• 2 months ago
00:02:20Coming in!
00:02:30Let's go, let's go! Come on!
00:03:12Where's Stark and Wesley?
00:03:14Didn't make it.
00:03:15Rudy too?
00:03:16All three.
00:03:17Oh, man! What happened?
00:03:19Cuban soldiers caught us in a crossfire on the beach.
00:03:21About an hour after you guys took off.
00:03:23Shit! It's bad, man!
00:03:25Fuck now!
00:03:27Fidel Castro today accused the United States
00:03:29of being behind yesterday's pre-dawn raid
00:03:31on what appears to have been
00:03:33a drug profiting plant
00:03:35some 30 miles south of Havana.
00:03:37A force of some 20 men landed...
00:03:40That shit felt like 50, yo!
00:03:42Three of the men were killed by Cuban military forces.
00:03:44They've been tentatively identified
00:03:46as James Stark, Kevin Westlake,
00:03:49and Rudy Garcia, all from the U.S.
00:03:51Yeah, but why don't you talk about how many of them we killed?
00:03:53Castro did not...
00:03:55While U.S. officials flatly deny
00:03:57any American...
00:03:58Fidel, maricón.
00:04:00...which they believe was an independent venture
00:04:02utilizing mercenaries
00:04:04and possibly financed by anti-Castro forces.
00:04:06Officials went on to say
00:04:08that there was no way
00:04:10such a raid could have been launched...
00:04:12In other words, we no longer officially exist.
00:04:15In other words, we're out of a fucking job.
00:04:17Congress will launch a full investigation
00:04:19into the raid.
00:04:20Deny American involvement...
00:04:22Hey, watch TV, man!
00:04:24You couldn't just change the fucking channel?
00:04:25Kick his ass, bro!
00:04:26Yeah, fucking change the channel, motherfucker.
00:04:28You can fucking help us.
00:04:32So, what do we do now?
00:04:38We just wait.
00:04:40Something will come along.
00:05:03Who is that?
00:05:05Hey, get down!
00:05:07Get down!
00:05:11I'll teach you, man!
00:05:13Now, I'll show you!
00:05:19You ain't done yet!
00:05:31What's wrong with you, okay?
00:05:33That's what we miss.
00:05:34We need your help, dude.
00:05:37Why are you trying me, man?
00:05:39Mr. J! I want you out of here!
00:05:41Both of you, out! Out!
00:05:43Get out!
00:05:49Please go to class.
00:05:50Go on! Get out of here!
00:05:54What is it with you?
00:05:56You determined to be O.T.ed, what?
00:05:58What? I'm standing here.
00:05:59Why the fuck are you always hassling me?
00:06:00Why don't you keep walking?
00:06:01I am not hassling you, Mr. Lacas.
00:06:02I'm speaking to you because you're an intelligent man,
00:06:04because you're a leader.
00:06:05I need you to look at me for two minutes, Juan.
00:06:09I've heard your speeches, Jane.
00:06:11I don't make speeches.
00:06:12I'm speaking to you with respect, as a person.
00:06:14Yeah, well, you're no person to me, bitch, right?
00:06:15So back the fuck off.
00:06:17Because if you don't...
00:06:18If I don't...
00:06:22I fucking wish you did.
00:06:28What were his exact words?
00:06:31That if I didn't back off, I'd wish I did.
00:06:34You'll fucking wish you did.
00:06:36That's terrible.
00:06:38But technically speaking,
00:06:39it doesn't constitute a direct threat.
00:06:42You mean he didn't say he was gonna stab me
00:06:44with a kitchen knife at 4.15 p.m.?
00:06:45No, he didn't say that.
00:06:46Yeah, but his attitude
00:06:47was definitely threatening, Claude.
00:06:49Come on, I can't OT him for attitude.
00:06:51Look, Claude, you know me.
00:06:53I don't quit on my kids.
00:06:55But this guy is dangerous.
00:06:56The kids are scared of him, and believe it or not,
00:06:58some of them are here to learn.
00:07:00I agree.
00:07:01But I can't boot him out
00:07:02without definite proof of wrongdoing.
00:07:05I don't want a lawsuit on my hands.
00:07:09You want proof?
00:07:11I'll get you proof.
00:07:19Here she comes.
00:07:30Sorry to accuse you, sweetheart.
00:07:32Not for nothing, my man.
00:07:35Why don't you stay here and have a beer with us?
00:07:37Give me a briefcase.
00:07:38I want to see that beautiful ass, my man.
00:07:55Where the fuck are you going?
00:07:57How can I do this?
00:07:58Fuck you up, bitch!
00:07:59I'm gonna lick your pussy like a bitch.
00:08:02Get out!
00:08:03Get the fuck out of the car!
00:08:04Get the fuck out of the car, you fucking bitch!
00:08:11See you later, hotheads.
00:08:14I'll drop by the house.
00:09:25You bastard.
00:09:27I've never been so happy to see anybody in my whole life.
00:09:31I missed you, too.
00:09:32What's going on?
00:09:33Oh, nothing.
00:09:34My students are trying to kill me.
00:09:35How are you?
00:09:42Hey, come here.
00:09:43Let me take care of you.
00:09:44Come here.
00:09:55Oh, Chelle.
00:09:58Chelle, you always had the greatest hands.
00:10:03I missed you, Carina.
00:10:09What are you doing here, anyway?
00:10:11Aren't you supposed to be off on some secret mission?
00:10:16They retired us.
00:10:21You okay with that?
00:10:23I don't know.
00:10:29What are you going to do?
00:10:33I guess I'll be a stockbroker.
00:10:39Yeah, right.
00:10:40I could be a stockbroker.
00:11:13Chelle, Joey.
00:11:14Got a gig, man.
00:11:15Meet me at ten at the strip joint in Lickety Split.
00:11:17Hey, it's Suzy night.
00:11:20You trouble.
00:11:21Think John Janis.
00:11:22Soldier of Fortune Magazine calls him the ultimate mercenary.
00:11:26And from Tripoli to Panama, he's proven it.
00:11:29Piano wire, knives, artillery, landmines, bayonets,
00:11:33helicopter repelling, smoke jumping, parachuting, karate,
00:11:37missiles, guns, and his bare hands.
00:11:40They don't call him a one-man army for nothing.
00:11:43So when you want clean, private mercenary work
00:11:45at reasonable rates, think John Janis.
00:11:50That was so hot.
00:11:51Yeah, it really was.
00:11:52Great editing, too.
00:11:53Who was the editor?
00:11:54That's a good eye, Matt.
00:11:55The guy does rock videos.
00:11:57Thanks, John.
00:11:58Thank you.
00:11:59Why don't you stay and watch Mr. Chelle's reel?
00:12:01No, I don't have a reel.
00:12:04I see.
00:12:05Well, why don't I show John out there?
00:12:07Yeah, all right.
00:12:09Thank you, Matt.
00:12:11Gives yourself a video all the time, huh?
00:12:15Thanks for coming.
00:12:16Hey, really.
00:12:17Very impressive.
00:12:18And we'll be in touch very soon.
00:12:20Thank you very much.
00:12:21See you now, sweet thing.
00:12:23See you soon, John.
00:12:30Oh, God, that's better.
00:12:33I've been holding that for 20 minutes,
00:12:34waiting for her to leave.
00:12:35Thank you for sharing.
00:12:36Ten grams of fiber every morning.
00:12:39Flushes all the toxins right out of your system.
00:12:41It's great.
00:12:42Regularity is the key.
00:12:47You want some?
00:12:48No, thanks.
00:12:49I flushed this morning.
00:12:50All right.
00:12:51Orange juice here or decaf?
00:12:53No, thank you.
00:12:54Can we talk about the job at hand?
00:12:56You're a real cut-to-the-chase kind of guy, huh, Chelle?
00:12:59That's me.
00:13:00All right.
00:13:01Thank you, dear.
00:13:02Yes, sir.
00:13:03Well, good.
00:13:04I like that.
00:13:05All right.
00:13:06My client runs a large import business
00:13:09dealing in South American goods.
00:13:11And obviously, his business depends
00:13:13on a steady flow of product.
00:13:14Regularity is the key.
00:13:16Very good.
00:13:18I mean, delays can cost you a large chunk of the market.
00:13:21We're looking for trained soldiers
00:13:23who can guarantee the shipments
00:13:25and who also have the ability to deal decisively
00:13:28with anyone who tries to interfere.
00:13:31Like who, for instance?
00:13:32Well, our competitors,
00:13:35certain government agencies,
00:13:37which sometimes amounts to pretty much the same thing.
00:13:43So what you're looking for is a crew
00:13:45to protect your drug shipments,
00:13:47possibly kill any rival dealers,
00:13:50and maybe even government agents
00:13:52if they happen to get in the way.
00:13:54Didn't I say you were a cut-to-the-chase kind of guy?
00:13:56Didn't I?
