• 2 months ago


00:30Martin! We've got a disco ball this year, all the beer you can drink, two glasses of
00:48white wine, a band and all for a tenner. Go on, give me two then. Oh, there's one, I believe.
00:54Right up. I've just been mugged by Burt and I've now got two tickets to the Portwen players'
00:59dance. An auspicious occasion. Do you want one? Er, doctors aren't allowed to attend
01:04social events and, um, I can't dance. Well, you don't have to dance. Ah, really, I won't
01:10dance. Have you nabbed my nephew yet? You can't pass up on an event like this. I'm busy
01:16that night. Didn't tell you what night it's on. Oh, come on, though, it's a charity do,
01:20it's a bit of fun. We all squeeze in the village hall and shake our booties. Sounds appalling.
01:25No, you're no chance there, Burt. Oh, well, you know where we'll be. Yeah.
01:37You're a mug, you've got a ticket. I've got a spare one. Thanks. Thanks very much. Great.
01:44What time? Um, about eight. See you there. OK, great. Well, make sure you put on your
01:52dancing shoes. I reckon she fancies you. Blimey.
02:05OK, kids, now don't forget we're going to Mrs. Potter's home, so please respect that.
02:10Mrs. Potter is an expert on British road life and we're very lucky to have her here in the
02:14village. I don't care about that stupid old bag. Peter! I know what I want to know about
02:21birds. I learned about birds when I was eight. Look, if you won't cooperate, Peter, I'm just
02:25going to have to give you a consequence. Common garden species. Blackbird, black cat, blue
02:31tip, brambling, bullfinch, chaffinch. What do you want to know? Breeding habits? Feeding
02:36habits? It's not enough to be clever, Peter. Sometimes you just have to be polite. Why?
02:40And sometimes you have to put some work in. So whether you come in or not, you're still
02:44going to have to do the project, Peter, same as everybody else. I don't care about birds.
02:49Right. Well, you wait here outside. You stay right here and don't move.
03:06Elaine, why is there only one appointment this afternoon?
03:11I thought you'd need the afternoon for travel. That's a home visit upon Bobmen.
03:15What? I told you. The park ranger, he's been asking for a visit for weeks. And I told you
03:21if he's able-bodied, he should come in. Dr. Sim used to go to him because he's got this
03:26bad... Yes, they all have. Tell him I'm busy and I hate driving and unless he's actually
03:31dying, would he be so kind as to come in here? Now, this little fellow is a finch and he's
03:38nearly ready to take his chances out in the wild. They're seed-eating birds, these are.
03:45And of course, this time of the year, there aren't many seeds around. So we put out those
03:50lovely little tables so that there's plenty to eat. Of course, they eat thistles and grounsel
03:56and other things. Now, in Victorian times... Mother here? No. No, it's just a virus. Nothing
04:06to be done. It'll pass. OK. What are you going to give me? Nothing. It's just an antibiotic?
04:12No, just give it a couple of days. What? It's a minor virus. At least I want an antibiotic.
04:18An antibiotic would work if you had a bacterial infection, but you don't. You have a minor
04:22virus. Dr. Sim always gave me an antibiotic. Antibiotic never did anyone any harm. Look,
04:29I've got patients to see who might actually be ill, so I'll just say this once. Firstly,
04:34antibiotics don't touch viruses. Secondly, even if you had a bacterial infection, you'd
04:39be well advised to try and fight it on your own so that you can develop some natural immunity.
04:43Thirdly, we are seeing bacterial strains becoming resistant to antibiotics in common usage due
04:49to the widespread over-prescription by doctors such as the late, great Jim Sim, dishing out
04:56antibiotics in all probability to whingers like you. Off you go.
05:08Now, who'd like to come outside in my garden and see if we can see Mr. Black Cat having
05:14his lunch at my bird table? Come on, let's go out. Careful as you go down over those
05:20steps because they're quite dangerous, OK? Oh, my bird tables! Peter Cronk! Put down
05:36that bird feeder and come up the stairs this minute. What do you think you're doing?
05:47Mark. Hi. Hi there. How are you? Fine. What can I do for you? Me? No, I'm fine. Fine.
