My Demon S01 Episode 02 KDrama Hindi Dubbed Full HD

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My Demon S01 Episode 02 KDrama Hindi Dubbed Full HD


00:00:00Tell me the truth, this is the end, I feel I've lost myself
00:00:17Ooh, fool, fool, bring me to the top, can't find you in the air, you'll never cry for me
00:00:31Ooh, fool, fool, so tell you all the truth
00:00:47Ooh, fool, fool, bring me to the top, can't find you in the air, you'll never cry for me
00:01:07Ooh, fool, fool, bring me to the top, can't find you in the air, you'll never cry for me
00:01:37Ooh, fool, fool, bring me to the top, can't find you in the air, you'll never cry for me
00:02:07Ooh, fool, fool, bring me to the top, can't find you in the air, you'll never cry for me
00:02:37Ooh, fool, fool, bring me to the top, can't find you in the air, you'll never cry for me
00:03:01Ooh, fool, fool, bring me to the top, can't find you in the air, you'll never cry for me
00:03:31Ooh, fool, fool, bring me to the top, can't find you in the air, you'll never cry for me
00:04:01Ooh, fool, fool, bring me to the top, can't find you in the air, you'll never cry for me
00:04:31Ooh, fool, fool, bring me to the top, can't find you in the air, you'll never cry for me
00:05:01Ooh, fool, fool, bring me to the top, can't find you in the air, you'll never cry for me
00:05:31How do you feel now? Is everything okay?
00:05:36I'm in pain here and there, but I'm fine. But you...
00:05:44Are you okay?
00:05:46Unfortunately, I'm not okay at all. That's why I'm still here.
00:05:53What's this? Is this a temporary tattoo?
00:05:56What? Temporary tattoo?
00:05:58How did I get this disgusting tattoo?
00:06:02What are you doing?
00:06:04Why isn't it coming off?
00:06:06You're spitting on it. Are you out of your mind?
00:06:09How did this happen?
00:06:12This is a real tattoo. What happened last night?
00:06:27Thank God you remember everything. If you had forgotten, you wouldn't have believed me.
00:06:31You were so drunk last night. Did we have a party?
00:06:36Why didn't you stop me from getting this tattoo?
00:06:39That's enough. I'm going to erase it with a laser.
00:06:42No, don't do that.
00:06:45What's this? Move.
00:06:47I won't move even if I lose my life.
00:06:49Don't act like my dad, okay?
00:06:51What do you care if I erase it or cover it with a pororo?
00:06:56Don't try to mess with this tattoo.
00:06:59If you try to do that, I won't leave you.
00:07:03This is my hand.
00:07:05And this tattoo is mine.
00:07:07What nonsense is this?
00:07:09Right now it's on your hand, but it used to be mine.
00:07:11This is not nonsense.
00:07:13Are you crazy?
00:07:15Leave it.
00:07:17Leave my hand.
00:07:19No, I won't.
00:07:21I'm telling you for the last time.
00:07:23No, I don't know what you're going to do.
00:07:25One, two, three.
00:07:36My hand.
00:07:49I did this?
00:07:55I knew it.
00:07:57Listen, I didn't want to hit you so hard.
00:07:59My hand wasn't moving and then...
00:08:02I saved your life and you stole my thing?
00:08:05Stole your thing?
00:08:07I was crazy.
00:08:09I should have let a common man like you die by the hands of that murderer.
00:08:11I'm the one who's crazy.
00:08:13A rascal like you should have been handed over to the fish.
00:08:16I saved you from drowning.
00:08:18And now you want this tattoo too?
00:08:20And why was I drowning? For you?
00:08:26So, how are you feeling?
00:08:28Doctor, I'm just...
00:08:30My head feels really heavy.
00:08:33Huh? Okay.
00:08:35Let me check.
00:08:37Doctor, is Dohi not well?
00:08:39I just wanted to know about her health.
00:08:42She doesn't have any weakness.
00:08:44Everything seems normal.
00:08:46How can I be normal?
00:08:48My brain isn't working.
00:08:49Miss Dohi is such a capable leader that she can laugh even in difficult times.
00:08:56I understand.
00:09:03Was her name Jongu Bon?
00:09:05Yes, the same victim.
00:09:07She's beautiful and rude too.
00:09:10She's not as straight forward as she seems.
00:09:13How is that?
00:09:15Where does she buy her clothes from?
00:09:16Do you think they're expensive?
00:09:18Would I like them?