00:13:58You don't want soldiers.
00:13:59You want killers.
00:14:01You know, you're gonna have to excuse me here, Chelle,
00:14:03because I wasn't aware that there was that much of a difference.
00:14:05Oh, there's a difference.
00:14:07You want to know what the difference is?
00:14:10I'll play.
00:14:11You tell me what the difference is.
00:14:12But I don't want any suspicious...
00:14:17The difference is, the difference is,
00:14:19you're still breathing.
00:14:29Hey, that cereal really does work.
00:14:36What's with you?
00:14:37I told you, no drugs.
00:14:39With a plate in your head, ship or something, Chelle,
00:14:42that's all that's out there.
00:14:43What am I supposed to do?
00:14:44At least it's a job.
00:14:45A job.
00:14:46Joey got jobs.
00:14:51You ever look up the word mercenary?
00:14:54It's someone who works merely for money.
00:14:58Everybody works for money.
00:15:00It's not the money that bothers me.
00:15:02It's the merely.
00:15:05It's a beautiful day in Miami-Dade
00:15:08Wherever you go, on Salt Beach, on the Surfside
00:15:13I'm about to tell you that just look yourself now
00:15:16In the summertime when the weather is high
00:15:18You can stretch right up and touch the sky
00:15:21When the weather's right
00:15:22You got women, you got women on your mind
00:15:26Have a drink, have a drive
00:15:28Go ahead and see what you can do
00:15:34Hi, Ms. Anderson.
00:15:36Hi, I'm Shady. She went jogging at the beach.
00:15:43When the sun goes down
00:15:44You can make it, make it good in a lay-by
00:16:11Watch out!
00:16:53I know it hurts, baby. Try not to move. Don't move.
00:17:09How are you feeling?
00:17:11I feel good.
00:17:13That's the painkillers.
00:17:15Listen, I talked to the cops.
00:17:17Yeah, they've got it all points out on a big six-foot-six seminal.
00:17:23Well, you'll find about a zillion of them in the glades.
00:17:27Where are my clothes?
00:17:28Oh, they hid them so you can't find them.
00:17:30Yeah, right.
00:17:31What are you doing? Lie down.
00:17:32I hate hospital. I want to go home.
00:17:33I know, but it's just for a couple of days. Come on.
00:17:35Come on. Your leg's busted. You can't walk.
00:17:37Leg's busted.
00:17:39Block has set me up. I know it.
00:17:41Is he the one who hassled you?
00:17:43Had to be him.
00:17:44I'll take care of him.
00:17:45No, you'll go drop a grenade on him or something.
00:17:48Well, if he did it, he deserves it.
00:17:49No, no, I don't want to get into it.
00:17:51Hey, hey, hey!
00:17:54Shady, would you relax?
00:17:56I'm not going to do anything you don't want me to do.
00:17:59Now, just get in here and stay here until it's better.
00:18:06Okay, well, then help me if you want to help me.
00:18:10Call Michael Jonas.
00:18:13He's in the book.
00:18:15And tell him he's got a substitute for me.
00:18:18And then I want you to call Arlene.
00:18:21I don't know where she is.
00:18:22And tell her I won't be in for a while.
00:18:32She's in admissions.
00:18:34I think.
00:18:36I'm booked this week.
00:18:37Can you get somebody to fill in until next week?
00:18:39Yeah, yeah, okay, thanks.
00:18:41Anyway, I'll give you a call next week, then.
00:18:44Okay, bye.
00:19:17So I need a teaching certificate.
00:19:20And put me on the computer at the school registry by tomorrow morning.
00:19:25Oh, and Rem, give me some good academic credentials.
00:19:29I mean good ones.
00:19:36Something unusual.
00:19:39James Smith.
00:20:01Hey, young G, that's not a trip, I keep my game on tight.
00:20:03I never ever gave a damn, I've been a G all my life.
00:20:06So what they're saying ain't no plan, with the slopes to click.
00:20:08We dropping them bombs on that ass, cause we some gangsta shit.
00:20:11What you want me to do?
00:20:12We can handle this.
00:20:14Coming from that show, just focus on this.
00:20:17When I bomb on ya, can't let that slide when you talk about my California.
00:20:22Look it, y'all told me, told me, didn't want to get it crackin'.
00:20:24But murder squads are so known for grow backin'.
00:20:27G to the number, UK all day.
00:20:30Murder squad G's, that shit killer from the Bay.
00:20:32We can go toe to toe, if you want to get it crackin'.
00:20:35Murder squads are so known for grow backin'.
00:20:37G to the number, UK all day.
00:20:40Murder squad G's, that shit killer from the Bay.
00:20:42It goes way for the money, too, for the sorry set.
00:20:45Talkin' trash on the left, that's why it's time to chin check.
00:20:48And I don't give a damn about the lies y'all be tellin'.
00:20:50I'm a murder squad, bellin' 187, that's what I'm tellin'.
00:20:53I know it's through the week, wearin' gear by B and D.
00:20:55T-shirts underneath, all the spots lined with the G's.
00:20:58I'm free, before you call up on me.
00:21:00We gon' get down, smoke a cigarette.
00:21:05Morning, girl.
00:21:07How you doing, Rolanda?
00:21:08Good morning.
00:21:13Get a haircut, son.
00:21:16Can I help you?
00:21:18Yeah, maybe.
00:21:19I'm looking for Miss Hetsko's room.
00:21:21My name's Smith.
00:21:22I'm her substitute.
00:21:23Ah, called Rolay.
00:21:24I'm the principal.
00:21:25Oh, good to meet you.
00:21:26You're not, uh, one of our regular subs?
00:21:28No, she wanted Michael Jonas, but he was booked,
00:21:30so he called me.
00:21:31Oh, good.
00:21:32Come on, I'll point you in the right direction.
00:21:34Thank you.
00:21:35Janie's ill?
00:21:36She got mugged.
00:21:38That's terrible.
00:21:40Hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:21:43Put that skateboard in your locker.
00:21:44You don't want to confiscate it.
00:21:45She okay?
00:21:46Well, apparently, but I don't really know the lady.
00:21:49Can't be too careful these days.
00:21:51She's a fighter, though.
00:21:52She'll pull through.
00:21:53Hey, manners, let's move it.
00:21:54You're late.
00:21:55Up the stairs, first class, your seat.
00:21:57Thank you.
00:21:58Don't forget to bring your paperwork to the office
00:22:00so you won't get paid.
00:22:02Hey, good luck.
00:22:05Okay, let's move it.
00:22:06Get to class.
00:22:07You're late.
00:22:35Is this Coast Blast?
00:22:37Who the fuck are you?
00:22:38I'm a substitute.
00:22:39Come on.
00:22:42Okay, Romeo, that's enough.
00:22:44Bring it up. Let's go.
00:22:45Let's go.
00:22:46Let's go.
00:23:13Good morning, class.
00:23:17My name is Mr. Smith.
00:23:23I will be Miss Hesco's substitute for the next few days.
00:23:26Is Miss Hesco taking a break?
00:23:39Mr. Smith.
00:23:47Back, back, guys.
00:23:52Henry Alvin.
00:23:57Well, if you can't talk, Henry, just raise your hand.
00:24:03Well, since there's so many of you that can't talk,
00:24:05I guess it's gonna get a lot more quiet in here, isn't it?
00:24:12Henry Alvin.
00:24:14Lisa Rodriguez.
00:24:21Michael Davis.
00:24:22Hey, y'all seen Michael, man?
00:24:24Oh, that's right.
00:24:25He in the hallway rubbing on your mom's booty, man.
00:24:31Frank Davis.
00:24:33Hold up, man.
00:24:34I'm Frank, man.
00:24:35He's just messing with me.
00:24:36You two brothers?
00:24:37Hell nah.
00:24:38Nigga wish he was.
00:24:39Get off that damn government cheese.
00:24:43Juan Lacas.
00:25:09I'd like to know what era in history you're studying now.
00:25:12Fuck you, era.
00:25:17What have you covered so far?
00:25:18The button of that ferret ass you got.
00:25:22Who won World War II?
00:25:24Mama, man.
00:25:28And, oh, boy, here comes a tough one.
00:25:30Who discovered America?
00:25:32Fat Mama.
00:25:36What's your name?
00:25:37I'm Jerome, dog.
00:25:38I'm a 16-inch wolverine from Opelika.
00:25:41Straight from the bottom.
00:25:43Go up there, kid.
00:25:46Never drop her.
00:25:47Time on my peepers.
00:25:49Keep it real, cause it's sleeping.
00:25:51Ain't nothing sweet, dude.
00:25:52Miami hands gets down.
00:25:53You know what I'm saying?
00:25:54Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:25:55Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:26:09that's real special, Jerome.
00:26:18You responsible for this coffee, Hannah?
00:26:20Don't start with me, Daryl.
00:26:23I know it's yours.
