
00:17:32Mr. Trumbull was going to Ramsgate.
00:17:33Well, why didn't he ring us up here?
00:17:34Oh, he didn't like to rely on a phone message,
00:17:36so he signed that instead.
00:17:38At my suggestion, I may say.
00:17:39Of course.
00:17:40You mustn't be rude to the gentleman.
00:17:42I don't care.
00:17:43This is quite important.
00:17:44We've got to take precautions.
00:17:45Yes, yes, of course you have.
00:17:46It's only right that you should.
00:17:47And if I may, I'd like to compliment you on your shrewdness.
00:17:51That's very, very kind of you.
00:17:52You've got a copy of Mr. Van Bergen's signature, I suppose?
00:17:55Yes, in the file.
00:17:56Yes, well, look it up and check it with this one.
00:17:58That's pretty shrewd.
00:17:59I flatter myself.
00:18:01Most creditable.
00:18:02Ah, blazes, take it.
00:18:04I wish I'd brought a stick of dynamite to this darn door.
00:18:14There you are, sir.
00:18:15You'll take great care of it, won't you?
00:18:17You can rely on me to do that.
00:18:19Here is my receipt for you.
00:18:21Wait a moment.
00:18:24I don't like this.
00:18:25How are we to know those signatures weren't fake?
00:18:27Be careful what you're saying.
00:18:28You're accusing this gentleman of forgery.
00:18:29Well, really.
00:18:30Yes, sir, you are.
00:18:31He heard you.
00:18:32It's all right, sir.
00:18:33Don't be put out.
00:18:34You know what girls are.
00:18:35At least I expect so.
00:18:36I do.
00:18:37What more can I do to convince you?
00:18:39If you want to know, I was half expecting this.
00:18:40I was told of somebody who wanted it.
00:18:42By an old gentleman.
00:18:43He was in the showroom this morning, wasn't he?
00:18:46Quite possibly.
00:18:47Not only possibly, but probably.
00:18:48In fact, he was.
00:18:49So there you are.
00:18:50Well, send for police escort to go back to the bars.
00:18:54It's up to him.
00:18:55You don't want a policeman, do you?
00:18:57Oh, I think not.
00:18:58It might only arouse suspicion.
00:19:00And you don't want to arouse suspicion.
00:19:07Oh, Struth.
00:19:09Is this a blinking nightclub or what?
00:19:19What about sending for a taxi?
00:19:22I have one waiting.
00:19:23You'll guard it well, won't you?
00:19:24Oh, you can trust me.
00:19:25I'm as capable of looking after this as you are yourself.
00:19:27That's fine.
00:19:30Well, good night, you sir, and thank you.
00:19:32Oh, I'm glad to get rid of it.
00:19:33It's been a great responsibility.
00:19:35Admirably performed.
00:19:37Good night.
00:19:38Not at all.
00:19:41Nice fellow.
00:19:46Is it a doorkeeper you are?
00:19:47Well, what about it?
00:19:48You open up just about as quick as St. Peter to a lawyer.
00:19:55Got it?
00:19:58The quicker we get it away from here, the better.
00:19:59I'll see if the coast's clear.
00:20:04There's someone talking.
00:20:05We'll have to wait.
00:20:06Well, the manager's upstairs, isn't he?
00:20:08But he didn't say there was no one coming here?
00:20:10If he had, he'd been a liar for he didn't know.
00:20:11Didn't know what?
00:20:12Didn't know I was coming here until I do.
00:20:14But you have.
00:20:15You have that, so now it's clear enough.
00:20:20Yes, but suppose it was some trick.
00:20:21Think how ghastly it would be.
00:20:22Don't be silly.
00:20:23I know when a man's honest.
00:20:25Well, look at the way he took it.
00:20:26If there'd been anything fishy, he'd have grabbed it and run.
00:20:27How do you know?
00:20:28Well, they always do.
00:20:29Whereas that man, it was quite a job to get rid of him.
00:20:33There you are.
00:20:34He's come back.
00:20:40Has the man, Davey, from along the path, he's been in here yet?
00:20:42Not for that.
00:20:44Before he does it.
00:20:45Before he does what?
00:20:46Here, what do you mean?
00:20:47Who are you?
00:20:48Now, shucks, man.
00:20:49Let me get in quick.
00:20:50Here, hi, hi, hi.
00:20:51Here, one more.
00:20:52Here, hi, listen.
00:20:54You, you, you can't come shucking into my office
00:20:55at this time of night.
00:20:56It isn't all right here.
00:20:58All clear now?
00:21:00Come on, then.
00:21:01All right.
00:21:02We don't want to see him in a hurry.
00:21:03Now, take it easy.
00:21:04Who are you, please?
00:21:05I'll tell you that.
00:21:06Then perhaps you'll attend to my wishes.
00:21:07I'll do nothing till I know who you are.
00:21:08If then.
00:21:09Let him speak.
00:21:10I'm trying to get him to.
00:21:11I'm Inspector Fitzpatrick of Scotland Yard.
00:21:12No, not even in his lifetime.
00:21:13Scotland Yard?
00:21:14Why have you come here?
00:21:26I'll tell you, but first of all, I mustn't be seen.
00:21:28I'll have to be ready to pop and hide.
00:21:30Hold on.
00:21:31You can't come and pop and hide about here.
00:21:32Now, will you take it from me?
00:21:33I know what I'm doing.
00:21:34No, sir.
00:21:35In this office, people take things from me.
00:21:42Can't the stains have a good start on them?
00:21:45Right on the case.
00:21:48Yes, Davey.
00:21:49He'll be coming here.
00:21:50Or more likely his pal.
00:21:51They're after that Tsongvas of yours.
00:21:53But a man's called for it already.
00:21:54He has?
00:21:55And how did he propose to take it off you?
00:21:56But that man was all right.
00:21:57He was the only secretary.