00:09:21I don't think you're jealous of her clothes.
00:09:26I think you're jealous of her beauty, her body and her personality.
00:09:36I'm Detective Park Kyung Soo.
00:09:38I'm in charge of your case.
00:09:42You're still here?
00:09:43I won't rest until she recovers.
00:09:46You can leave now that I'm fine.
00:09:49We're happy that you're fine.
00:09:51I've told them not to let the chairwoman and the public know about this.
00:09:57I'm sorry for disturbing you.
00:09:59But we need your statement.
00:10:01You should be after criminals.
00:10:03I heard you two met on a blind date.
00:10:05Do you think you're destined to marry each other?
00:10:13I'll always be single.
00:10:15I don't want to get married.
00:10:18And somehow you two met on a blind date.
00:10:22It's said that a blind date and a car accident can't be avoided by just one person.
00:10:26Some accidents are our fault.
00:10:28It's carelessness not to make the right distance.
00:10:38I'm leaving. I have to go somewhere.
00:10:40Yes, you can go.
00:10:41Ms. Dodohi.
00:10:43Please take care of yourself.
00:10:45And stay away from things like laser and pororo.
00:10:49We'll meet soon.
00:10:54I'm leaving.
00:11:02Laser and pororo.
00:11:04No one should know.
00:11:11I'm leaving.
00:11:12I'm leaving.
00:11:40Give it back.
00:11:43There's only one reason for a demon's existence.
00:11:46He can make contracts.
00:11:48If a demon delays in making a new contract or completing an old one,
00:11:51it will be destroyed.
00:11:53Who are you to read this?
00:11:55Is this a salary proposal?
00:11:57It's deeper than a blood relationship.
00:11:59Wait a minute.
00:12:01Where did you get this?
00:12:03I hid it somewhere.
00:12:05I cleaned it.
00:12:07I just want to see if your butler has the right to read a demon's manual.
00:12:09Do you think this is a manual?
00:12:10What if this isn't a manual?
00:12:12This is a record of my existence.
00:12:15A kind of map.
00:12:19I mean, this is a very important book.
00:12:21Don't even dare to touch it.
00:12:23I'm warning you.
00:12:24I'm warning you.
00:12:39By the way,
00:12:41destroying means
00:12:43that you will burn and disappear, right?
00:12:46Oh my God!
00:12:48How many times do you have to make a contract?
00:12:50Every week? Every month?
00:12:52I don't know.
00:12:53Now I understand.
00:12:55That's why you worked so hard despite being lazy.
00:12:57Stop it.
00:13:00Find out about this woman.
00:13:07Find out about her family, her blood group,
00:13:09her love life, and with whom she lives.
00:13:11And most importantly,
00:13:13does she dip the sauce in the sauce or eat it with the sauce?
00:13:15After all, who is this woman
00:13:17about whom you want to know so much?
00:13:19Had you gone on a date yesterday,
00:13:20wouldn't you have found her?
00:13:22She's a thief.
00:13:24The one who stole your heart?
00:13:26I don't like this mischief in your eyes.
00:13:33Where did he go all of a sudden?
00:13:37Where did who go?
00:13:39Your tattoo?
00:13:41What's the big deal about it?
00:13:43Isn't it a big deal?
00:13:45So are you missing anything other than your tattoo?
00:13:48I can see that you're acting a little different.
00:13:52Who? Me?
00:13:54No, right?
00:13:58If you say so.
00:14:14You lost your powers?
00:14:15You lost your powers?
00:14:17I still can't believe it.
00:14:19You'll go bankrupt without your powers.
00:14:21I'll become unemployed overnight.
00:14:23I'll become homeless.
00:14:25How will I pay my new car loan?
00:14:27Do you think your car loan is more important right now?
00:14:29I've lost my powers.
00:14:32You've lost your powers?
00:14:34Am I right?
00:14:36No, I haven't lost them.
00:14:38I just...
00:14:40What did you do?
00:14:42I lent them to someone.
00:14:43I see.
00:14:45This thief, right?
00:14:47How did this happen?
00:14:49I don't know.
00:14:51I don't know what he did to me.
00:14:53But I lost my powers and I lost my tattoo.
00:14:55I want to know everything in detail.
00:14:59Where are you going?
00:15:01To get my powers.
00:15:03First I have to do something important.
00:15:05I'm ending a contract today.
00:15:07But what will you do without your powers?
00:15:09What do you want to say?
00:15:11Are you out of your mind?