00:26:24It stains black after you pour the cream in it.
00:26:31Hey, you're subbing for Jane Hesco, right?
00:26:35Right, Daryl Sherman, English and drama.
00:26:37Jim Smith, good to meet you.
00:26:38You too.
00:26:41Is it true they broke her kneecap?
00:26:44That's what I heard.
00:26:45Sons of bitches.
00:26:46I mean, with my hands on them, I saw them with anything.
00:26:49Life is too short to mess with a KOD.
00:26:52I'm Hannah Dillon, school librarian.
00:26:56Jim Smith, good to meet you.
00:26:57Stay away from the coffee.
00:27:00You drink it.
00:27:01I'm immune.
00:27:05Excuse me, what is the KOD?
00:27:07The Kings of Destruction, they're
00:27:08the top gang in the school.
00:27:10Posse, please.
00:27:12He's so unhip.
00:27:15Could they possibly have been responsible for what
00:27:17happened to Miss Hesco?
00:27:18It's possible.
00:27:21Nothing happens around here that
00:27:22isn't inspired by the KOD, or COD, as I like to think of them.
00:27:28Why would they have been after her?
00:27:30Lockers threatened her.
00:27:32She wanted him transferred.
00:27:34Juan Lockers?
00:27:35Yeah, yeah, he's the leader of the KOD.
00:27:39It's a pain in the ass is what he is.
00:27:41Why wasn't he just transferred?
00:27:43Asked Rolay.
00:27:45It was his decision.
00:27:46You criticize Rolay all you want.
00:27:48He was a cop.
00:27:49He knows the law.
00:27:50No evidence, no case, period.
00:27:52That's right, Darryl.
00:27:54You keep the faith.
00:27:55You know, if Hannah had her way,
00:28:03we'd go back to the days when you could bludgeon a kid
00:28:05for looking at you cross-eyed.
00:28:07I know.
00:28:08I went to school here.
00:28:11So Rolay was a cop, huh?
00:28:13Yeah, the gang unit.
00:28:15He's an amazing man, Rolay.
00:28:17Excuse me, Mr. Rolay.
00:28:19I'm looking for Juan Lockers' file,
00:28:21and the secretary said that you had it.
00:28:23Well, the file is under review at the moment, Mr.
00:28:27Smith, right.
00:28:28If it was Petruski, I'd remember.
00:28:30Come on.
00:28:35Have a seat.
00:28:38Speaking of unusual commitment, how
00:28:41is it that a cop becomes a high school principal?
00:28:45You want the short version?
00:28:47I was at the Liberty City riots in 1980.
00:28:50Not the best time to be a black cop in Miami.
00:28:53You watch your old neighborhood burn down,
00:28:56people you grew up with getting shot and busted.
00:28:59You suddenly face a clear choice,
00:29:01devastation or education.
00:29:05I chose the latter.
00:29:06Went to night school, got my certificate, got my master's,
00:29:09and now here I am.
00:29:12Had my master's, and now here I am.
00:29:15And running for city council, I hear.
00:29:18Well, if the voters are wise.
00:29:21And what's your background, Mr. Smith?
00:29:23Oh, standard liberal arts education.
00:29:25I was a government bureaucratic worker for years,
00:29:27mostly in health education welfare department.
00:29:31And then, uh, well, I guess like you, I wanted to teach.
00:29:36One of those scouts in the halls of Acatene?
00:29:40Nah, nuns, eighth grade.
00:29:44Well, you better get back to work.
00:29:48About those files, I really can't issue
00:29:50them to a temporary employee.
00:29:53No problem at all.
00:29:54Thanks for your time.
00:29:57Oh, I got to ask.
00:29:59Doesn't it make you nervous wearing a watch
00:30:01like that around here?
00:30:03This watch was a gift from the Junior League.
00:30:05Anyone trying to take this watch is
00:30:06going to have to take this off.
00:30:07Well, it's been known to happen.
00:30:09Well, they hack them off with chainsaws now.
00:30:12Students in Woodshop make these for me.
00:30:15Every year at first assembly, I, uh, give a little demonstration.
00:30:25Power perceived is power achieved.
00:30:33I'd remember that little truism, Mr. Smith.
00:30:36It will assist you greatly in your teaching.
00:31:02Nice tie.
00:31:03I think we're going to need insurance.
00:31:05We might.
00:31:06You haven't heard the gig yet.
00:31:07Come on, tell us what it is.
00:31:09It's something a little different.
00:31:11Piece of shit, man.
00:31:12I just want to get back in the action.
00:31:15It's a school.
00:31:17Damn, it is a school.
00:31:18You see, I told you, man.
00:31:20What kind of school?
00:31:21A high school.
00:31:22I'm substituting there.
00:31:23Substitute for what?
00:31:25For Janie.
00:31:26She got kneecapped by a gang.
00:31:28She's in the hospital now.
00:31:31We all feel bad for Janie, right?
00:31:34But a high school?
00:31:37It's in it for us.
00:31:40Well, probably nothing up front, but, uh, there
00:31:43might be something on the back end.
00:31:46Maybe something on the back end.
00:31:49You mind telling me what the fuck
00:31:50is wrong with this picture, man?
00:31:52I mean, first you turned down Wilson.
00:31:54Now you want us to go do a job at a high school on deferment.
00:31:57Hollings, chill out, man.
00:31:59Chill out yourself, motherfucker.
00:32:01High school is bullshit, man.
00:32:03You all know what's wrong here.
00:32:05You ain't got the guts to say it.
00:32:07Well, why don't you tell us, Hollings?
00:32:08I'll tell it, man.
00:32:09Cuba whips you out.
00:32:18Look, no promises, but I'm telling you
00:32:20there's something wrong there.
00:32:21What, they're not doing their homework?
00:32:26Look, all I can tell you is these kids
00:32:29are walking around with cellular phones and pagers
00:32:31and driving $50,000 BMWs.
00:32:33There's drugs here, and when there's drugs, there's cash.
00:32:36So we're not going to walk out of there empty handed.
00:32:38But it's your decision, you tell me.
00:33:21187, murderer.
00:33:24We killing, cappin' it.
00:33:26They murder, they goth ya, bitch,
00:33:27right in the block on your ass.
00:33:29Ain't no love on the streets.
00:33:30♪ I'm killin', got my tech knife ready to spit ♪
00:33:33♪ Ain't no love, get your shit, nigga ♪
00:33:35♪ You better not quit, and duck down from this killer ♪
00:33:37♪ This murder, I'm off the projects and nigga, I'm hurt too ♪
00:33:41♪ Find ass over some dope, give my croak ♪
00:33:43♪ Ain't no love where I'm from, but niggas... ♪
00:33:45-♪ I'm... ♪
00:33:46-♪ Violation, violation... ♪
00:33:48-♪ I'm... ♪
00:33:50-♪ I'm... ♪
00:33:52-♪ I'm... ♪
00:33:54-♪ I'm... ♪
00:33:56Good morning, class.
00:34:06we're gonna talk about Vietnam.
00:34:10Oh, that shit, yo.
00:34:23You had to be resourceful in Vietnam.
00:34:26You had to grow eyes in the back of your head.
00:34:29Yo, you a dead motherfucker, man!
00:34:31I don't like disorder in my room.
00:34:33Clean it up, Tay.
00:34:35-♪ I'm... ♪ -♪ I'm... ♪
00:34:37Hey, knock that nigga out, my nigga!
00:34:39-♪ I'm... ♪ -♪ I'm... ♪
00:34:41-♪ I'm... ♪ -♪ I'm... ♪
00:34:43Oh, shit!
00:34:45Fuck that nigga up, he represent KOD.
00:34:47You stay down there a little spotless.
00:34:51Oh, man, look at him, dog.
00:34:53All red and embarrassed and shit.
00:34:55Hey, Jerome.
00:34:57And you, hand over the ice pick.
00:34:59What ice pick, man? I ain't got no ice pick.
00:35:01This is my class, Rodriguez.
00:35:03I know everything, and I don't allow weapons in here.
00:35:05This ain't your class, bitch.
00:35:07I'll carry whatever the fuck I want.
00:35:09You better take that Superman shit somewhere else.
00:35:11It's impolite to stick your finger in somebody's chest.
00:35:13Would you like it if I did that to you?
00:35:15All right, hand over the ice pick, please.
00:35:20Thank you.
00:35:22Sit down.
00:35:24Motherfucker, you broke my hand!
00:35:26I just bent a little. I don't break them on the first offense.
00:35:32I'm in charge of this class.
00:35:35I'm the warrior chief.
00:35:37I'm the merciless god
00:35:39of anything that stirs in my universe.
00:35:43You fuck with me,
00:35:45and you will suffer my wrath.
00:35:47¿Entienden ustedes?
00:35:49¿Estoy claro?
00:35:53Can I go to the nurse's office?
