One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)

  • 3 weeks ago
One Hundred and One Dalmatians (1961)
00:00:00I'm going to play a little bit of it.
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00:02:36I'm going to play a little bit of it.
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00:02:42I'm going to play a little bit of it.
00:02:44I'm going to play a little bit of it.
00:02:46I'm going to play a little bit of it.
00:02:48I'm going to play a little bit of it.
00:03:08My story begins in London,
00:03:10not so very long ago.
00:03:14And yet so much has happened since then
00:03:16an eternity. At that time, I lived with my pet in a bachelor flat just off Regent's Park.
00:03:25It was a beautiful spring day. Tedious time of the year for bachelors.
00:03:30Oh, that's my pet, Roger. Roger Radcliffe. A musician of sorts. No, no, I'm the one with the
00:03:38spots. My name's Pongo. And you know, as far as I could see, the old notion that a bachelor's life
00:03:46was so glamorous and carefree was all nonsense. It was downright dull.
00:04:03It was plain to see that my old pet needed someone.
00:04:05But if it were left up to Roger, we'd be bachelors forever. He was married to his work,
00:04:12writing songs. Songs about romance, of all things. Something he knew absolutely nothing about.
00:04:22Oh, he's intelligent enough as humans go. And I think you could say Roger is a rather
00:04:27handsome animal in his way. I could see no reason why my pet didn't deserve an attractive mate.
00:04:35At least, I was determined to do my best. Of course, dogs are a pretty poor judge of human beauty.
00:04:47But I had a rough idea of what to look for.
00:04:54Unusual breed.
00:04:58Very unusual.
00:04:59Oh, surely not. Well, now, what have we here? Hmm. Well, a little too short coupled.
00:05:16Nope. I say. Oh, well, I do say. Now, there's a fancy breed.
00:05:22Hmm. Perhaps a little too fancy. Yes, there's much too fancy. Too old. Too young.
00:05:39It was a problem. A real problem.
00:05:44Well, now, that's a bit more like it. The most beautiful creature on four legs.
00:05:50Oh, now, if only the girl. Well, she's very lovely, too. It was almost too good to be true.
00:05:58I'd never find another pair like that, not if I looked for a hundred years.
00:06:05Ah, we were heading for the park. A perfect meeting place, if I could only arrange it.
00:06:11Uh-uh. But Roger never stopped work till after five. That'd be too late.
00:06:20Hmm. After five already?
00:06:39Fancy that.
00:06:43All right, Pongo. All right, boy.
00:07:10Pongo boy, take it easy. What's all the hurry?
00:07:20Oh, Pongo boy, slow down.
00:07:38At first, I was afraid we'd miss them. Perhaps they passed on by the park.
00:07:42Then suddenly, I spotted them. It was a perfect situation if I planned it right.
00:07:47Uh-huh. I couldn't depend on Roger. I knew what he'd do. He'd settle down on the grass
00:07:52and puff his pipe, and that'd be it. Now, it was all up to me. Well...
00:08:16Well, now, at first, I had no particular plan.
00:08:23Just anything to attract attention. You know, stir things up a bit.
00:08:31Pongo, you silly old thing. Come on. Come on, let's have it, boy. Pongo.
00:08:50Well, for a while, it seemed to work. At least they'd seen one another.
00:08:55Things were going along first rate. But for some strange reason, they left.
00:09:01Oh, come on, you old renegade. We're going home.
00:09:09But I wasn't giving up. I was determined that somehow they just had to meet.
00:09:18Oh, I beg your pardon. I'm so sorry. Please excuse me.
00:09:22I must say, what on earth? Oh, dear.
00:09:25Oh, really? Oh, good heavens. Oh, my new suit and my new hat.
00:09:44I'm terribly sorry. Please let me help you. I'm so sorry. Pongo, you... I don't know what's...
00:09:52Come over to my... I'm terribly sorry. I'm so sorry. He's never acted this way before.
00:09:56Never mind. Never mind. Please, just go away. You've done enough. Please.
00:10:03Oh, I say, here, take mine.
00:10:21Will thou love her, comfort her, honour and keep her in sickness and in health,
00:10:33and, forsaking all others, keep thee only unto her, so long as ye both shall live?
00:10:40I will.
00:10:43For the first six months or so, we lived in a small house near the park.
00:10:48A modest little place, but just right for two couples who were just starting out.
00:11:00Tadita, darling, are you all right?
00:11:04Oh, of course, dear. After all, dogs were having puppies long before our time.
00:11:10Oh, that's Nanny, a wonderful cook and housekeeper. She's such a kind, understanding soul.
00:11:24You know, at times she seems almost canine.
00:11:29Roger, dear. Tea time. Tea time.
00:11:40Do you like my new song?
00:11:57Such clever lyrics.
00:11:59Melody first, my dear, and then the lyrics.
00:12:02Oh, Pongo, it's her. It's that devil woman.
00:12:17Oh, must be Cruella, your dearly devoted old schoolmate. Cruella de Vil. That's it.
00:12:25Cruella de Vil, Cruella de Vil, Cruella de Vil.
00:12:33If she doesn't scare you, no evil thing will.
00:12:36Oh, Roger.
00:12:37To see her is to take a sudden chill.
00:12:41Cruella, Cruella, she's like a spider waiting for the kill.
00:12:49Roger, she'll hear you.
00:12:51Look out, Cruella de Vil.
00:12:56Let her in, Nanny.
00:12:58Anita, darling.
00:13:00How are you?
00:13:01Miserable, darling, as usual. Perfectly wretched.
00:13:06Where are they? Where are they?
00:13:14For heaven's sakes, where are they?
00:13:16Who, Cruella? I don't...
00:13:17The puppies, the puppies.
00:13:21No time for games. Where are the little brutes?
00:13:25Oh, it'll be at least three weeks. No rushing these things, you know.
00:13:31Anita, you're such a witch.
00:13:34Here, dog. Here. Here, dog.
