• last year


00:00Today, we're building four secret rooms in one color.
00:03We've built a bunch of secret rooms in the past,
00:05so this time, we wanted to challenge ourselves
00:07by limiting each room to only one color.
00:10These rooms will literally be impossible to find,
00:12and we're so confident about that,
00:14we challenged secret room veteran Salish Matter and her dad
00:17to find all four rooms in one hour.
00:19And if she succeeds, we'll give her complete control
00:21of our YouTube channel for an entire week
00:23to post anything she wants.
00:24And her dad, too, I guess.
00:26This could be bad.
00:27We only have one hour before she gets here,
00:28so we need to hurry up and find our secret rooms.
00:30Go, go, go, go, go, go!
00:32Okay, so everyone has to build a secret room in their color,
00:35and mine is blue.
00:36Wait, this couch is perfect.
00:38I can remove the cushions,
00:39use the space underneath it to build my secret room.
00:42Check it out.
00:43This is way too small.
00:45Maybe I could have fit in here five years ago.
00:47Let's just look for another spot.
00:50Meanwhile, Tanner and Allen were starting their search outside.
00:54Oh, perfect! Red!
00:56Okay, so I can build my secret room
00:58in one of these red TNT barrels.
01:00There's no way she wants to be near all of these explosives.
01:03You can't fit in that, Tanner.
01:05I literally have the hardest color,
01:07so I'm gonna have to be really creative
01:08in where I build my secret room.
01:10Wait, a coffin!
01:11What if I put this against that wall,
01:13cut out the back of the coffin,
01:15and use that as a headed entrance to a secret room?
01:21Okay, I'm gonna need some help.
01:23Tanner, can you help me?
01:25Hurry, come on!
01:26I'm coming, Allen!
01:30Why didn't he just go around?
01:33We're running out of time.
01:35Now push it.
01:36Pick it up, pick it up.
01:37Thank you, Tanner.
01:39You know what?
01:40I feel like a casket in the middle of nowhere
01:42is really obvious.
01:43I'm gonna have to do a lot better
01:44since Salish is an expert at finding secret rooms
01:46since she's built so many.
01:47Let's go.
01:48So luckily for me,
01:49we have a bunch of different colored rooms.
01:51We have one for red, yellow,
01:53and the green room.
01:55There are two mattresses here,
01:56so I could cut a hole in this bottom mattress,
01:59load my secret room there,
02:00and cover myself with the top.
02:02Can you even breathe, Zach?
02:04No, there's no air in there.
02:06I will not be able to last.
02:07Let's keep looking.
02:08Meanwhile, Salish and her dad
02:10were just now arriving at the store.
02:11All right, we're at the store,
02:12and we're gonna buy some tools
02:13to help us find those secret rooms.
02:14Let's go.
02:15Okay, Dad, first we need a baseball bat
02:17because we need to break down the walls.
02:19You're gonna break walls?
02:20Come on, come on, come on.
02:21Oh, I like this one. It says pink.
02:22Let me try it.
02:23Try it.
02:24No, whoa, whoa, stop!
02:25Salish, save it until we get there.
02:26No, Dad, give it to me.
02:27You can't do this to Target.
02:28Just, okay.
02:30Back at the house,
02:31I stumbled across an interesting location
02:32for my blue secret room.
02:35This might sound crazy,
02:36but what if I actually build
02:37my secret room inside the pool?
02:39It's blue, and it would be hidden underwater.
02:41This is perfect.
02:42I'm gonna grab my tools and get to work.
02:44While I was two steps ahead,
02:45Alan was struggling to find
02:46even anything in the color gray.
02:49Oh, my God, the fridge!
02:51It's also gray!
02:52What if I move the fridge,
02:53build a secret room behind it,
02:55and cover it up with more cabinets?
02:57Let's get to work.
03:02Could you help me?
03:03I'm here.
03:04All right, we're gonna pull on three, okay?
03:06One, two, three, pull!
03:15That fridge isn't going anywhere.
03:17I'm gonna keep looking.
03:20I have a better chance of finding
03:21a place for my secret room outside.
03:23Oh, look!
03:24This entire area is green,
03:25so I can build my secret room here.