00:35:55Yeah, sure, Rodriguez.
00:35:57Go ahead. Take Tay with you.
00:35:59Come on, bitch.
00:36:11Anybody else want to go?
00:36:13Anybody else want to go?
00:36:17Okay, let's get back to Vietnam.
00:36:24Anybody happen to know where it is?
00:36:27It's in Korea, right?
00:36:33We facilitated a daycare program
00:36:35so that our young mothers can come back to school
00:36:37and still see their children.
00:36:39Oh, fuck! Ah, no!
00:36:43Maybe some mice or some shit.
00:36:45This shit is killing me.
00:36:47What's going on here?
00:36:49Why don't you ask Mrs. Smith?
00:36:51I'm suing the fucking place, man.
00:36:55Marvin, we got trouble in room 3B.
00:36:59Hey, get to class.
00:37:05I was a member of a special ops team
00:37:07called Lutz, a long-range reconnaissance team
00:37:09that were choppered out to the jungle
00:37:11on the Vietnam Trail.
00:37:13We're fighting with these native Mapa tribes,
00:37:15the Moat Yards.
00:37:17So if we run out of bullets,
00:37:19we'd have to take their weapons,
00:37:21their AK-47s, off the enemy dead,
00:37:23and use their ammo.
00:37:25That way, we could keep fighting, keep advancing.
00:37:27Yo, that sounds like a Saturday night in Miami,
00:37:29you know what I'm saying?
00:37:31My uncle got his legs blown out from Vietnam,
00:37:33but he doesn't talk about it.
00:37:35It was over there because of Hitler, right?
00:37:37No, no, that's more of what you're talking about.
00:37:39No, no, no, those were earlier wars.
00:37:41We were in the NAM to fight communism.
00:37:43You know, that's why my family left Cuba,
00:37:45because Castro turned communist.
00:37:49Yo, what's up, Mr. Smith?
00:37:51How many people you killing in Vietnam?
00:37:55Never counted, Martinez.
00:37:57Mr. Smith, you lost any homeboys?
00:38:01Yeah, I lost some homeboys.
00:38:03Me too, dog.
00:38:05Mostly drive-bys, though.
00:38:07You ever been shot?
00:38:09Mr. Whatever-your-name-is?
00:38:15Yeah, I've been shot.
00:38:17Yo, check this out.
00:38:19I've been sliced and shot, man.
00:38:21Fuck that shit, kid.
00:38:23Look, I got shot, you know what I'm saying?
00:38:25I got an AK in the leg, man.
00:38:31See ya.
00:38:37The way I do it, it's like the way I do it.
00:38:39The way I do it, it's like the way I do it.
00:38:41Yo, CJ, what's up with that shit, man?
00:38:43How you feelin'?
00:38:45Coming in next, T.
00:39:07Two of your students are in the nurse's office talking a lawsuit right now.
00:39:20Why, is the nurse a lawyer? Corporal punishment is no longer allowed in
00:39:26the Dade County school system, Mr. Smith. It wasn't corporal punishment, it was self-defense,
00:39:30and power achieved is power perceived. Well, I will admit you got their attention,
00:39:39which is good, but I can't afford a lawsuit. Now, if you were to apologize to these two
00:39:45young men... Oh, that'll be the fucking day.
00:39:48...then you leave me no choice. I'm going to have to let you go.
00:39:53No, no, no, no, no, wait a minute. According to the union, you can't fire me without two
00:39:57weeks' notice, not unless you want a public hearing in front of the school board.
00:40:01Hey, you do what you have to do. On the other hand, I want to be fair. You
00:40:12go ahead and take your two weeks. Thanks. That's all I wanted.
00:40:25James Smith. Here we are.
00:40:27He's on the computer? Yes.
00:40:31What's his background? Smith James. He's a Harvard grad with a master's
00:40:36from Yale. Wait, make that two masters from Yale. This guy's amazing. And, wow, a PhD
00:40:43from Princeton. You got a little sick, didn't you, Reb?
00:40:47Yeah, well, why do you want us a short notice? Damn, man, if I didn't know better, man, I
00:40:52think you're starting to take this teaching shit seriously, man.
00:40:59You don't have to help me. I'm okay. I'm not a baby.
00:41:28Easy. Oh, I'm home. I don't have any groceries. I don't have any Percocet. My God, look at
00:41:48the meal that you left here. Just leave this stuff alone. Come over here,
00:41:51get something to eat. Maybe you'll feel better. I'm not used to being in the hospital. I could
00:41:53have done something with it. I'm just sitting there. I'm doing nothing.
00:42:00Ms. Hedsko, this is Jim Smith. I just want to tell you that everything is under control
00:42:04at school and for you to get better and not to worry. Talk to you later.
00:42:08Everything's under control. What's he doing, teaching them at gunpoint?
00:42:12This is the Miami Herald and I just want to...
00:42:37What is it?
00:42:41Hey, Ms. H, what's with you? You were the only teacher I had who really cared about me.
00:42:52Please get well and don't give up on us. Love, Lisa Rodriguez.
00:43:02That's very nice. Yeah.
00:43:04Come on, Janie, don't cry. Sit down and have a shrimp roll.
00:43:07I'm not crying. Smith probably knew or sent it anyway.
00:43:12Oh, no, he didn't. How do you know?
00:43:15I don't know, okay? I don't know. But it just goes to figure there might be a few kids that
00:43:19send you a card on their own, okay? Well, it's obvious you have never taught
00:43:23at Columbus High.
00:43:37What's up?
00:44:00So, the war in Vietnam was about turf.
00:44:03Gangs in the north wanted to take over the turf of the gangs in the south.
00:44:14You're late, Juan. That'll be one demerit.
00:44:18One demerit?
00:44:22Do I have to write I'm sorry ten times on the blackboard?
00:44:27No. You're going to write it 100 times.
00:44:34Let's go.
00:44:37Life's a chess game, Juan. This is a crucial move.
00:44:42I want you to think it over.
00:44:45No. You don't want to know if she thought it through, motherfucker.
00:44:48Believe me, I have, Juan. I have.
00:44:55Yo, Freddy Krueger, knock it off. It's not your problem.
00:44:57I need to know I'm not the only one that's worried.
00:44:59I'm worried about you, Juan.
00:45:00I'm worried about you.
00:45:02I'm worried about you.
00:45:03You've got to get over it.
00:45:04I can't.
00:45:05I know that.
00:45:06I'm sorry.
00:45:07I can't.
00:45:08I'm sorry.
00:45:09I'm sorry.
00:45:10I'm sorry.
00:45:11I'm sorry.
00:45:12Yo, Freddy Krueger, knock it off. It's not a manicure shop.
00:45:17Get some real nails, girl.
00:45:19Fuck you, these are real, baby, okay?
00:45:21Oh, fuck you.
00:45:23Hey, Jerome, you know what your name means in Apache?
00:45:26Nah, what it mean?
00:45:30Woo! Geronimo.
00:45:33And the word Apache in their language means the outcast, the shunned ones.
00:45:37Like their emblem, you know, like players today, outlaws, bandits.
00:45:41And that translates easily enough into the biker gangs of the 50s and 60s.
00:45:45My time.
00:45:47The Bieber days, yo.
00:45:51Yeah, I belonged to a group called the Dragons.
00:45:53So what were the black bikers?
00:45:55Yeah, what were the brothers?
00:45:57They were called the Chaplains.
00:45:59The Chaplains? The Chaplains were black?
00:46:02What the hell they were, penny loafers?
00:46:04No, but they were the biggest, baddest black group of the 50s.
00:46:08When I grew up, it was the Dragons and the Enchanters,
00:46:10and the Enchanters were the girls.
00:46:19Mr. Smith, how old were you?
00:46:21Uh, I was 12 years old when I became a junior Dragon.
00:46:25Uh, I see.
00:46:27Mr. Smith was a badass, huh?
00:46:29So, uh, Mr. Smith, what were some of the other black gangs?
00:46:32Well, gangs died out a little bit in the late 60s,
00:46:35but, um, came back in the 70s,
00:46:37there was a gang called, uh, the Black Spades.
00:46:41So these Black Spades, they was all, like, homeboys?
00:46:44All homeboys, 5,000 strong, all over the city of Miami.
00:46:47Gang! 5,000!
00:46:49That's enough for a bunch of homies.
00:46:52Yo, Mr. Smith, if there was 5,000,
00:46:55why are we sitting in this classroom?
00:46:59What's the future of staying in a gang?
00:47:01Bitches, dawg.
00:47:03We're close and close, baby.
00:47:06Yeah, yeah.
00:47:09Uh, maybe a one-way ticket to the joint?
00:47:14Ha, ha, ha. Straight up.
00:47:16No, I didn't mean that, Rodriguez.
00:47:19I'm talking about the joint.
00:47:21You know, Rayford Prison upstate?
