TMC MP Mahua Moitra has launched a scathing attack on SEBI Chairperson Madhabi Puri Buch, questioning her ties with the Adani Group and demanding her immediate resignation. In a fiery rebuttal to the SEBI Chief's clarification on the Hindenburg allegations, Moitra accuses Buch and her husband of concealing critical facts, including the directorial role of Anil Ahuja in Adani Enterprises and Adani Power. Moitra also alleges that Daval Buch's appointment to Blackstone was a quid pro quo. Is this the beginning of a major political storm against the Modi government? Watch the full video to uncover the explosive details!
#MahuaMoitra #SEBI #AdaniGroup #ModiGovernment #HindenburgReport #PoliticalControversy #IndianPolitics #SEBIChairperson #AdaniScandal #TMC
#MahuaMoitra #SEBI #AdaniGroup #ModiGovernment #HindenburgReport #PoliticalControversy #IndianPolitics #SEBIChairperson #AdaniScandal #TMC
00:00I'm here to point out a few interesting facts about the recent Hindenburg expose into Madhavi
00:06Puri Buch, his role in SEBI, jointly invested into a fund which was used by Vinod Adani,
00:12the older brother of Gautam Adani, to round-trip funds into India.
00:23In July 2019, as a quid pro quo, Madhavi's husband Awal Buch was appointed as a senior advisor
00:29on a fat salary to Blackstone.
00:38Hello, this is Mahua Moitra, Member of Parliament Lok Sabha. I'm here to point out a few interesting
00:44facts about the recent Hindenburg expose into Madhavi Puri Buch, his role in SEBI.
00:50In 2015, Madhavi Puri and her husband Awal Buch jointly invested into a fund which was used by
00:57Vinod Adani, the older brother of Gautam Adani, to round-trip funds into India.
01:02In February 2017, Madhavi Puri transferred these assets of the fund from a joint account into that
01:09of her husband, Awal Buch. In March 2017, Madhavi Puri became a full-time member of the SEBI.
01:18In April 2019, the US firm Blackstone gained approval from the SEBI for the first-ever real
01:26estate investment trust, REIT, into India. In July 2019, as a quid pro quo, Madhavi's husband
01:34Awal Buch was appointed as a senior advisor on a fat salary to Blackstone.
01:39In March of 2022, Madhavi Puri was appointed as chairperson of SEBI.
01:45Apparently, according to market rumours, Sudhir Mankar, who was the first cousin of Awal Buch
01:50and who had served as Chief Secretary of Gujarat under Prime Minister Modi when he was Chief
01:55of Gujarat, played a pivotal role in the appointment. In 2023-2024, when the Supreme
02:00Court ordered SEBI for a report into the Adani scandal, the SEBI, under the chairpersonship
02:07of Madhavi Puri, came back and said that they had drawn a blank, that it was a chicken-and-egg
02:12situation, and they were unable to tell the ultimate owners of the FBI.
02:17Now, two questions. Madam Madhavi Puri, in 2015, you had invested into this very FBI
02:24that you now claim that you have no idea about the ultimate ownership. In 2018,
02:30you had personally corresponded with this particular fund in your own personal capacity.
02:37When the inquiry report started in 2023-2024, should you not have disclosed this? Should you
02:43not have recused yourself? And how could you possibly say that you know nothing about this
02:48fund? How can the SEBI summon an overseas fund, Hindenburg, when it is completely ignoring the
02:54role of the FBI? These are very important questions. We demand the immediate resignation
03:00of Madhavi Puri Buch as chairperson of SEBI, and we demand that the Supreme Court reopen
03:05an investigation into this, and the Supreme Court appoint an SIT to look into this with no delay.
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