00:15:13Get lost.
00:15:25How dare you spit chewing gum here?
00:15:27Do you know how difficult it is to get rid of dust?
00:15:32What do you think?
00:15:34I didn't work so hard for the Olympics.
00:15:36That's good. I'm glad.
00:15:38It's time for me to go.
00:15:40I've read this.
00:15:43Look, this contract is one-sided.
00:15:45So this is just cheating.
00:15:47And that means
00:15:49I have nothing to do with you.
00:15:51That's what I can't tolerate.
00:15:53People are getting more and more shameless.
00:15:55Maybe you guys don't know who you've messed with.
00:15:58Maybe you'll have to learn a lesson.
00:16:00Come on, one by one.
00:16:02Who said he's going to teach you a lesson?
00:16:04So you guys watch.
00:16:07One by one.
00:16:09One by one.
00:16:13Where's your sportsmanship?
00:16:15Come alone.
00:16:36You've already been beaten up.
00:16:38You all look the same.
00:16:44Move aside. I'll deal with him.
00:16:52I didn't want to make matters worse, but...
00:17:04Hey, where are you running off to?
00:17:14Don't think I'm scared.
00:17:16I'll come back to get you.
00:17:18So keep that contract safe.
00:17:20I'll show you what I'm made of.
00:17:22What are you staring at?
00:17:24Come on.
00:17:32Don't throw that.
00:17:39Your car was wrecked in an accident.
00:17:41So I've arranged a new car for you.
00:17:44It's so strange.
00:17:46He was eating alone in that restaurant.
00:17:49And then he came to Coastal Road in the middle of the night.
00:17:52This can't be a coincidence.
00:17:54I'm sure that...
00:17:56Is it fate?
00:18:00Miss Shin, you're too romantic.
00:18:03I'm sorry to be romantic.
00:18:05He's playing a trick.
00:18:07He's coming after me.
00:18:08As soon as he gets a chance, he'll play a trick.
00:18:11What kind of trick?
00:18:13He wants me to sign a contract.
00:18:15I was about to die and he was talking about a contract.
00:18:18What will he gain by doing this?
00:18:22But we don't need to know.
00:18:24If he's playing a trick,
00:18:26it means that the contract is not good for us.
00:18:31Did you get a tattoo?
00:18:33I was drunk.
00:18:35As soon as the article about the juice was published,
00:18:37our stocks fell by 10% in one day.
00:18:40The selling rate of foreign and institutional investors is strange.
00:18:43Will you go to the office now?
00:18:48You'll have to die because of Joo Joon Suk.
00:18:54I want to meet Joo Sir first.
00:18:59Detective, we've made a face painting.
00:19:04Look at the quality of this picture.
00:19:06Now it's not far from us.
00:20:04Come in.
00:20:19What do you want?
00:20:21I always get rent on time,
00:20:24but I don't see anyone here.
00:20:27I'm the owner of this house.
00:20:29Is the director inside?
00:20:31No, he has gone out of town for a show.
00:20:34He'll call you when he comes back.
00:20:36Wait a minute.
00:20:38I've seen you somewhere.
00:20:40Are you an actor?
00:20:44How long have you been here?
00:20:46I've never seen you acting.
00:20:48I left it.
00:20:50I took up another job and now I'm back.
00:20:52You can't get rid of talent.
00:20:54It never dies.
00:20:58Now I'm used to it.
00:21:01What's this?
00:21:03Why is there blood on your hand?
00:21:08This is make-up.
00:21:10This could be a misunderstanding.
00:21:13When the director comes back,
00:21:15tell him I want to meet him.
00:21:17Wait a minute.
00:21:21There's water dripping from the roof.
00:21:24It's dripping again.
00:21:26Would you like to come in and see?
00:21:45Is your work done?
00:21:47Yes, he said everything is fine.
00:21:50That's good.
00:21:52Don't you feel good that you're fine?
00:21:54There's nothing to be afraid of.
00:21:56I've wasted my time.
00:21:58I don't know if my plants are fine.
00:22:01I'll have to give them fertilizer.
00:22:03I'll take you home.
00:22:05Aren't you busy?
00:22:07Your company has lost 2.6 billion rupees.
00:22:09I'm working on it.
00:22:11Who did this?
00:22:13I don't know yet.
00:22:15Do you need my help?
00:22:17No, not at all.
00:22:19If I needed help, I would've asked for it years ago.
00:22:21It won't be right to ask you to fix things.
