The Billionaire's Accidental Bride Ep 254-256

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00:00So 254, a dodged bullet.
00:05Caitlin had gotten to where she was today because she was so clear-headed,
00:10bar what happened earlier.
00:12Instead of waiting for her to secretly make a move and provoke us,
00:16we should make a move first.
00:19Emma lowered her head and looked at her hands, overcome with emotions.
00:24This was between Amy and me.
00:27You shouldn't have gotten involved.
00:30Your issues are my issues.
00:32I will always defend you, she replied.
00:36Later that night, Caitlin hitting those women was the main news headline.
00:41Since Kaleidoscope's artists were never in the news for things like this,
00:46the story went viral.
00:48While the drama was clearly internal as the women were fans of Amy,
00:52the reporters saw it as a sensational story.
00:56Luis was woken up at dawn by calls from the media.
01:00He immediately contacted their PR team.
01:04But unfortunately, one of the women turned out to be the daughter of a government official.
01:10So this mistake wouldn't be an easy fix.
01:14The women went straight to the hospital and decided to sue Caitlin for assault.
01:20Luis headed over to Caitlin's apartment as soon as he could
01:24and sighed helplessly as he sat on her sofa.
01:28You really know how to pick your enemies.
01:31What does she want?
01:33She leaned against the back of her couch in her pajamas.
01:37She wants money and a public apology.
01:40He placed the information on the coffee table and looked at her in confusion.
01:45Why did you do this?
01:47Was it your way of letting loose?
01:49You've never done anything like this before.
01:52Aren't you afraid of Eric's reaction?
01:55He'll understand why I did it, she said meaningfully.
02:00Emma's been suffering recently and merely tolerating Amy.
02:04And no one seems to notice.
02:06She's been trying her best to avoid a confrontation with Amy.
02:10But you and I both know Amy will just take advantage of that.
02:15I'm trying to reignite her fire and get her to fight back.
02:20You really thought this out, he said, understanding her intentions.
02:25Even though Kaleidoscope was united internally
02:29and no one had an issue with Eric becoming Emma's manager,
02:33Amy's heart was no longer fully in it now that she felt threatened.
02:38That's because I've decided to retire from the industry, she announced.
02:43I won't have as many opportunities to support Emma.
02:47Louise was stunned when her words registered.
02:50This had never crossed his mind.
02:54Retire? Why? He stuttered, shocked.
02:59I'm tired. I want to get married.
03:02She lay on the sofa and closed her eyes.
03:05He was silent for a while before he lowered his head and asked.
03:09Have you talked to Eric about this?
03:12Once this incident's over, I'll talk to him about it.
03:16She said quietly.
03:18What will you do once you retire? He asked.
03:22I'm not sure. I want a husband, a stable family, and a child.
03:28Oh, it seems impossible at the moment.
03:31I'll just leave it up to fate, I guess.
03:34He didn't respond, his heart and mind a mess.
03:38He wanted to ask her if there was anyone special in her life
03:42plenty of times over the years.
03:45But after her private life was exposed,
03:48he realized that she was a private person with a quiet strength.
03:53She never complained or let others see her fear.
03:57As he left her apartment a few minutes later, his mind was elsewhere.
04:02He had harbored feelings for her for a long time, but it always kept them to himself.
04:10Later that night, Louise drove over to the government official's home.
04:14Due to his high position, he wouldn't meet with a random stranger.
04:19So after a few hours,
04:21Louise finally relayed a message for his security team to pass on.
04:26Tell him Louise from Kaleidoscope said
04:29that if we don't privately solve this issue in a timely manner,
04:33his entire family will suffer.
04:35If I recall, elections are coming up, and I doubt he wants to risk losing.
04:41The next morning, the man responded.
04:44We'll withdraw our lawsuit, but we still want an apology.
04:48If you want to take the story down, go right ahead.
04:52He had successfully prevented the incident from escalating further.
04:58He was fine with Caitlin protecting Emma,
05:01but there was no reason to destroy herself in the process.
05:06She may not have cared about her reputation anymore, but he did.
05:11I can't believe Louise managed to negotiate with a government official.
05:17Lisa couldn't help but exclaim as soon as she received the news.
05:22He stood outside the official's home for five hours.
05:26Eric told Emma as they ate breakfast.
05:30He just called to tell me he's been hit with a fever and will be out for the day.
05:36She was shocked.
05:38He stood outside in such cold weather?
05:44Has he always done things like this, or was this the first time?
05:50She spread some jam on a piece of toast and handed it to him.
05:55He's always been good at self-preservation,
05:58and usually approaches things with careful thought.
06:01His actions last night are out of the ordinary.
06:06She lowered her head as she ate, thinking.
06:09Finally, she said suspiciously,
06:12I have a feeling his feelings towards Caitlin are more complicated than we thought.
