Argi Cortes vs Salvador Juarez (09-08-2024) Full Fight

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00:00It's giving as good as he was getting before dropping a narrow unanimous decision that he struggled in his next two fights
00:05But got wins and he parlayed that blue ribbon effort against Estrada into an eventual WBO superflyweight world title shot
00:11Against Japan's Junta Nakatani because Nakatani a hell of a fighter. They met in September 2023
00:20Cortez unable
00:22To topple Nakatani was dropped three times before coming up well short on the scorecards and we're underway here in Mexico City
00:30That was then this is now Archie Cortez in white
00:34Salvador Juarez in the black round one underway
00:37Here from Mexico City J. Staples in here with you on ESPN plus
00:43Good aggressive start
00:45by Juarez
00:48Jabbing away Cortez yet to fire back in kind both men in the traditional Orthodox dance
01:00I was jabbing away, but there's yet to throw
01:06Combination by both men missing
01:12Maris the first of the jabs
01:15In these exchanges Cortez and white biding his time in the center of the ring
01:23Jab by Cortez
01:26Left hook by Warrens
01:28Right hand just short from Cortez both men beginning to let go with the fist
01:34As the leathers begin to fly here in Mexico City
01:38Overhand right missing by Cortez right hand missing from Juarez
01:46By left off the mark right hand just short by Cortez
01:51Both men working on their distance and their timing early on early on here in round one J. Staples here with you on ESPN plus
01:58from Mexico City
02:01Archie Cortez in white
02:05Salvador Juarez in black
02:07We await the main event tonight the IBF flyweight world championship bout between Angel Ayala and Dave Apolinario
02:18Co-feature of the evening round one Juarez letting a good overhand right to the temple of what of Cortez
02:28Shabbat Cortez right hand by Cortez
02:33Juarez to the body blocked the counter shot from Cortez
02:48Good amount of movement from Juarez here in round one
02:52Both fighters make a case for themselves for the first two and a half minutes here in the opening stanza
02:57Wide right missing from Juarez Cortez a sneaky left
03:02Hot Alvarez coming in
03:08Good body work by Cortez Juarez flinched a little
03:13Miss with the left hand
03:16Good right left by Cortez
03:22Good right hand
03:24From Cortez good movement to slip as well
03:28Juarez tried to answer in kind good opening round for our gate Cortez
03:48Jason Abel's here with you on ESPN plus coming from Mexico City. Hope you have a good time tonight wherever you're joining us
03:59Fun night of action so far and it's only gonna get better as the main event that fight fans have had mark
04:06in very dark pen
04:09on their fight calendar
04:12Gonna start shortly here. But in the meantime
04:15It's Cortez and Juarez in the co-main event
04:20Good action for both fighters, but in my mind RJ Cortez carried the day
04:24in that opening stanza
04:28As we get things started around to
04:34Some of their war has in the black argue Cortez in the silver and orange trim
04:41The job by Juarez to open up round two
04:53Both been very disciplined so far
04:56Great left combination coming just short
05:01From Cortez, but double right hand landed with force from Cortez
05:12Left hand Levi by Juarez
05:27Fortez very poised in the middle of it very
05:33Good quick job by Cortez right left combination up top. This is good combination to the body by Juarez
05:41It's left uppercut just short Cortez
05:50Good left right combination rock Juarez who answers back in time, but takes more leather for his
05:58For his efforts put a right hand landed by Juarez, but a left handed by Cortez
06:11Shot by Alvarez
06:14one and done a
06:17Lot of pie by Juarez the sting and the snap
06:22Coming from Argy Cortez so far in this fight Cortez again in the white with the orange trim
06:28overhand right by Cortez and Juarez
06:32Big right hand by Juarez you cannot stand flat footed and trade with this guy. I'm telling you he made
06:39Cortez pay
06:43For that split seconds of bravado good right hand by Salvador Juarez
07:01It's been one and done for Juarez really it's
07:05One big shot versus the combination the effective combinations mostly from Cortez so far in this fight
07:11There were only two minutes and 40 seconds into the second round
07:15But you can see the respective game plans showing up for both guys
07:21Cortez the busier guy keeping the fight in the center of the ring Juarez wanting to push forward
07:32Good rounds from both men both men having their moments
07:38As you see the quality that both these
