Flash Marriage,Mr Dime Must Deeply Love His Wife

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Flash Marriage,Mr Dime Must Deeply Love His Wife
00:00:00Okay, one more round. Come on, just one more.
00:00:07Mr. Plum and I really can't have another drink.
00:00:09If you don't drink, it means you're not a team player. How can I do business with someone who's not on the team?
00:00:12Alice, just this once, we need Mr. Plum and I on board for the project.
00:00:16Those jerks, finally alone.
00:00:30Is that you, Eliza?
00:00:41Mr. Time, what are you doing in my room?
00:00:49Your skin is so smooth.
00:00:56And your lips.
00:00:59Eliza, I've missed you so much.
00:01:18Mr. Time.
00:01:25Mr. Time.
00:01:29This can't be happening. This wasn't a dream.
00:01:37Where are you going?
00:01:39I'm going home.
00:01:42If that's all, I should be going. We'll talk later.
00:01:49Don't leave. Let's get married.
00:01:54Alice, have you managed to gather enough funds?
00:01:57Your mother's hospital bill has been piling up for months.
00:01:59Sorry, I just need a couple more days.
00:02:02With the recent ICU charges, you're now $60,000 in debt.
00:02:06If we don't receive payment in two days, we'll have to consider discontinuing life support.
00:02:11Please don't do that. I'll find a way to pay.
00:02:13We're running a hospital, not a charity.
00:02:16Alice, you mustn't go into debt for me.
00:02:23Your father's gambling has already sunk us deep in debt.
00:02:26How will you manage if you add more to it?
00:02:29Don't worry, Mom. I'll figure it out.
00:02:33Absolutely. I've got a job with the Dime Group now.
00:02:37$60,000 won't be impossible to handle.
00:02:47How am I going to find that kind of money?
00:02:51What are you suggesting?
00:02:53I'm proposing marriage.
00:02:55We don't have to be involved after the wedding, and you can set the time.
00:03:09What can I do for you?
00:03:10Mr. Dime, about what you proposed yesterday, is that offer still open?
00:03:15I got the impression you weren't interested.
00:03:18Marriage is a huge step. I needed time to think it over, so...
00:03:23I told you, it was a one-time offer. Miss it, and it's gone.
00:03:28I mean...
00:03:49Mr. Dime, even for a marriage of convenience, may I ask why you chose me?
00:04:01What do you think?
00:04:08You said I could set the terms of our marriage. I haven't laid them out yet.
00:04:12Then let's hear them.
00:04:13First, I need $60,000.
00:04:17And second, you can't touch me. At all.
00:04:26Can I get that $60,000 up front?
00:04:30No rush. Let's see how things go today.
00:04:35Mr. Dime, we agreed. No intimacy.
00:04:49Make sure you're on your best behavior in front of Grandma.
00:04:52Hey, Grandma.
00:04:54Hi, Mrs. Dime.
00:04:56You must be Alice.
00:04:58Yes, I am. I brought you a little something.
00:05:01Oh, how thoughtful of you. You seem like such a sweet girl.
00:05:06So similar.
00:05:11All right. Let's eat.
00:05:13Sounds great.
00:05:17Try this. It's a new wine I picked up. You'll love it.
00:05:22John, have a little more, won't you?
00:05:32My dear, I really like you.
00:05:35Be good to John and maybe give me a great grandchild soon, eh?
00:05:41Okay, Mrs. Dime. Drink up, drink up.
00:05:44Grandma, she's not big on drinking. Maybe she should take it easy.
00:05:54Just a few drinks and you're out? What's going to happen next?
00:05:59Grandma, maybe you should head to bed early, too. I'll be heading home.
00:06:03No way. This new house is for you, too. Today's a special day.
00:06:08I won't intrude. Go. Get some rest.
00:06:12But Mrs. Dime, wait!
00:06:16Damn it!
00:06:30Mr. Dime, what's going on?
00:06:35You really can't hold your liquor.
00:06:42But up close, Mr. Dime, you are quite cute.
00:06:48Such a strong profile.
00:06:51And those lips. Should I... should I really fall for you?
00:07:00Mr. Dime, you're awake!
00:07:05What are you doing?
00:07:12This is weird. Why am I feeling lightheaded, too?
00:07:20John Dime, what have you done?
00:07:24After a few glasses of our special Cupid's nectar, the magic should work its charm tonight.
00:07:33Soon, I'll be holding my adorable, chubby grandchildren.
00:07:42John Dime, you jerk! You'll pay for this later!
00:07:50You're late again.
00:07:52Do you even care about this job?
00:07:54Rachel, I'm not late.
00:07:56You're never early, either. You clock in at the last possible minute, always behind the managers.
00:08:02What's up with Rachel? Didn't she just get in herself?
00:08:05She's stressed about the project and taking it out on Alice. Tough luck.
00:08:08She's stressed about the project and taking it out on Alice. Tough luck.
00:08:11Rachel, I've been punctual for the three months I've been here.
00:08:14Today's the first day I've arrived just on time, and it won't happen again.
00:08:18That's it!
00:08:19Your performance is mediocre, and now you can't even manage to arrive on time.
00:08:23With your attitude, don't even bother finishing your internship. Get out of here.
00:08:28Rachel, I've been here for three months as an intern, with no errors in my work.
00:08:32Never late, never leaving early. This isn't fair.
00:08:36No errors.
00:08:38You're the reason we're losing the plumbing contract.
00:08:41For that alone, I should have fired you a long time ago.
00:08:44Rachel, you approved that design.
00:08:48And the results of the new version aren't even out yet.
00:08:54If it fails, then you can fire me.
00:08:57Your version will never pass the review.
00:09:00Just pack your stuff and leave. You understand?
00:09:03Please don't.
00:09:05Pack your things immediately. Do you understand?
00:09:10Hey, excuse me.
00:09:11Rachel, got a moment?
00:09:13Oh, it's nothing major. Marcus, what can I do for you?
00:09:18Alice Hall, your design proposal was approved by our partner company.
00:09:22Congratulations, you've officially completed your internship and are now a full-time employee.
00:09:27Thank you so much.
00:09:28But you can't!
00:09:30Is there any issue with Alice calling?
00:09:32Is there any issue with Alice completing her internship?
00:09:36No, no, of course not. Whatever management decides.
00:09:39Alright then, I'll leave you two to it.
00:09:46Well, I'll get back to work then.
00:09:54He really pulled it off.
00:10:03Georgie, do you feel like everyone's staring at us?
00:10:07Alice, haven't you heard? There's gossip. And it's even reached sales.
00:10:13Everyone's saying you got your position by sleeping with Marcus.
00:10:19Can't believe some people would go that far for a promotion.
00:10:22No, we'd never do something like that.
00:10:28Let's just ignore them, Georgie.
00:10:31We're here to eat.
00:10:33I knew it.
00:10:35Her internship completion was delayed, but it came right after she got fired.
00:10:39She probably begged Marcus for it.
00:10:41Maybe even our success with the plumbing contract is thanks to her.
00:10:47Haven't you two gossiped enough?
00:10:51Haven't you two gossiped enough?
00:11:01Please, continue. It seemed like you were really enjoying yourself.
00:11:05You sure seem to be the life of the party with all the men around here.
00:11:11Alice Hall, are you out of your mind?
00:11:13What's all this commotion? Alice Hall involved in trouble again?
00:11:16Sir, Alice Hall just threw this at us.
00:11:18She thinks she owns the place since she completed her internship.
00:11:22Alice Hall, apologize right now!
00:11:24Why should I? We're all professionals here.
00:11:27Spreading baseless rumors and slander is disgraceful.
00:11:30You flirt with everyone, but can't face the truth?
00:11:35Hey, you accuse me of unprofessional behavior? Show me proof.
00:11:40Last I checked, I'm not the one stirring up drama at work.
00:11:49How dare you speak like that?
00:11:50Whether I'm right or wrong, maybe your wife has more insight into that than I do.
00:11:54Alice, cut the nonsense. We saw a fancy car drop you off this morning.
00:11:58And suddenly you're done with your internship? You think we're blind?
00:12:02Exactly. Whose luxury car was that, if not your lover's?
00:12:05This is proof enough.
00:12:07Alice Hall, your private life is a mess and you're causing issues at work.
00:12:11Apologize to Karen or you're fired.
00:12:12Dream on. I won't apologize to someone spreading lies.
00:12:16Still talking back? I'll show you the consequences.
00:12:22Mr. Dime!
00:12:25Mr. Dime!
00:12:26As a director, is this your idea of managing your team?
00:12:30Mr. Dime, it's Alice Hall. She's always the one causing issues.
00:12:33Yes, it's Alice. She flirts with other employees, compromising our company's morale.
00:12:38When have you ever seen me flirting with anyone at work?
00:12:40I agree. Such behavior can't be tolerated in this company.
00:12:43Spreading rumors and acting unprofessionally.
00:12:45You three, don't bother coming with me.
00:12:48What? What?
00:12:54Alice, we were wrong.
00:12:56Please, can you talk to Mr. Dime for us?
00:12:58Only apologizing now.
00:13:00Alice, let's just go.
00:13:02Alice, please.
00:13:04Alice Hall.
00:13:06My office, now.
00:13:14We just got our marriage certificate, and now you're caught up in rumors with another man.
00:13:18Nothing happened between Mr. Pluman and me. Don't I even get the benefit of professional integrity?
00:13:26Mr. Dime, are you feeling jealous?
00:13:33Mr. Dime.
00:13:37Should Mrs. Dime be concerned about this?
00:13:43Mr. Dime, remember, we're in a contractual marriage. You should call me Alice.
00:13:48All right, Mrs. Dime.
00:13:51Oh, and one more thing about last night.
00:14:03I didn't expect Grandma to be so eager for a grandchild that she'd resort to using that Cupid's nectar.
00:14:09But I assure you, it won't happen again.
00:14:11It better not.
00:14:12It better not.
00:14:15About last night, it seems like you had the upper hand at one point.
00:14:22Didn't you?
00:14:24What? When was that?
00:14:28You can't have forgotten so quickly, Mrs. Dime.
00:14:41Mr. Dime.
00:14:45Next time, try not to trip.
00:14:47Got it, Mr. Dime. I'll head back to work then.
00:14:51Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our new director, Miss Jones.
00:14:56Let's give her a warm round of applause.
00:15:00How did she become a director at such a young age?
