Learn How to Solve a Rubik's Cube in 10 Minutes (Beginner Tutorial)

  • 2 months ago
Learn How to Solve a Rubik's Cube in 10
Minutes (Beginner Tutorial)
00:00So if you've never solved a cube before it may seem impossibly hard, but today
00:04I'll be teaching you a method that I used to teach many people who did not believe they'd ever be able to solve the cube
00:09And if anything along the way becomes unclear and you need more examples
00:13Then you can check the example solve which I have a link to in the description. With that being said it's time for you to
00:18solve your first cube
00:21So the first thing you do is find the white centerpiece and hold that on top. Next what you do is solve the white cross
00:27But we also need the colors on the side to line up. So here's how you do it find a white piece on the bottom
00:32Layer like this one, but not this one. This one is a corner piece. It has three colors on it
00:37We want these ones these edge ones in the middle
00:39So we're gonna take this one
00:41Make sure you have the white on top
00:42Take this piece from the bottom and just move it along the bottom until you find that it's underneath the correct colored center
00:48Because this one's white and green and this one is a green center
00:51So then what you do once it's there is just move it up to the top by turning the green face
00:56180 degrees
00:58So basically just do that until you solve the entire white cross and these colors on the side also line up
01:02But I'm going to show you what might happen. That will be a bit tricky
01:05So here I have found a white and orange piece
01:08So I will move it down along the bottom until it's under the orange center and then turn it 180 degrees
01:13Till it's on the top, but these colors should be switched
01:16So what you do in this case is move this over to the side here like this and then turn the top
01:23Counterclockwise move this up here
01:26And then put everything back
01:28And lastly what could happen is you're looking for the last piece of the cross and it's not anywhere on the bottom
01:33It might be in the middle here
01:34So if it's in the middle what you can do is just move it into the bottom
01:37We'll move it down into the bottom
01:39Move it out of the way so that we can fix this cross piece and now you can just solve it as usual
01:46Alright once you've solved the whole cross make sure all these side colors match up with the centers as well
01:50Then just turn the cube upside down
01:52So now I'm gonna teach you a really important sequence of four moves that will help you with everything else in the cube
01:57So just hold the cube like I am put your left thumb on the front here and then put your right thumb on the bottom
02:02Fingers up here and then do this turn the right side up
02:05Turn the top with your right hand like that turn the right side down and then turn the top with your left hand like this
02:11Now just repeat that so right side up push with the right hand right side down push with left hand
02:18So do it a few times so you can do it quick and now we're also going to be learning how to do that with
02:22Our left hand because it's going to be important as well
02:24So hold your left hand like this right thumb on front and then move up with your left hand push with your left hand
02:30Move down and push with your right hand up push with left down push with right
02:38Okay, so once you can do both of those we're now going to be solving the rest of the white side
02:43So what you have to do is look on the top
02:45So what you have to do is look at the top for a corner with white on it such as this one and then look at
02:50The other colors on it as well. This is green and this is orange
02:53So these three make up one piece and so we have to look at where that needs to go
02:56So it goes between the white green and orange centers white orange green
03:02So it goes over here
03:04so we're gonna move the top until it goes right on top of where it should go and then now you can insert this into
03:10here using two different ways and
03:13One way is by holding it on the right side like this and then doing the right hand four moves one two, three four and
03:20Oh, it just happened to be solved. But sometimes you'll have to repeat it before it ends up being solved
03:24So here's another example. Here's white green red. So it goes between white green and red centers
03:30So we're gonna move the top until it goes right up above where it should go and then we're going to repeat those moves
03:35But this time I was on the left side so we could actually do that with our left hand. So
03:42Not solved yet twice
03:45Three times and there we go
03:47Now something that might happen is you have a corner that's stuck on the bottom here and you need to take it out in order
03:51To keep solving so if that happens, you can just hold it here and then take it out using the same moves
03:56so like that and
03:58Then you can just go on as usual
04:01Okay, so once you've done that for every corner then just check to make sure all these colors here are also correct and then we're
04:07Gonna go on to the second layer. So this part
04:10So since the top center here is yellow
04:12Your first job is to find an edge piece one of these pieces on the top that don't have yellow on it in this case
04:18It's going to be this one over here. It's got blue and orange
04:20So just put it on the front and then move it around so that it matches up with a center
04:26Now this is orange and blue so blues on the right greens on the left for the centers
04:32So since it's orange and blue it needs to go over to the right side. It needs to go over here
04:36So since it needs to go to the right
04:38The first thing we're actually going to do is move it away move it towards the left side like that
04:42Then what we do this you'll just have to memorize take this corner out using your right hand
04:48So again using those four moves that I taught earlier