00:22:25Ms. Juyosa.
00:22:28Come in.
00:22:31Jai Bomanju.
00:22:33Doctor, what are you doing here?
00:22:35Why did you bother to come?
00:22:37I wanted to know if you had any problem here.
00:22:42My plants are withering.
00:22:45They're all the same.
00:22:47No, not at all.
00:22:49Look at their leaves.
00:22:51They've dried up after I left.
00:22:55You should rest.
00:22:57Otherwise, your knees will start hurting again.
00:22:58I won't do it.
00:23:00I take a lot of medicines.
00:23:03Do you think painkillers are vitamins?
00:23:06I'll do it.
00:23:08What do I have to do?
00:23:10Leave it.
00:23:12You don't know how to do it.
00:23:14Then why do you do things that hurt?
00:23:16It's not good to take so many painkillers.
00:23:18Are you addicted to it?
00:23:20Painkillers aren't as bad for me as you say.
00:23:22It's painful to sit in one place at an old age.
00:23:25I feel less pain because
00:23:26I walk a lot.
00:23:31Look at this.
00:23:33It's a beautiful flower.
00:23:35It's going to bloom soon.
00:23:37It's so beautiful.
00:23:39I want to ask you something.
00:23:41Go ahead.
00:23:44I don't know.
00:23:46Is it that...
00:23:48What's the matter?
00:23:50You don't talk to me like this.
00:23:53Are you hiding something from me?
00:23:54Yes, of course.
00:23:56I'm hiding it.
00:23:58It's my nature to lie.
00:24:00There's no truth in business.
00:24:06I'm serious.
00:24:12You want me to tell you the truth, right?
00:24:15You really didn't hide anything from me?
00:24:24No, I didn't.
00:24:29It's difficult to hide from a devil like you.
00:24:38If you say so.
00:24:40Who else can I trust?
00:24:44Why? Did you hear anything from anyone?
00:24:46I just asked.
00:24:49Just like that.
00:24:55You've already started half the work.
00:24:58She doesn't listen to anyone.
00:25:00I didn't raise my children well.
00:25:02But I can take care of the plants.
00:25:04But people are living so peacefully these days.
00:25:06You're right.
00:25:08I think she's come to her senses.
00:25:10Yes, she should.
00:25:12She's not a kid anymore.
00:25:14She hasn't stopped thinking.
00:25:18This is the financial report from the last quarter.
00:25:21Here you go.
00:25:25It's good.
00:25:27Don't look at the results.
00:25:29Look at how hard I worked to make it.
00:25:31Should I know that too?
00:25:33You're always so stingy with compliments.
00:25:36Okay, I'll leave now.
00:25:38Doohi, I'll be right back.
00:25:40Are you done with your work?
00:25:44If I stay here, how will you make more money?
00:25:46Are you going to the office?
00:25:51Why don't you two get married?
00:25:56Why do you say such weird things?
00:25:58What's wrong with you?
00:26:00What's weird about it?
00:26:02You don't even have a blood relation.
00:26:04Stop it, aunty.
00:26:06Don't pay attention to him.
00:26:08He's only concerned about my marriage.
00:26:10I'll leave now.
00:26:12I don't know what you'll say if I stay here.
00:26:14Okay, go.
00:26:16Don't get married if you don't want to.
00:26:18We'll meet again, aunty.
00:26:25Do you want to go to the office too?
00:26:29Do you want a lift?
00:26:31But you must have brought your own car, right?
00:26:35I didn't bring it.
00:26:37I came here in a taxi.
00:26:39Doohi, I drive.
00:26:41You drive?
00:26:43It's been a while since I drove.
00:26:45Okay, let's go.
00:26:49Let's go.
00:26:59What happened?
00:27:01You look worried.
00:27:03No, I'm absolutely fine, Doohi.
00:27:07Ms. Shin, are you comfortable?
00:27:10I can do my work because of you.
00:27:14It's not a big deal.
00:27:15Do you think we should pay Mr. Jong-un?
00:27:18With the lunch bill?
00:27:20You're right.
00:27:22Otherwise, I'll be indebted to him.
00:27:24Did someone do you a favor?
00:27:27My blind date.
00:27:34Doohi, are you okay?
00:27:37Yes, I'm fine.
00:27:43Ms. Shin,
00:27:45your nose is bleeding.
00:27:48Oh my!
00:27:50Your nose is bleeding.
00:28:01Ms. Shin, are you really okay?
00:28:05I'm fine as long as I'm driving.
