• 2 months ago
Hey everyone. HEre is an unplanned surprise video. I was talking to @IndieTimmie recently about video games based on movies and the rare ones that are actually good. He brought up the King Kong game based off of Peter Jackson's remake of the film, and I started looking into that game. That semt me down a rabbit hole of learning about all the different versions of the game, and there are quite a few of them. I have had this idea for this video floating around in my head for a litlte while as I gathered footage for it. All the footage for the PS2, Gamecube and PSP versions of this game are emulated. Here's the other souces that I used listed below. Thanks for watching. I hope you enjoy.


Personal Twitter: @fsmetal
Gaming twitter: @Dionysos19852
00:00Hey everyone, it's the Doomdog. I don't know how long this video is going to be, I have not planned this out, I have not scripted it or anything.
00:08I was just recently talking to a friend of mine and I got the idea to make this video. It's something I wanted to talk about.
00:15So, I was recently talking to my friend Indy Temi. Link in the description below to his channel, you should go follow him.
00:22He was considering doing a month where he posted videos about games based off of movies and the rare ones that are actually good.
00:34We got talking about that and I suggested X-Men Origins Wolverine to him.
00:42Which, if you don't know, is a game that is flat out better in every single conceivable way than the movie that it's based off of.
00:51It is a brutal and bloody, as you would want from Wolverine, game that has God of War like combat.
01:01It is awesome and it's from Raven and I cannot recommend it highly enough if you've never played it before.
01:06But he also mentioned that he was going to do Peter Jackson's King Kong the game based off of the movie of the same name.
01:15His remake of King Kong.
01:18I remember when this came out. Do you guys remember when this came out?
01:22I remember primarily the Xbox 360 version. They had the demo in all the stores because graphically it was just mind-blowing at the time.
01:32It was absolutely gorgeous.
01:34But I never played anything outside of that demo. I never actually beat it.
01:40He got me thinking and I went and looked these up only to discover that neither game is on any digital storefront.
01:50It's not on GOG, it's not on Steam or anything like that.
01:53Which got me thinking, are they Abandonware?
01:57And I looked them up there and lo and behold, yes, both games are Abandonware.
02:02And the more I dug into the Peter Jackson's King Kong game, the more baffled I became.
02:10It is a rabbit hole and I wanted to talk about that here on the channel in just a general discussion video.
02:19I have not done one of these in a long fucking time. I thought it would be fun.
02:23And before I begin, I don't own any copy of this game.
02:29So what you're seeing here is all emulated footage.
02:32So it is not a 100% accurate representation of how it will look on the console.
02:37But it is an emulated version of it.
02:40So the initial release of King Kong was on consoles and it was on the 6th gen consoles.
02:49PlayStation 2, GameCube and Xbox.
02:54And these versions are very, very similar in how they look.
03:00If I was to venture a guess, I'd say they probably rank.
03:05Xbox is the best looking with GameCube in the middle and PlayStation 2 being the worst.
03:10But being a cross-platform game from that generation, there's not going to be a huge noticeable difference between the three versions of the game.
03:19It's going to be a pretty damn good looking game regardless.
03:22The team behind it actually did a whole lot of really cool things for this game.
03:28I mean, there's god rays, there's all kinds of lighting and fog effects and everything.
03:35And minimal HUD, if any at all, to immerse you fully into the game world.
03:42It's really, really cool.
03:44The other version of the game was the Xbox 360 version.
03:47This was a launch title for the Xbox 360.
03:50It's a good example of what the new generation of consoles would be able to bring to the table in terms of graphics over the previous generation.
03:57It had higher resolution textures.
04:00I believe it had higher poly models.
04:02And I know it had better effects.
04:04It had better lighting.
04:06It had better rain effects.
04:07It had better fog effects, things like that.
04:10I remember going into GameStop and they had the Xbox 360 kiosk set up with a demo of this game running.
04:18And seeing how insanely gorgeous it was at the time blew my fucking mind back in the day.
04:27I had no fucking clue what I was doing in terms of actually playing the fucking thing.
04:32And I ran myself out of ammo real quick trying to fire the T-Rex that you can't kill because Kong is the one that kills it.
04:41But I remember being blown away before I got eaten by the fucking thing.
04:46I didn't know that you could pick up spears or bones and throw them at enemies to distract them.
04:52I had no fucking clue what I was doing.
04:54That's the point.
