Martin Luther King - Now is The Time

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Now is The Time
00:00Welcome guys, it's a new app
00:22Now check this out man set aside your meta quest touch controls and reach out your hands to interact
00:30You don't see anything right now, right? I'm getting ready to take off my controllers right now, buddy
00:35One controller. I gotta make sure I don't step on them
00:39And two controllers bangs now check this out man
00:47These are my hands ready
00:52What happened
00:55Look here it goes. It's my hands
00:57Raise your hands when you see the sign close your hands and raise it above your head
01:10Grab the stone
01:30On august 28 1963
01:34250 000 people came together at the national mall in washington dc
01:39To form one of the most important demonstrations for racial equality in the history of the united states
01:49That day dr martin luther king jr delivered his iconic. I have a dream speech
01:55With four words he inspired the nation with his dream of a better future
02:01While the breadth of his speech touched on a variety of issues that plagued black americans
02:06His demands of never being satisfied with inequities in housing
02:11Policing and voting echo familiar conversations of our present
02:16Let's examine how dr. King's words are more relevant today than ever
02:20Yeah, maybe the last time to march on washington
02:28And the architects of our republic
02:32Wrote the magnificent word
02:39They were signing a promissory note
02:42Maybe this note was a promise at all men. Yes black men as well as white
02:51Would be guaranteed
02:59That didn't last too long
03:04Hey, let's go back
03:20And I still have my hands
03:46They don't like you to record sometimes in a lot of places man, what's incredible because recording is advertising
03:53on august 28th
03:551963 over 250 000 people came together at the national mall in washington dc
04:02To form one of the most important demonstrations for racial equality in the history of the united states
04:12That day dr. Martin luther king jr. Delivered his iconic. I have a dream speech
04:18With four words he inspired the nation with his dream of a better future
04:24While the breadth of his speech touched on a variety of issues that plagued black americans
04:30His demands of never being satisfied with inequities in housing
04:34Policing and voting echo familiar conversations of our present
04:39Let's examine how dr. King's words are more relevant today than ever
04:44Maybe the last time to march on washington, maybe the last time but I don't know
04:51And the architects of our republic
04:55Wrote the magnificent words of the constitution and the declaration of independence
05:02They were signing a promissory note
05:05Well, maybe this note was a promise at all men
05:11Black men as well as white men
05:15Would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life liberty
05:20and the pursuit of happiness
05:24It is obvious today
05:27Instead of honoring this sacred obligation
05:31But I don't know america has given the negro people a bad check
05:37We refuse to believe that there are insufficient funds and the great pulse of opportunity of his name
05:44So we've come to cash this check
05:46A check that will give us upon demand the riches of freedom and the security of justice
05:54Now is the time
05:59Black and white just for the heck of it
06:24We cannot be satisfied
06:26As long as the negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one
06:35Why did you select levittown to live
06:38We were looking for a place to buy a home
06:40We looked at levittown and we like the homes here. We like the advantages that levittown seemed to offer in
06:51We're very happy to buy a home here the racist housing practices of the past caused a ripple effect that still impacts black and brown
06:58families today
07:00But it's easier to show you rather than explain it to you
07:03The goal of the game is to earn as many coins as possible
07:07You will both start with the same amount of coins and whoever has the most coins at the end of the game wins
07:13You're going to play against our reigning champion
07:16The winner chooses their pawn first
07:20Good luck
07:21I'll take the white pawn. You'll be playing with the black pawn
07:25Take your piece and put it on the board
07:29All right
07:35Because you're playing with the black piece your home has been redlined
07:39Players of redline communities are often prevented from receiving the same opportunities and services as their green counterparts
07:47Unlike blue and yellow even if you get the coins to move to the green district the rules of the game prevent it
07:55White plays first and will draw from the green deck and black will draw from the red deck
08:04Home loan is approved
08:06Home ownership is the quickest way to earn coins in this game your turn. All right, let me get my home ownership. How about that?
