
  • last month


00:00What will be the biggest disease here?
00:05She is the biggest disease here.
00:08What is happening here?
00:10Your welcome, sir.
00:12But I can't stay here anymore.
00:14There is no hospital here.
00:17There is no hospital of your level in Kesar Kala.
00:20But there is a lot of pain, doctor.
00:22They can't save us from dying.
00:25But they can reduce the pain of dying.
00:28Call Muqaddas here.
00:30I will meet him here.
00:42Mr. Chairman.
00:44And all the friends of Awaaz Ki Duniya.
00:48Walaikum Salam.
00:50First of all, I would like to present my famous song, Chitti Motor Car.
00:55Sir, is it okay?
00:56Not at all.
00:57Your Chitti Motor Car has ruined my hair.
01:00Sing something new.
01:02The doctor is here.
01:03Sing something educated.
01:05Some Ghasal Shazal.
01:06Some Nazam Shazam.
01:07Some Rubaish Bhai.
01:08I understood, Mr. Malik.
01:10I have composed a poem yesterday.
01:12It is a poem of Faiz Ahmed Faiz.
01:14Sir, permission to sing?
01:15Permission granted.
01:27My heart, my traveler.
01:33My heart, my traveler.
01:36My heart, my traveler.
01:39My heart, my traveler.
01:42My heart, my traveler.
01:45My heart, my traveler.
01:48I have not got a chance to talk more than that.
01:51I was just crying.
01:54On top of that, the boy's mother and sisters
01:57spoke a lot and made me lose my mind.
01:59My ears were torn.
02:02My heart is tearing, Meenu.
02:05What happened?
02:07Allah is great.
02:08And remember,
02:10if your love is true,
02:12then you will definitely get her.
02:14She is engaged.
02:15How will I get her?
02:17Don't give me false consolations.
02:20Listen to me.
02:21Engagements break easily.
02:23Maybe the boy's family will get upset.
02:26Or maybe the holy mother will create a ruckus.
02:29The holy mother should have created a ruckus.
02:31She got engaged and sat there.
02:34She promised me love.
02:36And she ate sweets from someone else's hand.
02:39This is injustice.
02:40This is cruelty.
02:41This is disloyalty, Meenu.
02:43You left her alone here and ran away.
02:46And you are calling this disloyalty?
02:48You should get 12 slaps for this.
02:51Instead of blaming her for being disloyal,
02:53use your brain, not your tongue.
02:55And listen to me.
02:57Be patient for her engagement.
02:58Or be brave and meet Mukkadas.
03:00Let's see what to do after that.
03:02What can be done now?
03:04She is engaged.
03:06She is engaged, not hanged.
03:09And if you want to talk instead of doing something,
03:11then I don't have time to listen to your nonsense.
03:15And remember one thing.
03:16The world stands with the one who stands up for himself.
03:19And if you want to win Mukkadas,
03:21first strengthen your backbone.
03:31Mr. Malik, this special style of Sadao is for you.
03:34Yes, father.
03:35Can you hear me?
03:36Yes, son.
03:37Yes, I can hear you clearly.
03:39Maybe the signals come here at night.
03:42Son, where is this sound coming from?
03:44I hope you didn't go to a gathering
03:46where it is prohibited for decent people to go.
03:49No, father.
03:50Mr. Malik Nadir must have called a local singer.
03:53He is busy with Mr. Faiz's poem.
03:55That's his voice.
03:57He is singing in the streets.
03:58Son, get out of Mr. Malik Nadir's den
04:01and find a place of your own.
04:03This is what happens in these dens.
04:05Today the singer has come,
04:06tomorrow there will be a dance party.
04:08What if the doctor ties a knot in my legs
04:11and makes me dance all night?
04:15Get out of there.
04:18I am also thinking the same.
04:19I will arrange something.
04:21You don't worry.
04:24Son, you didn't send me your dispensary number.
04:26That's why I called you.
04:29Sorry, father.
04:30I totally forgot.
04:31I will inform you tomorrow.
04:33It is very important, son.
04:35All day I keep trying to call you
04:37but I can't reach you.
04:39I am lucky to have spoken to you.
04:42Do you want to meet your mother?
04:43Yes, why not?
04:44Let's meet her.
04:45And let's get the signal before she calls again.
04:52Oh no.
05:27Don't listen to him.
05:29He is a man.
