Roshni Sab Kay Liye - Topic: ALLAH ki Ittat - 12 August 2024 - ARY Qtv

  • 3 weeks ago
Roshni Sab Kay Liye

Topic: ALLAH ki Ittat

Host: Shahid Masroor

Guest: Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi, Allama Ahmed Saeed Noorani

#RoshniSabKayLiye #islamicinformation #ARYQtv

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00:00I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan, in the name of Allah, the most Gracious, the most Merciful.
00:13All praise is due to Allah, Lord of the worlds. Peace and blessings be upon the Seal of Prophets.
00:18Ladies and Gentlemen, Peace be upon you.
00:20I am your host Shahid Masroor for the program Roshin Sab.
00:24A human being, in terms of character and actions, is a collection of obedience.
00:30We have promised our souls to Allah that we will obey and obey Him.
00:36And if we look at the social life of a human being,
00:41then a human being respects his parents and his elders.
00:45The life that is healthy and beneficial for a human being,
00:51is that in which a human being respects his parents, his elders and his elders.
00:58After this, a human being respects his teachers.
01:02A person who wants to achieve something in life,
01:05until he does not respect his teachers, he will not be able to achieve anything.
01:10And if we look at life in general,
01:13then until one does not obey Allah,
01:15until one does not obey the Messenger of Allah,
01:19a human being will not be able to achieve anything in this world.
01:22That is why Allah has declared His obedience to His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him.
01:29Because the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him,
01:32has conveyed the teachings of Allah to his people,
01:37to his nation and to mankind.
01:39For the success of this life and for the success of his afterlife,
01:46a human being must obey Allah and His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him.
01:53And only when he does this, will he be successful.
01:55We have seen that those people whose life is an example of servitude,
02:00when their life is full of obedience and obedience,
02:05then they also get the status of respect in this world.
02:08And they also feel content.
02:10Their character, their actions, their faces and their expressions tell us that they are content,
02:17that they have achieved success in their life and have provided for the afterlife.
02:23The meaning of all this discussion is that
02:28the topic we are discussing today in Roshni Sab is obedience.
02:34Now what is obedience?
02:37How has it been commanded?
02:39How is it necessary for us?
02:41How does our life develop with obedience?
02:47Does it become a status for us in the afterlife?
02:49We will discuss this and ask the great scholars of today,
02:53the teachers of today,
02:55the personalities who guide us in this program and in Roshni Sab.
03:02They teach us and tell us according to the teachings of the Quran.
03:05And they also present the references of religious knowledge to us and add to our knowledge.
03:13The first personality is Respected Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi,
03:17Muhammad Ahsan Naveed Niazi, Assalamu Alaikum.
03:19Wa Alaikum Assalam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
03:22Alhamdulillah Rabbil Alameen
03:24The second personality is Respected Allama Ahmed Syed Noorani, Assalamu Alaikum.
03:30Wa Alaikum Assalam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu
03:35Respected Mufti Sahib,
03:37According to my knowledge, I have explained obedience in the way I understand it.
03:44But you are a person of knowledge.
03:47You know the meaning of obedience and the status of Shariah.
03:52What is that? Tell us that.
03:54Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
03:56Sallallahu ala Habibi Muhammadin wa ala alihi wa sahbihi wa baraka wa sallam
03:59Allah Ta'ala says in the Quran, Furqan-e-Hameed, Burhan-e-Rasheed
04:03Fattaqullaha mastata'atum wasma'u wa ati'u
04:08Fear Allah as much as you have the strength
04:11And listen and obey
04:14There are many verses about obedience.
04:17But I chose this verse because it also talks about righteousness.
04:22It also says that you have to listen and then obey.
04:26Before obedience, it is necessary to have knowledge.
04:29If you have knowledge, you will obey.
04:31If you don't have knowledge, how will you obey?
04:33So you have to acquire knowledge.
04:35You have to listen to the words of the book of Sunnah.
04:37You have to listen to the injunctions of the book of Sunnah.
04:40And then you have to obey.
04:42What is obedience?
04:45If you look at its root word, it is Ta'at.
04:49Ta'at itself is from Bab-e-Fal.
04:51If you look at its root word, it is Ta'at.
04:56If you remove Alif and Hamza from the beginning,
04:58Alif in Arabic and Hamza in Urdu, it is Ta'at.