00:13:38Cruella, isn't that a new fur coat?
00:13:42My only true love, darling. I live for furs. I worship furs.
00:13:49After all, is there a woman in all this wretched world who doesn't?
00:13:53Oh, I'd like a nice fur, but there are so many other things.
00:14:02Sweet, simple Anita.
00:14:05I know. I know.
00:14:08This horrid little house is your dream castle.
00:14:13And poor Roger is your bold and fearless Sir Galahad.
00:14:20Oh, Cruella.
00:14:21And then, of course, you have your little spotted friends.
00:14:26Yes. Yes, I must say, such perfectly beautiful coats.
00:14:32Won't you have some tea, Cruella?
00:14:34Now, I've got to run, darling. Now, let me know when the puppies arrive.
00:14:37You will, won't you, dear?
00:14:38Yes, Cruella.
00:14:39Now, don't forget it's a promise. See you in three weeks.
00:14:42Cheerio. Cheerio, darling.
00:14:48At first you think Cruella is a devil.
00:14:53But after time has worn away the shock.
00:14:57You come to realize you've seen her kind of eyes.
00:15:01Watching you from underneath a rock.
00:15:05You're no help, Rog.
00:15:06This vampire bat. This inhuman beast.
00:15:10She ought to be locked up and never released.
00:15:14The world was such a wholesome place until Cruella, Cruella de Vil.
00:15:26Oh, Roger, you are an idiot.
00:15:33That witch. That devil woman.
00:15:35She wants our puppies. That's all she's after.
00:15:37Oh, don't worry, Purdy.
00:15:39Bear on to her. Nothing's going to happen to our puppies.
00:15:42What does she want with them?
00:15:44She can't possibly love them.
00:15:47Oh, Pongo.
00:15:49I was so happy at first, but now I...
00:15:54Oh, I...
00:15:55I wish we weren't having any.
00:16:10Poor Bedita.
00:16:12Of course, she had no choice.
00:16:13The puppies arrived right on schedule.
00:16:15One wild and stormy night in October.
00:16:56Dirty boy.
00:16:57The puppies are here.
00:17:00Oh, the puppies are here.
00:17:02How many?
00:17:08By George Pongo.
00:17:10Eight puppies.
00:17:18Eleven puppies, Pongo boy.
00:17:21Wait a minute now. Wait a minute.
00:17:26No, no, no. Fourteen.
00:17:29Oh, fifteen.
00:17:33And the mother's doing fine, love.
00:17:37You ducky thing, you.
00:17:38Fifteen puppies?
00:17:41Why, Pongo boy, that's marvelous.
00:17:44It's fabulous.
00:17:46Why, you old rascal.
00:17:53Just fourteen.
00:17:56We lost one.
00:17:59Oh, poor little thing.
00:18:06Oh, Pongo boy.
00:18:09It's just one of those things.
00:18:13And yet...
00:18:15And yet I wonder...
00:18:38Look, Pongo.
00:18:51We still have fifteen.
00:18:53Oh, Roger, he's all right, thank heaven.
00:18:57See, he's just as good as new.
00:18:59Can you imagine, Rog?
00:19:00Fifteen puppies.
00:19:06Fifteen puppies.
00:19:07How marvelous.
00:19:09How marvelous.
00:19:10How perfectly...
00:19:12Oh, the devil take it they're mongrels.
00:19:15No spots.
00:19:16No spots at all.
00:19:17What a horrid little white rat.
00:19:19They're not mongrels.
00:19:21They'll get their spots.
00:19:23Just wait and see.
00:19:24That's right, Cruella.
00:19:25They'll have their spots in a few weeks.
00:19:28Oh, well, in that case, I'll take them all.
00:19:31The whole litter.
00:19:32Just name your price, dear.
00:19:34I'm afraid we can't give them up.
00:19:36Poor Pedita.
00:19:36She'd be heartbroken.
00:19:38Anita, don't be ridiculous.
00:19:39You can't possibly afford to keep them.
00:19:41You can scarcely afford to feed yourselves.
00:19:44Oh, well, I'm sure we'll get along.
00:19:46Yes, I know.
00:19:48I know.
00:19:50Roger's songs.
00:19:57Oh, now, really, enough of this nonsense.
00:19:58I'll pay you twice what they're worth.
00:20:00Come now, I'm being more than generous.
00:20:02Blast this pen.
00:20:03Blast this wretched, wretched pen.
00:20:11When can the puppies leave their mother?
00:20:13Two weeks?
00:20:14Three weeks?
00:20:18We're not selling the puppies.
00:20:22Not a single one.
00:20:24Do you understand?
00:20:25Anita, is he serious?
00:20:28I really don't know, Roger.
00:20:30Well, Cruella, he seems...
00:20:31Oh, surely he must be joking.
00:20:34No, no, no, no, I mean it.
00:20:36You're not getting one.
00:20:38Not one.
00:20:40And that's final.
00:20:43Why, you horrid men.
00:20:49All right, keep the little beasts for all I care.
00:20:52Do what you like with them.
00:20:54Drown them.
00:20:55But I warn you, Anita, we're through.
00:20:57I'm through with all of you.
00:20:59I'll get even.
00:21:00Just wait.
00:21:01You'll be sorry.
00:21:02You fools.
00:21:04You idiots.
00:21:11Oh, Roger, you were magnificent, darling.
00:21:14Oh, he was a bloomin' hero, Mum.
00:21:16Indeed he was.
00:21:18A bloomin' hero.
00:21:24Purdy, darling.
00:21:25Purdy, we're keeping the puppies.
00:21:26Every single one of them.
00:21:27My old pet Roger, he told that devil woman off.
00:21:30He told her off, Purdy.
00:21:31She's gone.
00:21:32Oh, darling, she's gone for good.
00:21:34Oh, Pongo.
00:21:52Come on, Thunderbolt.
00:21:54Come on, Thunderbolt.
00:22:00Go get him, Thunder.