05:31He is a man.
05:33He is a man.
05:35He is a man.
05:37He is a man.
05:39He is a man.
05:40He is a man.
05:41He is a man.
05:42Kola Ghyapar
05:43Oi, Oi, Oi
05:44Arre mujhe toh mil gayi
05:46Cycle, Motor
05:47Oi, Oi, Oi
06:12I'm sorry.
06:18Maud Ali said,
06:20Do good to those who are at fault.
06:24Don't do good after today, Afzal Khan.
06:26Good will be done by the world.
06:28Answer your bad.
06:30Hi, Uncle.
06:32You're talking big to yourself today.
06:34Is everything okay?
06:37First tell me,
06:39why did you change your path after seeing me?
06:41I'm a human. I'm not a black cat that I'll block your path.
06:43It's not like that, uncle.
06:45I didn't even see you.
06:46Oh, I see.
06:47Then why did you make me run the cycle
06:50as if all the dogs of Kesar Kala are after you?
06:52I was getting late for college, that's why I made you run the cycle.
06:54Then why did you come back?
06:57To scare me?
06:57No, uncle.
06:58I thought you might have some work with me.
07:01That's why I came back.
07:02You're doubting your daughter's intentions for no reason.
07:04I'm not doubting.
07:07I'm saying this with a heavy heart.
07:09My daughter has betrayed me.
07:11She made me sit on a doctor's chair and rebelled against me.
07:15Thank God you're not in Hitler's army.
07:17He would have shot the traitors the moment he saw you.
07:21Seeing your anger, I feel like you're going to shoot me.
07:27Are you looking for a gun?
07:28Do you want me to read the Kalima?
07:30What are you saying, girl?
07:33Take this.
07:35This is my father's memento.
07:37When my father went to fight in Burma for the British army,
07:40he found two of these.
07:43I use one as a lighter.
07:45It heats water in two minutes.
07:47I'm giving you the other one.
07:48Uncle, we have two empty canisters at home.
07:51We can heat water in those.
07:52You fool, I'm not giving it to you to heat water.
07:55I'm giving it to you to save your head.
07:58So that you don't get hurt again if you get into an accident.
08:01If a person is saved from two injuries in life,
08:04then he's less intelligent.
08:06One is a brain injury and the other is a heart injury.
08:10May God save you from both of these injuries.
08:15In the name of God.
08:17Uncle, are you upset?
08:20I'm not upset.
08:22But I'll never forget what the doctor said.
08:32This is not a big problem that you're getting worried about.
08:35You'll get a house easily.
08:37I'll look for it by evening and let you know.
08:39What's the need to look for it?
08:40Our son Nadeem's room is empty.
08:43You can stay there.
08:44Look, I don't want to live anywhere for free.
08:46It'll be better if I get a house on rent.
08:50If that's the case, then you can give us the rent.
08:53It's the upper portion, sir.
08:54We wanted to give it on rent anyway.
08:56Nadeem will come after two years.
08:58He's going to learn Chinese.
09:00You can live in peace.
09:02Okay, you can show me.
09:03I'll talk to him if I understand.
09:21I won't allow a girl who scored less than 80 in the test the day before yesterday
09:24to sit in my class.
09:26I have a record.
09:27The girls who leave my hands go straight to medical college.
09:30I won't let your stupidity spoil my record.
09:33And the girl who has a doubt that she'll score less
09:35can transfer to Arts from now on.
09:48Stand up.
09:52Did you get permission to come in?
09:54No, ma'am.
09:55First of all, you're late.
09:56And on top of that, you didn't even get permission.
09:59Slow down a bit, girl.
10:00Go and get permission first.
10:12May I come in, ma'am?
10:14Being a life is not about respecting your teachers.
10:17The work you do at home won't be done here.
10:21Get out.
10:28Electro stands for electricity
10:30and chemistry stands for the chemical...
10:31May I come in, ma'am?
10:33Chemicals and reagents which are used
10:35and through which electricity is passed.
10:37So, electrochemistry is that branch of chemistry which deals...
10:43The entire college knows what you did with Nadia's brother.
10:46And all the other teachers have also come to know.
10:48That's why everyone is harassing you.
10:49If I say it clearly, you've become infamous in the entire college, Mehmuna.
10:54What nonsense is this?
10:55What did I do?
10:57Ask yourself.