03:27So my plan is to cut a giant hole in the grass,
03:29build my secret room underneath it,
03:31and cover it all up with a trapdoor.
03:34Let's get to work.
03:40This is taking way too long.
03:42Let's find a new spot.
03:43Meanwhile, I was already starting
03:45to build my secret room.
03:46So I have all the supplies here that I need.
03:48My plan is to extend the pool deck,
03:50build my secret room with that extra space,
03:52and then match the pool tiles
03:54with the outside of the room.
03:55Let's get started.
03:56I was making fast progress,
03:57but the other guys were still struggling
03:59to even find their secret rooms.
04:01I just realized something.
04:02Isn't the roof gray?
04:03All I have to do is find a ladder.
04:06Okay, I know there's an attic
04:07in the master room closet.
04:08I'm gonna go check if there's anything red
04:09up there I can use.
04:11Oh, my God, it's so pink in here.
04:12It's like Barbie pooped everywhere.
04:15Oh, perfect, the ladder.
04:18Okay, I gotta hurry.
04:19I'm running out of time.
04:22Oh, my God, there's so much room up here.
04:24Wait, is that red?
04:27Perfect, there's the ladder.
04:28Hold on.
04:29Everything's pink up here.
04:34There was a ladder there just a second ago.
04:37Where'd my ladder go?
04:38Help me!
04:40All right, let's see if I can build
04:41a secret room on the roof.
04:43Oh, shoot!
04:45Oh, shoot for you!
04:48The roof is red.
04:49I gotta look somewhere else.
04:50Oh, there's garlic!
04:51Somebody please help me!
04:54Looks like Tanner's gonna have to help himself.
04:56Anyways, back at the store,
04:57Salish and her dad were really getting prepared
04:59for their search.
05:00Oh, Dad, you need that.
05:01Let me show you something.
05:03Look at that.
05:04You didn't think, huh, for an old man?
05:05Look at that.
05:06Could you add, like, in post
05:07like a little extra muscle?
05:09Even I can do that.
05:10No, with these you can't.
05:13It's not bad.
05:14I mean, not my form, but not bad.
05:16But can Salish and her dad stand up to Tanner's muscles?
05:21I gotta hurry up!
05:22I'm running out of time!
05:23Tanner may have big muscles
05:24to support his big body weight,
05:26but he did waste a lot of time.
05:28I gotta hurry up.
05:29Everything's blue.
05:30Wait, the fireplace!
05:31What if I cut out the fireplace
05:33and use the space behind it
05:34to build my secret room?
05:37Whoa, whoa, whoa, Tanner!
05:38What are you doing?
05:39I'm building my secret room
05:40behind the fireplace.
05:41You're building my secret room
05:42behind the fireplace?
05:43Yeah, but fire's orange,
05:44and you're red.
05:46Yeah, look somewhere else.
05:47So, Tanner, look somewhere else.
05:49Oh, my God!
05:51This car is perfect!
05:52Let's get to work.
05:56Stop, stop, stop!
05:57What are you doing to my car?
05:59I'm red and the car's red,
06:00so I'm building my secret room in here.
06:01Dude, this car is worth a million dollars!
06:04Give me that.
06:05Go find somewhere else.
06:07Dang it!
06:08Unlike Tanner,
06:09Zach was actually making progress
06:10on where to build
06:11his secret room.
06:13I can build my secret room
06:14in the tree!
06:15A secret tree house!
06:16All I would have to do
06:17is build a box
06:18big enough for me
06:19to fit inside of,
06:20cover that up
06:21with fake leaves,
06:22and then put that
06:23inside the tree.
06:24Let's go!
06:26I was already almost done
06:27building my secret
06:28underwater room.
06:29This is what I'm gonna use
06:30as my secret room
06:31when I'm underwater.
06:32All I need to do now
06:33is finish matching
06:34these tiles
06:35with the pool tiles.
06:36Back inside the house,
06:37Tanner was starting
06:38to get frustrated
06:41Look somewhere else!
06:42I can't tell if anything's
06:43hollow or not!
06:44You can't fit in that, Tanner!
06:48I'm running out of time!
07:00Is there a secret room
07:01back here?
07:02Oh my god!
07:03I was right all along!