00:15:03Good day, everyone. I'm Caitlin Jones, and I'm also the fiancé of Mr. Dime, John Dime.
00:15:12Good day, everyone. I'm Caitlin Jones, and I'm also the fiancé of Mr. Dime, John Dime.
00:15:18Good day, everyone. I'm Caitlin Jones, and I'm also the fiancé of Mr. Dime, John Dime.
00:15:24Our Mrs. Dime is so young and stunning. A perfect match for our president.
00:15:28It's an honor to have Mrs. Dime in our design department.
00:15:35Please, just Caitlin is fine. John and I aren't officially married yet.
00:15:38Even without the marriage certificate, you're essentially Mrs. Dime.
00:15:42Not like some people who get all high and mighty just because Mr. Dime helped them out.
00:15:48You're Alice Hall, right? You look just like...
00:15:55I've heard you're quite familiar with our executives.
00:15:59However, I expect professionalism.
00:16:04Focus solely on your work.
00:16:07Focus solely on your work.
00:16:10Miss Jones, my focus has always been on my work.
00:16:17Then, I'll assign you the first design project under my oversight.
00:16:23You have three days.
00:16:25Just three days?
00:16:26President's fiancé just gave you an assignment. Just do it. Do you want to stay with Dime Group?
00:16:30Rachel, be careful with your flattery. They aren't even married yet.
00:16:33Calling her Mrs. Dime is a bit premature.
00:16:36My relationship with John is our business. That's not for you to comment on, is it?
00:16:41Don't get ahead of yourself.
00:16:45Just because Mr. Dime helped you once, focus on your job.
00:16:51Mrs. Dime is so elegant and comes from a good family, much better than shortcut seekers.
00:16:57Exactly. This will put Alice Hall in her place.
00:17:06Mr. Dime, how come you never make a sound when you walk?
00:17:09Working late, huh? Trying to earn some extra bucks on my dime?
00:17:12It's all because of your fiancé.
00:17:18My fiancé?
00:17:20Mr. Dime, I have to ask.
00:17:24Did you marry me on paper or did you do it in real life?
00:17:27Mr. Dime, I have to ask.
00:17:31Did you marry me on paper just to spite your fiancé?
00:17:35Aside from you, what fiancé?
00:17:38I'm even working so hard you're seeing things.
00:17:41Isn't the new director, Caitlin Jones, your fiancé?
00:17:45Oh, Caitlin Jones from the Jones family.
00:17:47Yeah, she was into me before I went overseas, but I haven't kept in touch.
00:17:52Her joining the company was just a nod to the Jones family.
00:17:57I see. But she still seems to have a thing for you.
00:18:03Feeling jealous?
00:18:05Jealous? Me?
00:18:07If you're not, let's head out.
00:18:08No. I took on this task. I've got to see it through.
00:18:13You go on.
00:18:14Alright then. Keep making this capitalist richer.
00:18:19The End
00:18:25Miss Jones?
00:18:26Here's my initial draft for the design project.
00:18:28That was quick.
00:18:29Hope it's not just a rough sketch.
00:18:31Each design is tailored to the client's wishes, inspired by the themes of stars and the sea.
00:18:35What's this? It looks so trivial.
00:18:37Not fit.
00:18:38Miss Jones, this is for a wedding ceremony.
00:18:43It's meant to evoke the couple's youthful love.
00:18:45Dreamy and youthful. This...
00:18:48Mrs. Hopper, our major client, likes things lavish and showy.
00:18:53She wants designs that are as grand as possible. Got it?
00:18:58Perhaps we should show this draft to the client first, in case she...
00:19:02Still arguing?
00:19:03You just don't want to revise it, do you?
00:19:05If she says change it, you change it.
00:19:07Why the backlash, Miss Jones?
00:19:09Ever since she got close to the executives, she thinks she's above us.
00:19:12You should tell Mr. Dime to fire her.
00:19:16I'd love to fire her, but ever since I got back, John's been avoiding me.
00:19:19How can I even talk to him?
00:19:23Great idea!
00:19:25Why don't you call Mr. Dime right now?
00:19:27Let's see if he wants to fire me.
00:19:33Do you really think John will take your side?
00:19:35What's wrong?
00:19:36Mrs. Dime can't get through to Mr. Dime?
00:19:41Mrs. Dime having trouble contacting Mr. Dime?
00:19:45How dare you meddle in my relationship with John?
00:19:48Let me tell you.
00:19:50For someone like you, I don't need John's permission to make decisions.
00:19:54You are a liar!
00:19:56You are a liar!
00:19:57You are a liar!
00:19:58You are a liar!
00:19:59You are a liar!
00:20:00You are a liar!
00:20:01You are a liar!
00:20:02You are a liar!
00:20:03I don't need John's permission to make decisions.
00:20:06How dare you be disrespectful?
00:20:08Ms. Jones is the top lady here.
00:20:10She's sparing you by not going to the meeting further.
00:20:12Alice Hall, know your place.
00:20:16Either redo this design or leave the company.
00:20:29I'll redo the design, but that doesn't mean I won't stand up for myself.
00:20:43Impressive. That slap was truly something.
00:20:47First time I've seen someone stand up to Ms. Jones like that.
00:20:50And you are?
00:20:52Are you alright?
00:20:54I'm fine, thank you.
00:20:57Alice Hall!
00:20:59Why are you here?
00:21:01Do you know her?
00:21:04Ms. Jones, the real question is...
00:21:07Why are you at Dime?
00:21:10Still fictuated on John Dime?
00:21:17Ms. Jones, you...
00:21:20John and I are fine, thank you.
00:21:22And you, Simon, always as irritating as ever.
00:21:25Even after two years.
00:21:30I'll take that as a compliment.
00:21:31Alice Hall, why are you still here? Get back to work, now!
00:21:36Wait a second.
00:21:39I'm looking for Mr. Dime.
00:21:41Could you show me where to find him?
00:21:44Need to find John? I can assist.
00:21:46No thanks, I can't even get a hold of him.
00:21:48Alice, focus on your work.
00:21:52Insolent man! Jerk!
00:21:55What would you like to eat? Order anything you want.
00:21:57Mr. Deep, aren't we supposed to meet Mr. Dime?
00:21:59Mr. Dime? Why are we here eating?
00:22:01No rush on finding him.
00:22:02Plus, it's lunchtime.
00:22:04You'll need energy to handle someone like Ms. Jones later.
00:22:10Okay, Mr. Deep.
00:22:15But, let's split the bill.
00:22:19What? You think I can't afford it?
00:22:21Oh no, not at all.
00:22:22Every lady I dine with is treated.
00:22:25But if you insist...
00:22:27How about you give me your phone number?
00:22:30Simon, always so generous.
00:22:35Mind if I join?
00:22:39Some significant other?
00:22:40Oh, no, it's not like that.
00:22:42Mr. Dime's family is just pressuring him to marry, and I'm helping out.
00:22:47Good fall for your stone-cold charm.
00:22:51Since you two aren't serious...
00:22:52I might as well take my chances.
00:23:01Mr. Deep.
00:23:03Mr. Dime.
00:23:05Why don't you two order something?
00:23:07No, you choose.
00:23:08Ms. Hall, try this meatball.
00:23:10It's the house specialty.
00:23:11Alice, skip that.
00:23:12The dish here is way better.
00:23:13Forget you.
00:23:14You need more meat on your bones.
00:23:15Here, have some more.
00:23:16Alice, you loved this dish in the cafeteria, remember?
00:23:19Try some.
00:23:20Ms. Hall, you've got to try this.
00:23:21It's amazing.
00:23:22This one's the best.
00:23:23Forget the rest.
00:23:24Have another bite of this.
00:23:25Ms. Hall, you should try this shrimp.
00:23:28Here, let me feed you.
00:23:30Guys, you eat.
00:23:31I've got work to catch up on.
00:23:33I should head back now.
00:23:35Mrs. Hopper, this is Alice Hall.
00:23:37One of our designers at Dime Group.
00:23:39She's responsible for your custom ring this time.
00:23:42Is she capable of good design?
00:23:46She might be young,
00:23:48and a bit overproductive,
00:23:50but she's well-rounded.
00:23:52And she's making good use of her existing skills.
00:23:55What's wrong?
00:23:57She's back!
00:23:59This is a problem we're not solving.
00:24:00Did Alice not tell you how to fix it?
00:24:02No, she didn't.
00:24:03You're a bit overconfident, but rest assured, Mrs. Hopper, you're a VIP here.
00:24:08If any designer fails to meet your standards, they won't last long at our company.
00:24:13If the ring design is subpar and ruins my anniversary, firing her would be letting her off too easy.
00:24:20Mrs. Hopper, please don't worry. I've put my utmost effort into this design. I'm sure you'll be pleased.
00:24:26Here's the 3D model for you to review.
00:24:30Hold on. You call this acceptable? Do you even understand design?
00:24:36Ms. Jones, is this the standard of treatment for VIPs at Dime Group?
00:24:41Please, Mrs. Hopper, don't be upset. It's not that we don't value you, but Alice Hall has some high-level support here.
00:24:48She gets a lot of projects, and we can't do much about it.
00:24:51Alice Hall, huh? She may be pretty, but that doesn't make up for poor design skills.
00:24:58It relies on simple, unimpressive techniques.
00:25:06Mrs. Hopper, a woman's reputation is valuable. Please don't be swayed by unfounded gossip.
00:25:11Take a look at this design of yours. This kind of trashy style, only the nouveau riche would like it.
00:25:17It's hard to believe you got into Dime Group without... some sort of connection.
00:25:23Don't worry, Mrs. Hopper. I've prepared an alternative design as well.
00:25:28Alice Hall, haven't you embarrassed yourself enough already?
00:25:32Please, have a look at this one.
00:25:41Oh, this is more like it! It's exactly what I wanted!
00:25:48You should have started with this design.
00:25:51Mrs. Hopper, any design must be manager-approved before presentation.
00:25:57But my manager believed you'd prefer the first version.
00:26:01Alice Hall, what nonsense are you spouting?
00:26:04So, Miss Jones, you assumed I have bad taste? Is that your implication?
00:26:10Not at all, Mrs. Hopper. Alice here who's not a designer, is a designer.
00:26:15Not at all, Mrs. Hopper. Alice here who's known for her close ties with the bosses, is just fabricating stories.