05:01The scholars of the Ummah have given different definitions of Ta'at.
05:07There is a slight difference in the words.
05:09The basic meaning is the same.
05:11There is only one axis around which they are all revolving.
05:13And that axis is Al-Imtithal Bil-Awamir.
05:17To obey Allah's commandments.
05:21Now, whether those commandments are related to do's or don'ts.
05:26That is, if those are the commandments in which it is said that you have to do this, then you have to do it.
05:31And if those are the commandments in which it is forbidden,
05:33something is being stopped,
05:35it is said to stop, then you have to stop, you have to stop.
05:38So this is basically obedience.
05:40The linguistic meaning of obedience is also the same.
05:42The linguistic meaning of obedience is called Inqiyad.
05:45To bow your head in front of someone.
05:47To comply with others.
05:50So when the word obedience is used in the book of Sunnah,
05:54when it is used in the Shariah,
05:56then it is obvious that it means obedience to Allah.
05:59Surrendering yourself to Allah.
06:02Bowing down in front of Allah.
06:04Submitting to Allah.
06:07What Allah has said,
06:09it is related to do's, you have to do it.
06:11It is related to don'ts, you have to stay away from it.
06:14And obedience, it is the obedience of Allah.
06:17But some people have seen that they say that
06:19they will only obey Allah, they will not obey anyone else.
06:22So see this too,
06:24those whom Allah has said to obey,
06:26they will have to obey.
06:28They will have to obey.
06:30This is also included in the obedience of Allah.
06:32This is right that basically
06:34it is Allah who is worthy of constant obedience.
06:38But those whom Allah has commanded to obey,
06:42they will have to obey.
06:44Allah has commanded to obey the Messenger,
06:47so they will have to obey the Messenger.
06:49Whoever obeys the Messenger,
06:52he has obeyed Allah.
06:55This has been stated in the Quran.
06:57The Messenger is used in many places.
07:01Obey Allah and obey the Messenger.
07:04Some people say that
07:06obeying the Messenger is also obeying Allah.
07:08But this means that
07:10you have to obey the Messenger.
07:12Where is the Hadith?
07:14Allah has said that
07:16they do not say anything to themselves.
07:18They do not say anything to themselves.
07:20They do not say anything to themselves.
07:22This is the revelation that is revealed to them.
07:24Secondly, when Allah has said this consistently,
07:28When the Messenger gives you something,
07:31take it.
07:33And when the Messenger stops you from doing something,
07:36take it.
07:38And when the Messenger stops you from doing something,
07:40stay away from it.
07:42This has not been said in conjunction with Allah.
07:44In the previous verse that I read,
07:46it was said that whoever obeys the Messenger,
07:48he has also obeyed Allah.
07:50That is, with the obedience of Allah,
07:52the obedience of the Messenger also has a permanent status.
07:54Allah also demands it.
07:57And the thing that the Messenger will give,
07:59where will it be mentioned?
08:01In the Hadith Tayyaba.
08:03From here it is known that
08:05the authenticity of the Hadith has also been made clear.
08:07Just as the Qur'an is proof,
08:09similarly the Hadith is also proof.
08:11Just as the Qur'an is evidence,
08:13similarly the Hadith is also evidence.
08:15The next thing is that the command of obeying Allah
08:17has also been given in the Qur'an.
08:19It is present in the Qur'an that
08:21Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger of Allah,
08:23and Obey the Ulul Amr.
08:25But the obedience of the Ulul Amr
08:27is conditional.
08:29It is conditional that
08:31as long as they do not give the command
08:33of disobeying Allah,
08:35then they will be in conflict.
08:37So withdraw to Allah and the Messenger.
08:39And the Hadith also states that
08:41Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger of Allah,
08:43and Obey the Ulul Amr.
08:45As long as they do not give the command
08:47of disobeying Allah,
08:49they will be in conflict.
08:51But when the command is given to disobey,
08:53Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger of Allah,
08:55and Obey the Ulul Amr.
08:57And when the command is given,
08:59Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger of Allah,
09:01then do not obey any creature.
09:03Okay, respected Mufti Sahib, Ahmed Sayyid Nurani sahib.
09:09We have understood the legal meaning of obedience.
09:16What is the meaning and importance of obedience in the Quran and Hadith?
09:25In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
09:27Alhamdulillahi Rabbil Alameen.
09:29Wasalatu wasalamu ala Sayyidil Anbiya wal Mursaleen.