00:21:58He brought a letter.
00:22:00And he's got it?
00:22:01He gave it to him?
00:22:02Well, why not?
00:22:03Look at all these signatures.
00:22:04Oh, shucks.
00:22:05Wait here a minute.
00:22:06Reggie, I told you.
00:22:07You've been had.
00:22:09No, no, sir.
00:22:10Hi there.
00:22:11Hi there.
00:22:12Ah, there you are.
00:22:13Did Mr. Davey go out yet?
00:22:15Yes, he's gone.
00:22:16In a car, with a friend, with a bag?
00:22:19Why not?
00:22:20Oh, the greedy devils.
00:22:21And we were hoping to get a drink from him.
00:22:22Go back inside.
00:22:23No, no, no.
00:22:24I want to do something.
00:22:25Do as I tell you and go back inside.
00:22:26All right.
00:22:28All right.
00:22:29Phone Scotland Yard if you want to.
00:22:30Only Scotland Yard won't know where the thing's been taken to.
00:22:33But do you?
00:22:34I shall.
00:22:35I've a fellow chasing it.
00:22:36And I've told him to phone me here.
00:22:37But you can't get it back.
00:22:38Can't I?
00:22:39Listen, boy, oh, I can run that gang to earth.
00:22:41Your little pot isn't their only souvenir.
00:22:43There's a treasure house of stolen stuff somewhere,
00:22:45and that vase will lead me to it.
00:22:47That's very decent of you, but when?
00:22:49Well, it would be a grand idea to get it back before Monday.
00:22:51Monday, yes.
00:22:52Then no one would know what we'd done.
00:22:54No, but it's bound to come out if you go phone in Scotland Yard.
00:22:58Stop phoning Scotland Yard.
00:22:59But how do we know we can trust you?
00:23:01Sure you've seen me on this job already.
00:23:05Could I get an order to view it in the safety pocket?
00:23:08No, sir.
00:23:09Good Lord, you were the old gentleman.
00:23:11I was, but that was just laying the bait.
00:23:13The bait?
00:23:14You baited them with my vase?
00:23:16Was I the prize sap that gave it up to them?
00:23:21Leonardo, L-A-Y.
00:23:29How much longer have we got to wait?
00:23:30That depends.
00:23:31If it's anywhere near, five minutes.
00:23:33If it's Yarmouth or Newcastle-on-Tyne, it will be longer.
00:23:36But are you sure your man's reliable?
00:23:37Kelly, yes.
00:23:38He has plenty of tenacity and plenty of petrol.
00:23:40There he is.
00:23:41Oh, here.
00:23:42Maybe for me.
00:23:44If that's not yourself, Chief,
00:23:45will you get off the line, whoever you are,
00:23:47and let me speak to himself?
00:23:48For it's in the dibble of a hurry I am.
00:23:50Come on, come on.
00:23:51All right.
00:23:52I think it is for you.
00:23:53It's in code.
00:23:55Yes, Chief.
00:23:56I know the house.
00:23:57It's in Afghan Road, St. John's Wood.
00:24:00Come on.
00:24:01You got your car outside?
00:24:02Take me there.
00:24:03Take you where?
00:24:04Where, I'm telling you.
00:24:05But you're not.
00:24:06Take me there.
00:24:14That's it.
00:24:15One of our finest acquisitions.
00:24:17One of our easiest.
00:24:18I'm going to the Abbot tonight.
00:24:19I'll take it with me.
00:24:20The sooner it's deposited, the better.
00:24:22I shan't be going yet.
00:24:23I'm waiting for Mortimer.
00:24:24I'm expecting to hear any minute that he's brought off that other job.
00:24:27But you can get along.
00:24:28A very good night's work, Beavis.
00:24:30If it is always as simple as that.
00:24:32Simplest means best results.
00:24:35Why wait all this time?
00:24:36You know the vase is in that building?
00:24:38Yes, and the car is still outside of it.
00:24:40They'll bring it out again.
00:24:41Then you're going to follow them wherever they go?
00:24:43I am.
00:24:44But they may come out without the bag.
00:24:45Then I'll know it's still in there.
00:24:47Or will you stop the equivalent?
00:24:48They may lay it by the back entrance.
00:24:49Ah, don't you begin it.
00:24:51Well, let me know at once if the doctor decides to operate.
00:24:56There's nothing doing there.
00:24:57There's a blasted watchdog giving trouble.
00:24:59Well, what time shall we go to the Abbey?
00:25:01We'll go right away.
00:25:02Come on.
00:25:04Yes, but your detective, it's in the house.
00:25:06Why not go in and get it?
00:25:08Haven't I told you that I want to find out where they hoard their stuff?
00:25:11But I don't care about the other stuff hoarding.
00:25:14Oh, take your sister home.
00:25:16I've told you where I live.
00:25:17Call and see me tomorrow.
00:25:18No, dear.
00:25:19It's our vase, and where it goes, we're jolly well going.
00:25:21All right, have it your own way, but leave this job to me.
00:25:24Look there, dear.
00:25:25There you are.
00:25:26Didn't I tell you?
00:25:27And with the bag.
00:25:28Come on, Kelly, don't let them out of your sight.
00:25:31Quick, jump in the car.
00:25:32Which car?
00:25:33Our car, come on.
00:26:03Don't let them know they're being followed.
00:26:05Sure, how can I be telling people what not to know?
00:26:09Looks as if we were being followed.
00:26:11Who's the devil by?
00:26:12I don't know, but we can't take a chance with this bag aboard.
00:26:14Go on, step on it.
00:26:23Round the next bend and flow down.
00:26:24I'll hop out with the bag.
00:26:25What do I do?
00:26:26Lead them on.
00:26:28Work round on the other road and take them back to town.
00:26:34Hey, no, no longer.
00:26:35I've lost sight of them.
00:26:36Now, keep right on.
00:26:37There's only a bend in the road.