00:26:22I apologize, Miss Jones, but I routinely record instructions from my managers for note-taking.
00:26:28It just so happens, I recorded your comments that day.
00:26:35I'm sorry, Miss Jones, but I routinely record instructions from my managers for note-taking.
00:26:42It just so happens, I recorded your comments that day.
00:26:46Mrs. Hopper, our major client, likes things lavish and showy.
00:26:49She wants a design that is as grand as possible. Got it?
00:26:56Incredible! A company director speaking so poorly of clients behind their backs?
00:27:02If I don't file a complaint and get you fired today, then I'm not a Hopper!
00:27:09Mrs. Hopper, Mrs. Hopper, please don't take this to heart.
00:27:12Mrs. Hopper stood up to Mrs. Dime. If Mr. Dime finds out, who do you think he'll side with?
00:27:19He'll back his wife, of course. Alice is just a small fry compared to her.
00:27:23Mrs. Hopper, the attitude of one person doesn't reflect our company's values.
00:27:27If you trust me, I can assure you'll be satisfied with your future jewelry designs.
00:27:32Alright, I'll put my trust in you.
00:27:46Watch yourself, Alice Hall.
00:27:49As long as I'm here, you're going to have a rough time.
00:27:53My driver will wait for you in the underground garage after work. Join me for a business event tonight.
00:27:57A business event?
00:28:23You didn't mention this party was so formal. I'm not dressed appropriately.
00:28:28The wife of John Dime wouldn't be looked down on, even if she wore a burlap sack.
00:28:33Relax. Eat like you do in the cafeteria. Just be yourself.
00:28:39Were you spying on me eating? I'll have you know I'm not a burlap sack.
00:28:43I'm not a burlap sack.
00:28:45Relax. Eat like you do in the cafeteria. Just be yourself.
00:28:49Were you spying on me eating? I'll have you know I'm not a burlap sack.
00:28:55Hey, glad you two can make it.
00:28:59Simon, no date tonight? That's unlike you.
00:29:04Well, I was hoping next time it might be Miss Hall.
00:29:09Miss Hall, we'll meet again.
00:29:12Hello, Simon.
00:29:14Not Miss Hall. Call her my lady.
00:29:17Why so defensive, John?
00:29:20Didn't Alice say you're just a pretend couple?
00:29:23Right, Alice? Catch you later.
00:29:33Why didn't you set him straight?
00:29:38Why didn't you set him straight?
00:29:40Mr. Dime, I don't think I said anything inappropriate.
00:29:46If my grandmother hears such things, it won't be good. In public.
00:29:50Please uphold your role as Mrs. Dime.
00:29:53Ah, fully committed to the act.
00:29:56But we should have told me sooner.
00:30:01Mr. Dime, long time no see. Care to join us for a drink?
00:30:05Sure, I'd be happy to. Just wait here for a moment. I'll be right back.
00:30:09This way, please.
00:30:15Can't you even pour a drink properly? What if you've ruined my shoes?
00:30:18Can you even afford to repay me?
00:30:19I'm so sorry. Let me clean that up immediately.
00:30:22Do you realize who you've upset? She's due to be the wife of the CEO of Dime Group.
00:30:26You should be on your knees apologizing.
00:30:29Lick it clean.
00:30:32Do it!
00:30:47You can go now.
00:30:48Alice Hall, what are you doing at such a high level?
00:30:51I'm sorry.
00:30:53You can go now.
00:30:54Alice Hall, what are you doing at such a high class event?
00:30:57I was just passing by and saw someone being treated unfairly. Thought I'd step in.
00:31:03Oh, look at you, trying to play the hero.
00:31:07You're just as broke as the waiter, aren't you?
00:31:11Exactly. The poor always stick together.
00:31:14Coming to this kind of party without money, hoping to snag a rich partner, you're suffocating us.
00:31:19Then maybe you should go to the hospital for that.
00:31:21To all the esteemed young ladies here. To the socialites and the vixens.
00:31:27Especially Miss Jones, who claims to be Mrs. Dime.
00:31:31Why isn't your fiancé, Mr. Dime, with you tonight?
00:31:37John had other commitments. What's it to you?
00:31:41Funny, I just saw him over there.
00:31:43What's your problem? Trying to stir up trouble and sneak in as a mistress?
00:31:46You won't get near Mr. Dime even if you try?
00:31:49I wouldn't dream of it. Just wanted to point out that Mr. Dime is already married.
00:31:56And Caitlin Jones isn't the bride.
00:31:59What? She's not the real Mrs. Dime? Caitlin Jones is lying?
00:32:04This is ridiculous. The Jones family must be so embarrassed.
00:32:08What nonsense are you spouting? Security, get this lunatic out of here.
00:32:12Miss Jones, what's the issue?
00:32:14She's gate-crashing and spreading lies. Remove her immediately.
00:32:21Let go of me!
00:32:22Wait. Before you take her away, make her apologize.
00:32:27Actually, have her lick my shoes clean for the trouble she's caused.
00:32:31Lick again? Caitlin Jones, you're despicable. Damn it!
00:32:38Let her go.
00:32:39Let her go.
00:32:41Mr. Dime!
00:32:47Caitlin Jones, who gave you the right to touch my people?
00:32:51John, why are you here?
00:32:53It's her fault. She had the waitress provoke me first.
00:32:57Caitlin, the Jones and Dime families have no engagement plans.
00:33:02Stay out of this.
00:33:03Caitlin, the Jones and Dime families have no engagement plans.
00:33:09Stop claiming to be my fiancée.
00:33:13Madam, I apologize. We made a mistake. Please forgive us, sir.
00:33:17Bully riding on coattails. Slap each other's faces.
00:33:20Do it.
00:33:28John, how could you humiliate me like this?
00:33:31Your mother told me to come back for you.
00:33:34That was my mother's doing.
00:33:36Not mine.
00:33:38Please control yourself.
00:33:40John, I didn't mean it. Please forgive me this time.
00:33:45Caitlin Jones, listen.
00:33:47I don't want to see you at Dime Group again.
00:33:50Someone, escort her out.
00:33:52Alice Hall, I'll make you pay for this.
00:33:54Just wait.
00:33:55Sorry for not intervening sooner. Are you still upset?
00:33:59I'm fine.
00:34:01Just fine?
00:34:04Enough, John.
00:34:12Miss Hall, Mr. Simon Deep requests your company.
00:34:15Mr. Deep?
00:34:26Are you sure Mr. Deep asked to see me? Where is he now?
00:34:30Miss Hall, you're claustrophobic, aren't you?
00:34:38Hey, what's this about? Come back here.
00:34:41Open the door! Open it!
00:34:56Thank you.
00:34:59No cell service.
00:35:25Mr. Black, how are you recently?
00:35:47Do you really think anyone cares about you?
00:35:50How does it feel to be locked up for an hour?
00:35:56Caitlin, have you lost your mind?
00:36:00In all these years, I've never been so publicly humiliated.
00:36:04How could you expect me to just accept it?
00:36:11So confident earlier, weren't you?
00:36:13Where's all the bravado now?
00:36:15Let me go!
00:36:17This is all your fault.
00:36:19Stealing John from me, taking my rightful place.
00:36:21I could kill you for that.
00:36:23If it weren't for you, John would be mine.
00:36:27Go to hell!
00:36:52John, if you won't be on my side,
00:36:55then I'll handle it myself.
00:36:59That's exactly the kind of talk I never want to hear again.
00:37:18Mr. Diamond,
00:37:19thank you for everything today.
00:37:22It's late now.
00:37:24Stay at my place tonight.
00:37:26And tomorrow you'll move into my house.
00:37:28Move into your house?
00:37:32You think earning $60,000 is easy?
00:37:34It's part of the deal with Grandma.
00:37:36She's been pressuring me about settling down.
00:37:40But remember what you promised before.
00:37:43No crossing certain lines.
00:37:45Don't worry, I remember.
00:37:49Alice, you're here.
00:37:51Come on in.
00:37:53I made your favorite soup today.
00:37:55Thank you, Grandma.
00:37:57Grandma, now that you have a granddaughter-in-law,
00:38:00have you forgotten about your grandson?
00:38:02Don't I get a say in what we eat?
00:38:04John, you're grown up enough to cook for yourself.
00:38:06I can't be fussing over you forever.
00:38:09Let's go eat.
00:38:28Could you hand me some pajamas?
00:38:50You think I look sharp in these?
00:38:52I didn't see a thing, I swear.
00:39:02The shower's all yours now.
00:39:04Got it.
00:39:10It's fine, it's fine.
00:39:12We're all grown ups here.
00:39:14So I got a glimpse of some Alice.
00:39:16No big deal.
00:39:17I've seen guys at the gym who are way more ripped than him.
00:39:26Why does John Dime have a photo of me in his wallet?
00:39:30No wait, that can't be right.
00:39:32I've never worn that dress.
00:39:34That's not me.
00:39:36But she looks just like me.
00:39:38What's going on?
00:39:48Where am I supposed to sleep tonight?
00:39:52Well, I'm taking the bed.
00:39:54If you don't want it, there's a chair over there.
00:40:04Don't like the chair?
00:40:06Then we can share the bed.
00:40:18Feeling better now?
00:40:21Good night.
00:40:26no taking advantage of me tonight, okay?
00:40:28Who'd want to take advantage of you?
00:40:38Alice, you're awake!
00:40:40Good morning, Grandma.
00:40:42How'd you sleep?
00:40:44Hope you were comfortable.
00:40:45We, uh...
00:40:47We slept pretty well.
00:40:49Oh, still feeling shy, I see.
00:40:52Come, have some breakfast.
00:40:54Grandma, it's already 8.30.
00:40:56I can't eat.
00:40:58I've got to get to work.
00:41:00Now hold on.
00:41:02It's Valentine's Day.
00:41:04You and John shouldn't be working.
00:41:06How can a newlywed couple not celebrate Valentine's Day?
00:41:09Grandma's right.
00:41:11Let's spend the day together.
00:41:13Have a seat.
00:41:21It fell through.
00:41:25What happened?
00:41:29Mr. Dime, if you have things to do, please, go ahead.
00:41:32Don't worry about me.
00:41:34Just dropping me off at the hospital's front door is fine.
00:41:36You can pick me up when you're done.
00:41:38We're just pretending for Grandma's sake, after all.
00:41:46But make sure to pick up a gift for your mother.