09:32Amma ba'd.
09:33Allah, Rabbul Alameen, Jalla Jalaluhu,
09:36has pointed towards the purpose of human creation
09:40in the Quran, Furqan-e-Hameed.
09:42Wa ma khalaqtul jinna wa linsa illa liya'abudoon.
09:46The fundamental purpose of human and jinn creation
09:50was to worship Allah.
09:53Worship and obedience is one word.
09:56If we understand the meaning of obedience in the words of the
10:00companions of the Prophet and the jurists who supported him
10:04and explained it, then in simple words,
10:09it is to do what Allah and His Messenger have commanded
10:13and to abstain from what He has forbidden.
10:15This is obedience.
10:17Worship is also to follow the commandments of Allah.
10:22And to abstain from what is forbidden is worship.
10:25Allah has explained the fundamental purpose of human creation here.
10:29After this, Allah, Rabbul Alameen, Jalla Jalaluhu,
10:32in the Quran, Furqan-e-Hameed,
10:34has explained the obedience of His and His Messenger
10:37one by one.
10:38In reality, the obedience of the Prophet,
10:40peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
10:42is also the obedience of Allah.
10:44And the rest of the Prophets also had the same matter.
10:47The fundamental reason for this was that Allah,
10:50may Allah be pleased with him,
10:52has revealed different books for him.
10:54The Quran, Furqan-e-Hameed, may Allah be pleased with it,
10:57and before that, the Torah, the Psalms, the Gospels.
11:00So all the Prophets who came at any time,
11:03they actually explained the books of Allah, may Allah be pleased with them.
11:08They kept saying and acting.
11:11In fact, their best example was the books of Allah,
11:15Rabbul Alameen, Jalla Jalaluhu,
11:17and the explanation of the commandments of Allah, may Allah be pleased with them.
11:21These were the commandments.
11:23Let's take a short break.
11:25We will continue later.
11:27Please stay with us.
11:29For the sake of clarity,
11:31today's topic is obedience.
11:33Respected Mufti Ahsan Naveed Niazi
11:37and Respected Allama Ahmed Sayyid Noorani.
11:40When we went for a short break,
11:42Noorani Sahib was telling us
11:44what is the importance of Quran and Hadith,
11:48and what is obedience?
11:51In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
11:53In this regard, there is a blessed Hadith of the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
11:57Hazrat Sayyidina Abu Huraira, may Allah be pleased with him,
12:00narrates that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said,
12:04My entire Ummah will go to Paradise,
12:08except for the one who denies me.
12:11So the Companions were very surprised,
12:13that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, denies you?
12:16So the Prophet said,
12:18The one who obeys me will enter Paradise,
12:20and the one who disobeys me will not enter Paradise.
12:24So the importance of obedience is that
12:26it is the means to enter Paradise.
12:30And the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
12:32explained this with a simple example.
12:34Hazrat Abu Musa Ashari, may Allah be pleased with him,
12:37is the narrator of this statement.
12:39He says that the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
12:44My example is like that person,
12:46my example and the example of my religion.
12:48He said,
12:50If a person goes to a place and says to people,
12:53O people, I have seen that an army is going to come,
12:56which will destroy you.
12:58So he said,
13:00Some of them were those who took that statement seriously,
13:03and arranged them,
13:05and hid in their shelters.
13:07And there were some people who were lying there,
13:09and they spent the night without thinking.
13:11And in the morning, the army attacked them and destroyed them.
13:15And the only people left were those who had gone to a safe shelter.
13:18So he said,
13:20The example of obedience is also like this,
13:22that whoever obeys,
13:24Allah will keep them safe like those who are safe.
13:28And those who do not obey,
13:30Allah will destroy them in this way.
13:32So the importance of obedience
13:34and its benefits are also related to worldly life.
13:37And its benefits are also found in the near future.
13:41Respected Mufti Sahib,
13:43Prophets and righteous people
13:45are symbols of obedience and obedience.
13:49Who has obeyed more than them?
13:51They have been taught.
13:53We want to know the importance of obedience,
13:56their life and their reference.
13:58Look, Shahid bhai,
13:59The Prophets are that holy group
14:02which Allah has sent
14:04to guide the creation.
14:06They are those who have come with the message of obedience.
14:11They have come as Alam Bardaar.
