15 अगस्त, 2024 को पूरा देश स्वतंत्रता दिवस की 78वी वर्षगांठ मनाने जा रहा है। इस अवसर पर देशवासी अपने घर, दफ्तर, सार्वजनिक जगह, स्कूल, कॉलेज और सरकारी भवनों में आजादी का पर्व मनाते हैं। इस मौके पर जगह-जगह पर देशभक्ति के गीत और भाषण सुनने को मिलते हैं। स्वतंत्रता दिवस का पर्व प्रत्येक साल अलग-अलग थीम पर सेलिब्रेट किया जाता है। चलिए जानते हैं भारत इस बार कौन-सी थीम पर यह पर्व मनाएगा।
On August 15, 2024, the whole country is going to celebrate the 78th anniversary of Independence Day. On this occasion, the countrymen celebrate the festival of independence in their homes, offices, public places, schools, colleges and government buildings. On this occasion, patriotic songs and speeches are heard at many places. The festival of Independence Day is celebrated on different themes every year. Let us know on which theme India will celebrate this festival this time.
#IndependenceDay2024theme #78thIndependenceDay #IndependenceDayVideo
On August 15, 2024, the whole country is going to celebrate the 78th anniversary of Independence Day. On this occasion, the countrymen celebrate the festival of independence in their homes, offices, public places, schools, colleges and government buildings. On this occasion, patriotic songs and speeches are heard at many places. The festival of Independence Day is celebrated on different themes every year. Let us know on which theme India will celebrate this festival this time.
#IndependenceDay2024theme #78thIndependenceDay #IndependenceDayVideo