10:59Malik Nadir is the eldest here.
11:01Let's talk to him and see.
11:03He has two wives too.
11:04He had five daughters in his first marriage.
11:06Then he had another one.
11:08But what can we say to him?
11:10He even tried to shut down our office.
11:12Every child born here is not a human being for Malik Nadir.
11:15It's a moving boat.
11:17Come inside.
11:22Jahan Mohammad!
11:24Jahan Mohammad!
11:25Jahan Mohammad!
11:27Jahan Mohammad!
11:28Yes, Mr. Malik.
11:29Did you give breakfast to the doctor?
11:31Yes, a while ago.
11:32He must have digested it by now.
11:34Take this.
11:36Put it on his motorcycle.
11:38Mr. Malik, the doctor has already left for the dispensary
11:40with the motorcycle.
11:41I told you yesterday to put it on, you ill-fated man.
11:44So, go to hell.
11:45Put it wherever you find it.
11:47Otherwise, the new motorcycle will get an evil eye.
11:49Yes, Mr. Malik.
11:55Jahan Mohammad!
11:56Jahan Mohammad!
11:57Jahan Mohammad!
11:58Jahan Mohammad!
11:59Jahan Mohammad!
12:00Jahan Mohammad!
12:01Jahan Mohammad!
12:02Jahan Mohammad!
12:03Jahan Mohammad!
12:04Jahan Mohammad!
12:05Jahan Mohammad!
12:06Jahan Mohammad!
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15:14Jahan Mohammad!
15:15Jahan Mohammad!
15:16Jahan Mohammad!
15:17Jahan Mohammad!
15:18Look at Maulana's attitude.
15:20His father has never stepped out of Kaisarkala.
15:23And his daughter is going to live in the beautiful valleys of Dubai.
15:27All this is Maulana's work.
15:29Wherever his fate is written, he takes it there.
15:34Can I come in?
15:35Is this something to ask?
15:37Now this is your own house.
15:39Come, come.
15:42I was just talking to my student about you.
15:45Roshan son,
15:46say hello to your sister.
15:48Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
15:51I am Jahangir bin Sadiq.
15:55Walikum Assalam.
15:56Uncle, I had washed the engagement photos and came.
15:59So mom asked me to show them to the bride as well.
16:01Yes, yes.
16:02Why not?
16:03Go son.
16:04Go inside and call your sister.
16:09Uncle, if you say so, I will show her myself.
16:12I will also greet aunt.
16:14What is the need for permission, son?
16:16Go, go.
16:17You eat these laddoos till then.
16:19They are very tasty.
16:24Did you see?
16:25What a polite young man he is.
16:28Moreover, he even shook hands with you.
16:35Take this.
16:36You also have some sweets.
16:37These laddoos are very tasty.
16:41You eat, sir.
16:43I got my teeth removed, right?
16:45The doctor has forbidden me to eat sweets for 2-4 days.
16:48Uncle, there is no one inside.
16:51Oh no.
16:52My brain doesn't work these days.
16:54Both mother and daughter have gone to attend the court.
16:57Do you want to get married to that two number Arabian, Jahangir bin Sadiq?
17:28What do you think?
17:31If your wish wasn't there,
17:34you would have never worn the ring in his name.
17:40Tell me.
17:42You got married to him, right?
18:21Doctor. Doctor.
18:23Where were you?
18:24I have been waiting for you for so long.
18:26Is this the time to come to the dispensary?
18:28May God help you understand the doctors.
18:30Come quickly and check my cow.
18:32She is not giving milk for two days.
18:34Very good.
18:35Show me your doctor.
18:37Of course.
18:38How can I show you?
18:39I am not an animal doctor.
18:42Apart from the brain,
18:43the entire system of humans and animals is the same.
18:48In the name of God.
18:49Apply those earplugs.
18:51You will know right away
18:52why the milk has dried up while standing.
18:54Take him somewhere else.
18:56This is a dispensary for humans.
18:57I cannot treat animals.
18:59If you cannot treat them,
19:00then what have you become a doctor for?
19:02Our Dr. Afzal Khan is better than you.
19:06He can treat humans as well as animals.
19:09God has blessed Dr. Afzal.
19:13Why are you still standing here?
19:14I had told you,
19:15Mr. Naufal is not a good doctor.
19:18Sir, you go. I will explain.
19:19Sir, go.