07:04I just gotta make
07:05the hole bigger!
07:07What's that sound?
07:09What the hell are you doing?
07:10I'm smashing a hole
07:11in your wall!
07:12But you didn't ask!
07:13Can I smash a hole
07:14in your wall?
07:19With not much time left,
07:20Alan was the only one
07:21who hadn't found
07:22his secret room
07:23since he kept having
07:24to help everyone else.
07:25So I just got done
07:26finishing the tiles
07:27to my secret room.
07:28All I need to do now
07:29is drop it in the pool!
07:31I need some help!
07:33Oh my god!
07:34So I need you guys
07:35to help me put this
07:36inside the pool.
07:40Oh my god!
07:41Doesn't it look sick?
07:43Dude, this is crazy!
07:44You guys need to go
07:45build your secret rooms
07:46because time is running out.
07:47But in order to start
07:48building our rooms,
07:49first, we needed to
07:50buy some supplies.
07:51Here's my credit card.
07:52You guys go to the store
07:53and buy anything you see
07:54in our colors.
07:55Alex is heading back
07:56to finish his secret room
07:57and I'm going to keep
07:58searching for mine.
07:59Sounds good!
08:00So Tanner and Zach
08:01rushed over to Home Depot
08:02to start their shopping.
08:03Since I'm building
08:04a secret tree house,
08:05I'm definitely going to
08:06put my weight.
08:07That's not going to
08:08hold you up, Zach.
08:09So I'm going to get
08:10some drywall to cover
08:11up the entrance
08:12to my secret room.
08:13Hey Zach, come here.
08:14I got you!
08:15I got you!
08:16Back at the house,
08:17Alan was starting
08:18to get desperate.
08:19There's literally a room
08:20for every single color
08:21except mine.
08:24Wait a minute.
08:25Gray is the combination
08:26of black and white.
08:27And my dog
08:28has black and white spots.
08:29What if I build
08:30a secret room out of...
08:32You know what?
08:33What am I even doing?
08:34I'm getting desperate.
08:36Tanner and Zach
08:37finished their shopping
08:38at Home Depot
08:39and headed to Target
08:40for more supplies.
08:41Look at all the options
08:42I have.
08:43It's not a secret room
08:44without snacks.
08:45Wait Tanner,
08:46you don't need
08:47all of this snack.
08:51Sorry, thank you.
08:52Besides getting yelled at
08:53by the Target employees,
08:54shopping was going
08:55really well
08:56until Tanner and Zach
08:57realized that they
08:58were shopping
08:59at the same Target
09:00as Salish and her dad.
09:01If they're going to eat,
09:02I may need snacks too
09:03because I know
09:04that we have a huge problem.
09:05Jordan and Salish
09:06are right over there
09:07and if they see us,
09:08they're going to know
09:09exactly what color to look for.
09:10We got to sneak out of here.
09:11I could use some gum.
09:12Yeah, you need that
09:13because his breath?
09:15While Tanner and Zach
09:16rushed home from Target,
09:17I got my swim gear on.
09:18All right,
09:19I'm going to check out
09:20how the inside
09:21of my secret room
09:22looks underwater.
09:23Whoa, this is so cool.
09:24I can fit
09:25so much stuff in here.
09:26All that's left to do now
09:27is to start
09:28customizing the inside.
09:29Lucky for us,
09:30the boys just came back
09:31from the store.
09:32But we have to hurry
09:33All right,
09:34I got a bunch of stuff
09:35in my color.
09:36I got to decorate
09:37my secret room quick.
09:39I have to finish
09:40cutting a hole in the wall
09:41so I can actually fit inside.
09:42Look at all the space
09:43I have in here.
09:44Just imagine
09:45when I'm done customizing it.
09:46Back outside,
09:47I was running into
09:48some minor
09:49technical difficulties.
09:50So right here,
09:51I have everything I need
09:52to customize
09:53my secret underwater room.
09:54On top of that,
09:55I also bought
09:56some waterproof gear.
09:57Let's do this.
09:58Not sure why
09:59I thought that was waterproof.
10:00Across the yard,
10:01Zach was using the wood
10:02from Home Depot
10:03to build his secret room.
10:04How's it look?
10:05Looks pretty cool, Zach.