05:56I'm perky. I won't bother you with why. I got a date, that's why. Good. Is that what you...?
06:06There was one small thing. As you know, I've not been hugely... I've not been successful
06:12with people of the opposite sex, and lately... Are you on email at all? Do you get those
06:19emails about...? Or is it just me? I've been wondering if maybe the problem is a size thing.
06:28Apparently, no matter what a woman tells you, it does matter. Take a seat.
06:39Do you feel you have a problem? I don't know. I mean, the showers is one thing, but you
06:44can't tell, so I was hoping you could tell me. I should refer you. I just thought you
06:49might know what's normal. There's a range of normality. I mean, I'm not talking, you
06:55know... It's not like I've measured, but... I mean, do you think six? Six would be normal?
07:03I'd say six was normal, yeah. Yeah. Good. That's that sorted. Right. So sort of five-ish
07:14would be a bit...? Not necessarily. And a little bit... I don't know, maybe a little
07:19bit less than five wouldn't be good, would it? I'd have to make inquiries. If we'd been
07:26talking seven or eight, you wouldn't have to make inquiries, would you? Remember I told
07:32you about that woman who said I was too gentle? That wasn't what she meant. I understand now.
07:38Just as well, I've been getting these off the internet.
07:44Well, I wish you'd told me. I could have got you these for what they're worth, which, by
07:48the way, isn't much. Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. You haven't got my problem.
07:53You haven't got a date with the woman of your dreams. Who's that? Louisa. What makes you
08:01think that? Think what? That the woman of my dreams is me.
08:08What makes you think that? Think what? That the woman of my dreams... Louisa. Louisa is
08:14the woman of your dreams. I've always, you know, from afar, too frightened to say anything.
08:19And out of the blue, she invited me to the jamboree tonight. She's so... Have you noticed
08:24the way she moves? Sometimes, between you and me, I go by the school just in case I
08:30can catch a glimpse of her. Well, I've got other patients to see, and I'm sure you're
08:33busy. Don't forget your tablets. Wish me luck. Yeah.
08:50I can't reach the ranger of the phone stone.
08:55Thank you, Elaine. What was that? Can't reach the ranger of the phone stone, I know.
09:01OK. So he'll be expecting you. OK. Are those the patient's notes? Yeah. I think the flood
09:11that time. But I can tell you about them. No, it doesn't matter. You OK? Yeah. I quite
09:18fancy a drive in the country. I thought you hated driving. You know your car is at the
09:23garage? So it is. Well, it's a nice enough day. I'll walk down and get it. Oh, wait,
09:29Doc, I've not told you about them.
09:44Hello? Hello? It's me. I can see it's you.
09:53I've come to collect my car. I can't hear you. I've brought my car in to have its front
09:59wheels looked at. It's not ready yet. I have a patient to see. What's your problem? I need
10:10to get there. A small extra charge. You can take the lone car. Cream pickup. Go steady
10:19on the brakes.
10:44In you come, Peter.
10:50Peter, I could arrest you for criminal damage. But I was thinking, Bob in the lifeboat house
10:58has some woodworking tools. Maybe you and I could spend some time in there. Hmm? Make
11:04a few bird tables?
11:10I'd sooner be arrested.
11:19I'd sooner be arrested.
11:50Mrs. Crump, thanks for coming in. I'm so sorry. I don't know what gets into him. I'll
12:02pay for Mrs. Potter's tables. It can come out of his pocket money. You obviously haven't
12:07heard. Several people in the village have had the same treatment. Oh, no. I'll kill
12:13him. I don't have kids, but it seems to me kids are like the rest of us. If he knows
12:18he's loved, he could do great things.
12:21Mrs. Crump?
12:23Excuse me. You're more, um... What? I don't know. You're more gentle than I realised.
12:33Gentle? Why do you say that?
12:35Miss Glasson's got a boyfriend. Lucy, I don't think you can keep yourself this way.
12:43So, see you. Later.
13:19Doc Marty? Doctor Ellingham, yes. Oh, yeah, that's right. I heard you liked your proper
13:35title. I thought surgeons prided themselves on playing old mister. I'm no longer a surgeon.