00:26:47There he is.
00:26:48I told you so.
00:26:49We're right on his tail again.
00:26:58Can you help me?
00:26:59I'm a doctor.
00:27:00Most important case.
00:27:01But haven't you got a car of your own?
00:27:02Oh, yes, but it wouldn't start.
00:27:03Ignition or some trouble.
00:27:04So I ran down here to the main road to get a lift.
00:27:06It's not far, just to a place in Epping Forest.
00:27:08Well, of course we'll help the doctor.
00:27:10We don't enjoy riding.
00:27:12That's exceedingly kind of you.
00:27:13Straight down the road.
00:27:14Yes, sir.
00:27:15He's got the bag.
00:27:16Got the bag?
00:27:17That head.
00:27:32I am very much obliged.
00:27:33Not at all.
00:27:34We'll wait for you, if you like.
00:27:36Oh, no.
00:27:37I can get a lift back.
00:27:38Thank you very much.
00:27:39Well, it's a nice, quiet place, anyhow.
00:27:41The bag.
00:27:43What bag?
00:27:45You mean, uh...
00:27:46Yes, darling.
00:27:47Oh, please.
00:27:48Not in front of the doctor.
00:27:50Don't you worry.
00:27:51It's a very common complaint.
00:27:57Excuse me.
00:28:00Kiss me, quick.
00:28:08Why'd you make me kiss your face?
00:28:09You fathead.
00:28:10That was the bag.
00:28:11What bag?
00:28:12The bag he was carrying.
00:28:14I didn't see any bag.
00:28:15It was the bag that man put the vase in at the office.
00:28:16Good Lord.
00:28:17Why didn't you tell me?
00:28:18Are you sure?
00:28:19Absolutely certain.
00:28:20We must follow him and make him give it up.
00:28:21But it's pretty big to do that to.
00:28:22Oh, good heavens.
00:28:23Well, come on, anyhow.
00:28:24We can watch what he does with it.
00:28:26Come on.
00:28:27Let's go.
00:28:30All clear?
00:28:32Shall I take your bag, sir?
00:28:33No, I'll bring it in myself.
00:28:40Nice-looking people.
00:28:42Well, we know where it is, anyhow.
00:28:43But I don't see how we can get it.
00:28:45The first thing to do is to find out the name of the house.
00:28:47Isn't it?
00:28:50Well, because we shall want to know the address.
00:28:51Come on.
00:28:52You think we can get it?
00:28:54I don't think we can get it.
00:28:56Come on.
00:28:58You think they were following you?
00:29:02Do you know anything about it?
00:29:03No, not me.
00:29:05No one knows about this house.
00:29:06I can swear to that, sir.
00:29:07Lucky for you.
00:29:08Ah, you'd better get back to London.
00:29:10Well, Miller's at the inn, isn't he?
00:29:11Yes, he's there.
00:29:12He's got a car.
00:29:13He can take me back.
00:29:14Meanwhile, put this away.
00:29:16Then it'll be safe.
00:29:19What from?
00:29:20Don't do what you're told.
00:29:21And be careful of it, because it's very fragile.
00:29:26The name may be on the gate.
00:29:27Very likely.
00:29:28Let's look.
00:29:32Here's something.
00:29:33Wait a minute.
00:29:34I'll strike a match.
00:29:38Rotten Abbey.
00:29:51I'll strike a match.
00:29:52I'll strike a match.
00:29:53I'll strike a match.
00:29:54I'll strike a match.
00:29:55I'll strike a match.
00:29:56I'll strike a match.
00:29:57I'll strike a match.
00:29:58I'll strike a match.
00:29:59I'll strike a match.
00:30:00I'll strike a match.
00:30:01I'll strike a match.
00:30:02I'll strike a match.
00:30:03I'll strike a match.
00:30:04I'll strike a match.
00:30:05I'll strike a match.
00:30:06I'll strike a match.
00:30:07I'll strike a match.
00:30:08I'll strike a match.
00:30:09I'll strike a match.
00:30:10I'll strike a match.
00:30:11I'll strike a match.
00:30:12I'll strike a match.
00:30:13I'll strike a match.
00:30:14I'll strike a match.
00:30:15I'll strike a match.
00:30:16I'll strike a match.
00:30:17I'll strike a match.
00:30:18That's the best thing we can do.
00:30:30We'll go straight to his address now.
00:30:31Yes, it's about time he did something.
00:30:33We've done everything up to now and I jolly well tell him so.
00:30:35But we've still got to get the bag, haven't we?
00:30:37Yes, that's what I mean.
00:30:38He can do that part of it.
00:30:40Well, that was grand.
00:30:43There's nothing to laugh at.
00:30:45You're a detective, aren't you?
00:30:46We find the house and you go chasing an empty car.
00:30:48Well, do you think it didn't all fall out as I'd intended it should?
00:30:52That was all according to the scheme I'd planned.
00:30:55That was my method of locating the devils.
00:30:57And if you'd worked at the chief as I have, you'd know that for a fight.
00:31:00You hold your noise.
00:31:01When I want flattery from you, I'll ask for it.
00:31:03Don't you be raising your voice in company.
00:31:05Even if it had been to tell the truth.
00:31:07Who isn't speaking the truth?
00:31:08And what do you know about the truth anyway?
00:31:10I used to be acquainted with her before I was married.
00:31:13Please, please.
00:31:14You mean you found the house through us?
00:31:16But that was a wonderful move.
00:31:18Oh, I've done many a one like that.
00:31:20Well, what are we going to do now?
00:31:22Ah, there's no hurry.
00:31:23I don't want to be going down there while Barclay's about.
00:31:27Is that the doctor?
00:31:28That's him.
00:31:29And if he was to recognise me, things might get ugly.
00:31:33Well, you never know.
00:31:34There might be murder.
00:31:37Who of?
