• letztes Jahr
Moonlight-Regisseur Barry Jenkins bringt für Disney einen Live-Action-Nachfolger zu Der König der Löwen ins Kino. Das Drehbuch zu Der König der Löwen 2 aka Mufasa: The Lion King schreibt Jeff Nathanson, der bereits beim Vorgänger beteiligt war. Es soll zugleich ein Prequel und Sequel sein, also Simbas Herrschaft ebenso ausloten wie die seines Vaters Mufasa.

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00:00It's time. I'll tell you a story. A story of a come not much bigger than you.
00:10So just to be clear, we're not in this story?
00:12There's a lot of stories with all of us! Tell one of those!
00:15Long before they became legends, Mufasa and the prince who would come to be known as Scar became brothers.
00:24Hello! What's your name?
00:27I told you to wait for me!
00:29We can't just leave him here!
00:31Rules are rules, Taka. The king will never accept a stray.
00:35I'm not a stray. I'm just lost.
00:44We do not associate with outsiders.
00:47Taka is the future king. We must protect the bloodline.
00:50But dad, I saved his life!
00:52I have a secret, Mufasa. I always wanted a brother.
01:09Sometimes I get a scent. It's barely a trace on the wind. And it smells like home. And then it's gone.
01:18You and Taka together, that is home.
01:21Now both of you go. Find your place in the circle of life.
01:32The circle is broken. There will be one Lion King.
01:39Mufasa, run!
01:47We must fight together.
01:52If we fight, we die.
01:54Just to be clear, I never signed up for this.
01:59I'm here to protect you, my brother.
02:08This was a bad idea!
02:11We're alive! I did it! I saved us!
02:17You were saying?