06:19He's never given off any indication he cares for her more than a friend, he said.
06:25Maybe I'm reading too much into it.
06:28After all, he's nice to everyone, she said,
06:32temporarily letting go of her suspicions.
06:35She told Lisa,
06:37Call him in a few and see how he's doing.
06:41Why don't I ask Luke to go check on him? Lisa offered.
06:46She looked at her and asked,
06:48He's my husband's assistant, yet he's always following your orders.
06:53Why is that?
06:55Lisa looked down awkwardly.
06:58Eric didn't say anything, but gestured that he agreed with Lisa's suggestion.
07:04Lisa quickly walked off to the side and called Luke.
07:07However, Emma had a feeling this wasn't the end.
07:12There was no way Amy would let go without complaining or spinning the story in her favor.
07:28Luke was helpless against his girlfriend's coaxing,
07:37so he headed over to Louise's apartment,
07:39where he was greeted by a small girl who struggled to open the door.
07:45Luke glanced behind the girl and eyed Louise questioningly.
07:49His face was pale and covered with sweat.
07:52He was obviously seriously ill.
07:55Luke was confused as he asked,
07:58Are you okay? Who's the girl?
08:01She's my sister's child, Louise answered weakly.
08:06Since when do you have a sister? He asked,
08:09seeing right through him.
08:11Why does she look so much like you?
08:14Louise couldn't help but smile.
08:16He'd been caught red handed.
08:19This is my daughter, Maria.
08:22He lifted the little girl onto the sofa
08:24and slowly walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water for Luke.
08:29Her aunt usually watches her, but she caught the flu.
08:33When did you have a daughter? Why haven't you mentioned her before?
08:38Everyone has their secrets in this industry.
08:41He put some distance between him and his daughter,
08:44trying not to spread his sickness to her.
08:48Why are you here?
08:50Luke looked around his apartment.
08:52It was a mess and children's toys were scattered all over the place.
08:58Why did you suffer and get yourself sick on Caitlin's behalf?
09:02There was no need for you to stand outside in the freezing cold for five hours.
09:09I figured it was the only way to keep the situation from getting worse.
09:14That government official had a lot of pride.
09:18It was worth it in the end.
09:20That's all that matters, he said,
09:22brushing his fingers through his messy hair.
09:25Do you have feelings for Caitlin? Luke asked.
09:29Are you kidding? I've already got a daughter,
09:32Louise said, laughing.
09:35I just have a lot of admiration for her.
09:38What brought that on?
09:40Where's her mother then?
09:43Louise choked and didn't say a word, looking a little lost.
09:47Luke let it go and looked over at Maria,
09:50who was playing with some building blocks.
09:53Why don't I take her to my place so you can go to the hospital and get some meds?
09:58Do you even know how to take care of a child?
10:02Louise teased.
10:04My little puddin might be well behaved, but she's still a lot of work.
10:10Look at yourself.
10:11You barely have the energy to sit up and talk to me,
10:15much less take care of her.
10:17Besides, I know you don't want her to get sick.
10:21Okay, let me write you a list.
10:24Louise acquiesced.
10:26Luke brought Maria over to his place, where Lisa met him.
10:30Her heart sank as soon as she saw the little girl.
10:34There was no way anything would happen between Louise and Caitlin.
10:38Shaking it off, she immersed herself in playing with Maria.
10:43Emma soon found out about Maria,
10:46but she still told Caitlin why Louise was sick.
10:50Caitlin hated owing others,
10:52so she asked Luke for Louise's address and headed over to his apartment.
10:58Louise couldn't help but sigh when he saw her standing at his front door in disguise.
11:04You are currently the media's main focus.
11:08You should have stayed home and let me get some rest.
11:11For goodness sake, it would be impossible to explain ourselves
11:15if the media captured a photo of us together.
11:19Don't worry about going to the hospital.
11:21I'll take care of you until your fever subsides.
11:25If she could take care of an alcoholic,
11:27taking care of a sick person would be child's play.
11:31She nudged him towards the sofa,
11:33helped him apply an ice pack to his forehead,
11:36and let in some cool, fresh air.
11:39His mind cleared a little as he watched her move around,
11:43and he realized how much he'd missed a woman's presence in his life.
11:49He whispered quietly,
11:53She knelt down beside him and realized he had mistaken her for someone else.
11:59Shirley must be the child's mother, she thought.
12:03I'm Caitlin, she reminded him.
12:06He was silent for a moment before he covered his eyes and mumbled,
12:11Of course, Shirley's dead.
12:15Dead, she thought, shocked.
12:18His fever eventually subsided.
12:21She looked at his peaceful expression while he slept,
12:24and took the opportunity to tidy up his home before leaving.
12:29However, the entire scene was captured by a paparazzi that had been following her.
12:35The next day, the news exploded with stories that claimed
12:39she was having a sexual relationship with Luis,
12:43and exchanging sex for benefit.