04:56But yeah, because this had a version on the PlayStation 2, GameCube, and Xbox, this was a prime example of what the new generation of consoles were capable of.
05:06It was beautiful.
05:09And it is really uncommon that a game based off of a movie winds up being good.
05:20So it's kind of a minor miracle that this one wound up being great.
05:25So what happened that this wound up being great?
05:30Well, Peter Jackson himself was heavily involved in it.
05:34He apparently is a gamer.
05:36He said he had played through Beyond Good and Evil and had been really impressed with that and said,
05:44I want this team to work on the game for my remake of King Kong.
05:51And he approached Ubisoft and got the team to work on it.
05:55And they worked closely with Jackson on this.
05:59And they had all kinds of concept art and access to the actors and the script and set designs and the sets themselves.
06:11Everything they could get their hands on, they had access to during the filming process.
06:17And that really, really helped this game.
06:20This game kicks off about an hour into the film when they get to Skull Island, which is probably for the better.
06:28And they expand on what happens on Skull Island to get a six or so hour game out of it.
06:36And for the most part, what they do here is really, really cool.
06:41You have guns that you will be able to get more ammo for and reload.
06:47Jack, the character you control, will shout out how much ammo he's got.
06:56So you don't have to have an on-screen HUD to tell you how many clips you have left or anything like that.
07:04He'll just shout out, like, two magazines on backup or something along those lines.
07:09So you never get yourself taken out of the experience.
07:13And you constantly got companion characters with you from the movie that have quite a bit of dialogue throughout this game.
07:21It actually kind of expands on their personalities that was shown in the movie itself, which is really, again, really, really cool.
07:29There are two endings to this game, actually, which is also really nice.
07:34You got the main ending, of course, where Kong falls off the Empire State Building.
07:39You had like a hundred years to watch the original fucking King Kong.
07:43Don't at me about spoilers, because you've had literally your entire life to watch that fucking movie.
07:51But there's also an alternate ending where they wind up taking Kong back to the island, which is a really nice touch.
07:59And it includes both of them, depending upon...
08:04And you can get it depending upon your actions in the final level, things like that.
08:08It's really cool.
08:09What really got me with this rabbit hole thing is the PC version of this.
08:15You would think that, in typical fashion, there would only be one PC version of the game, and you would be wrong.
08:21The one that was released on store shelves is called the Signature Edition.
08:26This is the one that you could get physical copies of on disc, and you want to go on eBay.
08:32I'm sure you could find them there, wherever.
08:35And this version, you would think, being a PC version, would take the assets from the better-looking version of the game for the Xbox 360.
08:45But it doesn't.
08:47It takes the assets from the PlayStation 2 version of the game.
08:51The end result is the Xbox 360 version of King Kong looks better than the standard PC version.
09:00This also has a nasty piece of work in terms of a DRM called Star Force.
09:08This is another example of why you should support GOG.
09:11There is no DRM for GOG, so anything like this can't happen.
09:16What Star Force apparently can do is screw up your whole Windows installation, screw up your whole fucking hard drive.
09:24And in his video on it, Reykjavik actually talks about this happening to him with a physical release of the PC version.
09:33I will leave a link in the description below so that you can watch this.
09:37The end result of this is that do not take the PC version, the physical release PC version, and try to install it on a modern system.
09:47Just don't run that risk.
09:49If you have it and you want to revisit it, I would recommend pirating it.
09:55And I'm being serious, because the pirated version of the Signature Edition has the DRM ripped out.
10:02So you don't have to worry about it screwing up your hard drive. You just install it and it should work.
10:07You may be asking yourself, what's the other version?
10:09The other version is an early example of digital distribution, actually.
10:13Through an Amazon download, you could get a version of this game that was called the Gamers Edition.
10:19This version does use the higher quality assets from the Xbox 360 version.
10:27So combine that with higher resolutions and higher frame rates than the Xbox 360 version is capable of, and you get an objectively better looking and playing version of the game.
10:40This is the best it can look and can play.
10:43But even this version has a caveat.
10:46Because this version has black bars, it is presented in letterbox widescreen.
10:56I don't know why.
10:58I have no clue why they would do this, because the Signature Edition of this has proper widescreen.
11:05So why doesn't this version? I don't know.
11:08But it is the best looking version of the game.
11:11You can obviously run it at 60 FPS.