00:22:06After him, boy.
00:22:07He'll get that dirty old horse thief.
00:22:10Old Thunderbolt's the greatest dog in the whole world.
00:22:13He's even better than Dad.
00:22:15No dog's better than Dad.
00:22:18What's he going to do, Dad?
00:22:21Let's just wait and see.
00:22:23Look at him run, you old coward.
00:22:26That old dirty dachshund.
00:22:27The yellow-livered old skunk.
00:22:31I'd like to tear his gizzard out.
00:22:33Why, Patch, where did you ever hear such talk?
00:22:36Certainly not from your mother.
00:22:45Watch out, Thunderbolt.
00:22:47Don't worry, Penny.
00:22:48Look at me.
00:22:49I'll get you out of here.
00:22:51Don't worry, Penny.
00:22:52He'll get that yellow-livered...
00:22:55Well, he'll get him, all right.
00:22:58Lucky, Lucky, get down.
00:22:59We can't see you.
00:23:00Get down.
00:23:02Mother, make him get down.
00:23:04Come on, Lucky.
00:23:05Down, dear.
00:23:09Missed him.
00:23:10Missed him by a mile.
00:23:15I'm hungry, Mother.
00:23:16I'm hungry.
00:23:18No, Roly.
00:23:18You've just had your dinner.
00:23:20But I am just the same.
00:23:22I'm so hungry I could eat a whole elephant.
00:23:27There he is, behind that rock.
00:23:35Oh, dear.
00:23:36He shot poor Thunder.
00:23:37He missed him.
00:23:38Old Thunder's pretending.
00:23:41I think.
00:23:42See, what did I tell you?
00:23:44It's one of his tricks.
00:23:45Lucky, get down.
00:24:12I'm hungry, Mother.
00:24:15I really am.
00:24:19Don't miss next week's exciting episode.
00:24:22Who will triumph?
00:24:24Old Thunder always wins.
00:24:26And speaking of champions, friends,
00:24:28K-9 Crunchies is the champion of all dog biscuits.
00:24:32K-9 Crunchies can't be beat.
00:24:33They make each meal a special treat.
00:24:36Happy dogs are those who eat nutritious K-9 Crunchies.
00:24:39K-9 Crunchies...
00:24:40Um, Ernie?
00:24:41We'd better get these little nippers off to bed
00:24:43if we're going for a W-A-L-K.
00:24:46We want to go too, Mother.
00:24:47Can we, Mother?
00:24:48Can we?
00:24:49We never get to go.
00:24:51Come along, children.
00:24:53But we're not a bit sleepy.
00:24:57We want to go for a walk in the park.
00:25:00Dad, can we?
00:25:02Better do as your mother says.
00:25:06One, two, three, four, five, six.
00:25:12Seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen.
00:25:14I'm not sleepy.
00:25:16I'm hungry.
00:25:30Now, remember, friends.
00:25:32Just send five...
00:25:32Oh, I'm a picky little rascal.
00:25:34Let's go.
00:25:42There they go, Horace, me lad.
00:25:57Out for their evening constitutional.
00:25:59Now, a lovely pair of turtle doves.
00:26:03Around the Johnny Horner and off to the park.
00:26:07I don't like it, Jasper.
00:26:10One more pinch and they'll throw the keys away.
00:26:13Oh, come off it, Horace.
00:26:14We're getting plenty of boodle.
00:26:15Yes, but I've been thinking.
00:26:19You've been thinking?
00:26:20Now, look here, Horace.
00:26:21I warned you about thinking.
00:26:23I've got the knob for this job, so let's get on with it.
00:26:27Ah, nobody home but the little old cook.
00:26:40Well, now, you just leave her to old Jasper.
00:26:42He can handle her real diplomatic like.
00:26:45Yes, but I still don't like it.
00:26:50Here, dear.
00:26:51Now, perhaps you settle down.
00:26:54Oh, dear.
00:26:57Go to sleep now.
00:26:58Close your little eyes.
00:27:00That's a good little one.
00:27:07Who do you suppose?
00:27:11Good evening, ma'am.
00:27:13We're here to inspect the wiring and the switches.
00:27:16We're from the gas company.
00:27:17Electric, electric.
00:27:19Electric company.
00:27:20Oh, but we didn't call for any inspection.
00:27:23Oh, yes, ma'am.
00:27:23I know.
00:27:24You see, there's a new act that's just been passed in Parliament.
00:27:26It comes under the heading of the Defence of the Realm Act.
00:27:27It's Article 4, Section 29.
00:27:29It's very important.
00:27:29It's a law.
00:27:30And it's for your own safety, ma'am.
00:27:32Well, I don't care what Parliament, Realm, or whatever it is says.
00:27:35You're not coming in here, not with the Mr. and the Mrs. Gong.
00:27:38Ah, now, come off it, ducky.
00:27:40We've got no time to palaver.
00:27:41We've got a job to do.
00:27:42Excuse me.
00:27:46What's the matter with you two?
00:27:48You got cloth ears?
00:27:50I said you're not coming in here.
00:27:52Oh, she's a regular little tartar, ain't she, Horace?
00:27:57Don't you dare go up there, you big long-legged lummox.
00:28:00Now, I mean it.
00:28:03If you don't get out of this house, I'll call the police, I will.
00:28:07Now, be off with you, you big weasel.
00:28:12Now, you've been and gone and done it.
00:28:14You've cut me to the quick, lady.
00:28:15Why, I wouldn't stay here if you asked me to.
00:28:19Not even for a cup of tea.
00:28:21Oi, Horace, me lad.
00:28:23I've got a sneaky suspicion we're not welcome here.
00:28:26Pack up, we're leaving.
00:28:27A chop's a word and quits the action.
00:28:30Let me out!
00:28:32I'll call the police!
00:28:36Good night, ducky.
00:28:39By those good-for-nothing odlums.
00:28:41A lactory company.
00:28:44They're nothing but common snake thieves.