07:43Fighters bring into the ring with them and it's considerable
07:47Jason Abelson here with you on ESPN plus coming from Mexico City
07:53The storm swept through the venue around half hour before we went to air
07:57And there was a lot of moisture on the canvas that really affected the first three fights
08:02That luckily seems to have abetted as the footing seems a lot more sure
08:07For this fight between Argy Cortez and Salvador Juarez, there's that right hand
08:14By Juarez the left and right and again
08:18It's Cortez you kind of wanted to stand and trade and be flat-footed boom paid a stinging price
08:28For that
08:30For that
08:34Round three underway for Mexico City
08:36Lucky Cortez in the white and orange
08:38Salvador Juarez in the black and red good stinging job like Cortez
08:49Jab jab right hand all this way
08:52Salvador Juarez
08:56And don't think nacho bears they didn't tell our Orgy Cortez
09:00To not be so flat-footed and let yourself be battered
09:05There it's an effective moving aggression from Argy Cortez
09:12Big left hook to the head by Cortez and a right hand following as well
09:20Built like an absolute rock undeterred for the punishment
09:24There's another right hand that landed from Cortez and there's Cortez with the head movement and foot movements
09:30that I'm sure barestain
09:33Is happy to see here in round three
09:39The jab by Cortez
09:44Juarez's face begin to get a little marked up from the weather. It's been eating
09:49Courtesy of Cortez right hand over the top just missed by Cortez Bali
09:54Pushed aside by Cortez as well
09:58Winning the battle on offense and on defense so far through the first two and a half rounds here from Mexico City
10:12Studding job Juarez a snapping jab to the chin in response from Cortez
10:26Big right hand by Juarez rock Cortez
10:31His best punch of the fight
10:34No question, and he had another big one earlier, but Cortez answering in kind
10:40Up top but a big right hand by Juarez
10:44Left hook just missing from Juarez
10:47Or the Cortez beginning to stand and trade a fair bit here in round three
10:58When you do that you open yourself up to get countered and clocked and Juarez took advantage of that
11:04here moments ago
11:07Left right combination missing from
11:11argue Cortez
11:19Can't leave connecting from Juarez
11:22Some of the war is having a pretty good round
11:27Good head movement as well for Morris Cortez missing and fighting himself at the end of some punches
11:34Not the beginning as we saw earlier on the fight good round
11:39by Salvador Juarez
11:49Hope you're enjoying ESPN plus and our coverage of this terrific car coming from Mexico City
11:56We wait the main event
11:58the idea of flyweight world title between
12:00Ayala and Dave Apollonario
12:03Meantime the terrific show being put on by argue Cortez and Salvador Juarez case. I was here with you
12:10I'm having a great time. Hope you're having half the fun
12:13I am that nose beginning to be a bloody look at that left and right combination from Cortez
12:21Salvador Juarez his face beginning to show the effects of all that leather, but there was that right hand
12:28by warrants
12:30And he had a couple that round
12:35And those punches
12:37In this man's eyes may have been enough to tilt the round in Salvador Juarez's favor
12:45Round four underway here for Mexico City again, Salvador Juarez in the black
12:51Argue Cortez in the white and red
12:57Jab from Cortez Alvarez high forward with the job hook to the head from Cortez
13:06Leather flying here in round four
13:11Body work from Juarez claiming some of its trade low and the referee
13:18Seem to agree called time giving a warrant to one to Juarez and Cortez from time to recover
13:27But he's ready to continue and underway again we are
13:35Big left hook from Juarez to the counter left for Cortez
13:47When he left missing Juarez
13:52But he answered in time
13:55Following up that miss good snapping jab combination from Juarez
14:00Don't see I haven't seen that out of too much the double and tripling of the jab
14:05And right missing
14:08And all of a sudden it's Juarez who is first
14:12To attack and not waiting on Cortez
14:17Boom boom boom to the body by Juarez Cortez
14:22Returning though in kind to the head
14:24And this is turning into the rugged affair that Salvador Juarez
14:28would have wanted the distance between the two closing and
14:33The damage mounting on Augie Cortez a settler Juarez is getting that trench war he wants
14:46Jab jab right miss from Juarez. That's a good idea the jab to get to the inside
14:53counter right hand over the top by Cortez
14:56Mysterious rep warning from the referee
14:58Not sure for what?