11:14Don't try to run it any higher than that because that can mess with the physics in game.
11:18But you can run it at 60 FPS and it works just fine.
11:23There is a fan patch that is supposed to get rid of the black bars and let it run in proper widescreen.
11:32And I know other people have gotten this fan patch to work just fine.
11:37I haven't.
11:39I could not get it to work for the life of me.
11:42I don't know why.
11:43That's part of why you're seeing the black bars.
11:46That and I wanted to show you that yes, it really is there when you put it in widescreen mode.
11:50I don't know why.
11:52Now, the console versions for the 6th gen do have a widescreen option.
11:59But it's not a real widescreen option.
12:03It is the kind of widescreen they would do where they would chop off the top and bottom of the picture to fake widescreen.
12:11Like they did with the Jak and Daxter which I recently reviewed.
12:15So you might want to run the console version in fullscreen instead of widescreen if that's what you want to play it on.
12:20The Xbox 360 version obviously is in proper widescreen.
12:25And it is backwards compatible on the Xbox One and the Xbox Series.
12:31And the Xbox One X and the Xbox Series X will run it in 4K.
12:36And it smooths out the frame rate so you're getting a smooth consistent 30.
12:44If you're playing it on one of those consoles.
12:47It's nice. It works well.
12:50And it is not available on digital distribution.
12:53You can only play it this way if you have the physical disc.
12:56Which means you Xbox Series S owners are shit out of luck on this one.
13:01Sorry about that y'all.
13:03There is one other version that I wanted to talk about this one.
13:05And that is the PlayStation Portable version.
13:08This one is weird.
13:10Because it starts off exactly like every other version of the game.
13:13You get lowered down with the boat.
13:16And you row to shore.
13:19And a rock knocks the boat over and you wash up on shore.
13:23But once you wash up on shore, everything changes.
13:26You're in the same location that you start off for every other version of the game.
13:31But your companion characters aren't there.
13:34You are not woken up by Anne.
13:37You're not getting your gun from anybody.
13:41You're not doing anything like that.
13:43You just start with your weapon.
13:45And you go.
13:47And there's large chunks of it missing as well.
13:50It is very strange.
13:52And provides a very different experience.
13:55Because you're all alone.
13:58Kind of makes it scarier in that sense.
14:01So if you want that unique experience for it, you can play this version.
14:05But I'll tell you this right now.
14:07The PlayStation Portable only has one analog nub.
14:11So in order to look and aim.
14:17You have to do it with the face buttons.
14:20The square, circle, triangle and X.
14:24And that takes a lot of getting used to to say the least.
14:29It is not exactly the best experience in the world playing it that way.
14:35But yeah, this was quite the rabbit hole.
14:38Learning about all of this.
14:41My recommendation if you want to go back and play this is.
14:44Get the Abandonware version of the Gamer Edition and play that.
14:49If you don't want the black bars, you can get the Signature Edition.
14:52And do not install it from disk.
14:55Get the pirated version that has the DRM ripped out.
14:59That's what you'll want to do.
15:01Otherwise you will run the risk of messing up your hard drive as previously mentioned.
15:05That is the easiest way to go about getting this.
15:08Although it is not too expensive to get it for any of the consoles.
15:14From what I have heard though, you definitely want to avoid the Nintendo DS version.
15:18Yes, there is a DS version.
15:20I haven't played it. I've heard it's terrible.
15:23But it is not too much.
15:25I don't think it will run you more than $20-$25 to get any of the console ports.
15:30And again, if you have an Xbox One or an Xbox Series with the physical drive.
15:36Then you can get the Xbox 360 version and play arguably the best version of the game.
15:42It runs at 30 FPS.
15:44But as long as you're fine with that, it's a smooth 30.
15:47And it will run at 4K and it will look gorgeous and play very well.
15:52Anyway, thank you guys for watching.
15:54This is just something I wanted to talk about off the cuff.
15:57I haven't done a video like this where I just kind of ramble about a specific subject in a long time.
16:02This interested me and this was something I wanted to talk about.
16:06So if you guys could like, comment, and subscribe.
16:10That would help me out a lot.
16:12As well to make sure you get future updates from this channel.
16:16Future uploads in your inbox.
16:18And share this video. That would help me out a lot as well.
16:21And I'll talk to you guys next time.
16:23Bye-bye everybody.
16:24DoomDog out.
16:42DoomDog out.