00:28:48I'll bet they make off with the good silver.
00:28:54Well, I'll bet they took every last...
00:28:58The puppies!
00:28:59The puppies!
00:29:00They're gone!
00:29:04Oh, they took the puppies.
00:29:06Oh, whatever will I do?
00:29:09Those scoundrels, they stole the puppies.
00:29:13The puppies!
00:29:15Somebody help me!
00:29:23Dog napping.
00:29:24Can you imagine such a thing?
00:29:28Fifteen puppies stolen.
00:29:31They are darling little things.
00:29:35Anita and her...
00:29:38And her bashful Beethoven.
00:29:42Pipe and all.
00:29:45Roger, you are a fool.
00:29:57Jasper, you idiot.
00:29:58How dare you call here?
00:29:59But we don't want no more of this here.
00:30:01We want our boodle.
00:30:03We'll settle for half.
00:30:04Not one shilling till the job's done.
00:30:07You understand?
00:30:09But it's here in the blinking papers.
00:30:11Pictures and all.
00:30:12Hang the papers.
00:30:13It'll be forgotten tomorrow.
00:30:14I don't like it, Jasper.
00:30:17Shut up, you idiot.
00:30:19Oh, oh no.
00:30:20Not you, miss.
00:30:21Mummy Norris here.
00:30:22Why, you imbecile.
00:30:39It's Scotland Yard.
00:30:41Maybe they found something.
00:30:43Hello, Inspector?
00:30:44Is Anita there?
00:30:47It's for you.
00:30:50Oh, Cruella.
00:30:51Oh, Anita, what a dreadful thing.
00:30:53I just saw papers.
00:30:54I couldn't believe it.
00:30:55Yes, Cruella.
00:30:56It was quite a shock.
00:30:58What does she want?
00:30:58Is she calling to confess?
00:30:59Roger, please.
00:31:00Oh, she's a sly one, she is.
00:31:02Yes, yes.
00:31:03We're doing everything possible.
00:31:05Yes, we called Scotland Yard.
00:31:07But I'm afraid...
00:31:09Where are they?
00:31:10You idiot.
00:31:11Oh, sorry, Cruella.
00:31:15If there's any news, we'll let you know.
00:31:17Thank you, Cruella.
00:31:20Roger, I admit she's eccentric.
00:31:21But she's not a thief.
00:31:22Well, she's still number one suspect in my book.
00:31:24Of course, she's been investigated by Scotland Yard.
00:31:27What more do you want?
00:31:28Oh, I don't know, darling.
00:31:31I don't know.
00:31:33Oh, Rog.
00:31:34What'll we do?
00:31:37What'll we do?
00:31:45Birdie, I'm afraid it's all up to us.
00:31:50Oh, Pongo.
00:31:52Isn't there any hope?
00:31:54Well, yes.
00:31:56There's the Twilight Bark.
00:31:58Twilight Bark?
00:31:59But dear, that's only a gossip chain.
00:32:01Darling, it's the very fastest way to send news.
00:32:04And if our puppies are anywhere in the city,
00:32:06the London dogs will know.
00:32:08Now, we'll send the word tonight
00:32:09when our pets take us for a walk at the park.
00:32:14Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff.
00:32:18Ruff, ruff, ruff.
00:32:21There's no one out tonight.
00:32:23I'm afraid it's too cold.
00:32:25We've got to keep trying, Birdie.
00:32:28Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff.
00:32:38Birdie, we're in luck.
00:32:40It's the Great Dane at Hampstead.
00:32:42Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff.
00:32:44Pongo, quiet boy.
00:32:46You want to start up the whole neighborhood?
00:32:48Come on, Pongo.
00:32:49Birdie, come on.
00:32:51Let's go.
00:32:53Oh, Pongo, you old idiot.
00:32:59Come on now, we're going home.
00:33:14Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff.
00:33:16What is it, Danny?
00:33:17Who's on the telegraph?
00:33:19It's Pongo, Regent's Park.
00:33:21It's an all dog alert.
00:33:22What's it all about?
00:33:23What's the word?
00:33:24Tell me, Danny.
00:33:25Tell me, tell me, tell me.
00:33:26Wait a minute, wait a minute.
00:33:34Well now, hmm, that is something.
00:33:39What, Danny?
00:33:40What something?
00:33:41Fifteen Dalmatian puppies.
00:33:46And they called the police, scuttle yard.
00:33:47The humans have tried everything.
00:33:49Now it's up to us dogs and the twilight bark.
00:33:52I'll sound the alert.
00:33:53Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff.
00:34:06Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff.
00:34:08Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff.
00:34:10Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff.
00:34:12Rof. Rof. Rof.
00:34:14Roof roo roo roo roo roo roo roof roo roo.
00:34:20Chrissy! Come in here!
00:34:27Roof roo roo roo roo roo roo roo roof.
00:34:29Coco, be quiet now.
00:34:38Where are you, big black?
00:34:44Where are you, big black?
00:34:51Where are you, big black?
00:34:58Where are you, big black?
00:35:28Where are you, big black?
00:35:36Where are you, big black?
00:35:42Where are you, big black?
00:35:48Where are you, big black?
00:35:54Where are you, big black?
00:36:01Where are you, big black?
00:36:08Where are you, big black?
00:36:15Where are you, big black?
00:36:23Where are you, big black?
00:36:30Where are you, big black?
00:36:37Where are you, big black?
00:36:44Where are you, big black?
00:36:51Where are you, big black?
00:36:58Where are you, big black?
00:37:05Where are you, big black?
00:37:12Where are you, big black?
00:37:19Where are you, big black?
00:37:26Where are you, big black?
00:37:33Where are you, big black?
00:37:40Where are you, big black?
00:37:47Where are you, big black?
00:37:54Where are you, big black?
00:38:01Where are you, big black?
00:38:08Where are you, big black?
00:38:16Where are you, big black?
00:38:24Where are you, big black?
00:38:31Where are you, big black?
