• 2 months ago

#988新闻线 | 我国在巴黎奥运会靠羽球项目夺下两枚铜牌,羽总认为不达标,但也应发展其他项目夺金!
国人34年拖欠40亿交通罚款, 警方下通牒称, 拖欠者将列黑名单!
更多精彩新闻,请留守988新闻线!主播: #淑婷 #章鸿
00:48is it still too loud?
00:49I think it's still okay
00:50I can hear you
00:51I can't hear you
00:54is this sound okay?
00:57okay, no problem
00:58there are already a lot of news media friends here to say hello
01:02let me wait for a while
01:03let me see
01:04see who has greeted us
01:06I just talked to Zhang Hong about the meteor shower yesterday
01:11did you guys go see it?
01:13I really want to go see it
01:14if it wasn't for going to work today
01:16he told me he couldn't see it
01:17then I asked him where he was
01:18he told me he was at home
01:19at home?
01:19what are you looking at?
01:21are you in the countryside?
01:22I want to say that the light pollution over there is not so serious
01:25but it's actually quite serious
01:27the light pollution is very serious in the city
01:29I live next to the highway
01:31and there are no tall buildings
01:33so I want to say that it shouldn't be that serious
01:34but the light pollution is quite serious
01:36it's the same
01:38as long as you look up at night
01:40if you can't see the sky full of stars
01:41there are a lot of places with light pollution
01:44because I'm looking
01:45I'm looking up
01:47and it's just black
01:48and there's only the moon
01:49and I'm watching my friend's story
01:50they especially went to Xing Gu Mao
01:52a place in the countryside
01:54and they filmed the sky full of stars
01:57forget it, I don't think I have a chance to watch the meteor shower
01:59so your friend saw it
02:01I think he fell asleep
02:03a lot of people said they couldn't wait for the meteor shower
02:06Nick Daniel said he didn't see the meteor shower
02:08he only heard
02:09a lot of IGs playing meteor shower songs
02:12this afternoon when we were listening to Huali Gou
02:14we also played a lot of songs related to meteor showers
02:18what about you guys?
02:19did you go watch it?
02:20even if it's live
02:21because they have a live video
02:23for the National Astronomical Museum
02:24the National Astronomical Museum
02:26but we couldn't see it
02:28we only heard
02:28maybe one or two
02:29when we were passing by
02:30there were firecrackers
02:31that's all we heard
02:32but it was still pitch black
02:34we couldn't see it with our naked eyes
02:36no, the main thing is
02:36we couldn't see it with our naked eyes
02:39if you were there
02:40you could still see it
02:43it's okay
02:43there might be more meteor showers in the future
02:45pay attention to the National Astronomical Museum
02:47when they release the meteor shower
02:50there are a lot of opportunities in life
02:52to watch the meteor shower
02:54that's true
02:57good evening
03:00while we're at it
03:01it's been over 2 minutes
03:03if you have anything to say
03:04you can keep talking
03:07Nick Tan said
03:08he just did a live in Hong Kong
03:10it was also a close call
03:12we didn't see it
03:13we didn't see the last one
03:15what a shame
03:21the meteor shower must have been caused by Liu
03:25what does that mean?
03:27I saw my friend shooting a starry sky
03:30but the meteor shower was caused by Liu
03:34you must be very touched and happy when you see it
03:37but I used to think the meteor shower was a joke
03:39it's just a derogatory term
03:41it's just a personal interpretation
03:42optimistic people are happy to see anything
03:46some people say that when they see a meteor shower
03:47their wishes will come true
03:49some people still think
03:51seeing a black cat is bad luck
03:53but the black cat is cute
03:56that's right
03:57everyone has different interpretations of different things
04:00that's right
04:01some people say
04:02boyfriend can't give his girlfriend shoes
04:03but my boyfriend will
04:05it depends on whether everyone cares
04:07if you don't care, it doesn't matter
04:10it depends on how you see this more responsible thing
04:16give shoes
04:17because I want you to leave
04:20that's what it means, right?