10:06So the most important part
10:07about my secret room
10:08is I have to blend it in
10:09with the tree.
10:10So I have some branches
10:11and some fake leaves
10:12and that should
10:13camouflage me perfectly.
10:14She's never finding me.
10:15Hold on.
10:16I need to hurry up
10:17and decorate my room
10:18because she's going to be here
10:19any minute.
10:20And Zach wasn't lying
10:21because Salish and her dad
10:22were almost done shopping.
10:23I am not going to stop
10:24until I find them
10:25and I might need to take a nap
10:26so I'm getting a sleeping bag.
10:28I don't think I made that.
10:29Okay, Zach.
10:32you can't even lift these.
10:33Yes, I can.
10:34Let me see.
10:37I think we have everything
10:38we need to find them.
10:39Salish and her dad
10:40are only 15 minutes away
10:41and Alan still hasn't
10:42even found his secret room.
10:43So I'm the only one
10:44who hasn't found
10:45a secret room yet
10:46and they're already
10:47on their way.
10:50Did you guys hear that?
10:51That sounded hollow.
10:52I can build my secret room
10:53under the stairs
10:54and it's great.
10:55So Alan got to work
10:56cutting open the stairs.
10:58Moment of truth.
10:59In three,
11:02Oh my God.
11:04There's a lot more space
11:05in here than I thought.
11:06Imagine this place
11:07once I'm done customizing it.
11:09But Alan has some serious
11:10catching up to do
11:11because we were almost done
11:12building our secret rooms.
11:13I just finished
11:14installing my lights.
11:15Check this out.
11:18How sick that looks.
11:19So we quickly put
11:20the finishing touches
11:21on our rooms
11:22and now it's time
11:23for room tours.
11:24But we have to hurry
11:25because Salish and her dad
11:26are only 10 minutes away.
11:27I just got done
11:28customizing my secret room.
11:29I got to say
11:30I'm pretty proud.
11:31So we have the TV here.
11:32This gray painting
11:33and a disco ball.
11:34This Apple Vision Pro.
11:36This Star Wars helmet.
11:37And lastly we have
11:39a gray mini pig.
11:42Hey, hey, hey, hey.
11:45He is tearing up
11:46my secret room.
11:47No, no, no, no, no, no.
11:48Hey, he's got to go.
11:49Now I have to clean
11:50all this up.
11:51Now let's check out
11:52Zach's green secret room.
11:53Welcome to my secret triage.
11:55Got that Minecraft
11:56Creeper fridge.
11:57Baby Yoda.
11:59Let's get in.
12:00This triage
12:01is definitely
12:02secret room ready.
12:03You'll find out soon enough
12:04if Zach's room
12:05is actually ready
12:06because Salish and her dad
12:07are only 7 minutes away.
12:08These guys are going down.
12:09No way
12:10we're not finding them.
12:12If we control their channel
12:13first thing,
12:14they shave their heads.
12:15For sure.
12:16Now it's time
12:17for my blue room tour.
12:18So I just got done
12:19customizing inside
12:20of my secret underwater room.
12:21Let me give you guys
12:22a quick room tour.
12:23I have a blue race car here.
12:24A baseball bat
12:25in case I get bored.
12:26A new waterproof TV
12:27for my favorite movie
12:28and some blue Powerade
12:29for when I get thirsty.
12:30I can't believe
12:32I made my secret room
12:34And lastly,
12:35we have Tanner's room.
12:36I'm finally done
12:37customizing my red secret room.
12:38I got a bunch of snacks,
12:39a bean bag,
12:40and a TV.
12:41But I realize
12:42there's a big problem.
12:43If you look at the poster
12:44at a certain angle,
12:45you can see light
12:46coming through it.
12:47And if you remove the poster,
12:48there's a giant hole
12:49exposing the entrance
12:50to my secret room.
12:51So I'm going to cover up
12:52the hole
12:53with some red drywall.
12:55I'm stuck in here.
12:56For our final room tours,
12:57we needed to set up
12:58some decoys.
12:59They literally get here
13:00in under five minutes.
13:01So we're going to set up
13:02some traps and decoys
13:03to mess with them
13:04and waste their time.