00:38:38Where are you, big black?
00:38:45Where are you, big black?
00:38:52Where are you, big black?
00:38:59Where are you, big black?
00:39:06Where are you, big black?
00:39:13Where are you, big black?
00:39:20Where are you, big black?
00:39:27Where are you, big black?
00:39:34Where are you, big black?
00:39:41Where are you, big black?
00:39:48Where are you, big black?
00:39:55Where are you, big black?
00:40:02Where are you, big black?
00:40:09Where are you, big black?
00:40:16Where are you, big black?
00:40:23Where are you, big black?
00:40:30Where are you, big black?
00:40:37Where are you, big black?
00:40:44Where are you, big black?
00:40:51Where are you, big black?
00:40:58Where are you, big black?
00:41:05Where are you, big black?
00:41:12Where are you, big black?
00:41:19Where are you, big black?
00:41:26Where are you, big black?
00:41:33Where are you, big black?
00:41:40Where are you, big black?
00:41:47Where are you, big black?
00:41:54Where are you, big black?
00:42:01Where are you, big black?
00:42:08Where are you, big black?
00:42:15Where are you, big black?
00:42:22Where are you, big black?
00:42:29Where are you, big black?
00:42:36Where are you, big black?
00:42:43Where are you, big black?
00:42:50Where are you, big black?
00:42:57Where are you, big black?
00:43:04Where are you, big black?
00:43:11Where are you, big black?
00:43:18Where are you, big black?
00:43:25Where are you, big black?
00:43:32Where are you, big black?
00:43:39Where are you, big black?
00:43:46Where are you, big black?
00:43:53Where are you, big black?
00:44:00Where are you, big black?
00:44:07Where are you, big black?
00:44:14Where are you, big black?
00:44:21Where are you, big black?
00:44:28Where are you, big black?
00:44:35Where are you, big black?
00:44:42Where are you, big black?
00:44:49Good luck, bongos.
00:44:52If you lose your way, contact the parking chain.
00:44:56They'll be standing by.
00:45:19Beep, beep.
00:45:50Beep, beep.
00:46:11Any news, Colonel?
00:46:13Not a blasted thing.
00:46:15They're lost or captured or something or other.
00:46:18Who knows what?
00:46:19Colonel, sir, Colonel, here comes a car.
00:46:21Oh, come now, Tibbs, don't be ridiculous.
00:46:23They wouldn't be driving.
00:46:24Yes, I know, sir, but it's heading for Hell Hole.
00:46:30It's stopping at the gate.
00:46:32It is?
00:46:33Well, blasted old Tibbs, better see what's up.
00:46:36On the double, man, on the double.
00:46:38Yes, sir.
00:46:40Take over, Captain.
00:46:42Right-o, sir.
00:46:48I'm sorry, Mr. Simpkins, the answer is no.
00:46:51No, no, no, no, no.
00:46:52Six down, four to go.
00:46:54I've got no time to argue.
00:46:56I tell you, it's got to be done tonight.
00:46:58It must be a yes or no question, Inspector.
00:47:02Do you understand?
00:47:04But they ain't big enough.
00:47:06You couldn't get half a dozen coats out of the old caboodle.
00:47:09Coats? Dark-skinned coats?
00:47:11Then we'll settle for half a dozen.
00:47:13We can't wait.
00:47:14The police are everywhere.
00:47:16We want the job done tonight.
00:47:18Are we going to do it?
00:47:20Any way you like. Poison them, drown them, bash them in the head.
00:47:24You got any chloroform?
00:47:25Not a drop.
00:47:26And no ether.
00:47:29I don't care how you kill the little beasts, but do it!
00:47:32And do it now!
00:47:34Oh, please, miss, now have pity, will you?
00:47:37Can't we see the rest of the show first?
00:47:39We want to see what's my crime.
00:47:47Now listen, you idiots.
00:47:49I'll be back first thing in the morning.
00:47:51And the job better be done or I'll... I'll... I'll call the police.
00:47:55Do you understand?
00:48:05I think she means it, Jasper.
00:48:08We'll get on with it as soon as the show's over.
00:48:16Will you please sign in, sir?
00:48:21Hey, kids, you better get out of here if you want to save your skins.
00:48:24But how?
00:48:25Shh, there's a hole in the wall.
00:48:27There by the door.
00:48:29Come on, shake a leg.
00:48:32Psst, kids, follow me.
00:48:34Hey, Jasper, look!
00:48:37It's old Meathead.
00:48:40Yes, hey, what do you know?
00:48:42Old Meathead Fordswater.
00:48:45Come on, now, don't crowd.
00:48:48One at a time, one at a time.
00:48:50Now for our last contestant this evening, panel,
00:48:53meet Mr. Percival Fordswater.
00:48:55Now, Mr. Fordswater,
00:48:57if the panel fails to guess your unusual crime in ten questions,
00:49:00you will receive two weeks' vacation at a fashionable seaside resort,
00:49:04all expenses paid.
00:49:06That is, of course, after you paid your debt to society.
00:49:11Now, who will take the first question?
00:49:16Mr. Fordswater, could your crime be classified as larceny,
00:49:19theft, you know, burglary of some sort?
00:49:21Form a queue along the wall.
00:49:23Come on, snap it up, faster.
00:49:25Mr. Fordswater is a burglar by trade,
00:49:27but in this case his crime was not burglary.
00:49:30I'm sorry, the answer is no.
00:49:32One down, nine to go.
00:49:34Miss Birdwell?
00:49:35If your crime wasn't robbery, well, then, did you...
00:49:38Oh, dear, what I mean is,
00:49:40do something of a violent nature, that is...
00:49:43Come, come, Miss Birdwell, we're running short of time.
00:49:46Oh, yes, of course, I'm sorry.
00:49:48Did you do someone ill?
00:49:50No, Miss Birdwell, I'm sorry, the answer is no.
00:49:53Two down, eight to go.
00:49:55Mr. Simpkins?