15:02But we continue
15:05Right right left combination plans from Cortez
15:10Or his answers back in time to the right hand
15:22Right hand just missing from Juarez, but a counter right landed good body work by Juarez and
15:28Doesn't look like Cortez begin to feel it right now big right hand by Juarez
15:35The body language from Cortez looking a little distressed
15:42We have a bloody but emboldened Juarez picking up the pace here in round four
15:53Good round
15:56From the fighter known as Palencito Salvador Juarez
16:03And if you scored the third round in wars favor, which you may have
16:08the same elements apply to the fourth
16:11you can be looking at an even fight before or
16:15If you like the ring general shiver that Cortez is mostly show
16:20Maybe the fight is still to court his favor
16:25Good combination work by Cortez, but it's that single punch power. Although there it came in multiples for Juarez
16:32But war is able to close the gap more in that round
16:36Force the fight to the inside and make it more of his type of battle closer quarters
16:44higher contact a
16:47fun affairs before Jason Abelson on ESPN plus here with you from Mexico City
16:52Argy Cortez in the white and orange Salvador Juarez in the black trip around five of the way
16:59Five of ten here with you on the undercard the main supporting
17:03Bout for the main event the IBF flyweight world title
17:07Angel Ayala and Dave Apple Mario to come but first we've got a doozy on our hands
17:16Governor Juarez closing the gap being very effective on a suddenly marked up and puffy Argy Cortez
17:25Big body work from Juarez some of it might have sprayed low that right eye of Juarez looking nasty
17:32that jab
17:34From Cortez causing considerable damage on the face of Juarez
17:38But still it's Juarez that's pressing forward and landing some shots both men beginning to show the effects of
17:46Punishment each is eaten so far
17:50four rounds in one minute
17:53Here from Mexico City that I that right I close quickly
17:59Salvador Juarez
18:05Right left hook missing from Juarez
18:15Just do it wall from the distance Juarez wants to get inside
18:19Causing the havoc in this round that you get around three and four
18:28Good head movement defense Cortez right hand
18:33Mike Cortez drives Warren's back, but war is a deterred left hook in answer
18:39both men giving and getting here the fifth
18:58Or is just shot short with those though shots not Cortez that right hand landed flush
19:11Jab by war is good triple jab by war might need more of that to close the gap between him and Cortez
19:21Good up jab by war is as well
19:26Jab to the body by Juarez
19:30Overhead right by Cortez
19:37Work by Juarez up top by Juarez Cortez answers back
19:45It is a grueling fight here in Mexico City right hand left hook at the belt
19:56Argy Cortez closing that fifth off strong
20:07Jason Abelson here with you ideas p.m. Plus
20:11It's been a good one so far our co-feature Argy Cortez Salvador Juarez
20:17Through five
20:19Cortez maybe with the lead
20:21Could be slight to be large
20:23That's how you do things, but I think for the most part he's carrying
20:27About the quality battle against Alvarez, but all Alvarez has had his moments here at this fight go down
20:35But there you see some effective effective work for Cortez
20:39the fist flying with fluidity and ferocity from Cortez
20:55Salvador Juarez in the black Argy Cortez and the white and orange
21:04Fortis coming off a victim in
21:06Its most recent fight big right left that by calling that a knockdown a right left
21:12That lands on Cortez it looked like there was a stumble on the legs the feet they have come together, but that was
21:21instigated by a huge combination
21:23by Salvador Juarez
21:27And Juarez
21:29Landing down as the gap is closing between the fighters right hand left hook just missing from Juarez
21:36big moment for the underdog here in Mexico City
21:40Good right hand by Cortez. Maybe stems the tide momentarily, but a left right hand by Juarez
21:48Good body work by Juarez
21:51right left for Juarez
21:55And right now he's just walking it not caring what Cortez is throwing
22:00He knows where he has to be Juarez does and he's determined to get there
22:08Big left just missing the heads may have come together
22:11timeout called
22:13And I believe there was an accidental clash of heads
22:16But no damage to Cortez as a result of the headbutt as a result of the punches, baby. Look at that right eye