00:28:08I'm sorry, Ms. Shin.
00:28:09I'm sorry, Ms. Shin.
00:28:13Are you shocked to see me going on a blind date?
00:28:16Because it's too soon.
00:28:18And you don't like all this.
00:28:20But why did you go on a blind date?
00:28:23Why would anyone go on a blind date?
00:28:25Do you want to get married?
00:28:29Ju Yosa forced me.
00:28:31I don't want to get married.
00:28:33Neither do I.
00:28:36Neither do you?
00:28:37Neither do I.
00:28:39You said you didn't want to get married.
00:28:42So, I thought this would be a new trend for Gen Z.
00:28:45What is this?
00:28:47Kimchi or Champong?
00:28:49I don't know. I had it yesterday.
00:28:51And look at your tie.
00:28:53Come here.
00:28:55If you're so smart, why do you live like this?
00:28:57That's because I have the blood of a hippie.
00:29:00If we buy as many of Meera F&B's stocks as possible,
00:29:05we can...
00:29:07That's why people talk about insider trading.
00:29:10But your company is great for investment.
00:29:14Don't worry about that.
00:29:16I can handle my own company.
00:29:18I forgot how cool and strong you are.
00:29:22You were about to kill me.
00:29:29Let me fix your tie.
00:29:31I like it.
00:29:33Miss Chin, did you like it?
00:29:36Yes, I liked it a lot.
00:29:38I knew it.
00:29:40I knew you were a trendsetter.
00:29:42This is a good joke.
00:29:44This is not a joke.
00:29:46Let me tie it again.
00:29:48Let me do it.
00:29:50This is not right.
00:29:52It's good.
00:29:56What is this?
00:29:57There's nothing about tattoos.
00:30:00How will I get them back?
00:30:13Mr. Park, what did you find out about 2-2-He?
00:30:21Name is 2-2-He.
00:30:23Blood group is AB.
00:30:24AB is known by many names.
00:30:27Like the princess of my group,
00:30:29a devil in stylish clothes,
00:30:31and a lion in 2-2-He's skin.
00:30:43This is not possible.
00:30:47You are a devil.
00:30:49She was not born in a rich family.
00:30:51Her dad was an engineer
00:30:52who used to make metal cross bearings for household chores.
00:30:55And her mom used to run a hair salon.
00:30:57She got married late,
00:30:59so this was a precious gift for her.
00:31:0117 years ago, she lost her parents in a car accident
00:31:04when she was only 11 years old.
00:31:06The chairwoman of my group, Ju Chonsuk,
00:31:08adopted this orphan girl.
00:31:10Her dad was one of the founders of Mere Electronics,
00:31:12the main company of my group,
00:31:14whose chairwoman, Ju Chonsuk, was also a star.
00:31:16Aren't these arrows
00:31:18showing the condition of our company?
00:31:19When there is a break-up,
00:31:21every love song has its own story.
00:31:23I don't think so.
00:31:25Because you always reject boys.
00:31:27Are you saying
00:31:29that my condition is worse than a break-up?
00:31:38She was hard-working,
00:31:40and used to come first in class.
00:31:42She completed her studies before time.
00:31:44She started a dessert company in college,
00:31:46which became the top company in just 7 years.
00:31:47That company is Mere F&B.
00:31:50Mere Group bought this company
00:31:52and included it in their group.
00:31:56Tomorrow is a new day,
00:31:58and the company's stocks
00:32:01should go up
00:32:04at any cost.
00:32:05At any cost.
00:32:16Welcome, Ms. Do.
00:32:18How are you, Ms. Do?
00:32:20How do you think I am?
00:32:22I have lost more than 2 billion.
00:32:24We are trying to prove that article to be false.
00:32:27It didn't work.
00:32:29Ms. Do, we are always filing cases
00:32:31on false articles and comments.
00:32:33It didn't work either.
00:32:39time heals all wounds.
00:32:45are amazing.
00:32:47I am not here for poetry.
00:32:49She studied arts, Ms. Do.
00:32:51You should go to a writing contest.
00:32:53But you won't win.
00:32:56I am sorry, ma'am.
00:32:58Do you know why the dinosaurs died?
00:33:00Yes, I have studied biology,
00:33:02so I can explain it to you.
00:33:03The dinosaurs died
00:33:05because of the collision
00:33:07between the earth
00:33:09and the comet.
00:33:19Because the dinosaurs
00:33:21didn't change themselves
00:33:23over time.
