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00:00After sister-in-law's form, seeing you in this form
00:04won't be less than a test for me.
00:11If you want, you can refuse this marriage.
00:14If you want, you can refuse this marriage.
00:26If I get married, you will definitely be in my marriage.
00:35I will give you the right to be my wife.
00:45But don't expect me to love you.
00:59Farab, Dua, Dua, Farab, I am nowhere.
01:05I am nowhere.
01:07I am nowhere.
01:15What happened? How did you fall?
01:17Did you get hurt?
01:20I lost my balance.
01:22I couldn't control myself and fell.
01:25Then take care of yourself.
01:29I will call the doctor.
01:31The doctor has been discharged.
01:33He will write the test and X-ray.
01:39Then you should go to the hospital.
01:44Nothing serious has happened.
01:45What are you doing here?
01:48I didn't have the courage.
01:50Where is Vano?
01:53You should have at least called me and told me.
01:55You should have at least told Jaffar.
01:56She has gone to her house to meet her family.
01:58And you are alone at home.
01:59And you are telling me now.
02:01How could I have told you?
02:03Your phone is always switched off.
02:05How will this work?
02:07My phone is always switched off.
02:09Sometimes I am in a meeting.
02:10Sometimes I am in some other work.
02:12You will have to take care of yourself.
02:13You will have to manage things yourself.
02:15No, that's okay.
02:21You are there to take care of me.
02:28Anyway, I feel very lonely without you.
02:42Listen, I am going to the hospital.
02:44It's important to get this test done.
03:01Be careful.
03:05What happened?
03:09If you want to help
03:11then do it properly.
03:20Let's go.
03:26Be careful.
03:30I have to do so much to call you to me again and again.
03:35One day will come
03:36when I will break the curse of prayers.
03:39Then you will be only mine.
03:46It was fun, mom.
03:47No, no.
03:48I am full.
03:49The tea is here.
03:50Now we will all enjoy together.
03:54Our house has become very beautiful.
03:58It was bound to happen.
03:59After you and sister-in-law Fiza left
04:01I was left alone.
04:09Mom's health is also not good.
04:12And dad's anger.
04:18You know how scared I am of dad.
04:22It was a very difficult time for us.
04:32that time was everyone's.
04:37instead of being sad
04:40it is better to be thankful for today's happiness.
04:47You are right.
04:50I really
04:52didn't think that I
04:54would be able to live with you
04:57and be with you
04:59for so long.
05:02I will sit with you
05:05like this again.
05:07God is great.
05:10He always makes the impossible possible.
05:14No doubt.
05:16The good thing is that we are all together
05:18and very happy.
05:20Praise be to God.
05:25for you, sister-in-law.
05:32What happened to Fiza?
05:34Her in-laws are not good at all.
05:36Uncle and Sumbul are still tolerable
05:39but aunty and brother-in-law
05:41don't get along.
05:52tolerates sister a lot.
05:55He tells her a lot of things
05:56but sister doesn't even say a word.
05:58What is his problem?
05:59Fiza is so nice.
06:00What about Azaab?
06:01After leaving your house
06:02if anyone other than Azaab
06:04suffers, it is sister-in-law Fiza.
06:09I taunted her so much
06:10that it made it difficult for her to live.
06:13If she finds out
06:14that you have come back to us
06:16then maybe she will stop meeting us.
06:25No, mother.
06:27Let her speak.
06:31Let me hear
06:33how my sister is being punished
06:36for my mistakes.
06:42This is nothing, kids.
06:46Brother Dulla
06:47had also threatened sister.
06:56When you and I were going to be aunts
06:58then brother Dulla
06:59blamed sister so badly
07:01that I thought
07:03sister didn't fall on her own.
07:05She was deliberately made to fall.
07:15Mother, so much happened with Fiza
07:17and you didn't tell me.
07:19Fiza didn't say anything either.
07:22Our Fiza is very patient.
07:29What could I have told her?
07:31And telling her
07:32won't make her feel better.
07:41My daughter's fate
07:42was destined to have a child.
07:49But it didn't happen.
07:52Whatever happened
07:53was because of her in-laws.
07:55Whatever happened
07:56was because of her in-laws.
08:05The tea is getting cold.
08:11Tell me
08:12where are you going?
08:14I am going home.
08:19didn't leave your school job?
08:23What happened to you?
08:26I was not well.
08:27I am fine now.
08:28I am absolutely fine.
08:30How will you go?
08:31I will drop you home.
08:34We will talk
08:35and meet later.
08:36Okay, give me your number.
08:38I don't have your number.
08:39Give me your phone.
08:53Why did you do all this?
08:55I would have served the food.
08:57My food is ready.
08:58Ask Sumbul.
09:00Sumbul works so hard
09:01to cook food
09:02just for you.
09:03So that when sister-in-law comes
09:04she doesn't have to work hard again.
09:05She takes such good care of you
09:07so it is your duty
09:08to take care of her.
09:11Feed her.
09:12She said she is not hungry.
09:14I will feed her.
09:15I will feed her.
09:16I will feed her.
09:17I will feed her.
09:18I will feed her.
09:19I will feed her.
09:20I will feed her.
09:21I will do one thing.
09:22I will take her out
09:23along with my food.
09:24We will eat together.
09:28And listen.
09:30You should not
09:31miss anything
09:32regarding tomorrow.
09:34I will not miss anything.
09:38the bed sheet
09:39that I put up
09:40in your wedding.
09:41Put that bed sheet.
09:42And don't take out the crockery.
09:45And yes.
09:47Regarding the food
09:48I had told you
09:49that we will have
09:50a feast today.
09:52It will have
09:58and all other dishes.
09:59We had discussed
10:00this yesterday
10:01and I had noted
10:03What will I do
10:04with the notes?