13:42Take it to Mr. James.
13:44Call Mr. Stewart. Come in. Why is that, by the way? You know, no longer a surgeon?
13:51A personal choice.
13:56Oh, thanks for coming. I make fantastic coffee. Would you like some?
14:02For future reference, unless you're in some way incapacitated, you'd need to come into
14:05the surgery.
14:06I can't really leave here in the day.
14:08Well, let's hope you don't need a doctor, then.
14:12So it's true, then?
14:13It's true that I don't appreciate having my time wasted, if that's what you mean.
14:17I know, I know, I understand. Portwen was driving mad. Bloke like you, famously sharp
14:23mind, used to barking and everyone jumping. Portwen would be quite a shock. Nosey locals.
14:31I bet half the village came in when you opened up just to see what you'd done with the place.
14:34They did.
14:36And then there's the aggressive unhelpfulness of, erm, oh, er, what's the name of the receptionist?
14:43Oh, Elaine. Ho, ho, ho.
14:46And the girls, I mean, those girls that just hang out giggling all the time. I mean, what
14:51is that about?
14:52You're very perceptive.
14:53Well, I suppose that's one reason I'm never in too much of a hurry to come into the village,
14:58you know. I mean, sometimes it can be a bit too much.
15:02Too much?
15:03Too much, yeah.
15:05Strong black, no sugar?
15:07No, thank you.
15:08Shall we, erm...
15:12You know, I could get lynched for saying this, but they can't make coffees down here.
15:15It's all right, you just need to get brown water.
15:17No, my experience, you can get brown water straight from the tap.
15:21Portwen should come with a manual, shouldn't it?
15:25Then there's that neurotic cop. I mean, nice bloke, but you're going to end up thinking
15:29he sobs himself to sleep of an evening. Another day, another failure to find a girlfriend.
15:37I suppose you should tell me what the problem seems to be.
15:48One a day, six weeks, massive results.
16:07I'm sure you know from my records that the old dog used to prescribe me nitrazepam.
16:16Were you suffering from insomnia or anxiety?
16:19Yeah, insomnia, anxiety. Yeah, I'm in a lot of trouble sleeping.
16:24Nitrazepam is a benzodiazepine. They can be addictive. Could be time to change.
16:29Well, I really think we should just...
16:30How do you feel about sleeping with no medication at all?
16:34No, that's just not possible.
16:36Forgive me, we've just had a stimulating, stimulated conversation.
16:40You don't strike me as being tired or anxious in any way.
16:45OK, look, I...
16:48The nitrazepam's not for me. It's for a friend.
16:52Oh, I see.
16:54He's... shy.
16:57What's his name?
16:58Ant... Antony.
17:01Well, tell Antony I'd be happy to see him.
17:04Or you could just give me his nitrazepam.
17:07No, I can't do that.
17:08He's very, very anxious.
17:10Does he live here?
17:11Well, I mean, no. I mean, not officially.
17:14I mean, you know, the trust owns the place and we're...
17:17Oh, oh.
17:19He's your partner?
17:21Yeah, yeah.
17:24Well, I... I mean, I look after him.
17:27I mean, he's...
17:29He worries, you know.
17:31And he's right to worry cos there are greys everywhere.
17:34Yeah, yeah, they're everywhere and they're very aggressive.
17:37I mean, it's amazing there are any reds left at all.
17:41Come on, everyone knows the reds live in constant fear of...
17:53Did you see that?!
17:54The audacity!
17:56And people think they're just a different colour,
17:58people think they're cuddly!
18:00They're the squirrel equivalent of the Nazis!
18:06Your friend Antony...
18:08is a squirrel?
18:12You know, there used to be three million reds in this country.
18:14Three million.
18:16Antony's not just a squirrel.
18:18He's a survivor.
18:21And the least we can do is give him his tranquilisers.
18:45I wish you didn't have to go, cos I was going to put some curry on.
18:49You know?
18:50I mean, that's the other thing you can't get around here.
18:52We'll speak again, soon.
18:54You still haven't met Antony.