19:22Why are you standing here?
19:24Go and find a place to stay.
19:26There is a good doctor.
19:27He is a real doctor.
19:29Go now.
19:30Go and meet the goats after half an hour.
19:33Go now.
19:38God knows when he will learn.
19:41You think you are a good doctor.
19:43You brought your cow to the dispensary.
19:45I have talked to him.
19:46He will not come again.
19:48If he comes,
19:49I will break his legs.
19:51Just don't mind what he says.
19:53I didn't do anything wrong.
19:57You seem to be more angry than me.
19:58Why shouldn't I be angry, sir?
20:00God is witness.
20:02You are not worthy of these people.
20:04You are not worthy of these people.
20:07Thank God,
20:09your parents didn't see this scene.
20:11They would have been heartbroken, sir.
20:13You educated your child for lakhs of rupees
20:15and made him a doctor
20:16and these Kesar Kalas
20:17think he is a good doctor.
20:20My parents spent a rupee on my education.
20:23The entire scholarship covered it.
20:25I see.
20:26You studied for free on the government's money.
20:30That is why the government
20:31has sent you to this hell
20:32to repay the loan.
20:36Peace be upon you,
20:37Kesar Kala from the government dispensary.
20:39Why should I call you?
20:40Those days are gone
20:41when I used to go to call you.
20:43This is a government dispensary.
20:45This is not a telegraph office.
20:47You can have as much fun as you want.
20:50Don't ring the bell again.
20:51This is Dr. Nauful's order.
20:56Who was that?
20:57He is a relative of a villager in Karachi.
20:59He rings the bell.
21:01I go to call his uncle and uncle.
21:03There is only one telephone in the entire village.
21:04All the bells ring here.
21:06But it won't happen again.
21:07Stop calling now.
21:10No, if there is only one phone,
21:11call me.
21:12There is no harm.
21:13Okay, sir.
21:14As you wish.
21:15In fact, do one thing.
21:16Get me his number.
21:18I have to get a call from home.
21:19Greetings, Kala from the government dispensary.
21:24Ring the bell in half an hour.
21:25I'll call you.
21:29Afzal Khan, where is the dial?
21:31Sir, there is no dial.
21:33It's a one.
21:34The bell rings,
21:35but it doesn't go.
21:37If you want to call your home,
21:38you will have to climb the tree.
21:50Sir, wait.
21:51I'm coming.
21:57Where are these soldiers coming from?
21:59From college, sir.
22:02Is this helmet also a part of your uniform?
22:04No, sir.
22:05This is another story.
22:07I'll tell you later.
22:08Let me help you first.
22:11Look at this.
22:16Hold this from here.
22:24Come, sir.
22:29I'm too heavy.
22:30You won't be able to handle it.
22:31Don't be scared.
22:32Be brave.
22:33You came that day too.
22:35Your nephew and that other man were with me that day.
22:36That's why I climbed the tree.
22:38No, it's fine.
22:39I'll call you some other day.
22:41The wise say
22:42you shouldn't leave today's work for tomorrow.
22:43Have faith in God.
22:45I have faith in God,
22:46not you.
22:47You won't be able to handle it.
22:49Come, sir.
22:50The girl who can handle a 30 kg cycle,
22:51a 50 kg helmet,
22:52a 200 kg cow
22:53and 10,000 kg things
22:55will be able to handle you too.
22:57Don't underestimate Meenu.
22:59No, brother.
23:00What if I break a bone?
23:01I've grown up with a lot of push-ups.
23:03And those who do push-ups have strong bones.
23:07I'm not talking about your bones.
23:08I'm talking about my bones.
23:09If you break anything,
23:10I'm responsible.
23:11Tell me more.
23:20No, I can't take a risk.
23:21There's no support down there.
23:22Then take the support of the cycle.
23:32Sir, I'm very smart.
23:36I always find a solution.
23:40Hey, don't put it so close.
23:42Put it closer.
23:44Where did this horse come from?
23:45Sir, the stand.
23:46We call the stand a horse.
23:48Just like a gun has a horse,
23:49a cycle has a horse.
23:51There's no marble floor down here
23:53that the cycle will stick.
23:56The ground is high and low.
23:59I can't do it.
24:05it's not difficult to stick it.
24:06Hold this.
24:09Hold it tight.
24:11Here, it's stuck.