00:47:26That can't happen, Mr. Smith. We're all juveniles.
00:47:29What were you supposed to do?
00:47:31Go to a fast food joint making some minimum wage or something?
00:47:34Better than a gang funeral, isn't it?
00:47:39How many of those you been to?
00:47:41Too many.
00:47:43Too fucking many.
00:47:47Is that what you want for yourselves?
00:47:51What you want for your kids?
00:47:57How many of you in here have kids?
00:48:02You gotta be kidding me.
00:48:04How many of you want them to be in gangs?
00:48:07No? Why not?
00:48:09If it's so great.
00:48:11Yeah, but it's different when you talk about your kids.
00:48:13Yeah? Why?
00:48:15Because you don't want to see your kids get into trouble or get hurt or get busted.
00:48:19Well, I don't want to see you kids get hurt or get busted.
00:48:23So what are we supposed to do?
00:48:27Well, I'm not gonna bullshit you. I don't have all the answers.
00:48:32But I'd like to see all of you survive.
00:48:57Mr. Smith.
00:48:59I want to commend you on the way you handled Lankus.
00:49:02And the best part is you did it without violence. I like that.
00:49:06Tell you what.
00:49:08Come by my office after the faculty meeting.
00:49:10We'll have a little chat.
00:49:12I'll see you there.
00:49:14Mr. Smith.
00:49:16I want to commend you on the way you handled Lankus.
00:49:19And the best part is you did it without violence. I like that.
00:49:23Tell you what.
00:49:25Come by my office after the faculty meeting. We'll talk.
00:49:36Put those out and get to class.
00:49:50Today, after the faculty meeting...
00:49:55Today, after the faculty meeting...
00:49:58Today, after the faculty meeting...
00:50:24This is for the Raza.
00:50:28Okay, now wait till he's off school grounds.
00:50:30I don't want to kill him right off.
00:50:32I just want to cut him up a little bit first.
00:50:34To the left!
00:50:36All right.
00:50:38Hurry up! Hurry up!
00:50:44All right.
00:50:46Hurry up! Hurry up!
00:51:00Look at him. He's scared shitless.
00:51:14Marvin, I have a cold tin in the front hall.
00:51:43Anna, get down behind the desk now. Get down!
00:51:46You stay there till I tell you to come out.
00:52:01All right, that's good enough. Freeze, right there.
00:52:04Put your weapons in the little cart.
00:52:06Let's go!
00:52:13You, push it over.
00:52:22That's good.
00:52:24Anna, come on out here, sweetheart.
00:52:27Come on.
00:52:30Okay, look, I want you to roll this into your office.
00:52:33You listen to me?
00:52:35Roll this in your office.
00:52:37Lock the door, wait 15 minutes, then call the police.
00:52:40You got that?
00:52:59Oh, I can't tell you boys how much I've needed this.
00:53:03When we're done, I want you to say I'm sorry 100 times.
00:53:07Shh. No talking in the library.
00:53:10About time you boys started hitting the books.
00:53:13Here's one required reading, Catcher in the Rye.
00:53:16My mistake, did I say Catcher?
00:53:18Move in, move in!
00:53:44Checkmate, motherfucker.
00:53:57Oh, snap.
00:53:59What the fuck?
00:54:16I'd like to report an accident.
00:54:42These torts will kill this bitch in split.
00:54:51Oh, fuck.
00:55:51I'm sorry about those windows.
00:55:55Fuck it.
00:56:14Oh, you wanted to see me.
00:56:17It's, uh, a little late.
00:56:22Well, there's always tomorrow.
00:56:30Who is it?
00:56:32Hey, hey!
00:56:35Oh, man.
00:56:36Open the door.
00:56:37Come on.
00:56:38Hurry up, look.
00:56:39For you.
00:56:40For me?
00:56:43Oh, man.
00:56:44Oh, they're so beautiful.
00:56:45I need them.
00:56:46Thank you.
00:56:48How you doing?
00:56:49Oh, thank you so much.
00:56:50Let me take those.
00:56:51No, no, let me hold them in mine.
00:56:52You just get in there.
00:56:53Go sit on the couch.
00:56:54Okay, all right.
00:56:55You got that?
00:56:56I'm better.
00:56:57Look at me, I'm so strong.
00:56:58How's your knee?
00:56:59It's great.
00:57:03I'm sorry I didn't get by sooner.
00:57:04Oh, it's okay.
00:57:07You're a cripple.
00:57:08What's that?
00:57:09What's what?
00:57:11These are the hairdos that I wish I had.
00:57:15Is that me?
00:57:16Yeah, that's ye.
00:57:18I wanted my hair to be just like yours
00:57:19and they wouldn't do it for me.
00:57:21Anyway, forget about that.
00:57:22Let's talk about school.
00:57:23Everybody missing me?
00:57:24Everybody thinking about me?
00:57:26That substitute you had is amazing.
00:57:27Where'd you find him?
00:57:28Oh, I didn't find him.
00:57:29Shale found him.
00:57:31Yeah, the guy I met in Nicaragua.
00:57:34Is that picture in Nicaragua?
00:57:38What were you doing in Nicaragua?
00:57:40I was teaching.
00:57:41He was in the military.
00:57:42You know, one of those on-again, off-again relationships.
00:57:56What'd you tell him?
00:57:57You tell me what happened.
00:57:59I don't know, man.
00:58:00I say something's going on and there ain't no fucking DJ.
00:58:02Can't be.
00:58:03Don't worry about him.
00:58:04You just do what you're supposed to do.
00:58:05And don't call me here again.
00:58:13Come on.
00:58:27Wellman, it's Joey.
00:58:28They're switching cars.
00:58:30I'm at the fruit stand on Griffin Road.
00:58:32Get over here ASAP.
00:58:40Hola, cariño.
00:58:44Comida cumin esta noche.
00:58:50Where'd you get those?
00:58:51Daryl Sherwin sent them.
00:58:55Your teacher?
00:58:59Okay, what do we got here?
00:59:01Hope you're hungry.
00:59:02I hope you're hungry.
00:59:04Arroz, plantains, habichuelas negras.
00:59:07Must be the corn.
00:59:09Where are you working?
00:59:10In Palomir.
00:59:12Home security.
00:59:13Home security?
00:59:15Those are two words I never would have associated
00:59:16with you, doing what?
00:59:17Well, you know, planning people's security systems,
00:59:20stuff like that.
00:59:22Mm, I hope you're hungry.
00:59:23Oh, I am.
00:59:24I'd love to have some rice, Mr. Smith.
00:59:33Gerald told you?
00:59:37Can I explain?
00:59:39Go ahead.
00:59:41Go ahead.
00:59:46I remember when she called me up.
00:59:47She never found me in.
00:59:51Yet she never put me on the spot.
00:59:56That's the way that I think.
01:00:00She gave me a lot of pain.
01:00:04And never had to doubt.
01:00:07She never found me in.
01:00:10Yet she never put me on the spot.
01:00:14But thank God, she never let me down.
01:00:19She never found me in.
01:00:22But thank God, she never let me down.
01:00:52You see, it's not just the KOD.
01:00:57Rolay's in on this, too.
01:01:04So does that mean my classroom is going to turn
01:01:06into your own private little drug war?
01:01:10Just want them out of there the same as you do.
01:01:13Well, why should you care?
01:01:14I didn't at first.
01:01:15No, but you do now.
01:01:20The other day, I was talking, and I just
01:01:22happened to glance back, and the weirdest thing happened.
01:01:30They were listening.
01:01:36I don't know.
01:01:37I guess I felt like, you know.
01:01:41Like you were actually teaching.
01:01:49I remember the feeling.
01:01:50I remember the feeling.
01:01:51I remember the feeling.
01:01:52I remember the feeling.
01:01:53I remember the feeling.
01:01:54I remember the feeling.
01:01:55I remember the feeling.
01:01:56I remember the feeling.
01:01:57I remember the feeling.
01:01:58I remember the feeling.
01:01:59I remember the feeling.
01:02:00I remember the feeling.
01:02:01I remember the feeling.
01:02:02I remember the feeling.
01:02:03I remember the feeling.
01:02:04I remember the feeling.
01:02:05I remember the feeling.
01:02:06I remember the feeling.
01:02:07I remember the feeling.
01:02:08I remember the feeling.
01:02:09I remember the feeling.
01:02:10I remember the feeling.
01:02:11I remember the feeling.
01:02:12I remember the feeling.
01:02:13I remember the feeling.
01:02:14I remember the feeling.
01:02:15I remember the feeling.
01:02:16I remember the feeling.
01:02:17I remember the feeling.
01:02:18I remember the feeling.
01:02:19I remember the feeling.
01:02:20I remember the feeling.
01:02:21I remember the feeling.
01:02:22I remember the feeling.
01:02:44Hi, Joey.
01:02:47Yep, he's here.
01:02:50Okay, I'll be there in 10 minutes.