04:21let you go far
04:23give a bell
04:24give shoes
04:24are all bad
04:25some shoes
04:30get ready
04:31we're coming back
04:56some people wait until the last minute
04:57to see a few slides
04:59that's right
05:00I have friends
05:01who go to some rural areas to see meteors
05:04but they only see a sea of stars
05:06it's a pity that they don't see meteors
05:08that's okay
05:08maybe meteor shower will also appear in the near future
05:12the National Astronomical Bureau will also release relevant news
05:14of course if there is any news
05:15we will update you as soon as possible
06:26use mobile phone
06:27and super speed and cross team
06:28and so on
06:28there are these misunderstandings
06:30but not all fines
06:31are owed by us Malaysians
06:33there are more than 50,000
06:35in fact, it involves our neighboring countries
06:37that is Singapore
06:38and Thailand
06:39traffic users
06:40among them, Singapore accounts for the most
06:43if you are not careful
06:44the police will issue a ticket to these people
06:47ask them to pay the fine
06:49otherwise, these people will be included in the blacklist of the Traffic Bureau
06:52what are the consequences of being included in the blacklist?
06:54in fact, you can't renew your ticket
06:56and driver's license, etc.
06:57that's right
06:58so remind you to pay the fine
07:00many people think it's troublesome to pay the fine
07:02Mohammed Yusli said
07:04it's really convenient to pay the fine now
07:07no need to line up at the police station
07:09as long as you are online
07:11MyBayar system
07:12you can pay the fine
07:14and the police will issue a discount discount at a certain time
07:18if you know the discount
07:20you can also pay it
07:21many people did not find
07:22in fact, if you receive the fine in a short time
07:25even within a month
07:27there is a 50% discount
07:28so much
07:30of course, Mohammed Yusli also mentioned
07:31the annual fine discount
07:33is very effective
07:34can help the government to recover the fine of hundreds of millions
07:37the police
07:38in fact, in the fight against the black money
07:40there is also a great result
07:42like freezing
07:43the illegal gambling profits of nearly 300 million
07:47the head of the National Police Secretary's Office
07:48the head of the Anti-Black Money Investigation Team
07:50Mohammed Hasbulla said
07:52the 300 million
07:53is suspected to flow into our country
07:57in various ways of black money
07:58and this case
07:59actually involves a
08:00foreign citizen with dual citizenship
08:03he tried to use overseas financial services
08:06to transfer the profits of illegal gambling
08:09that is, these funds
08:11to our country
08:12the police especially reminded all citizens
08:14to actively report these
08:15black money activity clues
08:17if there is any suspicion
08:19or any questions
08:21you can contact 03-2610-1430 to verify
08:25in addition to black money
08:27we also have another local
08:28criminal offense that needs everyone's attention
08:30is the kidnapping
08:32the latest data released by the police
08:34started in 2020
08:35there were a total of 541 cases of kidnapping and abduction in our country
08:39in 2023, which was the most cases last year
08:42there were a total of 148
08:44and as of July this year
08:45the nationwide range has increased by 79
08:48the head of the National Police Secretary Raja Luddin
08:49told the Malaysian Frontier News
08:51most of the suspects and victims
08:52are actually from Bangladesh and Burma
08:55and the main reason is because
08:56after these people entered our country through intermediaries
08:59there was no way to pay off their debts
09:00so they were kidnapped
09:02and chased by their families
09:04Raja Luddin also reminded
09:05once you find a kidnapping or missing case
09:08you must call the police immediately
09:09and let the police intervene immediately
09:11don't take action without permission
09:13especially if the other party has a ransom request
09:15don't take action without permission
09:17to avoid adding to the complexity of the whole situation
09:19I remember, whether it's illegal activities
09:21or kidnapping
09:22you have to call the police
09:24in fact, there are many reasons for kidnapping
09:26including possible emotional disputes
09:28business disputes, etc.
