7 Super Intense Survival Movies on Netflix & Prime Video in Hindi

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7 Super Intense Survival Movies on Netflix & Prime Video in Hindi
00:00So guys, during this video, I will share with you a very intense survival movie
00:04that you will forget to blink once you watch it.
00:06In this movie, you will get to experience an amazing adventure and thrill
00:09and you will get to experience everything that you get to experience in survival movies.
00:12So, without taking too much of your time, let's start the list.
00:15And the name of the first movie is I am Legend.
00:17This movie came out in 2007.
00:18Now, although this movie is a little old, but it is filled with amazing thrill.
00:21In this movie, the population in the world has ended due to a virus
00:25and most of the remaining people have transformed into a monster.
00:28Now, there is a man named Robert in such an environment
00:30who is trying to survive these conditions.
00:33Now, we have to experience how he can survive or not during this movie.
00:37You will get to see this movie in Hindi on Prime Video and Netflix.
00:40The name of the next movie is Gravity and it came out in 2013.
00:43Now, here you can imagine a small thing that
00:44if a person gets lost in a very large water body,
00:46we call it the ocean,
00:48then it becomes very difficult for him to survive.
00:50Now, this is the same thing that if a person is in a space instead of a water body,
00:53then it will be very difficult for him to survive.
00:54This is what happens in this movie.
00:56There is an engineer who goes on a space mission for the first time
00:58and there is an accident with her that she becomes alone in space.
01:01And then how she tries to survive in space,
01:03how she tries to reach Earth,
01:05this is what we are trying to show through this movie.
01:07After watching this movie, personally, I had a lot of fear of space.
01:11If you haven't seen it, I will definitely recommend this movie.
01:13You will get to experience a very intense thrill.
01:15It is made with very few characters and a very deep movie.
01:17So, if you haven't seen it, do try it.
01:18You get to see this movie in Hindi and English on Prime Video.
01:21Let's move on to the next movie and its name is In the Heart of the Sea.
01:24This movie came out in 2015.
01:25Its story takes us back in time.
01:27It is shown in the 18th and 20th century.
01:29The story is shown in England.
01:31There are some fishermen who kill fish to extract their oil.
01:34But then while doing this work,
01:36they get a whale in front of them,
01:38which starts to weigh heavily on them.
01:39Now think about it,
01:40you are in the ocean and you are just helping a boat
01:42and you are facing a whale.
01:44How will it be?
01:45This is what we have to experience through this movie.
01:46It was a very intense, very gripping movie.
01:49And I didn't even know that this movie is inspired by a real story.
01:51When I found out later, I was a little surprised.
01:54So if you haven't seen it, do try this movie.
01:56You will see a lot of intense survival in it.
01:58You get to see this movie on Prime Video,
02:00but you will get to see it on Rent.
02:01And unfortunately, it is available only in English.
02:03It is not available in Hindi right now.
02:05But if you are comfortable in English,
02:06then this movie is definitely a must watch.
02:08The name of the next movie is Against the Ice.
02:10This movie came out in 2022.
02:11Its story takes us back to 1909,
02:13where there is a team that goes to Denmark
02:16to complete their expedition.
02:17But when they return from there,
02:19two people are left behind from that team.
02:21Now, how do they try to survive in this cold, snowy area?
02:24This is what we have to see through this movie.
02:26Now, this movie is also based on a real story.
02:28And the way the struggle work is shown in it,
02:30it looks very intense.
02:31I watched this movie very recently.
02:33I liked it a lot.
02:34Although there were some shortcomings in it.
02:36But I will tell you that and I will not spoil your fun.
02:38This movie is definitely worth watching.
02:39You get to see it on Netflix in Hindi.
02:41So do try it.
02:42The story of the next movie is also very interesting.
02:44Its name is Berlin Syndrome.
02:45It came out in 2017.
02:46There is a photojournalist girl in it,
02:48who goes to a place to travel.
02:49And she meets a boy there.
02:51There is a strong bond between the two very quickly.
02:54She comes very close to both of them.
02:56That guy calls her to his house.
02:57There is a lot going on between the two,
02:59which often happens in such movies.
03:01Then the girl wakes up.
03:02Then the girl finds out that she has gone here today.
03:04But she can't get out of here.
03:05That guy doesn't let her get out of his flat.
03:08So what does that girl do in such a situation?
03:10Brother, in this movie,
03:11you will get to experience the same thing.
03:12And you will get to experience next level mystery,
03:13next level thrill,
03:14and next level survival.
03:16It was a great movie.
03:17I mean, from start to finish,
03:19my eyes were glued to the screen.
03:20What will happen now?
03:21So do try it if you haven't seen it yet.
03:23You get to see this movie in English
03:24only in the prime video.
03:25If we talk about the next movie,
03:26its idea also seems like a horror to me.
03:29Its name is Hush.
03:30This movie came out in 2016.
03:31A girl is shown in it,
03:32who can't speak,
03:33can't hear.
03:34And in an isolated area,
03:36where there is nothing far away,
03:38she decides to live there.
03:39But suddenly one day a twist comes.
03:41A guy puts on a mask and stands at her door.
03:43And he's trying to get into her house.
03:46She locks the door.
03:47And he tries to get in through the window.
03:49Now in such a situation,
03:50what is this girl doing?
03:51This is what we have to see in the movie.
03:53Now think about it.
03:53A girl who can't speak,
03:56can't call anyone for help,
03:57and can't even hear.
03:58She only has the support of her eyes
04:00to save herself.
04:01So what will she do?
04:02This is what we have to experience in this movie.
04:04It was a very intense movie.
04:05The good thing is that
04:06you will get to watch this movie for free on YouTube.
04:08Unfortunately, this is also available in English.
04:10So if you are comfortable in English,
04:12then do try it.
04:13If we talk about the next movie,
04:14then in my opinion,
04:16it will be the highest rated movie on IMDb.
04:18It's called The Revenant.
04:19This movie came out in 2015.
04:21The story of this movie also takes us back in time.
04:23It is shown in the 18th to 20th century.
04:25And there is a small gang
04:27that is on a mission.
04:28But then a bear attacks one of the gang members.
04:31And he injures him very badly.
04:33So what can that guy do or not?
04:35And what is the reaction of his gang?
04:37This is what we have to see in this movie.
04:39In this movie,
04:39I think you will see the best survival
04:41of a person trapped in snow.
04:43But let me tell you that
04:44the pacing of this movie is very slow.
04:45And a lot of people don't like this movie
04:47because of the pacing.
04:49So if you are a person
04:50who gets bored by watching slow pacing,
04:52then maybe this movie is not for you.
04:53But if you are comfortable with slow pacing,
04:54then this movie will give you
04:55a next level experience while ending.
04:57So if you want to watch this movie,
04:58then you can watch it in English
04:59on Prime Video.
05:00But if you want to watch it in Hindi,
05:02then you can use the power of the internet for it.
05:04Anyway, friends, these were some movies
05:05that I had to share during this video.
05:07How many of these have you seen?
05:08How many have not seen?
05:09Do tell me in the comments below.
05:10Or is there any other survival movie
05:11that you like very much
05:12and you want to share it
05:13with the rest of the audience?
05:14Do tell me in the comments below.
05:15We will end today's video here.
05:17See you in the next video.
05:18This is Shairam Mani signing off.