18:56Another time.
18:58But you'll leave a prescription for him.
19:00I don't have a prescription pad with me.
19:40Change your mind?
19:42No, the gate's locked.
19:44Good, cos we were really hitting it off earlier.
19:46Yeah, have something to eat, then go.
19:49Go on.
19:53Maybe Antony'll join us later.
19:56Yeah, I was thinking it'd be a bit late for surgery by the time you got back,
20:00and somehow I couldn't imagine you were going to the port when players dance.
20:05I am going.
20:06Are you?
20:07Come on.
20:09It sounds good.
20:15I'm sorry.
20:16It's OK.
20:17It's OK.
20:18It's OK.
20:19It's OK.
20:20It's OK.
20:21It's OK.
20:22It's OK.
20:24Oh, it's the annual meat market.
20:27Oh, you'd hate it.
20:32As your new mate, I'm not letting you go to that.
20:39It's fine if you want to get your tongue down someone's throat.
20:42Yeah, yeah.
20:43Well, you don't know.
20:44I mean, check your records.
20:45Oh, it's the night half Port Wens children are conceived.
20:49Right, excuse me.
20:50Nature calls.
20:51Mind if I use your phone while you're gone?
20:55Er, it's out of order, actually.
20:57Yeah, I had to call you from a phone box in Bodmin.
21:02Don't go away.
21:22Oh, no.
21:24I've just realised what I've done.
21:28I've forgotten to offer you a drink.
21:30What's it, boys?
21:52Oh, hi, Mark.
21:53How's it?
21:54You're looking good.
21:55You're looking good.
21:56You said that.
21:57I did.
22:02As I'm here, I may as well update my records on you.
22:06Stuart, your full name, date of birth.
22:09Er, Stuart Edward James, 14th 10th 66.
22:14And today's date, do you know that?
22:17Do you know what date it is?
22:18Slipped my mind.
22:19It's the 21st.
22:21Of course it is, yes.
22:23And your health?
22:24Any problems?
22:25Not really.
22:27Illnesses, traumas?
22:28He took a bullet in the postnum.
22:31Yeah, in the shoulder.
22:32Friendly fire.
22:33Tony bloody Bartlett.
22:35Oh, we stopped being friendly after that, I can tell you.
22:41Wonder if the big guy'll show.
22:45It's polenta.
22:46That's his favourite, isn't it?
22:49I tell you, feeding any six foot squirrel on a ranger's salary,
22:52no walk in the park.
22:53But this guy, he's just so fuzzy.
23:19Look, I'm really sorry about this.
23:21I don't know what to say.
23:23I think it may be because you're here.
23:25You know, when we're alone, he...
23:27I mean, he clings to...
23:31I mean, I can't go out at all in the day anymore.
23:33Well, maybe I'd better go.
23:43You need a prescription pad, do you, for his pills?
23:48You couldn't just write a note?
23:50Cos, I mean, you can write a cheque on an eggshell, can't you?
23:54Surely you can write a prescription on a piece of paper.
23:57No, I don't think that'd be allowed.
24:00And anyway, if it were,
24:02I can't see old Mrs Tishel at the chemist's going for that, can you?
24:06You know what she's like.
24:08It's true, yeah.
24:10Oh, Portwen.
24:12Oh, Portwen.
24:14The sooner I can get back, the sooner I can sort all this out.
24:21You know, you haven't got anything in your bag, have you?
24:26Cos, er...
24:29Old Doc Sim always used to have something for Anthony in his bag.
24:38I think I might have a little look in your bag.
24:41I don't believe you.
24:43Calm down, Anthony.
24:50Come on, let's have a drink of water, calm down.
24:52Mm-hm. I thought that I liked you, you see.
24:54I was really starting to like you, but now I'm actually not so sure, cos it's...
24:59I get it.
25:00You're treating me as if... as if...
25:02Yeah, you think Anthony is...
25:05is what, some kind of figment of...
25:10Hey! Hey!
25:15Hey, we've been worrying about you, haven't we?
25:19Oh, Anthony, this is Doc Martin. Remember I was telling you about him?