00:49:56Oh, yes, your crime was not robbery and not homicide.
00:50:00Well, then, could it be a violation of a city ordinance of some sort?
00:50:04I see.
00:50:05No, the answer is...
00:50:07Hey, get out of the way, you little runt.
00:50:10Three down, seven to go.
00:50:14Oh, this is very confusing, I must say.
00:50:17Surely this crime...
00:50:19I'm terribly sorry, I'm afraid we've run out of time.
00:50:22Now, ain't that always the way?
00:50:25Would it be possible for Mr. Fordswater to come back next week?
00:50:29Then we could finish our little game.
00:50:31Good night, audience.
00:50:33See you next week at the same time on What's My Crime?
00:50:42Come on, Horace, let's get on with it.
00:50:46I'll pop them on the head, you do the skinning.
00:50:48Oh, no, you don't, Josper.
00:50:51I'll pop them off and you do the skinning.
00:50:56Hi, Horace, look.
00:50:58They're gone.
00:51:00They flew the coop right out through this little hole.
00:51:03Here, grab a torch.
00:51:04We'll run them down before you can say Bob's your uncle.
00:51:14There they go, Horace, up the stairs.
00:51:20Here, puppies.
00:51:26Here, puppies, come on.
00:51:27Now, don't go hiding from your old uncle, Josper.
00:51:33Oh, I ain't gonna hurt you.
00:51:35But I thought we was gonna pop them off.
00:51:37Shut up.
00:51:38Now, take a squint in there and I'll check these other two rooms.
00:51:44Here, puppies.
00:51:48Puppies, come on out, come out wherever you are.
00:51:52Horace, look.
00:51:54This is our mangy chubby cat.
00:51:56He's the ringleader.
00:51:58Head along, Horace, head along.
00:52:04Oh, you buckling blockhead.
00:52:08Back here, back here.
00:52:13Here they come.
00:52:14Double-crossing little twerps.
00:52:16Pulling a snitch on us.
00:52:17And after we took care of them all this time.
00:52:19There's gratitude for you.
00:52:21It ain't fair, Josper.
00:52:25Hey, Horace.
00:52:26There they go.
00:52:31I say, Sergeant.
00:52:33Sorry, sir, no time to explain.
00:52:34Busy, sir.
00:52:42Shut that door, Horace.
00:52:45Close in on them.
00:52:46There's enough of this ring around a Rosie.
00:52:55Oh, Pongo, Pongo.
00:52:57I'm afraid we're lost.
00:52:59It can't be far.
00:53:03By Jove.
00:53:05It can't be the Pongos.
00:53:17It's the Colonel.
00:53:18Come on, this way.
00:53:26Are you the Colonel?
00:53:27Oh, you a Pingo?
00:53:29Or a Pongo?
00:53:30Oh, puppies.
00:53:31Puppies, are they all right?
00:53:33No time to explain.
00:53:34I'm afraid there's trouble.
00:53:35Big hullabaloo.
00:53:36Come along.
00:53:38Follow me.
00:53:44Now we got them, Horace.
00:53:45They've run out of room.
00:53:48Hey, what have we got here?
00:53:49A couple of spotted hyenas?
00:53:51Come on, Horace, old pal.
00:53:52Give them what for.
00:53:53I'm right behind you, lad.
00:53:56Oh, you clumsy clod.
00:53:59Hey, young man.
00:54:00You ought to knock the spots off you.
00:54:03Let go.
00:54:04Let go.
00:54:10Well, bye, George.
00:54:20Hey, you mangy muggle.
00:54:24I'll knock your blinking block off.
00:54:30Blast them, tips.
00:54:31Come on.
00:54:32Give them what for.
00:54:33No, no, Colonel.
00:54:37Oh, yes.
00:54:38Of course.
00:54:41On the double.
00:54:47Get me out of here.
00:54:48Hey, Horace.
00:54:49They're fighting dirty.
00:55:13Come on, Cody.
00:55:14Let's go.
00:55:16I'll skin every one of them little spotted eyes if it's the last thing I do.
00:55:26I missed you, Mommy.
00:55:27Here we are, Mommy.
00:55:28Oh, my darlings.
00:55:29My darlings.
00:55:30Hard to find us, Dad.
00:55:35We're friends.
00:55:36Oh, Dad.
00:55:37And Rolly, you little rascal.
00:55:39Did you bring me anything to eat?
00:55:42And Rolly, you little rascal.
00:55:43Did you bring me anything to eat?
00:55:45Everybody here?
00:55:47All 15?
00:55:48Twice that many, Dad.
00:55:49Now there's 99 of us.
00:55:54Where did they all come from?
00:55:56What on earth would she want with so many?
00:55:59She's going to make coats out of us.
00:56:01She couldn't.
00:56:03That's right.
00:56:04Dogskin coats.
00:56:05Oh, dogskin coats.
00:56:07Oh, come now, Tips.
00:56:09But it's true, sir.
00:56:11Horace and Jasper are going to pop us off and skin us.
00:56:14She's a devil.
00:56:15Oh, a witch.
00:56:16Oh, what'll we do?
00:56:18We have to get back to London somehow.
00:56:20What about the others?
00:56:22What'll they do?
00:56:24Hurdy, we'll take them home with us.
00:56:26All of them.
00:56:28Our pets would never turn them out.
00:56:30Colonel, sir.
00:56:31Lights on the road.
00:56:32It's a truck heading this way.
00:56:34It's the Baddens.
00:56:35Horace and Jasper.
00:56:36They're following our tracks.
00:56:38Well, we've got them outnumbered, Tips.
00:56:40And when I give the signal, we'll attack.
00:56:42Colonel, sir.
00:56:43I'm afraid that would be disastrous.
00:56:45Oh, you think so?
00:56:47He's right, Colonel.
00:56:48We'd better run for it.
00:56:49Out the back way and across the pasture.
00:56:51Thank you, Sergeant, Colonel, Captain.
