• 2 months ago


00:00starring your favorite video games and some brand new ones being introduced to
00:04the public for the first time anywhere and now here's your host for Starcade
00:09Jeff Edwards thank you very much welcome to Starcade well here we are backstage
00:15our teams are warming up for today's big match because today one of these teams
00:18gonna have the opportunity to win their very own video arcade games are you
00:39welcome nice studio audience welcome to Starcade we have another team day here
00:43on Starcade and our two teams are ready to go let's meet him right now your name
00:47is Steve Everett 12 years old I got a I'm in the sixth grade at Old Adobe
00:52School I like bicycle lane putt Boy Scouts Dungeons and Dragons and
00:58Percocet my viola your viola huh yeah viola play well nice to meet you Steve
01:03and you are my name is David Everett I'm 15 years old I'm a sophomore Casa Grande
01:08high in Petaluma and I like to play my French horn I like to whistle and I want
01:12to be a street performer in San Francisco when I grow up what terrific
01:15welcome now do you play do you play while he plays the viola do you play
01:18your French horn no okay you are my name is Sean Kennedy I'm 13 years old I go to
01:25Harvest Park School I like to play sports and I like the opposite sex okay
01:32Sean and you are my name is Darryl Kennedy I'm his brother and I'm a
01:37freshman at Amador High School and we live both live in Pleasant California
01:41and my hobbies are football and skateboarding Darryl let me ask you a
01:45question okay yes sir how does Sean do with the opposite sex
01:50not very well two teams are ready to play they're matched up as you know
01:56based on your ability and playing today's games and one of these teams is
01:59going to have a chance to win this fabulous video arcade game today it is
02:03Tron all right you guys shake hands shake hands and head over to the podiums
02:09and we'll get ready to play Starcade as they go over to the podiums Kevin's
02:13going to tell us about the five games in store for us today Kev Jeff we've got a
02:17selection of video games guaranteed to test the skills of today's contestants
02:21first in our lineup it is Star Wars aboard the red 5 in deep space next it's
02:27anteater eating ants and bees and other good things zookeeper and the animals
02:33are loose Doradon spinning doors to run from the beastie and munch mobile
02:39driving and eating Jeff okay wild variety of games both teams have had a
02:44chance to play all five games before today's show one of them as you guys
02:48know is a mystery game if you pick it in the first three games a valuable prize
02:51is automatically yours and Kevin is going to tell us at least you're gonna
02:54tell the home audience what the mystery game is our mystery game today is Star
02:59Wars that is the mystery game I have a question for you gentlemen first team to
03:04buzz in gets to answer the question answer correctly you'll pick the first
03:07game here we go one of the tracks in pole position two is a a test track be
03:12the Indy 500 ever a test track a test track right you are good for you so you
03:19guys pick the first game I play zookeeper zookeeper zookeeper it is and
03:24we will ask Kevin to tell us about that well they give me almost nothing to work
03:29with and I am only one man but I do my best to keep the animals from wandering
03:33the streets it's not an easy job to rebuild the cage because they are hungry
03:38and they keep chomping away at it and only the net can help once they've
03:42escaped until that net comes I can only run and jump over them but all these
03:46things give me points so do the goodies that appear and only the animals are the
03:50danger and I can spend a moment with my sweet Zelda if I can reach her without
03:55falling or being zonked by a coconut it's not an easy job being a zookeeper
04:00but somebody's got to do it okay Kevin thanks Steve and Dave who's gonna do
04:04this I am all right David you're gonna do zookeeper don't turn around yet Steve
04:08don't talk today for a couple seconds by the way you said zookeeper I figure you
04:12know the game pretty well yeah I like it a lot all right you know you got to pick
04:15up the drinks around the edge and you guys listen to and get the net if you
04:19can and grab the animals don't let him touch you ready to go yeah all right
04:23good luck to you over here Steve Dave I'm sorry a little more there you go
04:28right in there just relax everything's cool get ready get set play
04:58here we go
04:59can you get the drink?