12:47Luis's fever was gone,
12:49but a headache came on as soon as he saw the headlines.
12:53This had all started with Caitlin severing ties with Amy for Emma,
12:58and then slapping Amy's fans.
13:00And now they were passing judgment on her private life once again.
13:05Worst of all, Luis had been implicated too.
13:10Amy had originally planned to use Caitlin's slap as a warning to Emma,
13:15but thanks to this most recent story,
13:18talks were going in the opposite direction of what she wanted.
13:22Kaleidoscope released big news about some of their actors
13:26in an attempt to draw attention away from Caitlin,
13:30shifting the public's focus.
13:32The issue may have been settled,
13:34but the fates of those involved were already tangled
13:38in a way that would be hard to escape.
13:42As the celebration dinner approached,
13:44Emma and Amy were once again thrown into the spotlight.
13:49Everyone wondered whose side Eric would stand on and protect
13:53since he was both the CEO and Emma's manager.
13:58Lisa was worried as she picked out a dress for Emma.
14:02Emma, if you and Amy got into a fight,
14:06who do you think Eric would help?
14:08Her status in the company can't be taken lightly.
14:11If he chooses you, it could have a huge impact on the agency.
14:17Emma sat in front of her makeup table and looked at herself in the mirror.
14:22I'm not sure either.
14:24I just hope Amy keeps to herself.
14:27I bet Eric would still choose you.
14:29Lisa mused.
14:31Does it matter?
14:33Emma asked.
14:34I'll support him no matter what he decides.
14:38You really wouldn't be disappointed if he chose her over you.
14:43Who are you kidding?
14:44Lisa scoffed.
14:46I'd be upset with him if he chooses her.
14:49Who cares if you're upset with him?
14:52Emma asked.
14:53Everyone's desperate to see the two of you on the same stage.
14:57This is worse than when you went up against Amber.
15:01Amy's a huge supermodel and so much more interesting.
15:06Lisa placed a dress she had selected in front of her.
15:10Look at all the trouble Amy secretly caused so far.
15:14Emma smiled but stayed silent.
15:17Her phone suddenly rang with a call from Luke.
15:20Lisa looked at her questioningly as she picked up the phone.
15:24Luke's voice was cold.
15:27Someone hit Caitlin again.
15:28Kaleidoscopes already contain this situation.
15:32Emma assumed Chris had struck again.
15:35Luke quickly explained.
15:37Someone showed up at her front door and hit her when she answered.
15:41Right now, we have no idea who it was.
15:44But we're pretty sure Amy had something to do with it.
15:48Emma's face hardened.
15:51This is a declaration of war.
16:06Episode 256.
16:09Was it worth it?
16:11Amy knew she couldn't play any tricks within Kaleidoscope.
16:15But that didn't mean she couldn't pull off anything in private.
16:20Since Charlene was back on her side,
16:23she could send her to carry out her dirty deeds.
16:26And if Charlene happened to get caught,
16:29she would deny their partnership to the end.
16:33Amy wanted to not only show Caitlin that she had picked the wrong side,
16:38but also let her know Emma had no status at Kaleidoscope.
16:43No matter what dirty, underhanded schemes she had used to make Eric her manager,
16:49it was impossible for Emma to rise higher than Amy.
16:54Meanwhile, Emma was in the middle of a phone conversation with Luke about the incident.
17:01Eric already knows about this, Luke explained.
17:04He won't let her get away with it.
17:07Luke knew that Eric had always detested scheming people.
17:12And it didn't help that the incident this time had happened right under his nose.
17:18He definitely wouldn't let Amy, or anyone else for that matter,
17:22get away with something like this.
17:26How are Caitlin's injuries?
17:28Emma asked.
17:29First off, her and Louise are getting killed in the press.
17:33She's hiding out at home to try and stop the media
17:36from making up domestic violence stories about them.
17:40Her manager's taking care of her, Luke explained.
17:44Has she seen a doctor?
17:46Not sure.
17:48Emma hung up the phone and gave her husband a call.
17:54He listened to his wife's plea, her voice sounding both anxious and angry.
18:00Then he responded.
18:02I'm already dealing with it.
18:04As for Caitlin, Louise has already scheduled a doctor to see her.
18:09Don't worry.
18:12Okay, I'll try not to, but I really want to see her.
18:17She was gradually calming down.
18:20Wait for me to finish up here.
18:23I'll go with you, he said gently.
18:26I'll come pick you up later.
18:29Okay, I'll wait for you.
18:32After they hung up, a bone-chilling glare lit up his eyes
18:36as he slammed his hands on the table in front of him.
18:40He then looked up to face Louise and instructed.
18:43Let's give Amy what's coming to her.
18:47It's time to get even.
18:50When Louise heard this, he was shocked.