08:14Give me a home ownership
08:17Give me a home
08:20You got denied
08:22Banks consider redline neighborhoods too risky to get a home loan home ownership will likely remain outside of your reach for this game
08:32Tax card the tax revenue from the community upgraded to schools hospitals and parks in your neighborhood. Oh
08:43I'm gonna get me a tax
08:45I gotta pay taxes man. You got a tax card too
08:48Since it's nearly impossible to refinance and get loans for your neighborhood. The property values of the homes are starting to drop
08:55Lower property values mean fewer taxes to collect
08:59resulting in fewer health wealth and education investments
09:05What does the grocery store card do a grocery store means healthier foods and more coins for a better quality of life
09:14All right
09:15Do I get a grocery store?
09:17A new factory looks like you're finally catching a break a factory should bring lots of jobs to the neighborhood
09:23While the factory brings in jobs this factory will also bring in hazardous waste
09:28Causing health problems for your community that's gonna cost you as well
09:34The highway card makes it way easier to connect by the rest of the city
09:39Unfortunately for black the highway card affects your neighborhood, too
09:43The redline neighborhood will lose some homes from the new development and experience more pollution
09:49Okay, I think you get the point I get the point man winning is hard when the deck is stacked against you
09:54People who live in formerly redline communities have earned far less personal wealth and experience higher rates of pollution in their communities
10:02than their green counterparts
10:04These practices were unfair, but it's important to learn about history if you want to play a role in shaping the future
10:10Now is the time
10:16Look at this man into action incredible
10:24Look at this man. Yo, so many people have stuff and virtual reality. They don't want you to record it, man
10:31I don't understand it
10:37Where is the competition dude, but I got to come to the rock escape back do it to me, baby
10:47We can never be satisfied as long as the negro is a victim of the unspeakable horror
10:57We're gonna interact
10:59We talk about this all the time, right
11:02Especially with our son. You're gonna be a black man
11:06You're going you're he's he's 10
11:09So and he's he's small
11:13But my son
11:14Follows headlines and he comes to me on a regular basis telling me about stuff in the news like mom dude
11:21Another bike look at this man
11:25I'm not driving. We didn't have to
11:28Talk about the context we didn't have to talk about
11:30What we were talking about. I don't think that right now
11:34People are looking at him. I still have my controllers in my hand. I just kicked it
11:38aggressive or as um threatening
11:43Right. We like we already know that we
11:46We don't have to say if this happens we can say when this happens
11:51Okay, there will be a time when you get pulled over by a cop what what now i'm not telling you this to scare you
11:57Oh, you're a child and i'm trying to prepare you for what might happen, dude. I hate the habit like you were smart
12:05Through the wrong eyes that and your skin color can make you appear as a suspect
12:11So when you do get pulled over what i'm going to need you to remember the sound of my voice
12:16Remember the calm in my tone
12:19Remember that you getting home to me safely is all that matters
12:24i'm relaxed when they come to me
12:28It's like coming up to the ones I can hear it right now
12:30Look, is there anything I should know about in the vehicle?
12:34Yo, get the light on my man. I'm going to run your plates. Keep your hands on the wheel
12:40All right, look hands on the wheel brother. What the hell is going on?
12:44What are they reaching for
12:46Whoa, whoa, whoa, keep your hands. I told you my hands on the wheel brother look breathe
12:53Y'all pissing me off man
12:55I got a glock nine behind me got from your grandfather. That was a glock funny how those things are passed down
13:02I know that those very hands could be seen as a weapon
13:06So keep them on your steering wheel. I'm keeping nothing on this. Keep your voice clear and direct
13:11How come there's so many you don't want to give them any reason to respond negatively
13:16I'm responding. Sometimes officers react to the possibility of what could happen
13:20Not just what is happening. That's out of my face, man
13:23Come on, I don't want to scare you scare me, but it's my job to do everything I can to keep you safe
13:30So we we talk to him on a regular basis
13:33you know and remind him like
13:36You're you're you're gonna be a black man
13:39And that means that you have to what you have to decide you have to make decisions, right?