05:01great there you go
05:03good play
05:0530 seconds
05:2115 seconds
05:2420 seconds
05:38nicely played very nice David yeah okay Steve and Dave going back
05:46someone's been feeding him raw meat all right guys Darrell and Sean who's
05:50playing here all right Darrell you're gonna be playing you saw what he did a
05:54zookeeper you zookeeper player yeah all right we'll see how you do get ready to
05:58go you have 50 seconds right in here if you will please Sean get ready get set
06:3630 seconds
06:44oh no
06:5010 seconds
07:083,920 not bad at all okay guys looks like we have some tough competition going
07:13here on Starcade we'll take a break then we'll be back and see who gets to choose
07:16the next game we'll be right back
07:21Altamira Hotel in the hills of Sausalito overlooking glorious San Francisco Bay
07:28the Altamira featuring honeymoon hideaway cottage suites and garden
07:31settings the grand prize today on Starcade is the video arcade game Tron
07:38journey with Tron through a startling new dimension where energy lives and
07:42breathes and the warrior Sark is your dreaded enemy the adventures are many in
07:45this world that is pure energy Tron furnished by Funai ESP and now back to
07:50Starcade here's Jeff Edwards all right Kev let's see where we are after the
07:54first game zookeeper Everett you have a total of 8,120
07:59Kennedy's have 3,920 okay
08:03Everett's in the lead but there's still one more game to be played in this round
08:06then we'll total up the scores on both games and the team that gets the highest
08:10score will get to play the name the game board so I have another question for you
08:13if you're ready hands on buzzers what is the first enemy Bentley Bear must face
08:19in crystal castles a Kennedy's B no sorry it's the gem eaters that the choice
08:27of gem eaters are walking trees the bees don't come down for a little while so
08:30it's the gem eaters and that means the Everett's once again Stephen you want to
08:34play an eater you want to play an eater an eater it is we will ask I better not
08:41say we'll ask Kevin to tell us it oh Everett's lucky you you're going to get
08:48to eat ants and worms and bees cuz now you're an anteater just zap those ants
08:53with the tip of your tongue and up they go good careful though those ants can
08:59get you if they touch anything but the tip of your tongue so be ready to pull
09:03out fast and you need to slip up behind the nice juicy worms and the sweet
09:08little bees are the hardest of all to get I hope you're hungry because there's
09:12a lot of fat bugs to eat and anteater all right Dave and Steve Steve you gonna
09:17play this yes all right you an anteater player I don't know well you got to
09:21watch out don't let the ants touch your tongue you can press the retract button
09:24and get him out of the way well ants or worms either one then you can only get
09:29with the ants tip the ants could tip the top of your tongue but they can't tip
09:33touch the rest you're right you're right you can get the answer the tip of your
09:37tongue but they can't touch the rest right right okay you're gonna play
09:40anteater yes don't let the ants touch the rest of your tongue they can touch the
09:44tip but not the rest you have to get the worm from behind you try to get down to
09:47get the Queen and don't forget your retract button okay okay all right get
09:50ready to play you come over here if you will Dave and Steve's all set you have
09:5450 seconds get ready get set play
10:07go back
10:18doing good
10:20that's right you're doing fine 30 seconds
10:31you got him
10:3415 seconds
10:35get the ant
10:36watch out
10:38pull back and get the worm
10:39come on get him get him
10:4010 seconds
10:41ah too late
10:42pull back and get the ant
10:5170 nice goal Steve
10:53very nicely played all right you head back take Dave with you
10:56here comes Daryl and Shawn
10:58well anteater kind of a strange game looks like you're up huh Shawn
11:03you've been playing anteater you heard the advice that Steve gave me did you
11:07okay get ready to play we have 50 seconds
11:09over here Daryl
11:11get ready
11:12get set
11:18you like that one
11:21oh you can get the worm from behind
11:34all right heading down
11:38good play
11:42got you from on top
11:4320 seconds
12:007 seconds
12:09hey you caught up some that's really great you guys head on back we're going
12:12to total the scores from all the games so far
12:15see who gets to play the name the game board
12:17you caught up I'm not sure it was enough but we're going to find out both teams
