• last year
00:00Hello, in this video, this video is addressed to my twin flame, Cheyenne. Hi, Cheyenne.
00:06For those just watching, I thank you for watching.
00:09I am kind of tired today because of all the driving yesterday, and then I was woken up and tortured at about...
00:18I think it was, uh...
00:216 a.m., I went back to sleep, and then I woke up at 8 a.m., and now I couldn't go back to sleep after 8 a.m.
00:28So in this video, nothing can be said and used against me.
00:32If you try, you will be sued...
00:40You will be sued and punished and put to prison for framing me illegally.
00:50And anybody who is actually watching this to attack me and hurt me and use this against me is stalking or spying, and that's illegal.
01:00So in this video, Cheyenne, I'm making these videos kind of early because I want to talk to you about my trip.
01:08However, I have a lot of crime to talk to you about, and I'm going to tell you the nightmares, more about the nightmares.
01:23I just wanted to say...
01:28In this video...
01:37The Waste-to-Skull technology is real. There's lawsuits happening. Google's covering it up.
01:43Uh, what is being... whatever is being shown in my search feed.
01:49Waste-to-Skull technology is real.
01:52And if I do say things in these videos, and they try to frame me and say that I'm lying and this is harassment,
02:02uh, later on down the road, they're going to be accused of framing me illegally, and they'll be sued and put to prison if they try to say that these things are not happening.
02:15However, lie now. Lie now. Get sued and go to prison later.
02:23Because, uh, this is not being covered up anymore.
02:28And a quick Google search on the front page, uh, in regards to a few lawsuits that are being...
02:36It's not just a few lawsuits that are happening. There's a lot going on that I'm not doing research about in regards to this, uh, remote monitoring, Waste-to-Skull,
02:49and they call it witchcraft, and like it's invisible, but it's not.
02:55So, Shia, I have some, uh, crime evidence in regards to the hacker, what he's putting on my computer,
03:07but I specifically wanted to talk about the things that telepathic supporters, uh, had me write down.
03:17Things that were, and, that I was remembering from my nightmares, uh, that is being said to me.
03:29Specifically these past, uh, six to eight months.
03:35And I believe that this is too, uh, vulgar and disgusting and could be used against me, however the problem is.
03:50I'm dying, and I'm getting sick, and the whole part of the crime is that nobody can know and nobody can find out.
04:00And if you do try, you're going to be framed as mentally ill.
04:06However, these are, these are things from, uh, a nightmare, my nightmares.
04:13I am living a nightmare my entire life, and, um, but these are the things being said in my nightmares, Shia.
04:23You need to know and find out, because I'm constantly being said that you couldn't possibly say these things and tell these things to Shia.
04:35He'll flip out, and he will be so, uh, emotionally sick if he finds out this is being said to you.
04:45I'm so emotionally sick that I'm not able to tell you these nightmares that I'm having, and so I have to tell you a few things.
04:57Yeah, I'm going to go down the list, uh, in my nightmares, uh, and I'm going to say the criminal.
05:12Uh, so this morning, in my nightmares, in quotes, I'm not going to say, I'm going to spell out some of the words because it's too graphic, it's too vulgar.
05:27U-S-U-C-K, my B-A-L-L-S.
05:33I'm constantly getting, um, in my nightmares, pinching, uh, A-I, artificial intelligence on my nipples, pinching, like someone's pinching in, uh, my nipples,
05:50and making, uh, if I have to scooch over, and I squeeze one of my buttcheeks, and they use, and they have an etheric implant to make it like someone's moving my buttcheek,
06:03and also poking it, and grabbing it, and touching it, and, like, making pinching feelings on my buttcheeks.
06:09This has been going on for a very long time, years.
06:14Um, so, in quotes, in my nightmares, uh, this criminal says, some of them are repeatedly said dozens into the hundreds of times, some of them are only said a few times, or one time.
06:32Um, more, more than, usually more than one time, usually dozens of times, or into the 50 to 100 times.
06:42My P-N-I-S is E-E-E-N-T-E-R-I-N-G-U.
06:50And these weapons, as the, in my nightmares, as the verbal harassment occurs, my body is being R-A-P-E-T-O-R-T-U-R-E-D,
07:04and things actually, like, happen, like, say a verbal harassment is in regards to my chest, they'll use A.I. weapons to attack my chest with A.I. weapons.
07:21Um, I'm a P-I-N-P, and after the criminal says my P-N-I-S is E-N-T-R-I-N-G-U, criminal is using A.I. to act like there's movement in, like, pushing, pulling, opening feeling around my root chakra area.
07:51In my nightmares.
07:54Um, there's a constant A.I. weapon being used on a specific spot of my O-V-A-R-I-E-S, and they, like, it, like, gets all, like, a warm sensation, like they're being used somehow.
08:15And, in quotes, in my nightmares, I make your O-V-A-R-I-E-S warm.
08:26And it's like this heating sensation that, like, it's really, really gross, and I can't explain all of this completely in detail, Shire.