24:13You were sticking it so carefully
24:14as if the ground was made of glass.
24:16Come on, say Bismillah.
24:17You won't even need my help.
24:19What you have to do is
24:20put one foot on the seat
24:22and the other on the bed.
24:24Which bed?
24:25Sir, the bed.
24:27In the olden days,
24:28when people used to travel,
24:29they used to tie their bed here.
24:31That's when it got its name,
24:32the bed.
24:33Which medical college did you study in?
24:34You don't even know the cycle's alibi.
24:37In medical college,
24:38they teach you to be a doctor.
24:39They don't teach you to be a mechanic.
24:40Okay, don't get angry.
24:41Go upstairs and call your family.
24:43I have to go home too.
24:44Mom must have a hundred things
24:45to do at home.
24:46Come on, let's go upstairs.
25:09Okay, sir.
25:10I'll take your leave now.
25:12I have to go home.
25:14One minute, one minute.
25:16How will I get down?
25:18Use your brain, sir.
25:19You'll get down.
25:21I can't come to give you
25:22your duty every day.
25:23You'll have to learn it yourself.
25:25It'll be difficult for a few days.
25:26After that, God willing,
25:28you'll close your eyes
25:29and climb the tree like a monkey.
25:31Hey, listen to me.
25:45Oh, Meenu!
25:47Stop, Meenu!
25:53What happened now?
25:56I'll save you.
26:01Why are you smiling?
26:03Kadas slapped me.
26:05Have some shame.
26:06What nonsense are you talking?
26:08I swear to God,
26:09Kadas slapped me.
26:11What's there to smile about?
26:12What's there to smile about?
26:14Oh, yes.
26:15How do I explain it to you?
26:17You're a bookworm.
26:18You're always reading books.
26:21How do you know?
26:23The gestures of love.
26:25The language of love.
26:27When I asked her
26:28if she agreed to this engagement,
26:31she slapped me
26:33instead of her tongue.
26:37It was fun, Meenu.
26:39I can still feel
26:41the warmth of her hand
26:43on my cheek.
26:45I'm having a lot of fun, Meenu.
26:49She slapped you on your cheek
26:50and it affected your brain.
26:52Have you really gone mad, Roshan?
26:54Looks like her engagement
26:55has ruined your brain.
26:56Go and see a doctor.
26:57After the treatment
26:59that Kadas gave me,
27:00I don't need any treatment.
27:02When she looked at me,
27:03she didn't have hatred in her eyes
27:04but a complaint.
27:05She slapped me with a complaint
27:06just like you slapped me
27:08with a complaint.
27:10Believe me, Meenu.
27:12She got engaged
27:13under the pressure of her parents.
27:17Now you'll see
27:19how I ruin this engagement.
27:22Sit in the back.
27:24It's a happy day.
27:25I'll drive.
27:26Come on.
27:27Wait. Let me take out the books.
27:29You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
27:33You're right, Meenu.
27:34If love is true,
27:36no one's father can stop it.
27:39Oh, God!
27:42If love is true,
27:44then I'll have to keep my promise.
27:49Will you go to jail
27:51or will you go to the police station?
27:54If love is true,
27:56then I'll have to keep my promise.
28:04Your mother is troubling me a lot these days, Baggi.
28:09You've gone to Karachi.
28:12There's no one to talk to her.
28:15Call her tomorrow.
28:17Right now.
28:18I swear on you, Baggi.
28:20If I lose my mind,
28:22then I'll die
28:24in front of her.
28:26I swear.
28:28I'll kill myself.
28:30I'll kill myself.
28:32I'll kill myself.
28:34I'll hang three beds
28:35over my head.
28:37And tell me,
28:39how is Sadiq?
28:41And what's the weather like in Karachi?
28:43Does Sadiq take you to the sea or not?
28:46Take your mom
28:48and hand her over to the sea.
28:50I'd be grateful to you, dear.
28:53Enough, Fared.
28:54Come on, get up.
28:55Sir's here.
28:56Go. Get going.
28:58Hello, Doctor sir.
29:04There's a queue of patients waiting outside, and you're sitting here with this?
29:07Get everyone in one by one.
29:08We're not patients, sir.
29:10We're here to listen to our performance.
29:16Greetings, government dispensary.
29:17Yes, sir, come in.
29:19Yes, yes, he's here, he's here.
29:21Hey, Akmal, brother, come in, come in.