13:05We're putting lights
13:06behind every painting
13:07so they think there's
13:08a secret room
13:09behind each of them.
13:10And we're also doing it
13:11under the couch
13:12and the fridge.
13:13We also have four
13:14additional secret rooms
13:15in one color
13:16to trick them
13:17into thinking
13:18we built our secret rooms
13:19in there
13:20and a special surprise
13:21in the guest house.
13:22The decoys were complete,
13:23but a couple of us
13:24ran into some
13:26which is 59 minutes
13:27shorter than I need to.
13:28I gotta figure something out.
13:29Alan also
13:30ran into a problem.
13:31My secret room
13:32really isn't secret
13:33with this giant hole.
13:34So I have to find a way
13:35to put these stairs
13:36back on
13:37to cover my entrance.
13:38Let's see if it works.
13:40Oh my God!
13:41All right,
13:42check it out, guys.
13:43I just found these
13:44portable oxygen tanks
13:45and I'm going to use them
13:46to breathe underwater.
13:47And for the last step,
13:48I just have to staple
13:49the carpets back on.
13:51She's never going to be able
13:52to find this secret room.
13:56We got here a little early.
13:57Let's go surprise them.
14:02Guys, they're here!
14:07Hurry, hurry, hurry!
14:09Guys, guys, come back here!
14:10Help me!
14:11Help, be careful!
14:15Come on, Alex!
14:16We are at the Stokes twins' house.
14:17We are going to find
14:18all four of those rooms
14:19no matter what it takes.
14:20Are you ready?
14:26Wait, wait, wait, Alex!
14:27Can you help me
14:28put these branches
14:29in front of my treehouse?
14:30You're going to get me caught!
14:32Run, Alex!
14:39Once Salish and her dad
14:40enter the house,
14:41they'll have exactly
14:42one hour to find us.
14:43You ready to do this?
14:44Yeah, let's go.
14:45Let's do it.
14:47FBI, open up!
14:50All right, let's look.
14:52Oh, this is my house.
14:53Look over here.
14:54Oh, okay.
15:00That's not anything, Dad.
15:01Wait a minute.
15:03Dad, we found it.
15:04I'm breaking it.
15:05You're not going to bash that,
15:06are you?
15:07I am.
15:08Oh, jeez, jeez, jeez.
15:09No, just...
15:10You're just bashing
15:11their wall in?
15:16It's easier.
15:20Open it up.
15:21Pull it back.
15:22Go in there.
15:24Dad, it's not a room.
15:25They tricked me.
15:26They tricked you?
15:27I think she just fell for the decoy.
15:28All right, let's keep looking.
15:29We're running out of time.
15:34This is really intense.
15:35I've seen secret rooms
15:36from stairs before,
15:37so I'm going to check here.
15:40Check every one of them, though.
15:41I am.
15:42Maybe they didn't do the stairs.
15:43No, they did, Dad.
15:44I don't know.
15:45This isn't really a color.
15:46No one's stairs.
15:47Oh, yeah, true.
15:49Come on.
15:50There's a lot of one colors.
15:51Dad, what about right here?
15:52That was way too close.
15:55Why are there chips?
15:57Are they eating my chips?
15:59I don't know.
16:01They must be close.
16:04Dad, they must be close.
16:06He's right, Allison.
16:07There's so many colors.
16:08Which one do I look for?
16:09Let's try yellow.
16:13Okay, Dad.
16:14Wouldn't this be considered a secret room?
16:16You have to have a secret entrance
16:17for a secret room.
16:20This is such a vibe.
16:22That is not a vibe.
16:23This is a vibe.
16:24Just wait.
16:25Oh, these are tight.
16:26How's my fit?
16:27Not it.
16:29That definitely wasted some time.
16:30In their last secret room video,
16:31you know what they did?
16:32In a closet,
16:33they had a secret room.
16:35Go check the closet.
16:36That looks like an animal closet.
16:37So did the other one.
16:38Dad, nothing's about to break.
16:39Do you know how good they are
16:40at making secret rooms?
16:41It looks just like a real room.
16:42That's what they do.
16:43Dad, this is not a secret room.
16:44They wouldn't have made something.
16:45I'm sure they did.
16:46Dad, come on.