00:31:38Would you like some more coffee, sir?
00:31:39No, thank you.
00:31:41Well, I don't care.
00:31:43I'm not going to leave us out of it now.
00:31:44All right.
00:31:45Have it your own way.
00:31:46I'll call for you in my car.
00:31:48After lunch will do.
00:31:49What, you're going to wait till then?
00:31:51I am.
00:31:52And I reckon it'll be night time before we start any dirty work.
00:31:55Oh, but why wait till then?
00:31:57It'll be too dark to see it.
00:32:02Do you know what we got last night, Miller?
00:32:04Yeah, what?
00:32:05One of our best hauls for months.
00:32:08Van Bergen's sung bars.
00:32:11You'd best stay in the car.
00:32:14Because there may be danger.
00:32:15You can come with me.
00:32:17Oh, thanks.
00:32:19You'd best stay in the car.
00:32:21Because there may be danger.
00:32:23You can come with me.
00:32:24Oh, thanks.
00:32:48You'd best stay in the car.
00:32:50Because there may be danger.
00:32:51You can come with me.
00:32:53Because there may be danger.
00:32:54You can come with me.
00:32:56Because there may be danger.
00:32:57You can come with me.
00:32:59Because there may be danger.
00:33:00You can come with me.
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00:36:29Because there may be danger.
00:36:30You can come with me.
00:36:32Because there may be danger.
00:36:33You can come with me.
00:36:35Because there may be danger.
00:36:36You can come with me.
00:36:38Because there may be danger.
00:36:39You can come with me.
00:36:40I'll get my chauffeur.
00:36:41Go and get him.
00:36:44Nice, cozy little place you've got here.
00:36:58Most appropriate for a bachelor's home.
00:37:00Very, considering it was once occupied by monks.
00:37:03Yes, and I think there's still some monkey business goes on here.
00:37:08I can tell by the atmosphere.
00:37:11I'm sorry, but I don't keep a monkey.
00:37:15It may be the cat.
00:37:18On its way out of the bag.
00:37:21Now, if you're a wise little man, you'll try no tricks with me, Mr. Whatever-you-call-yourself.
00:37:26I should hope not, indeed.
00:37:27I believe in straightforward methods.
00:37:29My name is Pie.
00:37:30Why, you look out, or it'll be mud pie.
00:37:32Now, be quiet, will you?
00:37:33It's no use.
00:37:34Your visitor was stressed to this house last night.
00:37:37I had none.
00:37:38What is this inquisition, Pie?
00:37:39I believe he doesn't know a thing about it.
00:37:41I don't know.
00:37:42He looks a bit fishy to me.
00:37:43A thing about what?
00:37:44How dare you enter my house under false pretenses and call me fishy?
00:37:47Now, hold on.
00:37:48If you're an honest man, so are we.
00:37:50Yes, but only if.
00:37:52Come on.
00:37:53How long have you been here?
00:37:54Who are you, Pie?
00:37:55I'll tell you that in a minute.
00:37:56Yes, you first.
00:37:57Well, I've been here about three months.
00:37:59My brother left me the house.
00:38:00Just as it stands, furnished and all that?
00:38:03He died intestate.
00:38:04That must have been very painful.
00:38:05Shut up.
00:38:06Well, I don't want the place.
00:38:07But these people, the servants.
00:38:09Oh, they were here when I came.
00:38:10Mr. and Mrs. Cream.
00:38:12They look a bit curdled to me.
00:38:15So you kept them on, did you?
00:38:16Yes, they wanted me to.
00:38:17I'll bet they did.
00:38:25Who are you?
00:38:27The gentleman in search, Geoffrey Young.
00:38:29Don't mind me.
00:38:30I'm just obeying orders.
00:38:32What orders?
00:38:33How should I know?
00:38:34That's what I'm here to receive.
00:38:35Well, that's who I am, and that's why we're here.
00:38:37Good gracious.
00:38:38Do you know of any secret hiding places in the house?
00:38:40None whatever.
00:38:41Well, you better get busy and find one.
00:38:43I'll do that.
00:38:44But you've got to help me all you can.
00:38:45Indeed I will.
00:38:46Do you think I'd allow my house to serve as a thieves' depository?
00:38:48Well, it does.
00:38:49And there's one very important bag in it.
00:38:51Wait a moment.
00:38:52Do you ever hear of a man named Barkley?
00:38:54Why, yes.
00:38:55My brother was in business with him.
00:38:56Ah, well, now we're getting to it.
00:38:58Maybe your brother didn't know what he was doing.
00:39:01We won't go so far as to say that he was in the game with Barkley.
00:39:03No, but he's dead.
00:39:04Perhaps that's why he's dead.
00:39:06Leave it.
00:39:08I tell you, I was followed.
00:39:11That means someone has been talking.
00:39:13Pi may know something.
00:39:14Pi knows nothing.
00:39:15He's our greatest safeguard.
00:39:17Who is going to suspect a house with Pi in it?
00:39:19He may have found out.
00:39:20You'd better deal with him like you did with his brother.
00:39:22Bump him off.
00:39:23Don't talk like that.
00:39:24I don't care for that sort of language.
00:39:26He means let Pi in.
00:39:28I don't care for that sort of language.
00:39:30He means let Pi have heart failure like his brother had.
00:39:33Well, we'll see.
00:39:35You can get back there, Miller, and keep your ears open.
00:39:37Very good.
00:39:38And mind you do.
00:39:41But don't you see, if I force Cream to give up the bag,
00:39:43it'll become a police matter.
00:39:45Well, get the vase first and tell the police afterwards.
00:39:47But how are you going to find out where he keeps his vases?
00:39:49Well, I've an idea I might have.
00:39:51Mr. Pi, you must help.
00:39:52With all my heart.
00:39:53Oh, I'm so ashamed of Cream.
00:39:55Well, never mind that.
00:39:56Now, this is what we'll do.