00:33:26That's why they died.
00:33:28I have found out
00:33:30where I can find Noosuhan.
00:33:34To deal with this situation,
00:33:36defense is not enough.
00:33:38We have to attack.
00:33:40This filth will be cleaned
00:33:42by the one who spread it.
00:33:46She is single right now.
00:33:48She went on some dates,
00:33:50but it didn't work out.
00:33:52Because she is always busy
00:33:54studying and working.
00:33:56She eats with sauce.
00:34:00We dip her in the sauce.
00:34:02Is it necessary for you
00:34:04to laugh right now?
00:34:06I will go alone.
00:34:08You meet the legal team
00:34:10and send me the report.
00:34:12I want to go with you.
00:34:14You told me
00:34:16you will always listen to me.
00:34:18I shouldn't have let you go alone.
00:34:21I was just unlucky.
00:34:22What happened
00:34:24is not your or my fault.
00:34:26Still, I...
00:34:28I don't want to be weak
00:34:30by blaming myself or someone else.
00:34:32Otherwise, I will lose.
00:34:34And I don't want that.
00:34:37We don't want that.
00:34:53I can't back out now.
00:35:02that's all I found out.
00:35:04What will you do now?
00:35:13I will do what I am good at.
00:35:16And what is that?
00:35:18I don't know.
00:35:19I don't know what I am good at.
00:35:21And what is that?
00:35:26a person's heart.
00:35:37You look beautiful, ma'am.
00:35:39Bhushan must have come to my F&B right now.
00:35:42What is his stock?
00:35:44Around 20% till the market closes.
00:35:46Poor Dohi!
00:35:49Did you see the strength of an article?
00:35:51I should send him flowers in this pain.
00:35:54Flowers are not important.
00:35:56A person's thoughts are important.
00:35:58What are you doing here?
00:36:01Don't you know?
00:36:03Shopping, of course.
00:36:05Are you out of your mind?
00:36:08I don't shop with my mind.
00:36:11I shop with money.
00:36:16Is it because
00:36:17you are the CEO of Meera Apparel?
00:36:20Do you prefer men's clothes over yours?
00:36:22Are you home?
00:36:45What are you doing in front of my juniors?
00:36:48I am just worried about you.
00:36:50You are worried about me?
00:36:52I can work hard to raise the stock.
00:36:55But it is difficult to erase
00:36:57the stain of low life.
00:36:59What low life?
00:37:01You are talking as if I am with many men.
00:37:06Your interest in me is not one-sided.
00:37:09I am also interested in you.
00:37:14I had finished these photos.
00:37:17How did you get them?
00:37:18I just gave you more money.
00:37:22It is not a crime to love someone.
00:37:25That's why, Suhan,
00:37:27it is a crime to do it openly.
00:37:29Are you blackmailing me now?
00:37:31No, I haven't even started yet.
00:37:37One minute.
00:37:42Where are you?
00:37:44Jango war?
00:37:45I want to meet you.
00:37:46I had a serious side effect from that accident.
00:37:49How serious is it?
00:37:51So serious that it is affecting my work.
00:37:53You were fine before.
00:37:55You don't believe me, right?
00:37:57Meet me and see for yourself.
00:37:59Come to the department store.
00:38:02I am in a hurry.
00:38:03Don't be late.
00:38:07I don't have much time.
00:38:16I am in a hurry.
00:38:22So listen, Suhan,
00:38:24blackmailing starts now.
00:38:27If you reveal your private life,
00:38:30my reputation will be ruined.
00:38:33That's not all.
00:38:35I am thinking how angry Juyosa will be.
00:38:37If you say anything to mom,
00:38:39I will destroy you.
00:38:41I am sorry.
00:38:43There is no secret between me and Juyosa.
00:38:47What if we do this?
00:38:52You clean the mess you have created.
00:38:57And I won't reveal this pain of yours.
00:39:01And anyway,
00:39:02it's better to be unknown.
00:39:06Don't waste your energy on me.
00:39:10Save it
00:39:12so that you can fight your brother.
00:39:36may not be destined for heaven.
00:39:41There is something
00:39:43that scares me a lot.
00:39:49More than going to hell,
00:39:53I am afraid
00:39:57that she will never forgive me.
00:40:03is in your heart, sister.
00:40:06The time has come to tell the truth
00:40:09and free yourself.
00:40:56I think Mr. Jong has started working.
00:41:00No one can compete with him
00:41:03in spying on humans.