29:24It's your son's bell, come in.
29:27Yes, he's here, he's here, he's here.
29:32Yes, Shukur.
29:33Oh, my dear son, how are you?
29:37Yes, yes, I'm fine too.
29:39How are you both?
29:41When will you send the money?
29:46Hey, listen to me.
29:48Doctor, she hasn't eaten grass since morning.
29:51Check her and tell me what's wrong with her.
30:02Hey, man, there's no problem, you don't have to worry.
30:05Okay, okay.
30:19I climb the trees there and keep ringing my phone.
30:22And all these useless people sit on my chair and talk about the weather to each other.
30:28The system is closed from today.
30:30The system is closed from today.
30:32Only patients will come here.
30:33No goats, cows and people who listen to the phone will come.
30:36Sir, I had already put restrictions, sir.
30:39But you don't have to worry, sir.
30:40You had told me to call the person whose bell rings, it's not a problem, sir.
30:45But you don't worry, sir.
30:46I'll go and talk to him, sir.
30:50Yes, listen.
30:51Come, come, everyone, come.
30:54Hey, you're in a hurry? Come, come, good.
30:56As per the doctor's order,
30:58the telephone is banned.
31:00From today, none of you will come here and call, understood?
31:03Come on, leave.
31:04The one who has ruined our reputation,
31:06we won't be ashamed of that doctor.
31:07He's absolutely right.
31:08If he'll put restrictions on us, we'll put restrictions on him.
31:10We'll complain to Malik Nadi about the criminal you've brought here.
31:13The man you gave respect and respect to,
31:15he stopped listening to our phone calls.
31:17It won't work, it won't work.
31:18It won't work, it won't work.
31:19Come on, get out of here, come on, get out.
31:21It won't work, it won't work.
31:22It won't work, it won't work.
31:24It won't work, it won't work.
31:25It won't work, it won't work.
31:26It won't work, it won't work.
31:55Let's go.
32:16After making the call, put the ladder up.
32:18What if the village kids start a new trend?
32:25Let's go.
32:55Let's go.
32:56Let's go.
33:25Let's go.
33:41Thank you, Meenu.
33:46Why are you thanking me, doctor?
33:48You listened to me.
33:50I couldn't make a ladder for you.
33:52Just don't forget to hang it on the way.
33:55If the kids see it, they won't even find the bones.
33:58Yes, I got your note.
34:00Don't worry.
34:02If we hang it here, they'll hang your ladder too.
34:05Not mine, it's yours now.
34:07I'm a female Tarzan.
34:08I can climb peaks without a ladder.
34:10Yes, I have an idea how big of an item you are.
34:13It's just a guess.
34:15If my God wants, He'll see it with His own eyes.
34:17That Meenu is not just an item, but an atom bomb.
34:21Should I go now?
34:22Or should I just stand here and answer your questions?
34:25I didn't ask you any questions.
34:27I just wanted to thank you.
34:29You put the brakes on yourself and stopped.
34:31I was standing in your respect.
34:33You kept me busy with your talks.
34:36Now if you allow me, can I go?
34:38My neck is stiff.
34:39I have so much weight on my head.
34:41Yes, yes, go.
34:42And thank me again.
34:43Don't thank me again and again.
34:45Instead, help me by giving good in return for good.
34:48Help me.
34:49What kind of help?
34:50I'll tell you tomorrow.
34:51At 1 o'clock.
34:52At the dispensary.
34:54Tell me now, girl.
34:55Maybe I'll come up with something tomorrow.
34:57If not, I'll tell you.
35:07If you're done chatting with the women of the village,
35:09talk to the men as well, Dr. Bahu.
35:15What do you mean?
35:17The chairman has called me.
35:22You go.
35:23I'll come myself.
35:25Does Meenu have to come again to chat?
35:44I'm not used to hearing such disgusting things.
35:48I didn't say anything like that.
35:50You misunderstood.
35:53And even if you understood correctly,
35:55it's a very good thing.
35:57Try to understand.
35:59This is Kesar Kala, not a city.
36:02Here, along with the women of the village,
36:05it's not allowed to do religious practices in the fields.
36:09Now, let's go.
36:10I think you're very angry.
36:12What if I tell them about your behavior
36:15and they get even more angry?
36:25And he was saying,
36:27if the doctor comes later,
36:29hold him by the neck.