25:23Anthony, Doc Martin.
25:25Doc... Dr Ellingham. Anthony.
25:28Yeah, yeah, well, he's not a surgeon any more, personal reasons.
25:36Take a load off.
25:43Finally, the evening begins.
25:47Are you?
25:48Oh, yeah, sure, have mine.
26:09I don't know, how do you make yourself attractive to a squirrel?
26:13Climb... Stop it!
26:15Climb up a tree and act like a nut!
26:23I really have to go.
26:25Whoa, whoa, whoa, what about Anthony's tranquilisers?
26:28I'll come back tomorrow.
26:33Er... OK, yeah, I'll see you around.
26:40Hang on a minute.
26:47Ant's a bit upset.
26:49He says you haven't spoken a word to him.
26:53I don't speak squirrel.
26:55That's very funny. I really think you should say something.
27:02Good to meet you.
27:12If that's the best you can do, then maybe you should go.
27:16Well, the gate's locked.
27:18There's a key on a bit of orange string under the padlock.
27:21See yourself out.
27:56Not this one.
27:58I do like to dance, you know, feel your body move.
28:02I didn't mean your body.
28:04Not tonight.
28:05I mean, I can't do that tonight.
28:07I'd have to wait a few weeks before...
28:10Not that I've got a disease or anything.
28:12Hard to explain.
28:14You know, when you invited me, I thought,
28:17God, you're brave.
28:18I mean, I've always wanted to invite, you know,
28:21for years, but I've never had the courage to...
28:25I think I've got to say straight away that...
28:31Let's dance to this one.
28:35This is interesting.
28:37I think I may just have a very serious misunderstanding on my hands.
28:42Come on.
28:45Come on.
28:50Well, is there a duty CPN there?
28:54Because I want to get this man sectioned as soon as possible.
28:59No. No.
29:01I don't want to involve the local police.
29:03Mind your own business.
29:14Come on.
29:44Come on.
30:09That's it, boy.
30:11There's always new young Mark to hit him.
30:14Most people don't realise that I also am a dancer.
30:19But I don't want to steal anybody's thunder.
30:21No, I mean, that must be right.
30:23That wouldn't be fair.
30:26It's a celebration.
30:29Celebrate the times now.
30:33It's over.
30:39Mark, that was great. You were amazing.
30:42Don't tell anyone, but I practise a bit sometimes in that station when it's quiet.
30:48That's what you know. Your secret's going to be out.
30:51Speaking of secrets, can I say something?
30:55I think you're really nice. I've always thought that.
30:58Mark, can we have a chat?
31:01Cat? No, I'm a dog person.
31:03I said, in a minute, can we have a chat?
31:11What's the matter?
31:14What's the matter?
31:16What's going on, Marty?
31:18I needed to talk to Mark.
31:20You needed to talk to him or you needed to interrupt him?
31:23I needed his help to section a man under Section 136 of the Mental Health Act.
31:28Then you saw him with Louisa and you don't need his help.
31:32I'll get a community psychiatric nurse in the morning.
31:35Yes, yes, she should make you feel much better.
31:43Excuse me.
31:46Bloody hell.
31:52Hey, Doc!
31:54What have you said to Stuart?
31:57The ranger.
31:58What do you mean, what have I said to him?
32:00Well, you must have said something to him.
32:02Even if I had, I'm sure you realise that I couldn't...
32:04Get off!
32:05I couldn't divulge the contents of a conversation between doctor and patient.
32:08Yeah, well, he's gone crazy down the back of Place Street Lane.
32:11Come on.
32:25Excuse me.
32:28I can't see anything.
32:30Well, it's Becca's security light.
32:32It's on a short timer.
32:35Oh, no.
32:39Al, would you please go down to the hall and get PC Milo?
32:42Someone's already gone.
32:43Well, that's my feeder. You went to see him.
32:46What have you said to him?
32:48I haven't said anything to him. I visited him.
32:50Well, you must have said something. He's very upset.
32:53He's never done anything like this before.
32:55I simply refuse to give him inappropriate medication.
32:58Thanks. Now go and look at my garden.
33:01He didn't give Stuart his medication.