08:35Um, in quotes, in my nightmares, all that I do for you, and S-U-C-K.
08:51Um, there's a lot of repetition, a lot of repetition of, uh, of, uh, the constant torture.
09:05Um, all that I do for you, and S-U-C-K.
09:14He's, uh, the criminal is repeating and starting to remind Alyssa of all the S-C-X harassment.
09:23And this repeatedly happens all the time, like, they'll just spend hours, like, trying to explain, show and explain and remind me of all the things that happen to me.
09:33I-F-U-C-K-E-D, your brain's out.
09:39All my, all my styles. All my styles. All my S-C-X styles.
09:48I'm cute. I'm cute. I'm so cute. Repeatedly, all the time.
09:56Um, there's a nightmare where there's this coughing sound that, like, makes it sound like something's being thrown out of the person's mouth.
10:10And then there'll be, like, an A.I. feeling in my root chakra area, like something is being put in my root chakra area.
10:20And the cough is B-L-O-W-I-N-G, the E-J-U-C-L-A-T-I-O-N in A-L-Y-S-S-A's root chakra area.
10:35And then there's A.I. weapons that's used to make the sensations and movement.
10:41And this is, uh, repeatedly done to me this past month.
10:46Uh, non-stop. Not non-stop, many, many times a day.
10:52And my nightmares, if I pull down my pants to go to the toilet, I'm getting sexually harassed any time I pull my pants down to the toilet.
11:02And constantly told, I see you, I see you, I see you.
11:06And this, this isn't, this is just a few things, not all of it.
11:12I'm saying, I'm constantly saying, being told in my head, no, in my nightmares, I'm being told, I'm your third husband, I'm your third husband.
11:26Um, being told in my nightmares, I touch you, I touch you.
11:37And, the, I've gotten, uh, in my nightmares, visuals in my third eye, of the criminal's fist being pushed up my root chakra, V-A-G-I-N-A.
11:55And then repeatedly saying over and over, I made your V-A-G-I-N-A loose, I've made your V-A-G-I-N-A loose. Over and over.
12:12Um, repeatedly, uh, the criminal in my nightmares will say, you're cute like me, you're cute like me.
12:24Um, I'm constantly, uh, saying that about you, Shia.
12:32I'm cute like you, you're cute like me, so this is part of the attack.
12:37Um, there's specific, uh, video visuals in my nightmares being played of the criminal caressing my feet.
12:53They're not ugly, they're not ugly, like lovemaking with my feet, and like, uh, kissing my feet and my body.
13:02And then saying, you are really cheating on Shia because this is lovemaking, you're really cheating on Shia.
13:14Um, this is all pure rape in my nightmares, it's 100% rape.
13:19So if I get out of the bathtub and try to dry off in my towel, sit in front of a fan, I can't do that more than two minutes.
13:30Uh, I'm immediately told in my nightmares, get dressed, get dressed, it's time to get tortured, get dressed, it's time to get tortured.
13:39Every single time, there's, I can never ever, uh, dry off.
13:45And when I get out of the bathtub, in my nightmares, I'm like about to faint, pass out, so I have to not move my body.
13:55So it can cool off, and I can like be, uh, fainting.
13:59Uh, the criminal in my nightmares is saying, the smell of S-E-X, the smell of S-E-X.
14:10I S-E-X-E-D you. I S-E-X-E-D you.
14:13Uh, I walked into your body as a ghost, and I had S-E-X-E-D with you, and this is repeatedly told to me over and over and over again.
14:29So it's not just, uh, this is not just assault, this is, uh, verbal harassment that is so verbally harassing, it physically assaults my body and my mind, my nightmares.
14:50And in my nightmares, this criminal changes, uh, his appearance all, all the time, and then the criminal will say, I'm just like the CN, I'm just like the CN.
15:07Uh, it's possible in my nightmares that there's being told that this torture that has happened to me is being returned by this criminal that's been torturing me.
15:24And so the criminal says, saying in my nightmares, I deserve to be with you physically. Look at all that I gave you these past years.
15:37And, uh, no, I've been getting raped, tortured from a distance in my nightmares. I've been getting raped, tortured from a distance, 24-7.
15:53Uh, the criminal is saying, uh, oh, he has a, uh, he's constantly saying, uh, you're my partner, you're my partner. Everybody else is taken, you're my partner.
16:19The, and then the criminal in my nightmares constantly says, the sexual suppression is real. I tortured you for so many years and I haven't been able to physically R.A.P.E. you.
16:35Uh, so basically acting like it's going to happen in my nightmares.
16:44Um, repeatedly said by the criminal in my nightmares, you're a slut, you're a prostitute, you're a slut, you're a prostitute.
16:53Um, I'm not, some of these I can't, I'm not going to say on the internet.
17:06Uh, you're, uh, Shia is with the criminal that stole DNA, so you're with me. Shia is with her, you're with me. That's repeatedly said over and over and over.
17:23Um, this was all kind of, uh, this verbal harassment was kind of, uh, kept secret the first year and a half in my nightmare.