09:30of course, some people want to extort money
09:32so they were kidnapped
09:33for money, really
09:34a lot of non-governmental groups
09:36can do anything
09:37here I see
09:38a case like this
09:39that I can share with you
09:40there is a non-governmental group
09:42that aimed at our country
09:43to become a base for electronic waste recycling and processing
09:47especially from the foreign side
09:49professional technicians
09:51to our country
09:52through technology
09:53to extract metal components in electronic waste
09:56and then sell these metals again
10:00to foreign countries
10:00to make millions of dollars
10:03the head of the National Police Secretary's Office
10:05and the head of the Anti-Black Money Investigation Team
10:06Mohammed Hasbulla said
10:08the police quietly monitored and investigated
10:10half a year later
10:11at the beginning of this month
10:12launched the first action
10:14to break into seven electronic waste recycling plants
10:17located in Xuezhou, Simei Lanzhou, Roufou and Pengheng
10:20and arrested a total of 55 men and women
10:23and detained a total of more than 43.19 million dollars in property
10:27think about it
10:28this case is to extract metal from electronic waste
10:30and then sell it
10:31this behavior has to be said
10:32it's really high-tech
10:34it's a high-tech crime
10:35to use one's professional level to commit a crime
10:37is really unacceptable
10:39including cyber-attacks
10:42recently, there was an investigation
10:43found that most of our country's software supply chains
10:46have been cyber-attacked
10:48or there is a loophole
10:50Black Mail
10:51conducted a poll for 100 Malaysian information technology companies
10:54found that 79% of the respondents
10:56have been cyber-attacked
10:58is above the global average
11:01and after being cyber-attacked
11:02the most serious consequence is financial loss
11:05damage to reputation and lost data
11:08so the authorities emphasized
11:09must strengthen safety
11:10involving software and enhanced supervision
11:12also called on the government to strengthen supervision measures
11:14protect key infrastructure
11:16and important industries from cyber-attacks
11:19at the same time
11:20the Danish Cyber Consumers Association said
11:22in terms of data protection for users
11:25the company itself must also bear a certain responsibility
11:28the chairman of the association, Siraj Jalil, believes
11:30those involved in leaking or selling personal data
11:34must be judged based on the loss
11:37and the impact of leakage
11:40and the extent of the company's punishment
11:42he revealed that the personal data of the Malaysian people
11:44was sold at the lowest price by the Ministry of Justice
11:48in the black market for 80 cents
11:50our data is so cheap
11:52of course, if some more accurate personal data
11:55I believe it can be sold at a higher price
11:56for example, thousands of ringgit
11:58so he still hopes that the relevant authorities
12:00can amend the Personal Data Protection Act of 2010
12:03because at present, this law is applicable to private companies
12:06but the personal data of government departments
12:09is actually more sensitive and vast
12:11so the government departments also need to control more
12:14that's true
12:15if the government can ensure the users' personal safety
12:17we will naturally feel safe
12:20especially when it comes to some very detailed and sensitive personal data
12:23such as the PADU system and EPF
12:25we have some very detailed personal data
12:27speaking of EPF
12:28the agency announced today
12:29that the total investment revenue in the first half of the year reached $36.7 billion
12:33$28.4 billion more than the same period last year
12:36increased by 29%
12:37and the equity investment is still the main contribution of the second quarter income
12:41reached $10.75 billion
12:44at the same time, by the end of June
12:46the number of members of the public fund
12:48and the number of new investors
12:49are growing strongly
12:51which made the total savings in the first half of this year
12:54grow to $57.35 billion
12:57at the same time, the voluntary contribution fund plan
12:59ICRM is also supported by members
13:02there are really a lot of data and information to share with you
13:05it seems that China's investment market is actually quite good
13:09and also quite strong
13:10of course, it also attracts a lot of people
13:12including Chinese people who want to share a cup of soup here in our country
13:16the Maritime Times reported that many real estate companies have revealed