12:20had a chance to play zookeeper and anteater
12:22and now one team is going to play for a special prize
12:24so as we total up the scores we see who gets to play the name the game board
12:27Everett you have
12:31Kennedy's you have
12:326,080 Everett to play the name the game board
12:35come on down Steve and Dave
12:37right down here
12:39put your backs to the board if you will please
12:41that's it okay now behind you is the
12:44I'll tell you what I'm going to do
12:45I'm going to have you switch positions because you're a really tall guy Dave
12:48we're going to need to shoot over your shoulder there
12:49behind you is the name game board
12:51we're going to show you four video games if you name the games correctly
12:54you're going to get a prize and you know who's going to tell you about it
12:58do you know who's going to tell you
12:59the anteater
13:00the anteater Kevin that's right
13:02thanks a lot
13:03okay for three out of four to help sweeten your video fun
13:06you'll win a $150 assortment of double truffle chocolates
13:09double trufflettes
13:10ecstasy pops
13:11and double truffle cones
13:13all yours from double truffle
13:15and Everett's for all four correct
13:17you'll battle your favorite video games in the bionic chair
13:21portable and lightweight
13:22the chair rocks rotates and allows back support and total freedom of movement
13:26a futuristic way to play the bionic chair
13:29okay now
13:30which one of you wants to
13:32if we wanted to win the
13:33if we get three out of four instead of the four out of four
13:36you want a choice
13:37you want the chocolate more than the chair
13:39no I want the chair more than the chocolate
13:41well no see if you get four right you get the chair
13:43if you get three right you get the chocolate
13:45if you get two right you get that
13:48alright here we go
13:49who's going to start
13:50I'll start
13:51you'll start you'll go second you're third and you're fourth
13:52turn around please
13:54oh dear
13:55I could have been a plumber
13:57alright in the upper left hand corner
13:59is that gorf or galaxian
14:03galaxian right you are
14:04number two
14:05tempest or conquest
14:07you said tempest right you are
14:09number three
14:10gravitar or quantum
14:14gravitar is right that's three
14:15going for the important four
14:16is this wild western or pioneer balloon
14:19wild western
14:20you got the chair
14:25don't go away
14:26we'll be back in a minute
14:27to play the final round right here in Starcade
14:29see you on the chance to win Tron
14:43the nineteen eighty
14:44welcome back to Starcade
14:45this is round two
14:46Kennedy's caught up some
14:47but you still have some points to make up
14:49Kennedy's only one game left to play
14:50this time only forty seconds to play it
14:52after that we'll total up all the scores
14:54and top scorer in all games
14:55is going to have a chance to try to get Tron
14:57okay if you're ready
14:58I have your last question
14:59hands on buzzers
15:01what do the eggs in Wacko hatch into
15:04A. mutants
15:05B. bats
15:06I see no light
15:08I heard a bunch of buzzes
15:09I see no light
15:10over here Kennedy's
15:11alright Kennedy's you were in first
15:13A. mutants
15:14no it's bats
15:15they change into mutants if you hit them
15:17and out of order
15:18but the eggs change into bats
15:19so Edwards once again
15:21get to pick the game
15:22we're going to play Dorodon
15:23Dorodon is the game
15:25that wasn't the mystery game
15:26the mystery game was Star Wars
15:28so but Dorodon is the game you want to play
15:30we'll ask Kevin about that
15:33Dorodon is a mean little beastie
15:35who's brought along a few friends
15:37and some fire pots
15:38to make your life miserable
15:40avoid these at all costs
15:42unless the Dorodon gets cold
15:44and changes into an ice cream cone
15:46then you can pursue him
15:48meanwhile there's question marks
15:50and rotating spirals to capture
15:52and once in a while
15:53fruit for the big points
15:55spin all the doors
15:56and they change to white once they've been spun
15:59then you can move on to the next challenge
16:01it's Dorodon
16:02and the beasties are out
16:04okay Dorodon it is
16:05get the ice cream cones for extra points
16:07the question mark will give you points
16:08and if you can catch the propellers
16:10that'll do you some good too
16:11and I presume you're playing it right Dave?
16:12yeah right on
16:13alright if you're as good a Dorodon player
16:15as you are a zookeeper player
16:16you're going to do just great
16:17you ready to cheer him on Steve?