00:39:58Here he comes.
00:39:59So inform him like I told you.
00:40:02Oh, Cream, I haven't told you before,
00:40:04but I'm thinking of selling the house.
00:40:06These gentlemen have come down to look over it.
00:40:09All right, then we'll see the place.
00:40:10It is lucky I brought my agent with me.
00:40:13I say it's lucky I brought you with me.
00:40:15Oh, am I?
00:40:16Yes, yes, very.
00:40:18Ah, and here's my niece.
00:40:19Come in, my dear.
00:40:20Meet Mr. Pi.
00:40:21How do you do?
00:40:22How do you do?
00:40:23Did Kelly tell you about it?
00:40:24Yes, Uncle.
00:40:25I'd love to see over the house.
00:40:26Shall we see the grounds first?
00:40:28Come on, then.
00:40:29We'll do that.
00:40:30I wonder now, could this well have anything to do with it?
00:40:56They wouldn't keep the stuff down there, would they?
00:40:58Well, it's odd, though.
00:40:59You notice the strength of that rock?
00:41:01Yes, and it's a pretty hefty bucket.
00:41:04Mr. Pi, do you use this well at all?
00:41:07Only in emergencies, I believe.
00:41:09I don't know whether there's any water in it.
00:41:12Well, perhaps we can find that out.
00:41:16Deep, isn't it?
00:41:23Yes, I heard it plop.
00:41:26Well, that seems all right, then.
00:41:35What do you think you're doing?
00:41:36Why, what are you doing?
00:41:38Testing the paneling.
00:41:39Yes, so am I.
00:41:40What for?
00:41:41I don't know.
00:41:42I thought you did.
00:41:49Well, there's a mighty fine fireplace here, anyway.
00:41:51Yes, but I don't think we should find it this way.
00:41:53There are plenty of other ways, yet.
00:41:55Maybe Kelly has something to tell us.
00:41:56Go and see if you can find him, will you?
00:42:00Don't be shouting.
00:42:01Find him, I say.
00:42:02Oh, yes.
00:42:04They've been routing around the place the whole afternoon.
00:42:06Sounds queer.
00:42:07We'd better go and let the boss know.
00:42:08You bet I will.
00:42:09And come back and tell us what he says.
00:42:11I'll attend to it right away.
00:42:13Did you watch him all the time?
00:42:14I did.
00:42:15He was asleep for the most of it.
00:42:16Well, I'll give Cream a bit of rope.
00:42:18I'll clear out for a while.
00:42:19You will?
00:42:20But what about my sister?
00:42:21I'll take her with me.
00:42:23And you can pretend to be noting down the dilapidations.
00:42:25You mean you want me and Pi to watch Cream?
00:42:27Every minute.
00:42:29With only you and Pi about the place,
00:42:30he'll feel safe to do anything.
00:42:31Oh, will he?
00:42:32Well, I know I would.
00:42:52I'm not going to let him out of my sight.
00:42:53Oh, surely he wouldn't do anything between courses.
00:42:55That's just what he might do.
00:42:56But you must have your food.
00:42:57You'll never get through dinner.
00:42:58All right.
00:42:59I'll do that at the same time.
00:43:27Well, Millersby, he's got to get the bag with the Countess
00:43:29of Hampshire's jewelry in it.
00:43:31The boss is coming down later.
00:43:32I think he's still in the kitchen.
00:43:34Well, he'll stay there as long as we stand about in the open.
00:43:36Take cover and watch.
00:43:40Who is?
00:43:41I think I hear him coming.
00:43:42Well, don't stand there hissing.
00:43:43Scatter and see where he goes.
00:43:45I know as much about detective work as you do.
00:43:47Don't argue.
00:44:11Oh, Hiya.
00:44:13I've just been admiring the sunset.
00:44:16The sunset four hours ago.
00:44:19But it was very beautiful at the time.
00:44:21Blood-red sunsets, bold, no good.
00:44:37What are you doing here?
00:44:39Has something happened?
00:44:41No, no, no, no. I've just seen to these dilapidations.
00:44:45There are a lot of nasty marks on these stairs.
00:44:48I know what's done them.
00:44:52The death beetle.
00:44:54The death... the death beetle?
00:44:58Has it?
00:45:05I'll go and see if they've discovered anything.
00:45:08You'd best drive the car just round the corner.
00:45:09Very good, sir.
00:45:11Well, now, it's only a matter of patience. He's bound to give it away.
00:45:14Yes, he'll give it to you.
00:45:15And when he does, come out here on the drive and whistle.
00:45:18I'll be waiting.
00:45:19I'll do my best. It may not be easy.
00:45:21Why, can't you whistle?
00:45:22Yes, I suppose enough.
00:45:24Well, that's all right, then. Let him hear us going.
00:45:27Good night, Mr. Pye.
00:45:28Oh, good night.
00:45:29Good night, Mr. Pye.
00:45:30Good night for all you've done.
00:45:31Yes, you've been very kind.
00:45:33Well, they've gone for tonight, anyhow.
00:45:35About time, too.
00:45:42Where's Miller now?
00:45:43Waiting outside by the well, as usual.
00:45:44I'll go and send the bag up to him when he gives me the signal.
00:45:47But I've got to make sure where Pye is first.
00:45:49I'll have another creep round and see if I can spot him.
00:46:19Hold it.
00:46:25Hold it!
00:46:41She's up to something.
00:46:43Come on.
00:46:47There's talking, someone!
00:47:18I don't know.
00:47:19I don't know.
00:47:20I don't know.
00:47:21I don't know.
00:47:22I don't know.
00:47:23I don't know.
00:47:24I don't know.
00:47:25I don't know.
00:47:26I don't know.
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00:47:29I don't know.
00:47:30I don't know.
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00:47:38I don't know.
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00:48:27I don't know.
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00:48:29I don't know.
00:48:30I don't know.