22:24of Salvador Juarez
22:25It's been closing for the last few rounds
22:28But in spite of that he scored a big knockdown here in the six
22:31To make what was a close fight even closer on the cards
22:42The jabs from both men
22:48Now it's Cortez backing up Juarez
23:05Is ceding some space to Cortez now in the middle of the ring
23:11Walt Walton turn of events for Cortez who landed a right hand from distance
23:19Left hook just missing from Juarez Cortez good jab to the body
23:32And all of a sudden it's Cortez pushing Juarez back
23:38That's what he wants to maintain that distance as soon as
23:43Juarez gets in close
23:46That's what the damage is done
23:49from the man in black
23:51But at a distance like this
23:53This is more Cortez's tenure. However this round muscling dramatic happens. There's a 10-8 round in the books
24:00For Salvador Juarez courtesy of that knockdown earlier on
24:08And that is a good round for Salvador Juarez
24:13That knockdown made this fight
24:15extremely close
24:17through six
24:28Jason Abelson with you here on ESPN plus
24:32Augie Cortez Salvador Juarez waging a terrific battle the super flyweight division
24:40It's been six rounds of back-and-forth give-and-take
24:44Evan flow it's great how it goes up and say
24:47Wow, look at these shots
24:50by Salvador Juarez
24:52That was a knockdown and if you look at the feet
24:54I think the feet were a little tangled but there was there was punches that were connecting. I
25:00think though in hindsight
25:06Referee Alfredo
25:08Rusketa might say might have say it was a trip but a knockdown is a knockdown and that's a 10-8 round
25:17And they are ordered to clean up the corner the already wet corner made wetter by the water applied to argue Cortez
25:27Big right hand by Cortez
25:30As round seven is underway
25:41Couple close rounds early on
25:44post middle rounds where it looked like
25:48Juarez if you like the pure aggression and
25:52Power of the single shots that Juarez throw may have carried a couple rounds there then the knockdown and fathomly
25:58Carried the last round to him. This is the fight that could be anywhere in the scorecards. It could be very very close
26:04It could be Cortez
26:06Relatively comfortably in spite of the knock
26:13Just missing
26:16With their power shots a double jab Salvador Juarez
26:28Your wires this corner you want them to close that gap between the two this is very comfortable distance for Cortez right now
26:37There's a good right hand on the insides for Juarez got a jab and get inside
26:43To make it the type of trench warfare he needs to pull off the subset
26:49countershot by argue Cortez
26:51Ward off the advance of Juarez
26:59Right eye is now almost completely closed
27:02For Salvador Juarez that left jab and Cortez doing the clothes
27:14I wonder if that has an effect of war is how could it not?
27:20Cortez very comfortable all of a sudden flicking that jab and landing it on that target that swollen grotesque target
27:26That is Alvarez right eye
27:34There it is again
27:38Juarez just
27:40Standing still right now not moving forward not advancing not closing the gap
27:46It's Cortez beginning to not quite
27:48very comfortable distance
27:50To land the shots that he needs to land
27:53To make it his fight
27:55The counterwork by Juarez, but the steam is a little off in shots
28:00Big weight left on top by Cortez
28:09And that is a one-eyed fighter right now Salvador Juarez no question about it
28:18This is a beauty contest
28:21In spite of a couple of lumps
28:23Argy Cortez is running away with it. He ran away with that
28:27Fight might still be close, but the tenor is James
28:32Argy Cortez
28:34Destructively effective ground seven
28:40Jason Abelson here with you from Mexico City on ESPN plus having a great time. Hope you are as well
28:47How would you not be watching this fight?
28:51Think Cortez the man who gave Juan Estrada El Gala
28:57How in September of 2022 that?
29:01Came up short against
29:06September of last year
29:09To get back track and
29:15Pretty good there's a moment by Salvador Juarez
29:19And there was a time in this fight where Juarez was closing the gap and making an impression
29:25For that last round seemed to be decisively
29:30In the
29:32In the back pocket of
29:35Argy Cortez and that right eye getting looked at from the doctor
29:40And he's the doctor's grimacing, which is never a good sign. How many fingers?