00:41:49Thank you, Mr. Dime.
00:41:52Let's head out to the hospital.
00:42:04Mom, have you been feeling okay lately?
00:42:07The doctor emphasized the importance of avoiding stress post-surgery.
00:42:11You need to be extra careful.
00:42:13I'm doing well now.
00:42:15Just happy to see you.
00:42:19It's comforting to know that John is such a thoughtful guy.
00:42:27How can you two just sit here all happy and relaxed, like I don't even matter?
00:42:35How did you even find this place?
00:42:41How can you two just sit here all happy and relaxed, like I don't even matter?
00:42:49How did you even find this place?
00:42:51Vince, why are you saying such words to your daughter?
00:42:55Dad, you really have the nerve.
00:42:57If it wasn't for you blowing our family's money on gambling and skipping town to dodge debts, Mom wouldn't be this sick.
00:43:03You ungrateful brat.
00:43:05You've grown bold, huh?
00:43:07Talking back to me like that?
00:43:09Do you have any respect for me, your father?
00:43:10When you abandoned Mom and me, did you ever consider me as your daughter?
00:43:16How dare you lecture me about family respect?
00:43:18You insolent girl, you've got quite the mouth on you.
00:43:21Am I wrong?
00:43:23All these years, I've wished those debt collectors would just finish you off.
00:43:28If you have an ounce of decency, divorce Mom right now and stop ruining her life.
00:43:38If I'm going down, I'm taking you and your mother with me.
00:43:44I'm okay.
00:43:46Don't exert yourself.
00:43:48Vince Hall, you sure went to a lot of trouble to track us down.
00:43:51What's your game?
00:43:55I hear you're working now, right?
00:43:57At Dime Group, right?
00:43:59I heard they pay well.
00:44:02Dream on.
00:44:04You think I'm giving you money?
00:44:06My salary wouldn't even cover a day of your gambling.
00:44:13Please, just go.
00:44:15Alice's earnings are all for my medical bills.
00:44:18Your medical bills?
00:44:20Her treatment will cost a fortune.
00:44:22You have money for this and not a cent for me?
00:44:27You're unbelievable!
00:44:29My mom's sick and your first thought isn't to treat her.
00:44:33Instead, all you care about is the cost of her treatment.
00:44:37Of course I care about the cost.
00:44:39I raised you for over 20 years.
00:44:41Now it's time for you to repay me.
00:44:44As I was growing up, did you ever care for me?
00:44:48I haven't spent a cent of your money.
00:44:51And you're not getting a cent from me.
00:44:54Damn it!
00:44:56You and your mother are nothing but money pits!
00:44:58Hand over my money!
00:45:00Give it! Give it! Give it! Give it!
00:45:04Ah! Ah! Ah!
00:45:12Ah! Ah! Ah!
00:45:19Are you alright?
00:45:21And who might you be?
00:45:23What gives you the right to meddle in my family affairs?
00:45:25It's perfectly normal for a father to ask his daughter for money.
00:45:28Not even the cops can say otherwise!
00:45:30I can't believe there's a dad like you out there.
00:45:35I have a say in my wife's matters.
00:45:37Wife? Step aside!
00:45:39Oh, what do we have here?
00:45:41The outstanding son-in-law.
00:45:43You look like you're doing well.
00:45:45Just a little help from you would be enough for my needs.
00:45:47So, dear son-in-law, let's see the cash.
00:45:51John, please, don't give him any money.
00:45:54You stay out of this, you damn girl!
00:45:58Ah! Ah! Ah!
00:45:59Ah! Ah!
00:46:03Nobody gets to treat the wife of the CEO of Dime Group like that.
00:46:12Nobody gets to treat the wife of the CEO of Dime Group like that.
00:46:18Ah! Ah! Ah!
00:46:24So you're Mr. Dime from Dime Group?
00:46:25Mr. Dime from Dime Group?
00:46:28Mr. Dime of Dime Group?
00:46:32Wow, Alice, you snagged such an impressive son-in-law and didn't tell me sooner.
00:46:37The day you left Mom and me was the day you stopped being my father.
00:46:41With all the debts.
00:46:45All the trouble.
00:46:48Vince Hall, why did I have to have a father like you?
00:46:51It seems our family love has run dry. Let the casino deal with him.
00:46:55Hey! Hey! Hey! No! No! No! Casinos are destructive places!
00:47:00Alice, Susie, I can't lose my life! Beg for me!
00:47:04Whether it's losing a hand or a foot, let him face the consequences of his action.
00:47:09Take him away!
00:47:11No! No! No! Please! No! Ah! Ah! Ah!
00:47:22Mr. Dime, I'm sorry you had to see that.
00:47:27Alice, you don't have to be so formal with me.
00:47:32And you don't need to keep calling me Mr. Dime.
00:47:35Just call me Jeff, like you did back at the hospital.
00:47:42Mr. Dime, you're too kind to someone like me.
00:47:48Who says that?
00:47:49Alice, you deserve every bit.
00:47:53Alice, don't worry. I'll take good care of you from now on.
00:47:59Mr. Dime, you're joking again.
00:48:06Stop here.
00:48:35Alice, I'm not joking.
00:48:40I mean every word.
00:48:42Mr. Dime, my dad's a gambler.
00:48:45My mom's critically ill in the hospital, and I'm just a regular employee.
00:48:51I don't deserve someone like you.
00:48:54Alice, listen to me.
00:48:58Let's forget our agreement.
00:49:00Our marriage is real. It's official.
00:49:03We're a family.
00:49:06I'll support your mother and take care of you.
00:49:09We'll have babies.
00:49:11You deserve this.
00:49:31Honey, breakfast is ready.
00:49:34Don't call me that. I never took you for someone so forward.
00:49:39Alice, you're awake.
00:49:41Good morning, Grandma.
00:49:42Today, John made breakfast for you himself.
00:49:47I never thought our John would learn to take care of others.
00:49:52Alice, you're lucky.
00:49:55Go ahead, eat up.
00:50:06Did you hear? Mr. Dime's mom is back from overseas.
00:50:10Wow, she's quite a figure.
00:50:13She built this company.
00:50:16Here she's back for Mr. Dime's wedding stuff?
00:50:19And there's talk about the Jones family's daughter.
00:50:22You think Mrs. Dime's planning a marriage alliance with the Joneses?
00:50:26But after Caitlin Jones got fired, Mr. Dime made it clear she wasn't Mrs. Dime material.
00:50:31But, you know, Mr. Dime's mom is the real power here.
00:50:34The Queen Bee's stirring things up. This is gonna be interesting.
00:50:40I'm gonna go.
00:51:04John, I heard Caitlin say that you humiliated her in public for another woman.
00:51:10Mom, Caitlin does not have good intentions.
00:51:14Okay, okay. I don't want to hear these excuses.
00:51:17I came back to China this time specifically for the marriage of you two and you're getting ready for it.
00:51:22Enough! Did you ask my opinion on this marriage or not?
00:51:27Am I just a tool for you to make money?
00:51:30What do you mean?
00:51:32Caitlin is dignified and sensible. She's devoted to you.
00:51:36And the Jones family has done a lot for us, so what's not to like?
00:51:39Mom, I don't like her and I definitely don't accept business marriages.
00:51:45Not to mention, I'm already married.
00:51:50What? Whose daughter is it?
00:51:52Mrs. Dime, it's the poor girl who spends John's money and slapped me.
00:51:57I didn't realize that John really married her.
00:52:00John Dime, I order you to divorce her immediately.
00:52:09Mrs. Dime, it's this woman who seduced John.
00:52:16John Dime, tell me what this woman can bring you.
00:52:21The Dime family's assets are already spread all over the country and the world.
00:52:25What else do you want?
00:52:27Okay, okay.
00:52:30I don't want to hear these excuses.
00:52:33I came back to China this time specifically for the marriage of you two and you're getting ready for it.
00:52:37John, how can you talk to Mrs. Dime like that?
00:52:51Trust me, it's okay.
00:52:54Meet me at 6 p.m. at the Royal Private Room 1, Faith Dime.
00:53:05Alice Hall, right? Come here.
00:53:13Hello, Mrs. Dime.
00:53:15I am Alice Hall.
00:53:17I'm here to see you.
00:53:19Hello, Mrs. Dime.
00:53:21I heard your father is a gambler.
00:53:23Tell me, how much do I need to give you to leave John?
00:53:26Name your price.
00:53:28No way. Mrs. Dime, how come you're playing this soap opera routine too?
00:53:32Is 10 million enough?
00:53:39Mrs. Dime, John hasn't had parents around to pamper him since he was a child.
00:53:44And you're forcing him into a marriage as soon as you come back?
00:53:46Have you considered his feelings?
00:53:48I advise you not to keep pushing this.
00:53:51You know, do you think my son really loves you?
00:53:54You're just a stand-in.
00:53:56A stand-in?
00:53:58You don't believe me?
00:54:00Then we'll see if John still wants you if you lose your innocence.
00:54:08Hey, little girl.
00:54:11What are you doing? Mrs. Dime!
00:54:13What are you doing? Mrs. Dime!
00:54:16Hey, girl. Don't run. Don't run.
00:54:19Don't touch me! Let go of me! Let go of me!
00:54:22Don't touch me! Get off!
00:54:25Don't touch me! Let go! Don't touch me!
00:54:30Don't touch me!
00:54:32Shit, you're really noisy.
00:54:34I advise you to be good or you'll really suffer. Just imagine it.
00:54:44Bitch! Get her!
00:54:46Don't fucking run!
00:54:48Don't you dare bite me, bitch!
00:54:53Come on!
00:55:05It's okay. It's okay.
00:55:08Who the fuck are you?
00:55:10Who the fuck are you?
00:55:13Mr. Dime!
00:55:23It's okay.
00:55:25It's okay.
00:55:28You two know what to do.
00:55:30Beat them. Give them hell!
00:55:34Please! Spare me! Please spare me, Mr. Dime! Spare me!
00:55:39Please spare me!
00:55:54What's going on?
00:55:56Grandma, I'm fine.
00:56:00Why are you still bringing her back here?
00:56:08While I still call you mom, stop those vicious tricks of yours.
00:56:13If I ever see you bullying Alice again...
00:56:17But she's so dirty now and you're still protecting her?
00:56:21What are you talking about? Alice is my granddaughter-in-law.
00:56:25Mom, what granddaughter-in-law?