00:48:31I don't know.
00:48:32I don't know.
00:48:33I don't know.
00:48:34I don't know.
00:48:35I don't know.
00:48:36I don't know.
00:48:37I don't know.
00:48:38I don't know.
00:48:39I don't know.
00:48:40I don't know.
00:48:41I don't know.
00:48:42I don't know.
00:48:43I don't know.
00:48:44I don't know.
00:48:46Any idea why it's so quiet?
00:48:48Sir, there's a man at the well.
00:48:52Watching the window together.
00:48:54I terribly wish I'd done that before.
00:48:56What's the matter with you?
00:48:58There's a man at the well.
00:49:00A man at the well.
00:49:02You're right.
00:49:03Go and help Kelly with that woman.
00:49:05Blind her up, and don't let her make a sound.
00:49:07Tell him why to put her.
00:49:09Bath Brick?
00:49:11Yes, sir?
00:49:12There's a man at the well.
00:49:13Where is?
00:49:14What the hell?
00:49:15Bung him up.
00:49:17I bunged?
00:49:18I bunged.
00:49:20This is very unusual treatment to a woman.
00:49:22Yes, more is the pity.
00:49:23But we've made the most of it.
00:49:25Come with me.
00:49:28without telling them what you saw the other day,
00:49:31were more questions to be had.
00:49:33Well, you've got no fear of it at all.
00:49:35I'm sure it was.
00:49:37I'm sure it wasn't anything special.
00:49:40But why is it there?
00:49:42No sign of the strange look on Jill's face,
00:49:44or of any other accounts of what we saw the other day.
00:49:47It was a false mystical power.
00:49:50Or, perhaps it was,
00:49:51whose intent was the
00:49:52creepy surveillance of her diary.
00:49:55Now, the holy saints be with us, for that man is the devil himself.
00:50:14Oh, surely not.
00:50:15I believe it, for he comes and goes like an evil spirit.
00:50:18We must go and tell your master he's about again now.
00:50:21We will, but me nerves are all shaking.
00:50:23You haven't got a little drop of neat whiskey handy.
00:50:25No, no, there's no time for that now.
00:50:27Oh, don't take me long, sir.
00:50:29No, no.
00:50:30There you are, my boy-o.
00:50:32Now, you can wait there.
00:50:33It'll call for her.
00:50:34Though maybe there's no need to tell you that.
00:50:36Now, that's fixed him up nicely.
00:50:38Where's your sister?
00:50:39I sent her to watch the drive.
00:50:40Good, because there may be others about.
00:50:42Yes, but where's that bag?
00:50:44Well, somewhere down that well, I should think.
00:50:45Yes, there must be some other way down that well.
00:50:48Who's that?
00:50:49What's the matter?
00:50:50We've just seen Creed.
00:50:51He's come from wherever he's been.
00:50:52Where's that?
00:50:53I don't know, sir.
00:50:55Then let's go to the well.
00:50:56Who's giving orders here?
00:50:57They are.
00:50:59Go on, then, to the well.
00:51:00Come on.
00:51:01Miller's gone off with that bag of stuff.
00:51:02All right, but there's something up.
00:51:03Who's this man called here today?
00:51:04Don't know.
00:51:05Well, let's go through the stock.
00:51:06Pi's about outside somewhere.
00:51:07He's not indoors.
00:51:08If he's too inquisitive, he'll get what his brother got.
00:51:10Come on, you fellas.
00:51:11Come on.
00:51:12Come on.
00:51:13Come on.
00:51:14Come on.
00:51:15Come on.
00:51:16Come on.
00:51:17Come on.
00:51:19He's not indoors.
00:51:20Kelly, your way back, and keep a lookout.
00:51:28I will, sir.
00:51:30Now, we know this well leads to the hiding place.
00:51:35But there was water in here this morning.
00:51:36Oh, but maybe that was just a fake.
00:51:38Of course, we can find the hiding place on the other way in.
00:51:40You mean you'll get in the bucket and be lowered?
00:51:42Well, yes.
00:51:43One of us.
00:51:44Whichever one is chosen.
00:51:45That's a good idea.
00:51:46It's a very rash enterprise, going down a well.
00:51:48When you go, bravo, I knew you'd want to.
00:51:50No, I don't mind staying and working the pulley for you to go.
00:51:53But it's your house, you know the way.
00:51:54Now, come on, make up your minds, because we're in a hurry.
00:51:57If you went, you could get your bag.
00:51:58That doesn't matter, so long as you find the other way in.
00:52:01Still, you may as well bring my bag if you find it.
00:52:03I described it as getting the bucket.
00:52:05And while you're about it, you can take this other bag back.
00:52:07No, no.
00:52:12That's right, hold tight and don't wobble.
00:52:14And if there's no way out, we'll pull you up again.
00:52:16No, take me out now. I don't like it.
00:52:20Don't strut like that. You've got to go quietly.
00:52:23Well, easy now. Not too fast.
00:52:25No, we don't want to break the bucket.
00:52:43Oh, my goodness.
00:52:45Is he down?
00:52:46He's not only down, he's out.
00:52:48Even feel the bucket. Feel.
00:53:00He must have found a way in.
00:53:02Be assured the bucket's light.
00:53:05Wind it up a bit more.
00:53:07Well, he's not in it now unless he's lost weight.
00:53:16Oh, Horace!
00:53:21Pie in his room?
00:53:22No, not a sign of him.
00:53:24There'd better not be.
00:53:26Jacobs, you keep watch outside. Come on.
00:53:30What do I do to Pie if I see him?
00:53:33Knock him out and bring word.
00:53:41Come with me, Cream.
00:53:43Come with me, Cream. You two wait here.
00:54:08Oh, mercy!
00:54:10You! You rat! How did you get down here?
00:54:12I declined to say. How dare you be in my house?
00:54:15You little swine!