01:02:53Got to go.
01:03:03About the teaching, I'll do whatever you want me to do.
01:03:05It's up to you.
01:03:06I just want the same thing I always wanted,
01:03:08which is that you just be straight with me.
01:03:10I guess that's kind of hard when you're on your own.
01:03:12Yeah, I know.
01:03:13I know.
01:03:14I know.
01:03:15I know.
01:03:16I know.
01:03:17I know.
01:03:18I guess that's kind of hard when your whole life's
01:03:20a covert operation.
01:03:31Where is this guy?
01:03:33I can always count on him.
01:03:49What's going on?
01:03:51The little banger pulled a car switch
01:03:53at the food stand on Griffin Road.
01:03:55It's owned by an Indian named Johnny Glade.
01:03:57You heard of him?
01:03:59Yeah, the drug dealer?
01:04:00No, reputed.
01:04:02He's never been convicted.
01:04:03The police surveil his ass all the time
01:04:05and never turn up shit.
01:04:06Hey, hey, that's the Indian that hit Janie.
01:04:09Yeah, he's the muscle.
01:04:11The other asshole must be the one who knows how to count.
01:04:15Locker supplying Glade.
01:04:17That ain't the tail wagging the dog, huh?
01:04:23Got him.
01:04:24Got him.
01:04:56Check it out.
01:05:08You take the boat.
01:05:09The Indian's mine.
01:05:14I can't believe these guys.
01:05:15They're two hours late.
01:05:16Two hours, it's always the same old.
01:05:18Freeze, Chip.
01:05:20Hey there, big guy.
01:05:22Get on the ground.
01:05:23Not on your faces.
01:05:24Arms out of your sides.
01:05:26Let's go.
01:05:38Looks like your friend's boat's sinking.
01:05:53You don't know who you're fucking with, asshole.
01:05:59Payback time.
01:06:01Come on, get up, linebacker boy.
01:06:03Yeah, you, dummy.
01:06:05Come on, get up.
01:06:08It's your lucky day, man.
01:06:09Come on, kick his ass.
01:06:16My fair shell.
01:06:17None of that goddamn ninja horse shit.
01:06:20None of that goddamn ninja horse shit.
01:06:36Took you long enough.
01:06:38No thanks to you, asshole.
01:06:40Yeah, well, payback's a bitch.
01:06:42I guess we're even, though, huh?
01:06:43You fucking psycho.
01:06:45Oh, yeah?
01:06:51Who's a fucking psycho?
01:06:59I knew you'd come back.
01:07:01Yeah, I wouldn't miss it for the world.
01:07:07What do you want to do with this?
01:07:12Hey, no, no, no, no, no.
01:07:14It's stuck.
01:07:15I won't drown.
01:07:19Dade County, South fucking Florida.
01:07:33Early morning joggers made a grisly discovery
01:07:35in the results of what police believe
01:07:37was a drug deal gone bad.
01:07:39Now, detectives have been combing the scene all morning.
01:07:41They're looking for clues.
01:07:43What they're trying to establish is,
01:07:44were the victims killed here,
01:07:46or were they killed in another location
01:07:48and their bodies dumped here?
01:07:50Toxicology tests will be performed on the bodies,
01:07:52the results of which won't be known for several weeks.
01:07:58I'm the main book!
01:07:59Hold on, God!
01:08:01I'm Machendo.
01:08:02Tell me something!
01:08:04Sorry to hear that.
01:08:05Hold on!
01:08:06I want you to hear something!
01:08:07Hear what?
01:08:08Oh, man, come on, hey?
01:08:09He was my buddy!
01:08:11You know what happens to the guy responsible
01:08:12if I don't get my money back?
01:08:26What was that all about?
01:08:48Did you rip off Denny Glaze last night?
01:08:50Lie to me and I'm gonna give your fucking head up!
01:08:54Did you tell anybody about the bar last night?
01:08:57Look at me, God damn it!
01:08:59I did what the fuck I was supposed to do, man,
01:09:01and I split!
01:09:03You think those fucking indies want me knowing their business?
01:09:07It was somebody found out.
01:09:08And we could be in real deep shit.
01:09:14Oh, my God.
01:09:20Everybody listen up.
01:09:21We've got some announcements here.
01:09:23The Reclamation Committee has generously donated
01:09:25some equipment to Columbus High School.
01:09:27They'll be giving it out on the athletic field
01:09:29in about five minutes.
01:09:31We got sports equipment,
01:09:35laptop computers,
01:09:36and books,
01:09:38musical instruments,
01:09:39art supplies,
01:09:40and lab equipment.
01:09:41And, oh, yeah,
01:09:42pizza for everybody.
01:09:43No anchovies.
01:09:51Don't teach history anymore, Smith.
01:09:53You are history.
01:09:56Don't these people belong in class?
01:10:02Here you go.
01:10:03No trouble.
01:10:12I need two of us for the band.
01:10:28What's up, man?
01:10:29Hey, Dro.
01:10:30What's going on?
01:10:31All right.
01:10:32I saw how you handled them boys yesterday.
01:10:34I liked that.
01:10:35I liked it.
01:10:36Matter of fact,
01:10:37keep my dog down.
01:10:38As a matter of fact, check it.
01:10:42Thanks, Dro.
01:10:43I'll take that as a compliment.
01:10:44No doubt.
01:10:48Check you later, man.
01:10:57Mr. Shale.
01:11:01Smith, be cool, all right?
01:11:03Nah, I'm cool.
01:11:04So this is a personal mission
01:11:05or a joint operation
01:11:06between the CIA and the PTA.
01:11:11Okay, look,
01:11:12I'm just messing with you, all right?
01:11:13You're trying to get the KOD,
01:11:15and I want to help.
01:11:16Forget it.
01:11:17What do you mean, forget it?
01:11:18You think you're the great white hope?
01:11:20You're gonna come in here
01:11:21and show us how to clean things up?
01:11:22This is my school, Shale.
01:11:24I'm the one that's still gonna be here
01:11:25after you leave.
01:11:27So if there's a problem,
01:11:28I want to help.
01:11:29All right?
01:11:30Mr. Estove.
01:11:32All right, all right.
01:11:35So what do you want me to do?
01:11:40Well, the next move is Rolay's.
01:11:44What's he got to do with it?
01:11:48He's in business with Locke
01:11:49and a drug dealer named Johnny Glades.
01:11:51No, man, that's bullshit.
01:11:53No, it's true.
01:11:55I don't know how they work it yet,
01:11:56but it's just a matter of time.
01:11:58The man has done too many things
01:11:59for the community
01:12:00to be involved in something...
01:12:01What do you want me to say?
01:12:02Well, I don't want you to say anything,
01:12:04because now I know what this is about.
01:12:05Oh, yeah? What's that?
01:12:07Every time you got a black man
01:12:08running for office
01:12:09trying to make a change,
01:12:10you got a white man
01:12:11trying to run him down.
01:12:12He's dealing drugs, Daryl.
01:12:14That's bullshit.
01:12:28that money you lost,
01:12:29I know where it went.
01:12:43Tilt those little puppies over here, baby.
01:12:46One for you.
01:12:49And one for me.
01:12:54To the very, very generous Mr. Smith.
01:12:59Well, hey, what do you expect
01:13:01from a Harvard, Princeton,
01:13:03Cornell, Rutgers, Yale grad?
01:13:07You know, it's too bad
01:13:08that most of my students
01:13:09think that Yale is a lock.
01:13:12Okay, okay.
01:13:13Now, let's talk about
01:13:14this parent-teacher conference.
01:13:15Oh, come on, Janie.
01:13:16I don't want to talk shop talk tonight.
01:13:18Shale, it's tomorrow night.
01:13:19You've got to be brief.
01:13:20I know.
01:13:21I just tell the parents
01:13:22what the kids are doing.
01:13:23Come on, it's always...
01:13:24I want you to be positive.
01:13:25I want you to think about
01:13:26one good thing for every student.
01:13:27There's at least one good thing
01:13:28for every student.
01:13:29You have to educate
01:13:30and encourage the parents
01:13:31as much as the kids.
01:13:34Oh, God.
01:13:35Oh, not again.
01:13:36I always have to get
01:13:37to the spot where
01:13:38I can't reach it.
01:13:39Oh, please.
01:13:40Oh, please.
01:13:41Here, let me...
01:13:42I can't get it.
01:13:43You can't get it.
01:13:44Let me try...
01:13:45Yes, here.
01:13:46Right here.
01:13:50Oh, please, Holy Shale.
01:13:54Higher, higher, higher, higher.
01:13:56Okay, okay.
01:14:17I can't get higher.
01:14:20Through here,
01:14:21I'm gonna have to
01:14:23come in from up top.
01:14:27You dog.
01:14:32You know what.
01:14:35Come over here.
01:14:56Attention, parents and teachers.