04:50One two, three four now, we're gonna reinsert this corner, but using our left hand
04:56So like this one, two, three four, and then there we go. And then another example here
05:02We have a non yellow edge on top
05:04It's got red and blue so match up the front color red with the red center and this has blue on it
05:10So the right side is green the left side is blue. So it must be going to the left side
05:14So if it needs to go to the left side you follow the same rules as before just the other way
05:18So if it needs to go to the left push to the right first like that and then take out this left corner with your left
05:24hand and
05:26Then put it back in using your right hand. So make sure you're holding it like this
05:30And there we go
05:32So just like with the corners if you find that an edge is already in there
05:35Just take another piece such as like any random piece and then put it in there
05:39So you should know how to put pieces in there and then this one will come out and then you can just do it as usual
05:43after that
05:45All right, so once you finish the first two layers next we'll be doing the top cross the yellow cross
05:50So we're just looking at the edges
05:52And if you see that you have no edges already done then it's just a dot and then what you do is you turn the front
05:58Clockwise like this then do the right-handed four moves that I taught earlier
06:02So one two, three four and then undo that front move
06:07We're gonna ignore the corners here
06:09If you see that you have like an L shape then put that on the top left and then do it again
06:14So like this and then four moves and then undo
06:19So now if you get a horizontal line, make sure you're not holding a vertical if it's horizontal then you would just do that again
06:29Once the cross is done just like with the first cross we want to try and line up as many pieces as we can
06:35So here I've lined up green and orange, but I have not lined up the other two
06:38So you're either gonna be able to line up all four in which case great you're done this step or you can only line up
06:44Two so you want to hold these two solved ones?
06:46So that ones at the back and ones at the right
06:48Now if you can't do that if they are across from each other then just do this algorithm from anywhere and this algorithm goes like this
06:54So you move the right side up you move this pair of pieces pay attention to this pair
06:59You move it to the left and you put the right side back down
07:02then you keep moving this to the left all the way till it's on the very left side and then you move the right side
07:06Up again and put it all the way back in so like that
07:11All right, so if you've done that correctly you should now be able to line up everything
07:18All right, the next step is to get all of the corners into the correct spot
07:21So this one you can see it's yellow orange blue and it's got yellow blue red centers around it
07:27So it's not in the right spot. This one's not in the right spot. This one is in the right spot
07:31yellow orange green
07:33Yellow orange green now if all of them are in the right spot already thing you're done this step
07:38But if only one is correct
07:40Then hold it on the front right if none are correct
07:43Then just do this algorithm from anywhere and the algorithm goes like this turn the top of your right hand right side up
07:49Same thing with your left hand turn with your left hand left side up now all the same thing again
07:54But downwards turn the top of the right hand right side down turn the top of your left hand left side down
07:59All right, so this one's still in the right spot
08:01So just keep your finger on that and check all the other ones and nope, they're not in the right spot yet
08:06So then just do it again
08:07Right hand right side up left hand left side up right hand right side down left hand left side down
08:14And then now every corner is in the right spot
08:16But not necessarily flipped correctly as you can see from these two
08:21So every corner is in the right spot now and so once you get to this step you should turn everything upside down
08:27So get all these corners in the bottom layer and now we're just gonna solve them one by one
08:31But make sure you pay attention to how this works because if you make a mistake, you could mess up the whole cube
08:35Okay, so we're gonna start by solving this bottom right corner
08:38So we're gonna do those four moves with our right hand until this one is solved. So one
08:45four and
08:47There it is. It's solved
08:48So once you've done that then start doing the next corner
08:50But make sure you bring the next corner over by turning the bottom layer
08:54Don't rotate the whole cube or you'll mess things up. So just turn the bottom layer over to get the next corner and then repeat
09:04And now that one's solved so bring over the next one repeat
09:10This one's solved bring over the next one and
09:12And then there you go
09:19So if you're new to this channel
09:20What I do here is make tutorials on how to get faster at the Rubik's Cube as well as different things like blindfolded
09:25One hand bigger cubes like 4x4 and 5x5
09:28So you can check the description below for any of those videos as well as a video to a full example solve using the beginner
09:34Method in case anything you think needs to be cleared up
09:36And if you have a question about anything you can leave it in the comments and I actually do reply to most of them
09:41And lastly if you like what you see here, and you'd like to support my channel
09:44Then I'd really appreciate it if you checked out patreon.com slash jperm. So anyway, that's it
09:48Thank you for watching and I'll see you guys next time
09:51Alright now I'm doing a full example solve but I assume you already have the general idea of how all these work
09:55So I'm just gonna go a little bit faster. So here I'm just trying to solve the white cross orange is already done
10:01Here I have green