14:13When they have come as Alam Bardaar,
14:15then you know that Alam Bardaar
14:17of any mission, of any cause,
14:19what kind of devotee he is.
14:21And then he is included in the first hand.
14:23So how is his devotion?
14:25You see, the Prophets, peace be upon them,
14:27they were sent by Allah to the creation.
14:31So you see their devotion,
14:33you see their life,
14:35you see their biographies,
14:37and even if you don't see the biographies,
14:39just read the Quran,
14:41how the Quran has described their service,
14:43it is evident from that how their emotion of obedience was.
14:46They didn't just say it to others,
14:48they did it themselves and showed it.
14:51First of all, let's talk about Syed ul Masumeen,
14:53Syedna Rasool Allah, peace be upon him,
14:55the Syed ul Anbiya of this holy group,
14:58who are the best and their leaders.
15:02You see, what Allah the Almighty has said for them,
15:05when Allah the Almighty mentions them,
15:07the beloved ones,
15:09so the beloved ones of Allah were worshipping in such a way,
15:12were obeying in such a way,
15:14that Allah the Almighty's desire is
15:16to obey the creation,
15:18to worship the creation.
15:21But when it comes to the beloved ones,
15:23then Allah says,
15:25taaha ma'anzalna alaikal qur'ana li tashqaab
15:28We have not revealed this Quran
15:30so that you get into trouble.
15:32When it comes to the beloved ones,
15:34then Allah says,
15:36ya ayyuhal muzzammil khumil layla illa qaleela
15:38O you who cover your face,
15:40stay awake at night,
15:42but also rest a little.
15:44This is what the Prophet, peace be upon him,
15:46used to worship,
15:48he used to fall asleep,
15:50so when Ummul Mumineen said,
15:52what did the government say in response,
15:54fa laa akoonu abdan shakoora
15:56Should I not be grateful to Allah?
15:58The more blessings there are,
16:00the more we should be grateful to Allah.
16:02So now,
16:04they have come as a symbol,
16:06as a sign,
16:08so they are acting in such a way
16:10that their actions are mentioned in the Quran.
16:12The Prophet, peace be upon him,
16:14in such a way,
16:16for the propagation of the religion,
16:18the creation of Allah brought faith,
16:20they were saved from the hellfire,
16:22their hereafter was good,
16:24their world was good,
16:26they were worried in such a way
16:28that Allah, peace be upon him,
16:30says in the Quran,
16:32fa laa allaka baakhiyun nafsaka
16:34alaa thaarihim illam yu'minoo bihaadhil
16:36hadithi asafa
16:38Beloved, if they do not have faith,
16:40then unfortunately,
16:42you will lose your life for them.
16:44Allah, peace be upon him,
16:46says this to the Beloved,
16:48he is being comforted,
16:50then it is said,
16:52you have to do your work,
16:54you have fulfilled your responsibility.
16:56Their emotion was such
16:58that they were so warm-headed,
17:00so motivated,
17:02that Allah, peace be upon him,
17:04is being comforted,
17:06Allah is being loved,
17:08and Allah, peace be upon him,
17:10is saying that the Beloved is a little less.
17:12Allah, peace be upon him,
17:14is saying that the Beloved is a little less.
17:16Then see after the Prophet,
17:18peace be upon him,
17:20see their example,
17:22that sacrifice,
17:24they did not have children,
17:26they asked for prayers,
17:28and Allah gave them children,
17:30and at the time
17:32when they became capable
17:34of being a support,
17:36what is being commanded,
17:38a dream is being shown,
17:40then they came forward
17:42and showed that dream,
17:44and their sons,
17:46they are also Prophets,
17:48and the Prophet saw that
17:50it was the miracle of the school,
17:52who taught Ishmael the etiquette,
17:54when he said,
17:56do what you have been commanded,
17:58so when they showed the dream
18:00in a truthful way,
18:04Allah said,
18:06we have given a great reward for it,
18:08this is what Allah said,
18:10that this was a great test,
18:12in which the Prophet, peace be upon him,
18:14has been completed,
18:16in the valley of Ghair Zee Zara,
18:18in the valley of Beyabo Gaya,
18:20to leave his family,
18:22he gave that sacrifice,
18:24then he is being put in the fire,
18:32see these examples,
18:34this is their love for Allah,
18:36for the love of Allah,
18:38they are not worried about their lives,
18:40or their families,
18:42or their homes,
18:44they have sacrificed everything,
18:46their body, their mind, their wealth,
18:48they have sacrificed,
18:50see the Prophet, peace be upon him,
18:52see Jesus,
18:54see Jacob,
18:56see Yusuf,
18:58see Yunus,
19:00all of them,
19:02all of them,
19:04all of them,
19:06all of them,
19:08all of them,
19:10all of them,
19:12Allah will show us the true love of the Prophets,
19:16in our hearts,
19:18and give us a part of their love,
19:20and give us a part of their love,
19:22and make us Muslims,
19:24and make us Muslims,
19:26Mashallah, Mashallah,
19:28I want to know,
19:30that in the Quran and Hadees,
19:32the obedience,
19:34in the Quran and Hadees,
19:36the obedience,
19:38which Allah has told,
19:40what rewards will be given,
19:42what are those?