13:19that as of this year, more and more Chinese people
13:22hope to buy a house in our country
13:25especially in the golden area of ​​Kolkata
13:27and the main reason is that our country has a relatively stable politics
13:31and expected stronger economic growth than a year ago
13:36of course, these attracted a lot of rich Chinese
13:38plus a lot of countries are now restricting
13:41foreigners' education and business channels
13:44so in this regard, there is actually a plus point in Malaysia
13:47currently, Malaysia has become the second most popular
13:51Southeast Asian destination for Chinese real estate buyers
13:52as for the one in the lead
13:54is our neighboring country, Thailand
13:56everyone sees so many rich people want to buy a house
13:58in fact, buying a house at this time
13:59is really not an easy thing for the workers
14:02everyone hopes that their salary can go up
14:05of course, we also saw a lot of good news
14:07including the government's introduction of the progressive new economy
14:10and civil servants are going to be promoted
14:12and Prime Minister An Hua is also expected to announce this Friday
14:15some key points of the public service salary system SSPA
14:19Hanif, Senior Deputy Director of the National Public Administration Academy, said
14:22An Hua will attend the 19th Public Service First Congress this Friday
14:26there is a high possibility that there will be an important announcement of the relevant provocation system
14:30there will actually be a live broadcast on that day
14:32so welcome everyone to pay attention to the live broadcast on social media
14:35if you want to hear the key points, you can also come to our news line
14:42today's Now Vote is a topic about road safety
14:45because many violations of traffic rules are related to road safety
14:49of course, you don't know if you have handled your traffic fine well
14:53what is your habit
14:54Vote Wow means you won't delay
14:56you will pay once you have a fine
14:58Vote Haha means you won't deal with these fines in a hurry
15:01pay when you have a discount
15:02two options go to 988's Facebook page to vote
15:05the next part is going to talk to you about the Olympics
15:08in fact, there are still some follow-up related
15:10after all, the Olympics is over
15:11our results may be the worst of the five
15:15so of course there are some review measures to be taken
15:18now let's listen to this song
15:19how old is Ella Chen's painting?
15:24I got the wrong manuscript
15:26when did you get it?
15:32it's okay
15:35traffic fine
15:35I usually pay as soon as I get it
15:38I'm a good student
15:39in fact, as soon as I get a fine, I will start to review myself
15:45what kind of things do you usually get?
15:48I didn't break the law in Beijing
15:50I parked my car in the parking lot
15:52then I went back to Beijing
15:54that's it
15:54in fact, I usually get more fines in Beijing
15:56you know, at that time
15:58because I later found out that
15:59there are different fines for each county
16:06such as PJ, Subang
16:08if I didn't break the law in Beijing
16:09the price is different
16:11it's the same as the unit, right?
16:16yes, and the police's fine
16:19anyway, as soon as you get it
16:21if you pay it back on the spot
16:22it will definitely be cheaper
16:23that's right
16:24if you delay it for too long
16:26the price will go up
16:28it's terrible
16:29actually, I was quite shocked
16:31there was a time when I got it
16:32I forgot which unit I got the fine from
16:34and I didn't pay a cent
16:36I was shocked
16:37I didn't pay a cent
16:38then I found out
16:39if you pay within 24 hours
16:42you can get a 90% discount
16:45so you only need to pay 10 RMB
16:48so if you get a fine
16:50don't delay it
16:51you can get a discount
16:53if you pay within 10 hours
16:55a lot of people wait for a discount
16:56before they pay
16:57but no matter what
16:58if you get a fine
16:59it's the right step
17:02because a lot of people
17:04don't pay a fine
17:05they just keep the mindset of paying
17:06it's okay if you don't pay
17:08in the comment section
17:09Nicholas said
17:10as soon as you get a fine
17:11throw it away
17:15you are on the blacklist
17:17you can't see the fine
17:18but the system has your information
17:19yes, it's convenient now
17:21if you are not sure if you have a fine
17:23you can go to the system
17:25to check
17:26yes, and Ken Foothill said
17:27the local government
17:28will provide a fine
17:30during the National Day
17:31yes, like this Friday
17:33there was a service