01:14:58School will be closing
01:14:59in five minutes.
01:15:01Five minutes.
01:15:02Thank you.
01:15:10Lisa, you're still here.
01:15:12Yeah, I was helping
01:15:13Miss Adams with some refreshments.
01:15:15Look, there's some boys
01:15:16outside that are bugging me.
01:15:17Do you mind if I just
01:15:18wait here for a while?
01:15:19Sure, have a seat.
01:15:20Uh, got some papers to finish.
01:15:22I'll be done in a minute.
01:15:29And that's about all
01:15:30I got on young Arturo.
01:15:31Miss Hetskill will have
01:15:32to fill you in on the rest.
01:15:34Anyway, thanks for coming in,
01:15:35Miss Fox.
01:15:36Thank you.
01:16:31Oh, my God.
01:16:56I think I'm doing good,
01:16:57so I don't know what else
01:16:58I'm supposed to do.
01:16:59If you want, I'll be
01:17:00happy to talk to you.
01:17:02That'd be good.
01:17:07You know, have everyone
01:17:08call me, and we'll set up
01:17:09a time where we can get to...
01:17:13These doors shouldn't be locked.
01:17:16Come on.
01:17:17We'll go out through the basement.
01:17:22There's a security office
01:17:23down here, and they'll
01:17:24let us out.
01:17:29Need a ride home or anything?
01:17:31You sure it's not out of your way?
01:17:32No, not at all.
01:17:33No, it's fine.
01:17:34Okay, wait a second.
01:17:35I'll take these.
01:17:38Better loosen it down after.
01:17:51Lock us.
01:17:59Come on.
01:18:19Come on, come on, come on.
01:18:20We're done here.
01:18:21Come on.
01:18:27You guys go that way.
01:18:28You come with me.
01:18:36Whatever happens, stay put.
01:18:38Let me switch it on.
01:18:39No, listen.
01:18:40Tell Smith.
01:18:41Tell him everything, okay?
01:18:48Guys, I got him over here!
01:18:59Oh, man.
01:19:01There we go.
01:19:05Yo, come down.
01:19:06You gonna make me go up there
01:19:07and get you now?
01:19:08Where you going, Daryl?
01:19:09Fuck you, Rolay.
01:19:16You're going down, Rolay.
01:19:18Smith is putting you away.
01:19:20Smith's dead, Daryl.
01:19:22Very ugly.
01:19:23You're a liar!
01:19:24I know.
01:19:25It upset me too.
01:19:27Give it up, Daryl.
01:19:28It's over, get it?
01:19:38Nice aim.
01:19:40Fuck you, Rolay.
01:19:44Shame you have to end it this way,
01:19:46crawling like a worm.
01:19:48But that's how you live, so why not?
01:19:50You started to sell out my own people, motherfucker.
01:19:53Sell out?
01:19:55Sell out.
01:19:58I look at you, and you know what I see?
01:20:01I see me when I was young and stupid.
01:20:04I see me when I was soft.
01:20:07And that just don't cut it.
01:20:14Young man,
01:20:16I'm just doing you a favor.
01:20:52Who died?
01:20:54You did, sir.
01:20:57I guess I am a little late.
01:21:19Mr. Smith,
01:21:21what's going on?
01:21:22You saying you got wasted in some drive-by?
01:21:25Who said that?
01:21:27The principal made the announcement
01:21:28over the loudspeaker this morning.
01:21:29That's what we heard.
01:21:30Tell us about Sherman, too.
01:21:32What about Mr. Sherman?
01:21:33Somebody found his body off the Paul Meadow.
01:21:36Shot in the head and all that.
01:21:37What happened?
01:21:38I don't know.
01:21:41I don't like running, man.
01:21:42I say we take this guy out right here.
01:21:43Yeah, right, like you did the last time.
01:21:45Look, Ivy, there's a lot of nigga cowboys
01:21:46working for the mob.
01:21:47We need to find out which.
01:21:48How the hell did he become Esco's substitute?
01:21:50Maybe you should ask her.
01:21:52Harvard, Princeton, my ass.
01:21:53I'll have my goddamn head examined.
01:21:55I don't know where he is, Mr. Smith.
01:21:59He has nothing on his calendar until 3.30.
01:22:03What's at 3.30?
01:22:06A Mr. Wolfson at the Highlight Fountain.
01:22:16Look, I have to go someplace.
01:22:17I need you to take over my class today.
01:22:20You're fucking with me, right?
01:22:21No, I'm counting on you, son.
01:22:29Yo, Mr. Smith asked me to teach you motherfuckers today,
01:22:31all right?
01:22:33Oh, bet.
01:22:34You the teacher?
01:22:35Yo, Mr. Smith hitting that crack rock or something?
01:22:38The only crack around here isn't your head, dude.
01:22:40I'll keep it over for you real good.
01:22:42You don't pay attention to what I got to say.
01:22:44I'm Mr. Brown to you now.
01:22:46I'm the substitute for Mr. Smith.
01:22:48You diss me, you're dissing Mr. Smith.
01:22:50Rodriguez, you're late.
01:22:52That's the one demerit.
01:22:53Jerome, I need to see Mr. Smith.
01:22:54Where is he?
01:22:56Jerome, it's important.
01:23:41What a surprise.
01:23:43Tell me about Rolay and Johnny Glades.
01:23:47I never heard of them.
01:23:49You ever heard of getting a cesta shoved up your ass?
01:23:51Jesus Christ, man.
01:23:52What are you, nuts?
01:23:54You can't come into a public place and threaten people.
01:23:56I mean, there's a phone.
01:23:57I'll call the police.
01:23:58Go ahead.
01:23:59Just hold it.
01:24:00Right there.
01:24:01I mean, what the fuck do you think you're doing?
01:24:03I will defend myself.
01:24:04Hold it.
01:24:16Okay, you're not...
01:24:18Can we be reasonable about this?
01:24:21Tell me about Glades and Rolay.
01:24:23I don't know anything.
01:24:24You know, I told you.
01:24:25God, I'm enjoying this.
01:24:27Listen to me.
01:24:28Listen to me now.
01:24:30All I know is they wanted me to hire some people
01:24:32to put me in charge.
01:24:34And I'm in charge.
01:24:36I'm in charge.
01:24:37I'm in charge.
01:24:38I'm in charge.
01:24:39I'm in charge.
01:24:40I'm in charge.
01:24:41I'm in charge.
01:24:42I'm in charge.
01:24:43They wanted me to hire some people
01:24:44to bodyguard the incoming shipment,
01:24:45and that's it.
01:24:46That's all I know.
01:24:47Is that the gig me and Janice were up for?
01:24:49Yeah, and I wanted you, Chanel.
01:24:50I swear to God, I told them.
01:24:52Obviously, this guy's the best...
01:24:54Flattery's gonna get you killed.
01:24:56How long has Rolay been on Glades' payroll?
01:24:59I don't know.
01:25:00No, no, come on.
01:25:01I mean, I know he was getting paid off
01:25:03when he was a cop.
01:25:04And then when he became a teacher,
01:25:06then they just started funneling the drugs
01:25:08through the school, and that's it.
01:25:10How'd they do it?
01:25:11They, uh...
01:25:13The K.O.D.
01:25:14The K.O.D., I guess.
01:25:16The K.O.D., that's it.
01:25:17You know, but I don't know how they store it,
01:25:19and I don't know how they transport it.
01:25:21I don't know any of that shit, man.
01:25:23You're killing me here, man.
01:25:24There's no reason to kill me.
01:25:27I'm gonna be reasonable.
01:25:29You're gonna leave the country tonight,
01:25:30and you're not coming back
01:25:31or I'm gonna kill you.
01:25:32Otherwise, I'm gonna be unreasonable.
01:25:34Am I clear?
01:25:35Am I clear?
01:25:55Yeah, three.
01:25:56Thank you.
01:26:04Is Jerome and Lisa here?
01:26:06Is Jerome and Lisa, Miss Hetsko?
01:26:25Mr. Smith?
01:26:27This is Jane Hetsko.
01:26:30I've got those papers graded.
01:26:32If you could drop by and pick them up.
01:26:33Thank you.
01:27:29Come here.
01:27:31Don't be stupid, you hear me?
01:27:33Who is it?
01:27:37Who's Shale?
01:27:38He's a friend of mine.
01:27:39Yeah, well, get rid of him.
01:27:41I can't talk to you now.
01:27:42I brought you something from Smith.
01:27:45OK, buzz him in.
01:27:46All right?
01:27:47All right.
01:27:54I'll be right here.
01:27:55I'll be right here.
01:28:08All right, take the package.
01:28:17The kid!
01:28:18The kid!
01:28:25Mr. Whatever-the-fuck-your-name, are you in my classroom?
01:28:27Who the fuck are you?
01:28:28Leave him alone!
01:28:31Stay down.
01:28:32Who is he?