19:44In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
19:46See, the one who obeys Allah,
19:48the Lord of the worlds,
19:50and the Prophet, peace be upon him,
19:52then Allah, the Exalted,
19:54has made him successful in this world,
19:56and in the hereafter.
19:58And this is good news for him,
20:00good news of happiness.
20:02Yes, the obedience of Allah and His Messenger,
20:04in the hereafter,
20:06is a means of forgiveness and forgiveness,
20:08The one who obeys Allah and His Messenger,
20:10it means that
20:12there is generosity in that person's temperament,
20:14there is justice in that person's temperament,
20:16there is righteousness in that person's temperament,
20:18there is righteousness in that person's temperament,
20:20and in the same way,
20:22the effect of the good example of the Prophet, peace be upon him,
20:24comes into that person's temperament.
20:26So, because obedience,
20:28step by step,
20:30whether it is a matter of the world,
20:32or a matter of religion,
20:34wherever it is,
20:36it means that he is protected from the evil of Satan,
20:38and he is protected from those deeds
20:40that were going to take him to hell.
20:42Now, it means that
20:44Allah, the Exalted, has made
20:46the path of paradise easy for him.
20:48And Allah, the Exalted,
20:50while giving glad tidings for him,
20:52also said that
20:54his sins are forgiven,
20:56his sins are forgiven,
20:58rather, he becomes beloved to Allah.
21:00Say, If you love Allah,
21:02then follow me,
21:04and Allah will forgive you your sins.
21:06He said that you should
21:08obey the Prophet, peace be upon him.
21:10Your desire was
21:12to love Allah.
21:14But when you follow the Messenger of Allah,
21:16Allah will love you.
21:18So, love Allah.
21:20You wanted to love Allah.
21:22Follow the Messenger of Allah.
21:24Allah, the Exalted, will forgive your sins
21:26and will also love you.
21:28So, the most fundamental benefit
21:30of the Prophet, peace be upon him,
21:32is that he forgives his sins.
21:34Then, when he comes to the field of obedience,
21:36Allah, the Exalted,
21:38sends down His mercy on him.
21:40He said that
21:42wa aqeemu salata wa atu zaqata
21:44wa atiur Rasoola la'allakum turhamoon
21:46He said that
21:48mercy should be shown to you.
21:50Mercy was the objective.
21:52So, when you come to the obedience of Allah,
21:54the Exalted,
21:56it means that you enter the mercy
21:58of Allah, the Exalted.
22:00So, the biggest benefit
22:02is that because of obedience,
22:04Allah, the Exalted, gives man
22:06the status that
22:08in the field of gathering
22:10and then in Paradise,
22:12Allah, the Exalted, gives him
22:14the nearness of the Prophets,
22:16of the martyrs, of the righteous,
22:18of the truthful.
22:20Ummul Mumineen Hazrat Aisha,
22:22the truthful, said
22:24that a companion
22:26appeared in the court of the Prophet,
22:28and he said that
22:30Huzoor, I have a lot of love for you.
22:32When I sit at home,
22:34when I am at work,
22:36wherever I am,
22:38my imagination is towards you.
22:40I think of you.
22:42And I cannot be at peace
22:44until I come and visit you.
22:48He said this.
22:50We want this to be completed.
22:52We want to go to the Waqf.
22:54Come and complete this.
22:56Respected Mufti Niazi Sahib,
22:58the couplet that he recited,
23:00there is a mystery in it,
23:02that he recited,
23:04in Aashiq-e-Namrud,
23:06Ishq. So in reality,
23:08this Ishq is what leads
23:10man towards obedience.