17:35to provide a fine discount
17:36at the convention Anhuai is going to
17:38if you want to pay a fine
17:39pay a fine now
17:42you can pay more attention
17:46you have to pay a fine
17:47if you are late
17:51don't ask for a fine
17:55we are all so nice
17:59let's see what other comments
18:01Vincent said
18:02please pay attention to my hair
18:03thank you
18:05he said that
18:06your hair grows so fast
18:07oh my
18:10Kim Lian said
18:11the fine is only $10
18:14but some fines
18:15like using your phone
18:17when you drive
18:18it's not that easy
18:20because you need to go to court
18:21and plead guilty
18:23so don't play with your phone
18:24when you drive
18:25our PSA
18:26has been reminding you
18:27not to play with your phone
18:29when you drive
18:30we also shared in the news
18:32that the government has now
18:35upgraded the ES system to the AWA system
18:36360 degrees
18:37you can see the traffic lights
18:40the traffic lights
18:41if you are caught
18:43holding your phone
18:44you will be fined
18:45you will be fined
18:46if you don't have a seat belt
18:47you will be fined
18:49please follow the traffic rules
18:53be a civilized driver
18:55there are a lot of traffic accidents
18:56that are really scary
18:58we will share it later
18:59ok, we are coming back
19:02988 News
19:09welcome back to the news
19:10I am Zhang Hong
19:11hello, I am Shu Ting
19:12we will continue to talk about the Olympics
19:14China won two bronze medals
19:17in the Paris Olympics
19:19won by Li Zijia
19:20and Xie Dingfeng
19:22today, the Paris Olympics
19:24was held
19:27Wu Zhiqiang said
19:29although the Olympic team
19:30still couldn't achieve the gold medal
19:33but these two bronze medals
19:34were really hard to get
19:36Yu had set up a plan 24
19:39the goal was to win the gold medal
19:41in the Paris Olympics in 2024
19:43and to get into the finals
19:44in the same year
19:46but these two goals
19:47were not achieved
19:48the Olympic team
19:49was in Chengdu in May
19:50and placed fourth
19:52so has the plan 24
19:53already announced its failure?
19:55Wu Zhiqiang said
19:56whether it failed
19:57depends on how you interpret it
19:59he could only say
20:00the Olympic team did not achieve the goal
20:03Wu Zhiqiang is Yu's secretary
20:05at the same time, he saw
20:06the coach of the Olympic team
20:08Lei Xi said
20:10the Olympic team can't just rely on
20:12the Olympic Games
20:13to hope that the Olympic Games
20:14will help the country
20:15win the gold medal in the Olympics
20:18there will be pressure
20:20from all sides in the Olympic Games
20:21he thought the Olympic team
20:22should focus on
20:24other sports
20:25such as swimming, track and field
20:27gymnastics, diving, etc.
20:29let these athletes
20:30have enough funds
20:31so that they can
20:32train with other countries
20:35he used the Philippines as an example
20:37the Philippines did not win a gold medal
20:40in weightlifting
20:41but in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics
20:44they won a gold medal in weightlifting
20:46and this year
20:47they performed well in another event
20:49in the Paris Olympics
20:51they won two gold medals
20:53in gymnastics
20:55so in every aspect
20:56there is a possibility of winning a gold medal
20:58anyway, he said
20:59the Olympic team will work hard
21:00to ensure that in the 2028
21:02Los Angeles Olympic Games
21:03they can win a gold medal for the country
21:05of course we can't just rely on the Olympic Games
21:07back to the Olympic Games
21:09we can't just rely on one athlete
21:12for example
21:13Li Zijia can't just rely on
21:14the Olympic Games
21:15there is another Olympic Games
21:16Huang Zhiyong, 24 years old
21:18he was injured in January this year
21:19and has not returned to the arena
21:21he is expected to re-enter the Olympic Games
21:22in January next year
21:24Lei Xi mentioned
21:25Huang Zhiyong's current condition
21:26has improved a lot
21:28he just hasn't regained his original confidence
21:30and is expected to return next year
21:32Huang Zhiyong was actually
21:33in January this year
21:33he had a back injury
21:34during the Paralympic Games
21:37and the Asian Games in February
21:39he underwent two surgeries
21:40and therefore withdrew
21:41from the multi-stage Olympic Games
21:42resulting in him not making it to the Paris Olympics
21:45and Yutan also spread
21:46a shocking news yesterday
21:47that the world's 13th
21:50unparalleled men
21:50Wu Shifei and Nori Zudin
21:52are determined to withdraw from the national team
21:54and become free