17:49So the neighbor in my nightmare is saying, I'm going to kill you, and then he, uh, in my nightmares he's saying that he gets excited and S.E.X. aroused from it every time he says I'm going to kill you.
18:14Uh, the criminal is, says to me repeatedly, uh, little boobies, big bum, little boobies, big bum. Actually I don't have a big bum, just, I don't have a big bum.
18:34Uh, and boobies is a very, uh, perverted word.
18:42In my nightmares the criminal is saying, I saw your, with remote viewing, I saw your, I saw your, uh, naked body and looked at it every day when you weren't wearing your bathing suit all of that time.
19:08I just started wearing my bathing suit in the bathtub every single, every single time I bathe. It's only been, what, not even two months.
19:21Uh, the, in my nightmares the criminal goes, let's do's, let's do's, O-R-G-A-S-M, I'll just say O-R-G-A-S-M.
19:31Um, if I wear, like, a certain clothing, the criminal in my nightmares will constantly say, change your clothes, I'm getting turned on, change your clothes.
19:47And if I don't change my clothes I'll get tortured and say that's why, that's why you're getting tortured.
19:55Um, the criminal will constantly say, you think you're dressing cute for Shia, but you're dressing cute for me.
20:07Um, the criminal also says repeatedly, I raped, if I look in the mirror and look at my body and I'm kind of fat, I, I, I tortured you so much and R.A.P. tortured you so much.
20:22The A.I. weapons. I turned your body into a woman.
20:28Uh, no we didn't. And Shia, if I, I can't, like, respond to everything, explain and react to everything, I just have to say it.
20:36And you have to know, like, the, the way I would respond, maybe it's possession that I don't respond, react to every single statement I'm saying, but I'm just too tired and weak.
20:47Just know that this person doesn't have, this person in my nightmares does not have the legal right to breathe and will go to prison.
20:58Oh, uh, there's, you don't know the level of kidnapping and torture Shia in my nightmares, however.
21:15This one's saying, I was being, remember how I was getting these A.I. cravings and sometimes I get really fat and then I, like, shrink and I get fat?
21:27Uh, with the A.I. cravings, it makes you feel really, like, filthy to have A.I., to constantly have to eat food.
21:34But, uh, the criminal in my nightmares goes, I'm making you fat because, uh, black men like fat women.
21:45And constantly being told over and over and over, you're, uh, because I tortured you, your body developed because of me, your body developed because of me, over and over and over.
21:58And the, in my nightmares, the criminal's constantly saying, you're my bitch.
22:04And, I was watching your video and, this has happened several times, I'm watching your video, then I all of a sudden start getting tortured.
22:22And then the criminal will go, you're cheating on me with Shia.
22:27Uh, Shia, I, these are all lies. There's no truth to this.
22:34And this, uh, in my nightmares, this verbal communication is specifically being done because the criminal in my nightmares being very secretive and quiet.
22:48The criminal was, um, female for the first year and a half.
22:54So, now, what's happening is, there's all this communication, verbal attack, non-stop.
23:02And, uh, there will be an automatic response sometimes, and like, see, we're communicating, it's a relationship.
23:10Like, there's a spiritual attack happening where the criminal's getting in my face to actually try to, uh, make me feel like I'm forced to be, like, communicating.
23:26And I'm not communicating.
23:32I've never said, I've never said, uh, I'm not gonna talk, Shia, I'm not gonna keep talking about it.
23:38If you, tell me if that's important, we'll explain things if you don't completely understand it.
23:48In my nightmares, the criminal will also say, I torture you so much, I own, I own, O-W-N, I own your private parts.
24:01So, throughout the, the things that I can't say on the internet, can't say on the internet, can't say on the internet,
24:10I'm starting to write more and more and more about this specific criminal in my nightmares.
24:18Because, uh, this, this is part of the reason why I'm so sick, and Shia, I know that you are so sick.
24:29However, I am so sick. I'm getting so attacked. I, I really think, um, they still think that they have a chance of, uh, killing me.
24:43But I'm getting so attacked, and I, I am, um, I, I don't know how to, I don't know how to react to those things.
25:00I'm on the video, and I can't be, like, just say whatever, we blur things out because of the AI technology that's trying to control the conversation.
25:12But, based on what I just said to you, uh, it can no longer be, I can no longer not talk about it.
25:25Because, um, you have to know, and I know that I'm gonna feel better now that you know.
25:33So, I'm going to make the other video by 3pm, and just upload this now.
25:45But I wanted to tell you all these things because this is, this is a lot of things, but this is not all of the things in my nightmares that's being said to me.
26:01So, I'm going to talk to you after, uh, by 3pm, I'll upload the video to talk to you about my trip yesterday, and I'm probably just going to try to rest.
26:14Uh, I am getting tortured today, since this morning, however, I'm going to, I might have to do malaria technology.
26:22So, I, uh, I love you Shia. Thank you everybody for watching. Thank you so much, Shia, for watching.