23:12When you love Allah
23:14and His Prophet,
23:16then you also follow
23:18His commandments.
23:20This is why the lesson of love
23:22has been taught.
23:24When love is given,
23:26then it has also been mentioned
23:28that man is inclined
23:30towards His commandments.
23:32The meaning of love for
23:34His Prophet is
23:36that one should learn
23:38from the blessed
23:40life of His Prophet
23:42and try to live his life
23:44in the shadow of it.
23:46The teachings of His Prophet
23:48and the commandments of Allah,
23:50which are undoubtedly
23:52are beneficial and profitable for man.
23:55That is why in the Qur'an and Hadith,
23:58the obedience for those people will be given glad tidings.
24:01The announcement of rewards has been made.
24:03And that is what you were saying.
24:07In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
24:09The most fundamental and biggest benefit of the obedience of Allah and His Messenger
24:15is that, I was saying,
24:17that Allah, Lord of the worlds,
24:19will give the obedient man in the Day of Judgment,
24:22in the Garden of Eden,
24:24and in Paradise,
24:25the nearness of the Prophets,
24:27the nearness of the righteous,
24:29the nearness of the martyrs,
24:30the nearness of the truthful.
24:32And there is a very beautiful incident in this.
24:35Ummul Mumineen Hazrat Ayesha Tufsiddiqa, may Allah be pleased with her,
24:39says that,
24:40a person appeared in the courtyard of a noble master.
24:42He said,
24:43Huzoor, I love you very much.
24:45I love you so much that when I am at home,
24:48my imagination is of your personality.
24:50When I am at work, my imagination is of your personality.
24:52And I am in awe of your personality.
24:54And until I see you again,
24:57I do not find peace.
24:59Wherever I am, I come to see you.
25:01But Huzoor,
25:02there is a problem.
25:03I get stuck at one place.
25:05When I remember that a time will come
25:08when I will also die.
25:10And a time will come when Allah, Lord of the worlds,
25:12will also have made a decision about you.
25:14But when all this will happen,
25:16and you will be among the elite,
25:18and a sinful person like me,
25:20if Allah, Lord of the worlds,
25:21wishes for mercy,
25:23and is worthy of mercy,
25:25then I will be at a very low level in Paradise.
25:28Then how will I be able to see you?
25:30How will I attain your love?
25:33See, this is also love.
25:34So, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
25:36after hearing this sentence,
25:38he became silent.
25:39He did not give any answer.
25:41Until Jibreel Ameen,
25:43the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
25:45came to the court.
25:46And said,
25:47O Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
25:49tell them that Allah, Lord of the worlds,
25:51says that
25:53the one with whom you love,
25:55Allah will send you with him
25:57in the hereafter and in the hereafter.
26:00And then,
26:01the blessed verse of the Holy Quran,
26:03is about this.
26:05The one who obeys Allah and His Messenger,
26:07Allah will give him a station with the Prophets,
26:09with the righteous,
26:11with the truthful,
26:13with the martyrs.
26:17as you were saying,
26:19this obedience,
26:21behind it,
26:23is the passion of love.
26:25The passion of love is behind it.
26:27The one who loves Allah,
26:29Allah will send him with him
26:31in the hereafter and in the hereafter.
26:33The passion of love is behind it.
26:35The love that brings a person to this point,
26:37that he has to obey Allah and His Messenger.
26:39A companion,
26:41came to the court of the Prophet,
26:43peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
26:45and asked the Prophet,
26:47O Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
26:49when will the Qiyamah come?
26:51The Prophet asked him,
26:53that the Qiyamah is very soon,
26:55what preparations have you made for the Qiyamah?
26:57He replied,
26:59Huzoor, there are no other preparations,
27:01I have the love of Allah and His Messenger.
27:03He was a companion of the Prophet,
27:05peace and blessings of Allah be upon him.
27:07Surely, he must have offered prayers
27:09in the presence of the Prophet.
27:11He must have offered Zakat on time.
27:13If Allah gave him time, he must have done Hajj.
27:15He must have done good deeds.
27:17He must have given charity and Zakat.
27:19But he did not mention anything,
27:21that Huzoor, I have so many prayers,
27:23so many charities, so many Zakat,
27:25I have done Hajj, I have done Tawaf.