00:56:53Bless you all.
00:56:54How can we ever repay you for what you've done?
00:56:56Oh, nothing at all.
00:56:58All in the line of duty.
00:57:00That's right, sir.
00:57:02Better be off.
00:57:03Here they come.
00:57:06Come on, kids, hurry.
00:57:09Good luck, Doncos.
00:57:10Yes, good luck.
00:57:11And never fear.
00:57:12We'll hold them off to the bitter end.
00:57:18Now, what's this?
00:57:20Get out of my way, you other barking.
00:57:22I'll knock your blinking block off.
00:57:29Well, they ain't in yet, Jasper.
00:57:31No, they're hiding in the hay.
00:57:34Here, give me a match.
00:57:35We'll burn them out.
00:57:37Ready, Captain.
00:57:40Fire one.
00:57:44Fire two.
00:57:49Hey, there they go, the little sneaks.
00:57:52Come on, boys, back to the truck.
00:57:54We'll let them off in half a mile.
00:58:04They've got to be around here somewhere.
00:58:06Jasper, I've been thinking.
00:58:08Now, Horace.
00:58:09But what if they went down the froze-up creek
00:58:12so as not to leave their tracks?
00:58:15Oh, Horace, you idiot.
00:58:17Dogs ain't that smart.
00:58:29All clear, birdie, all clear.
00:58:32We didn't slip.
00:58:34Didn't we, Dad?
00:58:35They didn't even see us, Patch.
00:58:38Shh, children, children, shh.
00:58:53My feet are slippery.
00:58:56I wish we could walk on the snow.
00:58:59No, son, we can't leave tracks.
00:59:22Well, any sign of them?
00:59:24Not so much as one blooming footprint.
00:59:27And we've been up and down every blinking road in the old county.
00:59:30We're froze stiff.
00:59:32We're giving up.
00:59:33Oh, no, you don't.
00:59:35We'll find the little mongrels if it takes till next Christmas.
00:59:38Now get going.
00:59:40And watch your driving, you imbeciles.
00:59:42You want to get nabbed by the police?
01:00:0393, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98.
01:00:21Oh, Lucky.
01:00:25Come, Lucky boy.
01:00:27We can't give up now.
01:00:29I'm tired and I'm hungry
01:00:31and my tail's froze
01:00:33and my nose is froze
01:00:35and my ears are froze
01:00:37and my toes are froze.
01:00:47Oh, we've just about lost hope.
01:00:49We have shelter for you
01:00:51at the dairy barn across the road.
01:00:54Oh, thank goodness.
01:00:56Purdy. Purdy.
01:00:59This way, Purdy.
01:01:01The dairy barn across the road.
01:01:03Come on, kids.
01:01:10It's not far. Come on. This way.
01:01:12Follow the collie.
01:01:29Just look, Queen.
01:01:31Have you ever seen so many puppies?
01:01:34Aren't they adorable?
01:01:36Perfectly darling.
01:01:37The poor little dears.
01:01:39They're completely worn out
01:01:41and half-frozen.
01:01:44They all here, Pongo?
01:01:46Yes, dear.
01:01:47All 99 accounted for.
01:01:49The famous Pongos.
01:01:51Oh, we love them.
01:01:53We love them.
01:01:55The famous Pongos.
01:01:57Oh, we were so worried about you.
01:01:59Been trying to reach you for hours.
01:02:01Afraid you'd been captured.
01:02:03How did you ever make it all this way?
01:02:05And in such dreadful weather?
01:02:07And with all those little ones.
01:02:09I'm hungry, Mother. I'm hungry.
01:02:12I'm hungry, too, Mother.
01:02:14Mother, we're all hungry.
01:02:16We're all hungry.
01:02:18I'm sorry, children.
01:02:20Do they like warm milk? It's fresh.
01:02:23Where, Mother? Where is it?
01:02:25Where is the milk?
01:02:26Come and get it, kids. It's on the house.
01:02:29This way, children. Around this way.
01:02:32Now, don't crowd.
01:02:34You'll have to take turns.
01:02:38Roly, wait your turn, dear.
01:02:44Don't worry, kids. There's plenty for all.
01:02:48The little darlings.
01:02:51Pongo, a few scraps I saved for you and the missus.
01:02:55Oh, thank you.
01:02:57It's not much, but it might hold you as far as Dinsford.
01:03:02Yes, there's a Labrador there. His pet is a grocer.
01:03:07Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
01:03:09Oh, quite all right, quite all right.
01:03:11Now, get some rest, and don't worry. I'll be standing watch.
01:03:17I don't know what we'd have done if...
01:03:19We're very honoured to be of service.
01:03:21We're only sorry we can't do more.
01:03:23Anyone who would think of hurting these dear little puppies.
01:03:27Shh, Duchess.
01:03:29They're so dear. I wish they could stay here with us for always.
01:03:33Princess, shh. Quiet, everyone.
01:03:36Let them sleep, the poor things.
01:03:39They're so exhausted, and they still have such a long way to go.
01:04:20Hurry, kids, hurry!
01:04:41Well, now, what have we here?
01:04:45Well, so they thought they could outwit Cruella.
01:04:52Jasper! Hollis!
01:04:57Here's their tracks, heading straight for the village.
01:05:00Blimey! Oh, it's them all right.
01:05:03Work your way south on the side roads. I'll take the main road.
01:05:06See you there!
01:05:15Pongo, I've got a ride home for you.
01:05:18A ride home? Purdy, did you hear that?
01:05:21For all of us?
01:05:23You mean we don't have to walk anymore?
01:05:25If we can manage it. Come on, we'd better hurry.
01:05:28We've got a ride home. Come on, children.
01:05:45See the van down the street?
01:05:47It's going to London as soon as the engine's repaired.
01:05:50And there's room for all of you.
01:05:53Pongo, there's Cruella.
01:06:07Yes, and Jasper and Hollis.
01:06:10Yes, and Jasper and Hollis.