16:47Let's go.
16:48You're making a mistake.
16:49This is perfect.
16:50It sounds like they're getting frustrated
16:51and they're going outside right now.
16:52I'm going downstairs.
16:53Davis, you actually made a mistake.
16:57No, Davis.
16:58We should go back.
16:59No, stop.
17:00I want to get back there.
17:01I'm stuck.
17:02Come on.
17:03Oh, my God.
17:04She drives me crazy.
17:05No, Daddy.
17:06I can't walk in here.
17:07Come on.
17:08Let's go outside.
17:10I got to get these.
17:11Please get these things off.
17:12Worst thing I've ever done in my life.
17:13They're right there.
17:14Okay, let's go.
17:15Come on.
17:16I sense that they're outside.
17:17Dad, we're running out of time.
17:21Don't get too close to that.
17:23Those are not real.
17:24Okay, but be careful just in case they are.
17:31I don't see her rooms.
17:32They fell for the TNT decoy.
17:34We got this in the bag.
17:35We found one.
17:36We got to find all four.
17:37Dad, we got to hurry up.
17:38Davis, you keep looking.
17:39I got to get this shoe off.
17:40That way?
17:42Go in there.
17:43Go in there.
17:44There's got to be something in there.
17:45Okay, let's look in here.
17:52Back out.
17:54I need you for that.
17:55I'm trying.
17:56This is worse than a ski boot.
17:57I can't get this thing off.
17:59It's over.
18:00What is it?
18:01Just go in.
18:02Go get it.
18:08I saw a pig.
18:09Are pigs like gentle?
18:14There's probably a secret room in here and we're too afraid because of the pigs.
18:17Yeah, there probably is.
18:18But I'm not going in there.
18:19I have a feeling there's one right under this carpet and the pigs are guarding it.
18:23Guys, I'm sorry.
18:24Please don't take this personally.
18:26I'm just going to look under here real quick, okay?
18:29I think I was wrong.
18:32Get me out of here.
18:33It's going to take me a minute to recover from that.
18:35You can't smell things through the TV.
18:39Our pigs managed to waste five minutes of Sailor's time.
18:41And she still hasn't found a single one of our rooms.
18:44It's right here.
18:45The trash can?
18:46Come here.
18:47Trash can as if they couldn't drill under it.
18:50There's ants.
18:52I'll just do it.
18:53Hold on.
19:00They're not there.
19:01It's just a lot of ants.
19:05Rinse your hands off in the pool.
19:07That's disgusting.
19:12Oh no.
19:13This isn't good.
19:16Should I push you?
19:17No, no, no.
19:19Let's go look inside.
19:20We've got to hurry up.
19:21Come on.
19:22We've got to hurry.
19:28I think I'm good.
19:29I'm going to swap this out.
19:32There's only so many secret rooms you can make.
19:34I've seen their videos.
19:35They did one under a couch.
19:36I'll bet you did it again.
19:37This is so obvious.
19:38One color.
19:43Good one, Tess.
19:45This one's good.
19:48They're not in here.
19:49Are you kidding?
19:50Another decoy.
19:51All right.
19:52I should be good now.
20:01Look around the tree.
20:02Oh no.
20:03I think they're back outside.
20:04Look back here.
20:05There could totally be a secret room right here.
20:08My socks got wet.
20:11There's a trail bar.
20:12And it was not here before.
20:13And there's an oxygen tank.
20:14What are they doing?
20:15Why aren't they leaving?
20:16Oh, it's wet.
20:17That means someone's hiding in the pool.
20:18You think so?
20:19Well, what's the one color?
20:20Well, the one color will be blue.
20:21Blue for the pool.
20:23All right.
20:24This is what we've got to do.
20:25One of us can go in there and actually find it.
20:27Don't actually.
20:30Oh my gosh.
20:31It's so cold.
20:32Your hair.
20:33Your hair.
20:34I'm so frustrated.
20:48I'm so frustrated with you right now.
20:49No, Dad.
20:53This doesn't feel like tile or brick.
20:54Let me feel it.
20:55This is so tight.
20:56Whoa, it feels like paper.
20:57This does not feel like paper.
20:58Then open it.
21:10I got it.
21:11I got it.
