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English Teacher Season 1 Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: FX's ENGLISH TEACHER is a comedy series created by Brian Jordan Alvarez, in which he stars as "Evan Marquez," a high school teacher in Austin, Texas who often finds himself at the intersection of the personal, professional and political aspects of working at a high school.

Evan wants to be a principled person but often runs into trouble because of it. By Evan's side at Morrison-Hensley High is his friend group of other teachers. Chief among them is his best friend "Gwen Sanders" (Stephanie Koenig), the eager and optimistic history teacher who tends to see the best in people, even when she probably shouldn't. Then there's PE teacher "Markie Hillridge" (Sean Patton). Though he can seem gruff and abrasive, beneath the surface, he possesses a knowledge of human nature that often proves valuable to Evan. When they aren't disagreeing, Markie and Evan share a genuine bond... but they're usually disagreeing.

"Principal Grant Moretti" (Enrico Colantoni) wants nothing more than peace and the path of least resistance -- a path Evan is rarely willing to take. While Grant keeps his own opinions close to the vest, he respects Evan's passion, even if it makes his own job more difficult. Guidance Counselor "Rick" (Carmen Christopher) barely wants to be at this school -- he sees himself as an entrepreneur -- but still loves hanging out with the other teachers. Evan's boyfriend "Malcolm" (Jordan Firstman) is a former teacher at Morrison. Wild and free-thinking, Malcolm often draws Evan back into a pseudo-relationship. When Grant informs Evan that he is being placed under investigation for a long-dormant incident where he and Malcolm kissed in front of students, Evan suddenly feels that he's under a microscope and is being targeted for his sexuality. Evan is left with one rule to abide by: no relationships with faculty... only to meet "Harry" (Langston Kerman), a charming new teacher who seems to be interested in him.

starring Brian Jordan Alvarez, Stephanie Koenig, Sean Patton, Enrico Colantoni, Carmen Christopher, Langston Kerman

release date September 2, 2024 (on FX on Hulu)


00:00This is mr. Marquez he is here to teach you all about non-binary a non-binary person is somebody who does not identify as male or
00:07Female like a hermaphrodite. No. Yes, not at all. And that word is not in use anymore. Is it I I don't know
00:17There you go an F with grades like this I'm gonna have to hit the corner sir, no vaping I can smell it
00:24You're being investigated. Why doesn't mark you ever get investigated for all that stuff? He says what there is Eric not so speedy Gonzales
00:321751 Wow
00:35The kids this year they're not into being woke and it's circled all the way around they're saying that our word again
00:41Are we getting behind on the state curriculum here a lot of questions for a doctor?
00:45Do you even have a master's would you major in ranch?
00:47This job is important to me. I like watching young kids bloom and grow don't say that it sounds creepy
00:54Becca go sit next to Tiffany. She told me it was offensive to learn Mandarin cuz you're not Japanese
01:02I was diagnosed with asymptomatic Tourette's what it's like Tourette's syndrome, but without any
01:16You can't call me fruit loop mark, it's just a name of a cereal buddy, then why don't you say Cheerios?
01:21Is there any not gay about Cheerios?
01:29Are you flat there when okay, but it's on Broadway