18:53But he couldn't deny that this was Eric.
18:57The true Eric.
18:58The Eric with an undeniable ruthlessness.
19:03Only in front of Emma did his personality soften.
19:07So when it came to Amy, he wasn't going to go easy on her.
19:12However, don't make a move until after Kaleidoscope's celebration dinner.
19:19Louise roughly planned out his moves in his mind
19:22before nodding his head and leaving Eric's office.
19:27Eric returned home around seven that night.
19:30Seeing Emma lazing on the sofa, looking somber,
19:33he stretched out his hand and gently stroked her hair.
19:37She lifted her head to look at him and gave him a relieved smile.
19:42With him around, she was sure everything would be okay.
19:47Not long after, Emma, Eric, and Lisa arrived outside Caitlin's apartment.
19:53Reporters were everywhere and Emma couldn't find a place to get out of the car.
19:59Lisa offered to get out first and provide cover for her.
20:03But Eric said, let me do it.
20:07Lisa understood and quickly made space for the couple by moving to the side.
20:12When the reporters saw Lisa through the car window,
20:16they immediately knew who else was inside and furiously started snapping photos at the car door.
20:24However, as Eric's head appeared,
20:27his cold and handsome face sent a freezing chill in all directions.
20:33The originally snap-happy reporters swiftly took a few steps back
20:38as they grabbed onto each other's arms and whispered, stop taking photos.
20:45Afterwards, Eric escorted Emma out of the car and towards Caitlin's apartment.
20:51The reporters were too afraid to follow behind them, so they let them go.
20:56They didn't want to risk the chance of their agencies getting shut down.
21:01Once Emma and her crew were out of earshot, they began a conversation amongst themselves.
21:07It really sucks for us that Emma has Eric as her manager.
21:11When we want to take photos, we have to worry if he's around and if he's gonna bite our heads off.
21:18With him on her side, Emma's definitely gonna win her battle with Amy.
21:23Yeah, let's just wait.
21:25The battle will escalate soon and there'll be more to see.
21:30Let's not take photos right now while he's around.
21:33We definitely don't want to make him mad.
21:36Emma walked up to Caitlin's front door and gave it a knock.
21:40Helena, Caitlin's manager, answered the door without opening it and was extremely cautious.
21:47She questioned their identities first.
21:50After Emma identified herself, the door slowly opened and she invited them inside.
21:56Upon seeing Eric, Helena started crying without saying anything.
22:01Emma understood as she quickly ushered her into the bathroom to compose herself.
22:07Caitlin was hiding in her bedroom.
22:10Emma grabbed a glass of water from the kitchen and handed it to Eric.
22:15After ensuring that he would be alright on his own, she entered Caitlin's bedroom alone.
22:22As soon as she laid eyes on Caitlin, she wanted so badly to burst into tears.
22:28The corners of her lips were swollen and the cheekbone under her left eye was bloody.
22:35She was barely recognizable.
22:38However, Emma forced herself to smile.
22:42Why are you here?
22:44Caitlin desperately tried to cover her face, but Emma held onto her arm.
22:49You don't have to hide anything from me.
22:53Emma's eyes slowly filled with tears.
22:56I warned you not to get involved.
22:59Why didn't you listen to me?
23:01Don't you know I have Eric to protect me?
23:05There's no point in talking about this now.
23:08Not long after, Eric appeared behind the two women.
23:12After quickly glancing at Caitlin, he said to Emma,
23:16He said to Emma,
23:17I have something to say to Caitlin in private.
23:21Emma looked at him, confused.
23:25He gave her a reassuring look, so she nodded her head, stood up, and left the room.
23:32Facing Eric on her own, Caitlin felt a little nervous.
23:37She wanted to sit up, but Eric stopped her.
23:40Just stay there.
23:43What did you want to talk to me about?
23:46Eric had an icy cold vibe as he spun the wedding ring on his finger.
23:52If you really wanted to help Emma,
23:55you shouldn't have created a mess like this to make her worry.
24:00Eric, I'm sure you understand why I had to intensify their battle.
24:06Did you think I would sacrifice Emma to show fairness in Kaleidoscope?
24:12I don't play games like that.
24:15Eric replied.
24:17So, it's not necessary for you to test me by sacrificing yourself.
24:24I hope that getting married to Emma was worth it.
24:28That's between me and Emma.
24:30As for what I decided to do, I don't need to report to you.
24:36I know that your intentions were good, so I won't make too big a fuss about it.
24:42But don't ever sacrifice yourself like this again.
24:48Hurting yourself is not worth it.
24:51After speaking, Eric stood up, left her room, and returned to Emma's side.
24:58Emma stood up from the sofa and smiled.
25:01She could roughly guess what Eric talked to Caitlin about.
25:05In a serious tone, she told him.
25:07At this celebration dinner, I'll definitely be strong for you.