21:12I got it.
21:13I got it.
21:14I got it.
21:15I got it.
21:16My was supposed to be the best one.
21:17Get it.
21:18Your hiding spot was so easy.
21:19No, it was not.
21:20Yeah, it was.
21:21You left water on the table.
21:23That's how we found out.
21:24One down, three more to go.
21:25That was really easy.
21:26I got to get changed, I'm freezing.
21:28You took over.
21:29You're leaving me?
21:30The game is over, we're running out of time.
21:31Okay, where's the other person?
21:32Do you want to just like, tell me, make it quick?
21:33You don't want to just sit and talk about my hiding spot?
21:34No, I want to look for more spots.
21:36Do you want to help me, or should I just throw you back in?
21:39No, no, no, don't do that.
21:40I think I should throw you back in.
21:41Oh, do not do that!
21:41Oh, no!
21:43Well, let's go look.
21:45You're welcome.
21:46I actually can't believe I was the first one found.
21:49Even though Sailor's found me, she only has 30 minutes
21:52to find the rest of the boys.
21:53I've already found someone in blue,
21:55so let's check someone in green, maybe?
21:59I might as well just start breaking things,
22:01and hopefully they'll come out.
22:02Let's see.
22:04What can I break?
22:05Since I locked myself in here, I
22:06wasn't able to use the restroom before I closed up the hole.
22:09Now I need to go to the bathroom really badly.
22:11OK, let's check underneath the bed.
22:15Why is there a person?
22:17That's creepy!
22:18If you don't come out, I'm going to break your TV.
22:21That's like a $5,000 TV.
22:22Three, two, one.
22:25Come out wherever you are!
22:35Well, I think their TV might be broken.
22:38Let's check another room.
22:39I actually almost came out just now.
22:41There's no one in green, so let's try pink.
22:45Whoa, this room is so cool!
22:47I think she's checking the pink room right now.
22:49Hopefully she runs into one of the decoys
22:50that Allen set up there.
22:51There's LED lights under the bed,
22:53so maybe that means something.
22:56Nope, just some dirty socks.
22:58Somebody has to be behind here.
23:00Are you sure about that?
23:01How many decoys are there?
23:02OK, let's check in here.
23:04They're literally about to see the best decoy.
23:06OK, let's look in this room.
23:09There's a ladder, and there's LED lights.
23:13Dad, I need your help!
23:16I'm back!
23:18I got changed.
23:19Dad, why are you wearing the same exact thing?
23:22This is my look.
23:23It's all I have.
23:24OK, whatever.
23:24Hold this ladder.
23:25I want to go up.
23:27You found a secret room?
23:28Yeah, Dad, just hold the ladder.
23:29Is there anything up there?
23:33There's, like, a creepy skull!
23:36I got you.
23:37OK, OK, actually come down.
23:38Actually, hurry.
23:39I'm looking at it.
23:41Our decoy nod definitely wasted some of their time.
23:44But Sailor's better hurry, because she only has 20 minutes
23:46left to find the three remaining rooms.
23:48Just follow me.
23:49Why don't we go right outside?
23:50Follow, follow, follow, follow, follow.
23:51Wait for me!
23:52We have to start looking for colors, Say.
23:56Well, there's green on the ground.
23:57Over here, we found Alex.
23:59Now there's green.
24:00What about here?
24:01Hold on, look.
24:03Look, look at the bushes.
24:06Right here.
24:08There's something in there.
24:10What do you mean, something in there?
24:11It's, like, green.
24:13And, like, it's a room.
24:14It's for sure a room that is not a tree.
24:16How do we open it?
24:18That is good!
24:19Whoa, Dad, there are lights!
24:23Look, fake branch!
24:24I have a feeling it's a decoy, to be honest.
24:26No, this is not a decoy.
24:27There's water in there, too.
24:33Oh, yeah!
24:37You were in there for a long time.
24:39Two down, two more to go.
24:40Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
24:40Salish, I'm a huge fan of your channel.
24:42Oh, OK.
24:43I'm going to give you a hand.
24:45Go check in the back.
24:46OK, thanks!
24:47It's my channel.
24:48No one thinks that.
24:50Yeah, they don't anymore.