27:27No, he said it silently,
27:29but it is the love of Allah and His Messenger.
27:31So, the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him,
27:35the one with whom you love,
27:37Allah will raise you with him
27:39on the Day of Qiyamah.
27:41So, the companions said,
27:43when Huzoor said this, we were very happy.
27:45As if it was a day of obligation for us.
27:47We were happy that we love Allah
27:49and His Messenger.
27:51And this passion of love
27:53leads a person towards obedience.
27:55And that obedience becomes a means
27:57and a means.
27:59Ok, Mufti sahib, one more thing,
28:01those people who obey the Tariqah,
28:03according to the Quran and Hadith,
28:05there are also promises,
28:07what are those?
28:09Look, Shahid bhai, you see,
28:11the style of Quran-e-Majeed,
28:13the style of Furqan-e-Hameed,
28:15and the style of Hadith-e-Tayyabah,
28:17our religion is the religion of the
28:19Wise Lord, the Wise Prophet,
28:21the Wise Messenger.
28:23If a person does any work,
28:25sometimes it is greed,
28:27sometimes it is fear.
28:29So, this is in the nature of a person.
28:31It is in the nature of a person.
28:33So, Allah the Exalted
28:35has sometimes used this style,
28:37sometimes that style,
28:39i.e. Tabashir and Inzaar.
28:41These are the two terms of the Shariah.
28:43Tabashir means to give good news,
28:45to give good news.
28:47Inzaar means to frighten.
28:49This is also called Targheeb,
28:51Tarheeb. Targheeb means to make people
28:53afraid. So, the nature of a person
28:55is such that
28:57things are recognized
28:59by their obstinacy.
29:01Until the obstinacy is not there,
29:03the importance of that thing,
29:05the value of that thing is not clear.
29:07So, Allah the Exalted has kept
29:09the matter in such a way that
29:11He has given the command of obedience,
29:13and then there is Tabashir.
29:15He has given good news,
29:17He has given Targheeb,
29:19He has told that if you obey,
29:21in comparison to this,
29:23another picture has been kept,
29:25another aspect of the picture has been kept
29:27that if you do not obey,
29:29if you do not listen to Allah,
29:31if you do not listen to the Prophet of Allah,
29:33then it is Inzaar,
29:35it is Tarheeb,
29:37this will be a loss,
29:39this will be a loss,
29:41this will be a loss,
29:43this will be a loss,
29:45this will be a loss.
29:47The first loss is that
29:49you have been deprived of the
29:51blessings of Allah.
29:53The second loss is that
29:55you have entered the hellfire,
29:57you will be deserving of it,
29:59that hell,
30:01no one has the strength to
30:03bear it,
30:05may Allah save us from that hellfire,
30:07may Allah forgive us.
30:09You have entered that hellfire,
30:11then there is Adab,
30:13and Adab is also Adab-e-Azeem,
30:15and then there is the humiliation of the world,
30:17and the humiliation of the world is also Adab-e-Azeem.
30:23There is humiliation for them in the world
30:25and there is great punishment in the hereafter.
30:27So, in the humiliation of the world,
30:29there are different aspects.
30:31One aspect is that
30:33the punishment of the hereafter is Adab-e-Azeem,
30:35which is being called Adab-e-Azeem.
30:37In the world,
30:39one of the humiliation is that
30:41when a person disobeys,
30:43when he leaves obedience,
30:45when he is surrounded by the evil of the world,
30:47then sometimes he is disturbed
30:49in his family matters,
30:51sometimes he is disturbed in his economic matters.
30:53Now, if a person is not able to understand,
30:55then sometimes he runs here,
30:57sometimes he runs there,
30:59that I don't know what has happened,
31:01he doesn't know where to go.
31:03Wherever you have to go,
31:05run to Allah,
31:07this is the commandment in the Quran.