00:56:27The daughters of such poor people are the best at tricking people.
00:56:31How can our John be with the daughter of a gambler? It's a disgrace.
00:56:35Alice is the best girl in the world.
00:56:38If you're not happy with that, don't come through our Dime family's door, you.
00:56:43You should remarry.
00:56:47You want to marry into the Dime family?
00:56:50I oppose it. Just you wait.
00:56:58Alice, you've been wronged.
00:57:00Grandma knows that you married into the Dime family, not just as a social climber.
00:57:05John is blessed to have met you.
00:57:12Grandma will stand by you.
00:57:23If you want your mother to live in peace, divorce John Dime within a month.
00:57:30I'm sorry.
00:57:39Hey Alice, why have you come over during working hours?
00:57:46Mom, I missed you of course.
00:57:50No one unusual has come to see you in the last two days, have they?
00:57:55No, by the way, John is the president of Dime Group.
00:57:59Why didn't you tell me earlier?
00:58:01Be careful it's not Khan. Those kinds of people are hard for us to mix with.
00:58:06Mom, you don't have to worry. He's good to me.
00:58:10That's good.
00:58:12If anyone unusual comes near you in the next few days, just call me immediately.
00:58:18Eat. I'll get the nurse to come over and give you your medicine.
00:58:33Mom, what's wrong?
00:58:35Doctor! Nurse!
00:58:48This time it's just a little lesson. Two days of pills and she'll be fine.
00:58:52If you don't get divorced within a month, you'll suffer the consequences.
00:59:00A month later
00:59:06Why are you here again?
00:59:08Is that how you talk to your father? I'm now the father-in-law of the boss of Dime Group.
00:59:13What the hell are you doing here?
00:59:16Alice, I am no longer a gambler, but I have no income.
00:59:23Why don't you arrange a job for me, or a house, or something?
00:59:27Otherwise, I come to your mother every day to ask for money.
00:59:32Okay, okay. I'll think of something for you. Just don't come to the hospital.
00:59:37Do something, do something!
00:59:47Miss Hall, to what do I owe the pleasure?
00:59:50Do you have a fight with John? Do you want to fall into my arms instead?
00:59:53Mr. Deep, how are you so loose-lipped?
00:59:57Just kidding with you.
00:59:59Go ahead. How can I help?
01:00:02I remember that your company has contracted a lot of neighborhood development projects.
01:00:07Can you get my dad a job as a builder for your company?
01:00:10That's easy.
01:00:12I've heard about your situation. Don't worry. I'll make sure someone keeps an eye on him.
01:00:17Thank you, Mr. Deep.
01:00:18No problem. You owe me a favor, though.
01:00:24That's more like it!
01:00:37You really think you're a big shot?
01:00:40You can leave the company whenever you want and come whenever you want?
01:00:44Rachel, I had an emergency this morning.
01:00:46I've already handled my leave slip with HR.
01:00:49The chief assistant is waiting for you in the conference room. Why don't you hurry over there?
01:00:53But don't get too happy with yourself because you've made connections with management.
01:01:02Mr. Dime, I...
01:01:09This Alice Hall has a few tricks up her sleeve.
01:01:11This Alice Hall has a few tricks up her sleeve.
01:01:14Tricking grandma into liking her.
01:01:16But I still say that I don't agree with you two being together.
01:01:19I think my position is clear.
01:01:22You also know that I've learned a few tricks to survive so long in this world which you know about.
01:01:28Where Alice Hall goes every day.
01:01:30What she eats.
01:01:33I know it like the back of my hand.
01:01:36If you don't listen to me,
01:01:38I'll have plenty of ways to make her disappear.
01:01:41We'll see how long you can still protect her.
01:01:52Marcus, you asked for me?
01:01:57Miss Hall.
01:01:59It's been a long time.
01:02:01Mr. Deed, what are you doing here?
01:02:04Alice, Deep Group is collaborating with us on a design case.
01:02:08It's one of the most important projects for our company.
01:02:11Has appointed you to do it.
01:02:26Marcus, since when can a partner company appoint a designer at will?
01:02:33Mr. Dime, it is possible for a partner to assign a specific designer if the designer is willing.
01:02:44Are you willing?
01:02:46I... I could take the project.
01:02:57Alice Hall.
01:02:59Well done.
01:03:01I hope we'll work well together.
01:03:12If you're thinking about it,
01:03:14let's go take a look.
01:03:16I'll take you to see what a jealous John looks like.
01:03:31Alice Hall, so as you're about to leave the Dime family,
01:03:34you're hurrying to attach yourself to Simon Deed.
01:03:37Miss Jones, you're in good spirits.
01:03:38Even though John hates you so much and you're still so happily here.
01:03:46John, I made this suit myself.
01:03:49Mrs. Dime was afraid you were working hard,
01:03:51so she asked me to bring it here.
01:03:55John, hurry up and taste it.
01:03:57If Mrs. Dime finds out, she'll be upset, won't she?
01:04:09Hey, Miss Hall, you...
01:04:14John, I guess you're still living the better life.
01:04:19See, the Jones daughter is with Mr. Dime every day.
01:04:23So the marriage between the two families must be coming soon.
01:04:27I'm so excited.
01:04:29I'm so excited.
01:04:31I'm so excited.
01:04:33I'm so excited.
01:04:35I'm so excited.
01:04:36The marriage between the two families must be coming soon.
01:04:39I also saw them.
01:04:41Caitlin Jones is very intimate with Mr. Dime,
01:04:43even going around giving gifts to several departments.
01:04:45She really acts like the lady boss.
01:04:47Gifts? Yeah.
01:04:49All the other departments receive them, but not our department.
01:04:52It's all because of Alice Hall,
01:04:54meddling to drive Caitlin Jones away,
01:04:56thinking that she can do whatever she wants in the department.
01:04:59She offended the boss's wife.
01:05:01Let's see how she'll survive here in the future.
01:05:03Let's go.
01:05:07Why did you accept the suit from Caitlin Jones?
01:05:11John Dime, I heard you went out to dinner with Caitlin Jones.
01:05:18John Dime, you can't ignore me for the rest of your life.
01:05:29John Dime, you can't ignore me for the rest of your life.
01:05:37Alice, wait a little longer.
01:05:52Alice Hall, I'm having a dinner with the Jones family.
01:05:55Why don't you come along?
01:06:01Don't think that the Dime family has accepted you.
01:06:03I'm telling you, stop deluding yourself.
01:06:06John has already agreed to divorce you and marry me.
01:06:12Alice, you have fallen out of favor.
01:06:15John is bored of you.
01:06:23Mr. Jones, I'd like to propose a toast to you
01:06:26to congratulate us on our family's coming together.
01:06:34Mrs. Dime, aren't you being overly optimistic?
01:06:38I don't think Mr. Dime likes my daughter very much.
01:06:41Dad, what are you talking about?
01:06:43What's wrong with your daughter?
01:06:45That's right. Caitlin is right.
01:06:47Caitlin knows what she's talking about.
01:06:49John has softened his stance.
01:06:51With time spent together, day and night,
01:06:53feelings will develop.
01:06:57That's good. That's good.
01:07:01Alice Hall, come here.
01:07:03Come here.
01:07:09This is...
01:07:11This is a big designer in Dime Group.
01:07:13Almost starting to eclipse our Caitlin.
01:07:17Is that even possible?
01:07:19She's still just commoner at the bottom.
01:07:22What kind of wave can she possibly make?
01:07:26Mr. Jones is right.
01:07:28But it's just that this little girl has a big dream.
01:07:31It's hilarious.
01:07:35What are you doing standing frozen there?
01:07:37Don't you have eyes?
01:07:39How do you do things for the company?
01:07:41Come over and pour Mr. Jones some wine.
01:07:50Alice Hall, can you do anything?
01:07:53You can't even pour a drink properly.
01:07:55Miss Jones, it's obvious that you spilled it first.
01:07:57And you dare lie about it?
01:07:59Bitch, you dare talk back to me?
01:08:03John, you're here.
01:08:05She's the one who spilled wine all over me
01:08:07to make me look silly in front of you.
01:08:09John, you're here.
01:08:11Sit down. Don't make a scene over outsiders.
01:08:15Mom, aren't you going too far?
01:08:18Going too far?
01:08:20Watch your mouth. Sit down.
01:08:28Miss Hall, you and John were originally married
01:08:31under false pretenses.
01:08:33Now that Mr. Jones is here,
01:08:35it's better to make it clear.
01:08:37Are you willing to take a sum of money
01:08:39to divorce John?
01:08:41If you want your mother to live in peace,
01:08:43divorce John Dime within a month.
01:08:52I advise you to think carefully before answering.
01:08:55You originally married John
01:08:57for your mother's medical expenses, right?
01:09:01Mr. Dime and I didn't have real feelings initially.
01:09:05So now we should get divorced
01:09:07and let Mr. Dime marry Miss Jones.
01:09:11Well, then we have no problems.
01:09:14Mr. Jones, congratulations
01:09:16to the children of our two families
01:09:18for tying the knot.
01:09:26Not so fast.
01:09:31I won't marry Caitlin Jones.
01:09:33My wife
01:09:35can only be Alice Hall.
01:09:39Mr. Dime, what do you mean?
01:09:41You're playing with my daughter's emotions.
01:09:43John, don't you ever think about the company
01:09:45or for Alice for that matter?
01:09:47I've acquired 51% of Dime Group.
01:09:50And the few spies you planted around Alice
01:09:53have been cleared out as well.
01:09:55This marriage game of yours
01:09:57ends here.
01:09:59John Dime, what do you mean?
01:10:01Are you trying to infuriate me to death?
01:10:03If you and Mr. Jones still want to continue
01:10:05to stay at Dime Group
01:10:07and continue to enjoy its benefits,
01:10:09stop making a fool of yourself.
01:10:17Oh, yeah.
01:10:19You just said
01:10:21you have no feelings for me.
01:10:23And you were going to give me up
01:10:25to someone else.
01:10:28Who told you to treat me the way you did?
01:10:31Don't ever say that again.
01:10:33You're my wife.
01:10:35You have to take responsibility.
01:10:39Mr. Dime's acting is pretty good.
01:10:41Outwardly compliant.
01:10:43But actually making secret moves.
01:10:45It would be a pity
01:10:47not to award you Best Actor.