33:03Oh, it's marvellous. Well done.
33:05No, it wasn't Stuart's medication. He wanted it for...
33:12What's got into him?
33:14I'll tell you what's got into him. He's suffering from delusions.
33:17He thinks he lives with a giant squirrel.
33:19That's why I didn't give him the medication,
33:21cos he thought it was for his big friend.
33:27Well, that's nothing new.
33:29We've had Anthony for years.
33:32You go along with him. Stuart's fine.
33:35He's just a bit at home.
33:37That's through there. He's only a boy.
33:41How do you think Anthony feels?
33:43Knowing the greys coming to the village to feed?
33:46He's actually very clever, you know, Stuart.
33:48Just people don't realise it, Doc.
33:50He's not exactly distinguishing himself at the moment, is he?
33:52That could be because you haven't given him something he needs.
33:55Doc's same as to give him what he needed.
33:57That's right, Jessie. You did, didn't he?
34:02It's all right, Dr Ellingham.
34:05The predator doesn't know what it's like to be the hunted one.
34:08He does this job with a satisfaction of knowing he's the stronger one,
34:12the right one, because in a fight,
34:14the stronger one's always the right one!
34:18He doesn't know what it's like to live in fear, to have the danger.
34:22At any moment, the possibility of the enemy's pounce at your back.
34:27Cos if he did know, if he thought about...
34:32If he... I promise you, he wouldn't be able to live with himself!
34:37How would he live with himself?!
34:40Stuart? It's Mark here.
34:45How are you, my friend? Having a smashing time?
34:59No, he's gone, Doc.
35:05Didn't you go and see him today? What have you done to him?
35:08Poor Stuart.
35:10He was in Bosnia, you know. Yes, I did know that.
35:13Yeah, well, we cut him plenty of slack.
35:15Mind you, at least we know one thing. What's that?
35:18We blamed young Peter Cronk for something he didn't do.
35:21I'll go and see him in the morning.
35:23It's awful to have misunderstandings.
35:28Night. Night.
35:35Mark, I might need your help in the morning.
35:39Obviously, something's got to be done about Stuart.
35:51Come on.
36:28Now what's he done?
36:30Nothing, Mrs Cronk. Absolutely nothing.
36:33Come in. Come in.
36:44Miss Glassen's here to see you.
36:51He's not there.
37:00Stuart stops by Portwen every now and then, you know.
37:03We don't normally have a problem.
37:05I wouldn't be surprised if his next stop was a spell in a psychiatric ward.
37:08There's not a creative solution?
37:10No, I don't think so.
37:12I sometimes find with Portwen, creative solutions are more effective.
37:17It's the same day for Stuart. We can't do that.
37:19Well, his condition's clearly changed.
37:21Or is it his doctor?
37:23Well, there's the mystery of meds and isn't there?
37:25Everybody comes to you for an opinion,
37:27but when you actually give them that opinion, nobody really wants it.
37:30The man thinks he lives with a giant squirrel. He needs help.
37:36On a more cheerful note, I had a good night last night.
37:39Had a bit of a breakthrough.
37:41Ah, Louisa.
37:43Fantastic physique.
37:45All the moves.
37:47We had a great laugh.
37:49But it's nothing more.
37:51I don't fancy her.
37:53I just hope she's not disappointed.
37:55Can't force it, though.
37:57I've just got to wait for the right one to come along.
38:00Mind you, that gives me time to sort out the...
38:04Uh, let me help.
38:08You disapprove, I know.
38:10Mark, um...
38:12They're placebos.
38:14Well, even placebos work, don't they?
38:16What do you mean, the placebo effect?
38:18Call it what you like, as long as it's an effect.
38:21No, you don't understand. That's not what a placebo...
38:24I mean, that's not what it means.
38:26No, it doesn't.
38:45So, give me a shout if you need a hand.
38:49I do. I do need a hand.
38:52Technically, I can't bring him in on a 136.
38:55Unless I find him in a public place, that's a mental health act.
39:01Why didn't you tell me?
39:03I'll be right here if there's a problem. You'll be fine.