00:54:22If you'll tell me all you know...
00:54:24I implore you.
00:54:25I'll give you ten seconds.
00:54:27One, two, three, four...
00:54:39What was that?
00:54:40Davies! Davies! Come down here!
00:54:46About four of them. I saw where they went.
00:54:48Come on, then. Good Lord! That means I've got Pie.
00:54:50Look out! There's one by the front door now.
00:54:53Well, we don't want any alarm, so we'll go in by the back door.
00:55:05Now, where was he?
00:55:07Over here.
00:55:11They pressed something somewhere here, and this wall opened.
00:55:14Good Lord! Let's see.
00:55:16You guard the front door. Right.
00:55:19I'll take this with me.
00:55:29Now, what do you think of that?
00:55:41Stay there. If you move an inch, you'll get it.
00:55:45Well, what the hell are you standing there for?
00:55:48Get the truth out of him.
00:55:50That was fine work with the palker. It gives me an idea.
00:55:53Yes. Give me that gun.
00:55:55Oh, sorry.
00:55:56Kelly, where the devil have you been?
00:55:58Come here now. You're just in time.
00:56:01Now, listen. I'm going to rescue Mr. Pie if I can.
00:56:04And I think I know how we can deal with these boys.
00:56:07Give me that gun.
00:56:08There are ways of making you tell. Better save yourself the trouble.
00:56:10I've nothing to disclose.
00:56:12How did you get down here?
00:56:13I told you, by the well.
00:56:14Oh, get a mat and singe him. He'll soon tell.
00:56:16No, no. You've done the whole set of swine.
00:56:18Here, try this.
00:56:20Put him up, Deladivier.
00:56:25Mr. Pie, will you kindly relieve the gentlemen of their firearms?
00:56:28Yes, my gad.
00:56:31Keep your hands up, sir.
00:56:38Go on. Up you go.
00:56:40Now, take it easy there. Wait your turn.
00:56:42Go on. Pass along.
00:56:45Go on. Get a move on there.
00:56:49Don't be looking at me. Look where you're going.
00:56:52Now, go on in front there.
00:57:05Go on. Take it easy now.
00:57:11Take your turn.
00:57:14Go on there. Get a move on.
00:57:24Come on, Mr. Pie.
00:57:29What the hell are you doing?
00:57:40Wait, sir. There's a copper outside.
00:57:42Oh, I'll see him.
00:57:43You will not, sir. I only knew he was here from seeing him leave.
00:57:46A copper? Quick, I must get my bag.
00:57:48Right. Well, you go below there and get it.
00:57:49Right, John, but don't let these fellas come too.
00:57:51I'll see to that. Kelly, you get the car.
00:57:53And you go with him, please.
00:57:54And Kelly, take Mr. Pie's guns and put them in the car.
00:57:56They'll be wanted as evidence.
00:57:58And Mr. Pie, you stay by me.
00:57:59And Kelly. Sir.
00:58:00If the police come, maybe we'll have to smuggle that bag away.
00:58:02So, you get the car and back it down by the well.
00:58:04I will, sir. Can't I wait with you?
00:58:06And me have to explain to Mr. Pie.
00:58:07Steady now, my boy. Oh, take it easy.
00:58:37It's only your car. I can't see any policeman yet.
00:58:39No, but he'll have a time finding that bag.
00:58:41I can't help that.
00:58:42Yes, you can, Mr. Pie. Sit down there and give him a hand.
00:58:44What? Down in that place again?
00:58:45Yes, please. And when you find the bag, put it in the bucket.
00:58:48I'm not going in that bucket again.
00:58:49The bag, I said. And quickly, please,
00:58:51or we'll be having trouble here in a minute.
00:59:08Oh! Oh, sorry.
00:59:10Oh, sorry, Mr. Pie.
00:59:12Not at all. Are you all right now?
00:59:14Yes. Well, listen, my bag must be somewhere here.
00:59:16So, keep on looking out which way and we'll find it.
00:59:21You all right?
00:59:25Kelly, stand in by at the well.
00:59:27Get your bag in the bucket.
00:59:29The police may be here at any moment.
00:59:32I can't hear you.
00:59:33Quiet, please. Now, then.
00:59:35I'm telling you to hustle. Have you found it?
00:59:38Yes, we've found it.
00:59:39Look, we'll bring it that way.
00:59:41All right, then. Bring it up.
00:59:44Mother of Moses, what was that?
00:59:47Cream, Cream, Cream.
00:59:50Rouse yourself. Rouse yourself.
00:59:53Rouse yourself.
00:59:55The police are coming.
00:59:56Quick. Quick and find your wife.
00:59:58We've all got to get out of this.
01:00:00Quicker. What's the matter with you?
01:00:01I think something fell on my head.
01:00:05One of them must have come, too. You went too easy with the poker.
01:00:07Well, let me try again.
01:00:08It's too late now. They've got us trapped.
01:00:10I must get myself out of here. Where's the well?
01:00:11What well? What well?
01:00:13Where is it? You've been using it.
01:00:14Here. Over here.
01:00:16We can't get out by the well.
01:00:17We can. Kelly's above there. We can go up in the bucket.
01:00:22Oi, above there.
01:00:26Oi, above there.
01:00:27Pull up, can't you?
01:00:29This bag of yours weighs a ton.
01:00:31No, it doesn't. It's quite light.
01:00:32Then pull on it and feel the weight.
01:00:36Come on, push from below.
01:00:37Come on, put it down.
01:00:39Come on, push.
01:00:40Come on, there.
01:00:43Well, if they can't pull me, maybe they can you.
01:00:45Or me. Let me go first.
01:00:46All right. No, no, him, because he's a little man.
01:00:48Then he can lend Kelly a hand without...
01:00:50Yes, that's right.
01:00:51Go on, get into the bucket.
01:00:52Get into the bucket.
01:00:54Come on, way above there.