01:10:49So those messages this afternoon
01:10:51were because you were jealous?
01:10:53I'm your wife.
01:10:55Of course I have to look out for you.
01:10:57Next time, if you dare eat dinner
01:10:59with another girl,
01:11:01then I'll wait for Madam
01:11:03to handle me.
01:11:23Alice Hall received flowers again?
01:11:25I'm jealous.
01:11:27She has so many suitors.
01:11:29That box seems to be Tiffany's.
01:11:31I heard before that Alice Hall
01:11:33climbed up the executive ladder.
01:11:35It must be from that person.
01:11:41What's going on?
01:11:43When did John get to be so overt?
01:11:48Dear Alice,
01:11:50I heard that you are going to divorce John.
01:11:52It's time for us to be together.
01:11:54Simon Deep?
01:11:58Mr. Deep, you scared me.
01:11:59Mr. Deep, didn't you hear the news?
01:12:01Mr. Dime and I are doing just fine.
01:12:04So your gift?
01:12:06I can't accept it.
01:12:08Hey, I don't really understand.
01:12:10I'm hot, funny.
01:12:12What's not to like?
01:12:14Really? You have no taste.
01:12:16Hey, forget it.
01:12:18It's a gift to our partnership then.
01:12:20I, Simon Deep, do not take back what I count.
01:12:22Bye bye.
01:12:24Hey Alice, come sit here.
01:12:30How come Mr. Deep is always around our Alice lately?
01:12:33Although Alice took over the job,
01:12:35there is no need to stare at the designer so much.
01:12:37I wasn't staring at the designer.
01:12:39I was flirting with her.
01:12:41Mr. Deep, stop it.
01:12:45I won't.
01:12:47I've never failed to seduce a woman
01:12:49that I've set my eyes on.
01:12:51Then you have to work harder.
01:12:53Our Alice Hall is not easy to seduce.
01:12:55Why don't you focus on eating lunch?
01:12:57Okay, you guys eat.
01:12:59I have some work to do.
01:13:01I'll pick you up later.
01:13:05Alice Hall, you're so lucky.
01:13:07Simon Deep is really thoughtful towards you.
01:13:10That's right.
01:13:12The Deep family's real estate business is booming.
01:13:14So if you marry into it,
01:13:16you'll be the wife of a rich man.
01:13:18Mr. Deep is just making fun of me.
01:13:20Please don't say such things again.
01:13:22Oh, you haven't even married Simon Deep yet
01:13:24and you're already behaving like a young madam.
01:13:26What do you know?
01:13:27Alice Hall has the backing of a company executive
01:13:29making Simon Deep a fresh catch.
01:13:31It's one thing to be full at one meal
01:13:33but then also be full at every meal.
01:13:35What do you two know how to do
01:13:37other than to make a fool of yourselves?
01:13:39You guys are just jealous
01:13:41that Simon Deep is interested in Alice and not you guys.
01:13:43We're not as seductive.
01:13:45Shut up.
01:13:47If you're not in the mood to eat,
01:13:49don't just stand around and waste food.
01:13:51Issue the order.
01:13:53From now on, anyone found gossiping in the company
01:13:55will be fired immediately.
01:13:57Even if they are business partners.
01:14:04Finally finished Simon Deep's project.
01:14:08I've never seen this room before.
01:14:18You're back.
01:14:20You scared me.
01:14:22Oh, what's this room for?
01:14:24Why is it locked?
01:14:25It's all just random things.
01:14:27It's nothing.
01:14:29Let's go down for dinner.
01:14:36Uh, what are you looking at me for?
01:14:38Have I got something on my face?
01:14:40I'm thinking, how is my wife so charming
01:14:42that she's actually charmed Simon Deep
01:14:44into circling around you?
01:14:46I was wondering why the room smelled sour.
01:14:49It turns out Mr. Dime is full of jealousy.
01:14:56Don't ever meet him alone again.
01:14:58Yes, sir. Mr. Dime.
01:15:00You know why grandma went away on vacation?
01:15:04Because grandma wants to have her grandchildren sooner.
01:15:06Hey, John.
01:15:12Alice Hall, was it your idea
01:15:14to kick my father out of the board?
01:15:16Miss Jones, Mr. Dime makes his own decisions.
01:15:19You shouldn't blame me.
01:15:21No way. It must be you.
01:15:23Bet you had the idea.
01:15:25My father has been working for Dime Group
01:15:27for so many years.
01:15:29How could John just say kick him out?
01:15:31Miss Jones, please keep your words and behavior
01:15:33and stop making a scene.
01:15:36Do you really think John likes you?
01:15:38You're wrong. I'm telling you.
01:15:40It's just that you had a few lucky breaks
01:15:42and look similar to the person he really likes.
01:15:45There's a locked room in his house.
01:15:47If you don't believe me, go check it out.
01:15:50I don't have time for your nonsense.
01:15:53Alice Hall, I'd like to see you.
01:15:55When you hear the truth,
01:15:57to see if you'll still be so full of yourself.
01:16:03Mrs. Dime, how was your day at work?
01:16:05You're so free.
01:16:07I've been working my ass off all morning
01:16:09and you're the capitalist who's making all the money.
01:16:11Yes, yes, yes.
01:16:14Mrs. Dime has worked hard.
01:16:22You're not bad, by the way.
01:16:23I heard from Grandma that
01:16:25you've never even been in love before.
01:16:27Is that true?
01:16:30Why are you asking all of a sudden?
01:16:32Don't change the subject.
01:16:34You don't have some unforgettable first love, do you?
01:16:40I did have someone I loved before.
01:16:43But she passed away.
01:16:46Don't think anything of it.
01:16:48Do we look alike?
01:16:49If you don't want to talk about it, forget it.
01:16:55Is that what people have been telling you?
01:16:57You're nothing like her,
01:16:59no matter what people tell you.
01:17:01I only love you.
01:17:03You're my one and only.
01:17:05Those are pretty lies.
01:17:07I'm serious.
01:17:14What are you doing here?
01:17:16I'm John's mother.
01:17:17What, do I have to hide from you?
01:17:19Mrs. Dime, that's not what I meant.
01:17:22Don't think you can do whatever you want
01:17:24just because John doesn't want a divorce.
01:17:26You're dreaming.
01:17:28I'll give you one month to divorce him.
01:17:30Mrs. Dime,
01:17:32John and I love each other with all our hearts.
01:17:34Can you give us a chance?
01:17:36Don't think I don't know your dirty mind.
01:17:38Aren't you just after money?
01:17:40I heard that your mother needs an IV drip today, too.
01:17:42She's very weak, isn't she?
01:17:44You come at me all you want,
01:17:45but I forbid you to touch my mother.
01:17:49If you're scared, behave yourself.
01:17:51Isn't that Simon Deep treating you quite well, too?
01:17:53You want me to use Simon Deep
01:17:55as an excuse to leave Mr. Dime?
01:17:57Being with Simon Deep is already a big win for you.
01:18:00Don't expect John to save you and your mother now.
01:18:03Don't forget,
01:18:05my family started out in medical services.
01:18:07If you dare to leak a word about today's events,
01:18:10I guarantee your mother won't survive the night.
01:18:16I get it.
01:18:18I'll talk to Mr. Dime as soon as possible.
01:18:21You know what to do.
01:18:23Pack up and get out.
01:18:29Mr. Deep?
01:18:31Miss Hall, something's happened to your father.
01:18:33Please come to our office.
01:18:37Let go of me!
01:18:39Let go of me!
01:18:41I won't take it! Let go of me!
01:18:45I'm your father. Tell them to let me go!
01:18:47Mr. Deep, what's wrong?
01:18:49Alice, don't say I didn't try to help you.
01:18:52It's he who just isn't able to work here.
01:18:54Dad, what are you doing?
01:18:56What's not to like about this job?
01:18:58What kind of crap job is this?
01:19:00Every day two managers yell at me.
01:19:02I don't want to do it!
01:19:04What's wrong? Don't be angry.
01:19:06I'll be upset.
01:19:08I'm sorry, Mr. Deep.
01:19:10I've caused you trouble.
01:19:12If you would prefer to send him to the detention center
01:19:13I'll agree to either.
01:19:15Send him to the detention center?
01:19:17You damn girl, do you want to hurt me?
01:19:19Is everything okay?
01:19:27Since it's fine, let's talk about compensation.
01:19:30Two of my employees were seriously injured.
01:19:32So I can just sue him for intentional assault
01:19:35for five years in prison.
01:19:37Jail? I don't want to go to jail!
01:19:39I'll pay the money.
01:19:44Three million.
01:19:46Three million? Are you trying to rob me?
01:19:48You're kidding!
01:19:50Alice, I want to settle this privately
01:19:52because we're friends.
01:19:54Dad, what do you think? Which one to choose?
01:19:56I'll pay the money, of course!
01:19:58Mr. Deep, why don't I let you sleep with my daughter
01:20:00for one night and we'll call it even?
01:20:03Dad, I can't believe to stay out of jail
01:20:06you would say something like that.
01:20:08Damn girl, I'm doing you a favor!
01:20:10Ow! Don't you hit me!
01:20:11Dad, I'll pay back the money for you.
01:20:13But you'll have to sign a divorce agreement
01:20:15with my mom, then leave with nothing.
01:20:17Mr. Deep, please ask your people
01:20:19to draw up a document for me.
01:20:21Okay, no problem.
01:20:23Sign the agreement? I won't sign it!
01:20:25After I sign it, how can you,
01:20:27mother and daughter, pay back the money for me?
01:20:29I won't sign it, I don't want to sign it!
01:20:31You'll spend a few years in jail.
01:20:33You damn girl!
01:20:35You really want your father to go to jail?
01:20:37I'm begging for it!
01:20:39Okay, okay, okay, I'll sign, I'll sign.
01:20:41Okay, I'll sign.
01:20:44I'll sign, I agree to divorce, I'll sign.
01:20:49Even if I sign the agreement,
01:20:51you, mother and daughter, have to pay back the money for me.
01:20:53I'm not finished with you.
01:20:55Three million dollars is bought out in her support to you.
01:20:58She's my employee from today.
01:21:00If you come here once more,
01:21:02I'll have you beaten.
01:21:04I, I...
01:21:12What's going on?
01:21:14What are you staring at?
01:21:16You're treating this hot guy like I'm air.
01:21:18Mr. Deep, thank you for today.