01:28:34He's a merc.
01:28:37A merc?
01:28:38You hired a fucking merc?
01:28:41Give me the phone.
01:28:44I don't know what he's after.
01:28:45I don't know who he's working for.
01:28:46All I know is that he wanted to know if you two had a deal.
01:28:49What'd you tell him?
01:28:52You think I'd be here if I told you?
01:28:55You told him anything?
01:28:56You know this Shale guy?
01:28:58Yeah, he did the Cuba raid.
01:29:00He's the guy I told you about at Wolfson's place.
01:29:02Oh, the guy that made you shit in your pants!
01:29:04Shit, man, again with that.
01:29:06Come on, that was the fiber!
01:29:09I need my money now.
01:29:10What's the hurry?
01:29:11I have a plane to catch in 40 minutes.
01:29:13I just heard my father, he's...
01:29:15He's extremely ill, and I have to go see him.
01:29:18Get him his money.
01:29:25Sounds like this Smith and Shale are working together.
01:29:29Yeah, right.
01:29:31A merc working with a high school teacher?
01:29:33He's not a teacher, that's a cover.
01:29:35He's either a narc or a dealer trying to muscle the head.
01:29:44Yeah, hello, Duncan.
01:29:48You're shitting me.
01:29:51You've got to be shitting me.
01:29:54I don't care who he is.
01:29:55When we hang up, kill him.
01:30:03Are we enjoying this?
01:30:08Are you okay?
01:30:09What's all the racking?
01:30:11It's my landlady.
01:30:12Will you open up?
01:30:13Come on.
01:30:15Get rid of her.
01:30:16She dies too.
01:30:19It's all the banging in there.
01:30:21I'm sorry, Mrs. Anderson.
01:30:22I have the TV on too loud.
01:30:23What's wrong with your face, dear?
01:30:25Oh, I'm fine, I'm fine.
01:30:26I'll turn the TV down.
01:30:33God damn it, take him out!
01:30:40Get him down!
01:30:44Get him down!
01:30:46Drop it or she dies.
01:30:55Okay, now back up.
01:30:59Keep your hands where I can see them.
01:31:07Lights out, motherfucker.
01:31:08Lights out, motherfucker.
01:31:42It's not your fault.
01:31:44It's not your fault.
01:31:54What the hell were you two doing here anyway?
01:31:57Looking for you.
01:32:01Raleigh was bringing a dope on buses and storing it in the boiler room.
01:32:06And Mr. Sherman, he led them away from me so they wouldn't find me.
01:32:10And then that's when they killed him.
01:32:23I want you to stay here.
01:32:24It'll be safe.
01:32:28Where are you going?
01:32:30I have to go to the high school.
01:32:31Gotta get the drugs.
01:32:33You think that Raleigh and Johnny Glaze are gonna let you just walk in and take their drugs?
01:32:39If we get there first.
01:32:49There's the key to the house.
01:32:52If anything happens to me, I want you to have this place.
01:33:03I don't want you to go.
01:33:07I don't want you to go.
01:33:09I'll be back, Jamie.
01:33:12You better.
01:33:15I will.
01:33:58Thinks he's funny, don't he?
01:34:00Joey, get that.
01:34:13It's Louie Beaver.
01:34:14He says he's seen Che on some other guys going into the school.
01:34:18Tell him to sit tight and keep a lookout.
01:34:30Oh, shit.
01:34:49I'll approach him off perimeter.
01:34:52Be right there.
01:34:54I'll be right there.
01:34:56I'll be right there.
01:34:58Be right there.
01:35:01Looks like we got our company.
01:35:03Don't worry. I'll throw him a real nice surprise party.
01:35:28That's far enough right there, Roland.
01:35:33Take it easy.
01:35:35I just want to make a deal.
01:35:37Your deal sucks, Mr. Principal.
01:35:40Okay, then tell us your terms.
01:35:42Quite simple.
01:35:44I want it all.
01:35:46Keep him talking.
01:35:48You can't do that, Che.
01:35:50It's done, Claude.
01:35:52If you start anything now, all you'll do is bring the cops down on all of us.
01:35:54Don't worry about the cops. They're taken care of.
01:35:56Anyway, you need us, Che.
01:35:58For what?
01:36:00You won't be able to work it without our distribution system.
01:36:03Oh, yeah? What's so good about it?
01:36:05It's foolproof.
01:36:07We bus it in, store it,
01:36:09use the KOD to mainline it directly into the school system.
01:36:12You can't do better than that.
01:36:14And they said bussing would never work.
01:36:17Sniper infantry.
01:36:18Sniper infantry.
01:36:49There's more company moving in.
01:36:52There're two groups.
01:36:54Janice and Manny are going around the back.
01:36:56Holland, watch your back down there.
01:36:58And also around the side.
01:37:08This is it.
01:37:10This is it.
01:37:12This is it.
01:37:14This is it.
01:37:16This is it.
01:37:17This is it.
01:38:10Move in!
01:38:17Let's go! Let's go!
01:38:53Buck has gone.
01:38:55Check the stuff. Hurry!
01:40:13You're on candid camera.
01:40:17All right, Shale, you got me. What you gonna do?
01:40:20I'm gonna put you on my demo reel.
01:40:23Now walk over to the blackboard and face it.
01:40:31I'm sorry?
01:40:34It's a special mantra for flunkies.
01:40:36Put the weapon down.
01:41:39Shale, I got four dead cowboys here.
01:41:42And one very fucked up looking Indian Johnny Glades.
01:41:45Can I put him out of his misery, pretty please?
01:41:49Wait till I get there, Holland.
01:41:54You hear that, Johnny?
01:41:59You know what you look like with that shit all over your face?
01:42:02You look like a little snow angel on top of a Christmas tree.
01:42:11Shale, watch out. It's a trap.
01:42:15Watch that door.
01:42:19Where the fuck is he?
01:42:45Drop him.
01:42:47Drop him!
01:42:56Where's my guy?
01:44:27Who you working for, Shale?
01:44:29Who you working for?
01:44:30It's all right.
01:44:31You're right, a great teacher.
01:44:32You're a mercenary.
01:44:33You're in it for the money like everybody else.
01:44:35It's never about the money.
01:44:36It's always about the money.
01:44:38If it's not about the money, what the hell else is it?
01:44:41I tried to explain it to you, Claude,
01:44:44but there's some things that just can't be taught.
01:45:14Oh, God.
01:45:17I thought I lost you, man.
01:45:19Not this time, Joey.
01:45:26Remy Wellman.
01:45:35I'll do it.
01:45:44So you're just gonna stand there, Shale,
01:45:46bleeding and shit, making a mess?
01:45:52Let's get out of here.
01:45:56The cops have got great response time.
01:45:58What did it take them, three hours?
01:46:00Roy said they were on his payroll.
01:46:01What do you expect?
01:46:03It's definitely time to relocate.
01:46:08It's too bad we had to fuck up the school.
01:46:10I feel bad for the kids tomorrow.
01:46:13That'll be okay.
01:46:14At least it's their school again.
01:46:19Where the hell are we gonna go, man?
01:46:22How's L.A. sound?
01:46:24Like more palm trees.
01:46:26I hear the schools out there have a major drug problem.
01:46:30No more schools, man.
01:46:31Forget it.
01:46:32You could teach P.E.
01:46:36I look retarded?
01:46:37Okay, man.
01:46:38Fuck that.
01:46:43Fuck that.
01:46:44Fuck that.
01:46:45Fuck that.
01:46:46Fuck that.
01:46:47Fuck that.
01:46:48Fuck that.
01:46:49Fuck that.
01:46:50Fuck that.
01:46:51Fuck that.
01:46:52Fuck that.
01:46:53Fuck that.
01:46:54Fuck that.
01:46:55Fuck that.
01:46:56Fuck that.
01:46:57Fuck that.
01:46:58Fuck that.
01:46:59Fuck that.
01:47:00Fuck that.
01:47:01Fuck that.
01:47:02Fuck that.
01:47:03Fuck that.
01:47:04Fuck that.
01:47:05Fuck that.
01:47:06Fuck that.
01:47:07Fuck that.
01:47:08Fuck that.
01:47:09Fuck that.
01:47:10Fuck that.
01:47:11Fuck that.
01:47:12Fuck that.
01:47:13Fuck that.
01:47:14Fuck that.
01:47:15Fuck that.
01:47:16Fuck that.
01:47:17Fuck that.
01:47:18Fuck that.
01:47:19Fuck that.
01:47:20Fuck that.
01:47:21Fuck that.
01:47:22Fuck that.
01:47:23Fuck that.
01:47:24Fuck that.
01:47:25Fuck that.
01:47:26Fuck that.
01:47:27Fuck that.
01:47:28Fuck that.
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01:47:32Fuck that.
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01:51:01Fuck that.
01:51:02Fuck that.
01:51:03Fuck that.