21:56but the coach of the Olympic National Team
21:57Lei Xi
21:58and his secretary Wu Zhiqiang
22:00both said that
22:01Wu Shifei and Nori Zudin
22:02have not yet decided
22:04whether to withdraw from the national team
22:06after the Olympic Games
22:08the men will also
22:09follow the national team
22:10to compete in the next two weeks
22:12Japan and South Korea
22:13Olympic Open
22:14no matter what
22:15we still have to cheer for our players
22:18no matter what their status is
22:20okay, let's look at the other news
22:21I don't know if you have any friends
22:23who want to be a teacher
22:25if you have
22:25you have to pay attention to this news
22:27the Ministry of Education will start today
22:29until August 19th
22:30which is next Monday
22:31there will be an all-Japan-only
22:33university graduate education culture course
22:36PVPP recruitment event
22:38to recruit qualified
22:40non-educational graduates from domestic and foreign universities
22:43to participate in a one-year demonstration course
22:46if these people apply
22:48and complete the course
22:49they will be eligible for education
22:52and after they graduate
22:53they will be sent to primary and secondary schools
22:55including Chinese primary schools
22:57if you are interested in applying
22:59the website address is
23:05speaking of this education part
23:07there is an Internet celebrity
23:08Mr. Wu Yi
23:09Mr. Kong
23:10is highly praised
23:11the quality of Chinese primary school students
23:14why did he suddenly say that?
23:15he teaches Chinese in social media
23:17in fact, he also praises Chinese primary school students
23:19has three features
23:21first, Chinese primary school students have the habit of self-discipline
23:24second, they know how to abide by discipline and respect the teacher
23:27and third, they will plan ahead to complete the course
23:30today is today
23:32not only that
23:33Mr. Kong also said
23:34as long as Chinese primary school students participate in activities
23:35they will put all their energy into this
23:38so that they can achieve the best level
23:41Mr. Kong also said
23:42some of the good culture learned in Chinese primary school
23:45makes him still feel full of benefits
23:48actually, when Mr. Wu Yi saw the excellence of Chinese primary school students
23:52he was still very touched
23:54I hope our country can stay in a harmonious atmosphere
23:58but these days
23:59the cabinet doesn't seem to be in a good mood
24:01because there is news of the reform
24:04it's all over the sky
24:05although Anhua has already denied it
24:07but still a lot of people think it's empty talk
24:09in addition, there is also news that
24:10the Xuezhou Parliament will also be reformed
24:13the Minister of Xuezhou, Amiruddin
24:14will be promoted to minister
24:17the Minister of Xuezhou, Amiruddin
24:18today completely denied that
24:20he would reform the Xuezhou Parliament
24:22at the same time, he also denied that he would be promoted to minister
24:25he self-proclaimed
24:26every time he had some rumors with the blue-eyed leader
24:28that is, the leader of the Republican Party
24:30had some retreats
24:31or was removed from office
24:33he would definitely have a share
24:34he would be famous
24:36these rumors said he would be a minister
24:38of course
24:39it's not true
24:40he himself has not heard that
24:42he will be appointed as a minister
24:44or he can't be a minister of Xuezhou
24:46he reiterated that
24:47it is necessary to have stability and sustainability to govern Xuezhou
24:51he still has the will to stay in Xuezhou
24:54and continue to develop under the leadership of Xuelan
24:56about the reform of the Xuezhou Executive Council
24:59he said
25:00it depends on various factors to decide whether to reform
25:02but there is no need to reform at this stage
25:04he is very satisfied with the current team performance
25:07he said
25:08the news of the reform
25:09is also a good reminder
25:10to remind the executive council
25:12to do better
25:13after reading Xuezhou
25:14let's turn to Rofozhou
25:16the election committee announced
25:18the Magada election nomination day in Rofozhou
25:21was on September 14
25:23and the voting day was on September 28
25:25both days are Saturday
25:27there are 14 days in total
25:28the election committee said
25:29the Magada election nomination
25:31is expected to cost 2.4 million RMB
25:34the reason why the Magada election will be nominated
25:36is because the incumbent state legislator
25:38Utong Shalihua
25:39passed away on August 2 this month