00:41:07Otherwise, why would I fall into his trap twice?
00:41:13If I wanted to die in the fragrance of incense,
00:41:18I would have died in the smoke of coal.
00:41:43It is said that death and the customer can come at any time.
00:41:46But death came to me before the customer.
00:42:04Not Jesus.
00:42:13I understood.
00:42:15So you want me to put my thumbprint on it?
00:42:19Then you will be the owner of these 2000 franchises.
00:42:25No problem.
00:42:26Running my business is no less than running hell.
00:42:29I agree.
00:42:30Give me the ink.
00:42:35Take it now.
00:42:38It is hurting.
00:42:43It is hurting.
00:42:45I will give you a 10-year contract.
00:42:47It will happen as you wish.
00:42:49You will never starve.
00:42:58And what will happen after that?
00:43:03You will die and your soul
00:43:06will go back to where I came from.
00:43:08Where did you come from?
00:43:09In the language of humans, it is called
00:43:17What is this red place?
00:43:25I am dead.
00:43:27I didn't eat the head.
00:43:29I ate the entire body.
00:43:31You are a very bad demon.
00:43:35One minute.
00:43:39One minute.
00:43:45You are the same demon, right?
00:43:47Do you know?
00:43:49I had to suffer so much because of you.
00:43:52Hey, stop.
00:43:54What are you doing?
00:43:56I will kill you.
00:43:58I will kill you.
00:44:00Stop it.
00:44:01I will take you with me.
00:44:02Come on.
00:44:05Why didn't I hear a sound?
00:44:07Should I wet my finger more?
00:44:15Every greedy person in this world
00:44:18can be trapped by Mr. John.
00:44:21But no.
00:44:23How will he be able to trap that woman
00:44:24without his powers?
00:44:28Why doesn't he have powers?
00:44:30Because his tattoo is near that woman.
00:44:38Everything is nonsense.
00:44:40I want to know everything about Mr. John.
00:44:47Where is he?
00:44:49He said he will be seen as soon as he comes out.
00:44:52This side effect must be his trick.
00:44:55This time his trick is...
00:45:07You are the same demon, right?
00:45:08Do you know?
00:45:09I had to suffer so much because of you.
00:45:10Why didn't I hear a sound?
00:45:11Should I wet my finger more?
00:45:12Come on.
00:45:13I will take you with me.
00:45:14Come on.
00:45:15I will take you with me.
00:45:16Come on.
00:45:17I will take you with me.
00:45:18Come on.
00:45:19I will take you with me.
00:45:20Come on.
00:45:21I will take you with me.
00:45:22Come on.
00:45:23I will take you with me.
00:45:24Come on.
00:45:25I will take you with me.
00:45:26Come on.
00:45:27I will take you with me.
00:45:28Come on.
00:45:29I will take you with me.
00:45:30Come on.
00:45:31I will take you with me.
00:45:32Come on.
00:45:33I will take you with me.
00:45:34Come on.
00:45:35I will take you with me.
00:45:36Come on.
00:45:37I will take you with me.
00:45:38Come on.
00:45:39I will take you with me.
00:45:40Come on.
00:45:41I will take you with me.
00:45:42Come on.
00:45:43I will take you with me.
00:45:44Come on.
00:45:45I will take you with me.
00:45:46Come on.
00:45:47I will take you with me.
00:45:48Come on.
00:45:49I will take you with me.
00:45:50Come on.
00:45:51I will take you with me.
00:45:52Come on.
00:45:53I will take you with me.
00:45:54Come on.
00:45:55I will take you with me.
00:45:56Come on.
00:45:57I will take you with me.
00:45:58Come on.
00:45:59I will take you with me.
00:46:00Come on.
00:46:01I will take you with me.
00:46:02Come on.
00:46:03I will take you with me.
00:46:04Come on.
00:46:05I will take you with me.
00:46:06Come on.
00:46:07I will take you with me.
00:46:08Come on.
00:46:09I will take you with me.
00:46:10Come on.
00:46:11I will take you with me.
00:46:12Come on.
00:46:13I will take you with me.
00:46:14Come on.
00:46:15I will take you with me.
00:46:16Come on.
00:46:17I will take you with me.
00:46:18Come on.
00:46:19I will take you with me.
00:46:20Come on.
00:46:21I will take you with me.
00:46:22Come on.
00:46:23I will take you with me.
00:46:24Come on.
00:46:25I will take you with me.
00:46:26Come on.