01:00:55Go on, up.
01:00:58Finish. Finish.
01:00:59Come on, boys.
01:01:00Now, that's easier now.
01:01:02Oh, good. That'll be the bag. Pull it up.
01:01:13Stand above it, Mr. Poirier.
01:01:14Why have you come up this way?
01:01:16Quick, help me out.
01:01:17We've got to pull the others up, too.
01:01:19Because they're entrapped.
01:01:20Good heavens.
01:01:21Then hurry and get them back the bucket.
01:01:31No, me next.
01:01:32No, me with my bag. That's what you're here for.
01:01:34Who's that?
01:01:35You? Did they get you, too?
01:01:37Yes, but I got their guns.
01:01:39They're ours. Give them to me.
01:01:40Oh, boy. Where's the jewelry?
01:01:42I don't know. They knocked me out.
01:01:44They've called the police in, and we've got to quit.
01:01:47Yes, get busy.
01:01:48Come on, Jacob.
01:01:50The bucket will soon be back for you.
01:01:52Well, then, why doesn't it be heisted?
01:01:54Kelly, will you pull?
01:01:55And you, too, Pye.
01:01:56Go on, pull, Pye.
01:02:01Hey, there's one of the swine trying to pinch the cab.
01:02:05Escape me never.
01:02:08Oh, it's no good. We can't pull it up.
01:02:10Look, I've given you an idea.
01:02:13What are you going to do with that?
01:02:15Never mind. Give me some slack.
01:02:16What? Oh.
01:02:21Tiffany, what have you done that for?
01:02:23Who got her with the roller?
01:02:24What? Who?
01:02:31Now what are you going to do?
01:02:33Hide in the back of the car.
01:02:35Oh, curse it. They're not there.
01:02:36They may have been colored by the gang.
01:02:38Good Lord, and Jane's there, too.
01:02:41Well, come on. Give them another signal.
01:02:43Both on the rope here. Pull.
01:02:51Dash it. Come off the pulley.
01:02:53Not all of it. There's still something at the other end.
01:02:57Brace yourselves. We've all got to get to the car.
01:02:59Which level have you been?
01:03:00I was hit on and assaulted.
01:03:02All dressed up like a fowl, she was.
01:03:03No nice time you took finding me.
01:03:04We must get a move on. They've sent for the cops.
01:03:06Well, lend a hand, can't you?
01:03:08Where's Miller? He was here just now.
01:03:09What did I expect?
01:03:15That's the best of being a sailor's daughter.
01:03:18Oh, damnation. Take it.
01:03:20If only I could burst my way through that blasted fireplace.
01:03:29I wonder if they're in the bucket.
01:03:31We'd better go back in case not.
01:03:35Oh! Oh!
01:03:38Saints alive, if they can pull that hard, they can take us both.
01:03:40No, no, no, you can't.
01:03:41It's all right. You'll be all right. Hold tight.
01:03:43It's all right now. You're squashing my back to a pulp.
01:03:46Pull up there.
01:03:47No, no.
01:04:00Oh, mother of Mike, we're up.
01:04:03Where are you?
01:04:04Here I am.
01:04:05Are you all right?
01:04:06I think so. I can't quite see.
01:04:09Yes, I'm all right now.
01:04:11Where's my bag?
01:04:12It's in your hand.
01:04:13Oh, come on.
01:04:25Don't shove him in there anywhere.
01:04:27Get out of the way, Jacobs.
01:04:28I'll drive. You don't know what you're doing.
01:04:31Grand work, Miss Jane, but I expect they've got away.
01:04:33Not yet. Listen, they must still hear that car.
01:04:38Nip in and we'll follow them.
01:04:39No, no, the job's done and you've got your bag. It's over now.
01:04:42You've got to get that gang and you shall. Come on.
01:04:44But we've had them once. That's enough.
01:04:46Don't waste time. Get in.
01:04:47You're a peach of a girl. Go on, get in. Do as you're told.
01:04:49Go on with you. Inside the car. Away.
01:04:58I can see them.
01:04:59So can I. Just behind them we are.
01:05:02Yes, but don't get too close.
01:05:19They're coming.
01:05:27Keep your foot on it now. Don't lose sight of them.
01:05:29Oh, goodness.
01:05:57Come on.
01:06:29I'm going to take my bath to somewhere safe.
01:07:37Hello, Taylor, my boy.
01:07:38Now, get back.
01:07:39Mr Fitzpatrick?
01:07:41No, just be picking up these other gentlemen and I'll tell you all about it.
01:07:49Oh, we've had a grand night. Just like old times.
01:07:52I've enjoyed every minute of it.
01:07:53Well, you haven't changed very much, sir.
01:07:55And when you're phoning up Scotland Yard,
01:07:56Tell him to send Inspector Morse out of his bed.
01:07:59I can't tell him to do that, sir.
01:08:00Ah, tell him from me, and have young McHale there as well.
01:08:03He deserves a pat on the back.
01:08:05And we'll show him the bee that's in my bonnet,
01:08:07together with where he can put his hands
01:08:08on a mighty fine store of honey.
01:08:10I think you better tell him that yourself, sir.
01:08:11I'll do that.
01:08:12I'll be at the station in a minute.
01:08:13But you might prepare him for it,
01:08:15with the compliments of his old friend, Fluky Pat.
01:08:27Well, my bunny, you've got your pot back at last.
01:08:29Yes, thanks to you, sir.
01:08:31Oh, you didn't do too badly yourself, my boyo.
01:08:33Oh, I did nothing, really.
01:08:35Well, perhaps you're right.
01:08:36We won't argue about that.
01:08:38Well, let's drink to our success and the return of the vase.
01:08:41The sung vase.
01:08:42The sung vase.
01:08:48Now then, let's put it safely back in its little iron box.
01:08:52Yes, and thank goodness for that.
01:08:54That's the boyo.