25:41so it is necessary to be nominated
25:43the incumbent state legislator and deputy prime minister Amod Jassi said
25:46the incumbent state legislator will represent the united government
25:49to run the Magada election nomination in Rofozhou
25:52he did not want other political party leaders to make a statement
25:55saying who should be nominated
25:58he said as usual
25:59the political party holding the relevant state election or state election
26:02will represent the government to re-run the relevant election
26:06so the government is ready
26:08the incumbent state legislator is ready
26:09to fight for this nomination
26:11because the Magada election was originally for Utong
26:14the Magada election is not that fast
26:16actually there is a more urgent election
26:18which is Jilandan-Nengjili
26:20which will start voting on June 17
26:22this time it is a war between the National Alliance and the incumbent state legislator Utong
26:27the incumbent state legislator Amod Jassi said
26:29the incumbent state legislator does not expect to win in the Nengjili state election
26:34as long as he can take back the lost seat with a weak advantage
26:37he is already very satisfied
26:38he predicted that the incumbent state legislator will lose 810 votes in this re-election
26:42and these votes are the majority votes
26:46that the National Alliance won in the Nengjili state election in 2023
26:49he said the incumbent state legislator's opponent is the Jilandan ruling party
26:52so this election is very difficult
26:58let's talk about the traffic accident
27:01because of the ice bridge emergency lane
27:03on the evening of the 11th
27:04there was a very terrible car accident
27:07a car started to turn on the lights behind
27:09and wanted to stop on the emergency lane
27:12unexpectedly, a motorcycle rider was hit
27:15which caused the rider to separate from the motorcycle
27:18and the rider's head was seriously injured
27:21and died on the spot
27:22the director of the northeast police district of the ice bridge said
27:26the driver was a 22-year-old Indian man
27:28he was from Kuala Lumpur
27:30they wanted to go back to Kuala Lumpur after finishing their trip to Penang
27:34they didn't expect that on the way
27:36they wanted to change people to drive
27:38and wanted to stop the car on the emergency lane
27:40but they didn't expect to run into a motorcycle rider
27:43the traffic police of the ice bridge
27:44will enforce the 1987 traffic law
27:46and threaten the driver
27:47which led to the investigation of the death of others
27:49after completing the investigation report
27:51the police will provide the evidence of the driver
27:54yes, the road is really like a lake
27:56in fact, this morning
27:56there was also a traffic accident
27:59near the Jalan Duda toll station on Kuala Lumpur
28:01a lorry lost control and overturned
28:03which caused the diesel to leak into the road
28:05and caused a fire
28:06other vehicles that passed by the diesel
28:08had flames coming out of the tires
28:09in the end, firefighters spent
28:11one or two hours to put out the fire
28:13the 30-year-old lorry driver
28:15had some injuries on his head and arms
28:17the police are still investigating the reason why the lorry lost control and overturned
28:25really, you must pay attention to some traffic on the road
28:28if you find something wrong
28:29you may also need to take care of your behavior
28:32speaking of traffic
28:34if you don't know how to deal with traffic fines
28:36what will be your habit?
28:38I found out that 60% of my friends
28:42chose to laugh
28:44which means they don't have to deal with it in a hurry
28:45and pay when there is a discount
28:46the other 40% of my friends chose to wow
28:49they won't delay
28:50once there is a fine, they will pay
28:51I am one of the 40% of my friends
28:53in fact, whether you delay
28:55and pay when there is a discount
28:57or deal with it immediately
28:58it's not wrong
28:58the main thing is to make sure
28:59that you pay the fine yourself
29:02really, I saw Huang Jiawei said
29:04that he doesn't know how to deal with fines
29:06he said that
29:06as long as there is a fine
29:08go to MySummon online
29:10and pay the fine
29:12that's right
29:12Eric said that he is a good citizen who knows how to calculate
29:16it's true that if you delay
29:18and pay when there is a discount
29:19it's not wrong
29:20but you must pay
29:21yes, you must pay
29:22alright, that's all for today
29:24I am Zhang Hong
29:24I am Shu Ting
29:25bringing you this song
29:26Little Chun Kenzi's Da Zhang Fu