39:06Hi there, Stuart. All right? All right?
39:08Doc Martin wants a word.
39:16You all right?
39:18It's OK.
39:33I've gone over the top, haven't I?
39:36Yeah, yeah, you have.
39:38Um, I'd like to take you into Portwen,
39:41try and find someone to come along and give you the help you need.
39:45Yeah, I think it could be the Bosnia thing, you know?
39:48Cos I saw some heavy... I mean, I did some heavy stuff, and, um...
39:52I guess I'm just a tiny bit fragile,
39:54and, you know, the slightest thing can set me off, um...
39:57To be honest, sounds, smells.
39:59I mean, I just go to pieces.
40:01You know, like a smell could put me right back there.
40:04I mean, you can't imagine.
40:06No, I can, actually.
40:08Yeah, well, I mean, that's the thing about this place, isn't it?
40:11You know, if you're going to be fragile, this is the place to be.
40:17Um, Anthony's been a real support.
40:20I know he probably won't be around when I'm stronger, but, uh...
40:24Right now, I'm really glad that he is, and, um...
40:29I've made, uh, start on some replacements for the things that I broke.
40:33Um, look, we can sort this out between us, can't we?
40:36Let's have another cup of coffee, shall we?
40:46I've been looking at your, uh, patient notes.
40:50The tablets Dr Sim used to give you.
40:53You were taking them, weren't you?
40:56Did they help?
40:58Kept me just the side of Bodmin.
41:03Right. Well, you're, um, clearly a patient that responds well
41:07to the, uh, correct prescribed medicine.
41:11Can I try the pen?
41:13No, these are, uh, a little bit more sophisticated, actually.
41:17You only have to take one every 24 hours,
41:19but it's important that you don't exceed that dosage.
41:21Oh, they're that strong, then?
41:23Yes, they are. They're fast-acting, too.
41:25Shall I get you a drink of water? No, no, no, it's, you know...
41:38Magicians, these chemists, aren't they?
41:42Stuart, if I could find the right therapist...
41:46therapist, do you think you'd go and see them?
41:51Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I would.
41:53All right.
41:55Well, for the time being, I'll pop back, um, tomorrow.
41:58In the meantime, um, you get this phone fixed, yeah?
42:02Right, yeah, yeah.
42:12All right.
42:23Change your mind?
42:25Oh, I thought we could defer a decision.
42:27I'll keep a close eye on him.
42:29In the meantime, he's got what he wanted.
42:31What's that, tranquilizers?
42:33No, it seems my predecessor was savvier than I thought.
42:36As far as I can make out from what's left of Stuart's records,
42:39what Dr Simm was bringing him was actually vitamin tablets.
42:58What the...?
43:26You all right?
43:32If people come, grab yourself a seat down there.
43:35Excuse me a minute.
43:37Let her down now.
43:47Let's have another look at your wrist.
43:52Nobody wants me here.
43:54They'll gang up on me.
43:56Make a fist.
43:58We all feel left out from time to time, Peter.
44:01What do you know?
44:03I know there's nothing wrong with your wrist.
44:06I could have told you that. It's a Grade 1 mild sprain.
44:09The ligament's stretched, maybe, but not broken.
44:13People think I'm being rude, but I'm not.
44:16I'm just saying what's in my head, do you know?
44:18Yeah, I do know.
44:25Took it pretty well.
44:37Well, you deserve better, and I'm sorry.
44:42But why didn't you just say?
44:44Why do you never speak up for yourself?
44:50Oh, son!
44:54Oh, love!
44:56Oh, God!
45:06Oh, God!
45:13Listen, I hope you don't mind me saying,
45:15but I reckon port winds have an effect on you.
45:18I was a good call today with Stuart,
45:20and I think the locals will really appreciate it.
45:23Then you won't mind me saying
45:26that I don't actually carry vitamins,
45:29but luckily for Stuart, you do.
45:33Your enlargement tablets.
45:35Ascorbic acid, D-alpha-tricopherol,
45:37pradoxine, they're multivitamins.
45:39You can't do that.
45:41That's unethical.
45:43You'll get over it.
45:45Big boy.