01:06:13Pongo, how will we get to the van?
01:06:17I don't know, Purdy, but somehow we've got to.
01:06:21Mother, Dad, Patch pushed me in the fireplace.
01:06:24Lucky pushed me first.
01:06:26Did not. Did too.
01:06:27Did not. Did too.
01:06:28Did not.
01:06:30Please, children, don't quarrel.
01:06:33Say, Purdy, I've got an idea.
01:06:41Pongo, what on earth?
01:06:43Look, I'm a Labrador.
01:06:45We'll all roll in the soot. We'll all be Labradors.
01:06:48Say, that is an idea.
01:06:50Come on, kids, roll in the soot.
01:06:52You mean you want us to get dirty?
01:06:55Did you hear that, Freckles? Dad wants us to get dirty.
01:06:58Mother, should we?
01:07:00Do as your father says.
01:07:02This will be fun.
01:07:04I always wanted to get good and dirty.
01:07:08That's the stuff. The blacker, the better.
01:07:11I'm ready.
01:07:12Me too.
01:07:13How's this, Dad?
01:07:14Wait a minute now. That's enough. Not too many at a time.
01:07:17Rolly, hold on, son. You're only half done.
01:07:21And now, stay right with me, kids.
01:07:27We're going to fool the old mad lady.
01:07:38Pongo, I'm so afraid.
01:07:44Look, Jasper, do you suppose they disguised themselves?
01:07:48Say now, Horace, that's just what they did.
01:07:53Dogs is always painting themselves black.
01:07:56You idiot.
01:08:03So far, so good.
01:08:05Come on, Purdy. Better get on your make-up.
01:08:08I'll go ahead with the next bunch.
01:08:20Jasper! Horace!
01:08:25Now, be reasonable, miss.
01:08:27We're frozen clean to our bones.
01:08:30We've been out all night and all day with nothing to eat.
01:08:33They're somewhere in this village and we're going to find them.
01:08:37Now, get going!
01:08:42You think they've seen us?
01:08:45No, but we're running out of time.
01:08:48Far again, mate.
01:08:50Hurry, Purdy. The band's about ready to leave.
01:08:59Better hurry.
01:09:03Come on.
01:09:23I'll get the rest.
01:09:25All that ought to do her. At least she'll get you back to London.
01:09:28Better get aboard, miss.
01:09:33Hey, Jasper.
01:09:43Come on, Horace.
01:09:50Hurry, kids.
01:09:59Come on, kids. Run on ahead.
01:10:04She's watching us, Dad.
01:10:06Keep going, keep going.
01:10:16It can't be.
01:10:19It's impossible.
01:10:24Run for it!
01:10:27Jasper! Horace!
01:10:34There they go! In the van!
01:10:37After them! After them!
01:10:41After them!
01:11:02Paul! There she is! Cruella!
01:11:11Hey, lady!
01:11:13What in thunder you trying to do, crazy woman driver?
01:11:41Pondo, look!
01:11:43Jasper! There ain't nothing to it!
01:11:47I'll give him a bit of a nudge and shove him in the ditch!
01:12:11Ernie! Watch out!
01:12:37You idiots!
01:12:39You... you fools!
01:12:42Oh, you imbeciles!
01:12:45Ah, shut up.
01:12:50I've seen her kind of eye
01:12:52Watching you from underneath the rock
01:12:56Cruella de Vil
01:12:58Cruella de...
01:13:01Roger, after all this,
01:13:04Roger, after all, that's your first big hit.
01:13:07It's made more money than we ever dreamed of.
01:13:10Yes, I know.
01:13:12I still can't believe that Pongo and Purdy would run away.
01:13:18Here's a bit of Christmas cheer for you.
01:13:21If there's anything to be cheerful about.
01:13:25Oh, the dear little things.
01:13:29Sometimes at night I can hear them barking.
01:13:35But it always turns out I'm dreaming.
01:13:48What on earth?
01:13:49Was there a Labrador?
01:13:50No, no, they're covered with soot.
01:13:53Look, here's Lucky!
01:13:55Oh, Pongo, boy, is that you?
01:13:58Oh, Pongo, Pongo!
01:14:01It's Pongo!
01:14:02And Purdy, oh, my darling.
01:14:04And Patch.
01:14:05And Rolly.
01:14:06And Penny.
01:14:07And Freckles.
01:14:09They're all here, the little dears.
01:14:12It's a miracle.
01:14:13Oh, Roger, what a wonderful Christmas present.
01:14:15And look, there's a whole lot more.
01:14:19Look, Anita, puppies everywhere.
01:14:21There must be a hundred of them.
01:14:23One, two, three and four is seven.
01:14:26Two, four, six and three is nine.
01:14:29Plus two is eleven.
01:14:30Thirty-six over here.
01:14:31Thirty-six and eleven, that's forty-seven.
01:14:33Fourteen, eighteen, Roger.
01:14:35That's sixty-five.
01:14:36Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen.
01:14:39Wait a minute, wait a minute.
01:14:40Six more.
01:14:41Oh, I see now.
01:14:42That's eighty-four.
01:14:43And fifteen plus two, a hundred and one.
01:14:47A hundred and one?
01:14:50Well, where did they all come from?
01:14:52Oh, Pongo, you old rascal.
01:14:56What'll we do with them?
01:14:57We'll keep them.
01:14:58In this little house?
01:14:59We'll buy a big place in the country.
01:15:03We'll have a plantation, a Dalmatian plantation.
01:15:06Oh, Roge, that's truly an inspiration.
01:15:09It'll be a sensation.
01:15:12We'll have a Dalmatian plantation.
01:15:14A Dalmatian plantation, I say.
01:15:18We'll have a Dalmatian plantation
01:15:20where our population can grow.
01:15:22I'm hungry, Mother.
01:15:23In this new location, our whole aggregation
01:15:25will love our plantation home.
01:15:38Dalmatian plantation home.
01:15:50Dalmatian plantation home.