13:45That doesn't mean that you have to do anything
13:47But it means you have to decide
13:50when when
13:53When what when to be yourself, right
13:57and and part of that is
14:00When you have encounters with with police officers
14:05Decide to come home
14:07Yeah, decide to make it home that day and we can we can deal with anything after the fact
14:12Um now it's the time ready put your hand up
14:24You never know what you're gonna find
14:27It doesn't make a difference man people don't really watch my youtube channel anyway, look at this stone coming to me look
14:38We cannot be satisfied as long as a negro in mississippi cannot vote and a negro in new york believes he has
14:46Nothing for which to vote
14:51This right to vote is the basic right without which all others are meaningless
14:59It gives people
15:01People as individuals control over their own destinies
15:10The right to vote has a long legacy of being attacked
15:13poll taxes literacy tests
15:16Voter suppression tactics like these are ever evolving. They still make trying to vote feel like chasing a ballot. That's just out of reach
15:25When citizens can't vote incredible the effects on a society
15:30Can be devastating can I read that it took me three tries to register
15:37Oh, that's the trick you don't want me to vote man every time I come on a boat put this paper with me
15:43I can't get my boat off. Nothing ever changes
15:56Damn it
16:21Countless cast aside ballots could have changed the fates of so many
16:26When history begins to repeat itself, we must organize take action and make a change
16:34Look put the hand up again. You ready? Let's look around for us
16:39I'm gonna stand up this time
16:43Let us not fall in the valley of despair
16:46I don't even need controllers. It's incredible ready?
16:50Now it's the time
16:53To make real the promises of democracy
17:09This is our hope
17:11This is a faith that I go back to the south with
17:15with this faith
17:16We will be able to
17:20A stone of hope with this faith
17:23We will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood
17:31with this faith
17:32We will be able to work together to pray together to struggle together to go to jail together to stand up for freedom together
17:41Knowing that we will be free one day
17:46This will be the day
17:49This will be the day when all of god's children
17:53Be able to sing with new meaning my country tears of peace sweet land of liberty sweet land of liberty of thee I say
18:02Land where my fathers died land of the pilgrims pride
18:07from every mountain side
18:10Let freedom ring and if america is to be a great nation
18:13This must become true
18:15So let freedom ring
18:18from the prodigious hilltops of new hampshire
18:21Let freedom ring
18:24From the mighty mountains of new york
18:27Let freedom ring from the heightening alleghenies of pennsylvania
18:32Let freedom ring from the snow-capped rockies of colorado
18:36Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of california
18:40Let freedom ring from stone mountain of georgia
18:45Let freedom ring from lookout mountain of tennessee
18:49Let freedom ring from every hill and mole hill of mississippi from every mountainside
18:56Let freedom ring and when this happens
19:02When we allow freedom ring
19:05When we let it ring from every village and every hamlet from every state and every city
19:11We will be able to speed up that day when all the thoughts children black men and white men
19:18Jews and gentiles protestants and catholics will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old negro
19:26spiritual free at last
19:28Free at last god almighty
19:30We are free at last
19:34The hard-earned rights fought for by those who came before us are not guaranteed
19:41With each generation the path to progress must be repaved
19:46Now it's up to you to decide how the next stones of hope are laid
19:52This is incredible man, i'm not gonna put the fish up yet. This is incredible man. I'm glad they let me record this now
20:04Right bang
20:12Excellent, I feel like contacting somebody and say you did a great job man, but there's nobody to contact
20:50Look another rock. I thought that was finished bang. Uh-oh. I lost my hand
21:12Want to look the king now is the time
21:16Excellent look at this excellent guys excellent
21:22Let me get the gme over here
21:27Okay, sorry about that give me two seconds
21:30Okay, guys, thanks for watching if you like the video, please put a like um comment and subscribe
21:36Right. You can only watch this in the virtual reality headset
21:41Got it
21:42Got it
21:44Can I still pick up that rock
21:47Not anymore
21:50So, let me let you see some of the guys look
21:53That made this possible
21:56That made this possible
22:24Beautiful I knew I was gonna see something beautiful today. I wasn't sure where he's gonna be it. Thanks guys for watching
22:33And uh, yeah, love your neighbor man, love your neighbor
22:40Have a great week