01:21:20No need for thanks.
01:21:22Offering yourself in marriage, however,
01:21:24I might consider it.
01:21:26Mr. Deep, you're joking again.
01:21:33Car accident.
01:21:37John, John, John!
01:21:39No shouting in the hospital.
01:21:41This is a VIP area.
01:21:43Nurse, I'm looking for someone.
01:21:45Is John Dime in there?
01:21:47Get out of here.
01:21:49I've seen people like you many times.
01:21:51When you see a rich kid,
01:21:53you just want to throw yourself onto them.
01:21:55And plus, the VIP ward only lets him in.
01:21:57I'm Mr. Dime's wife.
01:21:59Don't I count as family?
01:22:01You're Mr. Dime's wife?
01:22:03Then I'm Mr. Dime's sister.
01:22:05What a liar.
01:22:07Get out of my way.
01:22:09No, this place isn't for commoners like you.
01:22:11If I remember correctly,
01:22:13the Dime family is an owner of this hospital.
01:22:15If you stop me,
01:22:17you won't have your job for long.
01:22:19I'm sorry, Mrs. Dime.
01:22:21It's my fault. Please come in.
01:22:28John Dime, wake up!
01:22:30John Dime, wake up!
01:22:32Don't scare me!
01:22:37Wake up, John!
01:22:45With this much strength,
01:22:47you're going to crush my whole body.
01:22:49Look what's happening
01:22:51and you're still in the mood to joke with me.
01:22:53What are you crying about?
01:22:55I'm fine.
01:22:57Just now at the door,
01:22:59Mrs. Dime was so fierce and overbearing.
01:23:01How come she's a little sheep now?
01:23:03Don't you ever scare me like that again!
01:23:05Yes, ma'am.
01:23:07John! John! How are you?
01:23:09What are you doing here?
01:23:11Of course I was worried about you.
01:23:13As soon as I heard about your accident,
01:23:15I was worried sick.
01:23:18Miss Jones,
01:23:20you better save some face for yourself.
01:23:23In the past, you were young
01:23:25and went around saying that I liked you.
01:23:27I didn't get angry out of politeness,
01:23:29but if you continue on like this,
01:23:31don't blame me for being harsh.
01:23:33Miss Jones,
01:23:35please go away.
01:23:38John! John! You...
01:23:53John, I'll leave now.
01:23:55Be in touch if anything happens.
01:24:02Caitlin Jones!
01:24:08I've promised Auntie to leave John within a month.
01:24:11What do you want?
01:24:13Because I can't wait.
01:24:15And one more day is one more day I'm not happy,
01:24:17and I can't wait for you to disappear on me right now.
01:24:19Miss Jones, you're feeling triumphant too soon.
01:24:22With the Jones family's misfortune,
01:24:24even with me out of the picture,
01:24:26it's not certain that Mrs. Dime is going to want you.
01:24:29Even a weekend giant is still strong.
01:24:32When John completely loses interest in you,
01:24:34how will you compete with me?
01:24:39You're really persistent.
01:24:41But unfortunately,
01:24:43John just doesn't like you.
01:24:46You should know better.
01:24:50Also, Miss Jones,
01:24:52this way of clinging desperately is really unattractive.
01:24:56Alice Hall,
01:24:58you're just a stand-in for John's beloved.
01:25:01Don't get cocky too early.
01:25:03Do you think your ending will be much better than mine?
01:25:06You don't have to make a scene here.
01:25:08I trust John.
01:25:09That locked room at the Dimes' house,
01:25:11have you been there yet?
01:25:13The key is...
01:25:18There will be a surprise waiting for you inside.
01:25:31John Dime, what's the secret here?
01:25:33What are you hiding from me?
01:25:46Beloved Nancy.
01:25:50John Dime, it turns out that from that night's mistake
01:25:53to the subsequent drama
01:25:55was all for your beloved Nancy.
01:26:01You're nothing like her.
01:26:03No matter what people tell you,
01:26:05I only love you.
01:26:07You're my one and only.
01:26:16John Dime, you're so good at lying.
01:26:26Don't move.
01:26:28You're two months pregnant, don't you know?
01:26:30This is the most high-risk time for the pregnancy.
01:26:32Doctor, you said I'm pregnant?
01:26:34Didn't you know?
01:26:36If you hadn't been found in time,
01:26:37your two kids would have been dead.
01:26:39You said there are two children?
01:26:41See for yourself.
01:26:47Why does this happen right now?
01:26:49God, you work in mysterious ways.
01:27:04The babies already have a heartbeat.
01:27:05Twin births are rare.
01:27:07Are you sure you want to abort?
01:27:11Do it.
01:27:19Wait a minute, doctor.
01:27:21I'm keeping these two kids.
01:27:27Alice, where have you been these two days?
01:27:30You didn't answer my calls.
01:27:32I wasn't feeling well.
01:27:33Okay, come with me.
01:27:35Where are we going?
01:27:38Alice, look.
01:27:40Georgina, what's going on here?
01:27:42Alice, your luck is still ahead of you.
01:27:45Excuse me.
01:27:47Well, Miss Hall, how about it?
01:27:49Is this declaration of love satisfactory?
01:27:52Mr. Deep, I'm grateful for your help.
01:27:55But I really don't have the patience to joke with you right now.
01:27:58Alice, after spending this much time with you,
01:28:02you should be able to see my feelings for you.
01:28:05I truly like you.
01:28:07I hope you can consider it.
01:28:10Mr. Deep really has bad taste.
01:28:13How come he's going after Alice Hall?
01:28:15Look at Alice Hall still pretending to be reserved.
01:28:18I don't know who she's trying to impress.
01:28:20I bet you she's overjoyed inside.
01:28:22Say yes, say yes, say yes, say yes.
01:28:25Say yes, say yes, say yes, say yes.
01:28:29Simon, you're publicly trying to take her away from me.
01:28:35You're publicly trying to take her away from me.
01:28:42Let me formally introduce to you all.
01:28:44This is my wife, Alice Hall,
01:28:46the wife of the CEO of Diamond Group.
01:28:48From now on, call her Mrs. Diamond.
01:28:54John, you obviously don't like her.
01:28:57So why can't you just let her go?
01:28:59Let her have true happiness.
01:29:07Alice Hall is my wife.
01:29:09Of course I like her.
01:29:11Mr. Dime, our marriage was supposed to be a deal.
01:29:13You crossed the line.
01:29:18Alice, what's wrong with you?
01:29:21Whether you like me or not,
01:29:23you know better than anyone in your heart.
01:29:25What do you mean by that?
01:29:27John, listen carefully.
01:29:31Just like what Mr. Deep said,
01:29:33I hope you can let us go.
01:29:35Let's divorce.
01:29:44Alice, you were so worried for me two days ago
01:29:48that you called yourself Mrs. Diamond public at the hospital.
01:29:51And now you want to talk to me about divorce?
01:29:53Alice, give me a reason.
01:29:57As you can see,
01:29:59Simon Deep is so suave and treats me well.
01:30:02I've decided that I want to be with him.
01:30:08I don't believe it. I don't believe it.
01:30:10John, let me go.
01:30:13You keep a person who does not love you around?
01:30:16And why is that necessary?
01:30:18It is hard to believe that you like nothing more
01:30:19than this skin of mine.
01:30:39what right do you have to a divorce?
01:30:41I don't agree.
01:30:43Get off me.
01:30:46John, you asshole.
01:30:49I'll show you.
01:30:54Don't make me hate you.
01:31:13when did you become Mrs. Diamond?
01:31:15You were hiding it so well.
01:31:17You're a secret agent, aren't you?
01:31:19I couldn't tell you before.
01:31:22And now we're getting divorced.
01:31:29Is it for that Simon Deep?
01:31:32Alice, don't be stupid.
01:31:34Just stop asking questions for now.
01:31:36I'll tell you more about it when this is over.
01:31:39I really envy you.
01:31:41Two such superb men.
01:31:44The employees here are getting red with envy.
01:31:47Alice Hall,
01:31:49Mrs. Diamond?
01:31:51Oops, you can't call her Alice Hall anymore.
01:31:53Mrs. Diamond,
01:31:55we were wrong before and offended you twice.
01:31:57Please don't take it personally and take it out on us.
01:31:59Now you know to apologize.
01:32:01Just now, downstairs.
01:32:03Weren't you still gossiping?
01:32:05Forget it, Georgie.
01:32:07It's fine.
01:32:09I want you guys to apologize to me,
01:32:11not just because you know about my relationship with John.
01:32:14Spreading rumors is so hurtful to a girl at any time.
01:32:17Don't you girls ever do it again?
01:32:20Okay, we won't.
01:32:32what's wrong with you today?
01:32:34Did something happen at work?
01:32:36No, don't worry about it, mom.
01:32:39How are you feeling today?
01:32:43Mom's fine now.
01:32:45I can even run and jump, you see.
01:32:47Why are you acting like a child?
01:33:09would you like to go abroad with me?
01:33:17did something happen to you?
01:33:21Your health is just recovering
01:33:23and the doctor said that doing some activities will be good for you.
01:33:27I wasn't as good as I could have been before.
01:33:29Now I want to take you out traveling.
01:33:33Sweet girl,
01:33:37wherever you go, mom will follow.
01:33:39Then you rest up
01:33:41and when I get everything settled,
01:33:42I'll take you with me.
01:33:44Whatever you say.
01:33:54what are you doing now?
01:33:57you've booked a ticket to go abroad.
01:33:59Are you running away with someone?
01:34:01You're spying on me?
01:34:03Let go of me!
01:34:04I'm not going with you!
01:34:05That's not up to you.
01:34:07Hey, you!
01:34:08Get off of me!
01:34:10Get off of me!
01:34:13John, please let me go.
01:34:15Let go of you?
01:34:16Marriage is between the two of us.
01:34:18You don't get to just divorce like that.
01:34:20you are so cool.
01:34:21Don't come near me.
01:34:22I'm free to divorce.
01:34:26Don't you dare!
01:34:28You're crazy!
01:34:29What are you doing?
01:34:30What am I doing?
01:34:31I want you to never leave me.
01:34:36Get off me!
01:34:39Alice Hall,
01:34:41I love you.
01:34:42Don't get a divorce,
01:34:50what do you want to eat today?
01:34:52I'll make it for you.
01:34:54What's wrong?
01:34:55Is my mom causing you trouble again?
