ظلم ونكران وحسرة

  • last month


00:00Then after that I was
00:03Diagnosed with cancer
00:07Yeah, and right after being diagnosed my wife said that she's not ready to take care of me so she left me
00:16Even took my daughter. I haven't seen my daughter in months, even though I have cancer
00:21She even took my house and gave me my clothes in
00:25Garbage bags like this is ironic
00:31Yes, I mean I have cancer. I have suffered like a lot
00:35I've been
00:37Sleepless nights. I needed to see my daughter
00:40but she
00:42You know like strongly refused like she was hurting me on purpose
00:46I don't care if she doesn't want me, but I want my daughter, you know, like a person
00:53Is there nothing you can do to see your daughter? I
00:57Guess not because the Iraqi law is so twisted
01:02That they gave her all the rights to do whatever she wants
