IANS Exclusive: France में भारत के राजदूत Javed Ashraf ने ओलंपिक को बताया शानदार

  • 3 weeks ago
फ्रांस में भारत के राजदूत जावेद अशरफ ने आईएएनएस से एक्सक्लूसिव बातचीत करते हुए कहा पेरिस ओलंपिक को लेकर कहा कि ओलंपिक अभी-अभी खत्म हुआ है। मुझे लगता है कि कुल मिलाकर यह धारणा है कि ये अलग अलग दृष्टिकोण से एक शानदार ओलंपिक था। एक दृष्टिकोण यह है कि यह एक अनूठा और बहुत अलग तरह का ओलंपिक था। कई उद्घाटन समारोह नदियों पर आयोजित किए गए थे और कई कार्यक्रम पेरिस के प्रतिष्ठित स्थलों पर बनाए गए अस्थायी स्टेडियमों में हुए थे, जिनसे दुनिया का हर व्यक्ति परिचित है। एक तरह से, इसने ओलंपिक को स्टेडियम से बाहर निकालकर शहर में ला दिया। हर ओलंपिक किसी शहर से जुड़ा होता है, इसलिए उस हद तक, यह सिर्फ़ प्रतिस्पर्धा का रोमांच नहीं था बल्कि उससे बढ़कर था।

#france #indianambassador #javedashraf #parisolympics #paris #francenews
00:00Well, thank you. Yes, the Olympics just got over. I think the overall impression
00:04it was an absolutely fantastic Olympics from different perspectives. One is that
00:11you've seen it was a unique and a very different kind of Olympics. The
00:17opening ceremony was on the River Seine. Many of the events were held in
00:22temporary stadiums that were built at iconic sites of Paris, which everyone in
00:28the world is familiar with. And so, in a sense, it brought the Olympics out of the
00:33stadium into the city. And every Olympics is associated with a
00:38city. So, to that extent, I think, you know, it not was just the thrill of
00:45competition, but it was also the visual appeal of watching the competition.
00:49Overall, you saw also packed arenas, joyous crowds, and of course, as I said,
00:59you know, magnificent venues. This was also an Olympics in which you had some
01:05astonishing, spectacular performances. But the, it was a safe and secure Olympics.
01:14There were excellent security arrangements. You know, this is one of the
01:18most difficult times in the world. There are wars, there are persisting terrorism
01:23threats, especially to France. But overall, the security management was
01:28excellent. And I think more and more Olympics movement is becoming
01:32conscious of sustainability and reducing carbon footprints. So, France
01:37built just two new structures, in a sense, the Games Village and a swimming
01:44arena. But the rest of the events were held essentially in renovated existing
01:50structures or in temporary stadiums that you saw. There were other measures to
01:54reduce the carbon footprint, including increased emphasis on vegetarianism in
01:59the food at the Olympics Games Village and in various catering units around the
02:07city. But what is also interesting is the overall, the smooth management, the
02:13access to stadiums, exit from stadiums were all a very pleasant experience. So
02:18the overall visitor and spectator experience was also quite extraordinary.
02:22Overall, the impression around the world is that this did a great to revitalize
02:28the interest in Olympics around the world. And there would be some issues, I
02:34think, which we hear feedback from the athletes about some of the arrangements
02:40at the Games Village, including the absence of air conditioning, the
02:44temperature and humidity made it very difficult for them to rest properly,
02:50which is very essential. Without air conditioning, there were some issues
02:54relating to food, which can be, which is, in a sense, understandable because you
02:59are catering to the tastes of people from around the world, more than, you
03:06know, the entire world is over here with different tastes. So there were some
03:10issues around that, there's some logistics issues. But I think overall it
03:14was an excellent Olympics and France deservedly should feel proud about the
03:21way it organized it, especially as it did something which was very ambitious.