01:34:57I've made it very clear
01:34:58that I don't love you
01:34:59and I want a divorce.
01:35:06you're tough.
01:35:11Don't try to leave
01:35:13when the maid brings up the meal later.
01:35:22come back.
01:35:36come to the Dime Mansion this evening.
01:35:40are you alright?
01:35:42I'm checked.
01:35:43John is at his office.
01:35:44I'll take you away now.
01:35:45Hey, wait.
01:35:47If I leave like this,
01:35:48John will find me again
01:35:49sooner or later.
01:35:54what happened exactly
01:35:55between you and John?
01:35:56I heard all kinds
01:35:57of rumors and gossip.
01:35:58Do you also know
01:35:59that John
01:36:00really likes Nancy Greenford?
01:36:02I know you know.
01:36:03Tell me the whole story.
01:36:04Nancy Greenford
01:36:05is the daughter
01:36:06of the Dime family's
01:36:07former nanny.
01:36:08After her parents went abroad,
01:36:09she was the one
01:36:10taking care of John.
01:36:11This time went on
01:36:12when John's mother found out.
01:36:13She was furious.
01:36:15She sent her abroad.
01:36:18you're a good person.
01:36:19John's heart
01:36:20has no room
01:36:21for anyone else now.
01:36:24can you do me a favor?
01:36:31Mr. Dime,
01:36:32it's not good.
01:36:33The Dime Mansion
01:36:34is on fire.
01:36:36What about the people in there?
01:36:37Mrs. Dime,
01:36:39she didn't make it out.
01:36:40She's buried in the fire.
01:36:41No way.
01:36:43That's impossible.
01:36:46Mr. Dime!
01:36:53Mr. Dime,
01:36:54the ashes have arrived.
01:37:08Mr. Dime,
01:37:09I'm sorry for your loss.
01:37:10What's the point of mourning?
01:37:12She's not dead.
01:37:16You didn't see her die,
01:37:17so who are you to say
01:37:18that she's dead, huh?
01:37:21Go and find her for me.
01:37:22Go on, go on,
01:37:23go on!
01:37:25Hi, I'm Clementine Swift,
01:37:28and I've already
01:37:29interviewed online.
01:37:32Ah, Mrs. Swift,
01:37:33the boss has looked at
01:37:34your resume and abilities.
01:37:35She thinks you're excellent.
01:37:37You got the job.
01:37:41If I leave like this,
01:37:43John will find me again
01:37:44sooner or later.
01:37:46If possible,
01:37:47I want you to help me
01:37:48change my identity.
01:37:49I want to start my life
01:37:50again in a new city.
01:37:55I'll help you.
01:37:57Take care of yourself
01:37:58in the future.
01:38:02Come get some fruit!
01:38:05Tommy took my candy!
01:38:06Get it back for me!
01:38:08It's obvious you lost to me
01:38:09at chess,
01:38:10and you're still
01:38:11complaining to mom?
01:38:12Hazel is so bad.
01:38:14You two,
01:38:15if you're naughty again,
01:38:16I'll pretend to be a tiger
01:38:17and eat you up.
01:38:19Come here.
01:38:23eat some fruit.
01:38:26eat some fruit.
01:38:32My daughter is so respectful.
01:38:34It's been five years
01:38:35since we moved here,
01:38:36and life is getting
01:38:37better and better.
01:38:39When we first moved here,
01:38:40we didn't have anything.
01:38:42And you were pregnant.
01:38:43Mom was so very worried.
01:38:49it's all in the past.
01:38:51It's all good here.
01:38:53So you can live in peace.
01:38:56anywhere is good,
01:38:57as long as you're around.
01:38:59Miss Jones,
01:39:00it's fine if you don't like her,
01:39:01but you're not satisfied
01:39:02with so many girls.
01:39:04What kind of girl
01:39:05are you looking for?
01:39:06Don't you know
01:39:07what I want by now?
01:39:09She's been dead
01:39:10for five years,
01:39:11and you're still
01:39:12going after her.
01:39:16I told you,
01:39:17she's not dead.
01:39:19I've been letting you
01:39:20off the hook for five years.
01:39:21It's not up to you anymore.
01:39:23you're not as healthy
01:39:24as you used to be
01:39:25five years ago,
01:39:26and you're not in charge
01:39:27of the company anymore.
01:39:28Do you still think
01:39:29that you're able
01:39:30to force me to do anything?
01:39:41I heard Grandma say,
01:39:43when you married
01:39:44into the Dime family,
01:39:45my father was still poor,
01:39:47and it was you
01:39:48that single-handedly
01:39:49founded Dime Group.
01:39:50Two people had to work
01:39:51for half a lifetime
01:39:52to have the Dime Group
01:39:53of today.
01:39:54I don't believe you are someone
01:39:55who despises the poor
01:39:56and loves the rich.
01:39:57It's because
01:39:58I didn't pursue
01:39:59for glory and wealth
01:40:00when I was young
01:40:01that I've had a hard life.
01:40:02I don't want you
01:40:03to make the same mistakes.
01:40:08if we go back
01:40:09to that year
01:40:10and choose again,
01:40:11I'm sure you'll still
01:40:12choose my dad again,
01:40:13wouldn't you?
01:40:15Now that the Dime family
01:40:16has everything,
01:40:17do you have to force me
01:40:18to choose someone
01:40:19I don't like?
01:40:21I'm tired.
01:40:23Make your own decisions
01:40:24from now.
01:40:31Mr. Dime,
01:40:32there's news of Alice Hall.
01:40:36Mrs. Swift,
01:40:37this is the new project program.
01:40:38Take a look.
01:40:42The client partner
01:40:43this time is Dime Group?
01:40:45and this partnership
01:40:46is an important one.
01:40:47The president of Dime Group
01:40:48has personally arrived
01:40:49at our company.
01:40:50He's already here?
01:40:52You welcome him for now.
01:40:53I have something to do.
01:40:58Mr. Dime,
01:40:59you've come in person.
01:41:00You really honor
01:41:01our company.
01:41:03I heard your new director
01:41:04is called Clementine Swift.
01:41:06Where is she?
01:41:07Mrs. Swift has taken
01:41:08a leave of absence today,
01:41:09but rest assured,
01:41:10Mr. Dime,
01:41:11the project with Dime Group
01:41:12is of utmost importance
01:41:13in our company,
01:41:14and it will definitely
01:41:15be handled personally
01:41:16by the director.
01:41:17It seems that Mrs. Swift
01:41:18indeed has a lot
01:41:19of responsibilities.
01:41:20It's okay.
01:41:21I have time and patience
01:41:22to wait for her to appear.
01:41:23Take care, Mr. Dime.
01:41:32Mr. Humbert,
01:41:33where's Tommy and Hazel?
01:41:34Why aren't they out yet?
01:41:35Didn't the two kids
01:41:36get picked up by their father?
01:41:37You didn't know?
01:41:40What did he look like?
01:41:41Which way did he go?
01:41:43Tall and handsome,
01:41:44wearing a suit.
01:41:46he's a driver.
01:41:47Don't you worry.
01:41:48Could it be that
01:41:49the child's father
01:41:50picked up the kids
01:41:51and didn't tell you?
01:41:52Oh, they went that way.
01:41:53Okay, thanks.
01:42:09after all these years,
01:42:10why did you disappear
01:42:11without saying a word?
01:42:13Not Alice.
01:42:14You've got the wrong person.
01:42:17You leave me.
01:42:18You also leave
01:42:19the biological father
01:42:20of your two children.
01:42:21So many years.
01:42:22I've been looking for you
01:42:23like crazy.
01:42:24I'm sure it was you
01:42:25who took my children.
01:42:26Where's Tommy and Hazel?
01:42:27What have you done with them?
01:42:30The driver took them to play.
01:42:32Let's talk about us now.
01:42:34I have nothing to say to you.
01:42:35And you are not
01:42:36the father of the children,
01:42:37so please,
01:42:38don't flatter yourself.
01:42:39The babies are mine.
01:42:41And so are you.
01:42:47Mr. Dime,
01:42:48please show some respect.
01:42:51What was the reason
01:42:52for you leaving me like that?
01:42:54At least let me understand
01:42:55why before I give up.
01:42:57Since you have to know
01:42:58the truth,
01:43:01let's talk about your ex
01:43:03who looks just like me
01:43:06and the room full of her stuff
01:43:07that you refused to open.
01:43:11it was because of Nancy
01:43:12all along.
01:43:18Nancy passed away
01:43:19many years ago.
01:43:21I used to like her
01:43:22and I was drawn in
01:43:23because of your looks at first.
01:43:25But who I like
01:43:26is you in front of me
01:43:27at this moment.
01:43:28It has nothing to do
01:43:29with Nancy.
01:43:30It took many years
01:43:31to convince my mom.
01:43:34And I've resolved
01:43:35all the emotional barriers.
01:43:36I have been moving towards you
01:43:37step by step.
01:43:39Can you tell me
01:43:40why you left me?
01:43:41I have been moving towards you
01:43:42step by step.
01:43:43Can you turn around
01:43:44and look at me?
01:43:45Even just a glance.
01:43:47I need time to think about it.
01:43:51I can wait.
01:43:52I can wait.
01:43:56And everyday going forward,
01:44:00I will ask you to marry me
01:44:03until you will accept me.
01:44:08Mommy! Mommy!
01:44:09Tommy! Hazel!
01:44:10What's that frozen-faced
01:44:11uncle doing?
01:44:13Uncle Ice Cube Face
01:44:14is proposing to mom!
01:44:17Small but lethal.
01:44:20do you guys want this uncle
01:44:21to be your dad?
01:44:23This uncle is quite handsome.
01:44:25He could be a good dad
01:44:26but it depends on
01:44:27how he behaves.
01:44:30let's see how he behaves then.
01:44:32I've had this ring
01:44:33in my pocket for five years
01:44:35and now I finally have
01:44:36the chance to give it to you.
01:44:41Thank you.
01:44:50Okay, put me down.
01:44:51Put me down.
01:44:54Thank you for giving me
01:44:55the opportunity
01:44:56to take care of you
01:44:57and the kids
01:44:58and I will spend the entire
01:44:59rest of my life
01:45:00proving that you didn't
01:45:01cheat for me.
01:45:03Got it.
01:45:04The kids are still there.
01:45:05Then let's go home.
01:45:10I love you.