16:19over here we get ready to go
16:20you have 40 seconds for this one
16:22get ready
16:23get set
16:46there's the question mark
16:4920 seconds
16:5520 seconds
17:11alright time's up
17:12that's it 460
17:13a little tough luck with Dorodon there
17:15we'll send you back though you guys
17:17let's see what happens to the other team
17:18head on back
17:22alright Daryl and Sean
17:24Daryl's going to play it?
17:26okay Dorodon's the game
17:27you heard what I told them
17:28the things to pick up
17:29the ice cream cone if you can get it
17:30the propellers
17:31chase the propellers
17:32and then see if you can turn all the gates to color
17:35alright here we go
17:36right here Sean
17:38excuse me
17:39Daryl get ready
17:40get set
17:55there's the question mark
17:5920 times
18:0025 seconds
18:03did you get the ice cream cone?
18:11going now
18:1210 seconds
18:19made the turn
18:20let's see if it'll rack up
18:24at the bell
18:25670 points
18:26okay Daryl
18:27head on back
18:28Sean you go with him
18:29we're going to add up all the scores now
18:34well Daryl and Sean
18:35you caught up
18:36on Dorodon
18:37whether it was enough or not
18:38I don't know
18:39we're going to find out
18:40and see who the big winner of the day is
18:41Everett you have
18:45and the Kennedys you have
18:48Everett for the winners
18:50Daryl and Sean
18:51you played nice
18:52nice to have had you here on the show
18:53you enjoyed yourselves
18:54we have nice gifts for you
18:55for being on the show
18:56you're a couple nice guys
18:57and Steve
18:58and David
18:59you guys are the winners
19:00of the day
19:01and so you get something special
19:04you've won the
19:05Spectre Video
19:07a complete computer system
19:08for home and business
19:09featuring 112k of memory
19:11a disk drive
19:12and an expansion box
19:13Spectre Video
19:16and in just a minute
19:17they're going to have a chance
19:18for their own Tron
19:19we'll find out if they can do it
19:20right after these words
19:24When Janet Peckinpah
19:25first came to Action News
19:27all right
19:28Steve and Dave
19:29now's your chance
19:30to win your own arcade game
19:31as you know
19:32today it's Tron
19:33we still have two games
19:34left unplayed
19:35Munch Mobile
19:36and Star Wars
19:37during the commercial
19:38we informed you
19:39that if you pick Munch Mobile
19:40you'd have to score
19:41at least 3,531 points
19:42if you pick Star Wars
19:43you'd have to score
19:44at least 10,700 points
19:45those are the average scores
19:46of more than 20 other players
19:47who've played these same games
19:48now you've reached your decision
19:51we've reached our decision
19:53yeah we picked Munch Mobile
19:54that surprised me
19:55I would have sworn
19:56you'd picked Star Wars
19:57why Munch Mobile?
19:58I don't think
19:59when we played Star Wars
20:01I don't think
20:02I got 11,000
20:03I think I can get
20:04the 3,500 on Munch Mobile
20:05all right
20:063,531 points or more
20:07in 30 seconds
20:08and Tron is yours
20:09so we'll have Kevin
20:10tell us about Munch Mobile
20:11and we'll get ready
20:12to play the game
20:14you're cruising
20:15along the highway
20:16grabbing up passing
20:17edibles like fruit
20:18and fish
20:19and an occasional dollar
20:20and being a good
20:21guy at the same time
20:22by dropping the leavings
20:23in a nearby trash can
20:24run fast and hard
20:25as you eat up fuel
20:26on your way home
20:27you'll be fat and happy
20:28driving the Munch Mobile
20:29all right David
20:30you're going to play it?
20:32our director Phil Martino
20:33has the second highest
20:34score on Munch Mobile
20:35it's one of the few games
20:36he still has his initials on
20:37as a matter of fact
20:38you'll have 30 seconds
20:39to get 3,531
20:40and I know you're going
20:41to cheer him on
20:42Steve right?
20:44okay right over here
20:45get ready
20:50get ready
20:51move in just a little bit
20:52there Steve please
20:53okay Dave
20:54get ready
20:55get set
