Elon Musk Mocks Biden and Offered to Join Trump's Administration to Cut Government Spending

  • 3 weeks ago
In a recent conversation streamed on X, Elon Musk proposed taking a role in a potential second Trump administration to help manage and cut government spending. Musk suggested the creation of a 'government efficiency commission' to ensure taxpayer money is spent effectively. Trump responded positively, praising Musk as a 'great cutter' due to his cost-cutting achievements in his businesses. Discover the details of this intriguing offer and what it could mean for government efficiency if Trump is reelected.

#ElonMusk #DonaldTrump #GovernmentSpending #Trump2024 #EfficiencyCommission #CostCutting #PoliticalNews #XStream #GovernmentEfficiency #TrumpAdministration
00:00I mean, I think it would be great to just have a government efficiency commission that
00:03takes a look at these things and just ensures that the taxpayer money, the taxpayers hard
00:11earned money is spent in a good way.
00:15And I'd be happy to help out on such a commission.
00:17I'd love it.
00:18If it were foam.
00:19Well, you, you're the greatest cutter.
00:20I mean, I look at what you do.
00:22You walk in and you just say, you want to quit?
00:26I won't mention the name of the company, but they go on strike and you say, that's OK,
00:29you're all gone.
00:30You're all gone.
00:31So every one of you is gone.
00:32And you are the greatest.
00:33You would be very good.
00:34Oh, you would love it.
00:36But, you know, if you look at Argentina, by the way, congratulations, I just looked at
00:40the number of people that are listening to you and I chat, we'll call it a chat.
00:45But congratulations.
00:46This is very good.
00:47I mean, it's great.
00:49And you're an interesting character.
00:51You know, the new head of a place called Argentina.
00:58And he was he's a big, you know, he's great and he's a big mega fan.
01:02You know that he ran on mega and he took it to an extreme to he ran on mega.
01:07And I hear he's doing really a terrific job.
01:10It's called make Argentina great again.
01:12It worked out perfectly.
01:13He came and he bought a lot of hats he brought over.
01:15But he's he's doing a big job.
01:17He really cut.
01:19And I'm hearing you're starting to do pretty well.
01:22Inflation's getting down.
01:24They had inflation like like not normal inflation.
01:28They had the real deal.
01:31But we're going to have that pretty soon.
01:33We have I think we have the worst inflation we've had in 100 years.
01:36They say it's 48 years.
01:38I don't believe it.
01:39I think we have the worst.
01:40They don't include a lot of the items that should be included, you know.
01:45Well, it's it's it's just from from government overspending and not just not spending taxpayer
01:50money effectively.
01:52And having, you know, just the part like so many departments, you can't even name them
01:59And what Malay is doing is, you know, he's he's cutting government spending.
02:04He's simplifying things.
02:05He's having you're putting in regulations that make sense.
02:10And I and and and we're Argentina overnight is experiencing a giant improvement in prosperity.
02:18But it's also a lesson for the United States, which is that Argentina used to be one of
02:23the most prosperous countries in the world, you know, in the in the 30s, 40s.
02:30And and because of bad government policy, it ruined the country.
02:35And if you take Venezuela, for example, Venezuela should be incredibly prosperous.
02:39They have, you know, phenomenal reserves of everything, oil, everything.
02:45And it should be prosperous.
02:47But if the government's wrong, it impoverishes the people.
02:51And so I think we should not be complacent in the United States and thinking that and
02:55taking our prosperity for granted, because if with bad government policy, we can run
03:00the country into the ground.
03:02And that that's that's just something people should bear in mind.
03:04Don't take prosperity for granted.
03:06Don't miss out.
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