24:52What Salish didn't know was Zach was actually
24:54sending her toward another decoy.
24:56Look at this hay!
24:59There's someone in here I know of.
25:01Come on, hurry up!
25:02We're running out of time!
25:06Another decoy.
25:07He tricked us!
25:09I hate these things!
25:13Moving on.
25:14We got green.
25:15We got blue.
25:16What other colors would there be?
25:17Red, brown, white, black, lots of colors.
25:22While Salish and Jordan were outside,
25:23Tanner was getting a little too comfortable with his 50 mil
25:26celebration party.
25:27So I just checked the twins' YouTube channel,
25:28and they're about to hit 50 million subscribers.
25:31Only seven left.
25:32Come on, guys.
25:33I want to control their channel so bad.
25:35If I get to your channel, you have no idea what I'm going to do.
25:37First of all, I'm going to be so happy.
25:43We are going to post a lot on your channel.
25:45And you need to shave your head.
25:47One more!
25:48Come on!
25:54Check everywhere.
25:55We're running out of time.
25:56I have no idea.
25:57Where would they be?
26:01Let's go!
26:04Salish, did you hear that?
26:06I'll go check upstairs.
26:07No, I'm coming with you, actually.
26:11There's for sure something hiding behind here.
26:24I told you.
26:24Oh, no!
26:27This is either a really good decoy,
26:29or we're about to find the third person.
26:39Dad, look!
26:40It is so hot in there.
26:42I know.
26:43I'm dying.
26:43I need to go to the bathroom.
26:45Dang it.
26:45I knew I should have popped that confetti.
26:47Yeah, big mistake.
26:48Three down, one to go.
26:57We don't have a lot of time left,
26:58but we should look everywhere before we're done.
27:00Alan is the only one that Salish hadn't found yet.
27:03And Salish has no idea that his color is gray.
27:06I still think that there's something here.
27:10Dad, you're really messing that couch up.
27:12Well, I'm desperate.
27:13We don't have much time left.
27:14Let's check yellow again.
27:16We've already checked yellow.
27:17This is so annoying.
27:18I want to break this.
27:20Don't break computers.
27:21Oh, my gosh.
27:22I'm so annoyed.
27:25Do not break this.
27:26OK, I won't.
27:27OK, good.
27:28I said don't break it!
27:30After searching the entire house again, inside and out,
27:34Salish and her dad were starting to lose hope.
27:36All right, they have one minute left.
27:37Let me waste their time by giving them a false clue.
27:39Let me give you guys a hint.
27:41It's upstairs.
27:42Let's go.
27:42No, no, let's go up the other stairs.
27:45He wants us to go on the other stairs,
27:47so maybe he wants us to waste time.
27:49What if he's in these stairs?
27:52You'll fall through.
27:52I mean, down.
27:53Wait, did we ever check these stairs?
27:55No, let's go.
27:55Salish, there's a stair.
27:56Actually, check the stairs.
28:05It's a decoy.
28:05No, go down.
28:06He could be under there.
28:07No, Dad, this is a decoy.
28:08It's not a decoy.
28:09It's not a decoy.
28:10I think it's real.
28:11Go, go, go.
28:12How much time do we have?
28:13Would they split up?
28:13How much time do we have?
28:14How much time do we have?
28:16How much time do we have?
28:18Look through.
28:18He might be hiding under the back something.
28:20No, Dad, it's a stair.
28:21Hurry, we're running out of time.
28:23I don't believe it's a decoy.
28:25I think this is real.
28:25I think this is a thing.
28:27It's a decoy.
28:27No, it's not.
28:28Dad, it's a decoy.
28:29It's another decoy?
28:30Where is he?
28:32In case you guys are wondering, Alan actually
28:34built a second secret room that's
28:35connected to his first one, just in case he was found.
28:38So when Salish and her dad started checking the stairs,
28:40Alan crawled in his other secret room and hid in there.
28:43Why a decoy?
28:44It's a decoy.
28:46Time's up.
28:47Are you kidding me?
28:51Salish, you were right there!
28:53It doesn't matter now, because you guys already lost.
28:55Now, where's my Matter Cup?
28:57Oh, you don't get the Matter Cup.
29:00She was right there.
29:03Take the L.