29:45And did he guess right he did
29:50As we're back
29:53But you know everybody is looking that right eye of Juarez it's on everyone's radar
29:59Not only Cortez is on that jab
30:03As well you have to think Juarez realizes that he's gonna up the ante and close that gap big right hand
30:10Close that gap big right hand
30:13By water is but an even bigger one by Cortez
30:16the quality of Christmas of the shots beginning to tell the tale on behalf of
30:22Cortez I determined war is fighting back, but he's flailing
30:27the steam off his shots
30:29Cortez closing
30:31Cortez landing the doctor looking at that right eye
30:35Salvador Juarez
30:38The referee and doctor, you know, we're staring at it and the more punishment he's eating
30:43The less room they are to continue this fight
30:47Big shot by Argy Cortez
30:57And that face of war is not only
31:02Mean, it's a mess, but his will is not deterred. He's fighting back
31:06But Cortez putting back in his place and it's a destructive ugly
31:12Big right big left and you have to think how long are they gonna let this go on for because war is now
31:20Not only a bloody mess. He's a beaten mess
31:23And it'll take I think a box miracle
31:27Could step the tide at this point
31:31Whoa big left for Morris, I mean you don't want to count him out, but look at that face
31:39Can his mother even love that face at this point?
31:44deep cut
31:45Over the left eye the right eye closed shot yet. He's willing and game and coming forward
31:52Can he land that miracle punch?
31:55Wow, where's the doctor now?
32:05Not bad enough to warn a halt the action
32:09But this purple heart territory for Salvador Juarez
32:18Blind in one eye a swelling white blood the other
32:25Does it get more courageous than this big right hand by our
32:30How long do they let it go on?
32:33Another big right hand. I think the point is in hand that maybe
32:39someone steps in
32:43But is it about letting him fight back or is about letting him fight another day
32:50Right hand over the top this is my Cortez
32:54at the end of the belt first
32:58For Salvador Juarez and I would be shocked if either
33:04Juarez's quarter or the ringside doctors. Let it come out
33:08for the next round
33:10absolutely shocked
33:14First have been around boxing for a while
33:21If he's allowed to continue give it
33:24Give it the visual evidence of his face
33:27And it's not pretty
33:30Round eight as destructive
33:33as round seven
33:39And there are some moments
33:41for Juarez
33:44But my god
33:46Look at the blood flow
33:48From the left eye never mind the swelling of the right eye
33:52And they're letting him back out
33:54All right. I'm disappointed, but not shocked. Here we go round
33:59Nine underway and no referees say let's go to the doctor
34:04Time is called
34:21Is Salvador Juarez, but you know what you got to applaud his effort
34:27As great as it was to stop the fight it must be heartbreaking for
34:32No, he doesn't get a chance to continue but rightfully so
34:37Rightfully so in his disappointment, but rightfully so I'm stopping because his face was an absolute mess. Look at that
34:43Look at those eyes
34:48That cuts it up for the stock nevermind the fact he can't see out of his right eye because it's well Chuck I
34:56I mean what a brave performance by Salvador Juarez
35:03And an effective
35:05Almost ruthless performance the last two rounds for Martin Cortez
35:11Not your bear escape
35:13I'm pretty proud of his protégé
35:17A little disappointed he got hit with some of the shots. He got hit with it was actually knocked down
35:20In the fifth round or sixth round
35:30As war has had his moments this fight
35:33the damage that Cortez
35:36unleashed over the course of these eight rounds just
35:39Took its toll on that face
35:43Well Salvador Juarez
35:45But look at that grit and determination for more as can't see it of either eye I don't care I'm gonna keep fighting
35:55And and that's when his left eye was actually pristine and that's what it was before and after
36:05Get him a pair of sunglasses quickly
36:11That's a fighter's face right there. That's a victorious fighters face
36:15Marked up but not slashed up
36:18Like the face of Salvador Juarez
36:21fun fight inspiring fight courageous fight
36:26The end may be a little blood-curdling if you have a weak stomach but
36:31Entertaining and inspiring as well. Let's bring it up to the ring announcer Pablo Flores to make it all official
37:10What he said
37:15What a brave performance from both
37:22Impressive technique
37:26And skill from Cortez in the heart of the