00:46:27I will take you with me.
00:46:28Come on.
00:46:29I will take you with me.
00:46:30Come on.
00:46:31I will take you with me.
00:46:32Come on.
00:46:33I will take you with me.
00:46:34I am not lying about the side effect.
00:46:35This has really affected my work.
00:46:38What is this side effect?
00:46:40I am not able to do anything.
00:46:41I have become helpless.
00:46:42I don't want to live like this.
00:46:43This is such a weird and unknown feeling that I have never felt.
00:46:47Then you should meet a psychiatrist.
00:46:49Not me.
00:46:53Only you can cure her.
00:47:05You will become my side effect.
00:47:31Let me clear one thing.
00:47:33I came with you so that you feel good and get well soon.
00:47:37This is not a date.
00:47:41Give me your hand.
00:47:43You don't have any patience.
00:47:50Not this one.
00:48:04What are you doing?
00:48:06I am driving.
00:48:27He was really a fool.
00:48:29He came alone to fight with you.
00:48:31He collects loans.
00:48:33You get a pension to win gold medals.
00:48:35Where did that money go?
00:48:38Don't talk nonsense.
00:48:40Do you know any place?
00:48:41Let's go for a drink.
00:48:42You do everything that a player is not allowed to do.
00:48:45Drink, smoke and party with women.
00:48:47Still, how do you do so well in matches?
00:48:49A genius like me doesn't have to work hard.
00:48:52Whatever you think is difficult is easy for me.
00:48:54I knew it.
00:48:56Who can defeat a born wrestler?
00:49:27This fool is here again.
00:49:28What happened?
00:49:29He is making fun of us.
00:49:31What's wrong with him?
00:49:32Are you okay?
00:49:34What's wrong with you?
00:49:55What was all that?
00:49:57Who were those people?
00:49:59They're some of my neighbours' friends.
00:50:03How many more friends will I have to meet tonight?
00:50:05I'll have to be mentally prepared.
00:50:07I don't have any friends.
00:50:09Okay, I guess I should be straightforward now.
00:50:29I want to do something with you here.
00:50:41Look, I'm not an old-timer, but this is our first time.
00:50:45And doing it in public like this is against public manners.
00:50:51What happened?
00:50:53Where is he going?
00:50:59I'll be right back.
00:51:12Won't you come out?
00:51:13I want to do this outside.
00:51:15What? Outside?
00:51:18Don't you know that it's a crime to be rude in public?
00:51:21I could go to jail for a year or get a fine of 50 lakhs.
00:51:26Since when is it a crime to look at the Han river?
00:51:30Look up and you'll see the Han river.
00:51:32Charming, right?
00:51:45Oh, right, I'll have to take a look.
00:51:55It's not strange here.
00:51:56The local atmosphere here is obediently friendly.
00:51:58Can you hold your breath for a second?
00:52:08My breath? Why?
00:52:18He's definitely going to kiss me.
00:52:28What are you doing?
00:52:34I'm not gonna do it.
00:52:37Take care of your health.
00:52:39Hey, don't touch my brother.
00:52:42What do you want?
00:52:44Help me!
00:52:45You don't even like him?
00:52:48You want to die?
00:52:49You'll never get a boyfriend like him.
00:52:53I have feelings for you.
00:52:56Just don't let me die!
00:53:38Did you want to kill me?
00:53:40Calm down. I...
00:53:41How can I calm down?
00:53:43Do you know how many times I have survived?
00:53:45You threw me in the water and tried to kill me.
00:53:48Not only that, someone is trying to kill me.
00:53:51And I don't know who he is and why he is after me.
00:53:56Why did you do this to me? What did I do to you?
00:53:59Why did you do this to me?
00:54:06Why did you do this to me?
00:54:10I wanted to check something.
00:54:12You could have asked me first.
00:54:14If I had asked you, you would have said no.
00:54:21You are crazy.
00:54:40Now we are even.
00:55:06What do I do if this doesn't work?
00:55:11Mr. Park, what are you doing here?
00:55:14I told you to find out about Dodo.
00:55:16That's what I'm doing.
00:55:22I found this. I'll keep it. I won't give it back.
00:55:26Tell me, what happened?
00:55:28You were going to trap her, but she left you.
00:55:30Shut up.
00:56:04Are you Ms. Dodo?
00:56:06I'm the finance team chief of Mere Group, Chatejun.
00:56:09All I can say is that I have an order
00:56:12to make you the next J-woman of Mere Group.