31:09He is not going there,
31:11he is not looking there,
31:13he is looking here,
31:15he is looking there,
31:17he is looking there,
31:19he is looking there,
31:21he is looking there,
31:23he is looking there,
31:25he is looking there,
31:27he is looking there,
31:29he is looking there,
31:31he is looking there,
31:33he is looking there,
31:35he is looking there,
31:37he is looking there,
31:39he is looking there,
31:41he is looking there,
31:43he is looking there,
31:45he is looking there,
31:47he is looking there,
31:49he is looking there,
31:51he is looking there,
31:53he is looking there,
31:55he is looking there,
31:57he is looking there,
31:59he is looking there,
32:01he is looking there,
32:03he is looking there,
32:05he is looking there,
32:07he is looking there,
32:09he is looking there,
32:11he is looking there,
32:13he is looking there,
32:15he is looking there,
32:17he is looking there,
32:19he is looking there,
32:21he is looking there,
32:23he is looking there,
32:25he is looking there,
32:27he is looking there,
32:29he is looking there,
32:31he is looking there,
32:33he is looking there,
32:35he is looking there,
32:37it is a collective punishment.
32:39And sometimes it goes to such an extent
32:51If you disobey Allah and Allah's Messenger,
32:53if you go beyond his limits,
32:55then Allah will put him in hell forever.
32:57That is, he went to disbelief.
32:59If he went to disbelief,
33:01then it is forever.
33:03And for him, the punishment of Khaari is the punishment of humiliation.
33:05May Allah protect us.
33:07May our faith be safe.
33:09May Allah save us from disbelief.
33:11And make us true Muslims.
33:13Respected Ahmad Sayyid Noorani,
33:15today's topic is obedience.
33:17We have learned a lot from you in the form of questions.
33:19There are some things
33:21that are not in the category of questions,
33:23they are mentioned in the category of messages.
33:25We want your message
33:27from today's topic.
33:31Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
33:33has said that
33:35everything, whether it is related to this world
33:37or it is related to the hereafter,
33:39everything is related to
33:41the intention of a person.
33:43So, you go out for Halal food,
33:45you sit with your friends,
33:47you go to the mosque,
33:49you sit with your family.
33:51If the intention of Allah and the Lord of the worlds
33:53is to obey, to obey Allah,
33:55then your world
33:57and your hereafter will be saved.
34:01Murshid sahab,
34:03your message from today's topic.
34:05Shahid bhai, the conclusion is that
34:07we should first see
34:09who has given the order of obedience.
34:11Allah, the Lord of the worlds, has given the order.
34:13And when we see,
34:15when we work in an institution,
34:17what is the most important thing?
34:19The boss.
34:21Everything is on one side,
34:23the boss is on one side.
34:25Even if it is different from the rules and laws,
34:27it is for the pleasure of the boss.
34:29Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
34:31who is the creator,
34:33who is the creator,
34:35who is the owner,
34:37who is the owner,
34:39who is the real owner,
34:41who is the creator of all bosses,
34:43who is the creator and owner of all officers.
34:45So, when he said,
34:47everything will be on one side,
34:49this will happen, this will happen,
34:51nothing will happen.
34:53When he said,
34:55nothing will happen,
34:57Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
34:59who is the creator,
35:01who is the creator,
35:03who is the owner,
35:05who is the real owner,
35:07who is the creator,
35:09who is the owner,
35:11who is the creator,
35:13Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
35:15who is the creator,
35:17Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
35:19who is the creator,
35:21Allah, the Lord of the worlds,
35:23who is the creator,
35:25So, what we understood in this program,
35:27what we discussed here,
35:29and obedience to Allah,
35:31the thing to understand is,
35:33that in our life,
35:35we ask for Allah's permission
35:37for goodness,
35:39having a good conscience,
35:41and having a good conscience,
35:43we pray to Allah,
35:45to give us the permission.
35:47The meaning of permission is,
35:49that Allah, along with making us happy,
35:51give us so much strength,
35:53give us so much strength,
35:55so that we can do the goodness,
35:57the goodness that we ask from Allah,
35:59so that we can do the goodness,
36:01so that we can do the goodness,
36:03in the same way,
36:05we talk about Allah's permission,
36:07we say that if we have to go somewhere,
36:09we say that if Allah's permission is given,
36:11then we will travel,
36:13if Allah's permission is given,
36:15then this work will be done,
36:17the thing is that in our life,
36:19Allah's permission is given
36:21and in every action of ours,
36:23Allah's permission is given.
36:25Allah, who gives human beings
36:29gives sustenance daily,
36:31this earth,
36:33gives sustenance daily,
36:35Allah gives human beings
36:39and in this world,
36:41the animals, plants,
36:43Allah gives sustenance daily,
36:45and Allah,
36:47gives so much kindness,
36:49so while loving Allah,
36:51we should obey him.
36:53Remember this in your prayers.
36:55Allah Hafiz.
